This is my wife Loader
Risk of Rain 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>hoppo: what could a new m2 for rex do?
>lets, see, it will be the same but AoE and last for seconds!!
>but it cost double the health
>it has 5 seconds of cooldown
>yep, practically the same!
What the fuck does the game mean by complete x without falling below 100% health
Does that mean not going below 100? Does it mean not getting hit? Does it mean not dying?
fuck that gender swap option wheeen (only for males so everyone can be female)
huh? update is out already?
fuck you get in here
not getting hit, i think
fuck these bullshit nigger challenges, im cheating to unlock this shit
and fuck any dev that gates unlocks behind this shit
>tried for an hour to get all the minions for engi’s challenge
>up to 10 minions, stage 8 but last 2 stages have been dry
>wandering vagrants comes in and kills all my drones
Alright fuck this
How do I into save file editing
Loader-chan is fast
yes, check your steam downloading page, you might want to force the download if you don't feel like waiting for it to start downloading
>wisp pushes me into vagrant's explosion
I hate wisps so goddamn much
the virgin "cheat to unlock it"
the chad "just fucking get a happiest mask and loop"
Wow, this game's hard now
git gud
>t. instant gratification zoomer
you're supposed to unlock them in the time between updates, not all at once you mongoloid
>Doing the Engineer's friend challenge
>Get beetle queen's guard and drone back up call
>Done by second stage
>fuck any dev that gates unlocks behind this shit
Zoom zoom
Fuck progression and being rewarded for challenges I want everything NOW GIVS ME DAT
How the fuck am i supposed to go three stages without healing? Doesn’t natural regen make that impossible?
still 1/4
It means items that net you HP like tooth necklace, shrooms, slugs, etc
>patch just released
>100 word essay due tomorrow
fuck this gay universe
Oh so its actually easy as shit. Thanks user
>dude I already have hundreds of hours and even though I've probably done everything the challenges ask I have to do them again
Go to your steam in your HD, and find:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(some numbers)\632360\remote\UserProfiles
Within that, there is a line labeled "AchievementsList" with all your achievements in there.
Here's a pastebin with the ones I have unlocked:
If anyone has anything else that is missing, by all means speak up.
Need 2 more!
>100 word
You can do that in less than you take in making a stage
charles is a good lad, glad he escaped moonland before getting harpooned
Remember, your own turrets and back-up count. I got it on stage two that way.
Loved the fuck out of the first game and was excited for the second and nearly bought it until I noticed gearbox is involved. I just can't give my money to them, and I really dont understand why hoppo went with them of all the publishers they could have chose. Sad really.
Not even going to go for challenges just gonna get loader and loop like I normally do. Should unlock most of em naturally after some time.
just pirate the game, cuck
what are these challenges people are speaking of? is it how you unlock the new shit or something else?
been in lobby for 15 minutes now, get in here nerds
Which region
are the different skills and shit locked under different challenges or are they all under one of them?
haven't played since the game came out.
Don't want malware thanks.
go to logbook check challenges, its how you unlock everything in this game
>find armor piercing rounds printer early on
>loader's charge punch does almost half the boss' health
Us East
the latter
and crowbar for extra fun nuking bosses
All the publishers THEY could have chosen? You know Hopoo isn't a big, well-known team right?
nigga drones are minions
get 4~5 fuel cell and the radio equipment
t. unlocked it that way
I mean the first game was a huge success so it is not hard to believe they had more options than gearbox
3/4, room for one more
3/4 get in here faggots
>100 words
>blazing imp overloards as loader
might as well kick me to the main fuck menu. Basically the same outcome.
user you're looking for the word "former"
the former
>You can start sprinting after you begin charging the Loader punch
>Which scales your damage even more
Oh baby.
The first game was super successful they didnt even need gearbox for the second game, dont know why they chose them other than money.
>mfw wagie
US East, Monsoon
Tired of quitplay niggers
I don't wanna do the prismatic trial for merc, if anybody has that achievement that be neat.
>use grapple to fling yourself into the air
>as you fall charge punch
>let it go just before hitting target
Orbital Drop Loader is FUN
What's the second ability for rex?
>tfw college classes
his m2 is now huntress r but for 30% health
Looking for a good group on consoles?
POST IDs/Gamertags/PSN to play Risk of Russian Roulette.
>will your new friend be a MUL-T bro or a Rex shitter
>will the huntress and merc going full jew mode
>does the artificer know ice wall does nothing to bosses
>will the engi know how to play and not disconnect after missing one fungus
>will merc be a real nigga stun locking elites only spinning and omnislashing to kill time till more stun locks
All these things will be answered until the best, least autistic, least retarded group can be found.
Enter those names, user, so we may consumate in glorious obliteration. Engage in the most jolly passive aggressive cooperation.
PSN: ZiggityZewce
>doing the "kill a boss in 5 seconds" engineer challenge, figure I should use a preon to do the job
>get 8 runs in a row where I get scorched acres
>the 3 times I do get rallypoint Delta, I get mr. WHIRRRRRRR who upon reaching 10% health from my preon, goes into turtle mode and prevents me from killing him
These challenges are quite aids
EU west, 1/4
Desperately needs backup mags, more than Huntress or Artificer. What is it with women and needing back up mags?
>loader unlock boss
that was an extremely unpleasant 20 minutes of hitting a giant fucking ball
I finally unlocked the mercenary, tried couple stages with him. I dont get how some players I see using him can stay in the air for so long?
bruh just make the game even more tedious
yeah I sleep on this one
Well Yea Forums? You ARE done playing that garbage game, right?
they don't want a two pump chump
i want loader to crush my face with her giant fists until it is nothing but ground meat
these challenges are fucking stupid, hotpoo what were you thinking?
>Get a few Leech Seeds
>Just keep going for orbital drops on bosses and zip out only to do it again and heal it all back
combo his shift and m2 in midair along with r to replenish cooldowns and any items that help this
>"kill a boss in one second" with artificer
Yeah that's gonna be a no from me.
Your last two abilities can keep you in the air almost indefinitely. Add a back up mag, some feathers or the hardlight after burner and you can fly forever.
Shift can be used 3 times in a row as long as you're hitting something
>turn around, shift again
>RMB again
>shift again
Hardlight Afterburner basically ensures you'll never touch the ground. Mags help.
>No one is mentioning the minigun clayman
>Top 10 images that aged badly
do you unlock skins by beating challenges now?
hes been in since scorched acres
what class is best for a noob?
Because that came last update user.
Because it's from the last update. New enemies are the scythe crows, the nier orb boss and another boss I've yet to see.
RoR1 Loader is still male
What are artificer's new abilities?
>literal upgrade in graphics, gameplay, mechanics
Fuck you retard nigger.
sorry for being retarded I didn't play the last update...
you juggle omnislash > dash > spinning blade (this is why GOOD mercs get at least 2 backup mags) > dash > 2nd spinning blade > dash > omnislash. Combined with double jump, it's easy to stay airborne when your first dash takes you vertical anyway.
knowing how to sequence merc makes him almost untouchable
Finally unlocked my first skill, the 12 crowbars huntress one
EU west please join
Should I buy monster hunter world or risk of rain 2?
Risk of rain 2 has more replayability.
how do you specifically unlock loader? I've read the thread before asking this
easy characters:
commando, MUL-T, huntress, engineer
'hard' characters:
mercenary, artificier, rex, loader
monster hunter world so you can prepare for iceborne
mhw is a massive game, you'll get a lot out of it when you find the weapon(s) that you like. ror2 is really good but mhw will literally be your entire life if you let it
Loader is fun in general.
Have been playing her nonstop for the last 2 hours and im already in love with her.
With barrier you can get over 100% health
Did they nerf commando or am I just actually this shit.
new map, smash 4 eggs then you'll get a message, smash another and beat the boss
at siren call there are egg clusters on the ground break multiple and wait for the big eye to spawn then kill, there will be a message one you've broken 1 or 2 eggs keep doing it
Ror2 has as much soul as the first and it isnt even finished.
All characters on Normal/Monsoon had their HP regen reduced by 60%.
they buffed commando actually
Challenges for commando, mult, engi, rex and loader are fine.
Merc and artificier are fucking bullshit.
RoR2 loader is the daughter of the first one
at least that's what I will believe now
I can finally play attack on titan!?
>nerfing every form of damage so RNG has to be even more in your favor than ever
Why does Hopoo hate fun?
Anyone got through the 0 damage prismatic trial for Merc? Someone mentioned a preon hidden somewhere but I can't find it.
They just want you to stack glass.
ror1 loader and ror2 loader are two different people
aaaand it's terrible
euw 3/4, join up niggas
Chucklefuck is unironcally much worse.
Gearbox isn't even a bad publisher. they're just bad developers.
Ror2 isnt finished yet, mhw is, its a massive game and its getting an expansion with tons of content(already got it if you are on console). My advice is buy mhw now and buy risky rain when its finished.
Is the artificer:chunked challenge bugged (the ones that requires you to kill the tele boss with a one second burst of damage) ? I swear I've killed tele bosses in way less than one second with royal capacitor and a healthy amount of seashells and fuel cells, yet I still don't have the challenge completed
doesn't it just split her blink into 3 uses with 1/3rd the cooldown? it seems like it'd be more useful like that
How do I get Loader? Something to do with Siren's Call?
You can also just grapple while charging.
Posting new achievements pastebin from other bread
Immediately found it after posting. It's in the deepest part of the cave by the shrine of blood on the edge of the time crystal field. It's very easy to miss.
I don't understand the Loader. It says his power punch will do more damage the faster you move but as soon as you use it your character slows down to almost a halt no matter how fast you are. The only way to move faster is to combine with the grapple hook but the hook is wonky and unreliable..
Smash several groups of eggs in new level and beat doom ball. You'll see whirring mentioned in chat box.
Yes but it can't be used for mobility, only to dodge attacks maybe
Just buy both retard.
you can sprint during the charge
on the new map look for nests of blue eggs
destroy enough of them 4 i think
and a boss will spawn kill it and loader is yours
Thanks user, you can unlock all the monsoon ones by changing the names of the characters to them
Its not that bad honestly, as long as they dont try to get their claws on the development of the game, and Hoppo already clarified that they arent. Right now Gearbox only publishes the game and it doesnt seem like thats gonna change anytime soon.
No you can't.
holy shit loader is so fun. especially wrangling the worm and attacking on stone titan
>charging shift while grappling
at last i truly see
Did you just assume xer gender? Fucking bigot.
Im missing Deicide challenge, what exactly is elite boss? Is it the one that needs that one shrine to be activated, i cant remember the shrines name but you know what I mean?
>MUL-T can fire his machinegun while using volcanic egg
this glitch just wont die, will it?
If you die and immediately use Volcanic Egg'd you'll be at -1 HP and able to walk around and jump freely but do nothing else
Meaning you can use it to contribute after death. Only lasts if you have living teammates.
monsoon difficulty, they spawn eventually
what if we just make it so it's possible for enemies to not spawn for two whole minutes
yeah ship it dude sounds good
Rip guillotine you will be missed.
it's still good, just rarer.
They are basically the elemental bosses. You know how standard enemies can be blazing/nowy/malakite and have additional effects? Bosses have that too.
It's say "Overloading/Blazing/etc" Beetlel/Stone/Dunestrider/Overlord etc Not Overloarding Worm because fuck you, it's a different species :^)
Also things like Blazing/Malakite Leumarians or Elder Wisps don't count.
You also have too do it on monsoon. You'll typically see an Elite tier boss either on the second loop or activing two or more shrines of the mountain
>it's possible for enemies to not spawn for two whole minutes
Do I just rush teleporter on solo monsoon merc if I want the skin. I always get fucked on the lava stage before first cycle with not enough/good items tho.
>characters that require skill
>unique characters for different playstyles
>balanced items with interesting effects
>a neat story
>hours worth of replayability
RoR 2
>w+m1 and sometimes strafe in a circle
>all characters play the same (only Rex being somewhat unique)
>all items are statistical improvements
>few items are viable, the rest being shit
>boring repetitive gameplay
>double the price
>inb4 It's in Early Access
Doesn't excuse the fact that you are playing the game now while pretending you're having fun. Now Hoshit shills, I'll be going having fun beating the shit out of providence.
Wait we got skins in this patch?
But now its a lot less common to come across and you'll have to wade through garbage like chronobauble and red whip.
Yeah, obliterate yourself on monsoon.
>Overloading Lemurian: Horde of Many in a cave
What could go wrong?
>Merc plays the same as Commando
try harder for a (You) next time
new item?
ok retard
Yes. It's meh because its only really useful during the early game or if you have Aegis. Still better than Chronobauble.
>pretending to have fun
you got me. I was only foolin that I enjoy the frenetic roulette items requiring for different tactical adjustments to not only items available but also enemy types and behaviors.
thank you for opening my eyes to the fact my fun is just an illusion on myself
Thanks user.
guys it's fucking over
there's no reason to ever play any other character while loader exists
shes just too much fun
The nova is very poweful but only activates once or twice every teleporter. Not really worthy of being a green imo
like other guy said you can sprint while charging just like mul-t's rebar.
Once you get the hang of the grapple you'll be moving around in no time, plus you can release the punch if you actually need to move since it takes you a long distance.
>play with randoms
>they all quit after they get killed
fuck this shit
EU monsoon
UK lobby host
going for new achievements and Loader
I fucking got 4 of this shit in my first run after the patch. and it's shit
>hold m1, use ability sometime
>hold m1, use ability usually
Is the pay good for acting like a retard? Also
oh shit i thought those were skills too
>Is the pay good for acting like a retard?
You are the only one who would know the answer to that, pal.
I'm putting the thing into the achievement line in the notapad but I'm not getting it unlocked ingame, i've restarted the game and steam and made sure I saved the changes, what do?
These can be alright in multiplayer but otherwise if there's another option don't pick it up.
commando is fucking amazing now, holy shit
>literally gave him an M2 shotgun
nvm join here
is this worth buying on xbone
i have ancient toaster
Make sure it's spaced properly- as in separated from other achievements, have the game closed, and save the changes before starting the game back up. If you are prompted to update your file as a result of it being modified from the game closing, say no and save it manually
New elite turns enemies invisible occasionally within an AOE. just got one (a beetle) along with some malachite jellyfish on stage 1 loop 2 monsoon
I just want my boys Enforcer and Acrid back in the game. Why must shield and toxic lad suffer?
Any tips for beating the alloy worship unit?
>hold m1, use ability sometime
>hold m1, use ability usually
I can say the same thing about Risk of Rain 1... and any other game.
>Spam Z
>Spam Z
>Spam Z on a timer
>Spam Z
>Spam C this time around
>Spam Z
>Press C AND THEN Spam Z
You're still not getting a reply out of me.
>finally unlock the skin for mercenary
>realize that most people will just edit their saves for the achievements and it's not going to mean shit
I'm still at work, does Commando have that grenade skill?
better pic, it's a bit transparent and ghostly.
Just finished the Merc mastery achievement.
come in, 2/4
better to buy on ps4 but either way, yes.
Risk of Rain 2 is a fantastic game, and supposedly RoR1 was included in the xbone release.
Here is the skin.
>all characters play the same
>w+m1 and sometimes strafe in a circle
ror1 was literally just spamming abilities and jumping, that's just how you play the game jack ass
>boring repetitive game-play
its the exact same as ror1 but in 3D
>double the price
LMAO imagine being poor.
>few items are viable
There is nothing wrong with Ror 1 OR 2 you shit sucker
anyone have a nice clean image of a malachite enemy, preferably something small and normally mostly harmless, like a lemurian? or know how to use cheat engine to change the player actor to a malachite lemurian so I can get a shot myself?
yes and it's DOGSHIT. good news it that his useless M2 can be replaced by an amazing shottie so he's great now. his suppressive fire has also been buffed
I played it on a laptop with itnergrated graphics, worked okay once I set the everything to low and the resolution to 320x200
what's the next unlock you're going for?
Thanks, but it's still not working.
I'm not seeing any of the other challenges I've already completed either maybe this is an older file?
cant wait for you to complain about the little content there is each update in tomorrows thread user
i see a shit ton of people posting the merc skin, but does anyone else have screen shots of the other skins?
>skin is red but sword isn't
He had one job.
I partially agree. It feels like every move mattered a lot more in 1, obviously since you had less space and i-frames, and in the same sense, your class choice and playstyle varied more.
But the new style isn't inherently bad. Just different to the point I wouldn't really compare the two games together. I'm definitely having a lot of fun just nuking things from the air with artificer.
Been thinking about getting this game when it's "100%" finished but i have a question, what are the characters?
I'm gonna murder all wisps one day I swear, tired of them spawning behind me after I use cooldowns
also what's a multikill for artificer's skill challenge?
here's artificer's
Damn that fucking sucks. I thought a grenade would work so well for him
EUW lobby, 3/4 players
Get in losers we're going to kill some queens
do you need good internet to host this game
i live in bumfuck nowheresville and can only get DSL
>jump backward, turn around, shoot, repeat
>utility, turn around, shoot, back to jumping
Such skill, truly riveting stuff
Maybe REX skin.
Show it without being covered in bullshit
7th grade sucks
You may be looking at the wrong profile or something then, I'm not sure. Sorry user. It worked for me.
do you know how far back the console versions are from the pc version? also im not sure whats better about the ps4 version then xbone and would like to be enlightened
good WIRED internet and a good computer
What are these weird ghostly elite enemies?
Need a new difficulty that adds elite elites
the new ones
Commando, Huntress, Engineer, Artificier, Mercenary, Mul-T, Rex and Loader. Two more will be added before release and hopefully they add even more in post release updates
wasnt loader a dude in ror1
And all of this are gonna be free i assume?
whats commander skin, skills, hunt skin, skills
Enemies in their bubble turn invisible.
He was
This isn’t the same person
Yes they are all free
It's not the same character.
That wrecks commando super hard desu, or really any character that tends to get hit a lot
Thanks. I'll keep an eye on it and maybe ill get it sooner than later.
anyone knows what the savefile name for the monsoon achievements are?
Ror2 loader is his wife and they work together and make loaderbabies
Well you gotta buy the game first.
if it makes you feel better user at least you have the drive to challenge yourself and push past your limit (which makes the reward that more sweet) while others would rather cheat or have it handed to them (which makes the reward meaningless)
they should change the regen back desu
The funny thing is, this is what they originally intended, but they accidentally gave all difficulties Drizzle level HP regen.
At least that's what they say. Either way, it means they can see his actual usability at various points.
Fixed a ror 2 version for ya
>not the ror1 commando
One job.
so the skins arent just color swaps?
Color swaps with some model differences
Like merc gets a slightly new helmet
merc has smurai armor , faceplate and changes to his model .
idk about the others
It's just a cosmetic, if you eat shit you're still shit. If you're styling youd best be able to back it up
it just makes his shit early game that much worse. Sure he has an amazing M1 later on but it's not much use when you never get there. Meanwhile the others, especially merc can loop pretty easily
i wish loader had the yellow warning line arms instead of boring dark blue
Itd be sick of it was just a sort of pixel filter that was made well and he is just 14x14 like before
rip HAN-D
Someone post the Huntress mod that gives her an ass
user that’s what her alt skin gets
What's with these group of enemies that suddenly pop in front you?
New Elites that provide stealth
>malachite overloading worm (Horde of Many)
RoR needs more fapbait otherwise the game isn't going to get much further. Expect more female characters. Wouldn't be surprised if they pulled back Bandit so they can make it female too.
prove it or you will get cancer tonight
Would you a huntrineer to have your autoaim back?
Answer honestly. Grenades a great
>REX is still useless
>That nervous smile
yeah if you fucking suck
>Want to go to new zone
>go to the bazaar and have no fucking clue what the icon would look like
and then I died, not completing a single challenge, on the easiest Will o Wisp run ever
God I wish that were me
REX is probably comparitively better because of the regen changes
Thanks user for the fun risk of rain matches. Dont forget to pirate.
loli survivor when
Can somebody post here pic of loader? Not on PC right now
You can accomplish more with any other character. Though the original RoR wasn't about balance anyway.
Can you post the challenge name?
>Post your IDs/PSNs/Gamertags to find others who aren't absolute dog shit at the game.
PSN: ZiggityZewce
I know you console players are out there, and I know reading the update is dick tingling excitement, but if you're tired of running with randoms then give psuedo anonymity a shot. At least then you can remember the name of who you do/don't like instead of having shitters changing their mask everytime they piss off another group.
What've you got to lose?
>delete all of your hp just to kill 1 golem quickly
Great character, Hopoo.
Only played like 10 hours of this game so far, how many cleared levels on normal difficulty would be considered decent? I consistently only get to around level 7, with max being level 10 which I got just now
You should use thicker lines to give her some volume, user.
please post new challenge names
But only for the thighs and mech arms.
with the regen change transcendence stacking becomes much stronger desu
I love this.
Where's the bigger lobby mod at?
>People actually fell for this ancient bait
Is the new map as bad or worse than the other new map we got?
But where are the tits?
mspaint doesnt support thicker lines
>regen is "fixed" on monsoon
>the pain is real
>wisps literally fuck you in the ass wherever you go
>cheese into a corner and shroom up to full health
Damn, I'm getting some ror1 vibes out of this already, shrooms and monster teeth officially not useless on non-engi characters
If you can obliterate yourself consistently, you're decent.
Are mods fucked?
No 10 man tonight?
I like it, it's a nice change of pace from hellscape
its alright
not as big and inaccesible as scorched anus
What the fuck are you talking about? The gardens are great.
This one's also good, it's a very nice substitute for fiery cavern of fun.
For skins:
merc and REX don't really feel the change at all I don't think
MercDontTouchGround KillElitesMilestone KillBossQuantityInRun CommandoKillOverloadingWorm CommandoNonLunarEndurance CommandoClearGameMonsoon MageFastBoss MageAirborneMultiKill
Done all of these myself
If it's any consolation, Safe Slug got buffed to 3X Healing when not taking damage.
Does anyone have all of artificer's skills yet? Or the achievement codes?
hopefully there will be cool skins to unlock for casuals like me in the future
Maybe now someone can release a fully finished HAN-D right?
commando needs iframes on that roll or he'll never see it activated
Thanks user for the prismatic trial tip!
This is the best you're getting.
Not that guy. :^)
Whoops. Forgot to remove my reference colors.
they seriously need to fix the fucking clay templars. there are situations where there's literally nothing you can to about them, nothing at all
>futa loader
>loader always heard stories from her father about how he fucked that planet into submission
>she took them a little to literally
New headcanon
>oh cool my easy mode character from RoR1 is back!
>wtf he isn't easy mode or a he now....
Dead game
>Reading comprehension
Oh wait nevermind I'm blind and didnt see you change the words around.
Good work anyways user.
>tfw consistently enjoyed the superior regen on Merc
>Merc still has 2.5x more regen, but it's now (2.5x nothing)
is this thing any weaker when you encounter it before "HAHAHA"?
it took me maybe 7 long minutes of holding left click to kill it alone with an attack that remove all my shield + hp, good thing i cheated death once.
i also don't even know how i triggered this boss fight
I need to draw this
>friend of the vultures
did they add vultures back?
>They put bionic commando in the game
That's pretty ace
i want the regen back desu
Any news on when they're adding the cowboy robot? I have really lame tastes but gunslingers with ponchos really do it for me.
It's triggered by smashing eggs around the map, and they're effected by AOE stuff
Yup, and now they throw swords at ye
>rope swing around and uppercut dunestrider, killing it one hit
>land on other side of the map and get one shot by a blazing beetle guard
It's like poetry
You can download a mod on Thunderstore to play him in a nearly-complete state, really fun too. No official word besides the fact that they consider him "boring". I wouldn't get any hopes up for his legitimate inclusion.
I want to see you draw that.
But which will you do? Stacked loader in a too-small frame or thin Loader?
Muscle Loader?
Where do you think you are? This is THICC territory.
I'm gonna guess if the devs consider him to be a boring or basic character, they might toss him into the 1.0 release. Maybe as an extra character on top of a brand new one.
Probably muscle, I have a thing for muscular women
>going fine fighting the new boss
>literally haven't had any opportunity to get any mobility items whatsoever the whole run
>get stuck trying to jump over a ledge
>boss does its "fuck you if you don't have any movement" AOE attack
time to fire up notepad
Wait people don't just have these two as mods all the time?
>job is picking heavy things up and putting them down
Muscle obviously.
How'd I do?
now make it a foreign fruit instead of a burger
Is the mod made from scraps of an early design for him? I know he was in the first one, but if he was just built by some players already that's pretty impressive.
I'm not familiar enough with the game but he seems a lot less boring than the Commando. I guess Commando is the baseline but he seems kinda plain.
>100 word essay
That's less words than a fucking tweet, is this how americans educate their children?
>artificer's alt skin
>stacked loader in a too-small frame
>muscle loader
why not both?
>key 3d printer
G-guys. Do I go all in?
From what I know people took up to make uh, Bomber, Sniper, Bandit and HAN-D themselves since the devs aren't gonna do it. Bomber and Sniper don't have models yet and all four have already been changed to be more playable last I checked
HAN-D is totally useless even with mods. He only has 2 functioning moves and is bugged to shit, making enemies invisible. That being said, modded Bandit is amazing
Muscles too big for frame?
Never go full Key.
Commando Tacti cool grenade is pretty op for dot stacking.
I know RoR was always PC heavy, but fucked man, you'd think some anons would have the balls to post their IDS or screen names.
The only mod I played him with gave HAN-D four moves and a working hook, he was actually pretty fun to play just buffing your own attack speed smashing shit
>trying to get 100% Merc Challenge
whats the deal with warm for life? is fiery death death by DOT fire or what?
Not exactly scraps, Bandit is about 90% complete in the game files, only missing some idle animations, some better textures, some item placements on his model, and an R skill. The mod I use gives him MUL-T's grenade for an R, and it all works together pretty well.
Well, if Hopoo ever adds him or someone else with a cowboy hat and rifle/revolver i'll buy it. Good on those players, though. That's cool that the game's already so moddable.
Oh fuck that's cool
wait seriously? got a link to the mod?
cant you just stack transcendence
>it's a girl
B-but, Loader was my BRO
Guys, I don't think I can take this....
I think there's only one HAN-D rework mod but I have no idea if it actually works in the newer updates, I last played this game in april. I just remember liking the ability to pull enemies to me
These new turrets blow they have shit range and move slow as fuck.
I'm not even gonna bother until the next seed, this one is stupid with the horde of lemurians
>Not fucking your bro's daughter
Fingers crossed, then. I'm still glad that some nerd from Yea Forums made such a successful indie game. RoR has been really well received, as far as I know, and it's great to see one that's so gameplay oriented.
>tfw Loader is actually a /fit/ tomboy
still need achievement names for the loader, and both robot challenges
help me out
i want loader to slap her power loaded nuts across my face with such force i am rendered paralysed from the neck down
reminder to play Loader like a beyblade with the grapple on bulls and greater wisps
US East Monsoon, willing to obliterate for skin unlocks if we make it there.
EU Monsoon 3/4
does the "20 stages with no lunar items" for commando break if you pick up coins?
asking for a friend
it's specifically having blue items in your inventory
Remade room.
>queens gland
>blocks your shots
>steals your kills and gives you no cash for the kill
i swear to god this thing is a detriment and should be avoided.
phew, thanks
>stayed up till 9am just to get a bad skin and 2 abilities I'll never use
the electric jump instead of the flamethrower is nice
Do you not know what a percent sign means
anyone else disconnected
>steals your kills and gives you no cash for the kill
False, you get the gold.
They're still the same color as the enemy ones too. I get spooked constantly when I turn around in the Reservoir.
I love that this is still RoR1 Loader.
>played so hard the server crashed
steam servers died, remade room
EU Monsoon
any eu lobby?
>Lost connection
Shine on you crazy engineer. Took four mountain shrines to the chin, twice in one run.
Why the fuck did they put his grapple on m2 and the charge fist on shift? They should obviously be the other way around
Death by Blazing is the only thing that you can do I think. Probably easiest on the first two stages, just wait for some fire beetle or lWisp to spawn and afk
yeah you just suck, rex m2 is too good.
>full already
How do you unlock loader again?
i agree
The first boss can also be a horde of blazing alloy vultures, which is even worse than the blazing elder lemurians.
Nah they're a slightly rosier tint.
Loader with afterburner (+2 charges of big punch, faster regen) is fucking crazy fun. I had 9 crowbars and an ocular hud and exploded the shit out of everything.
>zoomed in on loader's model in the logbook
Holy shit she's fucking JACKED
Confirmed amazon
you can even use regular wisps to get to outer space
Kill eggs on the new map, a "WHIRRING IN THE DISTANCE" appears in chat and go find the boss that spawns.
>ywn be able to activate 3 shrines of the mountain on stage four and fuck everyone over with 2 overloaded worms again
why live
break eggs in new stage
if you need help, just do the prismatic trail. its the first stage in the current one
kill the destiny orb boss
man i was just on the desert and that beetle nigger was stealing my kills and giving me nothing for it. i thought it was a mistake but he did it like 6 times in a row stealing my damn kill and giving me nothing, dropped a monster tooth health ball but no cash
>no buffs to personal shield generator
>Monster Tooth doesn't suck in nearby health orbs yet
I hope we get a mini balance patch before end of the year when the next update hits
>We will never get a finished bandit
He was my fav but I don't wanna have to mod the game to play him.
I just don't fucking get it, just put him in the game
I'm calling it for tonight anyway, thanks for the runs
Imagine if I had picked up all 20 fuel cells for the royal capacitor
I'd be literally unstoppable
Why do you not want to mod him in?
>Prismatic trial from scratch without taking damage
Can you not?
Why the fuck is Commando not good. I've always mained him, and even RoR1 monsoon was ez pz. In this game I feel like everything is stacked against him. Fucking Mult-T feels like Commando 2.0. Any tips on how not to eat shit.
>inb4 play a different character
equip the assault rifle by pressing 2 dumbo
Should I start with RoR1 or 2? Is the multiplayer in the original dead?
Bro just use Backup
bros..... this update fuckin sucks
>no Bandit, no Sniper, no Chef, no Acrid, NOBODY else from RoR 1 is ever returning
>new skills are locked behind totally retarded challenges that are not fun, just RNG
>more nerfs
fucking TRASH
>posting this when they fixed him hours ago
try his shotty and your tune will change. they also buffed his R
He requires more types of items than any other to really get going. For example he has the worst starting damage, has ok but not great mobility, poopy health and regen and poopy aoe (not counting the new skills)
Because of this you basically need really good items early on or you get rekt
others like Merc or Arti or REX have big damage, mobility, regen/sustain or other things that make the early easy.
that being said Commando has a much easier time once you get all those on-hit items
tl;dr just get lucky lmao
>catch fire as loader while zipping along at obscene speed
>instant ded
>"bros" poster has brain damage
Every time
There sort of is no multiplayer in that sense, either you have people(or us) to play with, who host a lobby with IP address, or you solo
>just RNG
you're obviously trash, just save cheat like the other fags
Name my band lads
What's the cooldown on this?
3 secs
clifftown blifftown
Uncle bungus and the big chungus ft. huntress
Holy shit I suck at this game, in 150 hours I didn't feel like I got better, what do I do bros
I can only get by on ezmode character like REX or Arti, I have never looped over the obelisk reliably as Commando or Huntress
No advice seems to do it for me
>just rush bro
You either rush and it's game over for your underequipped ass or you don't take it as literally and the advice is worthless
Useless and forgotten
Come on now.
It's over, Epic won
The Ni**ers
so 3 secs on a 1600% damage burst? thats really good early on
The merc prismatic trial is bullshit.
I might've overdone it with Arti, but no way REX isn't easy mode. He's so easy to stay topped off all the time.
it's extremely good, commando is actually fun now. play him before they nerf his ass
personally im waiting for a trail with transcendence right at the start.
>450% damage every second for Rex
>he can do it from ANYWHERE in the map
>just need to throw R every now and then to not die
is it me or are loaders animation really awkward
>was previously the absolute worst in the game
>is now good
>will get nerfed again
>HAN-D is dead
>loader is now waifu bait
where were you when hopoo gave in to Gearbox and the trannies ;___;
it's 800% total, not per burst
When do the Prismatic trials reset?
If you at any point use "trannies" on Yea Forums you deserve no HAN-D
>waifu bait
you're gay my dude, she's 100% built like a dude
>last map before merc solo monsoon obliterate
>got machine gunned down by 3 niggas
I'm so fucking done with this hotpoo
stacked that new focus crystal item. that with the ocular hud spiraled into opm before i obliterated myself. super fun char
if a character is leaked and modded in that means its not going to be in the game and the leaks are only found because they let us see they tried and did not like results game theory
Does the new map have a guaranteed Legendary chest like Abyssal Depths does?
and where?
I think the boss drops a red guaranteed
Hidden boss drops a guaranteed red, kill those bird eggs
oh look at the tranny janny trying to tell me how I should act on an anonymous website, go back to twitter retard
>m-muh muscular waifu OwO
fuck off retard, do you want RoR2 to turn into overwatch?
Acrid lives! And he will have wings this time
>do you want RoR2 to turn into overwatch?
Are you implying there isn't a good chance that the loader will be officially called trans approaching/post release?
Wasn't that weird HAN-D model proto-Loader 2?
>no coalescence
>as much soul as RoR1
close, but no
Dev already confirmed it's not the same loader from ror1
What's thje achievement for commando shotty
why the fuck do you keep calling her a waifu you fucking sperg? she's a ripley reference
I always hate when devs do the "easy to learn" meme
It's not even easier there's just fuck all options
I obviously can't stop you from perpetuating cringey buzzwords; only you can make the step to become a better person.
why couldn't the chrome artificer be pure chrome?
why does she have a pitch black t-shirt ?
Commando: Easy to learn, nothing to master
Is it just me or is Loader kinda big compared to the other human characters?
So is it hard to unlock loader?
Are the alt skills fucking worth it?
I'm bad at autism perfect challenges and will probably save edit to get commando and merc's shit because god damn they're fun but ineffective
I'm saying the game is going to turn into a TRANNY fest (if it isn't already) that will play the game only for the waifus, porn and le ebin references to pop culture
see? look at this retard
>ummm sweetie, saying tranny is NOT okay, mkay?
lol whatever you say, dysphoric cunt
What in the goddamn are you smoking
>can't beat monsoon to get the skins
what are the best items for loader atm?
>waifu bait is now "tranny"
Do you people even keep track of what you're saying or just spam buzzwords and wojaks?
just edit your savefile you dingus
An early access game pretty much needs waifus if it wants hype now. Sad reality.
haha look at them go
They're living in your head rent free, seeing some ripley reference and instantly thinking about trannies
Completely obsessed
>Play RoR
>Merc shits on everything
>Play RoR2
>Merc dies because getting close to enemies = getting burned to death or punched into oblivion.
In a game where RNG determines damage and validity, Merc is shit in my unlucky hands.
Hardlight Afterburner
Movement speed items
Just to name a few
you're legitimately schizophrenic, holy fuck. you're the physical embodiment of that shitty joker meme
>every single female vidya character is either waifubait or a tranny
jesus fuck
oh shit it's dat scuttley bois
are either of you ever going to explain what makes her waifubait or not?
nothing besides being female, loader doesn't even have the charm that Huntress or Arti have.
Not him but many people here thinks exactly like that, new female character is revealed and then they go
Wisps are the literal fucking worst
but how is that on the developer? are they just not allowed to make females anymore?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[your id number]\632360\remote\UserProfiles
So what the fuck do i change to cheat that I have the extra skills?
No. This isn't okay. Shrine sacrifices on monsoon are the only palatable challenges. Every god damn thing else is RNG with another slot machine sticking out of it.
way to miss the point just to justify your waifu, eh retards? just like a tranny would, HMMMMMMMMMM really makes me think
>previously a male character
>stated numerous times that she, the person in the suit is in fact a female zomg
>le muh muscular oraoraoraoraora gf bait
>in a game with a fanbase full of drawfags making lewds left and right
stop playing stupid
Multi kill 20 is not even hard, you can do that in any long run, specially as artificer
are you serious? that happens basically every run past 40-50 mins that isn't a monsoon run, good runs aren't rare
just don't make them waifu bait to attract the coombrain audience fucks sake
Is the Loader good
Who is the most unga bunga character?
one of the devs literally confirmed that it isn't the same loader. it's a different character, same role. you're sperging out over literally nothing
What would one, theoretically, report posts like these for? Flamewar? Offtopic?
you sound like you spend too much time online
I ask for the billionth fucking time, HOW is loader waifubait??
>n-no you guys, loader is totally not waifu bait
fuck off, just look at this retard
mul-t and commando still feel really awful to play to me. engineer, huntress, and loader all feel really strong this patch
loader, she's also tarzan
She's a girl
Take your meds user
flame war, off topic, low quality
>are you serious? that happens basically every run past 40-50 mins that isn't a monsoon run, good runs aren't rare
(You) have good luck, senpai.
why are people crying about waifu bait now even though Huntress and Artificer have been a thing since forever?
is this some sort of (you) farm?
>one of the devs literally confirmed that it isn't the same loader
yeah, that's a nice copout just to make a waifubait character
>n-no, you can't say that, I'm just going to report you
fucking discord jannies I'm telling ya
hmm okay, nice ad hominem, anything else?
already posted why, you just chose to ignore it
Did engie's turrets always shoot you? I could have sworn they used to shoot though
nice falseflag
lol no, that's my average experience from 240 hours of gameplay. the item pool in this game is really good
Yes, he is baiting
>discord jannies
they're mutating
he seems really experienced when it comes to acting retarded. probably years of method acting
Enforcer will always have my heart.
stop replying to yourself, it's embarrassing
take your meds