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Other urls found in this thread:


For the record, I've been saying Kojima is a hack and that Death Stranding sucks for years. So keep that in mind when you try to claim that everyone who hates your money laundering walking sim scheme is a /pol/fag.


>"Death stranding is a metaphor for Trump"

How the fuck does that make sense? If you are building bridges then you obviously arn't building walls.

After the last couple of trailers before they released gameplay I was fucking done with it.
The gameplay just sealed it, there literally is nothing to do for like 95% of the map, it's actually just a walking simulator.

The absolute state of Yea Forums

did you miss the part where he praises Che Guevara at multiple points and makes one of the main characters in his most famous franchise a Che Guevara simulacrum?

Kojima is a big leftie. A lovable man who makes fun games, but he was always an idealist that believes in a leftist utopia.

Do you think Guillermo del Toro, Refn, Seydoux, Mads, Reedus, Troy Baker and others would join a red pill game?

Ignore False flag threads

the world is isolated, which is the metaphor. You‘ll be uniting America, which, in other words, means FUCK TRUMP

You dumbfucks didnt go and faq check this. Obviously fake but believe everything u read on this shit site.

>spent years with California liberal hollywood elites
>become all political yourself
>end up making the most boring looking game of all time

>uniting America under one identity is anti trump
Why are lefties retarded?

>Norman Reedus is Trump
game saved

Yeah, duh. This isn't reddit where you need to post gay shit like a source

it's the Versus XIII phenomenon playing out again.
Do nothing but hype out a game for years with little substance, it will always turn out to be crap. Anthem and more. There hasn't been a single exception to this rule yet.

Didn't Big Boss mostly praise Che Guevara because of his tactics and skill at guerilla warfare rather than his politics?

In any case, Kojima is absolutely left wing as all hell. Not really a socialist, by all accounts. But absolutely very left wing.


>Implying it'll not praise based Trump
Get fucked SJWs

Holy shit i love Kojima now

Fuck Trump

>there are still people that think Trump is a good thing
as if I needed more reasons to believe that evolution is a lie

Kojimbers is a Hollywood cock receptacle at this point.

anyone that isn't morally bankrupt, dumb as shit or brainwashed is left wing

polfags and brainlets, mind you

You mean report troll threads, I'm sure. Ignoring is just weak.

>polfags and brainlets
those are the same thing

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It's uniting people. Not "white Americans" or whomever. Everyone.



does this effectively mean that /pol/fags will boycott the game? That's a good thing. I mean they will still come here and shitpost about it, but at least this means they won't be around much after release. Also helps that it's not on PC (yet), and can't be pirated even on PS4.

>Lefties support abortion
You lost the argument there buddy.

You should've been aborted

Too bad leftists are just gullible globalist lapdogs.

>please fill my countries with immigrants to lower wages and destroy the unionization of the workforce!
>please replace culture and societies with products!

The right is waking up to this country-abolishing madness. The left is just playing along with it because of MUH IDENTITY.

Something something people together not apart something something Japan isn't the most xenophobic country did you rike it

Good thread

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Both of these are policies of the liberal right. They are by definition capitalist. It's what the left is against, not in favour of.

Woah, calm down! I can feel the onions coming out of your screen.

turn on your monitor

That's not the point. The point is that the left is actively playing along with anti-labour legislation in order to appear humane.

Any sensible leftist would not believe in mass immigration, for example. It utterly shatters workforce unionization. Yet every democrat, even mr.Socialist identifier Bernie is advocating in favor of it, among other things any sensible leftist would criticize.

there are no downsides to abortion

>There are millions of people who hate him
>but for all the wrong reasons

Cool narrative, but this game seems to be taking place in reality.

The ol' "Yea Forums is a single person" rule
but i won't lie and say your post didn't make me laugh though, because it definitely did

Hating racists isn't a bad thing.

>Supports abortion
Ok cuckhold!

>Any sensible leftist would not believe in mass immigration, for example. It utterly shatters workforce unionization.
non sequitur. If there were stronger unions then employers wouldn't be able to hire illegals off the streets for a pittance. Instead everyone would earn a fair wage. Importing cheap quasi-slave labour is a capitalist policy.

>this game seems to be taking place in reality

Its on. And im laughing at your stupidity.

Nah, Death Stranding hasn't been "in development" for 10 years like those other games. It's only been 4 years since MGSV came out you know. That's a pretty quick dev cycle for a game like this.

Never said otherwise, shitstain. Repeating myself for the last time. The left is actively supporting capitalist ideas that crush unions.

With mass immigration unions will never become strong.

The left is, in general, internationalist and to some extent in favour of immigration, that's true. I'm a pretty orthodox leftist and I'm overall in favour of immigration. But most leftists, those with actual integrity at the very least, will also tell you that they won't accept immigration under the conditions the capitalist right wants for it. Front and center of all leftist thought is class struggle.

Kojima answered a question with a throwaway line that the game is 'set in the future of our world, and brexit and trump had probably also happened here' and scummy game journalists have run with it trying to make out that's the reason everything sucks.
Never mind the tar monsters and alternate dimensional was all trump's fault! Fuck out of here I'm 100% done with these clowns.
If anything it’s more of a metaphor about his split from Konami but agenda pushing journos just couldn't resist.

Just 2 nights ago I was listening to my brother blare his music and it was genuine propaganda in the middle of it, where the singer wasn’t even singing at all, just spewing out propaganda.
His political views also 96% from Anthony Fantano with the remaining 4% not believing the official stories for Sandyhook, Parkland, and 9/11 (but still believes there is a school shooting problem in America)


>He could have used literally any other color combo for the hat but he chose to use the one that closely resembles the MAGA hat

What did he mean by this ?

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You should have been aborted

No its not, he never said that
>"There’s actually three steps to that chiral network. For Bridges’ sake, you’re connecting from east to west and they want you to join the UCA – the United Cities of America. When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they’re retrieving your information 24 hours a day. It’s like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say “I’m not going to connect to UCA, because we’re going to repeat the same thing that we did.” Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It’s a metaphor. However, if you get really close, they start to say, “Okay, I’ll connect.”
He said that its a metaphor for the internet, as in people in the UCA are connected but not physically. People can call upon UCA services but also hand over their information to them. The important thing here is how much of yourself you're willing to hand over for security and how that can be exploited, which just so happens to be a big talking point with things like the EU copyright directive or Trump's presence on the internet. Trump is not part of the narrative or metaphor, he just so happens to be involved in what the metaphor is about.
What is it with Americans and this obsession to make everything about themself, some middle aged Japanese video game dev is not gonna spend much time thinking about Trump
Sage you for clickbait falling faggot

fucking ayylmao what is this 2003?

>Front and center of all leftist thought is simple Justice

Don't bother, nobody cares about the truth anymore. This thread creates the context. We're controlled by memes.

Jesus learn to take the bants

as if the unions will catch drift of all of my illegal businesses

>anyone that isn't morally bankrupt, dumb as shit or brainwashed is left wing
nigger have you seen the modern democratic party?

No, you fucking moron. Mass immigration isn't bad for unions. Lack of union support is bad for unions. With proper unions, you'd be able to handle mass immigration.

i read the article yesterday. basically the title is clickbait as fuck. kojima mentioned trump and metaphor separately so the "journalist" jammed them together. kojima also mentioned the EU right before trump so he could have titled it "Death Stranding is a metaphor for the EU, says Kojima"

if people practiced responsible abortion we wouldn't have Trump


Hate is for haters. Just feel sorry for them.

So you're just a liberal then. Not a leftist.

I'm sick of social liberals labeling themselves as leftist when they're really capitalist liberals who support encroaching corporate power, replacement of culture and unions.

Once you start believing individual rights are more important than collective responsibilities you have forsaken your right to call yourself a leftist.

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This development cycle has had so many ups and downs, cant wait to play this
>inb4 shill

what about them?

It was obvious Kojima is a libtard long before this when he showed support for the White Hats which no surprise turned out they were ISIS.

they're all morally bankrupt brainwashed retards?



Are you actually retarded? Proper unions need to be established. They cannot be established within the context of mass immigration that kills the ability to organize any sort of bargaining.

Of course you're just posting from the position of some priviliged retard, not an actual union worker who would just get fucking replaced with a mexican the moment they would start to unionize. Get real for once, liberal shitstain.

Would you say the Soviet Union was embracing capitalism when it welcomed foreign workers who wanted to help in building a socialist nation?

>Front and center of all leftist thought is class struggle.
>So you're just a liberal then. Not a leftist.
You dense motherfucker
>replacement of culture
fascist talking point

>muh white nationalism

Nothing weve seen indicates this. In fact the bridges company is explicitly America-centric.

>anyone that isn't morally bankrupt
Big boss literally has child soldiers and shit yet praises Che

>read the article
>he didn't actually say DS is a metaphor for Trump

Not surprised.

how? just because you're subversive as shit alt-righter that hates everyone that believes in fair systems like social democracy?

What if, get this, you get the immigrants in your union

Mads? Maybe.
The others? No.

>advocating against unchecked mass immigration is white nationalism
either baiting or insane

Feels good that majority of Yea Forums will hate Kojima now.

Trying to rake in commietard money

And this is why people laugh at the left now instead of the right

But American is obviously home to more than white Americans. Also,

>“It’s about America,” Hideo Kojima tells Game Informer, “but I made that map deliberately not correctly America. Maybe it looks like Japan from that angle. I want people to not think ‘America,’ but ‘where you are.’ Because it depends on who is seeing it.

Okay. What song?

He WAS laughing, snowflake.

Abortion prevents the needless suffering that is growing up in an underprivileged household. It would have been nice if I was aborted.

It doesn't say some morally bankrupt people can't be leftists.

based fuck zion don

>unions, mass immigration, abortion
>on a forum for fucking video games

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Nope, we're laughing at you. And you're shaking in your boots.

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Why do you keep bringing up race when nobody ever mentioned race? This isnt even Freudian its obsession at this point.


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You reek of fear.

In what way?

You can make anything into a metaphor for Trump if you try hard enough.

haha this image is funny. mind if I save it?

You have never argued a single class-struggle talking point. You have only argued in favor of immigration under a capitalist system that favors cheap labor. That is a liberal idea.

No. I am speaking in the context of modern western civilization wherein "leftists" who are arguing in favor of mass immigration are actively against leftist talking points of union protectionism.

Culture is an immense pillar of leftism, you fucking shitstain liberal. A leftist would never let his common societal structures be replaced by corporate brands.

He worships Hollywood and its puppets, and it's only now that you guys realize Kojima is a huge liberal cunt? He's what happens to a Japanese person when they indulge far too much in Western trash. If he wasn't shy about speaking English or he wasn't a big recognized name, I'm sure he would've moved to California years ago.

This is the most moronic post I have seen today

u better not or i'll call the meme police

Leftist: Big Boss
Centralist: Venom Snake
Rightist: Solid Snake

no you fucking bad faith arguing faggot because the people involved with the party are advocating for the abolition of the united states as a nation with borders

>the nation that created unit 731
>being able to talk about the morality of anyone anywhere under any circumstances

Two nukes was not enough, we should've killed every jap on those shitty islands.

everybody and their mother think is going to be shit but it turns out its pretty good and makes a shit ton of money

You sound like (You)'re LITERALLY SHAKING.

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Reminder that it's not what Kojima meant and game journos are once again twisting his words because they're retarded.

>Wanting a culture to survive is fascist.

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>this game seems to be taking place in reality.
is that a bad thing?
once the world is under one banner we can begin the final frontier, the faster the better

you reek of soi

"um no ur stupid" isn't proper bants

also um no ur stupid

you are literally trying to Make America Great Again


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(And that's a good thing (and its beautiful (heres why)))

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wait until you find out about christian rock

>Why do you keep bringing up race when nobody ever mentioned race?
Someone mentioned "uniting people under one identity under Trump". I suggested this could be what he meant. He didn't correct me and in fact seemed to run with it.

>or brainwashed
so there are no left wing people in the world


>wanting to preserve structures is fascist
>protecting unionized workers from competition in the form of immigration is fascist

These so called "leftists" are amusing. They can't identify their own liberalism.

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No matter how far to the left one is a leftist is a leftist no matter what.

So long as their kind believes in welfare, entitlements, free shit, and equality. They will be a blight upon humanity. For their kind will create nothing but a world of laziness and weak humans.

please don't be mean, it's really late here

>You have never argued a single class-struggle talking point.
Because we only just started the conversation and we were only talking about immigration?

HUEHUEHUEHUE! The RIGHT can't meme today!

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No, I said uniting all of america under on identity is not anti trump, and that has nothing to do with race and everything to do with nation.


wew imagine that people hate the new left because it stopped being liberal when it was liberal since the fucking 60s man imagine my surprise

>first female president ruins the country
>protagonist wearing red hat is going to reunite it

Yeah, seems pretty accurate.

>A leftist would never let his common societal structures be replaced by corporate brands.
Yeah, well, you have more in common with poor Mexicans than with the 1%, but right now it looks like you'll support a border wall with McDonald's branding plastered all over it as long as it keeps the "wrong people" out.

Bullshit. A proletarian society is a disciplined society. A society where labour is valued and respected.


>left winger are this retarded
trump 2020 for sure

You were already proven wrong, and you insist with the lies?

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Yes, and your position on immigration is liberal, not leftist. In a capitalist system no leftist would be in favor of immigration because it kills the working class' possibility of unionization.

It's almost like you're a shitstain liberal and not an actual working class-sympathizing leftist.

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I'm literally in the 1%

>not seeing the blatantly obvious metaphor with all of Kojima's talk about people building walls between each other
everyone on this board needs to learn media literacy holy shit

The point is Mexicans aren't going to cause you culture to cease to exist to begin with. You are being made to panic by bourgeois talking points.
>These so called "leftists" are amusing. They can't identify their own liberalism.
Or their reactionary stances, I guess, huh?

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My interpretation of DS from everything I've seen is more about finding a balance of alone time and meaningful social interaction with caring friends than anything overtly political. I suppose I'll have to read the interview with the state of modern journalism though.

OK, so he is essentially bulletproofing his game from criticism by claiming this, right?
He knows the game will receive big backlash when it releases so he is now politicizing it to shut down said criticism
Fucking marketers, man

Would you, as a leftist, support someone who wants to protect the working class from outside competition,

or someone who wants the working class to compete with poor workers who will kill the working class?

Decision's pretty clear cut to me.

>I said uniting all of america under on identity is not anti trump
It is when it is properly understood as ALL America. What Trump does is exclusionary.

*grabs popcorn*

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All trump supporters are retarded scum. They are the purest and most obvious form of brainwashing that has ever existed in our lifetime.

>I replied to the whole thread, Mommy. Now what?

Attached: Turd.gif (480x250, 1.79M)

There will be no reason for humanity to advance or to be part of a community if everything is provided for them.

>now politicizing it
this game has been political since kojima first started talking about sticks and ropes back in 2016

Who fucking cares. Kojima is always trying to use political "deepness" to sell his games.
>"guvermint behd!
I can't wait for the incoming rage when people realize it truly is just a walking sim with shallow allegories.

This coming from a liberal. Like a cuckold calling a normal person "insecure".

Thirty-Eight Percent

>he says this while CNN is full blown brainwash central
>he says this when trump 2020 is inevitable
MAGA fuck the cucks

>In a capitalist system no leftist would be in favor of immigration because it kills the working class' possibility of unionization.
Right, and I'm saying this is not necessarily true at all and you're a fascist trying to package reactionary talking points in leftist language. For fuck's sake, the other guy even says he doesn't support immigration on capitalist terms, you called him a liberal for that.

>“When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they’re retrieving your information 24 hours a day,” says Kojima of Death Stranding’s fictional network which provides coverage of “strands” across the continental United Cities. “It’s like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say ‘I’m not going to connect to UCA, because we’re going to repeat the same thing that we did.’ Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It’s a metaphor.”

Jesus, I can practically smell the black monkeys.

>(You): the working class are retarded scum
>Also (You): why won't the working class vote for us?

Then you deserve the guillotine.

I meant to replay to you with this.

>someone is arguing points that don't align with social liberal agendas, he must be a fascist!

I'm a genuine unionized worker, you cunt. A demographic that for some inexplicable reason votes Republican these days. I wonder why the fuck why that could be.

>or someone who wants the working class to compete with poor workers who will kill the working class?
Workers fighting each other is what capital wants. The point is not to keep them out but to keep them from being exploited. Improve their material conditions and they will not accept the capitalist terms.

So it's literally nothing and polfags are eating shit over nothing
Nothing new then

Have you noticed how they claim they are for the poor people and yet when they shill their shit it's always classism?
>How come all the [MAINSTREAM MEDIA INFLUENCERS] are liberal while it's nothing but redneck republicans? Checkmate

You think that will solve anything? The guillotines brought the French out of the rule of a king and into the rule of a dictator. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Anyone that is for Trump is a boomer and isn't an actual conservative. Trump isn't a conservative but a boomer.

not that guy but literally within the reality of a capitalist society you can not support unchecked immigration while also supporting workers rights and benefits, don't care if you support the idea of abolishing capitalism for something else that's not our current reality

Read the title of the pic, it's clickbait, and vg247 knew what they were doing.
Someone went even further
>and the EU
That kinda reach

And here we have what I was talking about, the ignorance and obsession. The NPC meme is very real.

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>man that has been making political games since before OP was born makes another political game
Stop being a fag you fucking snowflake

I haven't followed the game until very recently, when he actually started posting gameplay, because quite frankly, I don't care about Holywood stars in videogames.

>If you believe in national sovereignty you're a racist
>Also please ignore that he's the most popular republican president among minorities in the modern era

>I'm a genuine unionized worker
And a reactionary too. Wow, that never happened before.
> A demographic that for some inexplicable reason votes Republican these days. I wonder why the fuck why that could be.
Yeah, really do, considering no one brought parties into this. You'd rather vote centre-right neo-liberals bordering on fascism than centre-left neo-liberals with the occasional social democrat. Because you're a true leftist.


This picture always frustrates me because idiot on the right in the red shirt isn't even doing pose right.

I come from a small fishing village where our local culture has all but completely disappeared in the last 30 years. You're right, it had nothing to do with Mexicans. I never had said shit about Mexicans. It had everything to do with the disinterest of the youths to preserve it and Hollywood culture overtaking local culture through media.
In fact, the Asian population here cares a lot more about preserving our old way of life in some form.
However, your comment implied I'm a fascist for lamenting the slow death of my culture.
See how you didn't have all the information you needed to make a judgement? Faggot.

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man either Yea Forums is being brigaded or there's trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

The French are pretty proud of Napoleon, actually.

what do you expect

The "altright" and your traditional republicans have more in common then the literally socialist alt-left and traditional democrats

its why the democrats are still using geriatrics like Hillary and Biden, to keep obtaining the old liberals voting for them, and why they want immigrants in the country to keep their voting base up

Is Kojima a genious? His fans are going to buy the game regardless and now retardera can't say shit about the anti-gay message because the game is also anti-trump

>everyone can immigrate, just as long as someone pays for their material conditions

Oh boy, i wonder where these types of policies lead, huh? I wonder who's gonna pay for these underpaid workers. It's not like the working class suffers at all, right?

Insufferable idealistic dreamer. The working class is not responsible for the entirety of Mexico. Protectionism is a core aspect of the class struggle. Your failure to see that is just laughable. A liberal dressed like a leftist.

GUIZ GUIZS remember when the leftist said that the 1965 immigration bill wouldn't see immigrants taking away jobs from US citizens?

user, uniting over an us vs. them narrative isn't what is meant here.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Socialism doesn't mean everything is provided for you. It means what you get for your labour is actually the value of your labour. Hell, do you think people in socialist countries just sat on their asses all day, picking their nose and twiddling their thumbs? Do you think the Soviet Union would have industrialised itself and won a world war if that had been the case?

>post fake article
>620 replies 126 images this thread was archived

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Then don't bring it up in the context of immigration you dense motherfucker

Yes, because the states provides for you since you're "equal" to everyone.

>muh small town culture
Meth and beating your wife isn't culture user

>We pretend to work, and you pretend to pay us

>I come from a small fishing village
where? i bet you live in a gated community

Imagine being a young person and thinking mass-immigration to drive down wages and worker's rights while they occupy entry level positions in the economy is to your financial benefit because the globalist corporations advocating for it also promised you free medical care that you're not even going to be taking advantage of because you're young and healthy.

>From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
literally marxism lmao get the fuck out yes it does

I want to go back

Fox News is officially calling this bait thread for the Social Justice team. The Salt Right is expected to cry moar rather than concede their embarrassing rout.

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Anyone familiar with Metal Gear knows what Kojima's politics are, but he's actually capable of telling a story without letting his ideology get in the way. Remember, this is a man who thinks that nuclear weapons are the worst thing humanity ever created and wants a world of complete disarmament, yet he wrote a story in which a bunch of war veterans believe that nuclear deterrence is the best alternative to world peace possible. And those same characters end up arming themselves with a nuclear device because it's the only way to guarantee their safety, which is presented as a pragmatic decision. That's the main difference between having politics in games, and using games as a personal political soapbox.

>lol the working class are all methheads who beat their wives
>why won't the working class vote for us?

Neither is watching Netflix on your phone and sleeping in a tent in SF while other homeless piss and shit on you.

>I wonder who's gonna pay for these underpaid workers.
The bosses, by paying them.

Look, you can call me an idealist all you want but if you keep voting Republican you're not going to have strong unions either due to explicit anti-union legislation regardless of how many Mexicans you shoot at the border. Fuck your protectionism, it's short-sighted.

bone spurs

I would, yes. Because the working class does not benefit from center left liberal social democrats. If you want to call protectionism fascism go ahead, you know it's a core tenet of class-struggle.

It was already debunked as a bait, you stupid retard.

This board is inhabited only by drones now user, don't bother reasoning

You're the one insisting DRUMPF is dividing over an us vs them narrative. The only real "dividing" going on is done by the left. "Those fascists! Those racists! Dumb hillbilly incels!" Etc. Etc. Ad nauseum.

>Vaguely political statement that can mean something different to everyone reading it
>Every nigger and his grandma will assume they have the right take on this
>Journowhores will farm clicks and poison the well with bait headlines that promote even more projection
>the discussion surrounding this game will somehow become even more dogshit than it already was
I wish the world would go up in flames

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>'uniting people' by demonising and excluding whites
ah yes, leftism

>even starts riding the trump meme to sell his walking mailman simulator
Oh, Kojima.

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>The bosses, by paying them.
not him but what do those bosses do when they have a supply of damn near infinite candidates all willing to climb over each other for the work to work with?

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Are you serious here? You just argued in favor of increasing the material wealth of underpaid immigrant workers, something that is not going to happen in a capitalist system wherein workers compete for lower wages.

So your entire premise rests on having the unonized working class pay for the increased welfare of immigrants with higher taxation.

Not a recipe for success. It's been tried and failed, only leading to wage dumps and shattered working class unions. Sweden's a good example.

it's literal doublethink at this point

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I was only refuting that placing importance on the survival of a culture is fascist. I ignored the context because the post I was replying to was a blanket statements.

Not worth my attention.

I'd prefer to keep it vague, but it's far from a gated community. In fact, a lot of the old fisherman here have fallen out of the middle class into poverty since the 90s, because they refused to abandon their way of life.
Stubborn, but the legislation and corporate fuckery that caused this isn't their fault.

Welcome to Yea Forumsacebook

You need government regulations or capitalism will eat everything. Capitalism is fine, unregulated Captalism is cancer.
The problem was being complacent against countries that have no regulations and take their shit because it's cheap.

>The point is Mexicans aren't going to cause you culture to cease to exist to begin with
Mexicans become the majority, America's mass culture is then Mexican culture. Americans continue to drop in population, becoming a smaller and smaller minority. They grow up in a nation where they have to speak Spanish, where they have to engage in Mexican culture in all parts of public life, where all mass media is made with Mexican culture in mind. Their culture will either become extinct, or they must become obsessively isolationist like the Amish. It's kind of like how blacks in the US have mostly lost all but the most superficial (and later adopted) aspects of real African culture and are essentially an outgrowth of core American culture.

>while they occupy entry level positions in the economy
user, the jobs going to immigrants aren't "entry level". It's bordering on slave labour. It's barely subsistence level. This isn't an entry to anything. giving these jobs to white Americans isn't going to improve anything either, especially if they don't unionise either.
>the globalist corporations advocating for it also promised you free medical care
I assure you they do not.
>that you're not even going to be taking advantage of because you're young and healthy.
Yeah, young people never get into accidents or get sick or whatever, they're practically immortal, psh, who needs healthcare anyway? Which pharmaceutical company is paying you?

>With proper unions, you'd be able to handle mass immigration.

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>stop being mean to us! Let us trample on the rights of others, cage children, and enact racist and fascist laws while bowing down to the Saudis in peace!!11

The problem is that they don't join unions because they're desperate for every cent, uneducated about the labor structures of the US, and can be threatened with deportation for even attempting to unionize.

>Blackman who grew up in gated white suburban community hates white people

erry time

why dont you live with your brothers and sisters in the ghetto porch monkey?

Umm...white men aren't people >.>

>replacement of culture
>fascist talking point
the fuck

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>Because the working class does not benefit from center left liberal social democrats
It doesn't benefit from fascists either. You're a tool of the bourgeoisie.

Ya sure, you probably live in fucking idaho

What the fuck are people going to write about when Trump leaves office?

Just kill yourselves.

Holy fuck it's real lmao.

>cage children
you mean that thing that obama did too?
>and enact racist and fascist laws
like gun laws?

It's been a stage 4 cancer tier week but this retarded shit cracked me up

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>Guillermo del Toro

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Que sera sera, amigo.

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>if you don't let me take the country away from you, you are a nazist
History will never stop repeating itself.

>user, the jobs going to immigrants aren't "entry level". It's bordering on slave labour. It's barely subsistence level.
user, illegal immigrants aren't all working on farms, they live in places like NYC and when they do they get jobs working in kitchens and the like which aren't exactly slave labour.

>Doesn't identify that the core of leftism is healthy agreement of wealth distribution for the working class in relation to the bourgeoisie

I'd rather be a "tool" of the bourgeoisie and keep my wealth than give it away to a horde of hungry mexicans, thank you.

Hire the most qualified and pay them a living wage. And if they're forced to pay everyone the same then there's no unfair compeition.
>something that is not going to happen in a capitalist system wherein workers compete for lower wages.
Right, yeah, did I mention I'm not a fan of capitalism? Wow, it's almost as if I want the system to change!
>So your entire premise rests on having the unonized working class pay for the increased welfare of immigrants with higher taxation.
No, not the working class, no.
>Sweden's a good example.
Sweden is massively unionised.

It's well known that communist-larping upper middle class students hate the actual working class. They only support 'communism' because they think they'll be hailed as heroes and get a lot of free shit.

You serious?
American politics are a cycle. A Republican gets in office, he's literally Hitler and the left spergs out. A Democrat gets in office, he's literally Stalin and the right spergs out. This is how it's always been.

>n-no don't call me out for my hypocricy noooo
ok then lefty anyway, here's your last (you) user im gonna go hope you have a nice day

ha, so wrong. I am wealthy and do not believe lazy, non working, non americans deserve my money. I vote by pocketbook you poor nigger.

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>and can be threatened with deportation for even attempting to unionize.
Right, yeah, so abolish ICE

I don't know, we will have to wait 5 years to find out.

>cage children
you just had to mix in the fake news? not helping

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You don't get more out of things for doing harder work, because you don't 'need' it. If you're a scientist, an engineer, a doctor, you still eat the same bread rations and live in the same horrid cement apartment as a ditch digger. So why work harder?

Equal in the sense that there are no seperate classes, yes. Means, industry is owned by the public, rather than by a private entity. Doesn't mean that labour isn't compensated according to quantity and quality thereof, at least as long as its necessary. The utopian end goal of communism is a society where money as we know it doesn't exist and there's be an informal understanding that you don't take more than you need and you don't work less than you should but that kind of society, even if it's, possible, wouldn't be something we'd live to see even if there was a socialist state that has it as its explicit long term goal.

How amazing everything is and how everyone is happy again.

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>I'd rather be a "tool" of the bourgeoisie and keep my wealth
You know what happens to kulaks

Actually obama didn't give kids food and water, he immediately threw them back into mexico

its better to be for than against

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>which aren't exactly slave labour
They are at the hours and rates they're working, which is supposed to be what sets them apart from American workers. If they did the same jobs for the same pay, they wouldn't be unfair competition.

>Hire the most qualified and pay them a living wage.
take a look at how tech companies play with access to the H1B visas, they're not interested in the most qualified they're interested in the cheapest when it's an opotion for them.
>And if they're forced to pay everyone the same then there's no unfair compeition.
Except when you have that many candidates you can push those candidates as hard as you want and if they refuse just replace them since they're a dime a dozen.

>So why work harder?
Because if you don't the commissar will send your babushka to a labor camp

Dream on, antifacûck.

Kill yourself trumptard, your day will be shit cause you live in fear.

>A Democrat gets in office, he's literally Stalin and the right spergs out

There was not as half anti-Obama propaganda as we have anti-Trump right now.

>It's bordering slave labor
For one, that's because the companies get away with paying almost nothing thanks to low labor demand, thanks to all the illegals. For tow, wow, this is a good fucking argument for stopping illegal immigration, since the people in power just use them as slvae labor.
>I assure you they do not
The dems are as corporate as the repubs, you idiot. Look at who funds them.
>Young people never get into accidents
Have you ever heard of a statistical outlier? Welfare/social programs rely on the fact that more gets paid in than taken out.