Comfy Switch Thread

Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?

What are ya playing?

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Because I can't afford to splurge on one with the three games I want.

port # 4294967295

Replaying Shakedown Hawaii, I was planning on doing so after the Full Tank update dropped but I kept putting it off.

>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.

Playing Smash right now
Wish I had friends to play FFA with, waiting for Squad Strike.

>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)

Sticks and stones, user.


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Am I comfy? Kinda. Astral Chain's post-game missions make me want to toss my Switch across the solar system though. I think I'm gonna just quit trying to level up all my legions and the game in general. It is clearly going to take a very long time, unless any of you know a quick way to farm gene codes?

Aside from that, I'm getting more and more into Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice.

Not gonna buy Link's Awakening after all. I'll just play the GBC version on my 3DS. I've never pplayed it so I guess I should play the original instead of buying a 60 dollar 1:1 copy with updated visuals.

I've got a week off from work so I guess it's Switch time.

I'm considering buying one more Switch game that's currently out right now. Physical, so I can get it from Gamestop today. Any ideas? A cheap one.

I wish there was a magic button to just send everything from one switch to the other so I could get a lite

okay, retard

Should I buy one?
I've borrowed a Switch + Astral Chain from a friend and I'm having a blast.
That said I have absolutely no interest in Zelda, Mario, etc and I sort of resent it being so underpowered.

No retard. It's almost 2020 what's the point of buying a crappy 2010 tablet are you insane? What are you going to play on this weak shit, overwatch in 720p 30fps? Don't let yourself be trapped by the nintendautism.

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Astral Chain is a ton of fun
Gonna get LA on Friday

Debating getting Daemon x Machina after that, or just waiting for a sale on that and doing another 3H route instead

My PS4 has been collecting dust for awhile, probably will be until Shenmue 3 is out

who the fuck plays western shovelware like Overwatch nowadays?

>“NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
If you have to explain the joke, then there is no joke, fagmo

these get a yikes from me

>these get a yikes from me

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Yeah, been playing D:os2

I think I might go ahead and get one of those new switch models with the upgraded battery. I have the disposable income.
Especially since it doesn't look like you're going to be able to just buy a new battery and slap it on the old switch. Nearly double the battery life is nothing to gawk at.

Join a clan or a forum. Those are the best ways to get into the community. Or look for local tournaments and make friends there. Honestly you dont have to be best best friends with anyone to have fun playing.

hmm sorry sweaty but you need to cope

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Why are niggermutts such big fans of nintenturd?

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You sound like an absolutely miserable person.

Be quiet, mutt

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Finishing up Valkyria Chronicles 4 then gonna focus on Astral Chain. I still need to order Link's Awakening. Also playing Smash as always.

Also fucking holy shit I am excited for the end of October, I'm so god damn hyped for Disgaea 4 Complete+

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>yfw a new kfc is opening in da hood

>falling for stale pasta

first day on Yea Forums?

Bought one with Astral Chain. Haven't completed it yet beause it was really boring.

I wish you'd stop posting this wojak.

>haha anyone who is black loves the Ps4

There are so many blacks who love the Switch, and here you are throwing them under the bus, in a comfy switch thread no less.

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Trying to get back into FE3H after a bit of a break. Still haven’t got past the school phase of my first playthrough

Playing Kirby clash and MUA3 with the boys, extremely comfy. Kinda any to pick up star allies now


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The DualShock is a gimmick, better graphics is a gimmick.

Never said that I was playing on cucksoles you little braintarded nintentoddler. Sony should thanks all of you mongoloids for the free rent.

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Astral Chain. Trying to get S+ on this fucking motorcycle mission in file 9.

So bummed that the Kirby games are 30fps. It really hurts it

>Caring about niggers
Reddit is this way boy

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keep coping negro

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hit the weights you autistic fatso

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>dock scratches screen

Is there a way to tell if mine will do this before it happens? I remember hearing they fixed whatever was causing it.

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>mutilated dick muttoid calling anyone a negro

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Nice picture. Has one user ever self-owned as much as you?

>I'll switch my wojak, that'll show him!

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Nice to see the mods and janitors doing their jobs in this thread

Just ordered that little switch thingy to hack Switch, I don't even own a console yet. But I'm going to hack hell of it. IMO there are 3-4 games intresting to me and buying them will cost same price as console.

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Kill yourself, autist

another proud owner of the 300$ chink tablet I see

nice selfi

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another proud son of a whorish mother i see

Finishing TWEWY secret reports, I kinda like this version but it's not as good as the DS one but still enjoyable

Gonna continue with Patobox and The Last Remnant, also I have my Astral Chain copy still sealed.

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Work on your shitty comebacks and delete your wojak library nintentrannie.

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Just finished Gothic 2 for the very first time, fucking amazing game.
Thinking about giving myself a big shot of anime tiddies after all the angry ugly German roleplaying and get the Xenoblade 2 DLC. Is Torna worth my time?

how is the handheld mode? The lite is looking attractive to me but not if i'm basically getting unplayable versions of games

>someone is this assblasted over Nintendo getting good games

stay utterly buttblasted you autistic faggot cuck

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are you gonna keep crying like the bitch you are? retarded beta faggot

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I'd like to know where are the good games, because I'm not interested in any yellow rated overshilled memes like anal chains, Funko Pop awakening 60$ edition and daemon x machinima

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Depends on the individual game.
Many games work fine in handheld, but be aware that "work fine" essentially means 720p30, with occasional frame drops or dynamic resolution scaling, on low settings.
It's still impressive for a portable and light device, but you really have to manage your expectations.
Also, wait for consensus on the Lite's sticks. If they are the same cheap garbage as the Joy-Cons, they'll start to drift, and then you'll have to send in your whole console to get it fixed.

Oh yeah it is

I'm currently playing Somnium Files. It's stormy looking where I live. We should be getting rain and thunderstorms later today. So it's gonna be maximum comfy

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I guess that is still an upgrade compared to 3DS if I look at it that way but waiting is always the best option

Thanks friendo. Will fire up Torna in that case.
Does it perform better than the main game in handheld mode? Played the base game in docked mode all the way because of the resolution drops tbqh.

Get fucked niggers.

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Jesus fucking christ, this is the thrid thread in a row now ruined by all you fucking idiots falling for the same baiting shit. I can't possibly begin to understand how retarded you are.


Perhaps I am baiting too, ah well

guidance on what


Sorry but my need for constant shitposting is stronger.

What are your concrete questions? Might be able to help, I bought mine on launch and played it a ton since then.

There are some drops in handheld mode, but it's nothing bad in my opinion. When there's a lot going on during a battle then it some frames drop, but like I said it's not bad. I play 90% of the time in handheld mode and I highly enjoy it. I play in docked mode when I want to see the beauty in the world

Whats your top 10 games for switch Yea Forums?

>insults Nintendo
>owns a Nintendo console and popular Nintendo game
What did you mean by this?

go watch some cgi movies

Thanks much dude. Appreciated.
Enjoy your comfy mystery game!

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Thank you for your time user. Basically i'm looking to play mario kart with everyone else in the office, i have fond memories of playing it on DS lite, the only zelda game i've played is phantom hourglass and I keep being told that mario maker 2 is really good.

I'd also like to try and get into more weeby type games and want to play ni no kuni and other games comfortably in bed. Of course i may be bigging this up a shit ton in my head to then get disappointed when i finally get it but i don't know.

I will never be using it in docked mode but i don't want the lite in case the joycons get fucked and the screen is smaller

Didn't knew I signed a contract forcing me to worship Nintendo the moment I bought one of their products. Thanks for telling me.

Well, I have a Switch, and I can make some recommendations if you want.

>has some good ports if you like playing on the go. Avoid anything with performance drops, like Doom, because Bethesda is lazy and will never fix it. Into the Breach and Hollow Knight are pretty cool, give them a spin if you can
>Daemon X Machina is cool if you like robots. Just be prepared to stomach a cringeworthy borderlands-tier story
>avoid anything else with an anime artstyle, like Xenoblade, Astral Chain, Fire Emblem, etc. They're basically cinematic experiences with no gameplay. You can see this in the discussion threads that are nothing but them jerking off their waifus. Same reason why I recommend avoiding Smash and Splatoon
>I'm not a big fan of alot of the mario games, but I haven't heard anything negative about Mario Maker or Mario Kart, so if they're your jam, go for it. Nintendo online is shoddy though, so expect some problems
>invest in a controller that isn't the POS joycons

It's an okay purchase, but you have to dig deep for the actual games and not the surface level shovelware.

No one can tell you exclusively you’ll enjoy all the games but I’m 37, pretty much played the franchises from release and I think BotW and Odyssey were excellent. Probably best go for joycons and dockable because, although you may think you’ll never use them, it’s always better to have something and not need it than need something and not have it

The switch for local multiplayer games and jp games is godly, and the good thing about those is that generally they run decently well too (unlike most third parties games from western devs).
When it comes to which model I would honestly go for a regular, I usually just play it handheld myself but occasionally bring it to friends' houses ,with the dock too, and hook it to their TVs. It's all pretty portable if you carry a backpack. About the possible drifting in the Lite, wait 3 months or so that's usually the period of time where joycons begin to show drifting signs.

>avoid anything else with an anime artstyle
now that's a retarded opinion

>avoid anything else with an anime artstyle, like Xenoblade, Astral Chain, Fire Emblem, etc. They're basically cinematic experiences with no gameplay. You can see this in the discussion threads that are nothing but them jerking off their waifus. Same reason why I recommend avoiding Smash and Splatoon

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You cant own a Nintendo and act tough.

Cheers for all the help I will save these, looking to buy one this weekend so you may see me again in the coming threads, thank you very much for your time

>You can see this in the discussion threads that are nothing but them jerking off their waifus. Same reason why I recommend avoiding Smash and Splatoon
Nigger you probably never touched Splatoon in your entire life to say that, or if you did you played for 1 hour without gyro and using the most blandest weapon available.

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Every time I've invested time in an anime game, it always ended the same.

>watching cutscene after cutscene of my waifu slapping me and calling me a baka and then showing her titties

With Splatoon, the majority is in the cringeworthy fandom that just jerks off to inklings 24/7. I don't even want to go back to the game if THIS it the fandom I'll be playing with online.

>mario kart with everyone else in the office
MK8 Deluxe is an excellent game, especially regarding bang for your buck. You get 48 tracks, most of them very good, and it runs like a charm. Haven't played local multiplayer on several Switches though, only docked splitscreen (oldschool yo).
>the only zelda game i've played is phantom hourglass
BotW is a very different game and a departure for the Zelda series. I personally find it excellent and would recommend that you give it a try if you're choosing to get a Switch. For classic Zelda, I'd recommend the (New)3DS for its OoT and MM remakes, Link between Worlds and its vast availability of classic Zelda games via Virtual Console.
>I keep being told that mario maker 2 is really good
Haven't used it creatively, only to play other users' levels. It's essentially infinite Mario content for many years, in many parts more creative than what Nintendo themselves have released in the last few years. If that's what you're after, it's great - I play it from time to time in short 10-30 minute bursts and definitely got my money's worth.
>try and get into more weeby type games
Switch is shaping up to be the next weeb game system due to the Vita being dead and Sony censoring / outright refusing to release some shit. I would recommend you try some "weeby" games on other platforms since they are not everyone's cup of tea. Also remember that "weebness" is a continuum. Ni no Kuni is more of a socially acceptable cute JRPG, then you get into stuff like the Disgaea games, Xenoblade and then on the other end of the spectrum stuff like Moero Chronicles (which is essentially a basic dungeon crawler with cute monster girls that you have to touch inappropriately to get them to join you fug u i liked it.
>I will never be using it in docked mode but i don't want the lite in case the joycons get fucked
Good move. Also, the big version at least gives you the option to dock it. You never know what life may bring, user

so a fandom will stop you from enjoying a good game/movie/show/book?


If it's a fandom I have to constantly interact with via multiplayer, then yes.

If you have bought a switch and hate weeb/mistake games you have made a pretty huge mistake. Once the PS5 comes out expect 3rd party support from western devs to go from low to absolutely nothing. I mean, even right now the best third party games are japanese: Monhun, Valk Chronicles 4, Tales of Vesperia... compare that to ports from last gen like Darkstalkers or Skyrim, ports that run like crap like Doom Wolfenstein 2 and that Wolfenstein that came out this summer.
>not playing a game because of a fanbase
not gonna (you) you because it's pretty obvious bait

how's spyro

Don’t you children have homework?

my wife's son simulator 2019

>people who play Nintendo are children, I only play mature games for mature gamers as myself
History really does repeat itself. I remember posting the same shit 2006, when I was a cool 17yo teenager.

can you play it as your first disgea?

decent port, but physical cartridge requires a download
the game itself is fine, if you have nostalgia for it you are gonna like it a lot, if you don't but like that style of game you will probably enjoy it aswell

you should have a hard plastic protector anyway

Then I guess I'll just stick to indie games since the AAA scene is becoming ASS.

>not playing a game because of a fanbase
Tell me why I should tolerate people who spam threads 24/7 talking about how they want to lick their waifu's armpits? And since Splatoon has jack squat to keep me interested, I can't even recommend going back to it.

The gameplay is the purest shit ever done on console, it wipes the fucking floor with the bodies of every shooters on niggerstation and xbone by giving you controls that are as fast and precise as mouse/keyboard, I played for years on PC and when I pick sniper in Splatoon it's exactly like if I was back in tf2 doing quick headshot. But with a gamepad.

If people are obsessed with the waifus it's because the art is good that's all.

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Got a switch normal, thinking whether its worth it to get a switch lite instead as i play 100% mobile.

not him, but you can
the only issue of starting with 4+ or 5 is that it will make going back to an older Disgaea harder since they have been introducing tons of QoL

Woke and Based

I'm no stranger to the trilogy. I'm just worried about there being frame rate issues

Same but some games run like shit on mobile so I figure it's worth the extra $100 to have the option. Also if the controls break you can just buy another pair of joycons instead of having to buy a new switch.

>The gameplay is the purest shit ever done on console,
It's still a console shooter, thus permanently tainted. I hated the gyro controls so much that I just opted to play using twin sticks. It'll never be good until they officially work in KBM controls. I will accept no less. Same reason why I refuse to play Metroid Prime on consoles anymore. The KBM hack for Dolphin has officially spoiled me beyond redemption.

>if people are obsessed with the waifus it's because the art is good that's all.
It should never hamper gameplay discussion. If it does, then the artstyle has officially become a detriment and should be removed.

I'm looking forward to animal crossing

Daemon X Machina.

There doesn't seem to be another source of weapon arm upgrades outside of a single mission though and grinding it is pretty brutal :(

Playing Astral Chain, SNES app, River City Girls, Tetris 99, and Smash. Just finished Fire Emblem, got Zelda Link's Awakening, Untitled Goose Game, Luminous Avenger Ix, Dragon Quest XI, and Luigi's Mansion 3 on the horizon. And Shantae whenever that drops.

I adore my Switch and it has far and away eclipsed any other system as my most played right now.

Just finished file 11 for Astral Chain

Don't really feel like doing 70+ missions for file 12 so I made a new file on BotW

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>It's still a console shooter, thus permanently tainted. I hated the gyro controls so much that I just opted to play using twin sticks. It'll never be good until they officially work in KBM controls.
Imagine being so narrow minded that you can't afford to take 10 minutes to adapt yourself correctly to a new control scheme and work with the option menu to find the correct gyro sensibility

Imagine picking twin sticks only over sticks+gyro

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just put a sock on the dock

I gave it a genuine shot. But it HAS to be just as good as KBM, or I won't consider it worth using. There's no "almost" here. I see no reason why I should compromise and use a worse control scheme. What do I get out of it? Waggle 2.0, where I have to constantly adjust gyro sensitivity and reset my camera constantly? No thank you. A mouse and keyboard have worked fine for me for years. I don't need to waggle it in the air or constantly reset the settings. It just werks out of the box.

did you play the free week of splatoon? do you know how the multiplayer works in that game??

How are you going to convince the normies retard to play their console fps/tps with a mouse/keyboard? Gyro is the greatest advancement we can hope for console shooters for now.

I played and beat the games, and I still have them. However, when I play online, I like having a team to talk to. And since the game itself doesn't accomodate this, I have to find alternate ways of chatting with my teammates. UInfortunately, any skype or IRC or discord chat dedicated to Splatoon was nothing but porn dumps and waifushit..No helpful gameplay discussion to be found anywhere, nor did anyone want to play online.

This is not acceptable, and there is no argument to be made that can justify this.

How is handheld mode for Astral Chain and DxM? I'm getting a yellow Lite.

>How are you going to convince the normies retard to play their console fps/tps with a mouse/keyboard?
Why are you pandering to the "normies" in the first place? I'd rather gatekeep them so they can't drag the medium down further.

Astral Chain feels surprisingly good
DxM is kinda ok if a bit cramped, but the motion controls do help

Cool, thanks for the heads up.

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate or Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition. Both have given me over 300 hours each and I've got tons yet to do.

It's 30€ where I live, but I'm used to 60fps monster Hunter 3u on 3ds.
Should I try this one still?

ID fixed doom. Bethesda had nothing to do with it. It's playable.

Sub 30 FPS is not playable.

They didnt use a different design on the lite joysticks to not have that problem?

Did you like 3U? Generations Ultimate has a ridiculous amount of content. Over 100 monsters, 6 styles for every weapon type. It's only 30 FPS which sucks compared to 4U on the 3DS, but the content plus being able to play it using a real controller (ie not a handheld) makes it my favorite MH.

I'm a few chapters into Three Houses on Maddening. Early game is surprisingly not bullshit like Lunatic. So far I'm feeling like this is how the game was meant to played.

I think it's perfectly playable, but you can always try the demo to see for yourself

I tried to buy a switch from a tech shop last week, I asked the guy at the counter if they had the latest versions in stock with the extended battery life and he told me I was thinking of the switch lite. I gave up after he kept telling me there's only one model of switch at the moment not a version with longer battery life. Mad.

Imagine being a binger

Yeah, I'm enjoying my switch.
Been playing astral Chain. This sneaking mission is bullshit.
Kill yourself

Bought it for the mobile aspect and can’t complain. Currently playing Torchlight 2, based Matt Uelmen.

30fps is still playable, it's impressive for what you'd get on 2012 tablet hardware. I've beaten the game on nightmare. Have you played it lately?

I didn't know about one with longer battery life. Is there a way to differentiate aside from serial number?

not unless you take the shell off. There's a couple differences in board/wire placement.

They have different boxes,

The old one has the switch on a white background with a hand placing it.

The newer one has the switch one it's own and a completely red background.

I don't want to order one online because it's basically a fucking lottery whether or not you get the better one even though they cost the same amount.

>30fps is still playable,
That's not what I said. I said sub-30 FPS. If your game can't even maintain that, it's not worth buying.

>it's impressive for what you'd get on 2012 tablet hardware
And why should I care? It's not my job to make compromises. Nintendo is the multi-trillion dollar company here. Can't they shell out for better hardware?

Since it is portable only, how is the performance and visual quality on games compared to the original Switch? And battery life?

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no because i can't afford $60 for food let alone video games

i'm going to hack it once i can afford a microsd card over 64gb and then enjoy the shit out of gay weeaboo games

Was gonna get three houses today but the store was out of stock and I'm not paying the eshop price, So nothing I guess

Peasantry isn't comfy, user.

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It's the exact same specs. Battery life is 30 minutes longer I think.

I feel like I got too much on the plate right now.

Astral Chain
Daemon X Machina
Gun Gun Pixies
River City Girls
Risk of Rain 2
Dragon’s Dogma

All while dipping in and out of Monster Hunter World on my PS4.

Trying to finish 3H, then I'm playing through the Fatal Fury franchise
Taking a break from Astral Chain and action games in general for a bit, will probably jump into DXM and MHGU and Iceborne and File 12 next week

But not longer than the die shrink switch right?

I can smell your SEETHING from here, user. See a doctor.

Doesnt look that bad

I only have Pokemon Let's Go Pee and Disgaea 1. Thinking about getting Yomawari or an Atelier game next.

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Just got what I assume was the bad ending in Blasphemous. Had no idea that you can destroy the guilt statues for hidden challenges.

Pretty impressed with how this is running so far. Huge explosions will briefly tank the framerate but for the most part it runs far better than I ever expected.

Fuck Peeper.

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>Gun Gun Pixies
have some decency, that game is really bad, even when you're used to funny little kusoge, it's just shit.

The fact that you can share cloudsaves with Steam was genius

Is this thread finally comfy now?

Any (J)RPGs on Switch with decent character/build customization? Something with replay value like Dark Souls and Etrian Odyssey.

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Trying to decide between a switch + pro controller + games (smash, botw, Tetris99, and odyssey) or just dropping $500 on upgrading my headphones amp and dac on my PC this Black Friday.

Really unsure which to go for. I hardly have time for games, but I spend a hell of a lot more time on my PC than any game console, so upgrading the audio there seems like a massive quality of life boon.

Im also worried that some sort of switch XL will come out soon, making my switch purchase feel a little less valuable. What do?

I just started and it doesn’t seem any different from other ecchi garbage aside from being a TPS. What’s wrong with it?

The fucking jumps, how can you stand the fucking jumps


If you don’t have that bad of an itch to get a switch right now then don’t do it. Maybe get the extended battery life version when it comes out. XL seems unlikely considering how big the switch is already. Pro version is definitely in the pipeline for the future but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it yet.

It's a good sign when the biggest problem you have this year is TOO many games to play instead of last year where we got fucking two

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I'm finishing the last sidequests in BotW before I trade it in on Friday. I'm on the one where the boy asks you to bring him weapons from all over Hyrule. Goddamn Frostspear is impossible to find in the wild.

I don’t even use jumps much aside for platforming anyways. I’ll admit that it feels a bit too “forceful” but it’s nothing that gets in the way for me.

FF is gay and only liked by nostalgic millenials.

It always takes 2-3 years for a new system to start getting games.

Can't comment on the original Links Awakening, but I had a blast with the Face Dungeon in the remake.

Camera's looking a little sketchy but otherwise this may be my game of the month.

Maybe so, but I still have Wii U flashbacks and the last thing I want is everything to fall apart again

Why do I have to be poor

Thank god I didn't cancel my pre-order yet.

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Third party exclusives are a little uncommon at the moment but goddamn the Switch is getting absurd support compared to Wii U. Even if you consider them a bit late at this point
>Diablo 3
>Divinity 2
>Neverwinter Nights
>Baldur's Gate
>Ni No Kuni
>The only two games worth a shit on Xbone so far.
Meanwhile the Wii U's support consisted of, like, fucking Minecraft and that's it.

I just beat DQ builders 2 for the second time and it was just as fun as the first time. I’m now using my 3DS to play DQ V for the first time

ill buy it for you give me your info bruv

that good girl hairstyle but with the water-gym-whore outfit looks hilarious

Switch pro when? Been holding out on getting an updated model for battery life just for more performance

Wii U got ME3, Darksiders, and AC3 too before they pulled the plug. Also I'm really sick of seeing people tout the Switch's third party ports like they're something to be proud of. They all look like shit and run at 15fps, or are 25 years old and cost $50. I really don't understand the kind of people who bought a Switch because they want to play Witcher or Skyrim in 15fps/240p.

When the FUCK are they gonna make those SNES controllers available for EU? It's already the 18th here

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I’m playing Celeste and was wary of it because of Yea Forums, but I actually really like the game’s message and can relate to Madeline.
Gameplay is trial and error bullshit though.

Just tried Grid Autosport and joycons feel fucking awful for racing games.

I would be playing my switch if my gf didn't kidnap it to play dragon quest builders havnt seen it for 3 weeks

Shitch just sounds like the person saying it has a lisp and makes them sound dumb instead

Astral chain looks good and plays fine while DxM looks like garbage and plays ok

Just finished Link's Awakening remake. 6/10 at best

That has nothing to do with the post, though. Aside from that are you just going to ignore the perfect ports of Cuphead and Ori and pretend they run at 240p as well? Do they not count despite being $20, the same price as the Steam versions at the moment?

Is it just a $60 gameboy game or did they add content?

I'll probably probably buy a Switch soon.
My inner jew tells me to get a Lite, but I would like some advice on whether that looks to be a wise decision. Switch owners, how gimped does the Lite look in comparison?

The only additional content I found was the dungeon maker that isn't very fun or interesting. It just lets you put together premade tiles from dungeons you clear

Just get the 8bitdo SNES controllers.

Premade pre-existing rooms I meant, sorry. It just lets you put them together as tiles on a grid

I'm free to talk about multiple related subjects in a single post, shithead. And a couple 2D indie games doesn't stop Witcher and Skyrim from running like shit. Stop defending bad ports.

About as gimped as the regular switch’s portable mode. Meaning some games will do well while some will struggle. All without the option of being able to just plug it in the TV. Personally I don’t recommend the switch lite to someone who really wants to get into the console.

It's the same exact system except it's missing every single feature except "it plays games" and still costs $200. Some games do run better docked and you will be stuck in handheld mode forever, so think about whether sacrificing all the utility of a Switch is worth saving a hundred bucks.

What's the long term plan greenlighting and supporting indies and auteurs like swery? It seems like a long play for cult hits but I don't know

maybe they are trying to replicate a Nier Automata situation, where a sequel to an originally obscure game gets massive sales even with a relatively low budget thanks to an author with a cult following, and a very nice waifu ass

Anyone know if those fake Pro Controllers are any good? I saw a couple videos on Youtube and they said they were nearly identical to the originals except for the lack of amiibo functionality, but they are quick impressions, not long term.

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Hacking my launch model right now, waiting for a bigger SD card to come in, looking up how to install legal cartridge backups

Skyrim runs at 900p/30fps docked, and surely you're not retarded enough to demand native 4k from a $300 device the size of a DVD case. Witcher isn't even out yet, might as well bitch about Metroid Prime 4 running at 640p/15fps. Course you're shitposting so that is an option for you.


Can’t wait for Untitled Goose Game

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0 arguments

You need to shitpost harder zoomer.

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Thanks for the advice.

Wasn't that stolen by EGS?

What were you expecting when you bought it? Like I'm curious why anyone would buy a Nintendo console post 2003 if they didn't like Nintendo games.

Beat Astral Chain the other day. It was fun but I felt it started to drag for me a little bit towards the end. The combat was probably my least favorite of any platinum game I've played. Still fun, but even NieR's combat was better imo because of the uniqueness to it's 2d ---> 3d transitions and camera angles and what not.
Going to buy Luigi's Mansion & Tokyo Mirage, pending good reviews.

Finally finished Torna over the weekend, holy FUCK was it stupid to have mandatory side quests but the ending was k i n o. Looking forward to XC:DE.

I think I might replay horizon zero dawn this week and finally try to beat it on Ultra Hard. It's so brutal though.

>Decide to get 1 SNES online controller
>Fuck it, I'll get a second one today
>Already out of stock

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My pickups so far. Any recommended games?

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last game I gave a shit about was mario odyssey, so it has been a dust collector for ages, and then suddenly they released SNES titles with the online subscription, I find myself playing with the console pretty much every day
not sure what I'll do when I've finished all of these games though

There are worse things than having too many options
Even just indie games are keeping me busy, along with me trying to catch up on some SNK history before Terry releases

I'm getting a Switch Lite in a couple of days. Is there a consensus list of games to pick up apart from that one bait tier list?

Wait for the next batch
Maybe try some indie stuff or games you missed in the past

For PC yeah
It's EGS and Switch

Just bought one today with Atelier Nelke, Atelier Lulua, and I'm waiting for Valkyria Chronicles 4 complete to download since it was on sale.
Can't wait for Mary Skelter 2 and Atelier Ryza next month.

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Platformer - Odyssey
Adventure - BotW
Shooter - Splatoon

>buying a jig to use on a new switch

you're not this retarded are you?

What do you think the chances are the Switch gets Windwaker HD and the 3DS Zelda remakes?

unfortunately I've already checked out a lot of these games on PC in recent years
any hidden gems that work particularly well with the Switch?
I remember there was a port of the original Rayman to the DSI(?) which I really liked, too bad that's not on Switch
what I'd really like is something that I can put hours into, like MGS Peace Walker

Wind Waker HD very likely

OoT/MM probably not

-local multiplayer: Smash, Mario Kart, Puyo Puyo Tetris
-online multiplayer: Splatoon 2, Smash (netcode isn't the best though), Rocket League
tons of hours of content: Monster Huntert GenU, Hyrule Warriors
-JRPG stuff: XBC2, Tales of Vesperia, Fire Emblem, Valkyria Chronicles 4 or 1, Final Fantasy games, DQ XI, Labyrinth of Refrain, Disgaea 5, Ni No Kuni, Atelier
-Action Games: Astral Chain, Bayonetta
-Platforming: Mario Maker 2, Mario Odyssey, DKC TF
-others: Taiko no Tatsujin, God Eater 3, Captain Toad, shmups from Psikyo, Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon, Okami, DQ Builders 2, Clannad, Lumines, Katamari
-to avoid: Mario Party (lack of content), Mario Tennis (online is dead and there isn't much to do in single player), FE Warriors (Hyrule warriors is just better overall)

>Mario Tennis (online is dead

USA is decent but yes, every other non-JP region is dead.

XBC2 would look awful on the Lite though.

I played XBC2 mainly handheld, some areas were a bit rough on the resolution but with a smaller screen with a higher pixel density I think it would actually look not that bad

>dock scratches screen
I've had mine since launch and the screen is scratch-free. People aren't careful with their shit.

How does Valkyria Chronicles 4 run on the Switch?

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Really well. There should be a demo you can try.

Just been playing Gun Gun Pixies. No wonder Pqube held off on the PC release as well as a physical in NA.

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Gonna have to disagree on the combat. Nier's felt a lot less fun because of all the gimmicks and the enemies were boring to fight.

How do I cut off the fat on what I want to buy and determine what I really don't give a shit about?

The Switch is a garbage system, but I have been enjoying Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 quite a lot with a friend.

If you like RPGs Octopath traveler is decent - does get a bit boring though

Been picking Master Mode on BotW back up. The Great Plateau was awesome but everything feels kind of shitty right now because I'm basically locked out of combat by numbers alone. Really looking forward to Link's Awakening and Luminous Avenger iX, and I'll probably bite the bullet and buy one of those $250 Groove Coaster home controllers if the Switch version ends up being any good.


user you need to hug your mommy and take a nap, you're not yourself when you're sleepy weepy ;^)

It’s the most powerful handheld to date, retard

Patiently waiting for DQ11 Special


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i can get Xenoblade chronicles 2 for $33 right now. Is it worth it?

Yes. I'm playing Three Houses.

if you like jrpgs then yeah

Sounds pretty likely, honestly. I figured they were doing it to have a thriving environment for those kinds of games and remove the need to get one of the big boy consoles.

What should I get? I got Mario Maker a while back.

Playing Blasphemous and taking my sweet time. 90% and some change complete. Made it to the last boss and backtracking checking if I missed anything.

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Turf War is 3 minutes. Not enough time to meaningfully talk with your teammates

Was Bloodstained ever patched?

Don't believe so.

I'm hoarding my games right now so that I can take all of them with me to the police academy and play during free time.

>What are ya playing?
bought Smash Bros 3 days ago. maining Bowser. feels nice but i cant beat anybody Online...they all play like hardcore cyber sport people to me...

Its pretty fun. It plays way better solo though, the camera can get annoying in multi. Though it being such a clusterfuck is part of the fun I guess. Fuck the wakanda level

Just keep at it. You *will* see improvement if you stick with it and more so if you enjoy the fight for what it is rather than getting salty and obsessing with power rating.

I assume you're talking about the movie in which case you will probably want to bring something to do.

Yes i just play for fun now. Also just unlocked Ridly - absolutely love in-game model and additional skins. will be playing him too.
(i play Yoshi too)

I main Kirby, Pirhanna Plant and Ridley myself. Ult is my first proper go at a smash game. Tbh I was hesitant at first wondering if it would even click with me. After 300 hours and more to come I finally understand the hype. Fun af and once I put that battle rating out of mind my enjoyment escalated tenfold.

Curiously I find ultra low and ultra high battle rating matches to be unfun. Anywhere between one and three million I find the opponent to be more fun and organic(?) instead of tryharding cheap trick tactics. Also, some of the best players I feel can be found in arenas.

I fantasize about sitting at my desk at work and checking on my animal crossing village next year, or even just watching them hang out on the intro screen

>there's still retards that complain about the raw horsepower of a $300 Nintendo branded tablet

Unless there's some way to get at least 1050ti levels of strength in a less than 10watt power limit by 2022 your whining isn't going to do shit.

>turn on switch for some mario maker endless mode

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Because the values are in flux so it’s a lot more types of players with weirder styles
High rating becomes a matter of breaking habits and priming opponents into bad habits of their own

I bought Fire Emblem Three Houses, Astral Chain, and Daemon X Machina, and I'm drowning in gaem now.

I never knew having a disposable income was so dangerous. As a kid, having one game for months gave you time to enjoy it, and appreciate it. Now I'm getting gangbanged by new releases and my backlog and it's like all I do now is play Smash because I can pick it up and play it without having to learn stuff or manage inventories or follow stories.

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Go back to your alt accounts, 57_4f_52_50.

I feel you
I played Bayonetta 1 a fuck ton of times over, even fought Rodin and got the angel halo weapons
I can’t even imagine how much time I’ll have to play File 12
I guess it’s nice because I can bring the Switch with me to work but it’s just too much
Nintendo maybe should have offered to push DxM back to December for Marvelous so that it would launch in a killbox between Iceborne/Astral Chain and Zelda

I can only pick one since I gotta save for Luigi's Mansion 3 and Pokemon.
Which one?

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Does getting a job really make it easier to buy games? In college but have time for at least a part time job 3-4 days a week.

DQ11, not even a choice really

DQ XI hands down
a fuckton of content and probably one of the best jrpgs recently releasedf


Dragon quest

Yep, I didn't think I'd ever leave a game unfinished let alone untouched but here I am buying PQ2 without finishing the first.

By sheer content alone DQ is a hard deal to beat. That said DQ is the creator of the vanilla JRPG so don't expect anything new from it, also activate super monsters at the name entry screen or else it's so braindead easy that you are basically playing a VN.

Probably shouldn't expect much new in a Game Boy remake either, but it also won't bludgeon you over the head with 100+ fucking hours of its formula, either, which may be appealing to some.

I actually love the damn thing. Definitely gotten my moneys worth with Smash and Splatoon alone.

Just 100% Super Mario World and now I'm playing Super Metroid for the first time. Never thought the metroidvania style games would have appealed to me but I've been surprised with how much I'm enjoying it. I wish I had played it as a kid, but I doubt I would have made it very far anyway.

Did you get past File 2?

lol one of my first opponents was King K Rool that kept teabagging me every fucking time

more like nintendo shitch. it's an overpriced piece of shit

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Getting a switch pretty soon, is Octopath good for someone who's a fan of JRPG's like ff 1-6? I've heard such mixed things about it.

Huh, never occured to me

I'm guilty of this as well, especially playing co-op online. Choreographed tea bagging will never not be entertaining.

Yeah man. I don't go out much, cept for food, so my entertainment budget is thiccc.

I'm so flush, I've bought porn. And now I'm spoiled because all the free stuff has the quality of a decorative autumn squash.

It's alright. You'll probably like it, it's just not the second coming promised by bravely default 1 and 2 being almost great. There's a lot of other stuff you'll like more than the rpg selection, which is pretty nice considering all we've been getting lately.

i agree. this what i do in Overwatch as Junkrat and then reading whining in general chat "NO BRAIN RAT NO SKILL!!!!!! :("

I don't need it to be fantastic honestly, I just want a decent turn based JRPG that feels like the games I played as a kid. Dragon Quest almost scratches the itch but not exactly, but I will play it. I was actually going to ignore the Switch completely but then SMTV got announced for it and interesting looks games kept coming out for it.

Gameplay is simple enough
Artstyle is very charming

The main flaw is the story. It's almost entirely episodic for the whole main cast, and even the storylines with serious plots like Ophlia or O'beric get broken up since you can't just finish someone's plotline. There's a huge level spike to encourage you to go work on someone elses story.

That coupled with the fact that the characters never acknowledge other members of the party outside of little random blurbs after a handful of major plot events leaves the whole game feeling like a puzzle designed with missing pieces.

I hear they start interacting once you've wrapped up their major plotlines, but I didn't finish the game myself. Got to everyone's 3rd chapter.

I reccommend it if you don't mind getting you story by dripfeed.

Grandia 1 and 2 are coming really soon. 2 is one of my top 5 nostalgia games with good gameplay. If you already played them, then I don't really know I haven't played an RPG since mother 3.

Makes me think of a 3DS game called Legend of Legacy that flew under the radar but I had fun with. Story felt weird and segmented but I didn't mind. Thanks for the info user.

There is it’s called cloud saves and going to your account in the Eshop and redownloading all your shit.

You can share digital games between 2 systems you just can’t play the same online game at the same time

There's a demo that let's you play the first few hours and the save data carries over if you're interested. I found it entirely average in most aspects, though the aesthetic is kinda pretty and beating the shit out of every NPC is amusing.

I beat Links Awakening, then as soon as it started rolling credits, I got corrupted data... again.

I think this Micro SD card is messed. Anyone had experience with Switches and Samsung Evos?

Going back and forth between Superhot and Smash Ultimate. Banjo is really fun to play.

SanDisk here, sorry bro.

I wanna get AI, is it worth picking it up over the PS4 version? I'm about to pull the trigger, looks sick.

Uh, doesn't the Switch force a lot of games to save on internal memory? I think only a few games will save on the SD card, Xenoblade 2 for example, and that's only if the Switch is totally stuffed.

My other Sandisks have worked fine, but they are smaller size.
And I meant the game data, save data is fine on the console memory, but it happened about 3 times during Astral Chain. It means having to redownload the entire game again.

So, video games, are we going to talk about them or just post more wojaks?

Depends. If you're living with your parents and have a job, fuck yes. If you're paying all the bills yourself and your job has shit pay, you're not even going to be able to afford a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

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How's the DOOM (2016) port on the Switch? Kinda want to buy it to try gyro aiming

I've basically just forced myself to stop buying them until I at least finish Three Houses. I bought Astra Chain, ended up not liking it, and sold it to a friend for $40. I mean, the temptation to just break down and buy it is still there, especially with all the threads on Yea Forums, but it's better for me to just finish this fucking game. I still haven't beaten Xenoblade Chronicles Torna Golden Country, or Dark Souls Remastered.

Can the nuSwitch be hacked?

Not bad honestly. I mean yeah, it's capped at 30 fps, but it's a stable 30 fps, and there's no longer those weird sound glitches or glitches that prevent you from progressing certain levels.

Obviously it doesn't look as good as the PS4/Bone/PC version, but still good looking for a Switch port of D44M. I'd recommend giving it a shot.

>Legend of Legacy
if you enjoyed that one in a couple of weeks a remaster of Alliance Alive is coming out on switch which is by the same devs

Blurry as fuck undocked and the arcade mode's framerate is pretty bad. The main campaign is alright most of the time though. Also even if you get the cartridge, the multiplayer will take a hefty chunk of your storage space.


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I am enjoying my switch, but I do not have a nice chair to sit in.
How can I turn my bed into a couch?

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I took the freudpill. He was right about everything else

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Get Fucked slowpoke

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I did this too, and I recently went back and grabbed the old ps2 dark alliance games. I keep switching back and forth and finishing nothing.

Spent the afternoon playing RCG with my niece, she sprained her left ankle jumping on a moonbounce and cant do much else.

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if you really care about performance I would wait until there's some switch footage out

I have been playing video games since the 80s and can say with confidence that the switch is my favorite console of all time. The convenience of playing portable or docked perfectly fits my lifestyle. I travel a lot for work and to be able to play the same game in a hotel room or onna plane that I can at home on my TV fucking rules.

Playing Just Dance 2017/18/19 on a hacked switch with my nieces. Pretty comfy but I still prefer Just Dance on the Wii that had all the great jp songs.

but why tho?

Are they usb compatible or something or can they only play the 2 shit (s)nes games that come out each month?

They ain't even available in canada land yet.

I tried the switching back and forth thing, and ultimately it just doesn't work. Your focus is too split, and you end up finishing both in like.... 4 months, rather than finishing one in 1 or 2. Eventually your focus will lean in one direction or the other.I mean it sucks to go back to the other one and forget where you're supposed to go, or lose some of your skill, but with enough time you can get your barrings together and progress.

Fire Emblem on maddening is really starting to wear me out and I'm only on chapter 6.
Took a break today to play some Castle Crashers.

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Been playing the snes games

DQXI, it'll have even more content than the original release which already has a fuckton

They took the money and ran.

Faggot here that bought 2 of them a while back on eBay.
They really are identical to the real deal in every way that matters - HD Rumble, Gyro, Wireless, excellent battery life, and properly recognized as a Pro Controller. Never bothered with checking to see if they had an NFC reader because those things are for total faggots anyway.

Run your finger against the inside corner of the dock that the screen would rest against. Is it smoothly curved, or does it have a sharp point? The latter scratches screens, but the easy fix is to just drape the cleaning cloth over the dock.

Nintendo hasn't impressed me since the GBA. I have a Switch and I want a Lite, but I know I'll only play it for Tetris and Pokemon. Maybe when it's as easy to mod as a 3DS.

This is a copypasta that has been posted 86 fucking times since July. And you fucking smoothbrains still respond to it as if it were an original post. No wonder why dedicated and borderline autistic shitposters are such a problem on this board. You give them the attention their narcissistic asses crave.

>The Konami Anniversary Collection games are on sale on PSN but not on the eShop

Fire emblem three houses, just got past chapter 18 might need to take a break getting kind of bored. Wish dragon quest would drop already I beat it on PS4 and really want to do another playthough on switch

>he hasn't hacked his Switch yet
Playing through Mother 3 right now.

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Transistor and Hotline Miami
Me, it's fun. Feel free to convince me otherwise.
The main selling feature for me was that it's a "real" console I could play in bed/whatever chair in my house/the toilet. But I found I play it docked the most. If you really want portability the Lite may be the way to go, I'm tempted to get one as well.


where'd you buy it, could be corrupted or even worse a fake sd card that saves over itself because its 4gb card disguised as a 64gb. maybe backup and check it with a online program

Daemon x Machina

Is Star Ocean's eShop page up?

Playing Astral Chain and Blasphemous

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was playing links awakening a minute ago, game has a lot of charm and I actually like the art style but man why did they have to add that ugly octopath blury filter, its really distracting

Every neighbourhood in the US will look and function like this by 2100, its tragic

does nintendo do sales like steam, ps4, xbox do?are they weekly?
if so how often?

Are the Doom games playable yet?

there is a new sales every week lasting a week or two from publishers we just had a capcom then ea sale and now a sega one. only expect nintendo licensed games to only go on sale during big events like E3, xmas, black friday usually just 10-20 dollar off their listed price.

indies are constantly on sale but dont expect steam sized ones but even stuff like transitor and hollow knight have gone for 3-8 dollars. just keep a wish list and hopefully you get a email when they do.

ape escape

What are the odds of a Switch Pro release?

That's an invalid port.

The max number for any port is 65535.

Then the fags did away with ports altogether in version 6.

Probably in two years

I'm surprised there aren't more threads about how lazy LA is and how unstable the framerate. Know I'm a bit late to the party but I thought at least the game should have had a stable 60

Holy shit, I hope so.

In the future

>v6 is still a back burner hobbyist protocol
>it's literally 2019

really enjoying dragon quest builders 2. way overlooked for what it is.

Fitness boxing every time I get home. It's a fun and makes me sweat but my arms are all sore from playing it.

>way overlooked for what it is.
Does it still reset you to square one for each chapter?

The first one was just a DQ skinned minecraft clone with simplistic ARPG elements

Daemon x Machina, I'm halfway done developing the Radiant Gleam mech and all four of my character's limbs have been augmented, the legs and torso are next, humanity is overrated.

Reminder that there are mentally ill traumatised losers on this board who hoped and prayed the Switch would fail.

Imagine how they must feel.

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The Switch is a huge disappointment in every other way except sales.

I was gonna get one for Pokemon, but that's turning to shit so I'll wait for a sale or a really good game to warrant a purchase
Astral Chain or whatever is the one I want to play most right now. Can anyone comment on it?

AC is great but it's not system seller material. Wait for something you really want. For me the 3DS system seller was Rune Factory 4.

>The Switch is a huge disappointment

Nah. Its my most played gaming device of the past two years by a mile.

20 years from now, people will look back with fond mememories of the Switch. I don't think anyone will be nostalgic about PS4.

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It has the best library of any modern console. Why are you so obsessed snoy?

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Golf Story
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Little Town Hero
>Daemon X Machina
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Box Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
>Dragon Quest IX S Definitive Edition
>Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
>Deadly Premonition 2
>Ring Fit Adventure

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
And more to be announced

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>Nah. Its my most played gaming device of the past two years by a mile.
If you didn't own a Wii U, I can see it, but who are you to call yourself a Nintendo fan who didn't? You're a fair-weather fan, at best. A lot of people were burned by that, and Switch is really nothing more than a rehash of the entire generation. We're just now starting to get actual Switch games and most of them are disappointments.

And the hardware issue is still not abated. Despite looking like a Wii game, LA remake manages to not keep up 60 fps, and it's not here and there. It's bad. It's like they stopped caring, and this is a GB game that they want $60 for. If it was a highly polished, I could forgive it but they've turned into absolute jews and probably the worst in the industry

>fond memories
People have fond memories of the Virtual Boy. And I don't think back and remember hardware at all. I remember the games. I remember having a blast with MK8 in 2014 because that's when it came out. Crediting Switch with these games that are mostly ports seems to miss the point

I'm still playing my 3DS and still prefer the Wii U dual screen capabilities that the Switch now lacks

Listing every single game does a huge disservice to the actually good ones.

People can be nostalgic about anything so be quiet Nintendie s**boy.

>If you didn't own a Wii U, I can see it, but who are you to call yourself a Nintendo fan who didn't?

I own ever major console from the past 30 years. I like my Wii U, it makes it a great emulation device.

Switch is home to some of the most acclaimed video games of all time.
Switch offers something no other system does: convenience.
Switch has a steady stream of AAA and indie titles including definitive editions of current gen hits.

If the next gen of consoles doesn't offer something like the Switch it will seem like a backwards step. I never want to go back to traditional consoles ever again.

>people have fond memories of Virtual Boy

They really don't.

Oh, its Eric. Hi Eric, how are you doing? Still cleaning floors or did you find a better job?

>What are ya playing?
Wish I had the time to finish Spyro, I got 120% on the first game, now I'm at 40% in the second one, no way I'll be able to get them done before Zelda comes out. I have probably 60+ games in my backlog, already bought, but just no time to get to them. Shame Minit and The Messanger were such let downs.

Yikes. An upset sonyfan comes into a Nintendo thread and spergs out.

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yo how's blasphemous on the switch? my main concerns when getting games on the switch are performance and control scheme. any issues with blasphemous in these areas?

>horrible online, overpriced.

I hate to give another (you) to this obvious bait, but this is actually the only complaint i have. Like i understand that after the wiiu fiasco nintenjews had to find a way to make money fast in order to keep investors at bay, but c'mon, this is total bullshit.
Other than that, I'm really enjoying the system

zelda is themore game to play game

Smash for the umpteenth time because all the games I'm actually looking forward to have been delayed

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I've been playing Dragon Quest Builder's 2 and having a blast.


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lmfao and hows that working out for you so far?

Bought Astral Chain but only played 5 hours and got back into Fire Emblem, and I'll be picking up Link's Awakening on Friday. Too much to play and I want to pick up River City Girls too.

playing the dragon quest demo
comfy af

I literally can't understand people who meme that Switch has no games - I wish I was in their shoes, I have too many fucking shit to play, I'm so far behind I bought Xenoblade 2 on release day and still haven't started it.

Even Nintendo is laughing at their memes

Yes, the main numbered Disgaea titles are all essentially their own things, like how Final Fantasy main numbered titles are their own things.

>still didn't buy Astral Chain, Ni no Kuni, Grandia II, Pokemon, Luigi's Mansion 3, Marvel, DQ Builders 2, Cadence of Hyrule...
Fuck, I have almost every game in this ad, and I'm STILL not even fucking close

Been playing Dragon's Dogma. It's pretty fun.

Ok Yea Forums, so wasn't there supposed to be some more powerful version of switch? Tell me about it.

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No, there wasn't. At this point they managed to shrink it down and make it less power hungry, adding some overclocking option for when a game is under really heavy load, but still if you wanted to overclock it for longer, the battery and heating would still be an issue - so for now it's just not fully possible.

fuck jap dog

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Fire emblem or octopath?

Fire Emblem for comfy talk and strategy, Octopath for classic turn-based jRPG fights and classic plot progression.

is this the first thing you look for after opening the chans? searching for switch threads?

He's completely obsessed and still fucking seething because he wasted 3 years of his life fighting an infantile crusade against the Switch and achieved nothing.

>Momma just woke up from hibernating and is hungry
Moments you know you're fucked?

Playing Link's Awakening and the framerate a shit. I can't believe I'm getting 5x the frame drops as Astral Chain. Still having fun though, 6 dungeons deep.

Anyone wanna play something online?
Kind of bored. Don't have that many games but i'll be up for most stuff

>What are ya playing?
pic related, just 100%'d Ripto's Rage, and moving in on 3.

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I’m surprised more shooters aren’t copying Splatoon 2

>Run-Reload-And parkour are all the same button
>Gyro with the reset camera button being Y
>1 more minute song

After TGS I've lost hope that the Switch will see any real support from Japanese developers. At least there's been a bunch of new releases lately, as well as a few more titles on the horizon. I'm certain at this point that Metroid Prime 4 will be the Switch's last major release.

Waiting on a game to arrive today. Also I have a few games preordered so the future looks bright

Still playing Astral Chain and am currently at file 07. It's gonna take me awhile to beat this game as the length of files really wears me out but I'm having a lot of fun and I'm actually doing pretty good at it. Arm is best legion.

>I’m surprised more shooters aren’t copying Splatoon 2
Shartnite is what's in, so it gets all the imitators, it's kind of funny that Splatoon 2 outsold Gears of War and Gears of War is what most people copied elements from, Splatoon has 1 major thing that should be in every TPS and that's gyro aim, but the rest of it's elements are kind of specific to the game. It's absolutely insane how well made Splatoon is and how Nintendo effectively shat it up for no reason, mainly that horrible tick rate, really no excuse for it, should be pushing for higher tick rate and centralized servers with peer 2 peer for overflow as well as for shelving the game when a sequel arrives.
Another thing Nintendo fucked up on is the lack of anime, but if there was an anime Nintendo would fuck that up too, they'd make it about some gay tournament when it should be a vehicle to flesh out the world more since the games world is extremely well put together.

Man if it wasn't for my friends and family desperate to play smash, I would of waited for the switch lite. A proper dpad, 100 dollars cheaper and the smaller screen looks crisper. I wanna play on the gameboy of tomorrow, not the ouya or razer blade of tomorrow

>switch lite is the gameboy of tomorrow

What are fun games to play with your gf ?

What counts as "real support" in your eyes? There's a lot of stuff coming to the Switch from people like Square Enix, Capcom, Koei Tecmo, NIS, Gust, Level 5, etc.

A lot of Japanese developers who put out a lot of stuff on the 3DS and Vita have been going to the Switch as of late.

Are you serious? If so just give me a way of contacting you.

The Kirby anime was made in-house, and it was pretty good.

I bought a whole bunch of games last night off the eshop that I need to play through. I recently beat guacamelee with my fiance and we plan to start the sequel sometime soon. Also, started up The Messenger since I finally received my physical copy and thoroughly enjoying my time with it. I really wish they would port KH1 to the switch.

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What games do you have?

sent ^^


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I already played all those games years before. It has just a couple new ones and most of them are multiplates and are better and cheaper on a pc.


Even though I suck at hard games, I made it all the way to King Dice.

Playing Lapis x Labrynth before my copy of Daemon x Machina comes in. was supposed to be here last friday but amazon fucked up. now its expected next tuesday

since online multiplayer now costs subscription fees, i probably wont get one. maybe if pokemon is really good or if the switch lite gets hacked. switch is such a bad value and they keep making it worse.

Me and my wife are having a lot of fun playing Kirby Clash.

When the shit is the Dark Crystal Tactics game coming out?

Pls respond, I’m talking about 1-3. I just remember seeing there was audio issues, but I also recall someone saying they were going to patch it

Playing FF9 atm and still cleaning up some stuff in Astral Chain. Also enjoying some SNES games.
Put LGPE in the trash and get Breath of the Wild, Astral Chain, Splatoon 2, Mario Maker 2 and the Bayonetta 2 bundle that comes with the first game

>maybe if pokemon is really good
Yeah, not happening

6-5 is kicking my ass in DKTF, is this the casual filter or what?

Is it possible to transfer a secondary account from one Switch to another? Or is it all or nothing?

If so, can saves and the like be transferred as well? What else gets transferred? Digital games? Screenshots?

so those 3 main guys i always see are just from 1 game? or just different dimensions?

>Girl about to leave the city
>Has to wait 2+ hours in the Airport
>Bring my Switch to play while waiting
>Time flies by

I love this thing.

Playing Lovecraft's Untold Stories. Enemies started kicking my ass on chapter 3, way too many times, so I had to restart from chapter 1 (but kept all items) and got a better weapon from random merchant and now I'm on the right path.

Excited for 4 Dragon Quest games.

Wow, wasn't expecting to see a reply like this on Yea Forums.
>Then the fags did away with ports altogether in version 6.
This is false. You use ports by enclosing the address in brackets like this. [::ffff:6810:2a47]:80/

A bit late but I have Smash, Mario Kart & Tennis, also would be up for SNES Online.

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I’m hanging on to them for 10 years to resell them


The motion controls really put me off. I only made it to week 2 before I shelved it.

ha, what a retard

Is the expansion pass for XBC2 worth it?

Torna? Yes yes it is
Though some Side quests are mandatory design choice is gay

PCfag here, should i bite the bullet and buy switch? Is PC/switch the best combo right now? Or should i invest in ps4?

when is final fantasy x or vii going to go on sale? i'm not paying 50 bucks for an old ps1/2 game.

Dragon quest builders 1 and 2 if you can afford both of not just get 2

No reason to get a PS4 if you have a PC, switch is good if you desire portability

Any good dungeon crawlers on Switch? Besides Labyrinth of Refrain and Mary Skelter.
Where's my Etrian Odyssey?

>Where's my Etrian Odyssey?
Died with the 3DS.

>and Pokemon
What the fuck is wrong with you?