Ask me anything about the next World of Warcraft expansion and 8.25

Ask me anything about the next World of Warcraft expansion and 8.25.

>tl;dr it's Shadowlands

Attached: leak_01_blizz.png (452x80, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you lie about things on the internet?

based and forsakenpilled

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will saurfang eventually just fucking die

Will any important characters die?

Horde niggers getting BTFO soon...

If they do anything bad to best girl they will pay.

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Patch notes are out, patch is releasing next week.

What the fuck is Blizzard thinking?

It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, you'll see it all at BlizzCon anyway.

Shadowland is going to be very Sylvanas-centric, with her assuming an 'Illidan-esque' role. Forsaken are semi-prominent but not in the same way they are now.

He dies.

Most faction leader characters 'die'at the end of the raid but only Saurfang remains dead because of N'zoth's meddling.

If this was a few years ago I'd have said nope, too wacky.

But the writers are just that batshit crazy.

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So, are we getting a Tinker class?
Any new allied races in 8.3.5?

One thing the "leaks" until now don't go into is what happens with the Chamber oif Heart, the necklace and Magni/Wrathion/N'zoth.

More or less, with some small last minute changes and additions this is very accurate. The boats arrive in the 6 minute cinematic, Saurfang's fate is in the 3 minute one. That's why they updated his model recently.

Vulpera and Mechagnomes will be added as allied races. Tinker is coming with Shadowlands. If you preorder they plan to let you play it early.

Honestly this is too horrible to not be true

if sylvanas takes an illidan-esque role who leads the horde?

how much to suck my dick nigger


that sounds like such fucking shit i wouldn't be surprised if it's 90+% accurate

Horde and Alliance more or less merge, it just remains as fluff for battlegrounds and so on. They're not really at war, but Horde is led by a council of surviving leaders and the Alliance is still led by Anduin.

It will probably be a little bit better than BfA.

What will happen to Baine? What about Lorthemar?

why wouldn't the Forsaken just fuck off with her?
Honestly please let them, these corpseniggers have been bringing down the story for 15 years

I'm still not buying it, sorry. 8.3 has to be N'zoth.

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First shadowbringers for final fantasy.
Then shadowkeep for destiny 2.
Now shadowlands for wow.

I remember when people were posting pictures of 'world chat' with Turalyon killing Liadrin so I'll take this with a grain of salt until more stuff comes out.

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If Sylvanas gets a redemption arc, I'm fucking done.

The Forsaken's membership in the Horde was always meant to be temporary

>Genn Greymane grunts.

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Yeah, anyone with a private server can spawn NPCs, name them whatever they want and make them say whatever they want.
However, the picture of the cinematic that was posted is the realest shit.


It's still possible to fake. Some photoshop skills, switching some textures, add copious blur.

Do we alliance get yellow crayon unded?

Both die but both return.

The story paints them as being 'good guys' in that they were willing to do what others in the Horde couldn't. Hand of fate, etc.

You'll see that dialogue in 8.3. Screencap for later if you want.

Anduin ends up killing Saurfang because he gets mad at Stormwind being messed up and becomes influenced by N'zoth.

nah i'll screenshot this post and spam it in all the actual release threads just to shame you

writers have forgotten about him since cata. Like every expansion, nothing will happen with him. The Tauren lore is so minimal that there would be no other tauren to step up, outside of MAYBE a couple of the arch druids (but lore-wise, no druid except Malfurion is loyal to one faction or another, so it wouldn't make much sense). He would need to stay alive solely because they would have to make an OCdonutsteel character to replace him, and thats too much work. Also, that's what Baine was already. Blizzard go out of their way to make sure Tauren get no interesting lore, or get buttfucked, like by giving Magatha Grimtotem a redemption arc in the Shaman class order hall questline.

Hasn't Saufang been like the only horde member trying to bring peace between the horde and alliance? Why would it make sense to kill him, out of all horde members? Can't the writers think of ANYONE else that would make better sense, or have I missed something from when I stopped playing at the beginning of bfa?

The point of moving the Horde to Kalimdor was because they can't coexist with the Alliance.. giving them a stake in Lordaeron by allying with a bunch of objectively evil people who literally cannot stop gassing innocents for 3 seconds is what's made the plot so messy over the years

>Turalyon killing Liadrin
>When they're both Paladins and Liadrin is a personal friend of his son
Why did people fall for this one again?

Since i have a sub from classic, i was thinking of trying out retail again when I get to a point where classic slows down for me (considering the state of phases and time between abd question of what future progression may be, probably wont need to play classic that often)
I havent played since the beginning of MoP. I wad a part of the small minority that really didnt care about LFD, LFR, Transmogs and etc and with classic around, I can fill the void of world pvp and the likes now.
My question is how much has the game changed anyways? I took a brief look at skills and rotations and being a dps looks more fun than ever since im a button pressing autist and love hectic rotations when they pay off. I dont like the idea of just being handed everything though.
Pls no bully

Is 9.1 Arthas Redemption arc where he hands thin mints out at Stratholme?

I believe Anduin slowly gets more brutal in killing the Sylvanas-loyal trash mobs as you escort him while Saurfang wants to have them surrender (some are orcs, even a few tauren). It's meant to echo the Culling of Stratholme thematically.

N'zoth's influence grows and eventually Anduin is in a full shadow form and very obviously a bad guy, Saurfang tries to reason with him and they end up fighting as one of the encounters. Saurfang frees Anduin but dies in the process.

Forsaken were initially added for gameplay reasons, yeah.

It's a lot more focused on weekly end-game content than outdoor content. I prefer it but I work full time and only have energy to do a few mythics a week.

because he's a faggot and literally wants to die.

fuck. greymane is the only decent recurring character anymore

How many cinematics with Sylvanas are left in this exp?

furries pls go and stay go

And do they contain any more armpit shots?

You’re an idiot, and can like a character without wanting to fuck them you stupid Gamer.

Greymane is one of the few realistically written characters still left in WoW. This is a fact.

She's the main character in the 6 minute one.

Of course.

Will we ever see the death of Sylvanas? And is Saurfang the only confirmed, 100% killed character?

>focused on weekly end game content
Yeah, i remember that being the case ever since wotlk. Not surprised but for a casual dungeon running mmo experience in comparison to the world experience of cata I can manage the two if wanted.
Thanks for the reply. I too work a 40+hr/week job so there is some merit to queing up for content just to have some fun. Im just trying to get my mind focused when they reveal the new xpac, which if all goes well and im subbed to classic, may consider starting anew on retail then too.
P.S. how is the guild qnd grouping scene anyways? Is there still content that alnost requires a guild to run or gear to get, or is is there no need for a serious guild anymore?

People are falling for it again. Blizzdrones are fucking retards

She is killed by Anduin and visa versa depending on your faction but is ressurected in the Shadowlands in the cinematic with the Helya boats.

>It will probably be a little bit better than BfA.
Thats not much desu

what the fuck is wrong with your spacing you dumb furry husbandofag

I'm calling your bullshit right here. You're talking about the boats cinematic being at the end of 8.3 but you also say it's the 6 minute cinematic but that one is in 8.2.5 next month.

Something being in the game files doesn't mean you'll be able to access it. For example, there are hundreds of weapon models that are in-game that you aren't able to obtain.

In the same sense, 8.3 will drop when the raid is open and that is when the cinematic is available.

tl;dr You are a retard that doesn't understand how patch content works.

why do the writers like sylvanas so much?

She's a miracle of the universe.

Attached: Sylvanas_Windrunner.jpg (500x750, 56K)

Extremely popular character in the USA and in China, plays into the popular themes of girl power and morally grey Thanos-like characters.

>and morally grey Thanos-like characters.
She isn't morally grey and neither is he

Do we get redeemed undead?

Are any of the classes fun?

I'm not commenting on if I agree, I am just telling you why that character is popular with the team.

why does she make you so butthurt?

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They're all fun in Classic :)

What about Arthas? Why does he join the fight - are those leaks correct?


Arthas is dead. When they say Lich King they mean Bolvar. His daughter will be there too.

You see Arthas in the Shadowlands in one of the endgame questlines, though.

I believe Lightforged undead are planned but not for a while. There's some internal concept art of them, they have similar models to Nathanos.

Classes are similar to how they are now.

mostly just the fact that all the sentient undead seem to be slavishly devoted to her (the only exception I know of is like one guy in the tutorial area) and that she's doing awful stuff only to actually be good all along, just like illidan did literally one expac ago.

does anyone have that comic where sylv and anduin fight, but then the real final boss comes out and she sacrifices herself to stop it? that's what's going to happen

Attached: bfa ending.png (1200x800, 498K)

thank you fren

Not all of them are, notably Alonsus Faol is staunchly independent, or at least he was.
Also what Illidan did isn't really on the same level as Sylvanas, at least in TFT. In fact him coming to power in Outland probably made things better there, considering the previous person in charge was a damn Pit Lord. The worst he did was probably trying to control the water supply in order to have Shattrath surrender to him.

I wasn’t even the fucking guy you first responded to you stupid fuck. Keep letting furries live in your mind, rent free.

So all the classes are still boring?

I'm aware, child. It's your retarded spacing. Go yiff in hell.

Are we getting more Allied Races in Shadowlands? Alliance got completely fucked for AR’s, outside of Dark Iron. I need hope that there’s better options coming.

Also, is Horde EVER going to get Ogres or Hozen? I would jump factions immediately.

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Lightforged Undead that they're calling Redeemed, Ogres , Vrykul and Kvaldir are all planned.

If you don't like them now you won't like them in 8.3.

Rent free.

>Vrykul and Kvaldir

Are they splitting them up based on factions? Also, how the fuck are we getting Ogres in a shadowlands expansion? They pulling more Draenoresque bullshit for recruitment? Or actual Azeroth Ogres that are already apart of the Horde?

Thanks for the answer.

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Are any classes getting major reworks?
Like Hunter?

Is anything being taken from classic and brought to retail?

High Elves?

Any PvP changes?

Was it ever explained why the horde was suddenly loyal to sylvannas? Is there any reason why everyone listened to vol'jin and then after they made her warchief everyone pretended that they loved the forsaken all along? Isn't it kinda weird how the forsaken went from being heavily distrusted by the entire faction to being the leader overnight?

My theory is they wanted a female leader for one of the factions but immediately realized that Sylvanas was a mistake and needed to be taken out of power as soon as possible

>why are people loyal to their warchief who was appointed by the previous one due to spirits and is popular after the legion's defeat

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No I mean the characters in the game, not the writers.

The characters in game have no concrete traits because of the writers

Okay now you're crossing into fanfiction territory, nice try reexplaining the things we already datamined though

Vrykul and Kvaldir are as different as Night Elves and Nightborne. Them being split up isn't that far off ,especially considering what happened in Stormheim.
They did a 180 with Sylvanas and turned her into a tactical genius overnight, apparently making it official that Legion PvP was a string of successes under her.
Also consider that with the new Allied Races, quite a few of the newly entered races have no idea about her history and only see her as a 'brilliant' commander.

Ok but why do they just pretend that they never hated the forsaken? why does nobody point out how fucked up it is that she's the new warchief?

Thank your deadboys for putting the faction on their backs Tauren pussbag

>Ok but why do they just pretend that they never hated the forsaken?
what the fuck are you even talking about?
> why does nobody point out how fucked up it is that she's the new warchief?
how is it fucked up?

Muh lite

M-muh lordron

Grizzled 20something human male footman

Just like Game of Thrones

Are we pulling Ogres from Draenor or the aligned tribes already on Azeroth, lead by Rexxar?

Last question, I’ve been a huge Ogre supporter since Vanilla and just finally want the big boys home.

Did you miss when she beat three Dreadlords to capture the Undercity? When she outgunned and outmaneuvered the Alliance at every corner in Cata?

They're Draenor ogres, yeah. They're sort of roman for some reason.

Kvaldir join the Horde with Sylvanas because of Helya, Odyn's Vrykul join the Alliance because they hate Helya.

No big changes.

Questing will take longer and be harder and levels will be squished to 60.

No high elves.

It's actually explained in Before the Storm.

tl;dr Most of the Horde races have warrior cultures and just love wars and fighting. They consider Sylvanas a war hero and are excited to be fighting again.

after the shitshow that is bfa they are going to pull some nostalgia shit off again like they did in legion.
but this time we get to meet old war heroes and famous npcs again. we will met arthas as arthas the redeemed and garrosh the punished as if it were a DBZ afterlife episode.
not gonna lie, this sounds rad as fuck. i just hope that they let horde play with alliance in the upcoming expansion. going to sub 100% if this happens.

No world revamp? No professions revamps?

Why do they leave important plot points out of the game? What the fuck is this?

Who can forget the many contributions of the Forsaken?
>Driving Worgen into the Alliance
>Destroying an entire Horde army at the Wrathgate
>Delving the Horde into another war for no reason

>Getting excited for cheap nostalgia pops and the final step in faction homogenization
My god will nothing short circuit these drones?? Blizzard needs to be pulled off your fucking life support

Did you miss when she did a power slide into melee with a Death Knight?
Did you miss when her 'taking' Gilneas was hilariously short lived and was a joke of a campaign where every step forward she took cost her two steps back?
Did you miss when her plan to poison Garrosh fell apart because she couldn't figure out "Oh hey, maybe my sister doesn't want to abandon her children and die"?

The new lead Alliance writer is Christie Golden, who wrote quite a lot of those important plot points into books.

>best girl
>kerrigan but worse because metzen is a hack

As some one who plays a lot of Monster Hunter let me tell you the Powerslide is the most powerful of Longbow techniques.

>>Driving Worgen into the Alliance
The best part about that is that if she hadn't, Garrosh would have not only taken Darkshore (And Ashenvale with it), but he also would have killed Tyrande and Shandris, as well as potentially Varian.

will the gift of n'zoth do anything, or am I just gonna keep it forever?

Roman theme for Ogres makes sense considering their empire and fall is supposed to parallel that of the actual Roman’s.

While not the best, would’ve preferred Azeroth aligned Ogres, I’ll take what I can get. Thanks bro.

We are truly the Shadows of us

>Garrosh forced them to while Sylvanas was away
>Burning Legion tricks, Orcs should understand
>Anduin fucking smuggled Calia Menethil to their peace summit

Kerrigan is also best girl in her games. Very pretty!

>that pic
Oh shit I forgot about that (but then again I played horde in wrath).
Would've been cool if Blizz referenced that event between those two,but i doubt they will

>Did you miss when she did a power slide into melee with a Death Knight?
That was artistic license for the sake of the cinematic. Also, she died when the undead breached every defense and took over the land and started slaughtering everyone left there was literally nowhere to go.

>>Anduin fucking smuggled Calia Menethil to their peace summit
I keep hearing this, but I also heard she just happened to be there due to Alonsus. Calia already said she didn't want to retake Lordaeron and wanted to remain neutral.

>he doesnt want to dab on the old gods with his Warcraft 3 bros

The last one is the only thing with any merit and it has been established since TBC that Sylvanas's major weakness is her sentimentality for her sisters

On the lighter side of things, what sort of changes will happen to the Hunter and Warrior classes in the next expac?

that was an artistic representation of events which have been told in numerous ways multiple times. gilneas was started by garrosh and was the forsaken vs fucking werewolves and SI:7 while the orc reinforcements were drunk and sank by a pack of worgen. not to mention being forbidden from using the full powered plague which was eventually used in hillsbrad.

that last point is simply too retarded to even bring up

>not to mention being forbidden from using the full powered plague which was eventually used in hillsbrad.
Didn't Sylvanas use the Plague anyway, and still lose?

it was a weakened strand and the forsaken using it complain about it saying regulations are fucking them over.

She won but then Blizzard went 'uhhh but also she... didn't... win???' and condemned the capital to some weird demi-canon limbo

It sells Golden's books.

It doesn't do anything that the toy doesn't do as far as I know but that's a niche question that I'm not sure about.

Yeah, they already had an Imperator as their leader and wore togas, etc. They're just dialling it up in the concept art.

What I think was meant to be their heritage/guard armour concepts are all plumed helmets and romanish armour.

I really like Sylvanas and enjoy what they are doing with her and don't get why so many people have a problem with it, she's been a pretty cool character since Warcraft 3, but it would really fucking piss me off if she's going to become Kerrigan 2.0

Attached: s52.png (467x485, 395K)

If it's anything less than the removal of faggot polearm survival don't even think of praising it

the full powered plague was used at southshore.

Attached: neutered plague.jpg (1355x203, 104K)

She's fine and acting completely within her character. It's the fact that all the other Horde races are dragged along with her BS for no reason

I'm pretty sure she took the city itself but not the zone, and the aftermath was essentially the Alliance bringing their own army to bear on top of Gilneas' newly-worgen'd army ON TOP of the feral worgen from Silverpine being brought in.
And the only time Sylvanas turned the tables was with Godfrey, who put a bullet in the back of her head and re-turned the tables by leaving.

>enjoy what they are doing with her
Rehashing MoP while she afks for the expansion?

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You don't even need a private server. There's a roleplaying add-on that allows you to make NPCs talk.

>caring about retail
Certified transexual

The reason is that she's their Warchief, it makes less sense that everyone is trying to betray her considering how unlike Garrosh she hasn't humiliated, unnecessary endangered, swindled or lauded her own race over the others in her faction. She just wants to be in a dark corner somewhere and destroy her enemies, and the entire basis of the Horde turning on her is WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE POOR ALLIANCE



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horde and alli hate each other

simple as

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After playing Classic I forgot how great it was just to be a freelance adventurer. Modern WoW makes you out to be some kind big central part of your faction, in Classic your faction is just a springboard towards your character's own goals.

Make a Classic thread, bro

Those fucking niggers restricted me to upload images on Yea Forums

If the Stormwind raid and Shadowlands expansion turn out to be real, I'll have a good ol' laugh at myself for liking the setting enough in the past to actively RP in it on both retail and private servers. What a shitshow it has become.

Christie Golden is soimudder
The pasty plague

If you are so busy why are you posting in middle of day?

So wait are factions over? We can group with anyone from either faction now? How will that work for BGs and warmode? Also any changes to raids? The mythic raiding scene is fucking dying.

>classic is dead
>classic sucks because there are long lines to log in
Don't these two things contradict each other?

What is next expansions cinematic going to be about?

I've been hoping for that smelly corpse elf to die ever since Wrath at the very least. She's the golden child of the writers, bugmen, and absolute shitters. The continued existence of this insufferable Mary Sue alone has actually made me like playing on Horde less.

Gas all of the undead and then it might be possible to salvage the lore after decade+ of complete nonsense.
Sylvanas should have stayed dead after she got her head blown off by Lord Godfrey in Silverpine like a complete chump.

Attached: troll not amused.jpg (240x320, 53K)

user is right, we need a new Raider IO so we can put stars on any player that can't nolife the game.
This is the only way forward for mythic raiding

Kek, we already have developer tweets confirming the cinematics are 8.2.5 content, nice try user.

I don't care about that.

Are spells coming back, is class fantasy style coming back? Is at least 3v3 receiving attention again?

Oh boy, yeah I'm sure it'd be great to hear about the Darkspear doing absolutely fucking nothing some more, or will the Shadowlands bring back Zalazane to keep you busy for another three expansions?

Garrosh Pre-Retard;
>Pissed Trolls off but they threatened him back in turn
>Pissed off the Tauren by killing Cairne, though this was an accident caused by the Grimtotem, who were cast out for it
>Pissed off the Forsaken by telling them to not use their horrific bioweapon that renders its targets uninhabitable for >100 years after use "but is being tested to improve!"
>Didn't really bother the Blood Elves or Goblins
>Waged a conventional and mostly honorable war, scorned massacring unarmed civilians for no reason
Garrosh Post-Retard
>Utilized numerous superweapons beyond his control
>Had civilians captured to be used for target practice and 'entertainment'
>Actively tried to have other Horde Leaders killer
>Left Saurfang, a veteran and war hero, to die against the Alliance
>Destroyed Teldrassil for no good reason, rendering the entire Ashenvale and Darkshore campaigns moot
>Has a past of threatening Lor'Themar and insulting Baine to his face
>Was shown to have disobeyed Pre-Retard Garrosh to continue using the Val'kyr
>Attempted to use superweapons beyond her control
>Encourages mass murder of civilians with the intent of raising them as undead
Yeah bro they totally only hate her because MUH ALLIANCE.

Its literally, LITERALLY the same story beats as Starcraft 2. Zeratul told Raynor to keep Kerrigan alive though he wouldn't understand. Tassadar's ghost appeared to tell people to keep Kerrigan alive and to find Xelnaga shit and turns out Tassadar's ghost was actually a Xelnaga pretending to be a ghost to get Kerrigan to the Void to become a Xelnaga to stop an evil Xelnaga, and she turns into this super redeemed superhero.

Vol'jin heard a voice tell him to make Sylvanas warchief, and that people wouldn't understand but that it'd be important. And now leaks are saying she's going to kill EVERYONE to get them all to the Shadowlands as a united army to kill an old god and then somehow get them all back, she being redeemed and shit.

They keep pulling the same story over and over. "Well you see, there must always be an overmind/lichking." "Well you see, the zerg/undead are just really misunderstood." "Well you see, the prophecy/spirits said a mean bitch was the key to everything."

Get some new fucking writers Blizz, you fucking hacks.

seethe more jungle nigger

>Get some new fucking writers Blizz
They did. This is the result.

Will undead be able to be Paladins?

Do people still fall for these clipped chat things when they've repeatedly been proven wrong in the past?

Saurfang left himself to die, made the plan to attack the Night Elves, and fucked it all up at the last second to necessitate Teldrassil's destruction. Sylvanas has an affinity to the Blood Elves and her banter with Lor'themar was just that, but he was so much of a pussy it took him until SoO to actually snap back. Baine deserves insults, he's useless, and Garrosh also had every intention of leading the Forsaken to ruin as his actions in forcing them at Gilneas with almost zero backup AND making them maintain retarded Orc bumrush tactics, not to mention the Val'kyr literally showed her that following his orders would lead to their destruction. The rest is yawn-inducing pussy whining trying to incorrectly correlate fantasy realm rules of engagement with modern day ones, like fucking call the UN lmao

I hope it's just some asshat taking the existing leak and bullshitting about it in this thread.
Because I kind of like the original leak but boy this thread is shit.

Good writers don't waste their time on Video Games.

>Sylvanas has an affinity to the Blood Elves and her banter with Lor'themar was just that,
So threatening to not only stop her assistance in the Ghostlands, putting all of Silvermoon at risk of ANOTHER Scourge invasion, as well as threatening to raise the Blood Elves' dead for her own army, was just banter?

you forgot
>broke the peace treaty after wrath
>false flagged an attack on druids
>invaded gilneas and was using forsaken as canon fodder, would have lost lordaeron if sylvanas stayed dead
>threatened vol'jin before vol'jin threatened him
>his warmongering led to cairne challenging him and dying

>Left Saurfang, a veteran and war hero, to die against the Alliance
saurfang literally chose to stay because he's a suicidal retard.
>for no good reason
because malfurion was alive and her and saurfang were literally too scared to invade when both him and tyrande was in the region.
>Has a past of threatening Lor'Themar
literal banter
>continue using the Val'kyr
val'kyr were never forbidden
> beyond her control

The latter was, the former was making him nut the fuck up so they can destroy the root of their Scourge issues instead of pussyfooting around it.

Having a positive opinion towards Sylvanas is unfortunately a terminal case of completely shit taste.

How does it feel being hated by your own faction despite having so many resources devoted to attempt to prop it up? I have always actively treated undead, b*lfs, and pandas much worse than other players since they don't belong in the Horde.

>Didn't really bother the Blood Elves or Goblins

At what point do we call Garrosh post-retard because he was throwing the Blood Elves and the Goblins into the meat-grinder for his War Campaign in 5.1 MoP.

>threatening to raise the Blood Elves' dead
I'm pretty sure she literally asked him and then said he'd be a hot corpse. Not sure how autistic you have to be to construe that as a threat.

Look I get it, if my faction's most relevant contribution to the Horde was leading the charge against better leaders (Zul'jin, Garrosh) and building a fucking swamp hut in Zangarmarsh I'd be uppity too.


>they will all pay for this

>She burnt the tree because of Malfurion!
No she didn't. She burnt it because that one Night Elf told her that winning Darkshore wasn't going to shatter the Nigth Elf's morale. Then Sylvanas told her about that time Arthas killed her, had an awkward stare down with her, and then ordered Nathanos to burn the tree.
MoP is Post-Retard

How does it feel being butthurt for over a decade you autistic roleplayer?

it's the personality profile of the average doos vult fag who was jerking off over that fake leak

>winning Darkshore wasn't going to shatter the Nigth Elf's morale
killing furion was supposed to do that. instead the tree was used and it worked as can be seen by undead night elves, as retarded as that is.

She all but knew that Malfurion not being dead meant her campaign didn't break the Night Elves' resolve, but that one saying that to her entirely confirmed it and so she had to counter it with something.

Kek. The Darkspear have never needed to justify their existence and remain amongst the most beloved of all of the Horde races.

Imagine being a walking corpse crying over losing their "city" with the most memorable landmark being the literal rivers of shit.

>instead the tree was used and it worked as can be seen by undead night elves,
The ones Sylvanas almost definitely mind controlled into serving her?
Kinda ironic that all it did was piss the Night Elves off.

>Fucking Bolvar murders all the Horde leaders
FUCKING BASED. The Alliance literally have a Lich King on their side now, can the odds be anymore stacked in their favor?

Oh yeah, wise Vol'jin the Right Hand of Thrall never needed to justify his peoples' complete lack of motivation and forward thinking when Garrosh called him out, he just flew into a bitchfit and made threats on his life that he ultimately failed in every way to deliver on like a lazy fucking rastanigger.

Move over Sylvanas, there's a new undead mommy in town.

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She figured that the next best thing to despair was blind rage that would lead them to do something rash and strain relations with Stormwind as their priorities were elsewhere, this kinda worked.

>The ones Sylvanas almost definitely mind controlled into serving her?
no, not the ones in your headcanon.

Yes, because they all die right there too.
Now THIS is a fucking Mary Sue, take notes the next time you try to call someone who is universally hated in lore one.

oh yes.
We never heard this before.
>We'll be watching you.

Just abandon it user, Blizzard will never throw the alliance a bone.


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>that would lead them to do something rash and strain relations with Stormwind as their priorities were elsewhere,
>"Anduin, I'm going back to Darkshore."
Really put a strain on those relations.
>We're totally on your side now and have no problems murdering the people who were out allies but a few days ago. Don't ask us our reasons.
Sure, they totally aren't mind-controlled.

A Mary Sue is a character with no flaws.
She has a major flaw in that she abandoned her duties to try and live a peaceful life incognito in Southshore.
She pulled something majorly stupid in Arathi and got herself and plenty of others killed.

>night elves rezzed and literally shown to be asked if they want to join
>same exact situation as humans being rezzed in cata
>but muh headcanon!!
lol retard

Did you forget that officially joining a faction automatically kneecaps everyone into total irrelevancy?

Or did you forget what happened to the Night Elves when they went from their own faction in WC3 to Alliance stooges in WoW? Or Kul Tiras and the Zandalari being shoved into the closet to rust alongside Pandaren now that their fifteen minutes of fame are over?

Or the Nightborne and Suramar joining the Horde only to promptly do fuck all for all of BFA, while the like ten canon living void elves shoot up heroin in their pocket space

Bolvar will be made irrelevant so as to not step on the toes of DK players and everyone will forget he exists a few months in

Except of course center stage throughout all of Legion and a significant portion of every prior expansion, yes even Cata and WoD.

Based Sylvanas dabbing on everything and everyone.

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Blizzdrone, will there be any drastic change in systems of the game? Gearing is atrocious now, and will they come up with a new variant of AP for us to farm? Please say no.

>Bringing up King Draenigger in any capacity as if it's a salient point.

Don't feed the troll OP, he's full of bullshit.

And of course we're getting another AP/Azerite farm, don't be ridiculous.

Reminds me of a TRP profile
>Flaws: Too nice and kind and doesn't want to hurt anyone and the undead all see her and can't help but worship her and it got them all killed :( but then she was ressurrected by the power of megalight and became a lightdead and is immortal and powerful but also very kind and not at all affected by her new state mentally :))

You know why

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Dont forget, its an alliance expansion when we need to band together and fight a greater evil :^))))))

Sylvanas didnt want to leave the tree for old gods. She has Aszhara captured inside that sword of hers now. Sylvanas wont die.

I don't understand why they keep doubling down on these shit systems that are clearly killing the game.

You mean the raisings where all of the human who were raised conveniently saluted Sylvanas immediately and began praising the Banshee Queen, even though humans in the very same zone were willing to become Worgen before being raised as Undead?

Because they're time sinks that keep people playing. They've doubled, even tripled down on timesinks that require logging in every day.

Activision only cares about player retention, and in their mind the best thing for that is a endless treadmill grind.

Blizzard Ripped Off bretons...

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For the love of GOD, tell me War-/Titanforging gets removed. This shit is so (((((problematic))))) , it's incredible.

what happens to thrall

>starting zone shows they have free will
>godfrey and co shows they have free will
>stated multiple times since then to have free will including in 2 books last year, one of which was a statement by nathanos
>nelves and blood elf from the novella asked if they want to be rezzed
>but look at this quest mechanic they totally don't have free will!!
delusional retard.

dies 4 expansions from now so his brown soiboy son who is best friends with anduin can become warchief.

playable naga yes?

The loyal risen are in Tirisfal and kind of in Andorhal but the latter was retconned to state they were in a """battle frenzy""" for being raised right after being slaughtered, the only ones risen in Silverpine (where the Worgen are) are Godfrey & co. who were only feigning loyalty and had good reason to hate Gilneas anyhow.

I want him to be so we can fucking get him out of the way and stop doing garbage "CORRUTPED BY WHISPERS!" plots.

Of course it will... but wait, we have a brand new mechanic for you, SHADOWFORGED gear!!!


Yes, naga confirmed for allied race after Azshara eats her own farts in 8.2.7

Yeah they're all working on big time TV series like Game of Thrones


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That's what you took away from that?

He's lying, that happens in 8.3.4, when Gnolls also become playable.

I can confirm this

New leak hot off the presses;
Blizzard is scrapping the entire Shadowlands expansion and is turning the game into a MMO porn game.
Player v Player is being turned into Penis v Penis, which is going to be slightly less gay than modern PvP.

During Shadowlands, Sylvanas and Anduin will grow closer and engage in a DM/LB (dom mommy, little boy) relationship that will result in Sylvanas getting pregnant, proving that the undead still have most of their bodily functions. This is an exciting development as we push for the Alliance and Horde to become one faction.

ill resub to wow again for this

What about magic potion from the black prince? Why does blizzard have to rehash everything? Mirroring something is just rehashing something

Sylvanas is pure and definitely wouldn't bother with fuckboys like Anduin. Also I want that faggot Nathanos to fuck off.

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Blizzard doesn't want to talk about The Black Prince any more, they feel they've already created too much gay art by involving him.

Jaina fits that more than Sylvanas. Sylvanas is just a bitch and people like her for being a bitch. Which is fine, she just isnt those other things.

Wrong, this is actually one of the primary reasons for his return

I will personally digitize myself and enter wow to kill everyone if they attempt lightforged as a race

All will fall into King Anduin's Harem, be they elf, undead, draenei, or even tauren. No woman is safe.

You are correct, but Sylvanas has a cutscene where she talks about how Anduin makes her feel alive again, and then engages in cock+ball torture. Nathanos is killed and stays dead early in 9.0 because we finally realized that the writer for Nathanos was using him as a self-insert.

read that a foreskinpilled

My boy died in MoP. I'm just here to collect his body.

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So shes a hack too?


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Alexstrazsa is the actual main villain of the new expansion. We don't know how or why yet but we're working on it, so rest assured that she'll deserve it when you kill her.

shes all of that except gray

One of the worst ones, being a female and all.

During the 9.0 patch series, we'll be adding romance paths for your character and the various NPCs you enjoy. These romances are NOT limited by faction, so your human paladin can romance Sylvanas, if you wish, or your Troll Shaman can introduce Jaina to Darkspear culture. You are also NOT limited to one romance, and so can date all the boys/girls/others that will be included from 9.1 to 9.3.

>wow lore after throne of thunder

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>Alliance center stage in Legion
>Only thing that happened was 3 Alliance heroes going Neutral as always

Due to complaints about certain professions not being as useful as others, they're all being scrapped entirelly in 9.1

So no revenge for Teldrassil huh? Glad I stopped playing a year ago.

In that case you can't complain about Green Jesus anymore since he was out of the Horde.

>literal siege of orgrimmar alliance edition
they really went downhill

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That will be addressed. After learning of Sylvanas' reasons, Tyrande will thank Sylvanas for making the hard decision. Malfurion will not accept this and become a raid boss during 9.0. This will allow us to set up the TyrandexJaina relationship that we saw on Tumblr that we enjoy.


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>We've reach the point where Blizzard pumps out a new expansion every 1-2 years.

The state of Blizzard. They'll release a new expansion, get everyone hyped, boost their sub count by a shit load, and after a few months everyone will quit. Rinse and repeat. I didn't even play BfA for a solid 2-3 weeks before quitting, that's how retarded the story and gameplay was.

Legion was super fun, so I'm hoping Shadowlands is fun. I hate that the new class is basically an engineer class called "Tinker" but can't wait to see gameplay of it. Maybe you can build turrets and robots, that'd be pretty broken. It's gonna be a DPS class, and maybe have a healer talent tree or support.

Bad ship. MaievxTyrande is better.

>Legion was super fun

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It was 10000x better than fucking BfA, cuck. Also was better than Cataclysm as well, literally the last few expansions have sucked dick, but I really enjoyed MoP. MoP and Legion were probably the last two good expansions.

>It was 10000x better than fucking BfA, cuck.
That is not a very high bar.

i just want to login to raid and logoff, just like in wod and all previous expansions, FUCK ARTIFACT POWER AND FUCK ION

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Their story is doing a great job of pushing me closer and closer to my own death.
then again I am not an important character

Same, WoD was peak comfy. Didn't even have to farm mats and shit. Everyone thinks I'm baiting when I say that though. Mythic+ is literal cancer.

WoD was comfy because you could speed level your alts before they ruined levelling to appease to the le vanilla memers and to sell boosts and you could make tons of gold and i actually liked the zones and the questing

>Muh farmville simulator where I can login and play for 10 minutes and log off while my NPC's and minions do all the work at my camp.

Where was the fun? It was literally like playing some idle simulator.

Still better than gamers

>better than fucking BfA
Well yeah, BfA borrowed all the bullshit that Legion introduced though.
>Also was better than Cataclysm
Nnnnnno, false, Cataclysm had some of the best class kits and playstyles in the entire lifespan and their release heroics and first raid tier were super compelling. It was only them caving in to casual complaints and the god-awful final tier of content that dredged it back into bad status. Firelands was one of the best daily hubs though.

WoD was good for two things: Making obscene amounts of gold, and Blackrock Foundry (a top 5 of all time raid easily).

Raiding is literally the only reason to play WoW.

>characters getting mad about death in a universe where death is completely meaningless

It just falls so flat. There are no stakes that count.

yeah it was awesome
no stupid filler bullshit, you just raid with your pals and you're done

the fun is the raids, and will always be

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>Yea Forums are such contrarians that they will feign nostalgia for the worst expansion of all time

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Blizzard's hardon for trying to make an esport made Mythic+ so much less fun in BFA.

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Shouldn't you be pushing entire rolls of TP in your stuffy nose Tigole?

There is literally no way you have a screenshot of content not on the ptr. I'm so fucking tired of you faggot roleplayers can you just die in a ditch somewhere instead of posting fake shit on Yea Forums for your replies aka upvotes. Go shitpost on reddit or something.

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dumb dragon slayer

Nobody here is reminiscing about TBC though?

i don't have nostalgia for vanilla though

As much of an Undeadfag that I am, I have never ever liked Sylvannas and always found her one of the worst characters even in WC3.

>I really like Sylvanas and enjoy what they are doing with her
>Posts a sfm with her
You are exactly what I think when I think about a "Sylvanas fan".

I like the idea of her being around but not her being the focus, and it's really fucking insulting that the most prominent Forsaken NPCs are always recolored elves and ESPECIALLY that the single normal Forsaken got retuned into a GODDAMN RECOLORED HUMAN.

True, but ShandrisxTyrande is the true patrician ship. The fact that tyrande practically raised shandris makes it even hotter

sorry for your bad taste

You are just jealous of her beauty.

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No you clearly do not zoomer.

I do agree she was decent not being the focus and being a secondary leader. Her entering the spotlight was a gigantic mistake that Blizzard just keeps on digging deeper and deeper with no end in sight.

Do they ever remove the gear grind or introduce scaling to make 99% of the world not feel completely invalid once you level up?
I hate that I can autoattack gods and shit to death just because I leveled up but a bear in the next zone can kill me. WoW has always been about the world and immersion to me.

Yeah, like for roleplaying having that always-out-of-sight dark queen to praise in your actions and threaten your foes with is a nice touch, and just the right amount of edgy, but her being Warchief has done next to nothing for making the Forsaken more relevant to the story. Fuck, MoP's diversity squad with the Forsaken girl that the monkeyman wanted to romance had a better spotlight on the Forsaken's place in the Horde than anything in Legion/BfA.

>Sylvanas fag telling others they have a bad taste
>Posts the too hot for tv version of the character
No user, cover that up! How can Metzen explain to his daughter why is Sylvanas wearing a bikini? Post her in game cinematic where she genocides a group of people please. She is dressed proper there, like a lady should.

>sylanas hater telling others they have bad taste

>Do they ever remove the gear grind or introduce scaling
which do you want senpai? because mmo's are literal barbie dressups - you're always going to have the gear grind. and scaling has been a thing since the launch of the LAST xpac, Legion. even at max level, stuff keeps getting stronger as you do, just as a fraction of your power.

Imagine still caring about the Warcraft setting after the shitshow that was WotLK. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I think he more meant scaling in dungeons/raids if he's talking about killing gods.


How come undead women are hot? They're supposed to be rotting, no?

fuck me, I may be retarded. thanks user

Draenei were the only bad thing about TBC.

>It was 10000x better than fucking BfA, cuck

It's the SAME FUCKING GAME. Same itemization, same gear titanforging shit, same raiding, same dungeons, same mythics. It's Legion 2.0

This is the fakest and gayest shit I've ever seen.


t. didn't play TFT

She is not undead, she is a banshee possessing her old body.

They're mostly jizzskulls.

>Same, WoD was peak comfy.

Yeah maybe if you consider the expansion had no content so you could go do something comfy instead.

you've got it backwards

>waaaaaah theres not enough pointless dailies or artificially elongated grinds
wod respected your time

If you went back to me in 2004 and told me that WoW's final shred of story would be destroyed because a 50 year old spergy manchild lead writer literally fell in love with her I would have laughed.

Maiev content that doesnt revolve around Illidan fucking WHEN

That nigga was asleep and literally unable to wake up for the entirety of the game's life before Cata and the night elves were doing just fine without him, what the fuck were the writers thinking?

How bad will it be and how much better will Classic be?

>scaling has been a thing since the launch of the LAST xpac, Legion
Kind of, scaling only happens within respective expansion releases.
If you go back to azeroth, mobs stop scaling past 60, and WotLK mobs stop scaling up at 80, etc

unless that's changed; I haven't played in like a year.

Again, raiding is literally the only reason to play WoW. I'm not a fucking chink/gook that enjoys braindead grinding.

Not only no revenge, but Stormwind gets sacked next. 8.3 will probably just be God Queen, Her Highness, Imperator Sylvanas the Great (PBUH) finishing up by blowing up Ironforge too.

Who would have thought that Metzen was actually holding back the rest of the retarded Horde obsessed writing department? I take back everything I said about him.

You can't be nostalgic for BFA when it's still going.

Based ancap zombies.

Nice crop this trick has existed since vanilla lol

She was part of the Darkshore campaign, and I'm pretty sure she was one of the Warfront commanders for the Alliance for it.
As such she's 'safe' from getting axe'd for a while.

t. retard

the only thing they had to deal with were satyr

The Horde was still nogging it up in Ashenvale, though not to the extent as they are post-Cata. The Naga were also pretty prevalent in Night Elf zones.

>Over 10,000 year old virgin
You guys think she'll ever find somebody nice to settle down with?

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for some reason archive links never work for me. the connection is blocked in australia for some weird reason.

>Ask me anything about the next World of Warcraft expansion and 8.25.
how will blizzard attempt to somehow make further content worse than everyone expects?

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Arthas was Kerrigan but worse

Yet he had a more satisfying resolution to his arc.

Lok disagrees

You can be as biased as you wan't to, but you are wrong.
Sylvanas is the protector of newborn undead race, nothing more nothing less.

Uhhhhhhh Maiev was in lesbians with Naisha, bro.

You unironically have to be an edgy teen to like that garbage character.

I'll take the extremely evil character who did evil shit dead on the ground over a retarded redemption arc every time.

Do you understand what franchise fatigue means?

now this is shit taste

Sort yourself out retarded husbandofag.

so what happens to teldrassil, thunder bluff, and stormwind?
do the horde get to destroy 2 major alliance cities and have nothing happen to them??

Is that a bad thing?
I don't just like her for the sex appeal
She's a cute dead edgy elf

>Protector of the race that didn't want to be born
I'll never understand why the Forsaken at large didn't just kill themselves

>worse than kerrigan
I don't remember the part where Arthas sunk the story of the entire franchise by being a textbook Mary Sue

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love me wild
love me animals
simple as

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I dont want to die
Do you?
Fuck you.

At first they sustained themselves for revenge against Arthas. When that was over Sylvanas was ready to let that happen, but was then shown that the alternative to their cursed existence was far worse than maintaining it.

Alliance have gotten to raid three of theirs so what's the complaint?

FFChads starting trends

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>Alliance 'attacks' Undercity
>Gives it right back to Sylvanad
>Alliance attacks Orgrimmar
>Gives it right back to the Horde
>Alliance attacks Undercity for real
>Sylvanas plague bombs the entire city, making it uninhabitable and making the Alliance 'victory' moot
>Horde attacks Teldrassil
>Burns it to a husk
>Horde attacks Stormwind
>Apparently takes it completely and turns it into their own stronghold

i'm gonna be so happy when blizzcon gets here and all you shadowfags are BTFO

Bookfags, what are some things that happen in the books that you wish would have been in the game?
I think Cata's Battle of Darkshore would have been neat.

please play TFT

please grow a brain

No, seriously. Discussing TBC story would be far easier if the subhuman retards who complain about Kael and Illidan suddenly becoming evil actually played the game where they literally became beyond a shadow of doubt evil.

>his eyes flashing darkly
who the fuck wrote this

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Its all part of a larger plot. Just you wait until Sylvanas gives Stormwind back, all wrecked of course, and then introduces the Alliance to the real mastermind behind everything thats happened.
Undead VanCleef. Back to rebuild Stormwind again, for thrice the price as before, and get whats his.
Its no coincidence that the Horde wears red, this has been in the works for decades.

Are we ever getting ogres or pandaren DKs?
the only two things that will make me play again.

Should I play it? Only question I need to ask.

It all makes sense

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Holy shit it all comes together

Do blizzard have any plans about removing transmog, flying, warforged items, 4 difficulties, mythic keys and other casual shit that ruined wow?
I'm seriously now, they said that they learned something from Classic lunch. I hope they learn THIS picture

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Only by removing transmog, keys, 4 difficulties and warforged gear they can save the game. I hope they KNOW it

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>Removing transmog
You're a bigger fag than the people who do nothing but hunt transmog pieces.

Why do so many dumbfucks hate transmog just because fgtpoppin claims he hates it? (he loves it btw and dedicated many streams to it)
Wearing banana suits is fucking dumb and old MMO design, there's so many great appearances in the game now and they already limit transmog by your level, lvl 1's do not look like level 100's you can only wear 1-60 gear in that range and it scales to each expansions level range until fully unlocking all level appearances at max level.

> Why do so many dumbfucks hate transmog
Because it devalues epic gear even more, it ruins game atmosphere and social interactions.
Also i've never watched Soda, only Daddy Asmongold, and he likes transmog, but i don't.

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kys nigger

Have a (You) but in return answer my question.

Are you starving for attention that you made screencaps of your own posts?

It doesn't devaules epics at all.
transmog is purely cosmetic the thing devauling epics is the fact EVERYTHING is epic now and we have stupid RNG stat systems like titanforging and random sockets, what's the point grinding or doing content for epics when you can RNG roll a top tier item from LFR while half afk.

Transmog makes older epics more vaulable because people want them for the appearances many expansions later instead of making them absolute forever after that expansion ends.

Also blizzard no longer makes class based tier sets so we would look even worse than we did in mid-game vanilla or TBC with the current clown art direction.

>No world revamp
>No forest troll stuff
I sleep.

Transmog is a bigger pro in the environment of RP people, seems like punishing people (even if they are Nobles,Ship Captains, Godkings, or any combination) for wanting to play a role in a role playing game feels foolish.

I hate the "devalues epics" argument. I just wanna look like a NPC of whatever class.

I really hope they add transmog to classic but limit it to the RP/RP-PvP servers.

The fact you worship rottentoothgold and that screen cap shows how retarded you are, wearing high end gear never proved any sort of skill WoW never took skill in the first place it's completely time based and luck drop based. The whole looking cool = skill argument gets wrecked by the fact how common buying boosts has always been, that guy in full 2k+ arena gear could have just swiped his CC for it.

They really should do that, it's already nowhere close to vanilla so might as well add proper QoL things.
I would play classic if it had barber/transmog and new races but didn't change anything combat content wise so basically purely proper cosmetic additions.

Honestly that sounds a million times better than anything ActiBlizzard could ever come up with. You're wasting your talents writing fanfic for this crap

So... Classic HD?

> Are you starving for attention that you made screencaps of your own posts?
It's not my posts and you can ask anybody in Classic thread what do they think about tmog.
> It doesn't devaules epics at all.
Yes it does. It's part of devaluation epics alongside with warforged gear, weekly chests and 4 difficulties. Tmog PART of bigger problem, yet it's still problem.
Dude, in classic just right what you want. When you are fucking clown in blues you look like npc and fucking clown, but then you have epics - you are EPIC hero. Gear should show your real power

Alright again another (You) and another question.

Are you European?

Not in a HAHA EUROPOOR way, but noticed a lot of them have the same opinion.

Cute, did you make this on your private server?

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>It's not my posts
Yes it is, autist.

Yes, i'm european and my opinion about tmog is fully mine, that's what i really think about this feature

Unironically kino but will never happen

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I've noticed its a European stance a lot on places like MMOChampion.

No way keep that pixar shit out.

So Saurfang basically pulls a Zeratul?

Why wasn't dungeon finder limited to your specific realm? Wouldn't that fix the 'community killer' issue?

You're a retard but that's why you watch rottentooth maggot eater.

You would have to drop factions for that to work some realms literally only have 100 players on 1 faction now imagine that working for every level range.

No because Blizzard are too proud to merge the dead realms.

>symbolic clatter

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>women and fat bald soilets are in charge of current WoW lore
Blizzard deserves to crash and burn.

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>anduin will never get deep dicked by wrathion because a nice non-toxic man being a faggot is too predictable

I play XIV but and always heard stories about how bad titanforging is. But what is titanforging? Something like in Dragon's Dogma where by killing dragon your gear can be dragonforged?

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Imagine going to McDonalds to get a 4 piece McNuggets, you pay, get your nuggets and your happy and all that then some idiot comes and also gets 4 piece McNuggets but it McForges into a 12 piece McNuggets with a soda and some fries and you're standing there like a fucking idiot with your dumb 4 piece McNuggets while he/she has more than you for some weird reason even tho you both payed the same price but you are less rewarded because...

WoW 2018 gearing