Hello Yea Forums I am showing off how I got LA remake early

Hello Yea Forums I am showing off how I got LA remake early.

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>no steelbook

That's on the way

hows your transition going?

cool, enjoy
I have to wait another... 45 hours for my preload to unlock

I totally missed the amiibo. Another one to add to my collection.

dump the rom lol

Where did you buy from? Id be pissed if they put stickers all over my shit.

it was all a dream

Attached: 1567043024496.jpg (500x500, 17K)

>funko pops

>sticker on the box

wtf spoiler that shit dude

Someone already did

Who cares
Game came out almost 3 decades ago

>stickers on all the boxes

Fucking why, god damn I hate that shit, and why are they all in random places including on the fucking logo

>imagine paying 60$ for gameboy ports and 20$ for happy meal toys

They peeled off really easily

>called links awakening
>dreamers edition
cmon user

Well? How'd you get it early?

I robbed a mail truck

Already installed the pirated copy :)