Post your gamer fuel

Post your gamer fuel

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seminal suppositories

And here we go


Kill yourself non-water drinkers.

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You're the vegans of gamer fuel threads. Fuck off.

seltzer > water


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Are you trying to say that eating that girl's pussy and butthole are your game fuel, OP?

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For me, its usually coffee and beer/vodka on friday

and now I'm diamond hard

i was literally just drinking this and i still am in this thread wtf

Based. Polar’s my favorite

Never saw this discussion here on Yea Forums, does drinking Redbull give you testicle cancer or whatever they said about it?

I think he means anime girl piss

vegans bad

>bottled water
you know the water coming from your faucet is safe to drink, right?

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>Implying I would drink that disgusting shit

You amuse me mortal

Lately I've been really into coffee with baileys.
Nice part is that coffee makes you feel so dehydrated that you just wind up drinking a ton of water with it.

Omorashi is objectively in the top tier of fetishes.

user, if I drink the water from MY faucet I'll die in around 30 minutes and then my body would probably evolve into some fucking disgusting uglier radiated abomination

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Omorashi with diapers is the ultimate fetish

Is that supposed to be a Mayo bottle character?



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I used to chug pic and Monsters till I had a pace maker put in. now I just sip tea like a fag.

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Stop doing drugs, user.
I'm never going to try it in my life: what does it feel like?

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rec some tea


t. Ghoul


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Gin, water and coffee
I dont eat food at my desk because Im not some kind of Succubus

like everything in the world is exactly where it should be

>/threading your own post
Dude weed lmao niggers are always such faggots.

I opened your shitty thread and there is no gamer girl pee in sight. Be sorry

based. Best monster by far.


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Feels like nothing but you notice you laugh at stuff that isn’t that funny and get excited about stuff that isn’t that exciting. Also it’s more satisfying to eat food and listen to music

This. Girls wetting themselves, especially after holding it to the absolute limit, is the single hottest thing I've ever seen.

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Good shit

>2600 calories

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I tried it again recently at work and didn't like it. I kept thinking I wasn't going to get shit done fast enough and thought I was hearing things that I wasn't sure were real or not.

>sheltered weeb tries to tell anyone anything

Like everyone is judging you for everything you say or do

>druggie think's he's a winner in life because he poisons his brain till he can't think right

>263g of sugar

Uhhh this sounds dangerous

>ignoring the 38g protein
It's not as bad as you think, could be a useful bulking food honestly

Not him, but it varies from person to person and strain to strain. I can only speak from my own experiences, so take it with a grain of salt.

Generally, you'll be pretty relaxed. You'll get the pleasurable kind of brainfog. You'll lose focus and your mind will wander, you'll think deeply about nonsense that you'll realize was mostly meaningless or incomprehensible when you eventually sober up. Things that feel good will feel as they they're better. Food seems tastier, funny things seem funnier, music/vidya seem more engaging, etc. You're mood will be generally better, as you don't have the attention span to think too much about your problems when you're high.

It feels good in moderation, but for some it's easy to get addicted to those good feelings and overdo it. Living in a constant high is pretty unhealthy, and it's all too common to see people use it as a cope instead of dealing with their issues. I've seen it get to the point where people are so dependent, they can't enjoy anything anymore unless they're doing it high.

I'm making it sound a bit scarier than it actually is, but honestly I think it has it's place as a positive thing if used in moderation. I have severe anxiety related issues and it genuinely helps take the edge off, so I use it to unwind on the weekends and force myself to relax.

Mushrooms are also great and I encourage everyone I meet to try them. Spirit quests are good for the soul.

t. non-U.S. poster

>not drinking 13 of these a day to get all of your Vitamin C

well done steak with a heaping serving of mayochup

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Diet Ginger Ale and A&W Root Beer

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I'm working on my master's right now, user. The majority of my peers use substances as well, and I'm sure they're smarter than you. Acting like you're above people because you've never been invited to a party or had friends that do them is sad. Not to mention some of the smartest people in history used drugs.

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I'm no fitness expert, but isn't the recommended dose of calories like 2000/day for an adult man?

I kinda miss Akane. She was fun.

I like how her mayo love was literally so stupid they made a video game out of it.

You know who else uses drugs? Gangbanging niggers, crack whores, and hobos. Are you a nigger, user?

>lying on the internet so everyone thinks you're cool

This is a terrible analogy because certain older fighting games, like Melty Blood, were originally intended to be played with keyboards since they were visual novels first and fighting games second until Act Cadenza and beyond.

Even less than that if you keep your fat ass on a chair all day.

Wa' Ah.

>I'm working on my master's right now, user. The majority of my peers use substances as well, and I'm sure they're smarter than you. Acting like you're above people because you've never been invited to a party or had friends that do them is sad. Not to mention some of the smartest people in history used drugs.

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Kinda, yeah. They're bitter and depressed from lack of protein to the brain, so they buy a cat or a dog and starve it to death over a couple years with improper nutrition because I KNOW BETTER THAN NATURE

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If you actually want to know then check this guy out.

>straight edge fag
>anime reaction image

you have no friends, I wouldn't be surprised if you never have sex and die alone. Maybe consider that you aren't in the best place to judge other people.

I kinda miss this show.

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Everyone dies alone. Even if you die surrounded by people you're still alone in your death.

I miss genki dumbass MC + stoic dark haired rival/friend girl dynamic in general.

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I'm still mad we got to see Akane and Rei's tits but never yellow's

PsychedSubstance is a massive faggot, don't listen to this user

Vanilla greek yogurt tub :3