>spend $1200 on a new PeeCee
>no games to play
Fuck this gay earth. What's the point of buying a decent PC when the best are some indie/old games, that can run on a cheapest rig?
Spend $1200 on a new PeeCee
Other urls found in this thread:
You don't deserve decent games.
thoughts on bulges?
Wojak and Pepe posters are ruining Yea Forums
must feel rly shitty spending thousands on a pc and then to see all the best games come out on a 200$ tablet instead lmao
More like saving it
Anyone else remember when the "feels guy" was considered a msrage guy
fpbp. long live derp
Unironically a good thing
Name 5 that demand good specs
>wojakposters are redditors
>frogposters are twitch monsters
>both use discord with frequency
there is no saving...
Play Deus Ex
good post
You should get inside too.
This is Yea Forums thread
>wojakposters are redditors
>get a used psp for 20€ and homebrew it
>get a used 3ds for 50€ and homebrew it
>get a cheap decent 500€ laptop
Congratulations, you now have access to 99% of the games worth playing. Get a Switch for the remaining 1%. It baffles me how so many people, especially children, pay thousands for a desktop only to play AAA garbage you could play on a PS4
>Upgrade PC
>Expect to finally play taxing Skyrim mods
>Install mods
>Doesn't look great after hours and hours
>Start playing Terraria again
are these like those "[board name] simulator" videos but for reddit?
That is the life you choose.
>decent 500€ laptop
>troll face
Uuuh bro...
Meant for
>spend $500 ps4 pro
>no games to play
wtf bros
yuo said there were good games but it doesn't even do contra or chrono trigger, I can run both these on my phone
I have too many games to play on my PC.
I feel the same way desu. Spent like 1500 on PC and monitor and still playing the same old games I could run previously and haven't bought a single new game yet
I have a state of the art pc and all I do is browse Yea Forums in 144 fps now.
What games do you play anyway?
Sell it, buy some books and get a girl.
Its not just running the games,its running them well,i WANT 100fps in my games,i want true keyboard and mouse support,i want emulation that allows me to play BOTW at 60 fps and up to 1440p,and PC is the only platform that has all of what i want.
Also if you dont think high specs are worth it,just get lower specs,my PC was only about 500.
Why would you buy it if there's no games you want to play on it you fucking retard.
>got memed into buying overpriced shit because muh 4k gayming, while there hasn't been half decent AAA game in years
Yeah, you tell me.
Because I thought good graphics = fun.
>Wojak and Pepe have almost completely replaced Rage Faces as the most normalfag meme retards spam
How and why retards defend these i'll never know.
>99.9% of games worth playing ever released all the way up to the PS3/Wii era, and all handhelds
>most modern third party games
>no games
you even got halo now. literally all you don't have is first party nintendo and a few ps4 exclusives. literally what is wrong with u
PS3 emulation is fucking shit. Maybe in few years.
>He doesn't know
Tell me then.
RPCS3 is at the point where MGS4 is playable, while games like Demon Souls can be ran at 4k 60fps
But there are like just few playable games as for now, correct?
Gonna get some Drakengard I guess.