Describe Yea Forums in one image

Describe Yea Forums in one image.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1000x562, 114K)

Attached: DBF046E2-0D96-465B-873B-0A3B25BEEAF7.jpg (500x374, 61K)


Attached: FPS doug 2.jpg (480x360, 6K)

Attached: kmart.png (1348x794, 276K)

ITT: down syndromites

Attached: 8B284EDB-C661-4A4A-A15E-2C8AD1C12AB1.png (348x1155, 27K)

What a faggot


Attached: 83C8123D-D19D-4F22-B169-CBBF2DD24563.jpg (348x1155, 92K)

Attached: FEoq_6GACPSWOEJ21QCQxFvYCvqB4f2HK1ri5Ku3f24.png (688x1434, 91K)


Attached: 1446218672666.jpg (1111x597, 379K)

low quality and juvenile. gave me a tumor.

When I'm not bitching that everything that once was great is now SJW trash I\m posting gore threads on /pol. Yea Forums sucks now

Attached: serveimage.jpg (200x267, 11K)

Attached: 1567489477560.png (879x545, 565K)

Attached: truthofv.png (810x367, 85K)

>low quality and juvenile

Attached: SolidDelectableHornet-size_restricted.gif (361x252, 466K)

Attached: EERvuzJUwAAH4C7.jpg (750x289, 40K)

This is quite true for me.

This is more of a general Yea Forums thing, not strictly Yea Forums.

Attached: 1561808652256.gif (463x634, 9K)