
Name a better villian in vidya history.
I'll wait.

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anyone who doesnt get fucked off by cat girls and midgets

I guarantee you by the end of the story Zenos will be a much better villain. He's certainly a much better rival.

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He is not a villain though
He is in the right

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Is it a spoiler to know this guy is a villian? I'm playing through XIV right now.

Not really, his introduction definitely informs you of his bad guy status. Also, why is this thread up? We already have a xiv thread.

I'm on Storm Blood, playing through this game thus far had made me hate common folk alot, they are all do dumb and afraid all the time.

No we don't. The other one is just a shitty lala circlejerk.

I see. Carry on then lad.

Andrew Ryan
Generic Grunt #162 in Halo 2's 1st level

t. Lyse
Go back and clench your fist some more

You're a fool if you thought this was an actual thread instead of some poorly disguised /xivg/

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Sans Undertale

I think Zenos is good for the literal opposite reason of Emet-Selch. Emet has a sympathetic, albeit misplaced motivation, they journey with the WoL and offer legitimate help for the sole purpose of seeing them through to the inevitable conclusion. Zenos has literally zero nuance, his sole objective is fighting the greatest opponent he has ever faced and he will burn absolutely anything in his path to realize such a petty dream.

The new Tales from the Shadows is about him, too.

You know, I love the fuck outta SC2, but honestly, Emet-Selch is just ever so slightly better than the Kzer-Za. The Kohr-Ah kinda ruin the Ur-Quan by simply being edgy murder baddies.

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Alright fags, I want to finally get into XIV, yes mostly to erp as a healslut, what's currently the best version and place to buy?

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Yeah basically. Emet is one of those characters at war with himself. He very clearly wants the Warrior to be right but is weighed down by eons of disappointment, guilt, and a healthy tempering. He's the kind of person who is so stuck on doing the "right" thing that he ends up doing awful shit despite never really being a "bad" person. He never lies, only misleads occasionally, and genuinely wants to see an alternative that's viable. The fact that he will never accept the alternatives as "good enough" due to his tempering is also a great little piece of ambiguity and drama equatable to stuff like schizophrenia. Having a "fuck you, me me me" villain is a smart move instead of trying to follow that up.

It also helps that they make good metaphors for people playing MMOs "wrong"; the players who rebuke change and can't let a game go and the ones who only want hard fights and ignore all other content.

>le moral relativism man

Dont get the steam version. The SE store is the best way to get the launcher and the game

If you don't have a toaster, PC.
For the love of god buy directly from Square, if you buy through Steam you're stuck jumping through hoops forever, Square's account system is bad enough on its own.
Just buy Shadowbringers ($40, expansions) and XIV Starter Edition ($20, base game). All expansions come included with the newest one. Anything else is fucking yourself.

Also, the game is free up to level 35. Take advantage of that.

Don't. You can't play the first 2/3 of A Realm Reborn for free if you buy it. Google "XIV FREE TRIAL."

Thanks, so just play the free version until it tells me to buy it then buy it from the site, right?

Don't underestimate midgets.

Quick rundown?

Quick recap rundown? I vaguely remember some stuff.

The first guy is from an original immortal race of people from a paradise on Earth that was implied to have accidentally destroyed themselves with their own imaginations. Through a series of shenanigans, their reality got fractured into fourteen pieces, which he wants to rejoin into one whole piece in order to bring back his race. The trade-off is that this will kill the mortal people that were born as a result of this fracturing, but he's okay with that as he sees them as less than human due to his unique state of existence.

The second guy is just some sociopath weeb with a fetish for people trying to kill him.

Emet doesn't have misplaced motivation, he was literally working to bring back his entire species


Literally any other FF villain, Sephiroth, Kefka, Ultimecia, Kuja etc let alone other JRPGs. He's good for an MMO though