You fuckers lied. This game isn't an SJW shitfest, it's pretty redpilled actually.
Kyros represents globalization: a faceless, ageless entity who slowly conquers the entire world, erasing local cultures and traditions, and forcing peace and equality on everyone.
You fuckers lied. This game isn't an SJW shitfest, it's pretty redpilled actually
okay, retard
Except the local cultures are matriarchies full of dykes.
Only in the Tiers
>game was scheduled to be released the day Rothschild pawn Hillary Clinton was supposed to win the US election
What did they mean by this?
I enjoyed this more than PoE but it was way too short. Felt like the first act of a game.
It was meant to be replayed 3 times.
>play an incomplete story 3 times, that'll fix it
yeah nah
I mostly didn't care for it because the characterization and overall writing were sophomoric, the game is incapable of writing a serious or mature character to save its life and it's actually deliciously à-propos that the only well written character is the bratty, 15 year old sheltered little girl.
Tunon is pretty fucking serious
he tries to be, but I couldn't take him seriously. He doesn't have the decorum and the presence that he's described as having, simply put. There's a disconnect with how he's described and how he is, and not a deliberate one. It's obvious the writers just couldn't pull it off.
Similarly, you can tell Voices of Nerat was supposed to feel threatening and mysterious, but he just came off as a bad joker ripoff trying too hard.
obsidian is Yea Forumss version of hacks
forced dialog choices
>you disagreed with these people who hates these other people
>you are now on the anarchy path and that means you must hate everyone in our set path
I thought it was really good until it just straight up stopped. I pirated it. Good thing too, because unfinished games don't deserve to hit shelves anymore.
I though it was a halfway decent evil alignment d&d campaign. Although I made a wizard and I feel like that game is heavily in favor of that class. Liked it more than pillars.
People are right about the length though. Just suddenly ends which is lame.
I read "Tranny"
Well said. The writers tried to tackle a mature premise that they didn't have the gravity to handle.
stop browsing Yea Forums
Liked it way more than Pillars, too bad it was a throwaway game for Obsidian
Head and shoulders better than Pillars or Pillars 2 or at least it would be if it wasn't so short. PoE 1 and 2 were adequate at best, Tyranny tried to do something and would have succeeded if not for how it just ends. It's missing at least 1.5 acts, if not 2.
>until it just straight up stopped
thats exactly how i felt as well, not really even sure what the ending was. I think that graven ash guy gave me his blessing and i ascended into godhood or someshit, i genuinely don't remember
Every time I see this game somewhere I can't avoid but reading tranny. And I don't go to Yea Forums
>two enemy types (humans and lame ghosts)
>story starts to get interesting literally when the game ends
the magic system was bretty gud though
tyranny more like tranny lol op btfo based and redpilled desu senpai gamer zoomer boomer cringe
For me I think I was just standing on top of the tower and Kyros' army was attacking or some shit. I don't even remember declaring open war on Kyros, the whole thing was so abrupt.
He is serious, but he's still written by amateurs, so he simply comes off as nonthreatening.
WHERE is the waifufag? Who IS his favourite waifu in this game (Who is? Who is?)
The setting for the game was one of the best I've seen in a while. I liked the idea of the edicts and how they wrecked havoc upon the Tiers. I liked the old walls, and the imposing height of the Spires, and the knowledge that I was the only one capable of using them made the game feel so good. The magic in the game was good as well. The story just felt so weak in all areas. Not bad... just not good.
>>story starts to get interesting literally when the game ends
>the magic system was bretty gud though
Yes to these. The spell where you'd put a sphere of water around someones head and they'd drown to death in combat was great. Also, it was nice to be able to play a martial that used spear and shield. More games need to do that, it's aesthetic as fuck.
No, as in the story being short is by design so people would play it doing other routes. At least, that's what the devs said. I think they just don't have the same budget PoE had. I heard a lot of the stuff here are recycled ideas and assets they dropped from PoE 1.
Damn good game IMO. Definitely better thank Pillars 1 or 2. Pillars felt stale and too cautious in everything at least Tyranny was doing something different. The story had some nice twists and mysteries to it, too. A damn shame there is not sequel in the works since the story was just picking up when it ended.
It's pretty clear Sawyer didn't get to ruin this, because he was too busy with PoE. Why do they keep that hack at Obsidian?
Tyranny fucking feels like a demo. It literally ends when things start to get interesting.
Kyros is communism, faggot
>Marl Karx, Archon of the Working Class
dead game, not even waifufags touch it