Other urls found in this thread:
The Chinese were a mistake.
HK belongs to the chinks
What happened now?
free tibet
isnt steam blocked in china
Kike devs that try to hide behind the whole
>ha were sooo funny and quirky hee hee
shtick but anyone that plays that trash sees through it within the first 20 hours.
i suppose you also believe that rangebans on this site actually accomplish something
who would win in a fight between yogi bear and WINNIE THE TIANANMEN POOH
Add the stupid summer watergun fight event. they put more effort into that joke event than any real event from the past 4 years.
get fucked chinks
Chinese players were already pissed they had a shit version of the game.
This was made worse because translation of the game has been getting slower and slower over time and is pretty poor quality.
The final nail was Hong Kong being listed as a separate country than China. That kind of shit is a dangerous statement to be associated with in their country.
Basically DE did what they always do. They release something (Warframe China), support it until the hype is dead and then leave it in the dust. Only this time they picked to do this to the Chinese, which was unwise because the chinese don't give a fuck and will just review bomb like maniacs.
Booboo would just shoot them.
>The final nail was Hong Kong being listed as a separate country than China. That kind of shit is a dangerous statement to be associated with in their country.
Too bad, they should list it separately.
aight someone please redpill me on the current situation with this mess so i can start properly shitposting thx
What? It's their city, with autonomous rule, you fucktard.
fucking chinks
Go back to egs
Doesn't really matter if it make sense because China doesn't give a fuck about making sense. They fuckin banned Pooh Bear because their leader has hurt feelings.
lol what is a bear going to do with money
Fuck the chinks. HK and Taiwan are free nations. Tienanmen square fuckers.
Why are chinks so fucking fragile?
china is shit. HK belongs to the Brits
Free until the tanks are run through to remind them who holds the other end of the leash.
Can we carpet hydrogen bomb china already?
>unironic china defenders ITT
Yea Forums really is worse than reddit huh
GB gave HK away
not anymore. nigel
Not without getting bombed back.
I hate chinks more than anything, but if there's something equally as shit, then it's rebel scum.
Lol you chinks are so violent. Shame the rest of the world is civilized, or we'd just bomb you pissants into oblivion.
lol retarded faggot
Mmmm, delicious boot.
So you hate the chinks rebelling against the true government of China in Taiwan?
imagine trying to fight against china using pepper spray and laser pointers lmao chinks are so fucking dumb
get some fucking guns you retards
fuck off Steve
>talking like you're from fucking star wars
at this point I'm convinced you're a mutt who has absolutely nothing to do with china and are larping
Is this game any good?
Nobody actually gives a fuck about China.
It IS nice to see DE get cockslapped with something they can't easily have their community white knights fight off. They deserve to get shit on a for getting lazy.
Basically, DE deserves the chink rebellion. They set this up with their incompetence. They deserve it.
>star wars invented rebels
How's it feel, being born in 2000s?
Starts out a shit game. Then it is great for a little while. Then it it shit.
There wouldn't be americas to begin with if not for "rebel scum", based retard.
not if you don't want to spend money
they(the chinese reviewbombers) are brainwashed dumbasses
I hate americans too.
they (the warframe playerbase) are also brainwashed dumbasses. Match made in heaven.
And now Great Britain are a bunch of cucks. Coincidence?
>chinese tanks
LMAO chinks should just kill themselves
Is V pro-neochina?
Also Taimanin Square Massacre.
>A p2w game is bad
No shit
he lived though right
Wasn't there a chink tank during a trail and lost one of it's metal wheels
This is like something straight out of a cartoon
>Chinese tanks
Tanks that are more dangerous to the operators than the targets.
this is russia lol
I think they kids made it out ok right?
Its chink casualties regardless of which end of the device spits fire.
>he was accelerating still
those are wh*toids though
What do you think was going through her head?
Yes. It's worse than the fucking T90.
>Stopping the middle of the road instead of moving to the massive fucking shoulder
>Paying so little attention to the road that you run into a parked car when you're only going like 70kph
>Your bike is so shitty that it fucking explodes from what is basically a mild scrape
>Sprinting across the road with a pram
>Car not stopping or slowing despite more than adequate stopping distance
How are people so fucking dumb
Gotta have it to them, they combust with excellent comedic timing.
Shut the fuck up Sum Ting Wong and go back to stealing seeds from american farmers
>Proud American PC Gamer
>turn on 10k$ pc which its 100% build on china
>turn on 4k 240hz monitor build on china
>connect chink build router
>download chink steam and epic stores
>play game developed on china
Fuck off WF has never been better than it is right now.
>Built in China
>Designed in the USA
This is usually how it goes
Chinks mad a translator got fired, acting like WW3 is on the verge of happening. Sad.
>play game developed on china
>game developed on china
>developed on china
>that upbeat music at the end
It's China
People are not worth anything in China and their society+behavior reflects this
kek based chinahating anons ITT
Lmao, this is so fake. The truck with pipes would never stop like this in china
>seinfeld theme
>Kid was just btfo by a truck
the ground lol
If it was just a guy being run over I would say you're correct, but when the flames come out that will grab anyone's attention
>chinaman discoveres fire captured on tape
You might be onto something
why does all the shit that happens in this country look like it's straight out of a cartoon? how can an elevator flip its shit like that from being pissed on? i half expected it to start ascending at the speed of sound and go flying straight through the roof of the building
>how can an elevator flip its shit like that from being pissed on?
Electricity + liquids is generally not a good combination, so that and possibly shit quality = Fun Times
>+10 social credit has been added to your account
Your country will suffer a civil war and crumble before 2022.
yeah I know, what I don't get is how the elevator can fuck up in such a cartoon-ass comedic way, that looks like that just shouldn't happen in real life
this is like something out of simpsons lmao
>possibly shit quality
It's fucking China.
What the fuck was his bike made of, matches?
Well it is a children's film, gotta have a bright and happy ending.
desu you wouldn't expect someone to keep crossing and try go faster than you there.
chinks are seriously fucked in the head thanks to their government.
>truck doesn't run her ass over anyway
wasted potential
>all of it designed anywhere but china
>but everyone lets china build it because they treat their people like disposable slaves
>Developer acknowledges Taiwan
>Chinks go apeshit
It's nothing new, the same thing happened with World of Tanks and World of Warships.
Well yeah, she's carrying it to the deep fryer to infuse it with delicious gutter oil.
>DE acknowledged Taiwan
The latter one is that it was work being done near a mine or something where ignitable fumes were present and when putting down the wheelbarrow the metal stand created a spark that set it off.
Why do the Chinese get so upset about this? Is there even a western equivalent? I honestly don't understand.
They are very insecure
>international consensus
LOL, I've seen international news proclaiming those shoal islands belong to the Philippines yet chinks ignore those international ruling.
kill all mainlanders
You could have a videogame not recognize israel as a region, and that might upset some in America, but I doubt anyone who plays videogames would care.
They were fucked in the head for a while now. Not that the current government haven't made things much worse.
Fuck hong kong
That was in Russia.
Surprisingly, everyone survived.
Like the old ussr, China's power depends of people fearing their supposed power. I'm pretty sure even Putin and Indian street shitters are just mustering invasion armies.
bro fist
They get social points if their outrage aligns with the government.
They are strongly indoctrinated, anything conflicting with their programming causes rage and confusion.
There's probably social credit system points at play too.
Err country, region, whatever. Just not recognizing Israel in general.
America is not land hungry. China is running out of space and has a burgeoning population. America doesn't want its neighbors land. Fuck, we'd rather build a wall to keep our southern neighbor's people and drugs out.
The only kind of a chink i can respect it's the one who actually fights against corrupt regime of Xi.
Those who unironically praise that tyrant are pathetic.
You boot licking fucks betrayed your people. You have no right to talk about pride and glory of your country.
They literally get good boy points for licking the boot of the government.
The Chinese resent Hong Kong citizens for having more freedom than Chinese have ever had.
Why do these things get opinions
how do they track the points on an anonymous mongolian throat yodeling website that the chinks would likely need a proxy to access?
>china is shit
So's HK. It's China, deal with it faggot. Your empire is long gone
>Is there even a western equivalent
Are you kidding me? You're not aware of any territorial disputes in the west?
they can easily point to their steam reviews.
Not ones that cause average video game players to go into a fit of rage when mentioned.
Orrr herrroo ferrow chinaman, praise oer grorius wreader
I didn't know chinks were allowed to post in Yea Forums Li Cheng
Yes, unless you go against the government that made your country the richest and the strongest on the planet, you're... an idiot? Wait how does this work
So why do the bug people get so asshurt over hong kong?
yeah niggers built america but i dont see them doing shit without a white man and a whip telling them how to do it.
>"they aru havingu anti-china threadu again"
>"activate it"
western elevators tend to have their controllers and breaker setups and all the other brainy stuff outside of the elevator car itself. I bet they'd go wonky too if you pissed in it, tho, but at least the elevators where i live need to have spring loaded magnetic clamps that bite hard on the guide rails in case of a total power or motor torque loss
They don't, the sistem as it is right now is in its infancy and very poorly implemented. Your average Yea Forums shitposter doesn't know shit. Give it a decade maybe until their government figures it out.
>game lists Puerto Rico as its own sovereign region
>americans review bomb the game
>dump trucks that open from the side
only retards keep going forward when they see vehicles coming
Holy shit chinks BTFO
>game lists orange as president
>americans review bomb the game
They hate them for their freedom. Not even joking.
I thought Hong Kong was still a city of China.
Holy shit.
I'm sure you're not, I'm sure you are actually this brainwashed.
They're indoctrinated to believe in the party as though it was their own family and anything that challenges the views of the party is taken as an attack on the person themselves.
>8% of americans review bomb the game
It's an autonomous region, like Pueto Rico to the US but with even more liberties
Can't they just move to HK if they like freedom
Sovereign city state as per an agreement that is now being violated.
HK was given back to china in the 90s but is still separate from the mainland in important areas like law and government.
A ching chong to you too, ping ling.
Yeah it is, but westerners are trying to stir up shit by appealing to HK's colonial past. And apparently people shouldn't be against separatist movements in their own countries according to CNN and BBC. Except when it happens in the west of course, then there's no place for separatism and the borders can never change. When it happens in China, CNN and BBC are pro-separatism all of a sudden.
imagine being autistic enough to make this image
What is happening here?
Supporting HK is too mainstream for this board.
Wtf this movie was out?
lol as if the government would ever allow that.
based hong konger
At this point I'm not even mad, I'm used to the fact that everyone is a hypocrite
I don't think the average American even knows puerto Rico exists. Let along that it's a US territory.
The western equivalent is including / not including gender pronouns
Actual chinese citizens getting mad at videogames for not knowing how to coddle them like Google Maps does. Google Maps displays different national ownership and borders depending on what region you access it from. If you access it from China it shows all of the ridiculous places China claims as belong to it just so, if you check from anywhere else, even from those places, it shows them as separate from China.
That's the joke. Chinks are the only one who will REEE this hard over disputed territory.
Hungry hungry escalator needs food
>things that have never happened
Looks like a guy was holding some metal post or something, it got stuck between the ceiling and escalator and cause it to break a step and force him into the mechanical parts.
According to the images and videos I see on here, China is nothing but blood-hungry escalators, child-killing vehicles and collapsing/exploding buildings
t. posting from Australia where Yea Forums and 4channel are blocked
That's pretty fucked up, honestly.
The lucky ones only get eaten at the end.
Oh wait, that's not what you were replying to. That is a video of a man holding a piece of wood so tall it touches the ceiling and forces the escalator's linked steps apart, causing him to be swallowed into the machinery below.
I've never actually looked into what places like Puerto Rico and the virgin islands are classified as. I know they're US territories but they aren't states so are they independent countries that have to answer to the US or do they have to abide by all of our laws and shit but don't get to be a state?
It's nice to see a company not desperately pandering to chinks for once
Don't get me wrong DE are still incompetent retards
This can't be real. Holy fuck.
I can't imagine living in fear from elavators
Shit man, just take the stairs.
user, those are escalatories.
>speaking out against the government? That's a no no.
>exposing government lies? Also a no no.
It was the way of the world before our maps got stupidly accurate, and things have not changed despite the advance of maps. Used to be border cities would change ownership every few years. A cartographer of one nation would draw the border of his nation wider than the nation of another, but no one actually disputed it until the time came to claim resources and cities. Cities would exist not knowing what nation they were in until they were forced to pay taxes, and then a band of warriors would roll along, rape and pillage them, and suddenly they're paying taxes to the other nation.
Some US territories are more like a state and being born in them makes to a US citizen but you don't have any voting representation in the senate or house nor do you get to vote in major elections.
Some US territories are claimed by the US but are still semi independent and being born in them doesn't grant US citizenship. American Samoa is an example of this.
Its a fucking mess and almost dependent on each case.
I was thinking more along the lines of a foreign company warping reality for the government.
>cheating in online games
To be fair, the guy standing in front of the bucket is also at fault. When you are on a job site you need to be aware of your surroundings since a lot of heavy equipment operators can't always see you.
This is a china hate thread, retard.
Tip: Go through the language used on the recent negative reviews and you'll basically be able to create a word map filter for Chinese government shills.
>on china
After seeing that video of that part collapsing under the woman as the escalator eats her in front of her child I would be weary of that section in china as well.
Gotta do it to appease them. Cartographers decided what land belonged to who back in the day, and like I said, it hasn't changed. If Google Maps suddenly stopped showing Israel as a country when it was searched from the US you better believe they'd be in court. Israel is largely only recognized as a country by the US and its close allies.
You can hate China and DE at the same time, double retard.
holy shit, all these ugly fucking reds on Yea Forums are ridiculous. Where is Chin when you need him?
Who's Chin?
>Cheating in Online games
I'm fucking dying of laughter
Poor chinamen, no ruining vidya else I lower your good goyim score
it shows how powerless they are that they cant have a city thats literally on the mainland
just keep making our shoes and dont bother the big boys please
Jackie Chan's brother.
What happens to Hong Kong in 2047
>Israel is largely only recognized as a country by the US and its close allies.
>As of December 2018, 163 of the 193 UN member states recognize Israel.
in 2047, the cyberpunks' plans will come to fruition and they're just gonna lift the bitch off china and attach to some other country.
>Implying that stops them
It's like trying to stop a dog from barking. You can't stop a chink from lying or cheating
>haha look at this chinese dude believing the stupid propanda
>let me tell you these /pol/ infographics are 100% true science
see, they get very upset when you imply it's not a country
What I'm I looking at here?
>Yea Forums is one person
I swear I seen this in a cartoon before... What the fuck did that make that bike out of?!
Then why are all the youtubers leaving???
this is still a really good song
>Jackie Chan
the most hated man in Hong Kong
Cyberattack monitor
Turns out China sends out a lot of those
>world has 195 countries
>193 of them accept its a country
>someone states this in a neutral manner
>lol you upset ayy
Wait actual commission of crimes doesn't affect social credit, only not being sincerely remorseful does?
/pol/ likes china for being racially homogeneous and "btfoing" america
they also suck off corporations because to do anything less would be commy-nism
Napoleon proved that quantity isn't quality. We should just nuke China
Why would anyone show Taiwan as separate country when it's just Republic of China?
Everyone hates china, that includes /pol/.
>163 of 193 is 193
the christian boomer cannot do his maths
Not him but youtubers chase trends.
>tap bike into car
>bursts into flames
If you commit an actual crime, that is to say, a crime against the chinese government, you go to the sub 600 scores where you mostly just disappear and have your organs harvested
Even the chinese hate other chinese
And now repeat that in english
Taiwan is REAL CHINA
>/pol/ likes china
/pol/ hates China it's just of late it got flooded with /leftypol/ after 8ch got shut down and wumaos have been flooding everywhere there is a hint of anti china
I bet the guy watching the surveillance camera was laughing his ass off.
Warframe has literally nothing new to do right now. A new warframe or a slight change on a game mode hardly counts. I like the game but there is nothing to do while we wait for railjack and the new war.
Based Chinks standing up for their people. It’s why they are going to destroy the Judaicized West
>adding an 's' to math triggered the christian boomer
Colour me surprised
>ohhhhhhhh watch out ching chong china man me report you to social credit people
>ohhh me so sorry ching chong china man, hope you don't get a visit from neighborhood social police man who give you ticket for saying nigger dicks fuck white chicks on Yea Forums
>ohhhhhhhhhh good luck in work camp ching chong china man
I'm actually just here for work and sometimes I shitpost using pictures of random chinks I find at the office.
One day the rest of the world is gonna wake up and notice honk kong was turned into another unused housing development and renamed to the glorious xi housing block. When asked what happened to hong kong, china is just going to deny hong kong ever existed.
thats not a bad system if they would use it right. most of the stuff makes sense but the 'anti-government' stuff shouldnt be in the list.
The bug men truly have the greatest critical thinking skills on the planet.
Do they ever stop and wonder if the job is open because the last 10 guys died?
People are always shitting on us for buying things made in China, but the more things we buy the more industrial accidents they keep having. I will keep doing my part.
Taiwan is China
China is also China
It's a bit complicated but basically they're both the Chinese government. Just that the USSR funded commie rebel China conquered the mainland without ever being able to get across the sea
Taiwan is technically what's left of China from before then, but neither side can wipe out the other and neither side wants to accept the other is an independent country
>it's not a bad system if you don't account for human error and nature
communism in a nutshell.
>Hong Kong
>five-starred red flag is respected worlwide
Yeah, right.
user carefully re-read it holy fuck
you okay dude?
Lost your glasses or something?
all hong kong protestor, CIA, hong kong citizen never exist, hong kong always china, happy time
Post the pasta
You know the one
this is the world that liberals want
well put desu
>China almost singlehandedly goes after Washingtown State
What exactly do they want in there?
Acknowledging the existence of Taiwan as a sovereign state pisses off the Chinese government's paid bugmen.
daily reminder that chinese chinks deserve to be killed
That's the shit.
>caring for your elders bad
i only looked at picture of the tower by the way
I remember getting warnings of activities trying to log into one of my social media accounts from china and it stopped after I posted a copy paste like this one lol
Why do normal Chinese give a shit about territorial disputes? Like, I wouldn't care whether any US territories wanted independence. It doesn't affect me at all. That's between them and the government.
Scroll of Lesser Insectoid Banishment
>ok, ping. You're sure this is the right washington?
>yes, general ling.
>what about this washington d.c. on the other coast?
>that stand for, doesn't count
ping, you fool
sweden that high
>Why do normal Chinese give a shit about territorial disputes?
They don't. It's a government directed smear campaign.
lmao imagine thinking this
it's either a colony of China or a colony of America, there are no alternatives without a competent military
>thats not a bad system if they would use it right
Would you really support any system that grants/removes liberties based on how much an individual follows social norms?
So the Chinese government is review bombing a game on Steam? That seems unlikely. Not mention these are accounts with thousands of hours.
>Why do normal Chinese give a shit about territorial disputes?
Read up on the concept of 'tianxia'. China believes it is the true Empire of the world that will be born again. All one under heaven, that is all one under China.
>The pasta got deleted
Notice the cameras at ever step, and the police in the severance room.
Incredible post.
china's at it again
Nationalist propaganda.
No one knows what point you are trying to make
>That seems unlikely. Not mention these are accounts with thousands of hours.
Well let me illuminate you on a couple of things: The Chinese version of Warframe is published under a partner and censored by the government itself. These reviews are being made under the guise of Chinese people who are using VPNs to play the normal global client of Warframe instead of the one endorsed by their government.
Seems a little strange that people avoiding the censorship imposed on a game by their own government are so patriotic all of a sudden huh?
fuck China, I wish Americans had 1/10th of the guts that Hong Kong citizens do, instead of sitting by idly while a corrupt political class shits all over the Constitution
that you have the big gay
probably something on social media or major news broadcasts in Washington on January 6, 2015
>Seems a little strange that people avoiding the censorship imposed on a game by their own government are so patriotic all of a sudden huh?
Not really. Most people engage in hypocrisy when it's convenient for them. These might also be the "support your country not necessarily your government" type patriots.
Politicians aren't even the biggest threat to american liberties right now.
Because half your country are foreigners who do not give one shit about your Constitution
no going back now
This is straight out of some dumb comedy movie.
that's Russia
this game has always been shit
The dude's using a secret shortcut
nice non sequitur i guess
>These might also be the "support your country not necessarily your government" type patriots.
So why do they care so much about a regional distinction in the global version of a version of a game their government doesn't want them to play? It's absurd. This is merely one of many concerted misinformation campaigns carried out by Chinese corporate interests endorsed by the Chinese government. Remember that Chinese communism is closer to a dystopian corporatocracy than any other government in the world.
Blood for the Escalator God.
as a citizen, you are encouraged and rewarded for speaking up for the government's well being. The Burger King coupon programs are real.
if the system is based on virtues yes.
based Wh*toids
>electronics made in China
>not Taiwan where most of the motherfucking shit gets made in to begin with (brands like Asus, Acer, Gigabyte, Realtek etc)
Fuck off.
>Based Chinks standing up for their people
>bending over and taking it up the ass at the the threat of violent incarceration by your totalitarian government is "fighting for the people"
Idiot bootlicker.
But what makes your virtues objective? Why force other people to live the way you want them to?
It seems like you don't understand a lot about china
i have 40 fucking rhino prime sets in my inventory for 2 years now that i gathered to turn a plat profit. i dont ever wanna install the game again though.
maybe i should just fucking give them away in the chat when i have time
>cheating in online games
There's no way that is real, because it would be a gain in social credit according to Chinese fundamentals.
Well, according to Taiwan they're not Taiwan anyway. They're real China.
Even HK people hate Jackie Chan
>beto tries to side step the constitution and pressures mastercard to stop processing gun related transactions
>a presidential candidate is literally trying to stop citizens from exercising their constitutional right by putting pressure on a private company
Anyone who voted for this guy in texas should be ashamed.
I get her feeling but I honestly can't tell the difference. It's like Americans splitting hairs over who is the whitest when in reality everyone is mud colored.
>waaaa we want ""independence""
>britain: ok
>noooo now we're getting raped by china, help us britain
dude these chinese insurance scammers are getting better & better
When did that ever happen? I honestly wish we could give them back to Spain.
Why didn't he stop?
Why didn't he just go around it?
I promise you HK didn't want to be given to china. It's like a divorced parent giving a kid to the other parent whom the kid knows is gonna abuse them.
Taiwan has a larger military than Germany.
DE as a studio has to be some sort of scam or fraud scheme, right? They have about 300-ish employees but they literally don't get anything done. At all. Like, nothing. No translations, no gameplay changes, no general content. Nothing. They do a few fixes every now and then, but they just sort of sit on their ass doing fuckall. I haven't touched Warframe in almost 2 years and I can jump back in and have missed fucking nothing, because nothing goes on.
I'd really like to get some legal investigation done on these people. There's no way that studios with far less people get a lot more work done. Something seems really fucking shady with them.
They have this down to an art
According to the Steam forums the Chinese version of Warframe was shut down years ago and they moved to the same version as everyone else.
Chinese motor vehicles aren't made to the same standard as their western counterparts. The super cheap ones are probably from hellholes that have a place labeled something like "Death Highway" like India. His brakes probably failed. There's a reason international criminal and terrorist organizations covet Toyotas.
>commit crimes
score goes down
>commit virtues
score goes up
>dont do anything
nothing happens
of course the benefits shouldnt be anything crazy
and the punishment for a low score shouldnt be something that makes your life shittier. but it should encourage you for 'paying' back your community.
or just remove the negativ rating at all.
just encourage people to do positive things like pickung up trash, or dont litter in public.
he was trying
but he had no brakes
also hes a retarded bug man
that is how the chinese are able to build for so cheap, saves a lot of materials if you just use the bodies of your workers instead
US citizens hate each other and want completely different things. Working together to get rid of political corruptness is not a thing right now.
faulty brakes, you can see his headlight shining red
they come standard with the acme exploding gas tank
>Attack Washington, Ling!
>Which Washington?
>The one the President lives at!
>The bigger one!
I thought they moved from violent incarceration to public shaming and crippled access to utilities?
Most native Texans voted for Beto O'Rourke. It was Ted Cruz who got the most votes from Texans who came out of state.
>Steam drones unironically defending chinks now because, china took over steam
how do we fix the chinese problem ?
your government would lose out on a lot of tax money if CA or Texas decided to go independent which would eventually lead to higher taxes for you and depending on trade conditions maybe even higher prices for some goods
Nuke China.
By transferring us companies out of china to another shithole instead
bring back the colonies
Other way around.
Don't worry about China. Their entire economy is built on the presumption that they will continue to grow and produce at a constant rate. Their economy is the biggest bubble in the world and it's propped up by horrifying shit like IRL cyberpunk dystopia Macau.
>Other way around.
Donors, yes. But not voters.
>that jrpg villain boss tower
Automate all production and labor, base it directly out of the US. Turn a blind eye when China begins their eugenics and euthanasia programs in response to trim down their absurd population.
Chinese escalators need their weekly snack.
>immediately cuts off into shithole buildings
Commifornia immigrants plus dumb minorities who vote blue no matter what.
damn cyberpunk 2077 looks like THAT ?!
Looks like fucking XCOM 2 after the invasion
It's an incredible place.
>forgetting that Mao was jewish
>he didn't play it in january 2013
Most electronics parts come from Taiwan Thailand and Mayalasia. Remember when the floods hit Thailand and harddrives got scarce a few yeas ago? Monitors and TVs come from China and mexico, as well as a lot of box builds (ipods ipads iphones).
You didn't answer his first question.
The UK should have just fucked with China, and gave HK to Taiwan.
It escalated :)
Stop building shit there, and outsource it to different cheap 3rd world countries. China's eco would implode if that happened.
Japan is about to legalize gambling. They're going to get fucked over hard, when Japanese people stop going there.
>people in China are literally living in cyberpunk right now
Fucking rip
China had threatened to invade HK with the whole army if HKers were given any semblance of real freedom. This included the ability to vote.
They should retroactively do that
>with the recent hong kong protests we urge the russia-sponsored chinese rebels to stop their occupation of HK and hand it over to the REAL China as per our agrement
Can't image what kind of shitfit would commies throw
The day of the helicopter can't come soon enough.
>giving in to chinese demands
whats next, giving in to saudis after they bombed us lol. We don't have to be this cucked but we keep letting out countries cuck us willingly.
I'd shoot my penis into her whispering eye if you're picking up what I'm putting down
>Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment.
>fucking an irl frognigger
>in the eye no less
That's quite pathetic. No wonder players are leaving Warframe as they don't release content for many months.
Warframe is the most mindless grind ever.
It's full, but it's empty. Only shallow under the cover.
>Fuck off WF has never been better than it is right now.
>"fashionframe is the real endgame"
what a sorry excuse to not make content and try to get people to buy tennogen garbage.
Redtext has been getting quite bitter
It's their fault for working on several big projects at the same time while also making them bigger and bigger than initial planning and expectation.
They really have to learn from their mistakes some day.
who are you even quoting?
I'm amazed that it's working. No wonder microtransactions and lootboxes are still going strong.
Maybe you should buff more weapons if there's only 2 meta ones.
Fucking DE.
based wacky steve
Warframe is still going because it has a real player economy that people get sucked into. So much so that you had a group pulling jewish tricks so they don't loose their hold on the riven market.
majority of the playerbase
>Yes, unless you *places tea kettle on stove* go against the government that made your country *turn heat to lowest setting* the richest and the strongest on the planet, you're... an idiot? *notice kettle is red hot* Wait how does this work *die from the whole stove exploding*
cringe cope, the playerbase has been saying that for the better part of 2 years.
How can they be this salty when it's their own fault?
Fashionframe is a meme for faggots. After playing Warframe for 2000 hours, i play only when there are story updates.
Gotta do something while waiting for content to drop, that is, if it does drop at all.
>run into someone
>ditch them and carry on
>run into someone else
>ditch them and carry on
>crash into someone else's car
this is literally just someone playing GTA
>After playing Warframe for 2000 hours
P.S There are 3 things that make Warframe good.
>fun movement combo system with powers
>bizarre visuals but in a good way
>a story with twists and lore out the wazoo
>those punishments
>the last one
holy shit
They can't balance worth shit.
It's why all the new frames outside like 2 are fucking garbage.
Why do they lack reponsibility? Cause they " don't want to be responsible for running over someone" Driving is fucking dangerous over there from all the webms I saw. They don't blink an eye to someone getting run over, not even to a kid.
I haven't played in months. The only one coping here, is you.
Its only against other chinks, its fair game against every other country
the irony of this is im not sure if you are talking about chinese tanks running over chinese people or some other people
>A story and lore that are full of plot holes and retcons
You can sell that shit to every dumb population if you do it right and e.g. outline the "preferred treatment of law abiding and helpful citizens."
You never mention any punishments.
But obviously, if someone gets preferred treatment it also means someone is taking the shaft.
I'd say they settled on the overall lore at least when ember prime was added. That's when they mentioned the ship in the void and the kids.
It is a fun game to play with friends when there is nothing else. Its pretty much a light show where everyone competes in the most inventive ways to blow up the enemy.
It's still good. Hell, it is exceptionally good. After the last story update i've been counting the days till the next one.
>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here...
>It is a fun game to play with friends
Destiny is going to utterly rape them won't it? It won't even need to be good or decent and DE will still get fuckedthose cunts fucking deserve it
You can try joining up a guild and making some friends yourself.
>Destiny is going to utterly rape them won't it?
Has bungie done anything at all since activision let them go?
Thank god im a based American. I hope Hong Kong wins in the end.
They can never admit fault. It's the typical lefty behaviour of complete smugness and arrogance in their bubble and complete surrender and ass licking when directly confronted by someone with more clout than them (see: DE and Jim Sterling or Jason "big boobs is pedo fantasy" Schreier vs YoungYe)
You have your own battles to fight at home.
Dunno, I don't really follow it I just know people are hyped for it and since Borderlands 3 went to epic this will be the only real competition Warframe might have since the base game is aparently going to be f2p, I really just want DE to get fucked
The appeal of warframe to me is that it's a persistent game like any other MMO, you can be playing within seconds of logging in, and the missions are pretty mindless to do. The only time I really started to hate the game is when it was the only game I was playing every day. Warframe is a game you will burn out on really fast if it's all you play.
DE constantly admits fault, even going so far as to remodel a frame's ass when people complained it was flatter than what they were led to believe. The thing is they're just dumb. Except for based pablo.
Who created the Chinese?
those are fucking slavs you blind fuck
Well good luck with your unending seething hatred. Personally, destiny looks too sterile. Like it's just halo but sometimes you throw a fireball or whatever. Some of the art is nice though.
>I really just want DE to get fucked
All i want is for DE to succeed. Warframe is one of my favorite games of all time.
The Mongols.
I did and I apologize for that.
you should read things that actual liberals say sometimes instead of getting it cherry-picked for you
>All i want is for DE to succeed
If only DE learned to release content and not DElay it all the time.
So how come India has literally no traffic laws or pattern besides "honk until get through" and never hear about shit like this happening there
But in China this is common place and no one cares even though they have actual roads and traffic patterns
slavs are wh*ter than you muttboy.
It's probably some kind of money laundering operation.
>implying modern GB is better than china
I have friends, the problem is that they don't play with me for some reason. Finding excuses to refuse when events are active.
For some reason Warframe players claim to be friendly but truly aren't compared to other gaming communities.
so what if you stole food so that you could care for your aging relatives? or you want to get a new job but uh oh, I was depressed and said some dumb things online and now i cant even get on the train to go to the new job, let alone apply for said job? china's system is the dumbest, most totalitarian shit I've ever seen
You don't have to play Warframe all the time. Be like me. I only come back for story expansions now or if my friends are doing a challenging run and need a 4th man.
I remember seeing one of a mother and child and as the floor gives away she's sinking and gets her kid out of there they try to help her out but she just tells them to take her kid
anyone who doesnt support HK is a chink shill
Are you completely retarded? Of course it is, the quality of life is a thousand times better in GB than China. God you're stupid.
even south american third world countries manage to get how traffic laws work, but somehow fucking russia and china can't
what the fuck is wrong with slavs and chinks that they can't understand something that even spics manage?
it's not china, retard
Reminder China invaded Vietnam right after helping them kick the us out, only to lose more men in a few weeks than the us did in six years in Vietnam
Sounds good. Shame though that my buddies usually fill up a squad quickly and there's no raids anymore so a 5th player can join
America still claims they didn't lose to Vietnam too, what is it about vietnam?
This almost looks like he was trying to push the stroller into the car's path. I'm sure that can't be though.
China can't even pull the "we pulled out two years after a ceasefire and then north Vietnam attacked" card, they straight up lost the war and were pushed out but still claim they won
Because they do thats why all russians have dash cams, throwing yourself in front of a car and suing the driver is an epidemic there
If Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires then Vietnam is the morgue of sore losers.
Actually most people from California were conservatives who wanted to move to red States. It's a lot of the younger voters born in Texas who voted for Beto.
Based Vietnamese Dabbing on the Chinese
Remember when Ion Fury got 90% downvotes because they said they would take out a soap dispenser in their game?
They're just like us.
I've seen more than a couple children getting hit by cars at these speeds and they all just walk it off dazed, its kind of amazing
>>dont do anything
>nothing happens
not visiting your grand parents often enough, score still goes down
It really baffles me that chinks bother trying to defend their shit government here. Do they think anyone is gonna fall for their retardation?
Amazon and google tech if I had to guess
>the way the kids arm just flaps in the air broken
Ah yes, the old horseshoe fallacy.
Do the Chinese at least like his more recent movies? Because I have no idea who else could.
based on their posts here it seems they think America is worse off, that Trump has a secret gestapo, and controls the media with an iron fist. It's amazing what a massive firewall, censorship, and a language barrier can do for propaganda.
>The Chinese government was a mistake
Give a good reason why you need an automatic rifle? He's not saying to ban all guns just those.
Only the militairy have automatic rifles you retard, the best a citizen can get is a semi-automatic
Because people don't talk about India.
Full auto rifles are already illegal though. This who gun control shit isn't going to go anywhere when the side pushing for it doesn't know shit about guns. AR doesn't mean assault rifle.
Calm down mohammad, did you not do your daily acid attack or child rape?
DESU isn't this common when guys in china want to kill their daughters because they'd prefer to have a son?
anti-gun fags should at least read the wikipedia article about firearms before trying to talk about guns.
Or maybe don't, keep pushing for criminalization of things that are already illegal.
Are you implying manbabies here didn't whine about SJWs and negative brigaded the shitty game to oblivion?
I'm willing to bet the average person in north america, europe, south america, central america, and even india, have better quality of life than the average chink.
Chinks are only better off than africans.
fuck the constitution at point, it was created in a completely separate societal climate
>right to bear arms meant you can protect yourself and your shitty family with 8 kids on your podunk farm
>right to bear arms means your dumbass neighbor's kid can get ahold of a gun and kill kids at their school
hell yeah
t. E*ro
As long as no game on the market has comparable speed and freedom of movement warframe will have its niche. Destiny movement feels and plays sluggish compared to warframe.
no sir just a guy in college that doesnt want to get killed by someone else in school with a gun
No, they go along with reddit's epic memes and change something they really had no vision of in the first place. When it comes to actual criticism or things things they don't want implemented they'll go against the community as long as it takes. Scotts fat ass designed vacuum as a mod for only carrier and it took literal years for them to make it universal, years of people complaining about it. Danielle is still employed even with proof of multiple instances of nepotism, including going out and having dates between the chat moderators. When somebody directly called out the exact mods and exact behaviour they engaged with DE called it "harrassment". I'm sorry, but if listing exact things a person has done is harrasment, what do you call multiple executives of a multi-million company meeting together and then attacking one youtuber within minutes of one another with a smear campaign? They sent lawyers to a kid that was datamining the game because they were uncapable of securing their own game and he exposed them lying about droprates. But again, these evil youtubers harrassing our poor staff, think of their mental health! Archwing was a total failiture, so they added sharkwing an even worse version of it and now they're tripling down and adding railjack which is gonna be even worse than that.
But then you have prime accessory packs that the community was asking years for. Here comes Sterling with his bigger clout and what do you know, we have accessory packs done in a week! If Sterling or cr1tikal complained about no content railjack would be out in two weeks.
DE is a bunch of immature, irresponsible and lazy lefties that lack any semblance of professionalism. They like to pretend they're some tiny indie studio of five people making a passion project from their garage, when in reality they're a 300 employee company, though their output is comparable to 5 students in a garage.
My right shoot cans with a mini 14 is more important than some little zoomer shit
>t. Five Cent
If you're so worried about random shooters, why don't you get a concealed carry permit?
man the worst part about chinese accident videos is 90% of the time they're just pure fucking comedy. When other 3rd world countries post accident videos there's usually some gruesome sick thing that makes your balls shrivel and makes you feel bad.
But its hard to empathize when 99% of deaths in your country seem like they come straight out of Looney Toons
Right to bear arms had nothing to do with protecting your family from wildlife or injuns. It was entirely about the people maintaining a militia that could overthrow their own goberment
No doubt but no one should act like loicense land or muttland are something to aspire to even for the insects, going backwards isn't an achievement just because the crayon eater still can't catch up
no cams in india on every corner like in china
while it's true that these places are getting worse, they're still better than the homelands from which the immigrants come from
otherwise they wouldn't be trying to immigrate there.
Most of the good PC brand are made in Taiwan, user. And CPUs are made in Israel. Chink chong to you too
why are chinks review bombing games now? wtf happened in their shithole country? i have noticed a few games have been recently review bombed and every time it was by the chinese
>here's why that's a good thing
Yet again subhumans being subhuman is not some philosophical discovery its been known forever and if they weren't spreading maybe some could escape this planet and end up huddling around the last dying star in a few billion years instead of china or more likely india being how everywhere is till it all whimpers out painfully.
Yeah you dumb fuck its not hard to turn a semi into a full auto. Answer the question instead of diverting it.
I was about to buy a chinese phone until I saw this thread with everything exploding. Guess another Samsung it is
Then it's already a crime, what you want automatics to be double illegal?
Fuck China, suck a dick you slant eyed fucks.
Are the chinks the new niggers for comic relief? This thread was hilarious
Why do you need a semi-auto?
If it's not hard then why has no mass shooter ever modded their gun to full auto?
how come you dont get rid of jews and blacks first?
What's the story behind this one? Is it just some crazy fuck determined to crash a bus or......?
Now who is moving goal posts? You're a retard who doesn't know anything about what you're talking about.
To shoot niggers trying to steal my stuff and rape my family
Not him but why wouldn't you need it?
Actually most shit is designed in places like Japan and Germany, it's just "assembled" in China.
Which is to say all the actual smart people in good countries design and figure out all the hard stuff, then they send it to the assembly line monkeys to basically stick some Legos together for pennies and send the finished product back.
Why the fuck is Sweden so high up there?
Hong Kong are yellow brits, and they wish to stay that way.
Shit if you buy games from Hong Kong, they are all english subbed since English is a first language there. Usually better translations than American localization teams too.
Why would you need a semi-auto to protect your home? Use a shotgun or handgun.
Handguns are semi automatic you retard
Anything else that's not a lying shithole?
That is a subset you retard just like rifles.
Why wouldn't I need a semi auto to protect my home?
>left-wing TV has left-wing propaganda
shotguns are worse in every way for self defense than a rifle, you know absolutely nothing
This is ridiculous and insulting.
Hey retard, the Chinese government made a deal with HK when British colonial rule ended. They promised them certain legal, political, and economic freedoms in exchange for cooperation. Now the Chinese government is shitting on the sovereignty they promised them, and the people of HK are pissed. It isn't a "separatist movement", it's just people trying to maintain the status quo.
handguns suck ass, long shotguns are impossible to use indoors, short shotguns suck ass
better question, why DON'T you need a gun to protect your home?
That's the problem, user. It's not meant to be left wing tv.
It's something we are forced to pay for.
Most handguns are semi automatic or effectively so. Very few people are defending their homes with colt navy revolvers.
Yes. Guy committed sudoku+mass murder by driving the bus off a bridge.
I can just call the police
And wait 20 minutes as there’s a dude in your house.
Do they live at your house?
Do you know the local response time in your area?
Your family would have already been raped and murdered by the time they get there user, and go fuck yourself twice as hard if you live somewhere rural.
Disgusting bigot, how dare you not agree being compared or worse yet replaced by a nigger, a creature dumber than a sign language taught gorilla, repent you nasty white supremacy
Holy shit, incredibly based.
fucking moron