Why aren't you playing a JRPG today?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG today?

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I'll play a JRPG after I get done w

im trying t figure out the best way to emulate suikoden so i cant import my savegame to 2

I got Atelier Ayesha used off amazon and the game just makes a horribly loud sound every time I play it and there doesn't seem to be any physical damage to the disk. So I WOULD be playing that, but it wasn't meant to be

They're too long and time consuming.

Because I'm at work. Then I have to head to my class after. And since I have to wake up early for work tomorrow, I'm gonna sleep as soon as I get home from my class. This is suffering.

I'm playing Etrian Odyssey Nexus at the moment. Should I do Yakuza 0 or Tales of Vesperia Definitive next?

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Because I'm playing Ace Combat.

Playing SMT strange journey

My PC is fucking dead, I only have my 3DS now, should I play Pokémon Y or Fire Emblem Fates?

Turn based JRPGs are universally boring to play.

Pokemon is less shit than fates, lesser of two evils

ryza makes me rise-a

Give me a good niche JRPG on the SNES or PS1
Only requirement is it needs to be in English

Whichever one lets you play as a cute girl

does kiwami 2 count?

Live a Live on SNES then.

Trying to git gud at this anime fighter. I'll go back to playing trails in a bit.

I’m too busy getting laid.

they suck

I thought I'd like Ar Tonelico, it's literally what I wanted in a JRPG.
It's a sci-fi JRPG with great world building and deep lore, but the pacing is just so slow
I'm only 3 hours in, I'm boarding this dudes ship and it doesn't seem to be getting interesting

Already played it, was a good game.

Just finished CS3 demo (played the JP version twice), it was surprisingly not absolute shit, but NISA still won't get my money. Will continue Nep VIIR later today.

How was the translation?

It picks up once you can dive into girls

I can do that a few times with whatsherface who has the big dragon in her psyche, that was pretty cool

All JRPGs get interesting at some point, stick with it

Because I'm an alpha male chad who plays crpgs

I am

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Just be patient for all the cool songs

Not much different from CS1/2.

Because Ryza isn't out yet.

The Quintet trilogy then? Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma.

Energy Breaker and Bahamut Lagoon. You may like those two, although I didn't play this two so I can't give you an opinion for them.
If all else fail, theres always SaGa.

Guardian's Crusade

I play YS:Lacrimosa of Dana currently. It's pretty good for weeb game, too bad Falcom has such a small budget for better graphics and to be relevant on west and also their PC port is so poorly optimized.

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PC is crappy

give me potato friendly games (besides trails, already playing that one)

Post the DT sluts already, we all know why you're here.

Should I get the Switch or PS4 version of Ryza’s game or just wait for the PC port next year?

Chrono Trigger if you never played and most obvious.

You can try out the PS1 and PSP library as they emulate very easily on potato tier set ups

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Are you joking?

why would you play this trash

Cause there's literally never been a good one.

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Why shitpost with Utena

what's a good jrpg on the 3ds, anons?

How so? I don’t want a censored game.

Are SMT games actually good or just another case of Yea Forums hyping something up?

So why do you want Switch?

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Obviously PS4.

They're good but not as hard as Yea Forums pretends they are as the difficulty drops dead the moment you have all the basic elements available to you.

Because I played Zero no Kiseki just a moment ago.

I'm not shitposting, I'm trying to post for the forces of good. That's what Utena represents to me.

I genuinely belive the vast majority of JRPGs are cancerous, poorly made, and bad for you. It's a dishonest genre. They're not even RPGs.

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get Switch. Shitter framerate and resolution has more soul.

You talk back to me like that again you'll have to see me in the arena behind school

Barebones gameplay with pretty decent game design. They are okay, but not the best games ever.

The gameplay is great, not as hard as people would have you believe though if you fully understand the combat system
Story usually leaves a bit to be desired but eh, they're at least fun to play

Here's a (You) now get out

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Just finished downloading this one and gonna get right on that user.

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I got Disgaea 1 Complete but I'm too afraid to start it. A friend let me play around with her PSP copy once and it looked very intimidating with all the numbers and stats. But I just couldn't resist Etna's tummy on the cover.

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How fucking old are you

Better than no game.

What's this? Looks cute.

Looks like one of those 7th Dragon games.

7th dragon 2020

Finally playing P3 FES
I fucking hate how Persona games always have an almost 2 hour tutorial, it's so tedious

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Wait the fuck up, is that the complete game? I don't see "Demo version" anywhere on that screen. Doesn't it only come out in like 10 days? HOW?

But I am, currently playing The Last Story but it's awful, the combat fucking sucks.

Just jump in. The main story is very doable even if you don't dive into it too deep. You really have to start grinding numbers up for the postgame and bonus content.
Also, the game isn't that deep. All the different systems are pretty much just ways to get your pretty numbers higher.
Just do it user.

All that to be a fucking gear in the system. Let me guess, you also have a girlfriend and think about getting married and slave your life away and give your ressources to the government and to some cunt too heh. And you think you're better than me because I indulge in my virtual stuff and just pay a whore whenever I feel horny. End yourself immediately, how the fuck are these posts even tolerated on Yea Forums, what in the fuck happened to this board.

Because I'm replaying witcher 3

because I have no interest in waifus
and once that's no longer a factor, 95% of JRPGs are either mediocre of straight up bad

I got my press review copy yesterday.

About to start the XC2 Torna DLC after a kind user in another thread motivated me to do it.

there are in game tutorial

But I am. MGS3, it's pretty cool

Lucky dude. Have fun with the game, and don't go spoiling it on Yea Forums, I've held off on buying the PC/PS4 versions.

Sure thing. I normally don't post about the games I get in advance cause Nintendo makes us sign very comprehensive legal waivers and I get paranoid that they can track me.

Although sometimes when I don't like a game and don't want to finish it myself I just come here and ask people what they think about it and then write that into my review instead.

I started Atelier Rorona 1 DX and it is glaring how shoddy the port is. Are the later ports like this?

>don't go spoiling it on Yea Forums
The game has been out for over 2 years you Nintentard.

Probably, the PC ports are all fucked.

When is Ryza out? I need those thighs around my head

Next month

Because I like games with roleplaying in them

>cut hole in boots to show off toe-ring
huh but also an erection

but I am

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I'm waiting for DQ collection, and because of that I can't (or maybe won't) play anything in the meantime.
>finished Oninaki, it really is bad
>played Child of Light, stopped after few hours
>played Mana Spark, I fucking suck at that game
I'm downloading Lovecraft's Untold Stories. If it doesn't "click", I won't play a single game except for Tetris 99 until 27th.

At least use Katakana.

Guessing emulation isn't much better.

The Switch and PS4 version of Arland DX have the same problems.

But I am.

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Because your fucking ironic weeaboo games aren't JRPGs and they don't make them like they used to. Fuck you

Apparently they all stem from a fucking Vita port. I hate Koei but I like the games so far so I suppose I'll wait for a sale.

Honestly, most of them are too long for me to get through now. Even the new Fire Emblem is taking forever. I just don't have the time for it anymore.

I'm busy jacking off to this girl's feet

I was playing tales of vesperia but a boss was fucking bullshit where at 25% hp it'd just run over to a puddle and heal half its health over and over. I might just lower the difficulty because it just effects the health.

is playing a jrpg just a euphemism for fapping and the joke being no one bothers with them aside from tna?

Because i finished mercenary saga 1-3
and mercenary wings recently
and have enough for a while

jrpgs don’t have good or interesting writing anymore, it’s all by the numbers trope shit
and without that they’re not worth bothering with because jrpgs have never had good gameplay unless you count action games like Ys which are still of variable quality

List me all good JRPGs worth playing

I am

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If it's not Chrono Trigger, Pokemon Yellow or Final Fantasy VII I can't get more than ten hours in to a JRPG. I've tried all sorts over the years but I just don't think the genre is for me, now I've got to get going I need to order Nocturne for the sixth time.

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waiting for Code Vein to come out

Would you recommend those games to SRPG fans?
I assume the answer is yes, because why the fuck would you play all 4 if they are bad. But still, a word of two from you would be nice. Thank you user in advance.

Maybe try some more gimmicky ones? Paper Mario 64 is fun. People here seem to really like its sequel, Thousand Year Door.

>fucking ironic weeaboo games

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Play Digital Devil Saga I and II
Same combat system as Nocturne.

Yeah. I finished Totori recently and it was fine except for the lack of settings. I emulated the PS3 version of Rorona before they announced the ports and even though it ran fine for me, I'd still recommend the port over emulating.

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soulless trash

t. butthurt FF fan.

If it's not doing it for you drop 1 and get into 2 immediately instead. 2 is the far better game and isn't as slow. Keep in mind though they're sci fi mixed with a pretty centric focus on magic bullshit and adapt your expectations accordingly.
The mainline titles are all about atmosphere and immersion, and they do that pretty fucking brilliantly honestly. They're not flawless games but they're great regardless, if you want to get into the franchise give either Nocturne or IV a good try (if the first two major bosses in IV are cockblocking you there's no shame in turning down the difficulty, the early game is the worst balanced part of the experience and teaches you nothing but to depend on optimal RNG or grind for better demons imo)

its not ff nor ffta but it has its charm
switch version have extra shit compared to mobile/ds ones
they aren't long neither around 20 chapters unless you want to play free maps for level grind money or do post game bs
classes are simple ,so are story

First one has branching scenario with like 8 or something different maps and different characters
Second one and third one have some slight differences
4th one has also branching and different cast depending on route

I've played JP DX versions of Totori and Meruru on PS4 and had no problems with them.

is that you in the pic cutie

Enjoy your fucking empty garbage like Shitsona 5 and Xenoblade 2

Oh, so I was right.
>FFaggot calling anything empty garbage
Stick to your movies.

no JRPG out right now interests me, repost faggot (also my priest is almost 40)

Thank you, user!
I thoug--I mean hoped you died, XV-Kun.

>Sock one
>sock 2
>open toes

I just booted up Crisis Core because I felt like it if that counts. Played it for 2 hours on hard mode and wonder if it's worth continuing since I'm really hazy on the original FFVII plot/lore, plus I really need to get through Ultimecia's Castle and be done with FFVIII.

My favorite JRPG franchise is Suikoden, I don't even like Final Fantasy but good for you to see your boogeyman behind every corner

I just finished Ni No Kuni II and it was great, got some of the DLC shit left.

Pre-Ordered the first part that releases on Friday.

Yeah, wanna snuggle?

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>My favorite JRPG franchise is Suikoden
So a game with a single passable game that also plays itself?
Big deal.

even worse

>Nothing of substance
So you admit you're inferior to me, good to know. Now kill yourselves.

"snuggle" is unregistered. does not compute

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It's not a big deal really, just lack of options and QoL stuff that make them look like lazy ports. They also seem to have a small delay when you open the menu, gather materials or use synthesis.

I didn't notice it while playing Totori, but it's much more noticeable in Meruru, maybe a half a second delay after pressing a button. It seems to be a lot worse in Rorona, but I haven't tried it yet.

Here's a thread on the steam forums if you are curious.

>Now kill yourselves.
Like your favorite series?
I'm sorry but I'll pass, you should definitely follow Suikoden's example though, you're already as mediocre as that, might as well go all the way through.

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I'm playing Octopah Traveler.
Pretty good

Because I was busy beating Remnant today, and I've got a Shadowrun game in a couple of hours, so I'm just going to kill time with Brawlhalla or Paladins.

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is there a name for those socks?

Motherfucker you can't just mention you have a Shadowrun game coming up without saying what kind of character you're playing. Street Samurai? Shaman? Face?

Eh, I didn't really pay attention to this stuff, but that seems pretty minor, especially considering how old the games are at this point.
>They also seem to have a small delay when you open the menu
I've played CT on PS1, nothing's gonna get worse than that.

Leather boots with the toes cut off.

No, I don't have a girlfriend. Far too ugly and boring for that. I'm 28 and gave up on that.
No, I actually think you're better than me. You can find happiness in the little things it seems like. I still haven't found anything to be happy with
>kill yourself
you first

Playing Rean's 2nd game for the plat

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Haha, one time just isn’t enough huh...

I have this thing where I cannot properly enjoy fantasy jRPGs after work, I need to be comfy at home on the weekend.

The post started out pretty good but about halfway your projection went out of control, man. I'm with you but cool it.

I am emulating Rune Factory 4 cuz i am tired of waiting for the Switch version.

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Playing Tales of Zestiria and so far it's been /s pretty fun. /s

I am not gay.


Vagrant Story

Good game, but fails to live up t

yeah I'm thinking this counts

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I want to play SRW but I have no idea where to start.

Zestiria's okay, the writing is decent and reflects older Symphonia titles but the issue is that as a game it really pales in comparison to Graces f, which is its biggest inspiration

Start with V, it gives you a taste of the series in general and helps you understand whether it's for you, or not.

People clearly enjoy them, why do you think adding 'shit' to the name will change anything? It only makes you look like a retarded manchild.

I've just remembered the other reason I've never been able to play them. I can't read japanese.

Be a true Jrpg chad and play all of them unless your tiny wittle fingies can't take it.

Playing EO5 for the first time and it's fucking amazing. Trecking through a lethal dungeon with your custom made crew is as immersive as it gets.

Is there such a thing as a multiplayer dungeon crawler? I'd love to share the experience with someone. Closest thing that comes to mind is maybe something like the original Final Fantasy mmo.

V has an Asian version with an English translation

>Is there such a thing as a multiplayer dungeon crawler?
I wish

I was playing Bloodstained yesterday. Does that count?

But I am playing Octopath Traveller. Its fun so far (6/8 chars in my party) but what i don't like is that there is literally no interaction between them? Feels kinda off but maybe that will come after i have all chars in my party.

Very tough to play them now as they are too long. Ideal way to play a JRPG is with truncated random battles and where you are given an amt of xp, skill pts equal to what you would get normally in the game to build your chars as normal but without the added time investment. Cut the pointless parts, more plot, more bosses

>Cut the pointless parts, more plot, more bosses
Xenogears did this in its later half and everyone hated it for that

she needs a baby inside her NOW

Too busy masturbating to Ryza. God I've sacrificed so much cum to this bitch. Can I at least get laid? I've been robbed of most of my semen, can I at least get a blowjob?

I'm a bit further than you (did some of the part 2 stories, unlocked all the base jobs) and they never really interact. There's skits in some areas based on your party, but they're very short and that's it.

I'm thinking of it more in the mindset of some d&d campaigns i've done, where each session would focus hard on one character's story, and everyone else would be along for the ride.

I liked it, but I'm talking more like a hack or patch that auto-gives you a normal amount of XP/skill points/AP/whatever for a dungeon and truncates said dungeon so you have like 5% of the random encounters as usual. Not actually releasing the game that way.

Sounds boring as shit

One of those Chocobo games? Gauntlet but it's more action than RPG.

So does going through dungeons in JRPGs and fighting random battles

Should I just stop playing EO Millenium Girl story mode and do custom characters? Everyone who's having fun with this franchise seems to be doing that, maybe it'll help me understand the appeal.

Too much time spent on fapping to her thighs.

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I'm already jacking off to your porn, what else do you want.

Yes, story mode is gay.

If this is gonna turn into a booty or thighs thread, I am prepared to dump.

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>people actually discussing JRPGs

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Do it. I want to cum again to this bitch's thighs and ass.

I'm down to discuss while I post. That's what I usually do, anyway. Last JRPG I played was Xenoblade Chronicles 2; I frequently play the Souls games, if you would consider those JRPGs.
I don't have a lot of her specifically. Just general vidya.

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>not cooming
Look at this faggot
I don't want to grind for post game boss fights

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jrpgs suck

Works for me. Post em.

Star Ocean SNES

don't you dare post pretty girls in this thread. I will tell on you and you will get in big trouble!

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So demanding.
We can discuss JRPGs while I do it. What have you been playing recently? Thoughts on the FF7 remake? I think the combat looks a bit boring. Holding a button to attack and block was extremely uninteresting in FF15.

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I'm even more demanding in person. Perhaps we can continue this thread of discussion in a more private and intimate location(like your room).

>Holding a button to attack and block was extremely uninteresting in FF15.

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Just Yea Forums is fine. Plus, I'm trying to write an essay while I post.
Admittadly, FF15 was my first FF, so it's not indicative of the rest of the franchise. I may have to give one of the older ones a go. The only JRPG series I'm actually a decent fan of are the Xenoblade games.

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>Playing XV as your first FF
Wow, sucks to be you. XV is an absolute shitshow, you really should play some of the older ones.

What are some good ones for someone like me who considers most JRPGs to be relatively boring? Even the early parts of the Xenoblade games didn't really hook me; it was mostly the stories and the fun combo potential in combat that kept me interested until the end.
Dunno if you're still responding; even so, I'll keep posting for ya.

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Oh I'm here big boy :)

Grandia II

I'm just used to anons I'm lewdposting for responding after each of my posts. I didn't know if you had left or not.
I've heard very litle about it. Quickly Googled it, though - I like the art style.

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I'll be here till the thread dies user. You'll never be alone.

It depends, because to get good FF you need to go back at least a decade and the most popular set of ones are VII, VIII, and IX on the PS1. I guess you can't go wrong with VII, it's a classic for a reason. Give it a try and see what you think, it has a strong opening sequence with Midgar so if it hasn't clicked by the time you leave feel free to give up on it.

Speaking of which, I think your fears about the combat are unfounded since it's just pretty much just FF7's original ATB system adapted to a more "actiony" style of combat, it's really gonna be all about how efficiently you can build up your ATB gauge while avoiding damage and then executing spells/abilities.

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guys mods are dead right now post lewds

Is Xenogears worth playing even though I hear it's unfinished?

Yes. its still worth at least a playthrough.

Anything specific you wanna see, then? Boobs? Butts? More thighs? If butts, how thick?
I'll check it out next time it's on sale on Steam. I've always wanted to get into the franchise. One of the things I love about it is how each game is sorta in its own universe; it makes it easy to just pick up and play whichever ones interest you out of order.

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gimme dem thighs.

Waiting for the Switch DQXI to be released. What I want most is to play in 2D mode, but at the same time, I don't want to miss the chance to put slutty clothes on the girls. So I think I'll play in 3D mode until finish the game, and then start a new file in 2D game.

Yes, sir!

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What are some JRPGs to play on the PC? Preferably action JRPGs like Ys dana.

Why not just play the other Ys games? Alternatively Falcom has also made Tokyo Xanadu.

I think his stuff is fine.

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They looked like they had a different combat system. Is it all the same?

They're all action JRPGs, obviously they don't all play the same because they weren't all made during the same time period. But Tokyo Xanadu plays pretty darn similarly to Ys VIII.

Is my user still here?

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I bet Ryza's feet smell like cheese!


Just making sure. How am I doing so far?

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If you're going to shit up a thread with lewd art, at the very least don't make it creepy.

I was just playing wild arms. I didn't know there was a remake but I'm already into the ps1 version so whatever.

I've actually been discussing vidya, if you'd scroll up a bit. I'm just making sure I'm posting stuff that the user actually wants. He asked me to start, after all.
If you want, we can talk about vidya.

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No thats okay, post more of her.

Very good.

Waiting on SMT Devil Survivor Overclocked to get here, been interested in it since the people that like it seem to really like it, plus I figure an SMT game is about as close as I can get to a good RPG for the Halloween season considering the demons and whatnot.

im playing octopath right now and its just a let down
>reach a new party member
>get to play their story okay
>intro is done
>X joined the party
the main one i used didn't even talk what the fuck is this


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Wow she is perfect.

Nice boat

from thumbnail it looked like she was giant sitting on a mountain just imagine them thighs at that size

I gotta be heading out soon, so maybe just a few more.

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>Why aren't you playing a JRPG today?
But i'm doing, i'm playing Dark Souls 2.

>$20 for an item pack
>$20 for costumes
>$20 for treats
What the fuck.

I like playing JRPGs because the girls make my peepee hard.

me too user. It feels good to touch.

>Walk all the way near the top of the stair
>She turned back
I expected this but fuck

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DS2 is an amazing game that got way, WAY too much shit. I put about 600 hours into it.

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>unironically surrounded by unironic boomers now

So I'm playing FFIX for the first time, just got Garnet. Anything I need a rundown for before I keep going?

Steiner best boy.
Garnet best booty.

You alright?

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Yea, im liking it alot, the gameplay feels alot better than DS1, even if the world design is pretty bland and the teleport since the beginning is ruining the immersion, especially because most of the routes are one way only and there is almost no interconnectivity, so it's either you teleport away from there or youre stuck forever in those palces.
Basically, it' less of an experience from DS1 but it's a better "videogame" than it.

>over a decade now
>no follow up to Recettear

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Man was Secret of Mana remake any good?

>best weapon is acquired minutes in
Every time

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Based. Make to sure to listen to best boy. Also, Atsuro is best bro.

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This isn't booty or thighs, but have some best level up waifu.
I honestly wonder if the lack of teleporting from the beginning of DS1 is an anomoly, considering it hasn't shown up in any Souls game since.
DS1 and Bloodborne are my favorites in the series, but DS2 is great in a lot of ways. It has a ton of QOL changes that make it more enjoyable to just play. The PvP is also genuinely fun. I've spent so many hours just messing around on the Iron Keep bridge with random invaders and fight clubs.

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>wanting to be a fairy's wageslave

I just sat down, bitch. I'll DQ after I shower. Also, I just found out DQX had a hot ogre girl, and now I'm even more pissed we never got it.

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I'd like someone to take the concept of being a cute anime girl involved in the economic side of a JRPG world. It doesn't have to be about being a slave-loli wageslave to some stupid fairy specifically. It'd be neat as hell to be able to set up shop in a town in some JRPG world and then move your operations as you grow and the world changes in response to some dummy adventurers awakening an ancient evil or some shit. But that's not your problem, there's profit to be made.

Fenrir Knight when?

So an atelier spin-off basically

It also has to be good though.

>I honestly wonder if the lack of teleporting from the beginning of DS1 is an anomoly, considering it hasn't shown up in any Souls game since.
n the opposite, the teleport is the real anomaly in DS1.
The game was supposed t be played without it, the payer shouldhave traveled all the game on foot thanks to the interconnected areas, but at 3/4 of the development, they realized that was impossible to connect all the areas for a game as big as they whanted to make, that's why after Anor Long the game feels off, because every area after that is a single dead end, so they had t put the teleport in the game to make palyers being able to travel away fro that palces without doing just a stupid backtrack.
They still managed to save 3/4 of the game without it and that's why you get the teleport just before those shitty areas like the duke's archives or lost izalith.
Also there is nolore reason for bein able to teleport around the world, its just appen as a videogame mechanic, unlike in Control where they try to explain how does you teleport from a checkpoint to another.

After DS1 they didnt give a fuck anymore about interconnected world and all the successive games are just a bunch of map put together that overlap in many areas(go lood at DS2 3D map, it's just stupid how many ways it overlap on itself).

I'm loving the rapaier, fast, work in narrow areas and with the ring that damage poise you can basically stunlock every enemy in the game every 2 hits. Also it use very little stamina, leaving alot of it to roll away from danger.

You can teleport by using the Lordvessel. It's not explained beyond that, but it's not like you just beat Ornstein and Smough and text appears saying "You can now teleport between bonfires".
The reason it doesn't appear in future games is because that link has already been made. Bloodborne gets a pass because all the lamps are connected to the dream, and you are also connected to the dream through the lamps. Demon's Souls has the archstones, in addition to a bunch of other magic stuff.
The Souls games justify the vast majority of their mechanics in-universe. Teleporting is explained. It's not a very in-depth explaination, but it is one.

>it's not like you just beat Ornstein and Smough and text appears saying "You can now teleport between bonfires".
Yea, it's more like "you got the Lordvessel that it' used for a precise thing and yoi will put it where it belong and will not carry with you all the time and for that you can teleport now, because reasons"
That is jsut bullshit, but i dont care about lore that much, it's coon reading shits in DS but it ends there for me.


I really want to get into atelier, I even bought rorona, but I heard its hard because of day limits and shit.

They are pretty lenient and are only a hassle if you want the true ending on your first go or something.

You should play a better game and just fap to her porn like a normal person.

Lulua and Ryza have no time limits.

>hates jrpgs
>types like a pseudo-intellectual faggot
>like Ikuharashit
Checks out.

The time limits in Persona 3 were a lot more stressing for me than Rorona. In Rorona you can complete almost every task in the first few weeks and then you are free to do whatever until the next assignment. You will probably miss some hidden stuff and sidequests in your first playthrough, but other than that, the game is pretty comfy.

The first one you play with time limits will be tough by nature of you feeling like you have no idea what you're doing.
You'll do fine though, people stress way too much on the limits when they're not as tough as they sound.

Dont like taking turns

we take turns to fuck your crush every day.

don't say things like that to him, it's unnecessarily mean and it isn't even true.


Don't give up before you even tried. You can do it.

I'm not an incel weeb is why

I don't play games that treat me as if i was terrified of real women.

I'll never get why some of the fags that come here like to LARP like they arent just as pathetic as everyone else that comes here. Sad.

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Whats wrong with the port? I want to play the game and I read that most of the shit was fixed.

I hope if you guys wanted an English special edition of Ryza for Switch, you already got that shit pre-ordered.

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Jesus christ you sound like a bitter fuck.
Not everyone can be a neet and live off autismbux.

If you don't mind an SRPG Vanguard bandits

Been looking for a new one to emulate, are the Atelier games on PS2 any good? And is Iris 2 a direct story sequel to the first?

Based as fuck. Never see anybody mention this but I fucking loved it back in the day.

Don't give him attention, faggot. That is what he wants.

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I am playing this dogshit game

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>are the Atelier games on PS2 any good?
They play more like a regular JRPG with some alchemy on top.
>And is Iris 2 a direct story sequel to the first?
2 is a prequel and 3 is an alternate universe

What's the point of the Sophia's clone in the beginning?

we've felt the same way about you for years.

I was having fun with it too.
I decided to emulate it on a whim since I'm a sucker for games with a mecha element in them.
I've been taking my time with it though and haven't beat a route yet, but I think I'm close.

Dude, I loved that shit when it first came out. I don't know how it has aged though. I remember the opening was slow as fuck.

What's a good JRPG on gog?


Does Pokemon Mystery Dungeon count as a JRPG? Because I'm playing that

I used to see this game get posted a lot on Yea Forums a few years ago.
I heard it was solid and thought it looked interesting but it's been in my backlog for years.
Now that I think about it for some reason around 2013-2015 there were a lot more threads for ps2 games, especially jrpgs.Is there any reason for this?

But I am slowly getting through OCTOPATH

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Emulation and piracy stopped sucking that's why

Because I've kind of burnt out for a while. Might finally get back to XB2 Torna at some point though, had that on the backburner for a literal year at this point. Think I started it too soon after XB2 for my own good.

What's a JRPG that only you played?

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I wish I could get into Octopath. It looks aesthetic as fuck. I just couldn't for some reason.

I played a JRPG on the DS but I don't know the name of it. It was Final Fantasy and I think it was steampunk with airships.

I bought Tales of Berseria today.

FF6 probably

I'm playing dragon quest V, it's been good so far

I'm replaying the Wild Arms games, then I'm going to move on to Lunar.

First time?

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I was super excited for that game until I heard that the party basically doesn't interact with each other because the way they designed the game was to have 8 separate stories for each character that don't really sync up at any point.
I might try it someday since that idea is interesting, but damn I really wish they had figured out a system that allowed for that to happen.

sequel when?

They talk to each other if you bring the right combination

I played that, but I never got very far before my Dreamcast died. That was the one where you could capture random monsters, Pokemon-style, right?

Reminded me of Jade Cocoon, which I also never finished because I got it used and the disc was scratched.

>white hand

you should finish jade cocoon

Yeah I've been lazy about getting some good emulators and finding all the roms for them.

>dig through all my old PS2 JRPGs
>find all my favorites like Shadow Hearts Covenant, Xenosaga 3, complete catalog of Atlus shit
>find my guilty pleasures like Metal Saga and Grandia 3
>even find stuff I didn't know I had like Tales of Legendia/Abyss
>can't find my Shadow Hearts 1 or Xenosaga 1
This is bullshit.

Play this one.

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Dropped it at the final dungeon.

I will be playing the japanese rpg Dragon's Dogma today.

But why?

Suddenly lost interest and beating it was a formality at that point.

Battle Trophies are still a fucking kino unlock system and I don't know why it hasn't been implemented in other ARPGs or even action games like DMC and Bayonetta.

Atelier Viorate?


Not him, but I tend to drop RPGs at the final dungeon because I care more about the progression system than the story, and the final dungeon is the point where you hit max power, have all the skills, all the items, and nothing new to look forward to.

Just fucking end me.

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No, thanks.

This plus their writing sucks and mob encounters are repetitive.

The entire point of any progression system is to go from being a completely worthless chump to a killing machine of doom. The final dungeon is supposed to feel cathartic like that.

What do you like more, Xenoblade 2 or Dark Souls 3?

I want to breed an Atelier

How is it any fun to play a game that gets easier as you progress? I prefer to just barely keep up with it and constantly be at a challenge.

Wow you're such a hardcore gamer dude

Maybe play something like Etrian Odyssey instead

Nah, I just prefer to have my neurons firing when I play a game.

Because I'm waiting for it to finish downloading, duh.

Kick both in the trash, acquire Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker. Best game you'll play on your 3DS, I promise.

Before you complain about the visuals, wait till you fight the true final boss and try to pick your jaw up off the floor.

I respect the mechanics that japanese devs put into their games, as theyre almost always superior to western devs, but I just can't fucking get past the absolutely retarded anime weeaboo character designs.

Fuck off

I'd pre-purchase Ryza on Steam, but it's not on there yet.

Playing 7th dragon 2020 ii, but the final boss Is such a bullshit of spamming status effect attacks, and the only tips other players gave me was "change classes and grind lol"
I fucking hate grinding for levels alone

so, I want to play Gungir on PSP. but from what I saw it's published by Atlus, does it have shitty english voice acting with no japanese voices?

I believe the HUD would be enough to turn you off the game
Its a Sting game, so every text Is mismatched and uses 5 different fonts

great, I'm going to skip that. Too bad, it looked interesting. Cna you suggest another srpg? props if it has cute girls. the console doesn't really matter.

Play the best JRPG ever made

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Because I can't find one that's as good as Nocturne.

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because i'm working on one you cheeky cunt

Is it worth to buy a Vita for jrpgs? I've found one at like 100€


t. filtered

I'm waiting for my copy of Gun Gun Pixies to arrive, play that and then probably play AI somnium files and most likely if I have time I'll read a VN between that and Ryzas game. So I'm getting there soon

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Because I dropped 10 of them on my new 2ds, every one is 50h long and I don't know which one to play first. So I just added Castlevania PoR and play it instead.
Crimson Shroud was fun because it was short.

I played and it is good but by god its as overrated as chrono trigger and ffvi

Vagrant Story. Valkyrie Profile. BoF IV

Not really. Unless you cfw it for PSP and PSX games.

yeah, I suspected that. I bought a Vita TV for like 30€ to play DT2, but I wanted didn't know if there were other jrpg exclusives, now that everything is ported on PC.

My pc can't run them

Do you actually work at a Japanese game studio, and if so are you actually making games and not mobage garbage? Because if you are, that would be pretty fucking cool.

Hello there, James.

Does this count as a jrpg?

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I dropped it after 25 or so hours. It's fine, but I can't play it continuosly, it gets boring after a while.

My older brother had this and I never understood the appeal as a kid. Unearthed that motherfucker from storage a little while back though and it was still in the disc drive. Might give it a spin one of these days. I wish I found Evolution in it instead, though. First RPG I ever fucked with, Pepper is best girl.

It's not an rpg.

I will play this game when it allows me to fuck this girl.

In my free time I masturbate to actual porn, then I play actual games. Sorry, no room in my schedule for JRPGs.

just beat zero no kiseki and have done the prologue of ao. might give it a bit to settle before officially starting ao but at the same time i have nothing else to do. that and i'd like to wrap everything up by trails of rean 3's release

What are your favorite porn and video game genres?

He masturbates to NTR and plays CoD.

What JRPG gets easier as you progress? Normally what happens is the enemies get stronger too. Weird.

Bunny Black 1, but it's an eroge.

This is currently on my radar, will buy soon.

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This, alongside being generally boring to play, having atrocious character designs and the same archetypes over and over. Horrific genre.

Do tales of phantasia and terranigma have good gameplay?

I am playing Dragon Quest XI and Final Fantasy Type 0 HD.

But I'm playing a JRPG. After all, they are FAR more creative than WRPGs and have much more interesting characters and worlds.
WRPGs are just derivative, ugly as a sin garbage, filled to the brim with clichés and stereotypes... If the only RPGs available were those boring and brown Tolkien ripoffs, I would have no reason to play RPGs at all.

I can't comment on Tales, but Terranigma has a really smooth combat system for its time. One of the best in my opinion. The story is great too.

>start a jrpg
>play for 10-15 hours
help me i stuck in this loop for years

It's shit, don't bother

I gave up on jrpgs ages ago, way to much focus on pandering to incels with fanservice. That shit gets old

I’m on Chapter 5 of FFXV Royal Edition

I’m unironically enjoying it even if the story is pretty disjointed already

Is something wrong with me?

Well, it's completely unsurprising that someone with the insight needed to appreciate Utena would correctly see the poverty of the genre. The best JRPGs are great *in spite* of being part of the genre and their mechanics are usually irrelevant to their best qualities.

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Only if you play garbage like the OP.

>with the insight needed to appreciate Utena
A Yea Forums level "knowledge" of anime so that you can jerk of panning scenery shots, needless (yes, needless) repetition and pretend that Ikuhara's faggotry and anger at the inherent differences between the sexes makes for a thought provoking show?

But I am! Pic related is very good.

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What's good about it?
I like srpgs like fire emblem, is it like that or more like disgaea?