how you enjoying borderlands 3?
How you enjoying borderlands 3?
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Steam trannies
how you enjoying living with down syndrome?
because i enjoy borderlands?
This place is a hipster shithole OP. Everyone loves this game but it's not cool to admit it this early.
i understand.
it's fun. i've tried moze, the irish dude, and flak so far. Moze is the most fun by far, i'm not really a fan of characters that rely on turrets or AI to do damage for them.
Playing as moze, more explosive build with tediore and torgue weapons. Pretty fun class with good survivability
Fuck off with your SJW game, shill.
how is this any less deserving of mockery than battleborn's graphics and UI were?
Whatever they pay you can't be enough to make this worth it.
The UI is fine, but I think the problem is that everything is so noisy. The art direction for Borderlands 2 and 3 looks like complete ass,
Loving it so far
it legit looks like they just took borderlands 2 and upscaled/polished up all the textures.
You can kill gay NPCs, so enjoying it a lot.
I want to play it but don't want to pay full price for a game with planned paid DLC's
Having fun so far. I hate egs and the game runs pretty shit at times which is a shame but the actual gameplay is and its enjoyable making busted builds
I’m sure that’s basically what they did.
Overall the game is fine, an honest 6/10 which is to say if you like loot games and have a friend or two to play with, it’s worth while. The writing is as cringe as ever and the gunplay will never rival real shooters but I’ve had a good time making fun of the game as we play. There was a quest where I picked up an item from a man and plugged it into a computer for him not 100 ft away. It almost feels like a parody of rpgs and they are making a statement on retarded design? Probably not, but this might be the Andy Kaufman if video games
Moze is cute. Gameplay is fantastic. Story is the worst out of all borderlands.
And Randy is still a bitch.
I like the gunplay for looking at playthroughs. But I am also not retarded enough to jump on day 1s because I am not a sperg. Gonna wait for GOTY edition for $5 so thanks for beta testing!
Go feed your wife, Randy.
>Shadow pop-in Bulletsponge 3
Are you kidding? Most terrain textures are identical to BL2 down to the pixel (and of those are few).
>dood go to this location and kill 30 dudes to get a different coloured gun to go to a different location to kill 30 of the same dudes to get a different colour gun again to go to another location to kill another group of baddies to get another different coloured gun
I don't fucking understand loot shooters or why this meme sub-genre is popular REEEE
i mean it literally can't be, everything needs to be scaled for 4k now. so even if it looks identical to bl2 that means it was upscaled and polished, if it were the same textures it'd look worse, not the same
stop pretending anyone cares that much about a crack. people who pirate everything were always going to wait, they are patient, that is one of the things they act so smug about-- you aren't from here.
Who the fuck even wants to pirate this game.
basedjak should be a bannable offense
in fact all wojaks should be
Horrible story and humor
Fun everything else
Anyone know where you unlock this gun?
Lectra City, porta potty east of the entrance
Level 28 with FL4K, having a great time
Got a really nice jakobs sniper and an atlas AR that rip through just about everything
Fuck anointed enemies though
Randy gave that one to me right when I payed $70 for this game
>actually paying money for Randy's afterbirth
Things like this is why you don't make friends.
Atlas ARs are busted, one took my Moze from level 12 all the way to 21
I'm enjoying it.
Make sure you don't misgender that one non-binary character, lest you be banned by some fugly tranny with facial hair and bloody genital wounds.
It's amazing. Game of the year!
Why are the gun textures still so trash? It's literally in your face.
Unironically wonder who makes these ms paint drawing if not a 13 year old or a paid shill.
Who are you quoting?
He gets paid per post
Yeah the damage is pretty crazy on them. Lots of fun with the tracker alt fire too. Was in a group with a Zane who had the dome barrier. Launched a tracker grenade into a group of enemies then shot straight up into the air and murdered everything without looking at them.
Im already bored desu, lvl 50 with mostly legendary gear
I can't die, so long as I'm throwing grenades
So it's pretty gucci
heh. BADASS! gottem
Game of a generation, this is literally the most fun I've had since I discovered masturbation
Here's the tutorial:
I haven't played it yet, but it has a spot somewhere in my backlog. Its time will come some day, probably. I played BL1 and 2, but didn't play whatever the other one was called.
>Want to play borderlands 3 because genuinely enjoyed the series
>Can't bring myself to support the epic store with how anti-consumer it is
>both Randy and Tim are such snobbish assholes that it would cause me great pain to give either of them money even though they probably leech off the taxpayer by not paying any taxes but still getting tax refunds
I'll just wait till it releases on any other PC store other than Epic and buy a key off a key site or something when it's on sale.
Having some pretty good fun with it, though sniper rifles still don't deal enough damage and maliwan weapons' charge mechanic is pretty shit.
Why are your screenshots so blurry? Disgusting.
The only way you can avoid giving tim and randy money is to pirate. Epic still collects UE4 royalties even when it gets it's steam release.
I choosed Moze too, curently level 21 after atlas boss and i regret not choosing fl4k
Cause iron bear is quite boring and add nothing, moze does more damage by herself so ti's a wasted action skill
Just get to the nukes, and grab Auto Bear. Hop in and hop out, let it do it's thing
>Gonna wait for GOTY edition for $5
See you in 5 years when that happens
He turned on motion blur like a weirdo.
I wanna fuck Amara
I am going to pirate it and enjoy it. my gf nami is also a pirate
it's shit
>Randy actually put a shit gun in the game
>It's sight is the borderlands logo
i'm unironically enjoying the ironic ads on social media
This game is peak zoomer.
>livestreaming, amirite fellow gamers?
Just awful.
live streaming is super popular so of course a game about "geek culture" would have it.
better then most game launches.
sadly i cant buy it until later in the year, but I'm dying to play with both zane and fl4k.
post Borderlands 3 webms
I hate how we can't realistically discuss the game without the thread being overrun with retards. Anyway I just hit level 20 on FL4K, switched to hunter talent tree and am loving it way more than the master talent tree. Master talent tree is garbage and your pet does shit damage, but the hunter one is really nice. Ava is my favorite character so far, she's so cute and I love her side quests and banter.
Overall I'm having a great time and the gunplay and story are more fun than the last two games IMO. Easily a 9/10 game for me right now. Haven't tried co-op yet but I'm sure it's more fun when playing in a group or with someone else.
I was gonna mention it if someone didn't but there is a literally grenade launcher you get from a side quest that fires globs of shit at the enemies.
>play borderlands for 10 hours
>end up roaming around for too long and get bored because the story, lore, and world is mediocre and boring
>drop it quickly
Not sure why 3 would be any different. I have no love for these brainlet looter shooters.
why the fuck is the character shaking so badly
zoom zoom
Just beat the game with Zane. I don't like the ending but I like everything else. It was even actually longer than I expected
I would say I'm going to wait for the inevitable full supreme badass package a year and a half from now for $20. But let's be honest, by that time the game will be irrelevant and not worth playing among the other new releases since. I'm never going to play this shit.
Where is the USB drive, Randy?
>Running horribly in every platform
>I-it's better t-than we u-usually get
Sounds like you're the one coping.
Lol when I got that shield for the first time I laughed so hard. Literally jizz all over yourself to heal yourself. Or I guess Moxxi's love juices heal you, but that bitch probably has every STD in the galaxy.
Bitch is a massive whore.
>have slightly rocky start like most if not all AAA games
>greentext stutter
>Slightly rocky
Having problems with 1 port or a few glitches is rocky.
Running poorly on every platform is not a rocky start, it's a game that should have spent an extra couple of months in development before ever seeing the light of day. The people that bought it are basically beta testing this shit.
>reposting reddit shit on Yea Forums
you need to go back
>dialogue and humor is fucking AWFUL
It shoots the best out of any other borderlands game.
It’s lowest points aren’t nearly as bad as 2’s lowest points but it’s high points are near 2’s best moments.
Most of the new characters are kind of boring and their art style is weird. The only ones I think fit the series are Typhon and Jakob. The rest just seem out of place.
Maliwan’s build up as this mysterious Corp that appeared out of nowhere is kinda undercut by making its boss just a generic dude bro.
Don’t know why there seem to be so few quests in each zone. It’s essentially just the main story and one or MAYBE two side things to do. Just makes the massive zones feel kinda like corridors.
No joke, I watched 5 streamers play it, didn't see a single run without some kind of glitch i the first 10 minutes. Mostly minor ones like stuttering or cutscenes glitching, but still, this is stuff that should have been QA'd to hell and back.
I didn’t care much for the twins but then Tyreen called me a gun slut and I can’t get rid of my boner
mind boggling how retards can actually play a borderlands game for longer than 20 minutes without be bored out of their mind
Dude, the problems in this game are with things like connecting to an online match, and aiming down your scope. These are basic repeated functions, it is not normal for this kind of stuff to have problems. If the bugs were in specific missions or the like that'd make sense, but these are basic game operations that don't work properly.
With as many LoD shortcuts and things like environmental damage and corpse decay being shortened and it STILL performing poorly, it really should have had time to improve optimization. Which is one of the things the others had for them, they played and looked well on lower end machines. This is just symptomatic of the industry at large though. Optimization is a luxury most companies don’t value.
Did it fix the scaling problems that 2 had?
because normies love skinner boxes no matter the quality of it
>making shit up
Pretty sure we're not talking about Borderlands 3 because I played it myself, seen streamers and friends play it without any issues except some slight dips in FPS.
Borderlands 1 was half decent idk why peole still talk about this mediocre series though.
>why don't other people have "superior" taste in video games like me
Yeah man, the Borderlands subreddit really must be lying about this, since they hate the game and want it to fail. Crazy that they went as far as to make 3 bug threads and come up with all these workarounds to the bugs that don't exist. What a bunch of liars.
Holy fuck they actually killed off Maya I really wasn't expecting her to just die like that. Shame we didn't really see many of bl2s vault hunters aside from her and Zero
>Borderlands subreddit
>admitting going to reddit
Yeah, imagine trying to get a sample of the experience of players by going to a place designated for it. Clearly that is a dumb thing to do.
There's a screenshot of reddit in this thread, you retard.
Have the stability issues been fixed yet on PS4? I like the whole loot shoot type games but there's also stuff like torchlight 2 and graveyard keeper that I've had my eye on.
Lots of decent stuff on sale now and I've got cash burning a hole in my pocket.
kill yourself redditor
What sucks the most about it is her death scene in general was not only extremely lame, but after she died no one was mourning the loss for more than five minutes if that. Aurelia’s death had more fucking impact on me, but maybe that’s just because they shit on her character so badly.
enjoyed 1 and 2, preseq sucked. got gf into this game for release and we are having crazy fun in coop
>dude let's make weapons one shot everything in existence LMAO
They should all die. I want to play a Vault Hunter Hunter and kill off all those faggots and their friends.
>slightly rocky start like most if not all AAA
>slightly rocky
>this is somehow acceptable because all AAA are having shit starts as well
Fuck off Randy.
>Play as Zane cause he's got the best lines.
>Run through whole game solo cause i hate dealing with other.
>After 46 hours get 100% and uninstall the game.
This game was riddled with bugs and glitches, its even worse then Dead Island. The AI is completely stupid and it's pathfinding is easily broken. The vehicles handle like they're driving on ice or tar. The user interface is better then BL2 and BL1 but finding which maps you haven't cleared the side content for is a chore since you'll have to "clear" the whole map by making it all blue in order to see what's at where first. There is no "World Missions" anymore and now the only way you'll you missed a quest or two on X planet is by manually looking at the map which you've Hopefully have it all "blue" for. The endgame content is literally either you fight "waves" otherwise known as Slaughterstar-3000, Clear a map in a certain time with bonus objectives aka Proving Grounds, or running New Game Plus but ingame it's known as True Vault Hunter mode. Story was shit as most of the females in the story were Mary Sue's that bashed on Men alot. Claptraps 'new friend' turned out to just be the borderlands equivalent of a Feminist. Gunplay was just decent at best and the new "gun gun" weapon can be easily used to make millions of credits in no time and getting the ammo necessary for the weapon is stupidly easy to farm up for.
Overall the game was just a decent FPS game. Nothing remarkable and nothing outstanding about it. If I had to rate it, i'd just give it a 5/10 and i'm being generous.
Wishing I could be playing as Tina
i like it
Wishing she got Roland'd
Roland'd like Lilith or was or Roland'd like Maya was?
>Pirates are known here to be one of the most patient gamers out there as good crack generaly take quite some time
>They are constantly smug as fuck about this
S-Ssee chairman pooh I p-posted it again please give me social credit.
Ava sucks ass and is Disney Princess "You never let me do anything!!" tier.
It's okay but you gotta be DUDE LMAO to enjoy imo...
Anyone got some webms or vids of Iron Bear being used? Everyone I've seen seems to be playing FL4K
handsome and jackpilled
>cause the death of an important character
>is never reprimanded
Handsome Jack chest blown out from the back style.
It's so fucking terribly optimized it's not even funny
The presequel was dope wasn't it
by laughing at people who play this crap from the sidelines
Just imagine going into a mech UI for about five seconds and either getting blown out or running out of fuel.
is the game on pc as bad as people are saying or is it just exaggerated, considering buying
I hear refunding it fixes all the frame rate issues
>Flak has two complete shit action skills and one tree that is almost worthless, and the pets are shit
>But Meme Away is so absurd most people are still playing him anyway
Jesus these devs
more like cringe
more like minge cause that entire game you're fucking over pussies am i rite bruv?
She's actually going to be a dlc character in future updates, we also have one more planned but it's not someone you'd expect.
I do agree master tree is garbage but hunter isn't bad, is it? I'm enjoying it. I haven't tried Fade Away skill tree yet, honestly it looked kind of shitty to me. I mean the three free critical hits for 200% seem really nice but everything looks boring. Is your monkey pet any good?
No, it barely shoots
Outside of the retarded writing the game is a lot of fun to play, but my fucking god the performance is inexcusable on consoles. Anytime anyone else opens a menu it stays in the single digits no matter what is going on, stutters all over, I don't understand how they released a game this poorly optimized
Did you miss the one that gives you removes the three shot limit in exchange for shorter duration and reduced damage
Should I save my golden keys until I'm level 50?
Honestly the spider pet is somewhat nice, like it'll at least attack and set enemies on fire once you upgrade it.
Yeah, but reduced damage? Ehhh not sure if that's worth it. Also the cooldown on fade away is ridiculously long, it's like 45 seconds I think.
I wish I could kill the NPCs
Nearly everything you buy ends up in the hands of some crooked billionaire.
Welcome to endgame.
Stop playing on baby mode and turn on mayhem mode.
So I joined an online game. My story progress is now replaced by his and I have now missed all the story missions on the atlus planet
Just fuck. Anyone have an idea of what to do? Been playing side missions to level up but Idk if they are gonna get me to 17-18 like a need to be for the next planet.
>wasting your bandwidth on Memelands
ummm no thanks sweatie
>buying BL3
Fuck off this isn’t Neogaf
i like it but i wish the perfomance was better
>So I joined an online game
Thats where you fucked up
You should have learned from 2 to never fucking do that if you care about story.
start a new character
is it worth buying on pc?
You're fucked. Start over. Or youtube it eventually. Your choice.
I had the same issue. You need to keep joining online games until you get your planets back.
You mean Trans Tina
He's not fucked you can fix it I had the same thing happen to me.
You have to join games where the host has the planets unlocked then it will save again and fix your file.
>all the triggered syo boys in this thread
Go choke on your dads dick and find a topic you want to talk about instead of shitting up this one. Yea Forums isn't the place for you to crusade against whatever the hell you don't like you little bitch now go back Twitter.
Is there any fix? I've been playing split screen on a regular Xbox 1 and it's unbearable
Have you seen that Hammerlock is gay?
In the final cutscene he holds that Jakobs guys hands as Lilith does the thing.
I actually didn't mind at all though.
60 dollar game.
I'd like to play it but no crack yet. Wont give $ to SJW dev faggots
You have to suck it up.
I've been playing with my brother on xbox and when you go into the Echo you just fucking freeze.
Wait for combat to end until you go digging through your echo. Gearbox said they are aware and are going to fix it.
is there better loot on Mayhem mode? or is it the same loot pool as normal?
I've been playing Zane with Clone/Drone, and while I can't totally ignore their automatic DPS I've focused on those trees largely because of how kill skill heavy they are.
Basically I have the clone and drone out, pop one enemy and from there I'm just zooming all over the place for the rest of the fight with +40% move speed, +70% gun damage, life steal, and extra reload speed. Downside is there aren't always little mobs around during boss fights to trigger kill skills off of, but I do get all of them at once when I use an action skill so I can do that instead and try and draw out the buffs for a while.
I don't think I could do a slow sniper Zane with the barrier skill after this, way too passive. Probably going to do Moze next though, robot seems nice and she can actually have multiple action skills at the same time as grenades.
I think it might be the same loot pool but I have no idea. Oranges never dropped for me on normal mode but by the end of a Mayhem boss rush I have a full inventory of orange guns.
Already in the end game of farming the best loot and making the best builds, reporting in:
1) Fl4k - absolutely fucking broken, worse than Salvador in BL2. Fade Away is the most OP shit in the entire franchise, and on top of this his other 2 action skills are completely useless, meaning you are kinda forced to play Fade Away. Pets are useless because they don't scale well at all.
2) Moze - second best character, 3 viable builds: grenades(which is the best), shield of retribution and mech. Mech is more of a meme build than actually really good one, but it's not useless like 2 other skill trees of Fl4k.
3) Amara - look ugly, but her gameplay is FUN. There are 2 builds available, one involves punching things to death and it is really fun to play.
4) Zane - the weakest of 4, 2 possible builds, run-n-gun and grenades. Very dynamic and fun gameplay, but not very good meta-wise.
This is THE rare game where its better to get on consoles.
The PC version is such a hot mess, the PS4 pro actually runs better than a geforce 2080RTX.
And you don't have to support the EGS chinks or the 2MB/s DRM crap.
I thought they were a nice couple that authentically cared for each other.
>Making shit up
Then it happens to two people in the thread.
It's been fun so far, I think I just missed playing Looter Shooters. Was playing Operative for a while but switched over to Beastmaster last night. Definitely worth multiple playthroughs, I'd say.
Go to /vg/.
I have a Moze build. I maxed out the green skill tree and have the rest of the points in the blue one.
I basically never stop firing my LMG because of the infinite ammo perk and I just lob OP nades.
Also the mech is still useful for avoiding getting knocked down and it still does decent DPS even on mayhem mode.
From what I understand, Hammerlock's sexuality was known since 2, it's just that nothing was done with it.
Ignore this guy he's fishing.
Would you guys say it's fixed any of the series problems? Beyond the writing of course. Gun variety, level design, loot progression, interesting enemies. I still feel like the Crimson Lance of 1 are cooler than anything in the entirety of the second game when it comes to actual fighting them.
Holy shit this is worse than I thought.
I haven't played BL3 yet but I remember the leaks saying the boss twins having a somewhat incestious relationship. Is there any truth in this?
Plz no other spoilers kthx
Yes. Coming from 2 Borderlands 3 fixed all of the scaling issues I had. The guns are also super fun to use and are satisfyingly animated with good sounds design. There are also a wide variety of enemies and gun drops are the best in the series so far.
The boss fights are also basically raid bosses that are fun to fight.
I would run before someone spoils it for you but no they don't have an incest relationship.
Did you miss Jakobs straight up telling you Hammerlock is the love of his life when he asks you to break him out of prison?
>h- he's f- fishing
They charge power by kissing and theres an echo about them liking the smell of the other's farts
This tbqh. It's the first thing he tells you when you actually meet him in person lmao.
I was too busy focusing on looting and leveling. I ignored a lot of dialogue.
I semi-enjoyed Borderlands 1 and 2, but I absolutely despised the characters and only a handful of jokes where actually funny. I like the look of FL4K and how his pets work, but that isn't enough for me to fork over 60 for a company I don't agree with so I'd rather wait on a crack.
Also how has a game like this caused so much shit? It isn't that good nor that bad, it's pretty bog-standard shooty gameplay with a decent soundtrack and decent visuals, however the characters and "humor" can go fuck themselves, gonna mute that shit the moment I get it installed.
Try being more open to the experience.
I don't think anyone really is ecstatic for the jokes and the story this time around is probably the worst out of all the games. But some jokes can land sometimes.
>Liking Ava
I have to second that guy.
Ava was the easiest character to like.
>liking annoying little shit
>not instantly liking based Wainright
Imagine having such a terrible taste.
>He installed a keylogger that is constantly uploading at 2MB/s to EPIG
You have to be autistic to enjoy the humor in BL.
I presume Moxxi has an alpha disease that eats other STDs alive whilst existing with relatively benign symptoms
You're choosing to be jaded
>one line, never again brought up except the handhold, makes sense in context because his significant other is in a prison so of course he's worried
>meanwhile the biggest smack over the head on a same-sex relationship in the game comes from a side quest where you have to rescue the girlfriend of a lady Psycho, who keeps screaming in your ear about how much she loves her as you do, then after the girlfriend blows herself up to try and kill you you return to break up their wedding party and kill their entire extended family, including the girlfriend's adopted midget children
Really makes you think.
You're not jaded enough.
Sorry to say user but the humor in BL simply isn't funny
I was wrong. You'd have to be retarded.
Buy a banner.
>anime image
God that shit makes me shiver. How can someone post something so full of cringe.
I like Wainwright but mostly because he speaks like some Southern plantation owner
Nah my dude its objectively a braindead skinner box for normals. Doesnt mean its bad, but "everyone loves it" is kinda of a huge stretch.
To be autistic is to be retarded you fucking dunce lol.
Do you know where you are user?
>2 very educated multi-billionaires in an actual loving relationship: 0 kids
>retarded cunts who live in slums, have batshit insane relationship and are, basically, terrorists: plenty of adopted children
What did Randy mean by this?
true question is: how good it is optimized for pc?
Imagine what people would say if Valve did this with one of their games.
Lets also pretend Valve makes games in this hypothetical scenario.
Borderlands 3 is one of the best games to drop this year.
You're mad steam drone.
more like Redpilledlands
Was talking about the series in general though
I have no idea what 3 is like
Fuck all these stupid ads and all the shilling
I don't give a shit about god queen tyrene or her brother troy.
I'm just waiting to play this without having to worry about a keylogger.
Randy is an irrepressible idiot that I find hard to feel actual malice for and probably wouldn't if he weren't directly responsible for the livelihoods of hundreds of people. If he were just left to live somewhere harmless with his whale wife and kid and stupid playhouse castle I would not grudge him to continue making a complete ass of himself as he does, but unfortunately he damns actual decent people with his moronic behavior so I have to hold actual contempt for him.
>"Its okay for Bob to fuck me in the mouth and ass, because Steve has the potential to do it too!"
>My Fight Money
>quality of any kind
So clean up your PC dumbass
>see a normal dog food commercial on youtube
>let it play out for a moment to skip
>all of a sudden its a Borderlands 3 promo
What the....
Not a tranny or delusional, so the answer is NO.
>Not a tranny or delusional
But you are illiterate lmao
got em
>LOL so randumb XD
>buy BL3
>Start it up and choose robot guy
>get glitch where I constantly grab a ledge and get stuck in place
>go to gearbox support and tell them "hey, I'm playing this robot guy and he can't get up the ledge. What do I do?"
>Get banned for assuming its gender
>tweet at Randy on twitter
>just keeps DMing me "HAHA Apfffftppbtpbptbpbptb HAHA! Apftbdtpbpdbtpbdt"
>get pissed and block him
>get a letter in the mail
>same as the twitter dms, except it's written in koolaid water
>no stamp on the letter
Thinking about getting this to play with my little brother. How bad are the splitscreen issues? Does the game shove sjw shit in your face?
>it's an orange tree moze 1-shots everything with flakker episode
>every episode is a rerun
Just another shill thread.
Don't worry, remember when you faggots tried to shill Control or Remnant?
Nobody even discusses your shit games anymore.
splitscreen is atrocious and so long as you can stand some "girl power :)" moments, it's the same as BL2.
50 Amara, Mayhem 3. Getting to first vault on True Vault Hunter Mode. I am having a blast. She absolutely melts.
Unless you run into Annointed faggots. Then it's stand still and empty 3 guns. What.
Do a Fade Away build that focuses on Crit damage. It's pretty OP
the performance is pretty shit in a lot of areas. I fluxuate constantly between 40 and 70fps all the time unless im in one of the caves or sanctuary. I only get 144 in those places
thanks for beta testing
>gameplay is still the same shit from 10 years ago with shitty gunplay and endless trash weapons
>writing consists of nothing but stale memes and le quirky reddit humour to an even greater extent than bl2
you are genuinely retarded for liking this game and you should be ashamed for shilling it
Big time. Plus no slag. Thank fuck
that article was fake retard
>>get a letter in the mail
>>same as the twitter dms, except it's written in koolaid water
>>no stamp on the letter
I chuckled too hard on that part, damn you user.
I support this post.
>Let's wait to play games when the next one is released so we can pay a dollar for the previous generation game.
Nah, poorfag I rather not.
I pay what something's worth.
Just finished
>that ending
last boss felt a but underwhelming but the warrior wasnt exactly the best either but atleast killing handsome jack after it all was kino. So we can all agree Lilith is pretty much door-kun holding back the destroyer until BL4 were we meet her and she is wise as fuck or some shit?
That's pretty much what it was like in BL1. That's what you wanted, right?
>Destiny 2 is unironically 100% superior than Borderlands 3
Anyone who thinks otherwise has to be a cuck
>loot shooters are all shit
>Can't play the game because my upload speed is not good enough
>even more bullet-spongey enemies/bosses than Borderlands but without the ability to build gross damage monsters
>every Titan plays the same, every Warlock plays the same, etc. etc. while BL3 introduces even more build diversity with three action skills per character (kinda for Moze) that also can each be tweaked and customized so even two Zanes that are using two skills over skill + grenade could be playing completely different
About the only thing BL could learn from Destiny on is public combat spaces instead of lobbies but I don't think that's necessarily a knock for BL, just something that would be cool for them to have in the game.
Stop calling me, Randy.
am I the only one that wouldn't even pirate this trash?
I'd be in the same boat but I relented because my friends are turbo normies and this is one of the only games they'll show any interest in for like the next three years.
Nobody can because it's never, ever going to be cracked LMAO
>because i enjoy borderlands?
Yikes. Borderlands is fucking garbage and always has been.
Fuck off back to your containment board, obsessed retard
How are you enjoying making this thread over 18 times a day?
Money of course.
I'm getting paid to rustle your jummies.
How will that fix anything? I'm not hiding anything, but I still don't want one.
I mean you have to install EGS and Denuvo which has already failed and become a multiple
DRM performance strain.
even if they tried to give me the game for free I wouldn't take it, the prequel was trash.
>because I enjoy borderlands
You don't enjoy it, your let it distract you from life. You're not gonna look back on it in 2 years and reminisce over the time you spent playing Borderlands.
>whats up loyal followers queen tyreen comin at you to say fuck niggers and I'll vore you for $5
Mayhem 3 increases loot quality by 500%, though some of the random modifiers can be fucky.
Lovin' it
We've known Hammerlock was gay since 2, and there are blatant representations of their relationship in the story. I thought it was cute.
Enjoyed BL2, enjoying this as much, at level 8
Seems like a solid sequel
The opposite, they fucking detest each other.
The game begins with Tyreen calling him a parasite since he was conjoined to her at birth.
God this game is boring. When does it start to finally get fun?
when you reach level 50 lmao
Not a keylogger, faggot streamers just enable the stupid twitch extension.
What's up with all the broken English lately? Has anyone else noticed this? Are we genuinely being raided by China?
>even more bullet/spongy enemies/bosses
Holy shit, this is a good joke user. You've only played Destiny huh?
Was waiting for a crack but a friend gave me a code, its ok but fuck does it have optimization issues.
You do not know what a hipster is, and no ones being contrarian.No ones ever done that thats purely and unironically a meme, and normie cope
Borderlands 3 is anti-streaming.
Now THAT is some politics that i am A-OK with being put in my games.
Just beat it. Started doing side missions with mayhem on. Found a gun that is 100% a flamethrower. Pretty fun 10/10
About a month ago it seemed like almost every post had broken english. I wondered if I was losing my mind.
Why are all the psychos females now? How is replacing everything diversity?
>stop playing the game, and turn on damage sponge mode to artificially prolong every single battle
A hipster would probably love this game.
I fucking hate what Epic is doing but stop reiterating this autist's rambling.
If you jump on Claptrap 1000 times all the psychos become men.
This is getting too badass
I'm not, I've never actually paid for a Borderlands game despite playing the first two
funny thing is i would've bought borderlands 3 if it was on steam
no point making an account on another launcher just for one game that will end up being on steam in 6 months
nice pro-consumer move there sweeney
The game part is fine, lots of QoL improvements. The story and character parts are low energy and phoned in. Even the music seems more subdued and uninspired.
>le blatant
Dude why don't you speak and act like a human
>lots of QoL improvements
Like being unable to run it above 40 fps?
Where the fl4k chads at?
How's Rhys? I saw he was in the trailers.
Tales from the Borderlands is the best BL game
He's dead.
fuck me
Enjoying it so far wish I could find more interesting guns though I've had the same shotgun for like 2 planets
Pretty good, only bad part so far is Ava; really hoping she doesn't force her way into any of the dlcs. I'm glad they improved everything that was bad with 2.
Obviously Tannis
I'll play it eventually, but I'm super busy with classic WoW right now, and getting a switch lite with astral chain on friday. Need to also finish up fire emblem. I'll probably get borderlands whenever my buddies wanna get in and co-op it together, right now were all in lv40-60 hell in classic so it'll probably be a while
I'm sorry man I was joking, he's doing better than ever and he even has a cool stache.
I'll buy it once my boy Axton is in the game (along with Salvador, Gaige and Krieg).
And they don't have a shitty death and/or used to show how empowered womyn are
Game is okayish, but idk if it was worth the 40 eurododdles on keyshops.
Gunplay, but you knew that
Havent heard cry babies use that term in a while
Doubtful we'll even get any new characters
crack when
There are a handful of echos of Krieg trying to get better. The rest are nowhere to be found unfortunately.
They've added a couple as DLC to every game since the first, I'd imagine this will still be the case with this one
>no mention of bl2
>chock o' block full of anthony burch references
It's called mining, check out your network upload speed while you have the game running.
I'm still fucking baffled that 1/2 the cast from BL2 is not in the game at all
There's like 20+ missions that would be perfect to have an axton cameo, or a Salvador, or a Gaige
Hell, Gaige deserved to have a full quest devoted just to her.
None of it. Zip.
What the fuck were they thinking
Playing gunner with MG and RG
Just got to Promethea and i'm hating all of the npc's i've met so far
Gameplay is the best it's ever been and the guns look good
>mfw suddenly noticing my internet speeds tanking after installing epic
Did I fuck up?
They were thinking "we have 4 DLC campaigns to fill, let's hold back some characters for those so people will feel more inclined to purchase them"
>Maya gets chumped
>No Krieg involved in the main story going apeshit on her killers
wiggity wang
your data is now chang's
Are you retarded, do you think all the datamining warnings were memes?
I wish Randy was so petty that he'd make an Anthony Burch joke in the game, if only we were so lucky.
>mfw they could have had a "Krieg going super saiyan" joke
That's 100% up Gearbox's alley too.
What a missed opportunity.
40% of all the profits are going to China.
How do you think Epic got all this money to throw around? Giving out your game for free generally doesn't increase proceeds unless there is some other way of generating money.
It's the same with facebook, makes it money based around data, which is obviously bought by things that have infinite money like federal reserves etc which use this data to socially engineer people the best way they can.
It's evil beyond just "muh chinaman has my name who cares".
>mfw kill all the epic programs in task manager
>check 5 minutes later
>they're back
good gunplay
abysmal story and forgettable characters
Torque weapons make me feel like Killer Queen
>not wanting to share your precious data with winnie pooh
how very selfish of you user
>Have an Xbox One X
>Don't have to worry about independent contractors listening in since they aborted the kinect
>Don't have to download the Epic launcher to play shitty pc port
>Smooth gameplay, nothing to note in terms of bugs
>Stay golden pc boys
>mfw click clack flip flap found "that" folder and are now blackmailing me for my inheritance
I think its 100% more heartbreaking to find out that Krieg spent the entire time since she left trying to be sane so that they could be together.
The only thing heartbreaking is they didn't put any of the BL2 characters in it
I agree, I really thought that they wouldn't put any more of the BL2 vault hunters in the marketing to surprise fans in the game. I finished the story and was just sad.
Writing is ass. I listen to Orthodox Christian theological discussions while I play. Moze splash build is pretty fun
It's weird how they rode on BL2's hype alone for 7 years and it doesn't even get a head-nod. I'm 100% convinced this is them trying "relaunch" the brand.
BL2 was the relaunch, and it worked wonders. Of course they wanted to try new things (Battleborn), but I don't think they'll abandon that hype anytime soon. High hopes that BL2 characters might reappear in some of the campaign DLC.
Give me your unbiased opinion on the PS4 Pro performance?
>PS4 Pro performance?
For a $350 console STILL? Dogshit
I genuinely read this post as wanting cocaine, only realizing after reading the replies that he meant a pirated version of the game.
Shit, I pirated Borderlands 1 and 2 a million years ago, played 1 for an hour, then uninstalled and never even tried 2.
I was thinking about getting this game because the gameplay looks fun and I love beastmaster characters.
I watched some footage and the writing is just so insufferable it ruins the whole experience. Half the time someone is yelling some unfunny line or meme shit, it's so annoying. Not gonna pick this up.
>I'm not autistic I just take everything literally
>half the time someone is yelling some unfunny line
Why the fuck is is suit so low res, that's like 360 era graphics
How would you have fixed the plot of borderlands 3? I like the idea of Kreig regressing from all his progress towards sanity when finding out that x happens, and just teaming up with him to solve everything. Fuck Lilith.
>Fuck Lilith.
KILL Lilith.
Fucking hell I had no idea this game was out. Big swing and a miss i guess? Is it DOA?
Its a 360 game.
I would have liked to see Krieg either join or go undercover in the COV.
will this be cracked
got it on console to dodge the keylogger
Epic games, my friends
>surpassed sales of 1 and 2
>thinks EGS still needs to shill
Why you fuckin' lyin
>level of comprehensible english posts have dropped noticably whenever topics revolving around egs show up
>egs vs steam threads are 50% broken english with retarded sentence structures
yes, pure coincidence
I want to rape ava
>relying on randy bobandy's tweets instead of actual sales figures
>implying 50% of the posts here arent already incomprehensible on a daily basis
not in the way seen in these threads
there's a noticable difference between retards vomiting out their thoughts and asians trying to emulate engrish
How is it, should i buy it? Real review is helpful
So wtf was the point in that bl2 dlc and the end of Tps if they don't even show up
I would only buy it if my friends ere going to play it, and I'd still feel bad paying 60 for it
>wtf was the point in that bl2 dlc
Squeezing the last bit of blood out of the anemic zombies that have been waiting 7 years for a true sequel.
If you liked the previous games you'll like this one too.
Gameplay is more 1 than 2, fortunately.
>If you liked TPS and the Telltale game you'll like this one
Based Yui poster telling it like it is
Aw i actually like 2 more than 1
As someone who played the first to games I’m interested in getting it, but I know red flags when I see them. Can anyone who has played the game confirm or deny one thing for me?
Is Flynt gay?
>try arena thing
>do fine until Rakks appear
why the fuck do these things still exist and why are they so hard to kill
Stuck 4000 km from home with a shitty laptop.
And besides I don't even want to play it
>why are they so hard to kill
Maybe because all the projectiles in the game are slow as fuck with ridiculous spray patterns?
It sits at 9 the whole time you dumb fuck
Didn't play either but still enjoying 3
Why did Randy physically attack the voice actor for Claptrap?
Fuck Borderlands, fuck Gearbox, fuck Epic, fuck Unreal Engine and fuck OP for shilling this overrated garbage
because Claptrap SUCKS
So what does the triple red hearts net you?
Probably Moxxi's gun
A download link for Randy's teen squirt porn
Don't care I'm only in it to coom
based and coompilled
So how long do you think the shill budget will last for?
I'm betting on it being 2 weeks post release max.