Why cant western video game developers stop thinking about politics for even a second?

why cant western video game developers stop thinking about politics for even a second?

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Trump era social media trends give you a lot of retweets when you do it
I wonder if it will calm down in his second term

why do you incels seethe so much at artists expressing themselves in their art? don't like it, don't buy it.

How come the "Indie Game Developer" section in twitter is the wankiest thing ever?

Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about video games every second?

Sweet! Adding it to my Steam wishlist. Also go back to /pol/ incel OP :)

How is a video game toon being their true self political, you dumb reactionary? Are you being "political" when you go around expressing a masculine (I'm assuming) gender?

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Lol Trump isn't getting a second term. America is waking up as you saw during the mid terms. He is a racist bigot who hates trans people. Where I live (San Francisco) absolutely no one is voting for him, lol.

Is that the reason why the game is about depression then?

Why the fuck do these retards think that pills on the table = madeline is trans?

Bash this shit game to obvlivion

And to this day, right wingers STILL haven’t made a single game of any value

Isn't gay trans the same as straight?

Trans people need HRT :) It turns you moody at first but makes you so happy afterwards.

Whats political about a character being gay/trans

She'a dating a man the whole fucking game, are these people retarded?

HRT makes you more feminine physically and mentally. We know most females botch their suicides, so the numbers here are total crap. Trans people don't actually killl themselves nearly as much, silly.

Sometimes I really, genuinely question if Hitler actually did anything wrong.

>implying your or any blue state vote matters while the electoral college exists

/pol/tards seething at this

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we have the electoral college to keep commiefornians in check, he's getting another term

>this thread again
Why can't polcels stop thinking about trannies for even a second?

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lol just stop playing their games you retard

imagine actually buying western video games in the first place

I thought the game was a metaphor for abortion or some shit
how the fuck can a tranny get pregnant?

Hitler killed 6 million jews. What's wrong with you incel? Have sex, seriously.

Wonder how it never clicks for transphobes that maybe making content like this and in general being transphobic may be one of the main reasons for high trans suicide attempt rates

>San Francisco
Well theres the problem, bub.

ikr :) I know we're pretty hot tho. And just like Alex Jones all /pol/tards love trans porn as much as we do.

Why can't you?

>Are you being "political" when you go around expressing a masculine (I'm assuming) gender?
Of course he is, everything is political.

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I can't tell if you guys are counter-baiting or are responding to that person as if they were serious

>living in Sodoma 3.0

based Pepe reminding us that we have to work harder to make Trans people feel accepted and comfortable with themselves and maybe one day these numbers will be different :)

Needs to be higher 100% suicide rate by dose 3

why are asians included with whites

Pick one.

>Game is about dealing with mental illness
>Main character is trans

Like pottery

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Cope more, incel NEET. You wish you worked in Silicon Valley more than anything and you know it :)

>inb4 "minecraft doesn't count"

i pick How is this political you dumb reactionary?

>Laura Kate Dale

You got me there, smart sataniaposter. It makes no difference for the argument whether both are political or neither are though. Point is that being trans is as political as enacting your "biological gender" (see, I'm trying to speak to these dorks in a simple way I hope they might understand even if it's not always 100% accurate).

whites are the tranny race

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Deus Ex shits on your tranny garbage

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somebody post the Neo-Vagina pics and kill this thread already!

no other social/economical issue comes even close to a 40% suicide and attempt rate, and believe me there is worse shit in life that you go through besides someone calling you a male/female on social media

There is no point in revealing that detail about the character unless it's to make some kind of political statement, willful retard-kun. Surprisingly, there is contention over whether we should allow mentally unstable people to castrate themselves.

I don't care if someone's trans or not but is there a single person who likes Laura Kate?

Because normal people dont play video games

>Thinking im white

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Post more of these

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cutting off your donger isn't healthy nor normal. Neither is pumping yourself with mocking bird drugs

>There is no point in revealing that detail about the character unless it's to make some kind of political statement
what if you just want to?

big yikes

post hand, spic

Why should video game characters express any gender then? Guess we just use a coloured blob not to offend any Trump supports. Unless... the point is that they shouldn't express anything that upsets you personally?

Can't commit suicide if you get shot by a cop first.

This was happening before Trump, kid

Uh ohhhh here comes Ampharos!

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>true self
>mental delusions

John Stewert ruined the USA. The smug liberal cares for nothing except being "right". Theyll happily push us into a civil war if it validated their feelings.

To piss you off, tranny.

>lgbt people existing is political

Bro, you just posted cringe.

trannies dont live that long whitoid, do the only thing youre good at and off yourself

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People existing is not political and if you're going to begrudge them for it you're only asking them to fight for their existence.

Then your personality revolves around identity politics, which is making up for an inherent lack of personality

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who the hell keeps flags on their desk, specially sexuality related one?

Raid has killed many more roaches, and those aren't nearly as harmful to society

How the fuck can you be gay and trans? Like were you gay before or after you decided you were the opposite gender? Wouldn't labeling yourself gay anchor you to a point in your gender switching, something you don't want people bring you up or reminding you that you're not what you are? Like nigga, what the fuck, make up your mind. You gay or you straight?

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Being trans isn't political, it's literally just a state of being.

Yes. Why do you think gays don't like trannies?
Their "agendas" are contradictory.

It doesn't.

Also, get your own screenshot

>express gender

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I still stand by my presumption this was only done to try and sale more copies because not enough people gave a shit about extra levels for dash trash

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encouraging mental illness is political boyo, just like vaccine shit and peanut butter in schools

Decent bait but you blew it with the san fagcisco part. Too obvious.

That pathological liar is still around?

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>Buy game on premise of no political bullshit
>Devs later go full Rowling and state their characters are some form of mentally Ill AFTER you can no longer refund it
Gee, I fucking wonder why.

I'd fucking hate it if my favourite character had a single quality that i have

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Holy shit, you actually believe that.
That's actually scary.

i respect women and trannies but only to win clout among my game dev and speedrunning friends

Maybe they just hate people who get upset by this shit and couldn't help themselves?


It's only political if you make it political, user.

They want to double dip in being a faggot.


get fucked crybaby lmfao

>fucking trannies

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Because humans have this thing called sexual dimorphism, it's impossible to create a human character without gendered traits. It is entirely possible, on the other hand, to make a human character that does not revolve around a hot button issue.


Encouraging scientific illiteracy, now that's political, considering the Republican party seems to have built its platform around it

the DLC is free, negro

You don't piss me off. Incels amuse me if anything.

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>Being trans isn't political, it's literally just a state of being

Yes, being insane is a state of being. There's no need to try to pretend that it's acceptable or normal or not harmful.

Just because being suicidal is a "state of being" doesn't mean it's cool to put a suicidal person in every form of media to try to push it as perfectly okay

There's been a lot of reddit tourists on Yea Forums lately, come to think of it. Isn't vacation over?

>Because humans have this thing called sexual dimorphism, it's impossible to create a human character without gendered traits.
This is false, androgyny is definitely a thing and many human traits are gender-neutral

So that's a no?

Of course not user. See you might be biologically a man attracted to a woman, but now with all the wokeness and victim-hood points that come with being a woman and being called gay.

Not normal, sure, also not your business, also neither of the things you mentioned come with higher risk of suicidality

>Deux Ex
>right wing
are you fucking kidding me?

Jokes on you trannyshit, I never bought Celeste. Wings of Vi is far superior.

Even they know they can't really change gender so after they transition, they know they're still male so they're still technically faggots. Trans + gay.

>Just because being suicidal is a "state of being" doesn't mean it's cool to put a suicidal person in every form of media to try to push it as perfectly okay
lel as if there haven't been many works featuring suicide or suicidal people without a peep from you. You don't give a shit. You just think trans people are icky and you want to be able to pretend they don't exist. Well, too late, cat's out of the bag, and all you can do now is learn to cope.

>Someone failed 1st grade biology.

The game, however, is not.

>not understanding the concept of gender/sex/personality being separate


And are we running out of white straight males in media? I wish but I think not.

Bros...no....I masturbated the main character from this game because redheads are my fetish...does this mean I’m fucking gay

it is on epic games store :)

That's how you fucking liberals try and get everything past. You want us to just believe that thinking you were literally born in the wrong body is a normal and healthy part of being human and that there is no need for real debate on this.

You fuckers want to change the very definition of what it means to be human for your own smug moralizing and blacklist anyone who disagrees. Fucking creepy shit how you all don't even think about it

The composer for the game is trans, it was never a secret

>Someone stopped after 1st grade biology

pixels on a screen don't have a gender so you're good bro

why cant you?

So why don't you get upset about shows/games/books with suicidal protaganists?

>literally just a state of being

Which is why trannies will never shut the fuck up about it, right?

Right wingers would lose their minds if deus ex came out today

I think that's just a picture of her mom and that's a bottle of anti-depressants.

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Why do you care? There's nothing wrong with trans people.

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Gender has nothing to do with biology, dummy. Yet still you're wrong on both accounts. Impressive!

>buzzword buzzword I've got a buzzword

Name anything mainstream that tries to portray suicide as something positive and acceptable.

And you don't know who the fuck I am retard, so how would you know what I've peeped about?

of the few trans people I've met, they don't really talk about it.

You are either a boy or a girl. In extremaly rare cases when your fetus got fucked a fucking mutant that's neither. But that's literally a biological error, like a siamese twin.
You playing pretend won't change that.

>I wish

The mask slips

So explain the tranny flag

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If DX came out today the devs would get an endless stream of death threats from Twitter trannies for its criticism of globalism

you didnt piss me off, tim even gave me the game for free but I still wont touch it because it smells like a rotting axe wound

>buying into pseudoscience propaganda created to push profits for pharmaceutical and cosmetic surgery industries

Lick some more capitalist boots

Oh wow, I didn't realize that composers have such a huge say in a character's backstory, fuck me how could I have not seen his influence

I don't care if it's normal or not, let them do what they want with their bodies. I don't exist to babysit others and if it makes them happy without hurting others, who cares?

Trump has no chance, people assumed Hillary was an easy win so lots of people didnt vote
Now the left will rise and lots of people have turned against Trump for breaking promises and proven russian collision

>You want us to just believe that thinking you were literally born in the wrong body is a normal and healthy part of being human and that there is no need for real debate on this.
No, actually, no one is saying that, it is quite abnormal and obviously unhealthy, which is why we want to encourage them to get effective treatment.

The irony is "a state of being" isn't honest of what being transgender would even be, transgender isn't a gender, it's an implication you are transitioning to the other gender.

Enough with the postmodernist bullshit. Me pretending to be a horse won't make me biologically a horse.The same thing with that "gender" thing.

>There’s nothing wrong with trans people.
>Frog posting retard

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That's right. What did you think you were doing when you put on canonically male attire over, say, a cute pink dress? Just acting out the sentient will of your chromosomes as if they were strings attached to your limbs?

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Showing support. Twitter activists and corporations do it all the time.

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neofag mods were already mass-banning the posters who have the wrong thinking in 2012. i think the western industry is highly hierarchical. the ones who have some power want to control people.

You're all servile bootlickers who need term limits to stop you from creating presidents for life. Short of a michael richards tier breakdown on stage, he's getting 4 more years

I'm not right wing but you faggots would call me right wing. Literally everyone is right wing compared to you disgusting trannies, so we've actually made all the games.

Kill yourself

this is close to the right answer, but wrong. the correct answer is to ignore them and play older games only. pirating shows companies that there is interest in their game and they need to lock it down more (if they want to) to capitalize on the pirates.

Does that mean Celeste has a penis?

The fuck are you on about?

>suicide by cop

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>Name anything mainstream that tries to portray suicide as something positive and acceptable.
Oh, you want a value judgement? Well, too bad, a realistic portrayal of being trans is inherently less bad than a realistic portrayal of suicide.
>And you don't know who the fuck I am retard, so how would you know what I've peeped about?
I haven't seen anyone "peep" about it in fact, compared to the impotent anti-tranny bitching which is on an hourly repeat

>Implying you retards aren't just going to assume your candidate's gonna be elected and you're going to lose a shitload of support when biden is coronated.

Basically just as bad

The trend ramped up when people from both sides of the aisle proudly displayed their butthurt around his election. Trump isn’t the cause, just a marker.

You're the only one invoking metaphysics. If you want the gender of girl you can be one by acting like, you know, a girl. Whoa... radical...

>Trump isn't getting a second term.
It's more likely than unlikely he'll get a second term since the Dems are too fucking stupid to pay attention to people like Tulsi Gabbard, who has the best chance of actually beating him in an election. Instead the DNC will nominate Sleepy Joe, Kamala, Beto, or Buttigieg and then wonder why they lost.

I'm mtf trans and deus ex is one of my favorite games of all time. The game isn't about globalism, it's about corporatism and government corruption.

Your point is?

Sorry, didn't mean to go too big thought on you. Just give it a couple of reads and think about it. Like truly consider it. Maybe you'll get there.

Don't think you can co-opt anti-capitalist messaging you fascist

Sage for ultra repetitive outrage-farming /pol/ bullshit.

>Laura Kate Dale

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How is it living in hell on earth where everyone guzzles down antidepressants just to keep smiling in a closet of a apartment for $3500/month?

Good thing we're not talking about biology

>which is why we want to encourage them to get effective treatment.
>chopping off your body parts and indulging in delusions is effective treatment
I think someone is missing the point here.

>Celeste protag is a fucking tranny
Any chance of me even touching the game, which were already low in the first place, have been immediately discarded.
>>frogposting retard reeee
Pepe really is dead, isn't he? He died for Trump, and this is what we're left with. A corpse that everyone screeches at if you post it.

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Video games are not art.

This "find one thing in a videogame and get outraged by it" is totaly sjw behavior

Thanks for making yourself filterable!

>without hurting others

>push for self-mutilation to be acceptable through praising them as heroes and brave and shoving a statistical anomaly into every form of mass media
>convince children it's cool and hip just like being gay or bi was pushed as a fad two decades ago
>even giving trans "story times" to kindergartners
>change laws to not just allow, but in some cases mandate that children receive permanently damaging chemicals and castration
>invade real women's privacy and exclusive spaces
>distract and even harm real problems with gender discrimination

>having a flag means you're gay

I mean they are, But art isn't above criticism on it's objective merits either

Yes, someone is indeed. Look, if you're going to play dumb then so am I.

Chromosomes are biology, freak. Nothing will change the fact you're a male. Not surgery, not pretending, not forcing others to pretend.

You are too pure for this site user, just leave for your own sanity

Will I magically grow a vagina then?
If not, I'm not a girl, just a delusional man in a dress, behaving like a retard.
Let's call things by their real name for once.

>its more expensive to cut your dick off than it is to add one
What the fuck and why

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Same reason why Japan can't.

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Wait, if "she"'s supposed to be trans, wouldn't that NOT be gay for her to date that söiboy on the computer, by their degenerate logic? Why would she be gay and trans? has she had her parts mangled already or not?

Half true. The best games are made from apolotical sources. But the modern left regards anyone who isn't the far left to be the far right. To that end, we can credit anyone apolitical to be right right as per the left's own rules.

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Uhm, you're not going to obviously. What do vaginas have to do with anything?

Why do you further your mental illness instead of getting professional help?

We're not talking about chromosomes.

Because I don't want to wear women's clothes. If I did, it wouldn't make me less male.

>buying western games
you guys have not learned not to buy western games already?

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>a realistic portrayal of being trans is inherently less bad than a realistic portrayal of suicide

But they are literally the same thing

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So, that's what you think is a convincing argument. You truly shown me the light.

Need a tool to keep the hole open and a constant supply of antibiotics so you don't die of an infection.


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Because the freaks that take advantage of the mentally ill see it as a great opportunity to get their money.

You're on Yea Forums, you're already a delusional man behaving like a retard, might as well wear the dress while you're at it

Doug Tennapel

Why are there so many trannies here? You creatures aren't changing anything here, you just make everyone hate you more. Sorry but it's just human instinct to be repulsed by you. Some people can hide it but we don't have to here, so you'll never make any difference. Stick to your little communities and stay quiet. That's the only way you can thrive.

t. Never played Deus Ex

You couldn't define fascism if you stuck a dictionary up your ass

Trannies can't exist without capitalism. FACT.

This will translate into roughly 3 extra sales

your high suicide rate comes from your mentally ill nature
and 9 times out of 10, people who develop gender dysphoria also have depression

You're a male, inside and out. Get over it.

That character's true self is male. Predetermined by genetics. He can look feminine, take estrogen pills and cut off his dick, but he'll still be male.

Then what ARE we talking about? Because everytime someone points the obvious you deflect it.

Funny that you would call others retarded having such a limited mental capacity yourself.
The implication is that the MC was a boy, transitioned to girl (male) and dates a man, and that's still gay even if you are now a "girl".

Why do people enable a mental illness that ruins their bodies and potentially their lives? Why are you so careless?

Help them get help, don't encourage it.

>/pol/tard: omg get help.. i beg of you... i'm a humanitarian i just care for you ;_;
>tranny: okay
>doctor: here take these pills and in time you might consider surgery
>/pol/tard: noooooooo not like that!

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But all Japanese games are right winged.

I don't think I could tell you anything you haven't heard before. You're just pretending not to know the science. The thing is your position is just not rational and rational arguments will have no effect on you.

same as comic book writers/artists. american geek creators in general are fucking obsessed with twitter and the hivemind there.

If you know what the message Ian before you make it it’s not art, it’s propaganda. The process of creating art actually involves exploring and producing something you don’t quite understand fully, let alone are able to articulate.

How the fuck is that remotely a fact

>You want us to just believe that thinking you were literally born in the wrong body is a normal and healthy part of being human and that there is no need for real debate on this
This push for normalization is part of the healing process for those suffering from gender dysphoria.

Look, doctors are obliged by their practice to suggest every possible treatment there is for your affliction as an option or a recommendation as long as said treatment is proven to help. That's why cancer patients might opt to go for chemo therapy even if it literally destroys their body.

In the case of those with gender dysphoria, HRT has been proven to lower suicide rates compared to those who didn't take it. It's not a definitive cure, because for mental illnesses there often isn't to begin with. But it's the best option we currently have. However, suicide rates amongst HRT patients can be lowered if they're in an accepting environment where they don't get routinely made out to be a freak or undesirable. Hence this push.

You probably see ugly people in real life all the time. You probably don't say it straight to their face. Same thing with transsexuals.

>push for self-mutilation
Nigger please. Gender reassignment surgery has been getting more and more acknowledged as passé now that HRT is becoming the most attractive option for transitioning. Your complaints about self-mutilation are outdated.
>>convince children it's cool and hip just like being gay or bi was pushed as a fad two decades ago
I remember having one of those required talk meetings to an actual transsexual in high school, and I and most of my classmates forgot about it a week after, as with most shit they tend to push on you during that age.
>change laws to not just allow, but in some cases mandate that children receive permanently damaging chemicals and castration
If you're talking about T-blockers, those haven't shown to inflict any noticeable damage.

>Mutilation is helping
In that case, just mutilate your neck with a rope.

Biology and being a girl? You are starting to contradict yourself in your woke ramblings.

Plow that boipussy. Embrace the Big Gay.

Says the sociopath

Social constructs, duh. I get a feeling you probably already knew that.

So now you trust the pharmaceutical industry? Are you retarded?

I think we have arrived at the heart of the matter.

Ethnic Cleansing
Jesus Strikes Back
just to name two

What are gender politics?

Good luck getting that surgery and pills, comrade! We'll call you when we're ready to distribute them to you. Now get back to work in that price paddy.

man i don't dislike trump and i think he's cool but i think him existing created the SJW culture

This is a dumb fucking definition of art that you probably should've explored a bit further before shitting it onto Yea Forums


I think you are confusing sex and gender. Yes, biology might decide what your crotch looks like but your gender expression is a product of society.

Skyrim is one of the most influential game in the history of the medium. All TES games are ardently right wing in their ideologies. Anything left leaning is always portrayed as below contempt in the universe.

>trannies using anime which is from a right winged nation that sterilizes trannies to promote their agenda
can some one explain this?

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You think you can become a legit girl by dreaming about it very hard, and I'm the one not knowing science.
I don't know what you're smoking, but I want some of that stuff.

>gay and trans people are politics
right wing SJWs are the dumbest group of people on this site. Even dumber than the regular old SJWs

That's really cute that Celeste girl is trans though, can't wait for redhead loli shemale drawings

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>want to be a girl but still like girls


>Deus Ex isn't about globalism
holy shit those estrogens must be seeping into your brain-hole

The capitalist conceptions of elective cosmetic surgery and synthetic hormones and the internet creating echo chambers for the mentally ill to hide away in from real society are the reason trannies even exist. None of this would be physically possible without them.

>westacuck devs

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>being triggered by cartoon animals
There's definitely something wrong with (you) though

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>Need a tool to keep the hole open
isn't that just a vibrator?

>Catherine Full Body
>two trans characters
>"Rin, what do you think of same-sex marriage?"
>"As long as you love each other... that's all that matters, isn't it?"

It's okay when Japan does it.

>identity politics isn't politics

>having fun in games

Did you happen to miss the part where we had a bit of a shite president twice exclusively for his skin color?

>Guys wants to be grills
ho2 maek bebi?

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>So now you trust the pharmaceutical industry? Are you retarded?
You're right, if my doctor proscribes me any kind of medicine for my illnesses it must be some kind of ploy by Big Pharma. From now on I only accept alternative medicine.

I dunno m8, socialised healthcare seems to be a lot more effective at getting everyone treatment at a fraction of the cost than America's capitalist hellscape

>why cant western video game developers stop thinking about politics for even a second?
If you have no identity you build one by joining a cult.


I really miss smug posters though

>I think you are confusing sex and gender
I'm surprised that you found the time to post on Yea Forums in between all that burning in Hell, Mr. Money.

>push for self-mutilation to be acceptable
gender reassignment surgery is old-fashioned and dumb compared to HRT treatments.
>through praising them as heroes and brave
That's retards who don't understand what they're doing.
>and shoving a statistical anomaly into every form of mass media
I don't think I've seen a movie or played a game with a random hamfisted trans person yet. Sounds like you're getting shit media.
>convince children it's cool and hip just like being gay or bi was pushed as a fad two decades ago
Have you ever met a trans person outside of the internet, people don't try to push this shit on kids and more importantly they don't treat it as a fad, it's clearly a big decision.
>change laws to not just allow, but in some cases mandate that children receive permanently damaging chemicals and castration
This is something I don't support, and know several trans people who also don't support it. Because, you know, not all pushes are positive ones and there's some that should be stopped.
It's like saying the pedos trying to join the LGBT should change your view on the movement itself.
>invade real women's privacy and exclusive spaces
I'm not a woman so I can't say how I feel, but if you're talking about bathrooms I genuinely do not care if a woman walks into the guy's bathroom while I'm in it. If a FtM person walks in I won't care either.
>distract and even harm real problems with gender discrimination
Most transgender issues are almost completely separate from regular women's issues.

Most of the trans people I see on FB and shit are black


Beliving you are a woman does not make you a woman. Just a stupid-looking dude in a dress "expressing yourself".

Because you're an ignorant manchild and dont notice the politics in non-western games because you don't have the proper cultural context.

>The thing is your position is just not rational and rational arguments will have no effect on you.

they have at least some value of cringe

>right winged nation that sterilizes trannies to promote their agenda
I mean, trannies usually get steralized by themself

We're dumb Americans man..don't put anything past our fat subhuman population. We are falling hard for the thucydides trap. Don't be shocked if he does get a second term.

She's literally colored like the trans flag.

There's been plenty of trans-type anime characters.
And I'm not talking traps, btw.

Putting "capitalist" in front of it doesn't actually make it so

Stop talking to the retards and take your rationality somewhere it isn't being wasted

>it's about corporatism and government corruption.
so basically globalism

It makes sense once you realize the majority of "trans" people are actually just autogynephilic. They have a fetish for being perceived as female. It's not that they're "actually" a woman, they just get a raging boner if somebody thinks they're a girl and dressing like a girl.

For people like that being gay or straight makes no difference. Their fetish is compatible with anything really as long as they can dress like a girl while it happens.

Science says you're wrong.

Yes, mentally ill people being normalized instead of treated is a political issue. They need a cure not to be told they are normal.

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>Yea Forums built itself around never expressing any part of identity
>starts churning out schizo incels who shoot people in the streets whilst shouting the name of an Egyptian frog god
Think you might be on to something

I have nothing else to do, I'm installing Titanfall 2 and like seeing how far people are willing to go on Yea Forums.

Why not? I'm sure few if any girls have ever seen your dick and they still see you as a guy when they pass you on the street. It's almost as if the dick is utterly inconsequential.

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lgbt and feminism in games are actual activism. they support a real social movement in games. only westacuck devs do it.

It's called autogynephilia

Most trannies just have an extreme fetish due to watching too much porn, like people who jerk it to thoughts of being turned into a diaper or something

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niggers dont kill themselves because their IQ so low they can't into introspective thought, same reason gorillas dont off themselves

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Enjoy waiting 8 years for a kidney transplant from subpar doctors. Better hope your condition lasts that long.

what a stipud concept for a comic

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>Between 24% and 90%

>Have you ever met a trans person outside of the internet, people don't try to push this shit on kids and more importantly they don't treat it as a fad, it's clearly a big decision.
You're either deluding yourself, or maliciously trying to pull one over on everyone, despite the contrary being blatantly obvious. Either way, you can fuck right off with that bullshit.

“ gee, do I want to side with the genocidal hill people or the genocidal elves?”

He's also literally a boy. You even quoted a line about same sex relationships. Nobody in the game calls him a girl after the reveal

*identity politics

>I'm mtf trans

Say hello to the 40% statistic soon

>Yea Forums built on not expressing identity
>substitute it for an identity
I get chanology happened ages ago, but you're doing it wrong.

The cure to gender dysphoria is to be lowed to transition to their correct gender identity.

If you know anything about psychology you'd know this. Trying to "cure" it by forcing them to live out as the gender they feel is wrong does not improve their mental health.

Science says two X chromosomes makes you a male, don't throw science at me, freak.

Has anyone else noticed a drastic drop in quality in most threads and posts in this board in the last 5 days? It's genuinely becoming harder to discern newfaggotry from falseflagging / ironic shitposting, especially regarding these "liberal" posters.

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When games like The Division and Spec Ops have clear political messages, nobody panics.

But when a game even hints at a gay or trans person existing, well then everyone loses their minds.

As opposed to America, where you also wait eight years and then go bankrupt and die anyway

Honestly I've stopped caring
I don't play this 2d twee post tumblr calarts pixel shit anyway and at least it's a cute character.
That said who the fuck gives a fuck about online echo chambers like Twitter? I literally never go there outside of the screen caps I see here and the odd porn video/drawing/pic

It's literally the new tumblr deviant art

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I’m sure helping the emperors bastard son turn into a dragon to stop the demons is very right wing

The main character in her favorite game is a rip-off of Vivian James.

I'm going to take tips from someone arguing in favor of genital mutilation. Lmao.

Have you ever met any trans people, user? Are you sure you're not deluding yourself, or had someone else pull one over on you?

>a rainbow sticker and pills means you might be trans
or you just have a mac
>implying there’s a difference

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I'm pretty sure its because they get off on the pre-op ones. Once they lob off what gets them hard it makes them angry.

even tough I'm not a "real" Trumpfan either (and actually live in europa anyway), I doubt that Trumb will loss
afaik, midterms alway swing towards the party who doesn't have the current president
and democrats are more or less shoveling their own grave
>Where I live (San Francisco) absolutely no one is voting for him, lol.
ok, how is the rat-infestation going in commiefornia?

Lmao no it doesnt. Two x chromosomes is likely to produce a Male. But this isnt guaranteed.

And that means literally nothing because he chooses to have a penis

I mean that's factually wrong.

It started way before Trump.

>gice i stopped caring i'm like so above it all
>*posts alt-right propaganda memes*

>Gay devs make gay thing
wow surprise, gay thing

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This is the alt-right's understanding of science in a nutshell. Nice thread

I went to a high school with two trans people and worked in a store with one.
They were all fine people albeit the one I worked with didn't know how to wash themselves properly, but they were an idolfag so that's to be expected.

>violence was started by left wing thugs who showed up with no permit

Looks like you proved it right

>The transition that results in suicide for the majority?
It doesn't though? Quite the opposite, in fact.

If the organ is available, you get it immediately. Better to live in debt that you don't even have to pay anyway than die after suffering for years.

Because it's subversion and done about as stuble as a kabosh over the head
Meanwhile ion fury gets censorsed multiple times and nobody gave a fuck

Fuck your double standards nigger
T. Bisexual virgin fapper

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>I mean
Stop doing this, it’s a terrible habit.

Curiously, majority of trans people seem to be mtf rather than ftm. Wonder why that is? Maybe women don't have an urge to transition?


Amazing that you're both wrong about genetics.

too little text

>10 pixel flags
>OP gets triggered
you have become what you hate most. a faggot.

>Science says two X chromosomes makes you a male
It really doesn't :^)

not as bad a habit as yours of making boring and shitty fucking posts

You're an idiot. The reason trans people have higher rates of suicide is because of hateful monsters like you not letting them just live their lives.

you are actually right.
Yea Forumstards who still cant stop being westacucks or have high expectations for westacuck devs are simply morons.

Shigeru Miyamoto is right wing.

lol imagine being a propagandist in 2019

of course trannies are political. Wouldn't expect an animeposter to use his brain, though.

Hey, we can agree on something after all.

Well I am I just don't give a shit about clist game of the month pulling this shit seen it way too many times to care.

Let it all burn to the ground why would I get angry at some tranny retard shitting itself on the internet for social points?

Did you get here five days ago?


And radical leftists throw science out of the window completely and believe that John Money was legit, apparently, so stop being so high and mighty.

no u

>Has anyone else noticed a drastic drop in quality in most threads and posts in this board in the last 5 days
Welcome to three years ago

They can't they have been demoralized.
They have been programmed so their life revolves around it. There is no cure.

I'll never understand why do you retards even care about this shit. Does it effect gameplay?

wtf is that pic real?

Women don't develop sexual fetishes at the same ratio as men

yet blacks have more trannies per capita than whites lmao.

You talk a lot about genetics for an involuntarily celibate genetic dead end

black on black crime should be considered suicide

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America has massive organ waiting lists, user. It's not a feature of "socialised medicine" but of organ shortages. You've been lied to.

it was based on the kid that got yelled at by smiling to a crowd while waiting for the school bus

>commit suicide because someone somewhere does not like you

Yep, sure is a normal mental condition here.

>Thinking that some stranger's perception of you somehow defines your gender rather than biology

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whites are mentally ill. normal humans are supposed to breed and have children. I can't wait for them to become extinct.

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>characterization is inherently identity politics
Then go cure yourself via lobotomy, retard. Also, medically transitioning to match your natural sexed brain patterns is the best cure we have until we discover or adopt psychotherapy that can change the brain to match the body

Also why the fuck do you stupid retards even pretend like the left right dichotomy is even useful for determining any sort of political alignment. Literally only dipshit globalists use that shit because it lets them lazily get away with projecting their issues onto any other ideology.

>If the organ is available

Hence the waiting lists eh dum dum

No, the reason trannies have higher rates of suicide is mostly because they are self-hating, mentally ill people with self-image problems that need psychological help, not encouragement and approval for their delusions. It's like telling a suicidal person that jumping off a roof would solve shit.

If that was the case they'd have the highest suicide of all groups, soaring above trans ppl by a mile

being gay is not a political statement retard

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anyone who buys indie shit deserves to be fucked over by tr*nny devs

None of this hinges on John Money. He didn't come up with the concept of gender and his proposed cure to gender dysphoria was the opposite of what is now commonly accepted.

I don't care about having trannies in video games but can the video games they're in actually be good?

I don't know any good tranny games
I bet Yea Forums can't even mention ONE

>source: my ass

If we remove that double negative, you said "you guys have learned to buy western games already?" Learn English you faggot weeb.

I think it is either men has high number of people with autogynephilia and/or women can just be tomboyish without anyone calling them faggots.

>natural sexed brain patterns

Imagine believing this shit and forking over several thousands to some quack to give you drano pills

Since gender is 100% perception it's by definition all that matters. Sorry of that confuses and frightens you.

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Celeste is a fun game
Biology determines sex, not gender. This is common knowledge, you ape

Hey I'm not the one who forgot which sex has which chromosomes

Are you that faggot who goes around killing random bandits in Skyrim going "Now I'm killing a feminist! And this guy deserved it, he's a libtard!"

anyone who buys AAAshit deserves to get raped with hidden fees, microtransactions, cut content, and lazy, cookie cutter game design

Holy shit you are a dumb faggot

Not the same thing, retard.
In the US you wait because there isn't one available.
With socialized healthcare you wait because there are thousands of people ahead of you for the doctor's time.

No because these creatively bankrupt trannies can't write about anything but their own experiences, which no normal person cares about.

user, what do you think "psychological help" entails? Because let me tell you, a lot of it entails getting people to feel better about themselves. Not telling them they're freaks of nature whose feelings are wrong.

Just because someone doesn't go through SRS doesn't mean they're "less trans".

That's simply because the characters aren't written to be very liberal. This was already established in the original with how the main cast (Toby aside) interacted with Erica. Vincent Brooks even slaps Rin's hand away and tells her to get away from him. Catherine is supposed to be a morally ambiguous story and you aren't supposed to treat Vincent and the boys as role models or representations of Atlus's politics.

You're the one who has no need for the info because you will never spill your seed in a fertile woman

It does, and you can kill yourself for stating otherwise.

Gender is biological. If you think it's not, you're mentally ill.

So essentially, gender is make-believe. I believe I'm an unicorn, the entire society has to roll with it. That's what you're saying?

This shit unironically started with Obama. Not saying it is his fault, but he really let leftist go crazy during his administration.

Right, yeah, they all want brand new kidneys because the state pays for it so why not

Please stop listening to capitalist propaganda

feels good to be on the right side of history

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I'll support whatever psychological help involves getting the fuck off the internet, it's not good for anyone involved themselves included


Madeline a cute. Nice when a trans/gay character is just a person and nothing in the main game beat us over the head with this fact

Imagine not doing research and realizing that I'm correct, and instead arguing a losing point because you hate gay people so much

If you want me to call you a unicorn I will. Doesn't cost me a thing and if it matters to you it's the least I can do.

>>Buy game on premise of no political bullshit
No one ever said there was such a premise.

Also, your issue is not that it's political it's that it's politic you don't like to see express. Guess what, when some game character fight to take down the army of some supreme overlord, it's also political.

Okay, I guess you concede.

Literally open a biology 101 textbook. Or just wikipedia. I'll know you've actually done it when you come back here and admit you were wrong.

Don't you have another shitty Kotaku article to write or something?

So why do trannies transition? They can't change their biological sex, they're just pretending. Is it so they can more easily fool people? Because I'm sure you can understand how people wouldn't like that.

>chops dick off
>demands that you fuck their wound
>mutilates your children
>sues you for not calling them "xer"
>kills themself

/pol/ isn't leftist you dumb retard.
They are legit fascist and nazis that already take up the majority of the board.


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Cool, and I perceive you as a mentally ill freak and shall address you as such. Deal?

Exactly. *Psychological* help. Not pumping them full of hormones and mutiliating their bodies. Your body is fine, your mind is fucked - you should fix that first.

The same could be said of all shitposters

This tranny is the one that lied about a DJ making fun of it at a Xbox event, how are they aloud to still have a job after making a fasle accusation

>ok, how is the rat-infestation going in commiefornia
Salt right. Wew.

I love seeing anti-gay /pol/faggots get BTFO'd more and more every day. Still can't let gamergape go lmao

Also, video games. Going back to Spyro now

I don't know if you should but it's what you do, is it not? Didn't know I had the power to stop you but in case I do: cease!

>posts a tranny
typical white

If you "feel" like a woman but your body is a man, wouldn't it make more sense to take testosterone to make your "feelings" match your body instead of trying to force your body chemistry and anatomy into some horrific facsimile of something you can never be?

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anyone who buys games should be murdered violently

Don't try to muddy the waters you fucking /pol/tard.

Semantics. You know what that retard meant and the fact that you'd derail the conversation shows you have no argument.

You are completely ignorant if you think transitioning doesn't involve getting counselling.

unironically because Trump is living in their heads (and even alternate timelines where Hillary won) rent-free

>Madame President Edition Newsweek
>still mentions Trump an average of once per page

Attached: living in their alternate history rent free.jpg (718x545, 126K)

Lets face it he was born a foggot.

So, essentially yes.
You realize how stupid that is, right?
Because everybody can pull off any ridiculous "gender" out of their ass and you'd have to accept that without a peep. Where is any "science" in that?

Yes he goddamn did, his Mengele tier experimentation on the twins is the whole reason we pretend transition surgery even works despite leading to a double suicide.

It doesn't work like that on several levels.

I thought leftists were the triggered snowflakes bros...


From WHO:
From wikipedia: "In the XY sex-determination system, the female-provided ovum contributes an X chromosome and the male-provided sperm contributes either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome, resulting in female (XX) or male (XY) offspring"
Argue with that you fucking mentally ill retard.

>feelings are wrong

But they are. If you keep lying to them eventually the lie will come crashing down once their aging male bodies defy all the artificial changes they keep trying to make and it hits their fragile minds all at once. Better to ease them into reality instead of perpetuating the fantasy

your words are as empty as your soul! Yea Forums ill needs a savior such as you!

wouldn't it make more sense to google the subject for 5 seconds before asking dumb questions?

How exactly did we get to this point? Where people put so much stock into something that means so little at the end of the day?
Do we need another world war to rectify just how soft and trivial so many people have become? Are we going through the "easy times make weak men" phase of history?
I'm genuinely interested how we got to this part in society.

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It was me reporting the Salt Right. The new janitors are doing a great job. Yea Forums is vidya, not sAlty fear.

Yea Forums is a board of peace.

No, user, this isn't "semantics". He's factually wrong and that's funny because he insists that anyone who disagrees with him should kill themselves for not knowing basic science. I've got argument if you want them but I'm not going to throw my pearls before this swine.

Even if you're conflating the linguistics of gender with the science of it, gender is derived from the observer's perspective, not the object being observed.

Gamers are complacent, but they will rise up come 2020

You do realize if whites were to go extinct you can kiss your luxurious life and vidya and other plastic and shiny toys good bye while the world dives into chaos and anarchy and fighting for resources it would be hell on earth.
Of course a retarded shitkin like you wouldn't understand that.
What are you going to do?
Go to beaner land that will most likely go fascist in some point?

>Yes he goddamn did
You lie. This is a matter of historical record.
>his Mengele tier experimentation on the twins is the whole reason we pretend transition surgery even works
This is also a lie.

I hate to be like this but we've talked for a bit and I just have to ask. Do you even know what science is? Science is merely the attempt to objective describe reality as it is. It's not like stone tablets from Mount Sinai. If girls with dicks exist, and we do, then that's a scientific fact. Just as you can, for a fact, identify as a unicorn if you want to (so please don't censor yourself).


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It would be nice if they thought about actual world politics instead of this social studies stuff

>female (XX)
>Science says two X chromosomes makes you a male

Nigger his records are publically available. Why the fuck would you try to lie by accusing me of lying. Are you stupid? Do you have brain damage?

I don't care, I get paid to see these fucks bi-weekly and ask how they feel, describe them Prozac for their mood and Naproxen for their "period" pains. I have no idea why they want Napros over aspirin or ibuprofeins tho. Must be something they talk among themselves in forums.

This is actually all the more reason to transition early.

So the retard was just showing off his retardation, and I should have let him? OK. I forgot the Salt right idolizes ignorance.

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>If girls with dicks exist, and we do

I have some news for you.
Unless you are a girl actually born with a fucking dick, then you should see a doctor ASAP, because your biology might be a bit fucked.

What a stupid real life event you mean?

>implying a buy shitty white products
Asians are superior to whites, when it comes to vidya and technology. It's no surprise that these higher IQ people are importing shitskins like white people are.

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People freaking out about gay and trans characters makes it Political, maybe devs didn't made it political but the tweets will make it.

I dont allow faggots in my house. even from my wife. get this clown shit off my board

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are you implying your virgin ass isnt soft and trivial? fucking moron “muhh white masterrace” nigga shut the fuck up your obese ass is sitting behind a screen 17 hours a day doing nothing youre the lowest of people and youre out here calling other people soft? nigga did you ever even swung at someones face in your life? fucking pussy youre lucky youre anonymous because id fuck your shit up just for being a faggot mother fucker go jack off your dick for the twelfth time today fucking incel “ubermensch”

eventually they won't wait around for you to just kill yourself

you may be right, dead right, but if you can't get along
you'll be just as dead as if you were dead wrong

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Why can't you?

An interesting idea, but anecdotally it doesn't work. Just look at Ray Kroc. An absolute legend, a giant in his field, roided to the gills. The issue wasn't his own perceived or actual masculinity: it was his body dysmorphia and the fact that he traded one form of it for another rather than facing head on the fact that he was genuinely unhappy with who he was as a person.

I like gorogoa because its not retarded with shit like this.
More art games that are actual art please

>Trump isn't getting a second term

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>dues ex
You people scream about /pol/ about all day, but hardly know the majority of the users political alignment fucking kill your self fucking faggot.
Fuck the right and left bunch of useful idiots.

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what's wrong with his nipples? and why is that maid naked? he should be wearing a victorian style maid outfit.

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>Nigger his records are publically available.
Okay. Does it say in them "I, John Money, invented the concept of 'gender'?" Because if it does, then Dr. Money lied too. And does it say "my work in trying to socialise a boy into being a girl will lay the foundation for applying the complete opposite treatment to gender dysphoria in the future"? Because aside from being oddly prescient that's also probably not what happened if you ask me.

>my wife
having fun LARPing, incel?

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Thanks for the lesson in semantics. What chromosomes do you have?

So what are you suggesting my options are? Be killed by fascists, or kill myself?

my condolences

Attached: San Francisco, Democrat Dream City.jpg (750x727, 76K)

Why /pol/fags love black people and trannies so much?
Hell look at your average /pol/ user and looi what webms they saved

You cannot avoid it. Nature will destroy what man has tried to cover it with

because he's getting ready for breeding user

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>all these leftist posts
I didn't vee was so lefty

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Yea Forums is not your safe space, Confederate. Go be terrified of people somewhere else.

trannys cant get preggers

n-no u :’(

Make me, subhuman.

As I explained the other guy, this is not a matter of semantics. If you say "the sky is green" and someone corrects you, you don't say "well, semantics, we all know what colour the sky is". You were claiming the sky is green and trying to backpedal.

>my work in trying to socialise a boy into being a girl will lay the foundation for applying the complete opposite treatment to gender dysphoria in the future
Well obviously it doesn't fucking say he wants the opposite treatment you disingenuous motherfucker, but his abominable experimentation is why the fuck we don't actually deal with issues of body dysmorphia.

>black men

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Shouldn't Americans be at school/work and not on Yea Forums giving everyone bullshit gender studies lessons?

I know you have to make the most out of that useless diplomas you have, but come on.

>nigga nigga bix nood shieeeeeet

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>they hate /pol/turds
>leftist reeee

that's what you said the last time

it's only "political" if it triggers incels

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You unironically think asians are not going to treat you like shit?
I mean look what the chinks are doing to africa and sucking up all of resources from your land, your societies will become violent shitholes.

Colour of the sky is a social construct. It's science now, you bigot.
This is this conversation in a nutshell.

Left wingers need to be silenced
Right wingers need to be executed
Libertarians should rule

Attached: femboi2.jpg (498x800, 236K)

>afaik, midterms alway swing towards the party who doesn't have the current president
Only for Democrats. Republicans normally stayed fine. Trump had the largest swing away for any republican since Nixon.

Dont worry dude they are coordinating the next mass shooting

>Go be terrified of people somewhere else

You would have to be people first

You want a real answer? Because controversy of any sort increases awareness of the brand. People talk about it.

And guess what you just did by posting this thread? Do you feel smart?

being married is kinda shitty but I love her too much.
hey, i'd rather be friends with a nigga who pretends to act like he gettin pussy than some nigga pretending hes a pussy. know what im saiyan? like outa here nigga hahaha only brotha here larping is ya'll niggas pretending to be a bitch, hahahaha daaaamnn how u even look at yoself wearing that shit like THERES A DICK UNDER THERE HAHAHAHA

killin me from laughing

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The GOP's rigged it so they only need 44% of the vote to win. They have barely 38% today.

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>just vote for gender neutral marriage legislation bro, there's no slippery slope, trannies aren't next in line
>trannies were next in line
At this point slippery slope isn't a fallacy and correct until proven wrong.

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>Right wingers need to be executed
>Right wingers should rule
Uhh... so, anarchy?

>white power!! masterrace fuck niggers and trannies!
t. virgin who cant even fuck girls of his own race
have fun fapping to tranny porn while tyrone skewers a white hoe with his friends :)

Alright, I'll correct myself.
Male: XY
Female: XX
There. Now that's out of the way, what set of chromosomes are you permanently adhered to? :)

Why is this crap so important to these freaks?

the fascists will be calling themselves Anti-fascists, but that's basically right

Attached: when you Antifa.jpg (558x600, 130K)

How is that trans tho?
Pills are anxiety pills.

but I'm asian user. I have the option to go back to my precious homeland after you destroy yours.

Tourists. They will get bored after a while and return to tumblr/reddit.

it doesn't work the other way either, but if you google it for 5 seconds you might be convinced it does

>he's a transrace egg

Attached: femboi3.jpg (635x1200, 170K)

Lol, that makes you sound more scared.

Have fun dying to one of your brothas before you're 30 so he can have your shoes

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>japanese games in general
there was also ion fury which is technically right of far left but trannies screeched to high heavens so, go be part of the 40%

According to /pol/ you have to be personally trans to support trans rights. It fits their simple minds just like they think they have to be white supremacists because they're white(ish).

XY, if you must know.

>Why /pol/fags love trannies so much?
they're into us. many Yea Forums trannies are /pol/ themselves and trad wifes. most of the trannyxchaser discords i was in was edgy right wing "hitler dinndu nuffing" stuff.

why is this so important to you incels? let people put what they want in their games you dont like it then dont buy i dont get why you incels get so mad about trivial stuff like this

Here you go: williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Race-and-Ethnicity-of-Transgender-Identified-Adults-in-the-US.pdf

Quote of interest: "We find that adults who are African-American or Black
(0.8%), Latino or Hispanic (0.8%), and of another race or ethnicity (0.6%) are more likely than White adults (0.5%)
to identify as transgender."

get fucked, nigcel

Dude that's Anzu. That's a girl.

>Twitter screenshot thread
>Anons repeating their political views Ad nauseam on a video game board
>Said Screenshot will used before and will most likely be used again multiple times
I don't get it. Why do you guys do this to yourselves every single week?

Attached: 1563247304002.gif (385x383, 373K)


anti-fascists don't want to lynch trannies and anyone who doesn't want to lynch trannies in the streets, boyo.

>twitter screencap thread
>463 replies omitted
fuck is wrong with you people

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Sex is biology.
Gender is social construct rooted in biology.
If you are a male by sex society expects you to behave like a man which your genes dictate. Of course, birth defected people do exist, but do not try to brainwash me that you're normal.



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I don't get bored of banning confederates. It brings me Joy.

They just want to lynch anyone who isn't a tranny or a tranny fucker

ok sure :)

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I'm not even American, you moron.

Don't pretend you wouldn't like to have a piece of this.

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Banning from what, exactly? I'm curious.

Wish they'd get on with it

Go dilate that disgusting, festering hole between your legs before it closes up.

Riddle me this then. If it's all muh chromosomes, how come there are tonnes of different and sometimes conflicting ways to express masculinity across time and cultures?

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>he hasn't even attained self awareness yet

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>my ass.

>Our ancestors gave their lives so that their offspring could have better quality of lives
>hurr our lives are too easy lets make more wars

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>dont like it dont buy it
>but anime tiddy games are TOXIC AND PROBLEMATIC!
I dont care if a character is black gay trans or a fucking space alien. But this is double standards

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is this sweden?

Why can’t you?

How can you be both gay and trans? Gay means you feel sexual pleasure towards the same sex, and trannies can't feel sexual pleasure since they replaced their genitals with a gaping flesh wound.

go to /lgbt/ and find out yourself. /polgbt/ is a meme for a reason.

â–¶fuck is wrong with you people
Not enough good vidya too much bullshit leaking out from where it should be

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>But this is double standards
So what are you going to do about it?

Imagine trying to back up your shit discourse with facts and data™ and posting a image that starts with "24% to 90% of X are y"

>put two little flags in a tiny corner of a single scene
>Yea Forums says game is ruined, "why the fuck does everything need to be political fuck these devs", end of world starts

Attached: Df5T8DuX4AAtKao.jpg (640x512, 22K)

they already started, the last three mass shootings in the USA were by Antifa

they just have a bit of a friendly fire problem

Attached: No enemies to the left, lots of friendly fire tho.png (505x858, 318K)

If you let races among other races wars and conflict are inevitable so you might see a war in your life time.

Attached: to hell with degenerates..jpg (1000x1500, 348K)

Bait is a fine art and you are a master.

Of course it is. It's the way of exclusion tactic. More and more properties get woke - you don't like it? You get excluded by being told to "accept it or don't buy it". That's how echo chambers form.

Think of it as layers, with the base layer being unmoving and dictated by biology. Men have a higher sex drive which influences their behaviors regardless of culture. Men are generally more aggressive which can manifest in many ways, not only physical violence. Above this layer is the cultural or society layer that is more in flux which adds to what we conceive as masculine via the people around us.

fuck womyn and tranny

lmao there's a shooting every day in that shithole of a country.

>that pic
>but let's go kill the Slavs lol!

>he'd rather live in a non-free police state
I hope you're not an american


>his second term
Nice meme.

This doesn't answer the question at all, and I'm a pretty generous person. Why were men in tights the pinnacle of power a mere couple of hundred years ago while it's now the gayest shit? Biology didn't change so what gives?

I will fuck women and you can fuck trannies, deal user?

the only thing we can do, shitpost on an anonymous Polanball image forum

with no power comes no responsibility

Attached: When you a feminist.png (500x443, 132K)

I don't really give one fuck, salty boy.

>I will fuck women
No you won't.

Not buy any game that supports trannyshit in any way and buy every game that had fat fitted bitches in it.

Hate speech doesn't radicalize muslims, killing their children and stealing their land so you can add another 0 to your bank account does. that would radicalize anyone I imagine aside from white americans evidently.

You know I'm willing to accept the idea that gender and sex are different things, but I've never been sure why trannies seem to think they're supernaturally attached to feminine cultural norms. You're born with a "female brain" or experience "dysphoria" but why does that mean you need to wear women's clothes? Every single tranny I've met has had some fetish for super feminine clothes, they all wear dresses and lingerie and autistic shit that cis women only wear once in a blue moon, and a huge margin of them have some crazy fetish like ageplay or furry werewolf rape or some shit. If it were just one or two I'd brush it off but it really seems like almost all trannies are like this and I've never heard a reasonable explanation for it.

Truly a retard

is that a boy?

>the last three mass shootings in the USA were by Antifa
Lol, blatant lie, it was two neo-Nazis and a schizo

Unless I'm three behind already

Those faggots?
Ya they consistently get btfo on /pol/.
There coping with the fact that there degeneracy isn't allowed in a fascist or natsoc society.

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What society conceives as masculine changed. I thought I was being rather direct but apparently spoonfeeding is more up your speed.


You're talking about gender roles, which are just as made-up before as they are now. If you put a man in a dress it doesn't make them a woman, it's just a man in a dress.

Attached: 5e2.jpg (554x439, 38K)

So society changes the convention of genders while biology remains the same... Whatever understanding can we extract from this?

this, faggot.

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Idiots complain about politics in videogames when the reality is they have been a part of videogames for years. They are just too retarded to realize it.

They had slavs working within the nsdap.
Lurk moar pal.

Just kill them

like you're coping with the fact that there are tons of the discords i talked about and the fact that there are regularly threads of confessing /pol/tards on /lgbt/?

perceptions change
tights were once rare and expensive to make, so only the elite wore them as a symbol of their power
now Chinese sweatshops churn them out by the ton
they're common as dirt, and thus perceived as equally valuable
only girls trying to get Chad Thundercock to look at their butts wear them now

Attached: when she sees a Chad.gif (720x405, 672K)

Yes! Cringe for me. HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE! CIAO!

This is the true Tranny Question. Gender is a social construct, which means it's not attached to your biology. The only reason you want to crossdress is because you have a fetish.

>being a buyfag

That while gender roles can change depending on time and culture they aren't social constructs at their base and have irremovable defining features dictated by the biological sex of the person.

You're sure right about that

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You are such a slimy fucking cuckold.

>hey you don't want races living together and saying it doesn't work?!
Look around you faggot you think the current state of our societies are sustainable?
Multiculturalism or civic nationalism does not work.

and guys trying to get Chad to look at their butts (NTTAWWT)

>Gender is a social construct
trannies don't say this. trannies refer to actual science such as studies showing that gender dysphoria is based on an intersexuality of specific parts of the brain.


Trannies are just sexual deviants with a particularly strong feminization fetish that is reinforced by a current social fad

Because the fashion changed. That's that. And this tranny fashion will go out of style as well is a few years.
Society simply got soft and complacent nowadays. In a few years social norms are going to shift back once again and men dressed as women will once again be seen as the gayest shit.

You mean the same faggots that always come on /pol/ and trying to normalize there degeneracy?

Imagine if a game developer did the right-wing equivalent to this. His head would be on a pike

Many good observations yet none address the topic at hand.

So things change wildly for any amount of reasons but whichever form they take is the objective truth as defined by your understanding of biology. I'm not sure that's a conclusion. Unless, of course, you are ready to agree that gender expression is utterly arbitrary and disjointed from chromosomes but I fear you are not.

>comparing a hate symbol with a pride flag

>we should kill people i dislike grrr
>let's not kill trannies
I literally can't tell the difference.

>pride is a sin

>My pride is good
>your pride is bad because I will attach negative unrelated preconceptions to it

No the nsdap hated the bolshevik jews and those that easily fell for it.
If that was not the case then what's the point of having slavs within the nsdap or a Russian division?
I am not denying war crimes against slavs didn't happen.
Because war is dirty as hell.
But do not think there is no reason why side a did to side b if there was no provocation.

>Every single tranny I've met has had some fetish for super feminine clothes
well, now you met one that doesn't. i don't wear dresses, mostly just boring skinny jeans with t-shirts. at the most i wear fashonable stuff that my mom makes me get whenever we go shopping.
not to mention that all the stuff trannies wear is stuff made for cis women so you're really just showing a double standard here.

I think *you* have a problem when you immediately equate right-wing spectrum with "killing people".

>gender expression is utterly arbitrary and disjointed from chromosomes but I fear you are not
I am not as your chromosome pair dictates what genes are turned on, off, strengthened or weakened. Those along with your parental genes in general dictate your entire life more than your upbringing.

Hate /= Pride

Attached: Babies.jpg (1910x1000, 279K)

Look You're worse than a kike. Get overrun.

Unfortunately gender dysphoria is a giant meme and getting diagnosed is just a self reported questionnaire that essentially says "does wearing women's panties give you a boner?"

It's not a fetish, it's just "gender euphoria". Sure thing trannies. Thankfully none of us will have to deal with this after you turn 30 and realize male androgyny can only be pushed so far.