Is Erza going to be invincible?
Will you be able to activate the power of friendship whenever an ally is about to die and defeat all enemies at once?
Is Erza going to be invincible?
yeah, methinks imma be cooming
Was Sword Art Online an MMORPG?
I truly hate this artstyle, fucking soulless
Of course, she is Erza
Mashima is great, you turbo homo
you dumb fuck
You're right. FT is generic as you can get in every regard. Poor man's One Piece.
>activate the power of friendship
I'll be disappointed if the bottom right icon doesn't indicate that.
You koei tecmo fucks suck miserably at everything, but especially at shilling
I hadn’t noticed that
Lucy's tits aren't big enough.
Fuck anime adaptations games, they all are so generic, soulless and low quality, fuck them
But this one is a JRPG
I’m not getting paid
No Juvia no buy
>this rpg could be about hxh instead
This will never not be funny also hope the ost still irish like the anime
Pretty sure the one behind Gray is her silhouette.
Fairy tale is trash even by shonen standards.
No plot. 1 dimensional characters. Theme is "MUH FRIENDSHEEP" every single climax.
Only redeeming factor is good fanservice, but if you wanted that you could just watch hentai.
>such a pile of shit like a Failed Tail gets a new game
>not Bleach
Fucking nips
Are you implying that Bleach isn't shit?
Bleach went to shit after Aizen
Nobody cares about Bleach anymore my dude. It ended a long time ago.
I'm definitely not interested in Fairy Tail but I hope it turns out to be a great game. What are the chances of that happening?
Very, very low
wait, this one is on gust?
poor gust can't catch a break.
why do the retards that hate Fairy Tail are the ones to talk about it the most
Made by Gust.
I can already tell you exactly how it will play out: The guild functions as a hub. There you can accept a variety of quests, which will then send you to different dungeons. These dungeons are small as fuck, boring and just big empty hallways (pic related).
Then there will also be some sort of crafting system, most likely reused from one of their other games.
Gust's strongest points, there music and character design won't be of any use of this game, since the music will be lifted from the anime and characters are obviously Mashima art.
Because bait = replies
um bros i don't think that's where the tail is supposed to go
I beat my dick so fucking hard to this scene in the manga of nude era being whipped by the big titty dom, shame there's not much porn of it
Maybe they'll cover it in the game
A lot of anime does this shit and I don't get why.
They already confirmed how the game is going to be, Magnolia as a whole will be the hub and there will be more towns to visit aside from the dungeons.
>looks down on fairy tail
>thinks bleach is good
it doesn't add up my man, bleach is vomit, more so than failed tail or any other big shounen
Bleach was so bad it got cancelled. Fairy Tail might be shit but at least it didn't fall that far.
Never watched or read Fairy Tail
But those sluts are hot
Sorry the girls aren't balloons on a stick.
Let me guess, you also think HunterxHunter is deep.
Is Mashima a ryonafag?
Balloons and are Thick
I don't know but the actual scene was pretty hot
Watch it then
Do you have a tail?
I can't wait for those models to be ripped for "research" purposes.
I doubt there is going to be much porn with the models
>This whole thread
Honest to God don't get why the game is causing any amount of sperging.
HxH homos mad because they got cucked out of a game by 0.7%
I want to suck on Erza's beautiful fucking tits so much
>Erza with a Berserker trait that makes her stronger depending on how low HP is
Nice figure
Reminder to make Wendy your tank.
Nah, make Lucy the tank and wait for Natsu to go E.N.D. for the instant I win scenario.
She could tank my dick.
Not using her if possible
bleach got fuckeed by jump execs. at least kubo is working sakura taisen
>Not using literally the only healer in the group.
Bleach already had an RPG, it was for PS2
>Obligatory healer, probably Wendy
Going to roll with this team for as long as possible.
Need your number five user.
HxHfags are mad AGAIN that another shounen IP is being treated better than their HiatusxHiatus. they even started to falseflag just like they do on Yea Forums
Only casuals use healers in RPGs
Oh, it's 5 people in a party at once? I dunno. Lucy for obligatory tits I guess.
Battle menu design is looking cool and original
>Lucy won't get her cool magic until the very end of the game, if she does at all.
Mashima should get someone that can write so he can just sit and churn out art.
I guess the Fairy Tail game is a good subsitute for Persona 5 on Switch since that's never going to happen for a while.
>Like the Atelier series, there is a world map that connects Magnolia Town and the fields. You’ll be able to visit several towns—one image showed Crocus.
Can't wait for photo mode
Wendy is so hot
Look, I’m not saying lolifags are homos, but I can’t respect a guy who looks at this and prefers that unappealing thing in the middle.
Its just the natural desire for RPG fans to target the healsluts.
>best hips and ass proportionate to her size
>cuteness and arguably the most girly/delicate one (she's always getting the shit beat out of her for that reason)
Sacks of chest fat are irrelevant, also when flat girls hug you you're closer to their heart.
>>best hips and ass proportionate to her size
Fuck you, Levy exists homo.
Yeah you’re a turbo homo, I didn’t want to say it but yeah
I see an awful lot of projecting here.
Them seething hagbagfags lmao.
Cunnychads own this joint never forget it.
I hope they put this dude in. Was my favorite when I was reading this shit.
Imagine all the DLC armor.
Except the majority of girls have big tits
>>best hips and ass proportionate to her size
Bleach haters always make me laugh. Bleach>ALL
>Everybody is getting Celestial clothes!
Only Gray doesn't get new clothes for every arc but everyone else does.
>Japanese cloth
I fucking hate that shit, it’s the most boring “armor” yet she keeps wearing it all the time
yes. even dedicated ryona artists can't compete with Mashima-sensei
When boobs are the only thing that define a woman for you that's pretty pathetic. If an ugly tranny gets a boobjob would she suddenly pass for you?
Meanwhile cute, feminine features and child bearing hips are more important to cultured men.
>Except the majority of girls have big tits
And that's why Wendy is so popular. She's usually third and sometimes even edges out Erza in the polls among girls.
How's that anime of the final arc coming along?
>zeref taped that
It's not fair bros
>ywn tear Wendy's clothes during a fight and then pin her on the ground
why even live?
>Post about Levy having better hips and ass than Wendy.
I said fucking nothing 'bout tits.
Mavis is dead though so she's not really in the conversation.
If you think that is nearly as feminine as this then you’re beyond retarded or just ducked up in the head
Also in the last poll she didn’t even get half the votes Erza got
Absolutely based user
Read the last chapter
The fuck? I thought Kōsuke Fujishima was traditionally the artist for Sakura Taisen?
>literally shilling this shit game every day
They are using different artists for different groups in the new game. Kubo did the main group
Isn't it supposed to include Tartaros?
Announcement at Jump Festa faggot. Also cope that they got Horikoshi,your favorite mangaka, to have an interview with Kubo next month bitch.
I was mostly replying to the second guy, I dig Levy too though. Though she still loses that contest.
I'll make her my wife.
Her figure is very nice.
Theorised since the "middle of the story" is Tenrou, GMG and Tartaros.
Since the GMG is the halfway point of the game, Tartaros and Face are likely to be the finale but its also meant to have original storylines too.
Personally hope we do get Tartaros since Lucy is actually good and worthwhile after it.
yeah, but you can expect shitty DB tier retellings. if this game has clothing damage then it's an instant day one purchase for me
Lewd ass
Bleach didn't get fucked. Kubo's a hack that took 4 years to write the final arc and they got tired of carrying his shit manga in their magazine.
Imagine being excited that your shit comic book is getting a pity adaptation 4 years after it was cancelled.
Ah, yes. The race to the bottom. I sure do love soulless promotion of franchises.
You're not the only one.
>can’t romance Erza
What’s the fucking point? Dropped
t. Simon
>all that lewd shit he posts on twitter
imagine getting your hands on Mashima's private porn stash
Thanks for reminding me that no one in this series can fucking die.
What? Did he survive?
he didn't. Jellal killed him and laughed at him
what game is this from?
Didn't he? During the shit with Jellal. I'm almost sure he appeared not long after a noble sacrifice. That wouldn't be the only example.
Oh, I guess I got some shit mixed up.
Upcoming Fairy Tail RPG.
>kills rival in love
>doesn’t fuck the girl
I hate Mashima
you're probably thinking of Erza's other useless friends which did survive. Kagura was introduced because she wanted to avenge his brother by killing Jellal, so Erza took the blame. Even the fight with Neinhart during the last arc has the latter bringing a ghost of Simon against Erza, Kagura and Jellal
Has there been a Musuo for this series? A turn based RPG just doesn't really make sense to me for FT.
I almost hate HxH fans as much as Jojo fans.
>expecting any kind of romance to go anywhere in shounenshit
The only expection are the side characters who appear couple times a year
one of the main couples did happen during the main story and she's currently pregnant
Huh? Gajeel canonically impregnated Levy and he’s pretty much a main character by the end
Never a musou, but it has had two PSP games. Not bad games either.
But Gust are doing the RPG in their own Altier style which honestly works for FT given the guild setting and all.
>posts in all caps
>says other people are mad
You're salt levels are getting dangerously high.
Why do vagina bones destroy my dick bros
Okay, but post the best OP's
Gajeel is the Vageta of the series but the mains are the "strongest team" of Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza and Wendy.
It had a couple shitty DS games too.
It would be hilarious if Erza turned out to be the worst party member
I honest to God forgot about the DS games.
His new manga looks pretty hot. He's finally found his way.
My favorite will always be Snow Fairy
>Anyone but Lucy being the worst.
kino every time, mavis is best girl
Eden's Zero is already pretty good, I like space and despite the MC's being a pallet swap of Natsu and Lucy I don't mind it so much.
Not-Lucy is hot
Rent Free that's all I gotta say. Just glad that Bleach is stuck in your head 24/7 just like many other people lawmao.
Lucy is very useful to my dick
>5 party members at once
its trash right?
>Rebecca will probably get to fuck Shiki before the end of the series.
Already has her shit together better than Lucy and is set to get her man.
All I just want is new tamagoro doujins.
>nobody choosing Ultear
Low T
Let me guess, Gildarts gets constantly built up as strong and gets almost no screen time to actually show how strong he is.
Also fuck celestial wizards. They don't actually do anything. Just get their orbiter celestial spirits to do all the fighting for them.
Dude, you’re the one who entered a Fairy Tail thread on Yea Forums
To your dick but until Tartaros she can't do very much in a fight.
More than likely but at least it isn't another arena fighter.
fucking this
I liked her until Mashima ruined her
Actually Lucy starts fighting along with her spirits after the second time skip, not that she did anything meaningful anyway
>Also fuck celestial wizards
They're all hot anyway so why not?
This is why Lucy was so boring until the second time skip, after that she can fight properly thanks to Celestial Dresses.
Those celestial dresses were bullshit but so is almost everything in FT so fuck it
I enter random threads all the time. I just happened to watch some of Fairy Tail. Rent free btw.
They were cool though so why not, they get super bullshit in 100 year quest because now she can equip two at a time.
Beats Lisanna like nothing, which for Lucy is pretty damn good.
>face as the finale
Please, no. I'd like there to be at least something else I can use dragonforce Wendy for. I'm guessing this will have some sort of obligatory JRPG postgame dungeon, at least.
Mira before reawakening, or whatever you want to call it, was the best.
It'll absolutely have post-game jobs and quests so you'll likely get to use a good amount of Dragon Force Wendy.
The biggest thing it has over Fairy Tail is the fact that the two main male characters aren't massive faggots and are now willing to push the girls into doing more hot shit.
I couldn't make it past season 2's filler, but all the openings up to that point were amazing.
>Witch and Sister get in on it too.
Seriously, why was Natsu so asexual with Lucy when he'd probably have fucked Lisanna if she didn't die and that whole Edolas business didn't happen.
I hope it happens in 100 year quest at least.
just skip it lmao, eclipse spirits and key of starry sky are the most boring shit that happen before the 2 best arcs in the series.
>key of starry sky
Didn't actually hate this one truth be told.
I like FT fillers, sue me
looks like I have to pick this up
thanks user
Get ready, the ride hasn't truly begun but Shiki has already shown us that he is 100% down to kill people in a red haze if somebody doesn't emp him.
Not into c*nny but I'd feast on her ass
I read the manga as it came out. I'd just feel bad if I skipped episodes. There were a couple of good ones, mostly based around extra chapters, but the animation also got a lot worse.
All filler is the same to me. Unbearably boring. I'm honestly jealous.
>girls are super hot
>barely any porn
Why is that? Is FT not popular in japan?
Everyone knows they can't compete with Mashima's perfected softness. It's sort of a depressing realization.
Won't have to, soon we shall have the models from the PC version, finally the FT porn we need.
These models look great already. Wish I could say the same about that Taimanin Asagi game.
>Wish I could say the same about that Taimanin Asagi game.
Oh, they finally making a full-on action hentai? Figured it was a matter of time but I thought it'd be bigger news.
Is it getting localized? Also Wendy's first outfit was the best.
Reminder that Lucy is technically more competent at using Heavenly Body magic than Jellal is because she can actually use the only spell it actually has.
And then Unison Raid it with Gemini.
Every GMG outfit was better than 80% of their other clothes.
Dude, Bleach was shit. Just deal with it. No need to get so bent out of shape about it.
I remember that Ultear chick having the fattest ass in the show.
By the end it's probably the saggiest.
Was there a huge time skip where she's an old woman or something? I dropped the manga during the book of Zeref stuff.
She traded her time to rewind the world 5 seconds or something and ended up an old lady.
She uses time magic and ages up.
Then you should've read that she reversed time at the cost of her life.
The result is that she aged and died over the course of a day.
I want to see actual combat footage, but I think it's cool they went with like a Persona 5 style UI plus you can have FIVE party members, that's pretty neat.
Honestly the game right now looks pretty good and that's rare for anime games nowadays. We also have Pirate Warriors 4 on the way as well. It's been awhile since we've gotten a good/fun anime game. AoT games were shit and so was the seven deadly sins one. Shinobi Striker was trash as well, so we're due for a good/fun anime game.
When is the anime ending?
Like one episode left if it hasn't already ended.
Lost Paradise was great though, even the dub was great which was surprising.
Worst girl.
She doesn't die. She retires but comes back for a fanservice fight in the last arc.
Those boobs are pretty big, and I will very likely buy this game as a result even though I don't know what this is.
Cana>Ultear>Erza>Minerva>Juvia without her hat>Long hair Lucy
Game adaptation of a manga/anime
Ah, I forgot about Lost Paradise, yeah that game was super fun. I still load it up for time to time just cause the combat is so fun and I've only done like 1/5 of the side quests in the game. Like the game is fucking massive in terms of side content, though the main story isn't that long.
3/10 list doesn't account for Mira, Levy or Anna.
It's ending already? I thought it would be another long one
it started airing like 1 year ago user
Its fun to jump in the buggy and listen to the music while going around and fighting Amon is ride with his alternate forms.
I did not care for Erza throughout the entire series. Part of me was hoping she'd be killed off
Ur back in the past > all that trash
Straight up wifeable.
Mira has ugly hair. Levy is gross and flat.
>buying this shit when a better game is coming out in a month
You're forgetting some people. A lot actually.
>you can’t play multiple games
The previous seasons had almost 300 episodes already, was kinda expecting it to be another 100+ episode run
>Levi is gross and flat
Shit taste. I think Levi is hot as fuck also so is Lisanna but I have a thing for tomboyish girls with short hair. You just like MUH BIG BOOB bimbos like a normalfag with shit taste.
Lisanna is not a character
>Implying that FT is even gonna be out this year.
Not after Ryza empties you out
She keeps wearing it coz it’s the easiest to animate and it’s essentially the glass cannon armour
He’d probably strip it off anyway.
I know its just that there hasn't been a single celestial outfit I haven't liked and think there should be an outfit for everyone.
Is Gray an S rank you think? Is he just as strong as Natsu by now? I feel like he had Vegeta syndrome and jobbed a lot despite being Natsu's "rival"
actually, there was 300 episodes combined, each "season" was only about 150 - 200 episodes, and the only reason we even do seasons is because Fairytail has switched animators like 3 times, and also because they had to stop to avoid catching up to the manga
All I wanna do is titfuck Lucy
Nobody's as strong as Natsu. His power levels spiked to ridiculous levels after training off-screen.
By the end of the series Natsu, Gray and even Lucy are S-class in terms of power but being a S-class by FT standards are different.
All 5 are pretty much S rank
What do you think the sword action for the square button is implying you do?
I know right, if Dragon quest wasn't enough now we have more of this shitty Dragonball Z tier style. Disgusting.
Is there a bigger panel or image of erza with that leaf kimono?
Natsu and Lisanna being close was anime only, he never had a special connection to her in manga
>Nobody is as strong as Natsu
I refuse to believe Natsu could hold his own against Gildarts. Natsu is nowhere near his level.
I'm seeing a disturbing lack of best girl in this thread
BR's dungeons got a little better toward the end when thry were made up of several larger maps.
That was mostly a one-time thing thanks to Igneel's leftover magic, he can still do Fire Dragon King mode but it isn't as powerful because he can't regenerate Igneel's magic on his own.
Its unlikely that Natsu can even become a dragon since he destroyed the seed inside himself before fighting Zeref.
Though Natsu's most powerful magic has always been the Flames of Emotion.
Its implied in the manga, Gildarts teases Natsu about being close to Lisanna when he returns after failing the hundred year quest.
That fucking flute, man.
Can anyone stop her?
Gildarts isn’t really strong, he’s just “strong”
>Natsu gets all these powerups throughout the series
>In the new series he meets Igneel's actual son
>Natsu gets bodied by him super hard
>Somehow Natsu magically can beat him now.
>Igneel's son technically was probably stronger than any enemy Natsu fought in the first series, even stronger than Zeref.
Mashima is terrible when it comes to power-scaling and what have you.
WHAT? Why did he make erza AGAIN?
Dragons are vastly overrated. Look how badly Erzamom jobbed.
>first time seeing millianna
Ah she's pretty cute, very modestly dressed. Now I want to see her navel.
>second time seeing millianna
HOLY! SCHMOLIES! My prayers were answered with interest!
The only thing that could get me interested in this game is if you could recruit members of the guild that got little to no love. Jet, Droy, Max. The list goes on, bonus points if I can recruit laxus and doranbolt. To hell with Natsu, Gray, and Erza.
That’s most shounen, remember how in Dragon Ball they always said the main villain of the arc was the most powerful being in the universe?
Not Mishima's fault this time, he's given the brief outline of the plot and let the new guy go full ham while he gets Eden's Zero to himself.
Hopefully avoiding another Lisanna situation.
Also Natsu and Ignis didn't fight, he was fighting the water dragon and Ignis showed up to watch and give Natsu an indirect assist.
Also to be a total dick about it.
Though I wouldn't trust what he says anyway since he and the others shit themselves about Acnologia to hide on a different continent for however the fuck long.
>When you run out of ideas for characters so you just literally recycle the same characters.
I wonder who gets the Decalogue this time.
There's little reason most of the bad guys wouldn't have won if they had actually tried. How do you even fight that bitch that shrinks everything down?
that's the proper Erza clone in Eden's Zero. Homura is a lot closer to Kagura.
Why did he make Sieghart again again?
His name is JUSTice this time.
because when people bitch about things it makes him want to do them more. Makarov never died because people kept complaining about him not dying.
>really real character deaths
Holy shit, that might actually make it worth while. I was irritated that the only character that permadied in fairy tail was simon.
In the island arc, it was explained that Ice Make is the hardest shit to do and even harder to do competently to the level that Gray can do. He's on the same level as Natsu, or slightly less strong.
Remember that Rank means fuck all because Natsu murdered Laxus in a fight be getting pissed, and managed to fuck up Jellal after going DF.
Natsu is canonically stronger then any S-Class mage in FT by the time Tenrou Island happens.
I like these Fairy Tail threads on Yea Forums. Any time I try to start one on Yea Forums it immediately goes to shit
The problem is that FT S-class mages need to be more than just outlandishly strong or else Gajeel would be S-class.
Levy isn't especially strong but she was considered for S-class since she has all the other qualities needed for S-class.
I don't remember much but I saw it as Laxus not giving it his all when he fought Natsu, he was even winning 2 to 1. That's why Fairy Law or whichever one it was didn't work on the townspeople. And it made sense to me when he came to the rescue in Tenrou as power levels were not off the rails by that point.
>lurking Yea Forums in the current year
You only have yourself to blame
Laxus was dominating the fight and it did take both Natsu and Gajeel to win in the end, but Laxus was crazed by the end of it and not fighting properly.
But Fairy Law didn't work on anyone since Laxus was all talk, realised that everyone was constantly at rick and wanted them all safe therefore never considered them and enemy.
Yea Forums somehow has better Yea Forums threads than Yea Forums itself. I’ve noticed from my fair share of FMA threads on here.
>Natsu doesn't have the scar in 100 year quest.
The fuck is this shit?
Has Gray fucked Juvia yet?
He's getting there, he knows he wants to but wants to be stronger for her first.
He has also seen her tits.
The only gift 100 year quest has given us is progress with Gray/Juvia and Natsu/Lucy by virtue of Touka.
>Discounting BEST GIRL like that
You should be ASHAMED of yourself.
Rave master game when.
It had one.
Pretty good too.
Kubo is a hack but he did get kind of fucked since the general structure of Bleach was:
>Introduce a ton of disposable villains for cool fights
>They get incredibly popular
>Editor pushes for them to get more screen time over what Kubo had actually planned.
It happened over and over again. All Kubo wanted to do was draw cool exciting shit he didn't really want to balance the massive cast he ended up with.
Fuck off
Was Erza in Rave?
That's because other shounenbabs get assravaged by Fairy Tail. I'm not entirely sure why, I think they just get angry seeing tits. Like trying to pretend other shounen powerlevel scales are "logical" and getting angry at FT for nakama power winning everything? Autism, it's gotta be.
Laxus was legitimately going to fucking murder Natsu before Gajeel stepped in
>he doesn’t know
It's a long standing unwritten Yea Forums rule that other boards always have the best off-topic threads that are better than the topics homeboard since they're quarantined away from that boards normal userbase.
Back when Yea Forums would sagebomb shonenshit Yea Forums and Yea Forums had the best One Piece threads, and right now /m/ is having pretty good Astral Chain and DXM threads while Yea Forums has way better Kamen Rider threads.
Go ahead and tell me why an anime general belongs on Yea Forums
Today I will remind them
Go post in another thread and stop ruining our fun.
That's just the disguise for these threads, nobody is talking about the game
Fairy Tail aint even that bad, it's way better then Naruto in most regards and every big bad isn't immediately forgiven.
It's on the same level as literally every other Shounen is, you turn your brain off to watch 2 big sweaty brawny guys slug at eachother for 30 minutes.
I raise you
Goku going SSJ
Gohan going SSJ2
The multitude of times that Luffy got a new power up to protect his friends
All the friendship power ups from My Hero
All of the ass pulls from Bleach and JoJo
Getting mad because of friendship but excusing literally every other shounen that does it is retarded, and why Yea Forums is a terrible board for discussing anime. If it's not "shitty slice of life loli adventures #49489" then it will be shitposted into oblivion.
Sieg Hart was fucking based, man. I dunno who Mashima dropped the ball after Rave. It wasn’t anything revolutionary but it had some good moments.
Rustic OST's make my dick hard as fuck
And various wojak and Twitter threads are somehow better? At least this one has SOME game discussion.
>and managed to fuck up Jellal after going DF
Jellal beat his ass for most of the fight and lost because he held back not wanting to damage the tower and because of Erza's cut to his gut.
FT has absolute shit tier battles. Early Naruto shits all over it
Haru had a way better personality than Natsu plus he had a giant ass buster sword. Also canonically at the end of the manga he marries Elie or whatever and they have a kid together.
There also Simon getting in the way.
Quote 30 posts talking about the game. Surely more than 10% of the thread talks about the game?
All anime games look like this, horrible. Bottomfeeders keep buying though so it will stay like this forever
A giant ass buster sword that can transform, no less. Ten Powers was a cool ass sword.
Post lust magic
nobody is going to quote 30 posts you faggot, this isn't reddit
I love Fairy Tail but it fell faster than Shippuden. The problem with it is that fights eventually turned into a Fairy Tail member getting smacked around for a bit before one-shotting their opponent, and also that there's never any tension or danger because someone will just one-shot the villain and save the day. Early FT has great stories and humor.
This isn't Yea Forums either so fuck off
The series has some real good arcs and moments overall. Early FT is good but can get really boring and doesn't really peak until Tenrou
After timeskip peaks at GMG and Tartaros
Then Alaverez is a fucking slog and boring as sin
I haven't seen much Fairy Tail but how often does this seriously happen in the series?
Alright, if you can show me 10 different threads talking about video games, not using buzzwords like Soul vs Soulless" or obvious bait or using an anime image to get replies, i'll concede.
Not that much honestly. What your seeing is the final arc, which is shit tier in every way and has several god awful asspulls and fake deaths
Click the Catalog link at the bottom of this page
I feel like Tenrou ruined the series.
Every fight against a somewhat strong enemy
>he couldn't do it
it was 10 threads user, thats all I asked for
i can't believe jellal is fucking dead
>tfw no Rave Master hack n slash in the same vein as Devil May Cry that takes advantage of Haru’s transforming swords aspect for some CUHRAZY gameplay
It hurts.
That's the midpoint of the tournament arc.
At least it has that sick Reel Big Fish song.
I told you where to find them. This also has nothing to do with this anime thread on the wrong board
Go backseat mod somewhere else you stupid little newfag.
He also wasted a shit ton of magic on Fairy Law and that Lightning trap thing he put up around the city.
Mashima mentioned his editors didn't want him killing people off and told him to pander to shippers. It was because of them Lisanna came back even though he had zero plans for her.
>Gust releases and Atelier have been extremely mediocre the last couple of years
>release two atelier games this year that absolutely no one gave a fuck about
>reveal ryza's design
>people go crazy and start making multiple threads a day on the design alone and acting like it's going to be the RPG of the year when every other Gust game has been a disappointment
Not saying this FT will turn out better, but no wonder Gust can get away with barely improving their shit from game to game. They literally don't even have to try.
If they're dead they can't sell merchandise.
Made me cry and I never cry.
I want Mashima to draw Ryza. That'd be pretty tops.
Not true. Ace died in One Piece like what, 5 years ago? And he still manages to be in the Top 10 of popularity polls and is shilled everywhere. If anything, dying only made him more popular.
>tfw no complete anime ever.
That hurts more. I wanna see shuda fuck Harris sister in anime.
Lulua was fun, didn't play Nelke
I think people are just mostly excited about the fact that this is FT's first console game ever.
I was talking about Ryza, not FT. Atelier barely got any attention around here before Ryza was revealed
What's with the design of the guild in the trailer? Is it an original storyline?
They said that the game starts after the Tenrou Island arc but there would be extra stories and original content too.
Oh, it's before it was rebuilt again. That make sense.
based, I hope we see more of pic related
oh man you are killing me , this joke is really funny
my wife Mira better be playable
a cat is fine too