When women start creating lab semen all games will remove references to useless men
Women are stronger and sexier than men
Because being a women makes it more likely that men wont attack you because of being #meetoo so they don't need to worry about armor value.
Postin in a bait thread!
this thread will reach +400 replies
Because incel fantasies
I hate black people (or niggers as I like to call them)
>lab semen
Lab eggs are easier. Just scoop the insides out of any other mammal egg, shove any guy's cell into it and boom! fresh human embryo.
It's already been done.
Ask me something.
Men wear full armor because they want to see who can be the best at combat while being the most weighted down by their equipment.
God, women are so fucking stupid.
Yeah seethe more incel. Women are going to replace your kind. We will take up arms and exterminate ALL men. Fuck you nazis.
Will I pass :'(
Woman can already get lab semen from their dog user
Would love to see her in a bikini, sword fighting with a man in full plate mail.
Will I live forever?
is op the greatest faggot of all time?
>women scientists
>Ask again
Well, ok.
will I get a cute bf
>there are idiots who would argue against this
Just let them believe it so we can keep the sexy warrior women
is it too far gone to save?
Will I ever be a renowed antropologist?
Will i have children
why are women so unfunny
Women wear chainmail bikinis because that's the heaviest armor their frames can handle.
am i going to reach tgp with zafina
Wow thanks for nothing
Should I kill myself?
Kek, that's actually a nice tweet. If you get mad because of this joke, then the joke is you.
It's a joke moron.
Because the men actually fight while the women hide behind the men
will the gates of hell open in my lifetime?
Wrong, there have been a lot of female crusaders in history. Like Joan of Arc.
will I get better gf?
Wearing a full suit of armour would weigh you down, making you weaker.
Will the fire rise in the next 2 years?
Mortal Kombat says otherwise, checkmate
Am I gonna get my 1000€ back?
Thought so
Will I be rich?
This board has been unbearable the last few days what the fuck are mods doing.