anybody else still using this?
Anybody else still using this?
Hell yeah motherfucker
ofc not
I'm a LTSC chad
Still using XP, you shit brained baboon.
>Windows 7
You fool, that's botnet. I'm still on Windows 98.
How do you use steam?
I switched to 7 in the beginning of this year.
Dualbooting Win7 and a Linux distro.
Win7 works for everything I need. I literally have zero reason to bother updating.
>But muh securities
I don't use a antivirus and I only get one big virus every few years, at which point I'm overdue for a reformat anyway. Literally nothing of value was lost.
I'm not a complete idiot on the internet.
>But muh exclusive games
I don't give a shit about any of Microsofts big titles that are limited to Win10. I have a extremely large backlog of other games I want to play first anyway.
It took me forever to move from XP to 7 to begin with. I literally won't change my setup unless I absolutely *have* to.
10 is better
Yes, brother.
Tried Win 10 for a couple of months before going back. What a dogshit OS.
>bloated, hogs resources
>trouble running some games
>telemetry shit
>gay interface meant for tablets
>harder to pirate
fuck windows 10, fuck microsoft
Windows 10 LTSC > Windows 7 > Windows XP > Windows 10
Absolutely based.
Everything about XP is old and deprecated you fucking luddite faggot.
no my PC can't run anything past XP
Is LTSC really that good? What version are you guys using?
whats the difference between ltsc and normal win 10?
Yes, I installed it on my old W10 laptop purely for nostalgia, but other than that I don't even use it that much.
Still have it on my laptop. I recently built a a computer, but I'm keeping it as a Linux box, since most of the programs I actually do work with are FOSS.
I am considering upgrading the CPU on my laptop, an Elitebook as well as adding more RAM. If I go through with that, I may consider trying Windows 10 and seeing what it is like. Software is getting heavier and heavier with time, and I don't think it makes sense to install a new, non-linux OS on nearly 10 year old hardware.
Enjoying your botnet?
They bait you with cheap games, you forfeit your privacy in return.
The alpha move is to not buy games in the first place. Either pirate or buy games with no DRM. Remember, Steam an anti-consumer DRM platform. They spy on you and log your time spent in games to share data with advertisers and give no way to opt-out of any of this bullshit. It's impossible to play any Steam games without DRM and Steam server logging data.
working as intended
i get some games and didn't really care
but once go on holiday and when i get back there were no net and none of the game worked in offline mode
so meh
stick to gog and pirated games now
Yes, and I'm gutted new releases aren't supporting it, I've bene hyped for session for ages, and it doens't even support it, gutted desu
Better than 10 in every way
Whatever helps you cope at night.