Tiny, pathetic looking enemy

>Tiny, pathetic looking enemy
>Inflicts status effects that wipe your entire party with no warning

Attached: BLUER.jpg (1080x979, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Did he die?

Why is that man holding an octopus in Australia?
Specifically one that expresses the color of death?
What the fuck was this man thinking?

kys, retard

Is blue associated with death?

>I want this cute little octo to be the last thing I see before I die

Been thinking about picking up this game again. What build should I go for?

Attached: 1568057635404.jpg (780x749, 126K)

Those are the worst.

more importantly what happened to his index finger? why is it coated in some weird substance?

>Boss is actually faster than you realize.

Attached: Hammerhead attacks Blacktip.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

It's above water.

it's partially in water dummy

>giant high-stat enemy
>can be defeated by weakest party member
fuck these game devs

Attached: BF767F8A-6F2C-4D0B-B010-A579C30771DA.gif (400x195, 1.95M)

omg i thought it was sticky glass or something

Do you know what water is?

>that octopus can apparently kill 26 men in less than three minutes with its toxin
I am never EVER swimming in the oceans when I emigrate there.

>Enemies never lose aggro

Attached: You are the last man standing.webm (634x344, 1.51M)

Black bears are pussies if they're not around with their kids

pure CHR
it's ridiculous how unbalanced it is

you should go back

Just have fun with it, if you make the game about being the best you’ll get bored quickly

darwinism at its finest dumb ass white boy

he was fine. the octopus let him live for some reason.

The guy in the photo lived and called everyone else stupid

Attached: logo.png (2000x2000, 47K)

>Hiding from police in GTAV

It was a Chinese tik tok user, bred out of natural intelligence

How painful would this death be?
Been thinking of creative suicide methods that could be passed off as accidents.

>Just have fun bro
fantastic advice when asking what build to play. Thank you so much for your valid point user

God will know it wasn't an accident user....

One of the most terrifying ways to go. The toxin basically removes all function from any non-autonomous action in the body. You basically lie there paralysed unable to move your lungs to breathe and slowly suffocate. The only treatment is being ventilated until you work the toxin out of your system in however many hours that takes.

Bright colors and eye-catching patterns are typically nature's big neon warning lights.

>t. capybara
You faggots are in for a nerf I swear to god.

and that's why you LCKmax

So I’m better off drowning in this case?

For example...

Attached: natureswarningsigns.jpg (1280x757, 379K)

>going out of your way to interact with a highly poisonous creature
>internet history asking about creative suicides
>dude it was an accidental death lmao

I'm more convinced it's the glasses

Attached: Dq2-zEEWoAEqluY.jpg (500x499, 55K)

It’s ok. I’m using private mode.

>Player with premium skin joins game

Attached: calisnake.jpg (736x460, 181K)

When the fuck are humans gonna be nerfed?

Attached: download (8).jpg (275x183, 7K)

Nobody questions why women dye their hair, if anything they're grateful that they can tell stupid whores at a glance.

That snake is beautiful to be fair.

wtf gay?

Why are you over here? I bet you're missing so many good cuck threads over back on reddit.

>reddit filename
you have to go back

>he thinks drowning isn't painful

>Giant enemy is inexplicably very agile as well

Attached: Str + Agi build.webm (640x352, 978K)

Bright colors like that mean "stay the fuck away."

Drowning is a ramping up burning sensation filling your lungs and head feeling like it is going to burst as you slowly black out and lose consciousness. It will feel agonizing and mentally/physically very painful until you die.

Attached: 1511223019801.png (451x433, 84K)

Why haven't we domesticated elephants? They'd be so much better then shitty fucking horses.

>tfw those little guys are almost extinct
>all because faggots want more houses and tourists catch and keep them

Attached: 1559088393319.jpg (1080x1080, 321K)


Some victims have become completely blind because medics forget to close their eyelids, exposing their eyes to sunlight for hours

We have, though. Horses are more prelavent because they're easier to breed and reach maturity faster, and riding them doesn't destroy their spine.

>Intimidation works on boss

Fuck me

Attached: worry.jpg (200x255, 13K)

> I bet that little faggot pig in the back will buff the big one or stress/debuf my heroes, better kill it first

How does riding an elephant destroy their spine? They're carrying 5,000 pounds.

Funny how our last president is fit, thin, and knows how to shoot a shotgun. How much you wanna bet Trump's only experience with a gun or rifle is seeing on google?

too much food


Remember to check your shoes for spiders every time you put them on.

Isn't the point of domestication breeding the traits you'd want? A small bellied elephant would always be bred than the one that eats like a glutton.

Yeah man, let's ignore his poor performance; he shoot gun real good.

Attached: elephant trunk.webm (480x480, 206K)

What's he doing up there, lads?

retard, go look at the spine structure of large riding vs. non-riding animals, think about the square cube law, and get back to me

some white knight actually made this image in an attempt to get feminist pussy

He's not even shooting the gun, that random puff of smoke coming from the top of the barrel shouldn't be there.

well obama was black so guns are natural nigger tools

I'm not some virgin nerd so explain to me nigger.

was honestly expecting it to hit one of the birds.

Elephants get themselves into strange places.

Attached: Baby elephant under the house.webm (712x400, 2.52M)

Even beyond that, the breaking process to get elephants to accept riders is absurdly brutal

Attached: Elephant goose.webm (400x400, 1.79M)

It was probably made by a landwhale with dyed hair

I'd do anything to legally have a pet elephant. Preferebly female so thry don't chimpout during mating season like the males.

>rich white men
>not knowing how to shoot guns
user, shooting ranges (usually private ones) are one of the main schmoozing locations every businessman's been to once if not many, many times

He probably doesn't know to use one properly (like 99.99999% of gun owners) but he's definitely got some experience with a firearm

Canada gooses really just don't give a fuck

Baby elephants are such weird creatures. They could probably kill an adult but they act like retarded kittens.

Yeah, because that is more likely than whoever made it is just making fun of those kinds of people.
Literal cope.

Horses don't go on a killing spree when they feel threatened

>Preferebly female so thry don't chimpout
Whatever you say Elephantfucker.

They're insulting you the same way you insult others. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, but then your kind isn't very smart.

>game lets stealth still be viable as a high-str/end character

Attached: 1568599490248.gif (250x130, 2M)

Attached: I once told you....gif (200x198, 783K)

You're emigrating to the ocean?

I said absolutely nothing about wanting to fuck it you fucking sicko. I just want a pet elephant that does silly things like in that webcam.

haha can you imagine what fat elephant pussy would feel like haha

the house is design to merge into the environment. sort of like those houses that look like frodos home in new Zealand .

Attached: 193283734734.jpg (570x403, 59K)

what a movie !

turns out if you stab a pig in the heart, they scream like terrified women

Like the teletubbies!

I figured that out ages ago user.

Fucking cats, bear did nothing wrong.

Attached: 1568370251612.jpg (746x514, 73K)

Wouldn't that attract a fuckton of wild animals seeking shelter?

>when she has multiple mental disorders

Attached: 71+ecyYCSKL._SL1200_.jpg (1200x1200, 209K)

It's pretty good

Attached: The Prestige.webm (640x360, 650K)

these people are stupid ritch morons who live in these homes like 3 to 4 months a year they dont much care.

He's had a CCW permit for years. in NY.

I'm actually happy they dye their hair so I know who to avoid. I hope more of those political slactivist vipers to do it in the future too.

Not painful, but definitely frightening. You become totally paralyzed and die because your lungs or heart stop working, depending. So, it won't really hurt, because you won't be able to feel much and your lungs won't be able to do the "HOLY FUCK I CAN'T BREATHE" panic gasps that make other suffocation deaths so painful, but at the same time you'll be totally conscious for quite a while and if you change your mind you won't be able to do anything about it.
My advice if you do it is to do it at night, because on the off chance medics revive you you'll end up staring at the sun for an hour and going blind. This has happened to multiple people.

bottom right looks cool

>Boss isn't inmune to status effect
>you can bully it with binds, poison, paralysis, etc.
You know what game I am talking about

Attached: tenor.gif (386x246, 2.46M)

That's the carbon in your lungs, a lung full of literally anything else isn't nearly as painful because your brain doesn't know what to classify it as other than "cough it up for fucks sake" instead of "stop holding in your breath. Lungs full of nitrous oxide is the best thing in the word until you don't take oxygen and pass out.

Attached: Bear waterfall.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

Taking care of elephants takes a lot of time and money and even the most friendly elephant can flatten you if it gets spooked for whatever reason. Elephants going berserk when they see a mouse or something is very real.

Carthage called

thats why you close the door when you go out, dingus



Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

Honestly, coloured hair is one of those things that can work. But it requires a lot of hard work on every single other front to pull it off.


Attractive people can pull off anything. All five women in that image are ugly as shit.



Attached: Cute.webm (720x720, 1.82M)

Pick one up, shake it and put it on your face. Then it most certainly be the laat thing you’ll see!

>Boss IS immune to status effects
>Only viable build is pure melee

Attached: CLEANSE.gif (546x546, 268K)

It only works in anime

gif is very related

>Mimics take the form of basic scenery
>Oneshot you if aggrod

Attached: stonefish.jpg (500x334, 65K)

I heard a story about a man in my town dying from picking up one of these back when I was a kid and it developed into a massive phobia of Octopi. I can't look at one without panicking now, even things like the Octolings in Splatoon terrify me.

Elephants are too intelligent to ever be fully domesticated. They only comply with humans as long as they give us food and don't make mouse jokes at our expense

Selective breeding with elephants is difficult as they have a gestation period of almost 2 years (22 months for African bush, 18-22 for Asian), while with horses the length is 11-12 and with cats and dogs it's only a few months.

imagine literally holding death in your hands and living to tell the tale

How does it work is the beak a Venom injector or does it have stingers somewhere?

>make your whole house a basement with even fewer windows and more leaks


Attached: 1567798811367.png (761x761, 763K)

Third girl would be alright without the piercing and girl four would be alright without the glasses. The rest is pretty bad, that i do agree with.,



Attached: octopus vs spider crab swarm.jpg (1908x1146, 175K)

>The map will kill you without warning

Attached: nyos_eng.jpg (1200x930, 57K)

Only some colours on certain people and the dying makes the hair so brittle that if you're not using a wig you soon will be.

First and third are the same person.

It can work in real life. The cute girls at your average anime convention are proof of that.

>everyone dead in their sleep

The roof soil is only a few inches deep. It wouldn't be hard to clear for roof/ceiling repairs.

Fucking switchfags

i hear they are reall nice and keep great temperatures in the cold and hot months.

>small version of enemy is just as deadly as large version

Attached: Dominated.webm (600x600, 2.88M)


>Union Carbide stooges still trying to cover their asses

usually bites, but literally every part of it is full of neurotoxin. it pumps that shit through its own heart.

F.O.E! F.O.E! F.O.E! F.O.E!

*a sudden gust of wind before your eyes*

Attached: a.gif (320x240, 2.59M)

She's lucky her neck didn't snap.

Attached: Octopus vs. Crab.webm (854x480, 2.75M)

Bright coloring is to warn away predators. So if its warning away you incels its workunf as intended

The SCORPION animal is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his exoskeleton. This exoskeleton reminds us of his ruggedness and strength, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of being the first animal on land, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. It reminds us of man-made armors, made to replicate even a fraction of the superior SCORPION. The exoskeleton also glows in the dark, naturally attracting inferior animal females like ins*ctoids.

The SCORPION's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly species of the animal kingdom(c*ntipedoid and h*manoids)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his tail. The SCORPION tail is largest of all the species relative to size. This alone would suffice to make the SCORPION the most masculine of animals. This large tail is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, regardless of species. The SCORPION tail is so precious, that h*mans milk the liquid as the most expensive substance, for a h*man women being injected with the scorpion's potent venom is worth every last cent.

In total, the SCORPION expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner wherever he goes. When he stings, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon them without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the SCORPION is the epitome of masculinity.

Attached: Scorpion_vs._Centipede.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

Never ever.

Attached: 1200px-Bristol.zoo.capybara.arp.jpg (1200x970, 417K)

>Summon magic oneshots boss after a long cast time
Absolutely based

>armored DEXfag with poison spam
pick one

Look at that stupid fat fuck

Their mating involves hand holding and kissing

>lonely virgin gamers who never leave the house are predators
>not the rapefugees that these type of girls are inviting to our countries with open arms

>Have to survive until you autowin in a cutscene
Fucking modern games

I like this pasta. I like it because I doubt it can be easily re-purposed. It is and will be about the Scorpion and the intrinsic awesomeness of it.

Always a bigger fish...

No one cares about a typo in your valueless post.

>Boss cant be beaten, you have to run from him

Attached: Horton smears a poo.webm (640x468, 2.56M)

>t. Seething Coleopteroid

Attached: Japanese Bug Fights - Red Claw Scorpion vs Darkling Beetle Part 1.webm (448x336, 2.91M)


this picture is 100% true. can confirm. every single cunt I ever met in my life with dyed hair was absolutely mental or an insufferable manipulative subhuman drama queen
if she is a natural redhead ginger, it's ok. but if you see blue, green, glowing red, or any other unnatural signal color STAY THE FUCK AWAY.

>hurr durr I can deal with crazy bitches
have fun being accused of rape by her and your career and life ruined

You cared enough to point it out

>enemy can enter a forbidden area

Attached: 11008767_10155352293285188_8792700378589269508_n.jpg (490x561, 74K)

high test

Absolutely SEETHING

Attached: Japanese Bug Fights - Red Claw Scorpion vs Darkling Beetle Part 2.webm (448x336, 2.91M)

Huh. The power of makeup, I guess.


You called?

Attached: SotFS_Raime.jpg (1428x820, 1.87M)

I know this is copypasta, but the scorpion is actually a key masculine symbol in systems of magic. Because of a legend of scorpions committing suicide when surrounded by fire, it was used as the alchemists to symbolize the process of 'death' or putrefaction. Meaning, the act of exposing a substance to something that caused it to break down and become a new substance.

In this way, it's symbolic of the Messianic story; Jesus dying and descending to Hell before his rebirth, Odin hanging himself above the well and sacrificing an eye in exchange for his all-knowledge. It's arguably the most important moment in the hero's journey, the elevation of the Fool to the King so that he can complete the cycle of masculine energies.

Attached: 1544630282887.jpg (414x500, 75K)

They really must taste like shit

Girls with dyed hair are only worth it if they dye their pubic hair as well.

Lighting/contrast and angles. Common techniques of fatties.

>giant scorpion vs some dumbass bug
Why even call it a fight? They should just name it "Scorpion Feeding".

>enemies can open doors

Attached: 1548690654703.webm (720x404, 1.02M)

Back to /x/, schizo. Take your lithium.

Jewish magic and bullshit that spits on faith. Take it and throw it into a pit.

>understanding occult writings and historical story structure is schizophrenia

I hope you put all your speed ups into Paula bud!

Attached: *one hits your entire party before anyone has a turn*.png (151x254, 20K)

>Outsmarted by a giant cat.
The natural selection nerf has really done some serious damage.

Impressive how a bit of lightning and a different angle can turn a fish face into something actually somewhat decent.

eat shit, panda main

>our expense

Imagine if user was an elephant haha...?

Attached: 1567554796915.gif (300x169, 2.65M)

beware the octopus

Attached: veemo.webm (718x404, 2.74M)

>Scorpius killing Orion who wished to kill all animals at the cost of their own life
>The scorpion stinging the frog, a story that is in actuality, a tale of the scorpion sacrificing both himself and his reputation for the greater good, shown by the frog and the mouse along with how frogs were symbolized in the bible as lying creatures of the devil
Truly, the most masculine and honorable of all animals

Attached: scorpion-and-frog-720.jpg (720x524, 133K)

imagine the heart attacks they would have if they say the bear

Still ugly to me. You must have low standards.


Nah you dumbass shitcunt I'm glad you dye your hair retarded rainbow vomit, so I know you're a completely vapid worthless shitstain

oof. Right in the bear necessities.

>Imagine if user was an elephant
Chances are it'd be a female since so many bulls are hunted for tusks.
So you shouldn't respond to them. At all.

Just a few hours ago I finished my solo run in Spellforce SotP after killing the final boss who spent 95% of the fight completely frozen.
God, ice magic is so fucking broken in that game.

Is there a shittier life than being a low tier insect?

Eh, somewhat.

>be bulbasaur fighting a boss
>have my charmander parter use smokescreen on the boss while I set up growths, poison powder, and leech seed
>wail on the boss with them getting maybe one or two hits
>boss goes down without a hitch
And shit got easier once I got access to Bullet Seed.
That shit was cash.

a creature who cannot contain it's base desires but still warns those around it, if only too late to really avoid the worst of its nature. the scorpion is Yea Forums, poisonous to those who do not understand, friend to those who can control it, and still libel to hurt those who trust it

I love this boss because he made me stop being a sh*eldfag

Attached: 016.jpg (680x749, 82K)

>game has a level so hard no one has ever cleared it

Attached: Photo-1-1440.jpg (1440x798, 308K)

>Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ tag missions

>why don't you have an elephant gun

>enemy gains a speed boost while underwater

Attached: 1568427955420.webm (720x404, 2.57M)

Post the scorpion vs. tarantula where the scorpion grabs it before it can do anything and one shots it with a face stab.

Attached: 1565433503117.webm (1000x1000, 1.7M)

What mountain is this?

>government bans your right to self defence on inland waterways

Attached: punt gun.jpg (500x413, 33K)

Attached: Japanese Bug Fights - Transvaal Thick-Tailed Scorpion vs Burmese Brown Tarantula.webm (480x270, 2.87M)

How does he one-hand a giant pure titanite greatsword with those noodle arms?

hippos are fucking OP

thats fucking stupid but i laughed

That wasn't a very balanced fight... also I doubt the tarantula could even penetrate its skin scorpions are pretty armored and overall op af.

Anyone got the webm where a spider uses it's web to disarm a scorpion?


>When you use Swift Swim Hippowdon in balanced hackmons to catch your opponent off guard

Hardly a fair fight, Spiders are a stealth build.

>Giant, rage fulled weird looking enemy
>On sight, runs at you at the speed of light to never be seen again.

Attached: Stargate.webm (853x480, 1.5M)

Do you have any sources for it?

I so fucking love sharks

>enemy is autistic

Attached: 1568426863470.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

I found this video, skip to 1:10

>that bird randomly walking

how do you know?

If you want a quick rundown on various symbols like that, especially as they relate to the hero's journey, check out Crowley's Book of Thoth.

is that something they do when fighting scorpions or was that spider super smart?

Attached: tenor.gif (416x498, 740K)

Haha who does that with their trunk, hahaha how silly!

octo deserved it, playing with his food like that

Attached: wateranole.webm (480x480, 403K)

Taking the bait

>Enemy doesn't stop following you.

Attached: bear boat.webm (478x480, 429K)

nah, apparently they only release toxin when they're stressed out.
He made a friend instead.


>Enemy leads you into an ambush

Attached: cats in the night.jpg (611x440, 39K)

How is something like this filmed?

oh you cheeky mate
that octupus is found in the waters around Australia

I've had 2 close calls myself.
t. avid swimmer


the human wears a bright orange vest so the sharks know he's not a deer and won't shoot him

>Enemy is killed before you arrive.
>credits roll.

Attached: happy-cat.jpg (2000x1333, 277K)

Dex > str

Crocs are so much scarier looking than adorable gators.

i've swam for a decade and have never once been in the process of drowning
literally git gud

Learn to swim properly nigger.

humans have become extremely adept at somehow sitting in environments yet remaining almost completely removed from them, camera men are also insane

Attached: 1556321135258.jpg (191x252, 7K)

Don't know, personally, but considering the locals to their habitat petitioned the pope to classify them as fish so they could eat them, they can't be that bad.

We are also very adept at disguising ourselves

Attached: th.jpg (474x474, 13K)

idk man crocs are pretty cute too

Attached: africandwarfcroc.jpg (1200x840, 201K)

I don't even understand what this image is trying to say? It's a pretty objective, easily observed demographic of women that dye their hair odd colors and many people also agree those women are, on average, pretty gross looking. The hair is just an unfortunate indicator - I don't think there's any greater revelation to it.

shut up you tasty grouper, stop pretending to be my sister
I'm not falling for this again

Sharks don't like the smell or shape of humans.
They steer clear of them.

It's really not that unique, toss most megafauna into a tank with a well fed shark and the worst that'll happen is a beartrap inspection nibble.

>point out how women with dyed hair are likely to be hardcore feminists
>lol snowflake got triggered XD


We've had underwater remote control cameras for decades user.

>avid swimmer
>nearly drowned twice
Avid drowner you mean.

Attached: wat.jpg (505x431, 26K)

>this makes my brain the big brain

>Swimming actually increases the risk of drowning
Who would have thunk it

I want to rub his flabby chin/neck thing

>spy class can disguise

Attached: mimick.webm (720x404, 947K)

>best thing in the world
>hasn't tasted other worlds
If only you knew

>when you accientally hit the cartdridge during the boss fight

Attached: GET DOWN.webm (720x720, 1.61M)


Nigger I've been swimming since I was 5 years old and have never been in danger of drowning and I've swam in swimming pools, ponds, rivers, lakes and oceans.

>game can be softlocked

Attached: waterfall_dog.jpg (1200x1344, 193K)

>There is no map.

Attached: scratch.webm (640x640, 1.41M)

>enemy is weak to electric damage

Attached: 1566590896665.webm (848x472, 2.73M)

And there was a higher risk of you being in a situation where you could have drowned than if you hadn't been swimming

Why is it doing that? Not even cats and dogs chase their tails for that long

What's wrong with it?

Attached: 1z1oa7.jpg (299x262, 12K)

Or you're just a retard who doesn't know how to swim hence nearly drowning twice.

hamsters are retarded

Retard, if you don't swim, then you literally can't drown. You MUST be an avid swimmer, in order to have drowning experiences.

i like how the one on the left came into frame also in hermit crab mode, and then they both awkwardly realize the other one is actually a cuttlefish

he's excited to be fed

It's retarded.

>game has a misleading title

Attached: shoveldog.gif (330x264, 2.95M)

t. woman

>There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it. I am beyond your comprehension.

He's literally being pumped full with nerve gas

Not entirely true.
People manage to drown in bathtubs.

that's how they eat.
We're lucky we just chew and swallow dude, god we're lucky. Imagine having to headbutt your food because of instincts.

Can fish feel fear?


What the fuck kind of retard doesn't lock their doors?

It was a Chinese man, you dumb nigger

Please be patient, he has autism.

smart fish can.
And there's some clever fishies out there.

Mutts and niggers, my bad.


post the dog being thrown out of a plane

I don't because I have a convertible. There's nothing valuable in the car and don't want someone to cut the open the top just to find that out. My door handles also aren't possible for an animal to open or even fat people for that matter.

>Enemies can be captured and converted to your cause

Attached: Sundowner opens a pet store.webm (640x480, 2.86M)

Actually if you never swim you're more likely to drown when you fall into the water like an idiot and don't know how to swim.

Attached: dog thrown out of a plane.webm (360x360, 1.46M)

based old people

Apparently, that fucker is terrified and would probably scream to get the camera and bright light away from it if it could. Luckily the paparazzo is the shark's natural enemy.

did he died?


>this is fine

What are the chances of you falling into the water, if you can't swim? It's more likely that you stay a safe distance from deep water.
It's like saying "Non-drivers are more likely to get hit by cars when they get near roads. Avid drivers don't get into accidents"

how do you keep the brain alive?

Holy fuck that's terrifying. Imagine being that rat.

Ave Deus Mechanicus

That's nothing:

gonna have to reinstall SOMA

Yeah the other day i was swimming and someone cut me off and i got rear ended by the guy behind me i almost drowned

>comes back for another drop
Crazy daredevil son of a bitch.

faggot detected

wait a minute...

Attached: WHAT.jpg (282x341, 44K)

Attached: Sensible Chuckle.gif (250x250, 995K)

They bite pretty easily.
Those blue rings only start to show when they're stressed.
The guy really only had godly luck.

Attached: 7fd.jpg (599x504, 21K)

>Lab-Grown Human Mini-Brains
And yet people lost their shit about synthetic meat/steak.

>comes back for another round
this dog fears nothing



Attached: jonesanime.jpg (768x781, 129K)

Most retarded post all day.

Who could be behind this post?


>just kill me, Blazko

Attached: 1557402015900.jpg (600x450, 26K)

Anaconda player here. They taste pretty good.

Attached: green-anaconda_thumb.jpg (2048x2048, 1.23M)

All colours mean death in Australia.

Shadow of the Phoenix, an expansion.

Why the fuck are we growing human baby brains in petri dishes? The fuck?

Imagine being just a fucking brain with no sensory input. Holy fuck that is the worst sort of agony.

Looking at the little box it's in I'd say that it's losing its mind. Hamsters need much more space than you think they do so they can run around, explore, and not get bored.

>Why the fuck are we growing human baby brains in petri dishes?
Why not?

>Enemies disregard level and force you into a random battle anyway

Attached: aggro.webm (960x1200, 1.28M)

Would YOU like to be grown in a petri dish user?

>Imagine being just a fucking brain with no sensory input. Holy fuck that is the worst sort of agony.

Readin the description and comments apparently It was deliberate. Both insects were smart, the black widow neutrized the sting with its web but the scorpion also wounded the widows legs so it couldn't turn around and bite it fast. Ultimately the scorpion died first to the Black Widow's poison and the Black Widow later died to the wounds of the sting.

True badass is the dude who captured the black widow, possibly a northern mexican since that's where black widows are found. The black widow's poison can kill you very quickly.

>Imagine being just a fucking brain with no sensory input
Also how do you know you aren't? *x-files.mp3*

>Enemies forms huge groups you can't single them from.

Attached: Aggroing too many mobs.webm (584x854, 1.65M)

Attached: 1523785928893.webm (540x402, 1.46M)

its funny because this is war thunder.

Bruh black widows can only kill babies. Getting bit by one makes you feel a bit sick and that's it.

>Enemies are AGI incarnate

Attached: QPU aligned.webm (640x798, 667K)

What, is it a popular game? First I've ever heard of spellforce and I play tons of RPGs

Why can't we ever get somewhat realistic and super destructive flamethrowers in games, this looks cool as hell

As long as I got some natural titties to suck on I wouldn't remember anything after 3 years

>possibly a northern mexican since that's where black widows
Black widows are everywhere and they aren't lethal at all.

>rawr I'm a lion >:3

Ur a brain u don't get titties

Those look fun though.

>dark red
>bluish black
>blond that's literally just yellow
>omg pink is crossing a line

Based, the hair image has always been incel tier shit.

Then no dice.

Attached: robocop 2.jpg (1305x1825, 343K)

it looks like that because it's not a flamethrower. It's a napalm mix.

>discord trannies


>Enemy slowly approaches you.
>If they get close enough, they will stab your face, killing you instantly.

Attached: 1533330243046.gif (200x200, 6K)

I dont know about that, user. Seems to be pretty hot to me.

>that panic at the end

Why so much fear?

Attached: Isaac.png (137x122, 39K)

>Flying Yak-9T in Ground RB and some pounding
>A wild Ki-43-III appears
>Still die
>Fucking Japs

No, males will go apeshit if they don't find a mate, it's insane.

Attached: Incelephant.jpg (1439x1951, 233K)

>dexfags think they can beat this

Attached: 1-57.jpg (650x406, 44K)

Fear and pain are both indicators of danger, more animals can feel those than people might think


Not that guy, but it's still very poisonous. Even if it doesn't kill you the sting of the black widow often causes severe pain, transitory paralysis and even hallucinations or sensation of horror, all of which can last anywhere from 30 minutes up to 3 days. About 22% of stings produce a more systemic affliction with fever, sweating, diharrea, delirium and arrhythmias that are the cause of death in a few patients. It's also not uncommon for patients to have lasting neuropathy such as chronic burning pain in the sting site or loss of sensitivity with paresthesias for months after the sting. So don't go around toying with black widows.

T. Mexican doctor. I've seen this before. Not the worst spider though.


Too intelligent, makes them hard to train

>sensation of horror
What's that? Sounds cool.

It's a patient-friendly term to say "anxiousness due to a conflicting sympathic and parasympathic stimulus".

Believe it or not, a patient feeling overly anxious IS a very relevant clinical symptom.

Black widows hurt but aren't deadly and aren't even aggressive, just territorial. Brown recluse are the ones that fuck you up.
t. bit by both. Just need a water moccasin and I finish the Florida trio.

tip top jej

>game lets you go back to starter area with overpowered weapons

Attached: unlockable secret weapon.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

>tfw dont know how to level CHA, so just keep leveling STR instead

Your house already does that. Crawlspaces, attics, basements, and the walls of your home are all golden opportunities for shelter for animals. I've pulled snakes from crawlspaces raccoons from under foundation, bats from attics, and possums from drier vents.

Attached: 1559939383942.jpg (766x1045, 61K)

sounds like a start for some servitor like human tech slaves

>Enemies can selfreplicate over time

inb4 pic related

Attached: cultmechanicus.jpg (640x458, 80K)

Actually fuck Lionfish

You think thats cool? Try the feeling of IMPENDING DOOM of this little shit.

Attached: 74998ca7e6e3922d290b9c64e1cf3407[1].jpg (1024x576, 76K)

"Triggered xD" was always a smoothbrain meme that no one with an IQ over 90 even pushes anymore. Public displays of triggering are a form of emotional and social coercion to get what the subject wants; they should have been forcefully, institutionally shut down -- not laughed at. Also, only resetera tranny tier retards think it's incisive rhetoric to point out the "hypocrisy" of anons getting angry about over-socialized progs shitting up their interests and generally being vapid sociopaths.

What does it do?

>only way to remove status debuff is to kill yourself
nice game australia

Attached: 4qxmw5hyrrx01[1].jpg (750x491, 66K)

>Black widows aren't agressive and juat very territorial
It's quite subjective when, let's say, one decided to make the space behind your bed or your trashcan it's territory. It's also easy for campers to sleep on it's territory without notice. Sure it's not deadly but 90% of the time it ends up in the hospital.

>been bit by a recluse
Oh my. Please do tell, I am madly curious now. Did they manage to save your finger, or did it bit elsewhere?

Animals are strange

Second from right just looks like normal hair?

>giant high-stat enemy
>kills your weakest party member
Fuck this broken game

what spider is that? looks like the dust mites from that ghibli film

Just Long Legs that went unattended for too long.

You never seen a daddy long-leg before? Google Pholcidae

What is Etrian Odyssey

Shit ton of pain for starters, but the fun part is that unexplainable feeling of impeding doom that some get. The victims are so sure they will die they ask the doctors to just kill them and be done with it.

He quacked?

>the hunter becomes the hunted

Attached: 1543997398442.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

>Let's try a bite from this doom spider
>I feel exactly the same

Attached: that metronome.gif (674x575, 428K)

>enemies react to their fallen allies

Attached: 1478641702277.webm (822x476, 2.8M)

huh, y'know it didn't even occur to me they were daddy long legs

Soon we'll be able to grow whole babies.
Then we won't need to do the work ourselves.

That is a stealthy fishy

fuck man, poor bird.


Based coomer bird.

>crits can one-shot you

They apparently don't care for the taste, either.
Part of the reason why the idea of the shark attack is so overblown is that people almost always survive them.

Then we should breed twink manlets to ride them.

Attached: 09876tre.jpg (480x360, 23K)

>Snail used Swallow

Attached: 4902042.gif (326x180, 1.93M)

Maybe there's a spider in his trunk?

>enemy has maxed out stealth

Attached: aaaaaaaa.jpg (1080x1350, 271K)

I've been looking for these octopuses everywhere you have to be a literal retard to find one and then touch it, it doesn't want to be found and they are only found near rock pools or shallow areas. Shits harder to find than the fucking cactuars in monster hunter. The RNG mechanic for these fuckers is straight up bullshit

blue is the most rare color in plants/animals

Man, jaguars are fucking rad.

Attached: nyakuza update.png (2000x1225, 3.14M)

i like the way you think

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Attached: bruh.jpg (702x621, 29K)

Only strength can beat strength

Attached: MIgayot.jpg (1564x1564, 1.33M)

Attached: spider eyes.webm (608x1080, 2.85M)


Attached: a.jpg (700x350, 78K)

Why do they congregate like that?

Birds are retarded

What is actually happening to this bird?

>the game glitches halfway through the boss fight

Attached: glitch.webm (480x480, 1.43M)

It's mourning it's dead children.
Warmth or mating would be my guess.

The weak should fear the strong

Yous gots good taste in Canadian produced televisions, Yea Forums, and that's whats I's appreciates about ya's.

No problem with this. We need to get some balls and let scientists do what they want for at least 10 years. We might feel bad but it'll be worth it.

Please tell me this isn't what I think it is.

>enemies are cute

Attached: 1560550773037.jpg (2047x1356, 941K)

>richfag is retarded

You won't live for long

>romance is an option against an enemy

Attached: 1525760174777.webm (976x550, 2.73M)

Jesus :(

no, it is not tons of spiders eyes


Attached: GEDDAN.gif (419x275, 3.65M)

Especially mammals.
There's blue birds, blue amphibians, some blue insects, a few blue reptiles.
Plenty of blue fish.
The closest mammals get is a slate grey, or something like the blue on mandrills' faces and buts.

>retarded user is retarded
Every part of your post is wrong.

we just don't know. Birds are social, but hawks and other of it's kind are quite autistic by bird standards. The body language it's showing is obviously discomfort and the whole open mouth thing is how they try to cool down because of the weather. The supportive evidence for feelings of loss is the shaking and it pressing it's body against the chick.

But it being autistic dumb bird we just don't know and we either have to dangerously humanize or dehumanize it to get conclusive answers.

I thought that animals couldn't see colors. Just black and white.

Yes human meat does taste pretty foul.
The whole long pig thing is very much a myth.

Why's that croc gotta be such a dick the hippo just wants a taste


You're not eating the right parts, or you're a shit cook.

couldn't a random leaf fall on the back of your neck or something. Why would anyone go anywhere near these trees?


I don't get it all I'm looking at is a dumb rock formati--

Are there any animals more mad than lemmings?

Give the Charisma on Command stat booster a try. It's been a good boost for me; but I don't get into many situations to actually put it to use or I see the opportunity and freeze up/ let it slip away.


Attached: 1435277618470.jpg (500x371, 102K)

Humans and maybe Canada Geese

Attached: 99% camo index.jpg (553x767, 184K)

I remember some user trying to do this with a cockroach years ago.

They sort of suceeded

their mouths are actually too small to bite humans

He might need them later.

If there are parts of human muscles that taste good it would be a case of throwing away the vast majority of the body to get the tiny good part. Imagine if 99% of a cow was the eye of round. Not even bodybuilders have muscles on the same scale as animals.

>your kind
I feel like people who say this shit are just tourists.

>you can seduce enemies to stop them from attacking you

Attached: Trunked.webm (432x432, 2.93M)

Alright, I'm stumped. Where and what is it?