Talking to NPC unlocks sidequest

>talking to NPC unlocks sidequest

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What is it with Russians and having weird serial killer eyes? I feel instinctually revolted just looking at this woman

>greentext stories that illustrate an autistic obsession with games that prevents all other kinds of growth and experience.

Enjoy your disdain, OP.

Grey eyes come from living in a grey world.
Russia is a depressing place to live in unless you’re rich

same as murica but the fatasses here deem pretty happy guzzling their own shit

That looks like makeup. But my family and i are Russian and I can confirm we have deep set eyes that can take your soul.

>protagonist is so lonely and horny

>serial killer eyes
theyre just tired

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>cut arms
>ugly dyed hair
>ugly slut makeup
>touching disease ridden pigeons
>feeding pigeons
>souless stare
1/10 would not even patrol

It's hot

either she got raped or she is a rapist
probably both

>or she is a rapist
Thats hot.

at least America is warm and has plenty of opportunity

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I think she's hot, in that "might be a Soviet Spy" kind of way russian women often ar ehot.

Americans are too stupid to realize their own economic oppression.

>random encounters

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Russia seems to have very deep set eyes in their genes

also it's a cultural thing to not smile as much so they have a resting bitch face which can be kinda hot, makes them look unapproachable

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>ignore sidequest
>there are consequences

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>pants are on

Filters out the weak. You are weak.

>cut arms
should have stopped after that

that's me

>you can fail companion quests

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Stop worshiping this literal thot whore you incels

Why is this so cute? It reminds me of those Korean high schoolers who used broken English to communicate that everything will be fine.

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Rather deep-set eyes than shallow-set eyes. That just looks spooky.

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