Have you ever met a famous game developer or member of the community? What anecdotes did they share?

Have you ever met a famous game developer or member of the community? What anecdotes did they share?

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I met kojima a few weeks ago he asked if i was going to buy walking simulator 2019

I wish he asked you to buy some funnier jokes.

I personally knew some of the Project M developers, as well as a former professional Melee player.

Really cool dudes, I miss them tremendously.

No but I fucked Karma Rx last year. She escorts.

Funny how the X nipple tape thin is hot on anime girls but disgusting on 3DPD mummies

Wow Adam Sessler looks like shit


I met Kojima once, now he's putting me in Undertale 2

Yeah, I went to GDC and met Itsuno, Okabe and Matt Walker. They got no hoverhand from me for the photo, I totally copped a few feels.

based coomer

please describe

VR with catgirls will soon replace nasty wahmen.

This guy is based

I hope you aren’t bragging

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Can white people stop appropriating anime culture?

This is it. This is really is /ourguy/

And it’s perfect too, because he’s not video games

El monstruo de la maquillaje

I'm so sorry

how much did you pay user?

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how could so much power rest in one man?

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Glad those kikes got banned.

I saw Gabe Newell at a grocery store in Seattle a couple of weeks ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him about Half Life 3 or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

My God why is he naked

The Krassensteins were too good for this world.

stupid kike


who is this guy?

because he's ready to order an escort

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>we need more porn

I like that other Karma girl more.

some dude who got photographed standing outside the BLACKED booth at some convention
the picture gets posted a lot because everyone in it looks like a troglodyte
someone was able to find out who the guy was, and he was some finn completely obsessed with porn
then that coomer meme started, and people realized the guy was a perfect fit for it

Who the fuck is terrified of other people wanking?

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One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

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thanks for the explanation

anyone got the original blacked picture?

Isn't one of their talking points saying that because the consumption of tranny/shemale/dickgirl/whatever you want to call it skyrocketing (which it is) then that is why we should give them rights and protections and shit?

If anything more tranny porn/more tranny porn consumption is exactly what they would want.

The anons that seethe over lewd threads about hot video game female characters

I know Cliff Bleszinski. I slowly have avoided talking with him over the last 3 or so years because he has legitimately lost it.

I am a man that helped out with C+2, a video game, streaming, modeling agency of sorts, for women only. Knew Lauren before they married. Knew him leading up to the marriage but not as well as Lauren. He was really calm and cool with a ton of interesting shit to share. Always loved talking about Unreal and Epic and Gears.

Around 2016 to 2017 before PAX East he would never shut up about Lawbreakers. Said Nexon had an iron grip and didn't let him do shit but talk about how good the game was going to be. Had him make a contract that meant the game being good didn't make him more or less money, but would be how any future products would be funded. Poor sales meant not daddy Nexon funding through infusion.

I don't really talk with him or Gian much anymore (Gian works at IGN now I think). Gian said Boss Key was heavily left without funds when Lawbreakers went under. Cliff signing a deal with Limited Run Games without Nexon support was funded out of his next games funds. Which explains why that BR game was so poorly funded.

I would post proof but I can't think of anything. Me saying I was in C+2 as one of the few men that were ever involved is already too much info.

He's right you know

I would say those people are mad and seething, not terrified.

I met the english voice actor of Centorea of Monster Musume at an Anime Convention. I mostly asked questions about what the process was like, what kind of people you met. Turns out, english VAs will ask to change the script if they are not comfortable with something. It happens all the time, apparently. VAs do not really meet each other or do group work together, they are usually separate and may rarely meet each other in the halls or something. I didn't ask for any signatures, but it made me realize that I really dislike dubbings even more.

Dub < Sub.

Beyond that, I met and talked to Unity Engine engineers before, and I talk to a bunch of people at Raven Software. I met some QA testers from Activision, too. Beyond that, I've not met any of the famous designers that you see but I've talked to and learned a lot about the engineering side.

He's funny and that's right enough for me

I met Dybowski once in the 2005. Kinda odd, but pretty chill and interesting guy.

>Pestilence, Famine, Death and War


I hate that this is always quoted as 'interference'.
Why the FUCK would he say 'i dont think thats a word' if it was interference?

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>We need more porn, not less
>99% of porn is produced by Jews

This pasta needs some revision. It never works because of the glaring issues.

Unironically Jews. You should have seen all the porn site twitter accounts that were having a meltdown about "antisemitism" during nofap November.

I once got roped into basically babysitting M2K before a melee regional tournament while the TO had to take care of some family business.

He absolutely refused to engage in conversation and just sat there playing against CPUs while a fucked around on my phone.

Fucking autist.


Ugh fucking jews controlling us through porn
*masturbates to drawings*

Wtf is c+2, Google turns up nothing

Is it gamer girl Vidya/porn streaming?

I actually draw porn as a hobby, and even I hate lewd threads. Get a personality. Fawning over fictional girls, isn't one.