Is there any other game aside from TF2 where the devs actually encourage hurting other players feelings?

Is there any other game aside from TF2 where the devs actually encourage hurting other players feelings?

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EVE Online


Will there ever be a game to top TF2? The gameplay, sense of humor, and artstyle just seem unbeatable. Old Valve writers are god tier

Overwatch has already surpassed TF2 in every way.


the sad thing is there are people that actually believe that unironically

>Gets banned for taunting too much
Woops, time to make a new account and purchase the game again!

lol no

>that achievement for getting someone to ragequit after you dominate them

I feel like I take TF2 for granted too much.


>that achievement for getting someone to switch to pyro after you kill them as spy

what's wrong with hats?
hats are nice.

Is there any other active multiplayer game aside TF2 where you can call some degenerate a "dumb nigger faggot tranny lover who probably wanks it to either zoophiliac or pedophiliac shit" without getting banned?

haha you sure showed us, now I feel foolish!

Of course paid cosmetics are good when Valve does it lol

Only in the porn department.

well the server you're on might ban you still but at least you can join another

>he gets hurt feeling over binds

>the server you're on might ban you
Then it was a shit server to begin with

right, but even in official servers the worst that'll happen is you'll get voted out


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I mean on official servers

No. At least, nothing that tries to appeal to a demographic as large as TF2’s. It would be too dangerous of a move nowadays to do something like write blatant ethnic stereotypes into your characters. Zarya from OW caught flack for having a fucking accent.

I'm dont get hurt feelings but it can be annoying because bindfags spam their shit like crazy

if a game only lets you use official servers it's not worth your time

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You won't get banned in TF2 because no one is playing it anymore lmao

there was some shit arena shooter where i think you were supposed to taunt to finish off your enemies, it looked fucking awful though

But on the official TF2 servers I never get banned for mean words by faggot admin/mods
Also TF2 Community Server hosts used to be absolute cancer where you had to blacklist over half of em because they had some degenerate pay2win shit on them.

53,000 people would like to disagree

lmao good one

I meant to say taunts. but still


Hey guys

Do you remember


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This. I love the unregulated chat and freedom of speech but there's always some autistic 17 year old spamming "kill all niggers" and flooding the whole chat making it impossible to say anything

i knew a guy who got stripped of his voice chat privileges for micspamming moonman

you really have to go out of your way to be extra obnoxious but it can happen

yeah, i agree with you on that, but restricting the player's freedom is a really bad trend that shouldn't have stuck
then again i used to be on Multiplay servers mainly to avoid the garbage plugins and all that

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>53.000 bronies disagree
Like I give a shit lol



It’s more like 20,000 bronies because half of the ‘players’ in the game are just idle bots

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Hello grandpa, idle bots dont exist anymore. Unless you really think people are setting up robots to get their 7 drops a week on free accounts for items that cost less than a penny.

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But Yea Forums told me that the game is thriving even though there is barely one update per year...what gives?

>pay $5
>get hat for engineer I want
>pay $25
>get chance to roll the one skin for one of 28+ characters

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>t. woke up from a 10 year long come

For a 12 year old game that's pretty thriving.
More than most others at that age can claim.

In dying faster aswell

>he actually pays for tf2 cosmetics instead of trading



how is it shady, elaborate

I do. It actually had pixelated ''nude'' skins.
also everyone used rockets

>pay 5 dollars for a crate AND a key to get a 3 cent item in return
>not shady

>actually paying for cosmetics in tf2 instead of trading


how you trade without buying a key? save up a bunch of drop hats for a few ref or what?

>Valve's changes to the item drop system in April 2010 have reduced the effectiveness of idling, through the introduction of a 'weekly item cap'.
>This method is now considered obsolete due to a patch that nullified this system, which requires the player to confirm their previous drop in order to be eligible for more.

Loot boxes are always bad yes but at least TF2 is a free game and nothing in crates will give you an advantage over other players

The artstyle was unbeatable pre mannconomy. Now it's neon vomit cosmetics everywhere

You need to work on your vidya insults, that just seemed way too tryhard. You coulda stopped after the first part but it's like you're taking it too seriously and it becomes cringe. You want to upset the other guy not make him laugh at you

>the only way people actually discuss TF2 is to bring up Overwatch
LMAO the state of valve drones

If the weapon drop system was changed in 2010 then why was there a huge bot banwave last year? Am I just retarded and/or did I miss something?

Scrapping weapons.
Buy low sell high.
People can actually gain money just trading crates.

so scamming people essentially

Last time I checked, I could hop in any TF2 map I want and play any class I want.

apparently trading in general is scamming, if you think ''buy low sell high'' counts as doing it.

You cant get banned for idling

now this is a post that deserves a schadenfreude

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Pretty sure that banwave was for the cheat engine LMAOBOX users, which included some of the professional players.

my buddy said some guys from EVE made a clan called the incellians and destroyed some thots mining outpost with kamikaze, can an EVEfag redpill me on this?

>people genuinely using cheats on a online game, including pro players
I never understood this. Why would any want to be completely unbeatable on a online game? Shit sounds like it gets boring really fast.

I wonder if it's SplitGate? It has a gamemode where you can only get points for teabagging and you can deny teabags by teabagging your teammates. I didn't think the game was bad at all, just... dead

it's not hard, all they had to do was turn the crits off

>some retard says overwatch is better because they don't have anything else to do between faps
>people debunk his claims
kill yourself

>Why would any want to be completely unbeatable on a online game?
You know how every server turns into a salt mine when one or more hackers join? That´s why.

Just ignore it my dude

>posting memes is debunking

Call me when private servers come out and you can play with more than 12 people in 1 match.

user, have you ever heard of ‘bait’?

This, shit's hilarious, especially if a "pro" player and/or streamer is in the server

>join a server
>immediately begin firing at the spawn wall
>do this until I amass hundreds of random crits
>run into the enemy team
>decimate them all with my free amplified damage
>win the game instantly
>hit top rank in competitive mode without effort
>enemy players forced to give me their hats

Crits will NEVER be taken away, I will be able to do this forever. How does it feel, gwaijai?

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I can answer this from personal experiance because I use lmaobox.
100% of the not obvious hackers just want to be perceived as a good player, even if they are not. I personally have two settings on lmaobox
1. Normal play. Can see what classes the enemies are playing (but not where), and enemy snipers shoot out a wrangler laser from their face. No walls, no aim hack/assist, no triggerbot
2. the not 200% obvious sniper hacker. Everything from 1, but with walls, aimbot for anything that is within about an inch (diameter) of my scoped crosshair, triggerbot. The only time I ever use this is if they have a hacking sniper, or if they have 1 or more "problem" snipers (just really good). When I use this setting, I ONLY kill enemy snipers because I want them to have a taste of their own fun-sucking medicine.

Don't you realize how sad that is?

sounds boring

>overcuck faggots seething up in literally every TF2 thread

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TF2 has that surpassed as well, try again

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>mention Overwatch
>hatards keep giving me (You)s

Leave it to edgy teenagers to retool any game's features, no matter how toothless or well-spirited, to serve their perpetual ego masturbation.

Eh, I don't really care. The only people who like sniper are people that unironically play him and everyone else hates his overbearing long range threat in a close/midrange game. I have almost 5k hours on my main account so it's not like I don't know how to not get sniped, but that doesn't mean playing hide n seek is fun for me or the rest of my team.

It is, actually. I don't enjoy the act, but the result of being able to swap back to my fun classes without getting assfucked, and knowing my team can also rest assured that I made their sniper switch off is worth it.

Literally this. That Orisa loli has no SFM porn.

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Smite. You can spam your characters laugh and taunts plus you can use the ingame characters voice to say things like "you rock!...cancel that!" To your teammates. It's pretty great.

did Mannconomy introduce paint? Paint is the actual culprit there before the absolutely retarded cosmetics that got added later

Combining in-game voicelines to create taunts/putdowns is the best shit ever.

My friend does it with heavy because he uses a shotgun if we have a medic. He'll taunt and when he says YOU. YES YOU. YOU ARE- STUPID... STUPID...! STUPID!

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That's hilarious. Didnt know you could do that in tf2.

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i think some paints like team colored paints and neutral colors are nice but yeah lime-green scunts are a blemish on the face of TF2

>Achievement for making someone ragequit the server

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I love Olivia Mann, not enough artists make porn for her it's criminal

gta online