I'm an independent female YouTuber making documentaries on incel culture thanks to my patrons...

I'm an independent female YouTuber making documentaries on incel culture thanks to my patrons. Why is Yea Forums triggered so much when they see the phrase toxic masculinity in the gaming industry? The backlash is worse than that of incel forums. More women need to be empowered to play games too, and masculine characters in video games are not something we can identify with.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who gives a shit

Imagine thinking you need to identify with a character in order to relate to them.
Absolute retard.

Because we're a bunch of autistic morons who love to overreact to things because it's funny to us.

because they misunderstand the phrase and think that people are saying that all men and the entirety of masculinity are toxic

>I'm an independent female YouTuber making documentaries on incel culture thanks to my patrons.
No you're not. You're a shitposter basement dweller trying to get a rise out of random tards on Yea Forums.

show bobs and vagene

> women need to be empowered
you mean because they are inferior to men? ok

I wanna fuck a baby into you.


Ah, women ans their eternal quest to emasculate men. Sage.

>april 27,2018


You will never be a female you retarded fucking tranny. I can't wait until you kill yourself

This is now a Marisa thread

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How cringe. This shit tier bait is getting this many responses. What the fuck is wrong with you fags?

Because everyone on this site is a retarded virgin who goes apeshit over the mere existence of the female gender.

No you're not, you're baiting for (You)s.

On the off chance you're for real, have sex and have children, you pathetic cat lady.

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If you want a character to relate to why don't you make your own game? why do men have to do it for you?

All men and the entirety of masculinity ARE toxic, though.

Same reason you'd get pissed off if I called you a cuntish whore.

Women aren't inferior to men, we're just different. Unlike a lot of progressives I'm more in the camp of expressing femininity. For some reason both progressives and incels try to hurt the image of the feminine female. Why is this?

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I love ice cream

Because there's no such thing as toxic masculinity.


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>hurr durr I'm a gurl
tits or gtfo faggot

Ya, my favorite is vanilla

You're the one who thinks women need empowerement, I think women are just fine the way they are.

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Toxic masculinity for Yea Forums is the same as Yea Forums's native isekai; it's a fucking retarded concept that doesn't actually exist.

Gee, I wonder why someone would get mad when you chastise them for their immutable characteristics. If only we had a word for that.

If I can identify with a girly girl despite being a dude, so should you be able to identify with a manly man.
It's called empathy, you fucking psycho.

I'm a cookies and cream man myself, I like to live life on the edge

>April 27 ,2018
>3 threads with the same fucking image bait
kys, Yea Forums pass was a fucking mistake

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Incels spurn all females because they're like wounded feral animal. They don't trust them and want nothing to do with them.

Well this is precisely what we mean by toxic masculinity. Half of the world is female. Why can't we play a part in games too? We don't hate men. We really want to be a part of gaming too and play games with our boyfriends but the incel culture that is sweeping across gaming is making it impossible to feel comfortable. People like and just reinforce this.

>I'm an independent female YouTuber making documentaries on incel culture thanks to my patrons. Why is Yea Forums triggered so much when they see the phrase toxic masculinity in the gaming industry? The backlash is worse than that of incel forums. More women need to be empowered to play games too, and masculine characters in video games are not something we can identify with.

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/pol/‘s false-flagging is so obvious, it’s clear that /pol/ has the collective iq of a 6 year old child

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Fuck off, cats are much better roommates than you swine

>we turned awful QTEfest garbage with a mean man into a normalfag bait moviegame with a 3rd grade writing level pathos man
call me when I give a fuck

Based C&C, best flavor. But I, too, like to live on the edge for my runner-up? Mint chocolate chip.

>nobody on Yea Forums tells dumb girls begging for attention for tits or gtfo anymore
This place is newfag redditsville now.

>be a white woman
>try to stop "toxic masculinity"
>wonder why there are no real men left


saying there's negative aspects to masculinity is a platitude, just like saying there's negative aspects to feminity, such as cunts like (You) OP

Because the phrase "toxic masculinity" is associated with what is fun about games.
"Toxic masculinity" is part of why you can't expect people to be good at video games before they complain about how hard they are, anymore.
"Toxic masculinity" is why top tier developers are getting sidelined in favor of feminists who are only in that position because they're feminist.
"Toxic masculinity" is why attractive characters are being phased out in favor of "realistic" ugly ones.
Yea Forums isn't sexist, they want girls to care as much about video games as they do before girls get their way with the industry.

Most guys clearly can't as they go crazy everytime they see a game with a female or transgender protagonist. Why is this?

All that whining is very cute, but you still havent answered the question-why dont you make your own game?


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This thread is mad gay.

That makes no sense. The new God of War is all about men being men. All the women are fucking useless in that game and are the bad guys.

Marisa is my personal onahole!

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let's see those toes, sweetheart.

>I'm an independent female YouTuber making documentaries on incel culture thanks to my patrons. Why is Yea Forums triggered so much when they see the phrase toxic masculinity in the gaming industry? The backlash is worse than that of incel forums. More women need to be empowered to play games too, and masculine characters in video games are not something we can identify with.
what? How stupid are you? Everything you wrote is another point in your stupidity rating

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Yo, mint chocolate chip is bomb

I also really like rum raisin

A reaction to being thrown under the bus by feminists. If it's war you want its a war you'll get.

We do make our own games. The video game industry has a lot of talented women particularly on the art side. I think that's why games have become more pretty as the years have progressed actually. Without diversity we would still have games looking like old Halo.

What would you do to Marisa Yea Forums?

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can tenshi play too?

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Bait post but we already have strong women like Samus in vidya, go play Metroid, it’s good too.

Is this the role play thread?
Ok I’m 30, female.
Live with my mom and stepdad.
my favorite tea is sage tea


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Good job reinforcing my point. Don't you guys have a containment board?

Good. Then go shove all your feminist garbage into those games you're working on, sweetheart, and leave us alone

When I was young lad, you girls made fun of me for playing my vidya, now you want me to make room for you to play too? Fuck off

Shut the fuck up tranny

I'm a guy and my favorite vidya protagonist is female.

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Yes desu

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Not him, but I really like butterscotch icecream

Which 2hu is OBJECTIVELY the best 2hu and why is it Kaguya?

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What do you think of BBC and LWD?

I lover her!

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Lmao'ing at the brainlets who think OP is an actual woman

I've been craving some all day. I swear I even smelled it when I went downstairs I want it so bad.

Unlike what you'd maybe believe by reading the news, most women don't actually hate men. We want to play alongside men, enjoying the same games and meeting interesting guys online not through dating apps but by first forging a friendship through video games. Why are you incels so opposed to this?

Your point is stupid. Tits or gtfo

i know you guys like to say fuuka is fat and that really pisses me off because its just not true

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What a dumb faggot. Want to discuss toxic femininity, since you're obviously so unbiased and enlightened?

Thinkin’ about Marisa while listenin’ to Slowdive!

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Toxic masculinity is a nebulous phrase that many believe is an attack on masculinity itself which understandably causes some men to become defensive, also the phrase itself often comes from female critics which don't/ can't understand the concept of masculinity or problems that effect males and while their complaints may be valid they have no right to decide what masculinity should be any more than a man should decide what femininity should be. Toxic masculinity certainly exists but as much of a problem it is for both sexes it is ultimately men that should confront it but not without consideration for females as well.

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please....for god sake..
just show us some bobs or vegana and stfu.

>actual good responses on Yea Forums

It’s only downhill from here

See roastie, if you want to enter a community, you got to start at the bottom and follow THEIR rules, not expect them to follow yours. Get your head out of your ass, and go get some rare cheevos in a fromsoft game or something. THEN you might be worth listening to

Not being with Marisa rn makes me depressed!

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The people who back you on patreon don't play video games from Japan.

We love Japanese games and tits

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Because "toxic masculinity" is purposefully vague and arbitrary and often includes things that are harmless or helpful when it comes to reinforcing traditional societal norms. Basically it really is just another "fuck men/traditional values" battlefield.

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the fact that obvious bait like this gets replies is sad. Yea Forums, i know you love drama and dunking on discord trannies but for fuck's sake learn to recognize bait.

The need to identify with a character within a game for it to be valid for you is the problem.
I don't identify with Kratos, Cloud, Bayonetta, Aloy etc. etc.
I don't identify with any and every character in a TV show or movie and not identifying with them isn't a bad thing. We're nothing but an outside observer in all of them, games included.
Sure, in video games we have some minor control over their actions and decisions but that's because it's an inherently interactive medium.
We're still just an outside observer taking them from place to place to see events unfold.

That's not a Nanachi

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Games are meant as a form of escapism and games are already full of strong women. Also mobile games suck ass

Can you please stop derailing the thread?
I don't really like that stuff user. I have a bf not for sex.
When was the last time you've seen a female? Yikes.

rolling for 09

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Sex with Marisa’s cunny!

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Why are you so triggered at masculinity?

O shit, is this art official

Fag. Check my 3

I respond to bait because I know responding to obvious bait makes retards here seethe.

>implying its not gookmoot scripting bots to make duplicate threads
all dying/dead web forums do this (funnyjunk.com etc)

Listen here, you bad baity cunt. In the old days you wouldn't have gotten free replies. In the old days your shit thread would've turned into a Patrick Bateman thread with the potential to look at my 3.

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probably because most people here are old farts now, like me. We given up on retarded girls who think posting on a board makes them attractive

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Take your psuedointellectual political slacktivism back to redd!t, faggot.

Look at this terrified boy. There's nobody more frightened than the salt right.

>masculine characters in video games are not something we can identify with.
You bitches play as shirtless David King in Dead by Daylight and write gay fiction about Dwight and Jake in a locker. Ya'll need to quit acting like you don't fucking want "toxic" men.

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Yeah pretty much this. I know a lot of feminists are really insensitive when it comes to men's problems. Why do men get so upset when they see the phrase though? I don't think us women use it as a threat. But for some reason it's an incel hate magnet.

No, stop derailing this board with /pol/shit thx

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>Why is Yea Forums triggered so much when they see the phrase toxic masculinity in the gaming industry?
Because "toxic males" get rewarded with female attention while the beta males they ignore get blamed for the "toxic males" bad behavior. Women largely invest in the top 20% of men and give precisely zero fucks about what the other 80% are experiencing. Instead they just invade the places they retreat to and demand they repent of someone else's sins while they build bridges entirely from their side. Fix your fucking movement and get back to us.

GoW 4 is an amazing game

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Do you have a girlfriend user?

>waaaah I cant stand masculinity!
>waaaah why wont men stand my femininity?
Fuck off you hypocritical swine

sorry I stole your 3 bro


Do you have an actual response?

Tfw (the fuck why fyi (for your info)) I can’t actually have sex with Marisa’s cunny ;_;

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Why are there never any articles on the toxic femininity that is poisoning the minds of men that you see all over social media? Maybe you should make a youtube doc about that

I wanna die!

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You do realise that it's very unlikely those are the same girls, right? one gender doesn't share all of the sin omitted by one of them.

It's a stupid way of thinking.

And you did it again, you fucking asshole
Nevermind, you can keep it. Let me try for a 5 now

No. When met with valid criticism these people always, always, always resort to ad hominim attacks meant to discredit your point without actually addressing it at all.

>dislikes God of War because of Toxic Masculinity
>perfectly fine with the quick time events, button mashing, and cutscenes every 5 seconds

OP confirmed ultra-hyper casual

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Well at least now we know you really are a white bitch. Go check your privilege, white women have it too good in life.

>The need to identify with a character within a game for it to be valid for you is the problem.
No one said that. But there is noting wrong wanting to make more diverse and varied characters.

i am the leader of Yea Forums and i hate faggots, holes, and minorities. fuck you cunt

>I don't identify with Kratos, Cloud, Bayonetta, Aloy etc. etc.
Many players do.

me too

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Post tits or gtfo

Reimu cunny only costs about 100 bucks

Of course they do, they're women

because you want us to be
literally everything you believe about incel culture is a strawman you yourself created, so naturally it will be as racist, as stupid, and as easy to destroy as you want it to be

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Is there such a phrase as toxic femininity? Because that describes the shit going on.

>this thread again

God of War is a masterpiece if you've fully completed the game. Exploration, combat, sadisitic challenge (if desired), customization, top notch companion system and dialogue. INcomparable.

Attached: God of War - Queen Killer - Blades of Chaos Chaotic Flurry (Give Me God of War) 2.webm (480x270, 2.97M)

>>dislikes God of War because of Toxic Masculinity
OP didn't say that.
>>perfectly fine with the quick time events, button mashing, and cutscenes every 5 seconds
Good that's not what the last GOW is.

Brb Gensokyo

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Nice bait

Because you a thot

'toxic masculinity' bullshit BTFO

And your point is?
>Is there such a phrase as toxic femininity
Yep, it's called feminism

Progressive slacktivism has convinced me that Schopenhauer was %100 correct about females.

Well she has to take care of the shrine somehow!

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wtf I am gay now

Marisa found a way around paying though

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>and why Kratos had to change
His character development to the new game isn't believable whatsoever.
While the reasons for Kratos mellowing out some might be believable, the idea of Kratos somehow being wise and shit all of a sudden, even partially, is a really hard sell with a fucking moronic retard he was in the previous games.

Tfw, reality is a hoax

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>discord trannys the thread

Millennials treat fictional characters like they are real people. It’s fucking weird.

this, fuck roasties

Well, there is a reason why women were never given any position or decision of power before the 50's user

When toxic masculinity isn't used to describe all men who disagree with wamen I'll relent. They attacked me back then and now they attack me for liking manly games. They should back off

It's fine to do so but it should not be a necessity.
No, there isn't anything wrong with it but wanting them for the purpose of identifying with them is. It's fucking tokenism for said trait.
>No one said that
First let me introduce you to the word 'nobody'
and then
>masculine characters in video games are not something we can identify with -OP

Come on now. A motherfucking man who just became a woman for only 6months won women of the year. Even men are better than being a woman now.

Stiff magnetized garbage.

>that turning

Already almost 150 people here responded to your bait. Nice going. Have a (you) and kindly fuck off.

The point is there is nothing wrong with identifying with the character.

Toxic masculinity is anything that makes a female uncomfortable for any reason whether she's bothered to honestly understand her own feelings or not

It should be legal to beat women. Maybe sharia law wouldn't be so bad after all.

Life has no meaning

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go be inferior somewhere else.

So it's not a necessity then

>it's called feminism
Not really.

At the end of the day, is just a way of shaming and insulting ALL men.
We lose everyting after divorces or false accusations. There are quotas and social pressure favoring the employment of women, while men are utterly alone and defenseless. And the ones who have turned us into slaves still talk about toxic masculinity...
>But I'm not talking about all men! The ones who support female supremacism and behave the way I want them to aren't that bad!

1. I don't really care about toxic masculinity in games. I've seen it done well only a few times. Kratos in God of War is one such game, since he realizes the consequences of his unrestrained rage on the world and his life.
2. Toxic masculinity is bad for men too. It's why we can't cry in public if sad and those sorts of things. It also contributes to incarceration rates and the like, the lack of men's shelters.

Anyways this thread is ass.

Harry Potter being the worst

You are slowly decaying

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Reminder that article is fake news, the director said nothing of the sort and kotaku just made it up as an eye catching headline

Feminism is a glorified club of "lets blame all of society's ills on men" idiot bitches.

My left wing indoctrination camp told me this made up phrase that has no meaning, why does it piss you off according to my own delusional projections?

>not really
Yes really. It's you feminist cunts who think everything should cater to you ruining everything that's fun for men. Fuck right off


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>but it should not be a necessity
No one said it was. But there is nothing wrong with wanting it.
>t wanting them for the purpose of identifying with them is
Not really. And no it's not tokenism if the game is good.

In the end it has zero impact on the gameplay, so it's not an issue anyway.

Because they're projecting egotistical faggots

Toxic Masculinity is an intentionally poorly defined term that is used to essentially critique the patriarchy, which means that all of those conversations wind up exactly where you described.

Look at the state of the world since they were given some power, what a huge mistake


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>It's why we can't cry in public if sad and those sorts of things
Time and place faggot. Your personal emotions have no business burdening strangers. You cry in private or among close friends and family, but not in public. It's just being polite.

Then name a female video game character you identify with. I'll wait.


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kill yourself bitch

oh and lose weight. You are fucken fat as shit. It's disgusting

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This bait is pretty spoiled

Sadly I kinda understand why Kratos had to change so people can relate and identify and feel represented in some form by him.
The average populous seem to be unable to enjoy any sort of fiction which requires them to look at characters as people and not as symbols of ideologies for them to relate/insert/project themselves onto.

The audience for this shit probably can't handle the idea that the world is full of corrupt people and that a believable fictional world also would be full of fucked up people too and they need to project some sort of personal self-righteousness onto the character just to enjoy the media. Any sort of triggering belief or idea present in the media would attack their perceived ideal world.

It fucking sucks its come to this point that companies and games have to give into being self-insertion fantasies for these narrow minded fucks and not tell an actual story with actual characters.
They're probably incapable of empathizing with actual other human beings and need a character creator to live in their escapist fantasy world.

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If it's not necessary, it's not necessary. Period. So by your own argument, your whining is baseless and can be safely ignored
Even if that's not the case, male gamers can identify with hypersexualized women. Why cant female gamers identify with hypersexualized men? Why cant trannies identify with cis characters? You're nothing special because you have a cave between your legs


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Why do you need to identify with characters to enjoy them? Do you base your books and films on that same factor? Are you saying that videogames with female leads are made for women only? Not being able to identify with a character just because of its gender implies a lack of empathy.

Back in the day it wasn't. This generation is filled with millenials blaming everyone and actual feminists didn't graduate with an associate in women studies but took on shit like a doctorate Philosophy and history. Actual feminists fucking hate modern feminists and the way they just blame men for everything.


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Males never support each other and that's a problem that should clearly be solved. But feminists brutally oppose any kind of compassion or help for males.


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With hope in your heart

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you should fucking kill yourself you dumb whore

Even if that were true, your "no true scottsman" attitude about it is bullshit. Feminism in the here and now is an irrational outcry against the most outsider group it can find, men, because it's members are fools who can't form their own happiness and peace.

>Actual feminists fucking hate modern feminists and the way they just blame men for everything
While it sounds like a 'no true scotsman' at first glance, I do get where it's coming from
>Back in the day it wasn't
Today it is though, faggot. And that's not likely to change anytime soon, because whores want to be respected like virgins and landwhales want to be admired liek goddesses

Here's an actual feminist

most of Yea Forums identify with smelly neets like pic related ofc

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>Independent Youtuber
>Making "documentaries"

Oh no no no

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While it's unlikely, it is actually very possible. I have a friend that shits on anyone reading comicbooks calling them nerds, geeks etc. But shes also the first one to watch any superhero movies that come out. I always found it pretty funny.

make your own games then

Nothing ever comes, nothing ever goes

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Because "toxic masculinity" is a meaningless platitude, as is "female empowerment".
You don't need to be "empowered" to play a fucking video game and you don't need to "identify" with a character in order to relate to them.

Good luck with your shitty video on the incel boogieman.

I'm agreeing and making the distinction of where it becomes a problem and you need to know that line to have productive discourse. Repeating it back at me does nothing.
If gay/straight etc only matters because gay/straight etc then it serves no purpose other than tokenism and can be summarily removed at no consequence.

>And no it's not tokenism if the game is good.
Oh boy. So, a terrible game with a fantastically crafted female bisexual personality is shit because it's not in a good game but a last minute 'oh btw he's gay' throw away character you interact with once is fantastic because it's in a good game? So the quality of the character in question is not important, it's the quality of the overall game that reflects whether or not the representation is good or bad?
Yeah, fuck off.

I will never side with feminism. If you want equality call it egalitarianism or I'm out.

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In the article in that pic, the interviewer Chris Plante was the one talking about toxic masculinity. Cory Barlog was just like "uh huh" and ignored that part of the question

12/10 bait fuck you cunt

>didn't see the video calling out Anita for being a phony

I like how Yea Forums doesn't even question bait anymore.
You retards are so obsessed with your culture war you'll take any chance to go on endless unhinged rants until the thread hits post limit lmao

>People can't become fathers or change.

I don't like NuKratos either, but his development isn't that unbelievable considering the span of time between the old series and the new game.

My song for Marisa! m.youtube.com/watch?v=MKYY0IlTMw4

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Nobody is arguing against having all kinds of things and different kinds of stories and mediums, fuckface.
The problem is diversity for the sake of it.
Games shouldnt be made to be diverse
There should just be a Diverse plethora of games to choose from.

Diversity as a buzzword needs to fucking die because its used too generally and people assume more different = better when it just spreads out the idea instead of gives it depth.

Proper characters have depth, not 80 different identifying factors for everyone to relate/identify/project onto.
If you need to IDENTIFY with a character to understand and appreciate the depth of their personality and existance within their world then you probably lack empathy and you're a selfcentered fuck who want a character to match all your wanted checklists so you can feel right at home with them.

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Doesn't matter, the majority is what owns the label and right now that's the man hating lunatics. Besides that, the word itself lends itself to inequality. Making a push or equality exclusively about the feminine and female is how it got to this point.

We curse our selves with meaning with no meaning

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But what truly lends us fear....

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>toxic masculinity
I have a question. How come we don't use the term "toxic femininity"? It's seems like it's all double standards to me.

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Is the slow four knock tap of the coffin.......

Women aren't toxic. Men are.

so basically you're just annoyed brown people are on the screen

Fuck off nihilist fuck
You give life meaning with purpose
You're miserable and sad because you lack purpose
You should be bettering yourself and finding what it is that gets you through each day than moping that reality doesnt amount to anything.
You're here today because people were passionate enough to bring you here. Have some fucking respect for that and stop being a self-defeating piece of shit.

Love yourself and love life.

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Our escape.

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women are trash


you haven't met my ex then

And there it is. Everything is the fault of men and you bear no responsibility in it as a female. Go fuck yourself.

No, it's annoying when brown people are on the screen for no reason

sure they are. They're just toxic in a more subtle bitchy way.

They can be all brown, green or grey for all I care.
Depth of character matters, not superficial traits.

>Love yourself and love life.
How can I when I don’t?

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the fact that you get uncomfortable by stupid shit like "tits or get the fuck out" memery shows how different you women are from us men. that kind of banter is a common thing in men talks. it is stupid middle school level joke. but you still have to find a way to say it is toxic. because for some fucking reason women have to take everything at face value and try to change it to fit their world view. specially millenial women. Stop trying to homogenize everything. go learn to code and make the games you feel womn will like. just like how hollywood makes tv shows and movies target at YOU. Men and Women are different. Why your kind never talks abou toxic feminity and how bad relantionships between women actually are. the entire of toxic masculinty is a misconcept where women who purposely tend to like the most insane assholes in society think that every men will act like that. while in real life those kinds of men are already shamed by a majority of men. the same women who haven't noticed that the society they want to built will always make the top 20% of men act like assholes

I wonder if there's any from of masculinity that isn't considered "toxic"?
At this point it seems to just be a buzzword for things feminists don't like.

>so basically
So basically you can't read a simply post.
Sorry, you but do you need me to be a all-loving leftright communist disabled mentally-ill transqueer nonbinary otherkin for you to even consider the fucking words I'm saying?

Get the fuck out of here

>I'm an independent female

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>women can do no wrong!
That line of thinking is toxic in and of itself, you stupid whore

this thread is still alive?

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Everyday I feel so frustrated and tired...

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Some women are bitchy, but being toxic is inherently male. And 'bitchy feminists' is misogyny, because not all feminists are bitchy.

I hate life because I love myself. My dreams are dead and my suffering is unending. I love life, I just hate "my" life.

this is some problematic sexism, yikes, like, can you not sweetie?

GoW would have made way more sense if it was about his son/a descendent of Kratos trying to distance himself from the violent retard his dad was. But nah, they just wanted to ripoff Logan

Sage because this is a trash thread

Yet I still feel nothing creeping up on me.......

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Could you teach me how to code user?


Everyday, and I fear it. The irony.

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>being toxic is inherently male
this is misandry

Because you're pitying yourself and feeling that you have nothing to live for or have anything to hope for.
You lack goals and passion and you need to find something that will make life worth living for yourself than expect it to give to you.
Life isn't a cage, a simulation, a hollow shell or passing of time. It's a sandbox for you to make possibilities and learn.
If you can't learn to find a way to love yourself so you can find a purpose and self-meaning in life then you'll only continue to defeat yourself.

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How can man be free?

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>not all feminists are bitchy
You're not really giving us a good example of that, bitchy feminist

And you call us the sexists.

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shit meant for

......did you respond to the wrong post...?
I was just tryin to tell user to stop lookin at life so closemindedly.

>women = bitchy men = toxic
Sounds like a distinction without a difference
>'bitchy feminists' is misogyny, because not all feminists are bitchy
No one said feminists, and not all women are feminists, not all feminists are even women, so how can it be misogyny? It's not the women that are the problem here, it's the vacuous ideology.

Someone clearly didnt read the post. Woke culture is just white supremacy with a different color pallet. The best thing about storytelling and art in general was that it showed people from different tribes what they had in common. You screeching puritanical morons are destroying that.

yup. please ignore this retard

I know myself enough to hate myself, I can never he comfortable with being myself yet I can never escape it. I am a disappointment to the world, and a disappointment to the people around - I feel that I am a disappointment to myself as well.

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Honestly I'm really jealous of a women's ability to experience multiple orgasms. I swear if I was a girl all my free time would be spent masturbating, I'd mastubate while playing vidya, I'd carry around one of those remote vibrators inside me while going out, I'd even masturbate while shitposting here; the only thing better than being a cute girl would being a cute futa and the only thing better than being a cute futa is if everyone was a cute futa.

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>Life isn't a cage, a simulation, a hollow shell or passing of time
It is if you are a wage slave. Jobs are huge obstacle to enjoying your life

Futaba is my spirit animal.

I identify with the alternate story in the Aether wings Kayle skin in LoL, we need some fucking order in the world.

why are you incels bumbing this attention whore? she is literally making clickbait money by doing nothing productive to society and you faggits are supporting her.
also, sage

Feminism isn't an ideology. Attacking feminism is attacking women, because almost all women are feminine.

I have my goals, my passions and my hobbies. A love of literature, history and cinema. Yet I still hate myself, and nothing that can happen will change that.

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Well do something to improve it, become confident in yourself and do something you love, attain a profession or contribute to others so you feel more whole.

That doesn't actually matter in the end user. Ask yourself "am I happy?" It's all that matters for this temporary life.

I feel like I am a ghost following myself, I hate myself for being born as an autistic piece of shit.

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'Feminism' is mainstream code for anti-male sexism

What made you post this?

April of last year article move the fuck on

>/pol/ is false flagging
I'm right here what the fuck do you want faggot?
Just because you retards are speaking about politics in Yea Forums doesn't make it /pol/

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No, not really. I am just very tired and impatient, being myself halts my happiness. It makes me envious of others.

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No. Stop pushing this trope. Men need to stop being toxic - feminism is merely asking for basic human rights like EQUAL PAY. Why is it so hard for you men to acknowledge that only 50% of the planet is male? Do you not have a sister?

you need to go back

>Men need to stop being toxic
this is misandry

There is a lot of crossover between those two boards, and they shouldn’t mix.

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>do something to improve it
Yeah why don't I just grow back the missing bit of my mind and heal my busted body all through positive thinking and willpower. What a good and totally effective idea.

>become confident in yourself and do something you love, attain a profession or contribute to others so you feel more whole
If I were still capable of doing that without wanting to blow my brains out I wouldn't be in this rut. Some people were just born unlucky, and I'm among them. My life is the fucking epitome of Murphy's law.

>I'm a nazi safely from behind the screen! mom's gonna freak
unironically kys

It's true though. Nobody is pushing it, we all see it for ourselves and reach the same conclusion.

>Feminism isn't an ideology
You're right, it's more akin to a religion at this point.
Why exactly do you think people put an "ism" at the end of feminine to create the word feminism?

I'll give you a hint

(en noun)
An ideology, system of thought, or practice that can be described by a word ending in -ism.

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toxic masculinity is like radiation

is only bad for faggy humans

I think of death every waking second, how can I be happy and contempt with this fear? Death is behind me every moment.

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>feminism is merely asking for basic human rights like EQUAL PAY

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the pay gap is nonexistant. The statistic considers a wide range of 35+ hours to be full time, and as it turns out women tend to work fewer hours overall than men. When you account for that, the gap per hour is actually only about 2%.

>'m an independent female YouTuber making documentaries on
no one gives a fuck
kill yourself

Life feels like a very quick uncomfortable train-ride, one that has you strapped to the front with the expectation of a quick and painful crash - there is nothing you can do about but watch.

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Death is just a part of life user. They're two sides of the same coin. When you die, it is not the end. This I know.

My arms ache

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This is the modern culture of consumerism, my dude. You can't enjoy a story for what it is anymore, it needs to be some kind of ideological self-insert propaganda now.

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I fucking hate my life and everyone hates me.

I've found peace in knowing that.

>I’m a
No you aren’t.

I wish I knew as well, the worst part is easily the suspense

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paying women less than men is against the law, you retard. if that shit really existed a bunch of companies would have been shut down already. you retards keep falling for date that were made behind the gates of hollywood or academia and then use it to bitch about the everyday joe winning more. while it is a fucking fact that women have so many gibs that it makes them earn more than men

>why is Yea Forums so triggered by the phrase toxic masculinity
because women use it to describe anything men do that minorly upset them

Life is more like running in a hamster wheel.
You struggle to live even knowing death is inevitable, strive to achieve even though time and the forces of nature will one day tear down everything you build, and seek pleasure over and again as if to quench an endless thirst and never feeling satisfied. All towards what end? Is there any reason to even be here, or want to be here?

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Nice try, she said >I'm an

>feminism is merely asking for basic human rights
>actively advocate for unfair divorce laws
>actively advocate for the LISTEN TO HER! mentality
>actively shut down any male centered event because you're not a part of it
>actively try to suppress men by generalizing them as toxic
I actually do have a sister. Guess what? She HATES feminism because if some random cunt decides to #metoo me, she knows that her own friends would flay me alive, even if I was innocent
Fuck right off

>Entering a community and insulting everyone by calling them incels
and also
>Giving genuine responses to said person who came in and began to call people incels
Nobody has to take this you know. and before someone responds with "but we are though" don't assume thats the case for everyone

To bad your not.
Because nature doesn't give a fuck about equality.
T./pol/ack keep screaming about /pol/ is only going to bring more /pol/acks here.
Rent free

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What's your channel?

Obama said so. Are you saying the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES would lie? You are a racist.

If you pay attention, its just class struggle with a new skin.
Your patrons are the rich people, and they found a new toy to beat plebs with, and we're the plebs being beaten with it.
So you're kind of the guy going to the village and asking "what's wrong with the public lashings to please the barons?"

you will never be a real women tranny

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We are tricked into being here by our fears and emotions, to be sentient and all is to be exposed to delusions and hopes that will tire and hurt you more and more.

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Have sex

Post nudes?

I'm biologically female, why are you 4channel people so obsessed with trans people?

What’s the point?

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Sure you are. Tits or gtfo.

Everything happens for a reason, take a little comfort in that death is needed. It is needed because infinite life would be an endless horror otherwise. When you die, you reach a void. But it is not scary. Rather it's the opposite. A feeling of calm completeness comes out. You will become one with everything once again.

Something about this game just doesn’t click for me. I always give up around the end of Alfheim.

I can name female characters I RELATE to, not identify with, as I said in my original post you don't need to identify with something in order to relate to it, you absolute fucking dunce.
Velvet from tales of berseria is highly relatable.

Well at least I have distractions

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>your a nazi
What're you going to do about it?
>your safe behind a computer screen.
Maybe I am, maybe I am not.

You already have equal pay sweatie.

The best part is that this actually happened in the thread earlier, see Women really live up to the stereotype

>its just class struggle with a new skin.
a class struggle that put the working class against itself and that is making women get beaten by men in women only leagues AND increasing their sadness
you have to clap to the motherfuckers who managed to pull this off

The concept of the role-model protagonist has died out, user. It's nothing but self-inserts in newer works, and the characters from older works have either been sissified or replaced by self-insert characters.

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Japan has a shitload of women in the games and anime industry and even have higher up roles. But the difference is they aren't using that as bragging rights or a flag to wave around.
And that is why they're respected by people way more. Example: Ikumi.

Due to the inevitability of death and entropy life would be a net 0, but suffering is inevitable and that suffering is for naught. As a result, life is a net loss and the logical choice is to end it mercifully, but instinct keeps us shacked to an unprofitable existence like prison bars hold in an inmate.

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Well, it’s a fault of the world and ourselves that endless life means eternal horror

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>western developers

You're obviously poorly educated because I know a lot of educated women in my social circle, one of which I have occasional flings with who is an educator.

If you really are who you claim to be and not a fucking pathetic attention addicted shitposter, you lack pedagogy and professionalism. You don't go to an online forum known for its close-mindedness and distrustful nature going "HEY GUYS! TOTALLY AN UNBIASED OBSERVER HERE! WHY GURLZ NO ABLE 2 PLAY GAMES AND INCLUSIVITY? IS IT BECUZ INCELS?

Nobody who is actually worth a shit in the field of journalism, independent or not, goes around with such a personal attitude.

We're not perfect. If we were life wouldn't have a point

And to think out of all the possibilities you were born into this...

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it wastes too much time to get to the point. and the padding with rpg mechanics out of the ass make things worse

>The concept of the role-model protagonist has died out
The current Kratos isn't a role model of a father trying to impart the life lessons he learned to his son so his son can be greater?

>implying anybody in the field of journalism is actually worth a shit

What’s the point outside of a prison we have created for others and ourselves

>Why is Yea Forums triggered so much when they see the phrase toxic masculinity in the gaming industry?
Define: Toxic Masculinity. Therein lies the problem. Toxic masculinity is a blanket term used by people to define what they negatively dislike about masculinity whilst contradicting itself on whether it is a societal problem or a "behavioural" problem that is rooted in biology and must be "changed" and therein lies the problem.
If you're talking about Toxic Masculinity in the sense that an abused child must then be just as abusive, then yeah, I can agree on that note. But if you're talking Toxic Masculinity in terms of "manspreading" then lady, do yourself a favour and look up the word "testicular torsion", it's a medical condition that can happen if men squash their balls together between their legs.
Furthermore, the greatest hypocrisy of the phrase "toxic masculinity" is the lack of a "toxic feminity", let us be frank here. Both genders have been given toxic traits by society (and don't you fucking dare reply with a Joker meme) in order to climb up the ladder of life, with women in particular having problems themselves. If there's one thing I learned from talking to women who have been marginalised in various industries and workplaces it's that their biggest opponents are women themselves, and usually that comes with the competitiveness toxic femininity, yet if a women dares speak out about the toxic environment by her female peers she is either silenced through bullying or she is ignored, and if a man brings it up then it is "whataboutism". This is a problem I have learned through my Mother and through a close friend of mien who is a teacher, both of which confirmed to have had these experiences and that they were always ignored when they complained.
The real reason I dislike the term Toxic Masculinity is the hypocritical baggage it carries around, and the high and mighty hypocrites that use it to make their high point.

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any loli vampire

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i pray the day left wingers get skinned alive in a public park

Tits or GTFO

>Attacking feminism is attacking women, because almost all women are feminine.
Most women aren't even feminists though. How much of a colossal failure is feminism when your collectivist gender cult dedicated to women can't even win their favor? What a fucking joke.

This is true there’s way to many fucking stats and horse shit.

And the day is over yet again, how typical. It barely lasted.

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Fucking newfags.

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t. unironic "braincel"

I could only have been born into this. Were I born to a different world that could embrace the eternity that meaning desperately relies on I would undoubtedly be a different person entirely. It's not that I was born into this world, it's that I was born from and through this world.

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Learn 2 Read

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If we're talking videogames and news media journalism, sure, but journalism is a very big field and it encompass people who make documentaries of all kind like Louis Theroux
My point is you are supposed to be passive and ask questions that are relevant to what you're trying to learn. Starting by outright labelling your pool of data right in their face and making personal assumptions based on being a woman is in very very poor form. Which is why it's obvious we're dealing with a fucking shitposter.

Catch bulbonic plague.

People vote against their interest all the time. The media (like Fox news) pushes out a ton of propaganda to keep women in the stone age.

Have you ever been toxic masculine?
If you stopped being a frigid cunt, you'd realise how fun it is.
If you are afraid, because you would become unpopular with your "friends" you obviously don't have friends and keep these around for political reasons, which frankly makes you worse than a whore. At least she does it for money.


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Not all fictional characters role models either it being the protagonists or not didn't die out yet some are still left.
Though I would not call kratos a role model of any sort.

Zoomers need to self-insert to enjoy porn.
I don't know how an entire generation suffers from personality disorder. Is it the fucking phones?

Fuck off.

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Have sex

What are we if we’re nothing beforehand? How it came to be that I was given this perspective, my everything, my all? Which as far as I am concerned, is everything and all. What is this thing looking at the hands of the person typing this?

How can I say that I am just a singular thing, not a collection of things tricked into thinking there were someone. Is there even an ‘I’?

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I'm taking my troll goggles off and going to try and give you the best answer I can. the reason why Yea Forums is "triggered," is either, "LOL let's keep this troll train going," (which people fall for everytime) or people who have had their livelyhoods or past times attacked by feminist idealouges. Especially when said past times are fine just as they are. Who cares if Kratos is a macho man? That's part of his appeal. And if you don't like it, you don't have to play the game, and no male or female HAS to play them. They're games, and they're meant to be fun. If you're not enjoying it, why even play it?
Ultimately, it's a huge community saying, "we enjoy this as it is," while you have outsiders, like yourself, saying, "but there is something wrong, and it needs to change." I'm just going to say it; no, it doesn't need or have to change.
It's a similar problem I had with Sarkeesian. She could frame the problem (with copious amounts of misinformation), but she didn't present any options to make it better for everyone.
I want people to play more games, I want to enjoy games like Monster Hunter and Halo with more people, man or woman. But you can't just jump into a niche community, tell them they're terrible people for enjoying this hyper masculine power fantasy then offer no substantial change or, if there is a change, it's so jarring and out of the suspension of disbelief that you lose the original audience that made it popular in the first place.
I think all of this can be summed up with a simple hypothetical. It's like going to a new city, seeing someone do something you find offensive, like showing your tits in New Orleans (I've been there on not Mardi Gras, and it happens alot on the French Quarter), then imposing your morals on everyone else, i.e. forcing said titty flasher to cover up with a towel. It makes you look like a stick in the mud and an asshole. And no one wants to play with a party pooper.

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Now im glad i never bought this and will avoid all cory barlog work, thanks op

Kratos hasn't changed at all the only one keeping him sane all this time is his son.
Sure he is a decent father figure, but even athena in the game noted that kratos in a way still hasn't changed.
Like some dev on tweeter said.
"Kratos is to walk the earth forever"

If you have a problem with it make your own game then. Also have sex.

How about some examples sweatie?

Everyone who voted for Trump

I try to rember happy day, and everything is still dark and sad. Why?

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The phones and social media. More specifically moderated social media. It's given them a really fucked up view of reality.

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I had the same problem with Charlie Brown though.
I didn't sympathise with anyone of these, because they were all assholes.

And then while each cartoon had tons of different boys in it, you were stuck with only one girl, two if you were lucky, and one was always the love interest of the main character. The purpose of every girls life. Getting hitched.

People see
>toxic masculinity
and think it means
>all masculinity is toxic

They see the idea of "empowering women" to be the same as "depowering men." Not as a system of equality, but inequality of a different scale.

replacing "patriarchy" with "matriarchy"

post your youtube. I wanna see the video.

>Left wangers hate conservatives to death and bow themselves to fight them in order to liberate men and women from sexual oppression
>fast foward to today they have become worse than muslims when it come to women and for some reason they hate men now


Name the pro-worker candidate.

That's not an example.

most women aren't feminists because they know that the moment society starts treating women like men in the proper way they will be fucked beyond belief.

What was toxic about original kratos, i mean so toxic that it reflected men in reality and thus the character needed "evolving"

Because they are American liberals, not left-wingers

I feel like this is a thread of literal false flagging woman hating bots... Like i think you might be real, but there are 5 replies that say literally nothing about what you actually said. Like to me it sounds like you, as a woman, you perfere to be feminine and don't like the fact that media says you have to fit into some 'badass tough girl' stereotype in order to be a dignified female. But none of the replies have anything to do with that.

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The irony in this whole "toxic gender-ity" debacle is that, on both side, people are victim of their own gender's bullshit.
Men are mostly responsible for spreading the idea that not getting laid=not a real man and despite a lot of women using virgin shaming on men they find disagreeable, the biggest offenders remain men between eachother.
Toxic masculinity can only spread amongst men and men are the biggest victim of it because they are pressured to conform to bigoted behavior in order to find acceptance amongst other men the same way women have to conform to a climate of endless talk-shitting, slut shaming and competition to find a place to belong amongst women.
We are all weak because we are divided.

Toxic masculinity is just a buzzword for feminists to use so they can hate men while pretending that they hate the behavior.

Voting for left or right is against your own interest.
But people are going to vote for trump again because he is still the best candidate. Does that mean he is a good president? Eh... That depends, but even he is out of touch out of reality and since the democrats are to fucking stupid they accidently left a huge wound that anyone can get in there and take power all for him self due to there incompetence.

It all returns to nothing...
It keeps tumbling down

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Cogito, ergo sum. You must exist as at least one thinking thing because you can observe that these thoughts exist. Whether you exist as one or many depends on how you want to classify your 'I'. One singly entity can be composed of many smaller ones whose individual existence doesn't detract from the existence of what they make up. Think about a corporation, just because it's composed of by individual humans doesn't mean the entity they collectively create ceases to be.

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The bait is irrelevant. The responses are the highlight of this thread. Get the fuck out.
Masculinity and it's relation to what we identify as superior is entirely subjective. Be it man or women, the ideal mate varies depending on preference.
In the God of War released recently, masculinity was transferred from cheap buff man garbage (still good games though) to an actual man who is determined to set his sword down and contribute towards the future. In other words, teach his son what ways he has learned works and doesn't.
Kratos is no longer a sex fueled god killing machine. He's a father. Hunter. And must go through what was preordained in-game.
To bicker about something so completely subjective is stupid. Illogical. But in terms of Yea Forums, harmless fun that helps as a coping mechanism that helps us leave into our own realities.
In this day of age however, it has gone way too far. To the point where their own personal world starts converging with the real world. Which is a recipe for disaster.
Shitpost or not, it's the replies that matter to the subject. Conveying the personal thoughts of a collective mind.

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Lara Croft

The media (like CNN) does the same thing from the other side. There is far more feminist influence in media today, and women find it unappealing. Genuinely strong women don't need a victimhood ideology to cling to, one that tells them they're horribly oppressed in their first world liberal democracy, while doing nothing for women in the rest of world who are actually oppressed (like in Saudi Arabia). At best, feminism does nothing for women, there's isn't anything more to be achieved in regards to their rights in the west, and at worst it actually hurts their career prospects, (like the #metoo movement) or discriminates against men.

Face it, women don't want to be like the blue haired land whales, screeching about bourgeois first world problems, all while shitting on their husbands brother and sons.


How much time did you spend making this

Just fucking kill yourself m8

I think you are misusing the term "toxic masculinity". Toxic masculinity is harmful to males and females because it represents a societally idealized version of men that never cry, dong express emotion, arent into anything pink or girly, etc. Many men dont fit these stereotypes and they also hurt non male members of society, thus it is a toxic interpretation of masculinity. If you want to understand why women have to deal with exclusionary attitudes in video games, i would say that would require a different vocabulary.

What is the this thing these different parts created then? A character? Are our own very existence an illusion? An illusionist of whom or what exactly? If you boil the different parts of living things down enough, then you get things that are non-living.

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Would you like your sex reward for the day cuckanon?

Toxic Masculinity is a real thing. Just look at the nigger community.


everyone stops posting immediately

Nah they're just being toxic apes.

So what the game actually does show is that maculinty isnt toxic and women are snakes, goty.

Thats not toxic masculinity its just niggers being niggers

Did anyone really expect a man who has been given another chance at being a father to be going off and fucking random bitches?

tits first. then we can talk

every liberal ends up supporting left wing ideologies. no matter where in the world they are
conservatives today are the Jacobins while the over spoiled left are the Montagnards and Girondins. the irony is that the Girondins are killing each other while the Jacobin have never been so united

Hey baby what's up?

Why is this thread so fullof thoughtful replies? This shit usually devolve into kumbrain shit and r9k tier salt against women in 10 replies flat.

fuck off

How do I know I think with my own thoughts? How do I know the worth of these thoughts? What separates an entity of myself from a thunderstorm or particles moving in the air?

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here comes the glow to derail the thread

so fucking pathetic. is it 2019 or 2009?

Well no, Obama is economically right-wing

Never in the history of media has a character existed in which i considered themselves to be the same as myself. They share traits, and i can relate to their various issues, concerns, and aspects, yet never does something being "other", and not "self", cause distress.

Go huff some bleach faggot

relate to all of them
identify with Jade from beyond good and evil, Faith from mirror's edge, Samus from metroid, Joanna from perfect dark, Cate from no one lives forever, etc. etc... the list goes on and on.

Most actual feminists who saw this change are arguing that the name for this ideology should change specifically because of the fact that it's been claimed as a token banner by malicious profiteers with a selfish agenda.

i forgot to add i love to choke with big black cocks

why are people replying to this bait?

now how about one where that's cum instead?

>More women need to be empowered to play games too

I have been going on this whole thread on how I could not bring myself to do so

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Make me buddy.
I am so sorry you can't handle banter.

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