Why aren't you playing the superior resident evil style game?

Why aren't you playing the superior resident evil style game?

Attached: daymare-1998-xbox-one.jpg (2048x1768, 143K)

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it's exact same shit as the DEmake2, by the very people responsive of turning the game into the form it is now. Fuck those faggots.

Because I'm a perpetual poorfag. I will though at some point.

Just torrent it poorfag

>steam AND windows 10



Attached: 89E8CAAD-DE35-4992-ABAF-AAC658D3D9D8.jpg (890x698, 79K)


tried the demo. thought it was dumb how the intro focused so much on the faces, considering they were barely animated and looked terrible. and the sitting posture of the spec ops dude in the helicopter made him look like a woman, with the legs shut tight together.

deleted the game when it locked my camera onto the survivor's head and told me to kill him. if the game is gonna take away all my control then just make it a fucking cut scene, don't pretend that I am still playing when I am clearly not.

Why is this being shilled all of a sudden?

That’s the most retarded engrish sounding shit i’ve heard all day.

because it released today, shit for brains

okay, retard

Seems like the game is too tough for you. Have you tried fortnight or minecraft bro?

yeah games where the game controls the camera for me is too tough, only big manchildren like you can handle that

Spotted the underage who wasn't around during the PSX / N64 era of games.

because I already played resi remake 2 and this just looks like a poor man's imitation of that

spotted the autist

Cuz they stopped making Silent Hill games.

game looks like shit why the fuck wouldnt i just play resident evil

>literally RE6 combat, but worse
yeah, if a TPS RE or clone is gonna be good it has to emulate RE4

Because RE2make made it pointless

>Watch gameplay video
>Player walks into a fire at the start
>Character doesn't even visibly react, he just does a pain grunt and his health slowly lowers as he stands in the fire
It's very obvious an indie game developer made this.

no shit dummy its early access at the moment

no it isn't, why would you lie about something on the internet?


Every animation in this game looks like fucking garbage

this game not controversial enough to sell itself so you need to shill it here? another garbage bargain-bin game from the hacks at destructive creations.

It's no REmake 2 but it looks alright. Capcom themselves did much worse animations in Operation Raccoon City

seething autist

Tried the demo, graphics are ok but anything else feels really amateurish. Would rather replay REmake2.

No thank you.

>tfw that game is already 7 years old and it only looked a bit better than RE 5 which released 10 years ago
When did it all happen

Attached: AlcoholicMajima.jpg (640x404, 70K)

It doesn't even look a bit better, it looks worse. ORC looked like a janky-ass indie Unity / UE4 game made by bad devs, with good graphics but bad everything else including animations. RE5's models and animations looked amazing at the time and still are pretty great looking to this day

Attached: sheva.png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

>by the same people
what the fuck is this dumb ass saying


I want to play it because I haven't seen a such a blatant RE-clone like it in years.

Maybe I'll just pirate

>RE6 combat

RE6 is the gayest shit ever

>magazine management

About time vidya stopped with pussy shit.

It's pretty fucking bad, but the combat itself was great
Do yourself a favor and try out mercenaries mode

Because I'm broke and too lazy to pirate.

I accidentally bought Surge 2 so there went my vidya budget for the month.

i did and it fucking sucks

The game needs about half of its dialogue cut and balaclavas put on as many appropriate people as they can, would improve the story presentation 10 fold just from that alone. The rambling non-sequitors and PS1 era face tech is killing me.

I saw a RE streamer literally refunding Daymare live on stream, is it really THAT bad?


Attached: Dracula.jpg (400x600, 35K)

probably just the streamer being a dramatic faggot for views

I tried the demo and its literally Resident Evil but worse. Why is this superior again!?

There's craploads of senseless edgy banter in the beginning of the game, and something about the combat and enemy animations screams "this is basic, default assets I pulled from something else".

Also the timeline of the story itself makes no sense, at least as far I've seen. There's not much fun to be had for traditional RE survival horror scroungers, late era RE action junkies, or even lorefagging zombie fans.

Attached: 1497360509269.jpg (361x411, 32K)

It's amateur and mediocre.

Fucking worst name I’ve heard in a long time

>but the combat itself was great

It was too over-the-top. Revelations 2 did it better.

That seems like a very obvious statement.

>Everyone whines how they hate that the hero is a black ops psycho who gets survivors.
>Lots of RE fans love Hunk.

What do you think Hunk does when he isn't fighting to get an OP gone south? He has probably shot tons of innocent people.

Attached: 1568399349552.gif (444x400, 3.6M)

I think it's largely that he's less a remorseless professional like Hunk and more an outright CE murderhobo in a fancy SWAT suit.

Pretty much this. Hunk is appropriately detached because he has to be. But Daymare's not Hunk come off like a legit pyscho

take your meds schizo

Anybody feel like the protag is just like them ?

Why all these retarded names for re ripoff?
Daymare, us and them...fucking cringe I swear

Because they're ripoffs as you said, they don't have creativity in first place.