How come we don't have a good Sonic rpg yet?
How come we don't have a good Sonic rpg yet?
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Blame Biocucks
sonic battle is the closest you'll get
I don't think it needs one.
Sega needs to get their shit together first and foremost. imo, the best way to do this is remaster the Genesis trilogy, give it the Crash/Spyro treatment. Make sure the zoomers play it. Then do an honest-to-god reboot about simply running fast and collecting rings. Of course, that won’t happen because Sega’s too obsessed with pleasing their personal army of autists and furries with half-baked fanfic level games that have no substance nor soul.
But user, you just posted it.
>why don’t we have a good street fighter dating sim
>why don’t we have a good Starcraft soccer simulator
>why don’t we have a good Super Mario RTS
>How come we don't have a good Sonic rpg yet?
Because that failed abortion exists
>He doesn't know about final fantasy sonic
Fuck them. They ruined our chance to have a good one. Forever.
I would play a Super Mario RTS.
You could play as Peach or Bowser it would be great.
>>why don’t we have a good street fighter dating sim
user, you're asking the real questions.
You act like these ideas are ridiculous, but we have tons of people that want to see a series that's been turn-based for decades turn into an action platformer. To these examples aren't too farfetched now.
Because Sonic lore and """"canon""" is a fucking mess and Iizuka's too autistic to get it straight enough to even make a Sonic RPG. It would have to be yet another version of Sonic to even happen at this point.
I think a Sonic RPG could work, but only if they took the Super Mario RPG approach where the game essentially plays like a Sonic game but it has RPG battles in between that incorporate the characters' movesets would be the best place to start.
>"Why don't we have a good Sonic-"
The answer is in the question
SEGA is known to repeatedly learn all the wrong lessons from past failures, or hell even successes. It's why the entire series down to its current spinoffs and comics are totally neutered now, let alone having no more RPG's (or just turn-based, since that's what jRPG's tend to boil down to).
>Because Sonic lore and """"canon""" is a fucking mess and Iizuka's too autistic to get it straight enough to even make a Sonic RPG
This, mixed with Chronicles (and the Penders mess that resulted) souring the idea to them forever.
How would a sonic RPG work outside of just making an RPG maker clone?
Go for an ARPG? if so, how would it work?
To be fair we had decent, if not good, sonic racing games at least
>16 replies
>no ones posted it yet
Because the last time someone tried to make one, Ken Penders sued them for stealing his OCs.
Or just bring back the adventure formula and evolve it with no 2d sections.
Is it that hard?
Boo hoo 06 was a flop because they rushed it and because some psuedo intellectuals shat on adventure 2 and 1 even though they can easily be picked apart.
The sonic fanbase are a bunch of cucks for not calling out this shit.
Also would be cheaper compared to the boost formula.
Not a good comparison.
Pc and ds hmmm I wonder which one is going to have better sounds.
>Not a good comparison.
What's the comparison? Other guy just posted the opening to one of those Sonic RPGs you'd see on newgrounds back in the day
>Pc and ds hmmm I wonder which one is going to have better sounds.
Even then, you can't slag on the DS when you still had good soundtracks on that thing
Oh man this takes me back. It was this shit that made me watch FMA as a kid because that was what the opening was from.