Torrent when?
AI: The Somnium Files
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Not even out on Steam yet, 4 hours to go.
same for all timezones?
5 hours. You need to add one extra hour to what Steam says.
How much is it and how long is the game?
I feel like I can trust Uchikoshi.
>you have direct control of a character in this
Japan finally made something closer to an actual adventure game. I'm liking it so far
idk console players only started about 12 hours ago
Do we know how it runs on the Switch? I'm going on a week long trip so this'd be perfect.
It's great for me so far. One slightly longish loading screen before a somnium sequence.
Thanks, user. Might buy it tomorrow before leaving.
why would you pirate a niche game
why would it matter what type of game it is?
I can understand not supporting big devs, even if you're wrong, but not supporting niche devs is letting the industry gravitate towards recycled garbage we see re-released year after year after year
you seem to be under the assumtion that i give a fuck
if you really don't care, then why are you playing the game, or even posting about it on Yea Forums?
I think you might have autism bro
any sort of impressions
nichegamer gave it a good review.
is this Zero Escape 4?
Is this a pure VN or is it like Danganronpa or Zero Escape?
It has more gameplay than Zero Escape, not sure yet if there will be gimmicks like Danganronpa
some people on psn already got platinum.
Unless they were using review codes to play the game early it doesnt seem the game is going to be super long
Most likely hacked the achievements.
nevermind its review copies
This dude says 50 hours for platinum
6 hours in, a lot of perverted jokes but fun and interesting so far
I'm buying it with the money uchi owes me after I got scammed with ZTD.
Love this game. It's the most entertaining game I've played in awhile. I can see how some people think that the writing is dumb, but j enjoy it. It's a silly, comfy, and fun game to play. I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of it. It may even be my personal GOTY
There's an adventure mode where you get to walk around the room to find clues. I dunno if Danganronpa does that since I've never played it before.
Where did you find the torrent?
It's out on ps4
Oh sorry, I actually bought the game. I just wanted to let people know that's it not as bad as people originally thought
After ZTD, I'm pirating this, if I smile within 2 hours of gameplay I'm buying it immediately.
What part of where did you get the torrent don't you seem to understand buyfag?
Ah you're pretending to be retarded for replies, my bad. This is my last one, don't waste it all at once.
>a lot of perverted jokes
The only thing I'm assuming is that you're a complete idiot. Correctly assuming too.
Hey idiot, do you not know how Steam's refund policy works?
my boodie is ready
you got a torrent for the game bro?
nvm found it
thanks user love you bb
I've never heard of this game, what's it about?
Mystery adventure game about chasing a serial killer who takes victims left eye out. You are part of a special police unit that goes inside people's dreams when they can't cooperate in the investigation. The case seems to be connected to a similar case from 6 years ago, and curiously, your main character has no memories from before 6 years ago, and is also missing a left eye, replaced with a robotic AI partner ;^)
is tit like Zero Escape with adventure + puzzles or ace attorney?
Sounds cool, I'll check it out
A bit of both, there are parts where you confront people with evidence, but it's not in a court setting, it's in an interrogation room to get them to fess up.
Same director as Zero aescape, so of course it's more sci fi mumbo jumbo
Is it actually about AI stuff
I got a recommendation for people who haven't started yet. Don't do the green route first, even with the story block, i feel like it gives out too much info.
So is it good or not?
How is he an idiot for that? He's more generous than a lot of people would be. Can't blame people for people for being super wary after the trash that was ZTD
Ok, so you're a complete idiot too. Got it.
Does he use the same twists? I just wanna know if I should expect the same shit again.
its uchikoshi what are you expecting
Which game had the best opening?
Root Double
The only one of those I played was I/O so it wins by default
>down to 74
>everyone is related
probably true
>mind blow
it must have some twist
>the end?
maybe not since Uchikoshi said he wanted to stop making edgy games
>they've met before
>it's not human
already confirmed
>animal mascot
maybe not
>who are you
maybe not
>Mr. Know it all
very likely
>Everyone dies
for sure
>time travel
pobably not
probably not
probably not
possible but unlikely
>genki heroine
already confirmed
>time limit
already confirmed
already confiemd
>mumbo jumbo
for sure
maybe not
>gas mask
very likely
very likely
>alternate universe
there is a flowchart so depends on how they interpet it
>bad ending
for sure
>Ultimately, AI: The Somnium Files is a game that has moments of brilliance that are obscured by a disjointed narrative and investigative process. Aside from the Somnium sequences – which are, admittedly, very cool – the game failed to motivate me to truly engage with its overarching story. I just didn’t find it appealing. That said, it may be worth a look for fans of the genre (or detective stories in general), who are likely to feel at home here if not altogether blown away.
>AI: The Somnium Files seemed to have so much going for it on the surface, but it’s ultimately let down by poor pacing and writing. If you were hoping for a worthy successor to the excellent Zero Escape series, this ain’t it chief.
>If you’re looking for a visual novel with a compelling plot, and are able to ignore lots of terrible dialogue, then AI: The Somnium Files is a no-brainer recommendation. But for anyone else, this is a tough recommendation because it almost feels like the game is doing everything it can to stall the player from experiencing said compelling plot. The gameplay is solid, but be prepared to play something more like a visual novel than an “adventure game”, which is how AI: The Somnium Files is being advertised.
Probably Remember11 or Root Double.
Friendly reminder that when it comes to VNs and Japanese adventure games, RPGFan's score is the only one that matters. They gave it 94%
Yeah and they also gave ZTD a 75% while complaining only about the presentation
>Pros:A strong time-traveling tale and satisfying conclusion to the franchise.
sell me on this game, what's it about
What's so hard about looking it up on Wikipedia or something? How braindead are you that you need to ask Yea Forums for a summary?
>Yea Forumsedditor wojakposter already posting about muh ratings
Kill yourself.
I don't give a fuck about the game if i got a reply and i liked the premise i'd have bought it, you just completely eliminated that chance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ congratulations.
Time to move on.
>I don't give a fuck about the game
Then go away, idiot. Nobody cares about you.
You cared enough to reply twice amigo, stay mad kek
>first it was "game unlocks in 1 hour"
>now it's "game unlocks in less than an hour"
Why is Valve so retarded? Why can't they use proper timing conventions?
Hey, girl with the big tits.
it's already out on GG
Not yet purchased, but I look forward to playing and discussing this with you guys.
>probably not
going into dreams and shit
It's explained with existing technology established within the story's universe. That's not a superpower.
Who's the killer its all I want to know.
(You) are
It's Iris
the killer was the friends we made along the way
In the end we really were AI the Somnium Files
Never7 PSP. We already talked about this.
So is it fucking good or not?! I don't trust Reddit or mainstream reviewers
and I correctly labeled you an idiot for missing the point of the comparison.
Just wait 10 minutes then buy it on Steam and try for yourself. You get a full refund so long as you play for less than 2 hours.
Because you can judge a visual novel in 2 hours. Look at this dude.
It's a brand new game you fucking idiot, you're not going to get your Yea Forums-approved full analysis at this point.
2 hours is more than enough time to see if it's your cup of tea. That being said, seeing just how stupid you are, it's probably not for you.
Nigga I was hoping someone here is a shill and got a review copy. Fuck you my dude.
Where the fuck is it? Why is Steam so slow?
I don't see the purchase option nigger.
I played two routes and one dead end so far. The game has two aspects going on at the same time. The first is the murder mystery you'd expect, and the second one is about forms of love. If you don't mind the story straying from the straight mystery part to have short stories about side character and their relationships, then you'll like it, but if you want it to stick to the murder story, then you might find that it has a lot of filler.
Valve is a joke.
I just wanna know.
Does the route ends as shitty as ZTD? Out of the rankings for Uchikoshi's game, how does it fare?
>its up
>can't buy it
Do Valve even care anymore?
I hope Epic takes all their market share.
Is I/O any good? Only one I haven't played. For reference Ever17, 999, VLR are my favourites.
>full price
ZTD was only $40 what the hell
>paying for a VN
>Can only buy the limited edition
Thanks GabeN
The route ends so far are conclusive ends for the story, even though you, the player, know that the real killer has gotten away with it.
It's pretentious autism the game.
I'm not even kidding. If you like reading it and ask what the fuck is the author on, give it a try.
It's a mess. Play Rev II for the better experience.
It's 54 Euro for me
That is 79 Syrup Dollars
>Get the good ending where Date and Mizuki accept each other and become a real family
>Right after, instantly have to mindrape her beyond recovery to proceed down another route
never change, uchikoshi games.
This fat cute guy would never suggest that
I hope it doesn't pull anything fucking retarded like ZTD.
Does he reuse any of the twists as the previous games
Fuck you user. Enjoy your 3 day vacation.
I wonder if my i5 notebook can run this. ZTD worked fine here.
I wanna fuck the yellow jacket girl.
torrent's out, just gotta wait for uploading
what does this game look like in the new steam library? does it have a fitted panel or is the publisher lazy
where at?
Torrentino plz
skidrowreloaded com (slash)ai-the-somnium-files-codex
Mizuki is for hugs not for fuggs
is skidrowreloaded even legit? I heard Skidrow didn't even have an "official" website
My penis says otherwise.
Enjoy having your PC cryptomined.
I've been using it for more than a year, no viruses here. Some of the non-torrent websites fucking suck though.
im cummin boys
Link you faggot
Idiots. Learn to use google.
i can't it's off a private tracker
It's not on gazelle faggot
>google the private tracker
Sure thing boss
lol I don't have gazelle faggot
>Western story-based game
>Critics: It's more than a's a cinematic experience. 10/10
>Eastern story-based game
>Critics: Lmao, what do you even do? Does this even count as a game? Never stop being you, Japan. 6/10
This user pressed betray.
based found it
I checked limetorrents and it's on there you turds
im gonna fucking kill someone
aim for minorities
oh but it looks like they ripped it from igg lmao
please i have autism
You're first, darkie.
wtf why haven't I heard of this before?
isnt that the website that injects ads into their games?
I'm gonna download it and I'm NOT going to seed.
try that one iunno
wtf I clicked this and now time is 6 times slower and my granpa stood up from his wheelchair, what did you do
before we all fuck off I just want to let you all know I want fuck Tesa's mom's useless arm
no it doesn't
this VN better not suck ass
How are you anons able to get excited for a new Uchikoahi game after ZTD?
I asked a friend of mine and he said he only played 999 and VLR in the months leading up to ZTD and that he loved ZTD because of the memes.
Is it the lack of long time emotional investment with the series?
This is the same shitty one that was posted earlier you mong. It's a crypto miner.
giving all of my GBP to anyone who posts an NSP
lol it just came out, how would you even know that?
>not knowing how crypto mining software works
why don't you use the website that's specifcally for sharing NSPs like everybody else?
So what if it just came out? What does that have to do with downloading something dodgy from a public tracker?
which one? I've been checking every site I know of every half hour or so.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
oh nvm then
>60 Euro for a game with around 40 hours of content and no replay value
I enjoyed Zero Escape, but no thanks.
>Ordered Physical
>braindead idiot getting mad
Lmao, seethe harder dumbass.
>40 hours of content and no replay value
Are you retarded?
Is this shit gonna give my computer AIDS or not?
Not hyped for it. Still going to play it.
Is there any reason to think this game might be good?
Danganronpa + 999 mitebgood
Definitely. Japanese games are easy mode. You can run this on a I3 too.
No, because that's literally what it is.
If you enjoy reading the same lines of text multiple times and performing the same actions while you already know how the plot is going to proceed, then you probably enjoy watching paint dry as well.
I use Skidrow for years. Nothing ever happened.
redpill me on codex
It says on Steam that you need 2GB of VRAM, so probably not.
He's just a retard. Everytime a new game is cracked you have some people who don't know shit about downloads going full "hurr durrr muh datamine".
Steam inflates minimum requirements all the time for whatever reason.
>there are people here who dont know what CODEX is
but Your Turn to Die is Danganronpa + 999, this is just an Uchi game that isn't similar to either of them
Is it good?
it says virus free on the site, good enough for me
It means the virus is free.
You don't have to pay for it.
>"what are multiple endings?"
You really are a complete idiot.
>Is it good?
yeah just played 10 minutes of it dude definitely 10/10 game probably game of the decade for me that plot twist 2 minutes in the game is just pure kino
Because you ARE being datamined, retard.
You might not care, and the people releasing these torrents on public trackers are happy you don't. Free crypto mining service for them too.
The word "content" includes all the endings.
>the first 2 minutes of the game have better direction and atmosphere than the entirety of ZTD
I don't trust public trackers. Someone upload it to Mega please.
get into a private tracker then or wait until rarbg gets it
Game costs $25 USD for me in Mexico. Worth it?
>Danganronpa + 999
It's really not like either of those games.
Why would the tracker matter? You'd still be getting the exact same file as everybody else.
Actual new thread for game discussion rather than torrentfags:
It sure has a lot of references to it, though. The restaurant you can go to has Junko's autograph on the wall, along with other murder mystery game antagonists like kamaitachi no yoru's
Are you stupid?
>and is also missing a left eye, replaced with a robotic AI partner ;^)
I'm going in completely blind and I have no idea if you're fucking with me after VLR & ZTD.
they purposely use shitty sites dont they?
>53 usd
what in the fug is with that price tag? all i see is a visual novel.
Prease give spike chunsoft money
>60$ on steam
>90$ for physical and have to wait a week
>60 burger dollars
I mean, I'll buy it but it's going to have to wait. I love ZTD.
Or, alternatively, pirate it and buy it later when it's on sale.
god i wish there was a gdrive or mega. i usually get like 5 mb/s
>I love ZTD.
Only for the memes, right?
Alright, I can do this.
Shut up, I meant Virtue's Last Reward but ZTD bubbled up first in my reply.
sry man, can't justify that price. I'd rather pre-order cyberjank for 60 bucks.
Date is unironically /ourguy/