Defend this
Defend this
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You broke terms of use, it's your fault dummy.
No, defend THIS.
*Twerks @ u*
>he willingly bought a shitty blizzard game then acted like a retard
What am I defending
What did you say faggot? How can we defend it or say its Bullshit if you dont tell us what you said.
playing overwatch in 2020-0.3 cannot be defended
>12 year old spams NIGGER in chat all the time
>Gets banned
>Somehow this is a bad thing
oh vey tatsuya got banned again
Based Blizzard
This. They spell out what you can and can't do in terms of use, and you decided to go ahead and ignore them and then get mad when there are consequences after multiple offenses.
>typing in chat when you get mad
Defeeeeend TtthhhIIIIIIIIIs
*throws fireball at you*
>Plays a game thats known for its retarded dev teams approach to """toxicity"""
>Say nigger anyway
>Get shot down and banned for it
You don't deserve sympathy.
Its not really any different from going into a place of business and causing a scene so that the owners toss you out.
The real mistake was buying the game in the first place.
>buying and playing a Blizzard game
There is NOTHING to defend here.
>if you accept this contract you authorize us to send our hitmen to break your legs
wow sure am glad the terms can ignore the law
>retarded and ridiculous over the top strawman
woah great argument
even if that was true you deserve it for playing a fucking modern blizzard game.
Doesn't the game have auto-ban after enough reports?
I have gotten banned in Hots for just commenting on my allies choices once too often and I make sure not to use any slurs.
It does. Another reason to avoid that shitheap of a game and why OP deserves to be punished for playing it.
imagine buying a blizzard game after 2008
Problem is many other online games are adopting blizz tactics about chat restrictions.
They are murdering our banter.
>buy movie ticket
>go to theater
>start screaming NIGGER at everybody
>get kicked out before movie starts
user, you're a nigger. think before you speak
>see contract that authorizes someone to break your legs
>elect to the agreement
I just don't get it.
Blizzard is missing a trick here, ((they)) should add an additional vip subscription to enable to shout nigger on nigger-shouter servers
Then don't play those games?
I'm a big fan of anything that triggers salt-white incels. Good on Blizz.
>Buy house with your own money
>Invite people over
>Start screaming NIGGER over and over as loud as you can
>People get offended and try and kick you out of your OWN house that you bought with your OWN money
Kill yourselves bootlickers
did you buy the server you screamed nigger on?
What did you say
>wow sure am glad the terms can ignore the law
They don't and cannot, legally.
>>Buy house with your own money
Stopped reading right here. Incels will never, ever be able to afford a home. Shitty analogy. Try food since you lardasses get plenty of that.
It's illegal to sexualize yourself when you're like 10.
Refusing to provide compensation is illegal. This person is well within his rights to initiate a charge back
Friendly reminder that ToS are usually kept as vague as possible so that the company has lots of leeway to enforce things that were never explicitly stated.
>tfw I actually do that all the time
>I was an asshole
>Defend this
You didn't buy a house, you bought access to the house. Get a goddamn brain you retard. There's something to be said about game ownership nowadays but at least be logically consistent when you're trying to make a point.
You didn't buy a house, you bought a right to visit it as long as you follow the rules. The house is owned by big daddy Kotik
Rental would be a much better analogy and the landlord would be perfectly within their right to evict you if you break the lease.
Don't accept the contract then.
This is the problem with how free speech is implemented. There cannot be degrees of free speech. It needs to be an absolute. I should be able to say whatever I want, no matter where I am. Even if I'm on someone's private property. If I want to say something, the owneer should be forced to accomodate me. Of course he should also be allowed a way to silence me from his standpoint, without preventing me from talking.
>Refusing to provide compensation is illegal.
That... isn't true. Disney, for example, isn't required to provide compensation if you're an asshole and they throw you out of one of the parks. If you act out of line then you waive your right to that kinda stuff
>Of course he should also be allowed a way to silence me from his standpoint, without preventing me from talking.
And that's exactly what Blizzard did. They banned people from the game, but those people can still say whatever they want IRL just fine
Rights to a game aren't the same as freedom of speech btw
The very terms you agreed to
>Termination. You or we may suspend or terminate your account or your use of this Services at any time, for any reason or for no reason. You are personally liable for any orders placed or charges incurred through your account prior to termination. We may also block your access to our Services in the event that (a) you breach these Terms of Service; (b) we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us; or (c) we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us.
Nah, it's perfectly fine. Your opinion doesn't matter anyway, incel.
You aren't prevented from talking.
You're doing it right now.
However if I own property and allow you access I can kick you off of my property for whatever shitty reason I can come up with because it's mine.
That's why buying games with EULAs is more often than not, a mistake.
Some asshole theatre banned me for life when I yelled fire, thank you for standing up for me user
>complain about overly strict rule enforcement
>blizzdrones immediately assume you were spamming the n-word
Do they not have any other arguments? We're talking about a company that bans you for taunting often or saying "gg". Why do you hate freedom?
Doesn't matter if he was saying nigger or poopoo, he was the retard that agreed to the EULA that let him lose a game for saying naughty words.
he probably said nigger if he came here after he got banned
user, the mere fact that OP has been mysteriously quiet about WHY they got banned actually makes me believe that he was indeed probably yelling nigger.
>We're talking about a company that bans you for taunting often or saying "gg"
I'm sure you can prove that
>buy product
>oh by the way, now that you have spent money on us here are our rules and we'll permaban you if you dont follow them
simply epic
You didn't buy a product, you bought a service. Know the difference, it can save aspies like you a lot of anguish.
How do you know he said nigger? Can you prove it?
You agreed to their terms. Blizzard has a certain goal they want to achieve with politeness and sportsmanship, and if you can't agree with it then you can fuck off whether you like it or not, don't buy games if you can't follow the rules.
>doesn't matter if he did or didn't
Saying it's likely or saying it doesn't matter isn't saying it's absolute dummy.
You seem really defensive OP, so I assume that's the proof
>he thinks the right to free speech means he can say whatever he wants, wherever he likes without consequence
>believes free speech should be absolute
Oh silly user, you're lack of foresight is laughable
>abusive language
he probably said nigger. I doubt people report for spamming gg or taunting. just because it's a policy doesn't mean people actually report that shit.
Shit man, I've had people say their reporting me for calling out my discord orbs as Zen.
The game is full of retarded grown children.
So you should be able to spend your days shouting the n-word at strangers funerals sounds legit you fucking retarded spastic
Saying you like the elected president is considered a reportable offense these days.
Ever notice the people that get banned are typically the people who need teams to carry them? You rarely ever hear of good players getting the banhammers.
Banning shitty spergs is a good thing for MP gaming.
Not OP. Cry about it.
>not absolute
So you admit it's just conjectures.
Nobody ever said otherwise.
Your assertion that he didn't say nigger is also conjecture, user. Do you have 0 self awareness?
ok fine
op, if you what you think happened to you was unjust, tell us what you said
>get exactly 3 replies one after the other every post
Hello, Blizzard employees. Who am I kidding, you do it for free.
All in all, it's still conjectures.
Did he say nigger, then? Do you know or not?
There's four people in the thread, yes.
42 IPs.
Yeah, they made their post and left. It's just us now.
Let me tell you a better analogy, because you fucking suck at analogies, brainlet.
>Pay for a ticket to Disneyworld.
>Go to Disneyworld
>Act like a retard and start screaming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER.
>Get kicked out.
See? You are a retard. You are paying to ACCESS something, not OWNING it.
The problem with modern games is that they are all match making games where you play in a pool of the entire player base. Before the rise of match making, moderation was left to the individual servers. This very decentralized method of gaming allowed dumb assholes who can't stop verbally abusing people to fall into their own servers and the carebears got their own servers too.
Now with video games being so centralized, abusive players are more or less free to be assholes as they will rarely see that person again and there are no moderators to kick them one they start being too much of a prick. The developers who hold the only form of moderation go for the easiest and cheapest solution of banning people from the whole game to keep the carebears happy, along with the mix of people I between that don't mind some level of verbal abuse.
This is the reality of centralized match making. It's what you agreed to when you input your product code.
Sounds like the problem is the assholes
Maybe they should just stop being assholes
I never said the n word, if I did that was before and I was already suspended for it (previous suspensions), if Blizz gave chatlogs I'd send them, but they don't even respond to my support tickets.
Its only really a problem for assholes and those unable to control their anger.
If you find yourself getting mad, it's time to stop playing.
How do you know that's what happened?
You ignore them or mute them. They won't bend over for you.
>the landlord would be perfectly within their right to evict you if you break the lease.
>"Thank you!"
>"Tha-" User has been banned
>They won't bend over for you.
OP begs to differ
I know your pain, OP. Spent 4-5 years playing LoL, invested $1500+ into the game, and then I got perma banned because special snowflakes had their fee fee's hurt. To this day I still haven't fully gotten over it. I could start a new account on LoL but it would take over a year if not longer for me to get all my stuff back, and I'm not going to give Riot one more fucking dime.
It is fucking stupid that we can't talk shit in a video game, but to get permanently banned even in Overwatch you have to actually try. I'm sure you were given multiple warnings and ignored all of them.
How do you know that's NOT what happened, considering the pedigree of the people who post here.
>Playing girl gamer containment games to begin with.
Next you're going to tell me you actually play R6S.
You shouldn't have bought the game in the first place.
Blizzard are nothing but niggerkikes nowadays. No talent or soul left in there.
This is the reason I stopped playing HotS, what's left of the playerbase are complete fags
I bought a game and expect to own a game. Stop trying to defend games as a service holy fuck!
Is there even a good game that does stuff like this anyways?
>multiplayer servers
>not a service
retard detected
holy fuck you're retarded.
I've realized my mistake, I'll never play a Blizzard game again.
You are terribly wrong. Watch based Ross' video on games as a service. tl;dw: 95% of the time you OWN the copy of your game.
>what is base ten
rocket league
Heck yes!
Buildin' a sentry.
this thread is full of corporate boot licking scum. it's pathetic
>play shitty game like siege or overscrub
>Report literally every user that kills me
>See a few days later users get banned for reports just being stacked on people
>Laugh as I've seen at least 30 successful bans for the users I've reported
>Good job citizen.
Lmao trolling today is way to easy. Anyone crying about these systems hasn't learned that you just report people and get them banned instead of calling them names. It's way easier and literally can farm infinite salt as they have no way of getting their shit back.
Are you me?
Idiots will say this is perfectly fine until "muh corporate rights" are used to circumvent the right of the individual.
It's not a bad thing, it's based and redpilled, but you shouldn't be surprised if you get banned.
Yea Forums is just a marketing platform now.
>not saying FUCK NIGGERS at the very last 2 seconds of any match so they can't report you in time
deserved it
Justice served imo.
Glad another toxic shitter is gone.
I'm glad the reporting system works and now I have more reasons to keep on using it.
>buy shit game
>get treated like shit
I don't see anything wrong with it.
get fucked
seeth harder
>agreed ToS
>private company
>1st amendment doesn't protect you on private property
etc etc
do we really need to have this thread every fucking day? what the fuck is wrong with you?
>Agree'ing to a EULA is legally binding.
shrinkwrap/ clickwrap license agreements are not 100% legally binding and any user can take the company to court over any potential "violation" of it, if they deem to think it's worth it. The only reason why it's not popular to do so is because taking someone to court is more costly then what it would cost to buy the game on a diff account.
>but it's a contract..
All of those "contracts" are technically just Boilerplate Contracts and those contracts cannot be held above the law of the country nor other laws and since all "video games" are technically still classified as 'toys' and such. Most of the EULA's and such on them will not be able to be held in court and even if the company did try they'd be found in violation of the laws of the country the company is established in, which for blizzard would be the United States and I can already name a few laws they've broken and have yet to have been charged for which can easily be used in any court case involving them.
Anyone that thinks those Terms and Conditions you are forced to "agree" too are legally binding are just retards, which is pretty common now a days.
You can see chat logs after the game retard
Did I say legally binding?
They entered into an agreement, they broke the agreement, Blizzard took the action that they agreed they could take.
Like you said they can take them to court if they feel strongly enough, however as is they fucked themselves.
doesn't happen in tf2
Did he? Sounds like other players decided that for him
Because I know the people who post on here and I know that they report for frivolous things to get people banned
>someone violates a company's nebulous, always-changing Terms of Service that you are forced to agree to or you may no longer access the product, even if you purchased it prior to the Terms of Service being altered
>"yeah well, he probably said nigger
>no i dont need proof he did or not, he probably did"
Gamers are the dumbest demographic alive
You bought a Blizzard game, you're retarded.
You have to be a incredibly annoying cunt to get this kind of ban.
You need to have many games worth of people reporting as well.
So you were an annoying asshat that everyone hated for multiple games. I don't want to play video games where the other players are annoying asshats.
One game worth of reports won't get you this kinda of ban.
>You have to be a incredibly annoying cunt to get this kind of ban
Not in a Blizzard game
Or a Ubisoft game
>a incredibly
SeeDoesn't matter if he said nigger or not.
He could've just called some guy stupid and still violated the EULA.
The only winning move is not to play always online games. That's usually the biggest red flag that you'll have to deal with some Californian's social engineering.
>>Supports Blizzard in current year.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
what is the webm supposed to show?
ban messages are global, someone must have just finished going through the reports
this is the nitpickiest grammar nitpick I've ever seen
That didn't prove anything except a wave of bans went out.
>hurr Ubishit defense force
Bans are usually global to both show that reports matter, and to make an example of the banned players to the rest.
>playing Overwatch
Learn to type, you third-world cretin
One hundred twenty sixth post best post
suck an dick
Why is it always a nigger analogy?
This got me thinking
Could I, in theory, make a terms of service that strictly states "no faggotry"?
Why doesn't a game developer just release a game, then when everyone's bought it, change the Terms of Service so you have to pay $60 a month or you can no longer play it?
I get that it's a meme to post ">Say nigger, >Have money stolen" and all that.
But is it also a meme to pretend that EULA and TOS agreements aren't real, and that somehow you paying money for a digital game like Overwatch means that you should be forever completely immune from being banned from said game, and that you somehow have inalienable rights to your Blizzard account and access therein?
Is that also a meme? Because there are a lot of people who are either 100% convinced that is a logical position to take, or 100% committed to shitposting in longform.
Yes, unironically.
good idea
Now that's how you properly jew.
>walk into a restaurant
>start screaming "Nigger" at the top of my lungs
>get kicked out
woooow what the fuck, so much for free speech
The sad thing is Rockstar, Ubisoft or EA could probably get away with that
it's waaaaayyy too easy to get people banned on xbox one.
all you have to do is change your gamerpic to some random black guy from a google image search then create a black character and play like a noob, and all the hate will flow in.
ignore, report, sit back, and laugh a day or two later when xbox starts sending update messages on them taking action against players.
fuck faggots that defend this shit. the halo 3 days would have torn these sweethearts and their estogen (read: s*y) enhanced sensibilities apart
How many of these fucking threads do we need? We fucking get it. Blizzard is full of shitheads that abuse their power.
Do you know what the solution is? Stop playing their fucking games. It's that fucking simple. They only do this shit because they know they can get away with it. Your dumbass will probably make a new account, spend more money, and be a good goy for Blizzard when you shouldn't be giving them a single penny.
That goes for everyone even if you haven't been banned. You don't like what Blizzard is doing? Stop buying their games. Stop playing their games.
I'm too cowardly to sink my startup this way but I kind of just want to sneak in a line that says: "Defending trannies in any way will result in a ban"
You didn't pay to enter the restaurant though my swarthy friend
I don't think you understand how the law works
>oh nooo i can't spam nigger, what am i supposed to do with my life now
Lets not go too far user, nobody actually plays Overwatch anymore
>going against Nyarly
You should have learned your lesson already, Tatsuya.
wow user, you really got me
those are the people you should be calling based.
>dab on poor people by getting their entertainment stolen from them
>come shitpost to find that little brazillian going on Yea Forums screenshotting their email inbox and posting a 2 word OP
Well said, Haruhara Harubro
as much as I love this thats not how tight pants work
I bought Diablo 3 on launch day AMA
Because you're a nigger
Maybe dont break the rules you agreed to you fucking moron
>buy single player game
>30 minutes later open game
>install 30gb update that fixes nothing
>hour later start the game
>have to agree to ToS to play the game
>ToS says they're entitled to my personal information and can do whatever they want with it
>in a single player game
>"wtf no"
>go back to store
>"no refunds"
The bans are automatic based on key-words
I won so many games by pretending that "racoon" was censored. They would sometimes type "ra coon" and the "coon" is enough to get you a 30min first offense ban, kicking you out of whatever match you're in.
Gen X are at fault for this shit really.
>it's another thread filled with the same anecdotal green texts
>with the same faggots getting baited by even bigger fags
>with the same retards taking bait seriously
>with the same mods ignoring everything
>with the same, retarded, discusssion, on wether this shit is censorship or not and retards sucking corporate dick for (You)s
God, why did 8ch have to die?
Probably the mass murdering
>Dude livestreams himself killing 50 people on Facebook
>"Damn, poor Facebook"
>another dude posts his manifesto on inst*gram
>Later it's posted to 8ch
They are though, they're all literally insane.
act like a child, get treated like a child.
don't throw a hissy fit because you got salty in chat, can't take a loss, and got banned for it.
it's 2019, the "ERMAGERD MODS PLS" tactic is in full swing, so it's no one fault but your own for being an idiot and not realizing your edgelord toxic chat won't just fly under the radar.
>shut down the website so that they all disappear from the world, never to touch the internet ever again!
>shut down a very angry no-friend no-lover shut-in with nothing to lose's only means of acceptable communication with the outside world
>what could go wrong
>Someone gets even the least bit vocal about anything at all
>reply "Reported for Racisim"
>They get even more mad and call me a dumbass or stupid
>Now actually report them for language
>others now report asshole for being an asshole
They ALWAYS take the bait. Ive seen plenty of bans afterwards as well. It always bringgs a smile to my face.
Unless it's free to play or subscription based it's a product.
Good. Pro gamer autist whores ruined online fun.
>agree to a contract/terms of service
>dont uphold your end of what you agreed to
>be mad when the company whose rules you agreed to follow takes action against you
>muh freedom of speech
hate speech isnt protected by the government or constitution you dumbass fucking mongoloid. i say a lotta shit like that too, just not in places i fucking agreed, through legal contract or terms, to NOT say. you broke terms, you lost your money, youre the dumbass fucking nigger here and i hope you fuck up again and lose access to more of your games you fucking wagie autist.
You must be a am*rican retard