So what do you think Yea Forums? is she right or not?

so what do you think Yea Forums? is she right or not?

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They don't enforce shit shit against Twitch thots anyways.

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yes of course
anyone who posts below this line is retarded for replying to bait threads and should kill themselves for actively making this board worse than it already is

Nothing's wrong with showing some tits. Guys just hate that women are more entertaining than men on Twitch. Isn't Mixer owned by Microsoft? Last time I heard they're the most bigoted large tech company.

hoes mad

Why are incels so mad at women for being independent and making their own money?

get lost phoneposter enabler

fuck off phonigger


This is why women shouldn't be allowed on Twitch. They have no idea.

If they're actually entertaining then they should be able to pull in viewers when covered up. What's the problem?

>having limited data
is there even any third worlders who browse Yea Forums?

Well look at like this lootbox thing. It is bad. But it is being done because it just works. It is a trick with your brains. So the same with boobs. Just show some boob. You will get excited. Whoa.

Women don't unlock ingame items though. If you don't like it, don't watch her stream. Simple. It's entertaining to lots of people, including women.

Kentucky here

Alabama here

But being dressed like a slut is entertaining, why do you think strip clubs exist?

I mean, they aren't really making money. They take donations from guys that wanna hear a girl say their name while they fap to her tits.
Still though, I wonder what life would be like if all I needed to do in order to be successful was show off my body.

What's wrong with expressing yourself? You guys are just trying to lock women up so you can abuse them just like your christian father. Christ.

Fuck you twitter screenshot fags kill your fucking selves stop ruining Yea Forums.

Becoming gay is always an option kek, at least you're not a wagecuck

Nebraska here

I WISH I was gay. But sadly I wanna stick my dick into roast beef.

Women are more than a piece of meat. Go back to /pol/.

Why do women insist on running around naked? if women are so smart and capable, why do they need to wear provocative clothing to get ahead?

Land of the free

If they really are more than an a piece of meat, why do people have to try so hard reminding everyone all the time?

>what the fuck why can't i wear nothing but body paint on a stream platform aimed at children?!?!?!

women truly are fucking retarded

Go back to Instagram with this shit while we're at it

why is it women begin to sperg out the second you take their only advantage, sexual appeal, away from them?

Most children don't use the internet. A majority of online gamers are actually adults, so why shouldn't they be allowed to see women? Have you never sucked on your mom's titties?

Children are the main demographics for twitch

Cam sites exist you know. What's wrong with a private company trying to distance itself from selling sex? There are other platforms available to do so.

Those are some very reasonable guidelines honestly.
Why would anyone have a problem with them? Oh right, whores.

Yea I dont. I also dont fund lootboxes. But other people will. Theres a reason why gambling and lottery is illegal for everyone expect the goverment in 1st world countries.

As an adult man I go to a dedicated porn site if I want to see tits online, rather than be a pathetic beta orbiter to a teasing e-thot

>What do you mean I have to compete with male streamers without flashing by titties?
Weird, it's almost like women are just worthless besides being sex objects

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Stop bringing up these dumb strawmen, it's not the same.

well to be fair women probably watch male streamers just for their looks so you cannot expect them to understand

Twitch is a game streaming service, not a strip club