Just picked this up for the first time what am I in for?

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no fun

Good, clean fun :)
But in all seriousness that was an enjoyable game. You'll probably replay it every couple of years like me.

I'm having fun with it so far

Attached: dishon.png (338x146, 83K)

Whiskey and cigars.

Indeed, I believe so.

Chances are very good.

Blow off, choffer.

do you think you'll be getting your own squad after what happened last night?

The only game other than Fallout New Vegas that has notes and documents that are actually worth reading. You should explore as much as you can and steal everything, both for the fun of it and to make the game more challenging for yourself. To me the only flaw is that it's easy.

Attached: dishonored-painting.jpg (1078x1250, 243K)

Never doubt it.

It's great

Just never buy the sequel

Overrated trash

Oh fuck off. The sequels are all great as well. They dropped the ball on the story and world building, though.

Super enjoyable with an intriguing background. On a related note, how is Dishonored 2?

Gameplay is okay.
Aesthetics are superior.

Attached: dis.png (316x105, 32K)

>people play shovel ware like dishonored and law dogs or whatever the fuck it was called
I can't believe people actually play this shit. If it isn't from Japan it's most likely not worth playing.

>If it isn't from Japan it's most likely not worth playing.
post height and jaw

There you have it m8

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Weak bait.

Improvement on Dishonored in terms of mechanics and mission design, but the story is nonsensical. It's worth for the former alone.

I didn't like the art style thats why I stopped after 30 minutes

>he hates being in a playable matte painting

not having 22thors, what a fag

I tried on 3 separate occasions to get into this game. For whatever reason, third time was the charm. It's really tons of fun.

DO A KILL RUN OP. DO NOT fucking try to do a no-kill run on your first playthrough. You will have soooo much more fun not restricting yourself, at least for now.

reward? well, you can pound my royal cunny raw I guess

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haha, I've never realised this.

>Improvement on Dishonored in terms of mechanics and mission design
The level design was nowhere near as good, not sure what you mean by this. They also made movement feel too weighty, it's just not quite as enjoyable as Dishonored. Also, why did they fuck up Dark Vision for no real reason?

extremely fun with kb/m controls. shit on controller.

Why is the voice acting so lifeless in this game? It's like no one ever give a crap about anything in this game. Even the main villain lays his arms and refuses to fight back in the good ending.

only play this if you own the complete pack, the story dlcs are better than the main campaign.

I don't think it's a particularly big budget game

wish they had new game+, the first level could be fun with powers.

A good, fun stealthey assassin game
has some rpg/character upgrade mechanics but it's not too overbearing
all the tools are fun and levels can be tackled in all kinds of ways

Possibly the only first person game to ever do a blink/teleport mechanic that isn't garbage. Timing and landing your blink is rewarding and fun as fuck, you almost don't need any other tools.

OP leaning mechanic.

A mashup of Assassin's Creed, Deus Ex and Bioshock. It actually came out pretty good to my surprise.

Unreal engine 3 was the best

Hey man, I had loads of fun doing a nonlethal run the first time around.
Actually, that's not true. I killed the bad guys but spared all the guards who were just doing their job.
Except for daub. I killed his cronies and let him live with the guilt of knowing I could kill him if I want even with his crew protecting him. Maybe he'll turn a new leaf.
Game did a good job of putting me in corvo's shoes.

Dishonored 2 has NG+ and you still start the first level with no powers like the original

They hired celebrity voice actors: Angelina Jolie, Michael Madsen par exemple and even Carrie Fisher, so budget was certainly not an issue. The direction the developers gave to the VAs was simply terrible. The plot was devoid of interesting characters and good twists (emphasis on good). The super drab, low-key performances didn't do the game any favors. Because the game was so short and easy with all the powers the whole game felt impactless.

Still pretty fun though

Comets that go zoom

>Angelina Jolie
>Carrie Fisher

wut, pretty sure they're not in the game

which is stupid. ng+ shouldn't make sense within the story, it's purely a video gamey kind of mode

Angelina Jolie is a mistake, but Carrie Fisher has like two or three lines as the city announcer if you kill the original when you go back to the royal palace.

The plot was pretty good, I never found the voice acting to be a problem either. The only thing I found stupid was that the first people that rescue you betray you for very little justifiable reason. They should've continued using Corvo instead of trying to kill him. I played the game on normal difficulty and meticulously went through each level, making sure to get all the charms and stuff. It took me about 30 hours to finish the game and the two DLCs. It wasn't difficult or anything, but I don't think it was "easy" either. It's not like I could just mindlessly walk into danger and walk out unscathed, you did have to be mindful of your environment and whatnot. You just got a lot of powers to make everything easier and to make you feel more powerful, which was kinda the point of the game - Corvo is an extremely powerful badass.

You could very easily beat this game without searching for runes and bone charms in under 5 hours or less. In Thief you had to avoid enemies and, depending on the difficulty, collect as much loot as required to finish each mission. It had a heap of lot more tension and atmosphere. The only things Dishonored is good for is for creative kills (StealthGamerBR does some crazy stuff) and for self-imposed challenges like no kill / no powers runs.
Corvo as a character is nothing special. The contrived descision of giving him no voice in D1 was not such a bright idea. Even when he was voiced by Garrett's VA Stephen Russell in the sequel he still had the personality of a wooden plank like every character in the whole franchise.

>You could very easily beat this game without searching for runes and bone charms in under 5 hours or less
Yeah, but why would you do that? The whole point of the game is to explore the environment and learn about the world. Are you seriously saying your problem with the game is that, if you speedrun it autistically, it's not fun? Anyway, the game's atmosphere was really phenomenal. I don't think tension is necessary for that. I have no idea who StealthGamerBR and I'm kinda getting the sense you're some skinny sperg that actually watches speedruns, so I don't know if there's any point in talking. You seem to like the "accomplishment" of spending time memorizing the patterns of a game set to higher difficulty and beating it. I do understand that's not that uncommon, but I and most people don't find that replacement for real accomplishment to be suitable, and thus don't search for it in our leisure time.

how are the other two?

Probably thinking of Susan Sarandon as Granny Rags

> The whole point of the game is to explore the environment and learn about the world.

Pretty sure that's subjective. "b-b-b-ut MUH IMMERSION" is equally autistic of an opinion. Just enjoy the fuckin game, who gives a shit what other people think is fun?

> You seem to like the "accomplishment" of spending time memorizing the patterns of a game set to higher difficulty and beating it.

SGBR sort of does speedruns, but they're more like trickshot runs. It's pretty neat IMHO, but you do you.

2 has some good levels but it almost linear in a sense compared to 1.

why even argue? just google that shit and see.

Have fun, it's my GOTD and should be top 3 for anyone who loves videogames.

>"you're a mystery, bodyguard. And I can't abide a mystery"
Daud's story was incredible

Lena Heady was Callista Curnow as well

Another user here. How is Death of the Outsider? Been thinking about getting it, but I'm still not entirely sure.