Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

Attached: switchpro.png (768x688, 357K)

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Only if you have arthritis.

No, not for $60. Dpad is wonky and joysticks can drift just like the joycons

Yes, can't bing bing wahoo on those little joycons made for bitches.

honestly this
the switch is such a failure in both hardware and software, it's actually embarrassing

Just get one of those usb adapters for the PS4 or Xbone controller for like $15

Can't I use my Wii U pro controller instead of shelling out 60 bucks for this shit?

bought one of the cheap wired ones. was fucking awful. The analogue sticks are made of really hard, rigid plastic which is fucking horrible. surely this must be better?

Just find a pirate pro controller. You sacrifice NFC and HD rumble and you save like ~$30


I use that controller. I like it a lot but I have to replace it every 300 hours due to stick drift.

yes, just grab a 8bitdo pen on Amazon for making it compatible with the Switch

i dig it

Neat. The Wii U controller feels good, so I'd rather usa that one anyways.

Yes, but try to get it on sale.

I just use my Gamecube controller, since most games that work with ProController work with that.
If you don't have a GC controller or any other USB controller than sure, throw your money at it

Yeah I got one off amazon and use my wii u controller

Yes, it's my controller of choice over the Joycons which I have yet to check if they still work

do you think this is legit?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第11話「バレンタインディ はづきのないし (640x480, 179K)

no more or less than any other controller.
face buttons aren't as nice as the PS4 controller but it has better sticks and gyro controls that work
360 controller has better analog sticks but everything else is better on the switch pro
every controller this generation has a garbage d-pad and the only one that isn't garbage (the joycon) isn't even a d-pad technically.

Its good but not worth the price

any recommendation for a good d-pad for PC play? i have an xbox controller but it's just not great. i don't mind working a little bit to make it compatible with some games if that's a problem

The 8bitdo controllers have pretty good d-pads but they have wonky QC (but their return policies are good) and everything else about them is okay at best.

thanks. all i want is a boss ass d-pad to play 2d PC games and emulate SNES games, etc.

Definitely not, build quality is piss poor. Mine already has drift after only about 150 hours of use, For comparison, my XB1/PS4 controllers have thousands of hours and still work perfectly

Why do you guys stress over purchases like this? I spend more on coffee in a week than I did on my pro controller.

It’s probably the most comfortable controller I’ve owned. Feels about on par or maybe a little better than the Xbone controller. Even with that being said, 70 bucks is a stupid price. Get it on sale unless you’re wealthy or dumb like me.

that's awful.
Drink less coffee

Attached: 250px-DKRDSTT.png (250x324, 90K)

Because not everyone likes wasting $70

Not all of us are celebrities or astronauts or whatever the fuck you are

Only because the joycons are such utter trash


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I don't even have a good job, I make less than $200k/year.

It's legitimately a knockoff.
It's doesn't have the Switch logo in the front.


Attached: 001 (2).jpg (1200x1668, 459K)

Bad bait

t. "poor" college student

Its legit the worst controller i own. Triggers and bumpers made of cheap flexy plastic, left stick scrapes against something internally which gives a nail on chalkboard feel while using it and plastic dust builds up around the core. The two shells that make the body of the controller dont fit evenly leaving a sharp edge on one side. All buttons feel cheap and spongy, home and start buttons are super small, have zero travel and are just shit to use. Dpad sucks donkey cock . Oh and no audio jack because nintedo is figuratively Apple of gaming. The people who recommend that controller are either shills or have never in their lives used a non nintendo product

hummmm.... Oh you're right. The box looks knock-off-y too.
Of course it was too good to be true. Oh well, I'll have enough cash for one next paycheck anyway

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Can I use those wireless Gamecube controllers on PC?

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Not out of the box despite there being absolutely no reason why it shouldn't work (besides Nintendo wanting you to buy new controllers).

As far as I know the only official Wii U controllers that work without extra peripherals are the Pokken controller and the Wii U Gamecube dongle.

I keep hearing about drift, but I haven't had any of it on any of mine, and neither does anybody else.
The D-Pad shit is awful, though. I'll get around to popping mine open and doing the tape fix eventually.

Yeah, I finally got one a while ago and it's been great. Only inconvenience is that if you're playing a non-steam game you have to remap controls.

Can confirm it helps
Also hori one is like 20 bucks

Just get a 8BitDo SN30 Pro+

Buy a chinese knock off on Wish for a fraction of the original price

I'd say so. It's feels really sturdy. You could just grab it off the table and start the game up.

The adapter is only 20 bucks thankfully. Beats paying 60 bucks for another controller when I have a perfectly good one.

The Joycons are legit shit. They would be tolerable as a portable control scheme if they didn't start drifting after a few months.

Its really getting harder and harder to defend Nintendo. I loved the Wii but everything else has just been a disaster.

wtf man brew at home, this is nothing to brag about

Good for you faggot. Why would I buy coffee at a coffee shop? When I have my own coffeemaker at home who does it for me every morning.

Why the fuck is my left joycon drifting?
I almost never used that shit, and stuck with the Pro Controller for 99% of my playtime, and still the shit drifts.
What now?

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contact nintendo, they'll print a shipping label for you and you can get it fixed for free

How long does this take, 6 weeks?

last time I sent mine it took, like, a week I think. Not as long as I expected.

Meh, it's better than a GC controller or the Joycons.

I wouldn't buy one full price. The controller itself feels great but the dpad feels terrible. Like its mush or something and it also has design flaws that hasn't been fixed. For everything its pretty good.