>top 10 games list
>#1: Ocarina of Time
Top 10 games list
Other urls found in this thread:
stay utterly seething soisucker
every time
this board is the new Yea Forums, the notorious Yea Forums-i-tch
t. nincel
>Top 10 games list
>#1: Tetris
>top 10 games list
>#1: Thief
You forgot FF7.
Tetris is the perfect video game
>crypt of the necrodancer
>binding of isaac
>Top 10 Pokemon list
>#10: Ampharos
Do they just do that as the "safe choice" to piss off as few people as possible? I mean we are all used to seeing it at the top already
>Breath of the Wild
>Dark Souls
fuck that game
So based and redpilled
What kind of people save images like this? I can't see soijak posters as anything but a funhouse mirror of their own posts.
A toast to people who dont like thing
Too ten in no particular order
Time splitters 2
Perfect dark
Battlefield 2142
A link to the past
Advanced wars 2 black hole rising
TeS Oblivion
Fallout NV
.hack series
Payday 2
Eve online
Bonus wow classic - wotlk in place of Eve online
Judge the fuck outta me
whats #1?
look, it's been over 20 years, i think it's time to let go of your seethe, it's not healthy
chipie chip churrah!
>Is objectively the 2nd best video game ever made
>Noone ever has it in their top 10s
What is this phenomenon bros?
Why is this board so obsessed with So*? Don't you know being sedentary all day gaming raises estrogen way more?
You're seething but I bet you're also the type who would get mad if something like god hand got #1 or even made it on the list because it's a Yea Forums secret-club-tier hidden gem. There is no middle ground for shit like this, it's either too mainstream or too cult classic.
Serious question though, are youtubers still making content like this? The niche is pretty packed if you're not making OC.
found a picture of you
Fuck off retard, newer versions are better and just because it doesn't have outright flaws doesn't mean other games aren't better.
take your nostalgia googles off, you cocksuckers
OoT is a good nice game but extremely overrated
a link to the past was better
>Top 10 games list
>#1: Puzzle Bobble
Meant to post just this, sorry
I could shit upon your choices but instead I think you for your inclusion of Timesplitters 2.
>Top 10 games of all time
>4 Nintendo games
>old game good
>older game better
>top 10 Games list
>#1 Pomekn Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
>Top 10 best artists
>#1 pic related
they were both good
I personally prefer a link to the past
and even in a non personal way, I think it was better
felt more difficult, the map was there to explore, more things to do with your items, etc
No, ALTTP was factually better because it never aged one bit, it's timeless, like Chrono Trigger.
It's harder to admit to liking a 2D game from 1991 the best than being a poser and "liking" OoT.
>found a picture of you
>I have spent my life searching for the answers that my father, and my father's fathers, failed to find. Who were the Precursors? Why did they create the vast monoliths that litter our planet? How did they harness eco, the life energy of the world? What was their purpose, and why did they vanish? I have asked the plants, but they do not remember. The plants have asked the rocks, but the rocks do not recall—even the rocks do not recall.
>Every bone in my body tells me that the answers rest on the shoulders of a young boy. Oblivious to his destiny, uninterested in the search for truth, and rejecting of my guidance! And why would he want to listen to old Samos the Sage, anyway? I'm only the master of green eco, one of the wisest men on the planet!
Post your favorite vidya and your iq
>top 10 games list
>#1: startopia
toy story activity center
OoT is gets fellated by critics and Nintentoddlers everywhere but not that many people have actually played it because normal people had a PS1 back in the day. No over 13 year old in the right mind would buy a kiddie shit console just to play "Z0Mg, besT gAeem of aLL TIeM" like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword for the WeeWee.
Greatest shooter ever made
Ff ix
Probably slightly under 100 (smart enough not to trust online iq tests)
Am I late for the haha thread?
Did it occur to you that people can own than one console?
Sam & max hit the road
112 according to a medical IQ test at age 10
> SoulCalibur didn’t even sell 1 million copies and is that high
That’s fucking incredible
tetris just includes those. if i say tetris is my favorite game you really want me to name the specific version you faggot
>it's another "thing I don't like" thread
wojak me
Lost Planet 2
Did it occur to you that you suck big fat boners and smell like cheese you onions sucking ninshit coomer
breath of the wild and link to the past are better than ocarina if time.
please break down how the break brick game should get broken down buddy
My top ten list would make you guys mad af its just ps2 games that end in 2 for like half of it
what. when did Ninetales become an ice pokemon?
>niece automata anywhere on the list
dark cloud 2 better be in there
>accessing 4channel via phone
It never was, Metacritic was always inaccurate. Gamerankings is the place for reviews
I don’t wanna get out of bed
I haven't tried that one yet!
so far I can think of these
Sly 2
Ratchet 2
Def Jam fight for NY
Battlefield 2
Metal Gear Solid 2
>water #1
crummy as fuck
So it's objectively the 7th best video game ever made but poser preps still leave it out of top 10s :~(
>2. Soul Calibur
not gonna lie, pretty based
F.E.A.R. 1
Vampire the masquerade Bloodlines
Max Payne 1
Hotline Miami
Witcher 3
Fallout NV
Mostly going by hours pent in them.
There isnt a single place for any zelda game in any real top 100 list
U mad bro?
swap oblivion with morrowind and you would have the most generic Yea Forums-core list imaginable
>No elder scrolls
You forgot Dark souls
And I know for a fucking fact Tetris isn't your favorite game. You would know and care about the differences between versions if it was, you normalfaggot. Tetris is a series. It's not one game. Fuck you and everyone like you.
but oblivion is better
>top 10 games list
>#1: Panzer Dragoon Saga
>top 10 games list
>#1: DOOM
What’s the #1 favorite game of shitposters?
>Top 10 games list
>#1: Custer's Revenge
>only trash released between 96-2001
tick tock millennial cucks
the day of the zoom approaches
NEStris and TGMfag here, fuck you
>Metal Gear game
Only because it's so simple you'd have to actively try to fuck it up.
What the fuck is this supposed to represent?
>Top 10 games list
>#1: Silent Hill 2
It's always in my list of best gen 5 games. Problem is the series and also real life hype for xgames stuff has died.
postal 2
its in my top 10. game is near perfect. 3 might be the best in the series though
OoT is literally the soiest game there's even been, and now that soiboys have money, Nintendo is free to do anything because muh childhood, even though the N64 was shit, especially when compared to the SNES.
>speedrunning event circa 2017
>they have an audience cam for the twitch stream
>the camera shows a fatfag smelling the chair next to him
Love you too
This was from 2001, the point i was making is that this is what it’s real score was when it came out. It had around 50-60 reviews because Gamerankings adds new reviews & updates the scores over time. Whereas Metacritic stopped counting the reviews at 22 because it was a newer & small website at the time. So all of the Metascores for Pre-PS3 Generation games are mostly innaccurate.
>stay utterly seething soisucker
>top 10/20/50/whatever games list
>they are nearly all modern games
Gen 7
>family console
>buy it because you have a wife and kids
>have fun with your wife and kids
>must he an incel
Stick to your point and shoot consoles
The only people who worship the N64 are the people who grew up with one as a little kids.
Incredibly weak variety of games even at the time. All you get is the same repetitive cereal mascot 3D platformers and some passable at best console FPS's.
Flawless =/= perfect
It's literally the most Chad game ever. You go on a quest to save your Homeland from an evil from the desert and slay bitches the whole way there. You're delusional, but it's okay I still love you.
>Top 10 games list
>#1: Drakengard
I'm actually thinking about getting Ring Fit Adventure
it looks super fun
this thread is extremely negative, please use that energy to talk me out of wasting 90€
Unironically based
>super metroid
>zelda oot
>half life 2
Please make it fucking stop
I kek’d
i know, HL1 is so much better than 2
I never understood why people shat on the gamecube for having "no games" when the 64 was infinitely worse for that.
Hearts of Iron 3
Anyone else feel all the recent wojak hate is actually for the basedjak face?
Like, that is the ONLY one that actually gets spammed enough to really hate.
Exactly. HL2 is probably the one that offends me the most.
Both Ratchet 3 and MGS3 are superior to their respective 2nd games.
am gonna need some proofs here bro - nobody is that autistic
>top 10 games list
>Video games
i think you are mad that they would have to ask you your top 10 movies list
>Top 10 list
>Nier Automata
I like MGS3 but it is definitely not better than the first two.
I still don't fucking see what the big deal is with OoT
I've played it twice so far. It's just okay. I DON'T GET IT
but newer games are objectively better games.
Any game older than 5 y/o is only on a list because of pure nostalgia.
You seem like a cool guy
Would probably play vidya with
>Top 10 movies list
>#1: The Thing
>top 10 Worst games list
>#1: Ocarina of Time
The only downside is the menuing, which is minimal if you’re good at the game. 3 is at least better than 2 in terms of the level design, mechanics, controls, and story.
i do hope you know he was not actually sniffing the chair but the perspective is just too perfect
I'm too scared to watch The Thing
>dark souls
>resident evil
>fighting games
t.soidrinking zoomer
why are jap games so overrated in those lists
>Top 10 hardest levels
>Water Temple
>Top 10 scariest enemies
>Top 10 most annoying characters
Yes, I know, there's an extended version somewhere with context.
I still love the clip though.
>Top 10 Zelda Games
>#1. Adventure of Link
>The rest of the list is blank
I actually had some basedmilk the other day, it was pretty good.
Because japanese games are the only ones worth playing if you exclude strategy game and some rare outliers like Deus Ex or VTMB
>anywhere close to top 10
Fucking pcbros.
cashew milk > almond milk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> s*ymilk
Not my favorite game, but what would your list be like
based, if only the PC port wasn't so shit
mine would go
Almond milk > Normal Milk > Cashew Milk > Coconut Milk > Goat Milk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sploy
Oh wow a new filter?
Fucking valve drones.
Almond milk taste kind of like chocolate milk for some reason. Basedmilk shakes are pretty good, strawberry spy milkshake is awesome.
Mods for some reason think that wordfiltering insults makes you not use them. It's the same thing for the most common nintendo-, xbox- ,and sony-related insults.
goat milk is a bit rich for my taste
not necessarily bad though
why do faggots still reply to listfag's threads?
You know, this thread reminds me of that time I was shitposting on Yea Forums with my good friend Orville. We were doing this little competition, seeing whose thread could get more replies before getting deleted. Well, I mean- I mean if they even get deleted at all, since, you know, the mods sometimes just don't delete them. Maybe they never find out, or maybe they do but they just don't care. I suppose there's bigger problems to deal with than some silly wojaks or one-liner catchphrase threads. But then again some people would consider these types of threads to be more annoying, because people just keep replying to them. I guess it's just something about them that compels people to do it, and that keeps the thread alive because...no one really knows how to sage anymore. But anyways, where was I? Oh yes, the competition. Orville and I were preparing our threads to post, when Orville asked me- he asked me "why do you think people reply so much to these types of threads?". It was a good question, I pondered it myself on occasion. But I never did uh...find an answer. So I told him- I told Orville "sometimes people just feel like replying to bait threads". Because really that's just what it is. There's nothing forcing you to reply to one, yet you feel compelled to do so. It's just...just in the nature of some people I guess. Perhaps they seek validation. Perhaps they think they can outsmart the trolls or something, but we all know that's just silly. They thrive on attention, no matter what it is. It would be like...like feeding an animal in the hopes it explodes. Just silly and a waste of food all around. But anyways, Orville and I posted our threads and both reached bump limit. What a fine day that was.
You mean like YOU, user? LIKE YOU?
>top 3 games list
>#1: Half life 1
>#2: Half life 2
>#3: Opposing force
It's been filtered for a year at the very least, newbro
I'm not bumping so it's not like it really matters
Fair enough
2 is shit
>"[thing] is soi"
>NO U!!
your face is shit
Since when is the Thing onions? Fuck off
I can put up with it
oh no no no no o no no
oh man I never got to play Time Splitters my family were dirt fucking poor but mum came through and got me one present which was time splitters cut to my fucking piece of shit 10yo cousin attacking the disk with a fucking nail like an hour later
>Top 10 games list
>#1: Jagged Alliance 2
>top 10 movies
>#1. God of War
>everything went better than expected
>story about an Aryan hero saving his homeland from a subversive hook-nosed sandnigger
>top 10 games list
>#1: Drac's Night Out
>retarded thread
>it's a wojak poster
every time man
I'd advocate for My Summer Car to be on a Top 10 Games of All Time list. In what other game can you play as a young Finnish man in the mid-90s and build your own car, get drunk, die from being too dirty etc.? It's positively fucking inspired.
On another note, why do I never see something like Civilization, Ultima, Master of Orion, Total War, HoMM on any Top 10 list? Is it because they require more than moving your character from left to right or what?
>Top 10 most annoying characters
I'm currently playing OoT on an emulator and i'm halfway through. Navi hasn't bothered me at all. She does give some useful for less experienced gamers (i.e. kids and retards). The only ones who claim that it is the "le most annoying game character" are the fake TBBT-tier gaming nerds, who have no individuality and parrot everything they hear from others. They can drink a mixture of gasoline and bleach for all I care.