Session was released today. Why aren't you playing it?

Session was released today. Why aren't you playing it?

Attached: session.png (345x386, 160K)

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>Early Access Trash
No thanks.


Have sex

How many threads are you going to make

i'll get it when the game has some objectives, nothing but free skate is boring

>jank as hell
>looks like an asset flip of jank as hell skate xl
>buying EA
>chad thug pro exists
suck a big dick

The demo was crap
crack when

thug pro?

the one and only

what is that

I'm not playing it cus it doesn't support windows 7

why are you on windows 7

>mostly positive
>shill it on Yea Forums so it turns to mixed at the very least

>he doesnt play skate games to zone out on free skate

If free skate doesn't interest you, don't bother picking this game up. It's not for you.

your mom

it's not skate 4

Mod for Tony hawk games on pc that allow online multiplayer

Once you get used to the controls it's better than Skate

The year 2000 was almost 2 decades ago, dude.


Day after day your home life's a wreck
The powers that be just
Breathe down your neck
You get no respect
You get no relief
You gotta speak up
And yell out your piece
So back off your rules
Back off your jive
'Cause I'm sick of not living

Attached: ice.png (640x407, 204K)

>new skateboard game
>it's another skate """sim"""
yaaaaawn I just want to jump off the roof of a school using my kickflip mctwist whilst the game goes DUUN with prettier graphics

Skate or die dude. You skate, or you die.

Attached: skate.png (551x302, 348K)

post skate songs

i support all skateboard games regardless of quality because i dont want the genre to die. at least session seems cool

>asset flip of skate xl
Session has been in the making for FAR longer than Skate XL has been known for, which is sad thinking about it. But then again XL is also fucking dead and abandoned so Session was the first and now last hope for the genre i guess.

This, plus Skater XL would be completely irrelevant if it wasn't for modders actually making content.

because windows 10 is shit shit shit
I'm gonna be upgrading my entire pc to ltsc at some point, but im skint rn so it's not happening this year.

Hesitantly excited for this because nothing beats creating/playing mazes and glitch parks

Attached: 1563332773670.jpg (1081x1079, 166K)

how is it worse than 7

The controls are shit. I'll stick with skate on rpcs3

You type like a 12yo

the whole "spend hours editing registry and cutting out bloat only for a system update to reverse every change you made to the system" thing. not to mentiont he obfuscation of core options and functionality. it's a mess and ltsc is the only saving grace.

>no mention of music
You won't sell a skating game here without doing everything you can.

>looks like an
ok nigger

everyone else understood what i meant by that

After watching the dev struggle with the controls for 4 hours I realized it's gonna be shit

It's mostly only rap right now but it's pretty good

never really experienced this

when has a dev ever been able to play their own game much less a skate dev.

>cares about bloat
>uses windows 7

I don't get paid until friday

yeah but it's so easy to cut out, unlike 10

I disagree. I think you're fucked either way. I think you are fucked on all Windows. On all mac. I think even Linux is still fucked.

The difference is mac and linux have >no gaems

its all a fire. the only option? the only way out?

What fucking loser is still into skateboarding in the year 2019?

This is picture perfect evidence that you don't go outside lol

Do americans actually blow every dollar of their paycheck? Lol

How big is the free skate area?
I know that other skating game in steam was pathetic.

Honestly a lot of burgers do. I've known tons of people who get takeout/coffee every day, or blow their money in a single weekend, then bitch about being broke. Especially women
A lot are just normal poor though. Instead of stupid poor.

You want the truth user?
yes but its not a low iq thing. we genuinely have nothing to live for. the education system grinds out all creativity and independence from you and if you go on to college (like you are pressured to) then you lose even more of that.

We are told from an early age that we are basically just cattle. Pure bodies of meat with nothing in us. We are soulless and there is no future.
So yes we blow all our money, shit our pants at the grocery, eat a lot of food, get fat.
We have fucking nothing user. Nothing meaningful. Nothing in the spirit.


When are they releasing the new tec Dec game?

Id rather play that desu

Just watched a streamer playing, why do you fall every time you hit a corner? And the music is very bad, a lot of uk cringe rap.

I stopped caring about skating like 15 years ago.

Shut up virgin.

how does session run? what kinda machine do you need

I'm buying it rn. AMA

>make skateboard game
>make trailer for game
>trailer music is not skate punk
>use shitty rap instead

Attached: what were they thinking.png (1020x698, 512K)

It's surprisingly big and the devs said it's going to get bigger

>not a low IQ thing
While not getting into statistics there are some absolutely FANTASTICALLY retarded people in the education system both student and teacher alike. Thing is, not every teaching method works for every student either and that's always a part of it too. In some places the standards are so relaxed or don't have enough money so they send people who flunk the same grade again and again through anyway. Those who get away with this will never learn, never enjoy learning and will never do anything.

This leaves me with your obtuse generalization of how the 'education system grinds out all creativity and independance'. This -really- depends on where you go. Not everybody feels the same way you do. Not everybody feels like their souls are sucked away. That's not a good mentality to have when you're working towards self-betterment. I hate to assume but this is exactly how I'd feel if I didn't give a single fuck about high school and had to pay the price for it too. Every constructive class I've had at my local trade school offers AMPLE opportunity for anybody with a pair of testicles to ask an instructor 'hey can I make this' and as long as it's not illegal or retarded, they an pretty much go ham. Trade school >>> 'the college experience'.

>you can drop your own props like in Skate 2
I love this

i dunno. your post just kinda meandered and then concluded with something i agreed with as if it was an argument.

you dont change the fact that my life was mistake

Then don't project it as a 'truth that applies to everyone else' you blithering faggot.

>early access
mite b cool though

is it fun?

i think it does. why are you the way you are?

I have never purchased an Early Access game, and if I did I'd buy Factorio and then nothing else.

>factorio is early access
yo what the fuck? that should be illegal

Because you're retarded and my experience does not match yours in the least. I'm currently back in school at 27 and there's nothing but opportunity here. It's not the fucking truth just because you had a bad experience.

I disagree man sorry.

>spouts opinions and says they're fact when they're clearly based on subjectivity
>gets proven wrong anyways
>I still think it's the truth
Stop posting at any time.

so should I get session or skate xl?

Because the greatest skateboard video game already came out 20 years ago

Attached: 51NUgScoYVL._SX342_.jpg (342x339, 27K)

Session. Skater XL is devoid of content and has been abandoned by the devs.

>we genuinely have nothing to live for
you mean 'you', not we. Don't generalize, plenty Americans love life and have plenty to live for.

We are told from an early age that we are basically just cattle. Pure bodies of meat with nothing in us. We are soulless and there is no future.
Generalizing again. I was never told any of those things at any point in my life.

>So yes we blow all our money, shit our pants at the grocery, eat a lot of food, get fat.

You keep saying 'we', when all of this sounds like personal problems ~you~ are struggling with. I don't have any of those problems you are outlining, no one I know does. and the system is NOT gamed against you, you just think it is. There is nothing new under the sun. Grow up, you ignorant fucking doomer. People like you can't die off soon enough

Attached: sergeant-blowing-the-whistle-stock-photograph__k31809436.jpg (299x470, 27K)

Ignorance is beliving something and not being shown the truth or better way. Stupidity is being shown a better way and the truth, and still deciding to lead the old false/less efficient way. This guy is just stupid, leave him be.

I'm 27, give me the real deal, is it too late for me to learn to skate?

Attached: Bomberman.jpg (400x267, 32K)

Quit putting words in my mouth. Im just admitting we're at an impasse. All i can say is thats not my experience and leave it at that. Not sure why you all take it so personally


Because you're lying to people and thinking it's okay you fucking retard

why? when did I missed my chance?

>putting words in your mouth
>quoting exactly what you said

Wow, you really are stupid. You also keep saying 'we'. YOU are at an impasse, the irony of all this is that you are the one putting words in our mouth by your implicative 'we'. Do everyone a favor and get off the internet and try to straighten yourself out, you're clearly a wreck.

Just remember that you will get injured and you're past the point where you can recover quickly.
If you can accept that then go for it.

>skater XL is devoid of content
literally why are you lying to him? session just dropped and has one map that is buggy as fuck, and XL has endless custom maps and customization. you have to actually be braindead to think session is a better game or even worth its asking price.

What? Im not even using we like that anynore. Im referring to this weird argument.

How is it lying to just say my experience.

Not him but I knew tons of skater growing up, my little sister was a semi-pro surfer and she always hung with that crowd. Those skaters had been doing it basically their whole life growing up, skate everywhere they go, and are constantly doing it. It sounds cliche but it was literally their life and a lifestyle, it's all they ever did. 27 is way too late to make it a lifestyle and do it 24-7. It's pretty cringe to be that old and starting out anyway, you won't have anyone to do it with and you won't have any friends to do it with (a big part of skating/surfing is the community aspect which you missed the boat on 12-15 years ago)

Damn that soundtrack looks great

I think he's implying you are lying to yourself. You don't seem very bright, friend. I'm going to stop talking to you now.

>all the "content" mods
Lmao. The devs haven't even acknowledge the game in over a year now.


So the game is set in 90's New York right?

>devs literally posted an update a month ago
imagine being this disingenuous lmao. the mods alone carry the game. devs could literally never update the game again and it would still have more content than session will have by the time it hits full release.

Why am i being persecuted

People really seem to be loving it. How much are they paying you?

Attached: xl.png (1036x765, 166K)

>posting some blogpost update is the same as releasing actual content for the game
They have not updated the game in a year

>retards don't get an update for a few months
>"just buy session lol it's so much better!!!"
you're genuinely the most retarded nigger on this planet

>for a few months
More like 9 months

damn it's almost as if they got picked up to release on some major consoles and are busy with that
both games are tech demo tier trash anyway and skate1 remains the best but holy shit you people are retarded

Makes sense, I'm a rollerskater but I guess its too late to try to git gud at something else in life.

Session is also going to release on at least Xbone and Switch. That's not stopping the devs from actually caring about their game and updating it.

>I'm a rollerskater

Get into roller hockey then, I always wanted to but I'm awful at skating and it actually is too late for me to start

>implying session still isn't just as busted as the kickstarter demo
lol get a fucking brain my man

I really wanted to try something new, a new sport, I don't know I felt like it could be refreshing.
I don't know why I'm talking like a 50 years old grandpa

I've played every version and this release is much better. The map is also a lot larger. I have both games but Session is clearly the much superior game right now.

You definitely can learn, just be a bit more careful since you're older. A 15 year old can yeet themselves off of a set of stairs all day and be fine, but for someone around thirty you need to do stuff more gradually.

as did i, and also modded every version they released to squeeze as much content out of it as possible. session has literally one map, which granted is nice, but that's it. whereas XL has a community that will carry it even if there are no more updates for literally years. enjoy your worse game though i guess

Do hockey bro, you won't regret it

This is a horrible argument, the community can build off Session from now either way

okay so they're both in the exact same position then? assuming people even mod session to any decent extent.

No but clearly you're too stubborn to understand

What age is too late

excellent argument. you're literally braindead

I wonder how much stuff I need to buy :bigthink:
Well, it was just a hobby I don't really want to do anything super fancy but maybe a kickflip or something simple.

If you want to get into the skateboarding 'scene' any time after highschool imo. Even breaking into it in hs is difficult if you haven't skated before. Most of those guys start in like 5th or 6th grade, ones I knew did anyway. Really do it hard core in jr high and that leads into your high-school friend group. You can start skate boarding any time in life but you won't be doing it with anyone.

is it worth the $20 right now? give it to me straight

>I wonder how much stuff I need to buy :bigthink:

I bet an old hockey stick would be pretty cheap, and then just shoulder and knee pads. Check your local skating rink for league sign-up, they may even provide the equipment for you or have some you can buy fairly inexpensively.

Jesus christ man

Honestly yes they are in the exact same position

is probably a kickstarter backer who feels like shit right now

Skateboarding is retarded and it started as a CIA psyop to get people addicted to opiates. It worked.

just my experience, there might be exceptions idk. It's a clique scene. And if u aren't good at skateboarding they ain't gonna hang w/ you

coming from someone who actually skates, the answer is never. assuming your local scene isn't full of absolute degenerates then anywhere will accept you and probably think it's sick that you're learning at a later age. either way I recommend it because even skating alone is a feeling that can't really be beaten by much.

I'd go for it then, yeah it's too late to be a redbull sponsored pro but if you just want to do it for fun or getting around town then do it. It's a lot of fun when you get the hang of it.
Also don't listen to anyone saying you'll look "cringey" trying to learn. Skaters are known for being super chill and will be very friendly with you. Hell I can guarantee they'd be cool with teaching you too if you didn't mind it. I skate alone but every skater I've met has been a bro, including the time I knew them before learning how to skate.

I live in a bad neighborhood as one of the only white people

Don't lie to him, it's too late

people only like skateboarding games because of Tony Hawks Pro Skater nostalgia.

There is no "too late", don't forget many people on Yea Forums are obese and have never touched a board in their lives. There's a youtube channel that I dont wanna shill but had a guy in his 30s do the filming for their videos and he eventually started tricking with them, and he was landing flip tricks and grinds in less than a year

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater came out 20 years ago. We're starting to see more of the Skate nostalgia.

Skate 3 nostalgia is real in 2019

maybe wherever you're from just sucks then cause older skaters are pretty common in the UK. a lot of the time they're shop owners or something like that. dude's 27, give him a chance lmao

If you aren't already around or near some proximity to skaters you're never gonna do it bro. I skate too and skating on it's own is very easy, can pick up in a day. Tricks are different but the basics aren't hard. I'm just saying if u think ur gonna start skating and get in with a group of homies pretty quickly ur mistaken. my 2 cents

>Session is clearly the much superior game right now
In some aspects yeah, however XL has a far better trick/grind system

Attached: SkaterXLClip.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Is it good? I want to play a skating game

I lived in Portland OR and parts of FL with some lively skate scenes. Just speaking from experience. I knew pro skaters personally though, so my experience may stem from them and be different from most (I'm the guy who's sis semi-pro surfed, had sponsors and did big meets and competitions). I skated too but wasn't any good at it. Preferred surfing or wake-boarding

Imagine having nostalgia for the worst Skate game, oof

fair. I think it's worth it anyway though. like I said I think even skating alone is a great hobby to have whether it's just leisure or an outlet.

27 ain't bad I'm just trying to temper any expectations he might have

I don't give a fuck if it's the worst, you redundant point making faggot, it's the newest and nostalgia exists for it

Not him but I loved the hardcore setting that didn't let you ollie 10 feet off the ground

That's true. It's fun to skate around your street and town, that's what I did mostly. I could do shoveits and grind some but that was about it. I agree skating around on your own is cool, especially in hilly areas. Had some fun spots in Portland like that.

keep in mind the heavier you are the harder you fall. if you're a skinny skelly you'll be fine for falling all day. however as other anons have said injuries will take longer to heal, so things like rolled ankles can bother you for months on end. if you're not absolutely retarded and don't want to strictly street skate you'll be fine and have tons of fun.

Brits trying to act hard is some of the cringest shit i've ever seen

Your 2 cents are worthless, you don't need to jerk 12 other dudes off to fucking skate

I'm assuming when people ask if it's 'too late' to get into skating they mean is it too late to get into the scene, since it goes without saying that there is no age limit to buying a skate board and skating around.

>you can pick up skating in a day
>tfw still cant even roll around on a board

>He doesn't give his buds good luck blowjobs before they try a risky trick
Poser alert!!

Where do you get your first board in the UK? And how important is it to build it yourself?

your post is cringier

Some people just don't understand basic physics, this is why women don't skate

come to America an try something, bong
all 50 states have a unique way to fuck you in the ass

>he doesn't fondle his homie's cock to ease his tension before a big trick
Poser alert!!

What am i doing wrong?
I literally just wobble and fall over as soon as im not grabbing a rail or wall with my hand to guide me. Same with ice skating.

anywhere really. I like to support local shops because I'm a faggot but if you just wanna buy online then try either UK skate brands websites directly or skatehut, native skatestore, routeone etc. I would say build your own because it's not difficult at all and it's useful to know what you're doing if for example you smash a bearing or something, plus most completes that you buy prebuilt will have shit trucks/wheels/bearings etc.

But ska came before reggae.

There could be many things wrong. Like how your feet are placed. Whether or not you have the right stance. (Like if you're goofy or normal) Or maybe you're just not moving fast enough. It's harder to balance on wheels/skates when you're standing still vs. moving. When I first started I would fall every time I tried to balance on my board, so I forced myself to push off and gain speed, which helped me learn how to balance on it.

no torrent

For skating, just tighten the trucks

I was never really an ice skater, i preferred roller blades because I could hit jumps on them. Ice skates were always too awkward for me, the weight distribution just never felt right. I could skate around a rink in circles but beyond that was complete alien technology

never too late

>never too late
>posts a video of a dude who has been skateboarding for 40+ years

The game is hard to pick up, especially if you're too used to Skate's control.

Games cool, just wish the grinds/slides operated more like they do in Skate/Skater XL

Attached: Session.webm (1280x720, 1.72M)

Just checked it out. The controls are nice and all, but it's TOO early in development, so there's pretty bad performance issues and the collissions are all over the place. It has potential, but it's just not really worth checking out yet. It's just an empty tech demo.

What Historical Challenges do you guy's have yet? I only got the Brooklyn 9 kickflip

Is that Kyle Beckerman?

Attached: 6a00e54ef2975b88330168e998c98e970c-pi[1].jpg (3178x2542, 411K)

Got one of the Muska flips

They give out one for doing a ghetto bird?

If he did one in the Shorty's Guilty video then ye

Literally on piratebay.

Horseshit. I've watched groups of people from age 13 to 23 spend hours struggling to pull off one trick and no one gives a shit because they're having fun. There is no barrier of "good".

How do you do this?

Get off your board then press LB