post your yfw when 1 hp face
Post your yfw when 1 hp face
i never let myself get to 1 hp KEKW /thread FPBP
Is there a trashier spectator "sport" than backyard wrestling?
fucking hell, is that "foam" what I think it is?
yeah, asbestos
dog fighting?
Why? Is this some kink shit?
imagibe the smell of that braphog
How is rubbing a pillow on someone supposed to hurt them?
fml, I'm so sorry for even saying that cursed word now...
Fiberglass insulation.
I'm pretty sure it's fiberglass not aspestos.
it's fiberglass
i'd probably scream like a bitch if someone scraped me with fiberglass wool like in the video, it hurts a shitton
dude, that's not a pillow, and that girl will not recover from this for at least a month
Who actually pays to watch this garbage?
Shit's actually a serious health hazard.
>yfw when
>your face when when face
I hate you so much right now.
Yeah, that's the first thing that came to mind, even fucking touching it will make it go inside your skin and annoy you for some days, I can't even imagine the horror that girl faced after this full body combo
>legal torture on cute goth girls
i would
>tfw this shit is 10 years old
Dawg that's fiberglass. Just google that shit
Hardcore wrestling fans aka retards
taking up eugenia cooney's mantle
The Butcher Kathy Owens vs Sabrina Sixx.
Me playing scout in DRG
>not glass cannoning with 1hp because you're so damn good you know nobody can hit you
Holy hell, man. That fat bitch is ruthless.
>not doing low health high damage builds
It's probably fake fiber glass.
I wonder how are they doing today.
it's fiberglass faced insulation, i remember rolls of those falling on people when i worked at lowes lol
I did
Why do rednecks types do this stupid shit. Its always been weird to me the this culture thinks they are above ghetto blacks im any way, shape or form.
Holy fuck this is some messed up shit, poor girl.
They are,blacks shoot each other in the streets for entertainment.
Add in the fact she's covered in cuts and scrapes
What's it like having double digit iq?
>me in the front row
>wresting is fa-
It's wrestling for people who listen to ICP.
Couldn't agree more, this is raw animal behavior (same applies to the people watching it)
>Even considering playing DRG
>regional professional wrestling at best
>high quality backyard wrestling at worst
lol, thanks white trash
I'll take the "lol so random" nerd girl from back then over the sjw feminist horseshit we have now.
Not much better than doing meth and throwing each other on fiberglass foam for fun, desu. Both are signs of a decadent culture.
wait a minute, that filename
Jesus christ. That shit itches even through gloves
Honestly, this
Argh, this will be inside her forever
I bet you've never even held a screwdriver
they are almost certainly burning horrible men at the stake now
Going by the suicide rate of trannies and faggots I'd say probably not awesome.
>Low HP increases dodge and critical chance
>poor girl
That's her dumbass fault for backyard wrestling as a fucking bone against a burlyass woman who might as well be a man.
>who pays to watch professional wrestling at any level?
white trash
that's who
How does someone get like this? How do you reach the point in your life where you find this type of shit, fun to watch and attend.
"dawg" fights
It's great
Maybe she was forced into it by her redneck parents
"YES" nigger, it's a fun game with a terribly slow development
I have a ton of fiberglass here, make me an offer that I can't refuse and I'll stream me doing something it
Every Resident Evil movie was a shit show and there were 6 or 7 of them.
Better than being shot or robbed. Bet you would feel safer walking around a redneck neighborhood vs. the ghetto.
*with it
I work with the mentally handicapped community and they all go apeshit for wrestling garbage... I'm not even being ironic or joking in any way. All of the literal mental retards I've case managed have LOVED fuckin' WWE... So, take that for what you will.
this triggers the autist in me
user please tell me you don't actually follow this garbage. Do something better with your time man.
>Take an established series with extensive lore you could easily make a faithful movie series from
>Cast your fucking wife as the biggest Mary Sue ever and make a mockery of the lore instead
>Normies eat it up
I lost all hope when Alice was fucking FISTFIGHTING A NEMESIS AND WINNING
Take it on a dinner date.
>n-n-nuh uh niggers are worse!!!
pipe down retard, trailer trash redneck fucks should be euthanized to clean up the race.
White trash basically doesn't care about mainstream wrestling anymore,its all basedboys now.
Borderline experimental
Candle or no candles?
Its good stupid fun. Redneck types grow up watching wrasslin' so they like to watch and do stuff like this. Culture thing i guess.
T. Redneck
is this one of those wierd fetish Yea Forumsie threads also no nash getting raped or wolfcucc jokes yet im disappointed
This is actually profoundly fucking evil.
WWE fans are retards,we know that
>Americans should be euthanized to clean up the race
Fixed it for you, buddy
Candles, make her feel like a movie star.
based and insta-underrated
>im better cause i do meth and throw myself onto fiberglass for fun, don't criticize me
Yeah, ok dude.
Cum on it
If girl piss on it instead I suppose
I remember seeing red army zombies riding motorcycles in one of the movies. They really didn't give a fuck while making these movies.
Imagine being poor, kinda dumb, high on meth, and very bored
Gloves or no gloves?
ayy lmao
Looking her up, it says her first deathmatch was against a guy at 14
They are though
Rednecks are dumb as shit but they don't hurt anyone but themselves
Yes I am saying niggers are far worse. Most rednecks are good people.
She's probably a masochist in to that shit
the fuck
You're old enough to know if you should use protection. Don't hurt her feelings, too.