Lovecraft game

>Lovecraft game
*Looks at tentacle*
>Ahhhh dude I'm going psycho lol

Attached: 1566633834408.jpg (400x400, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>redditfrog edit
it’s not even original at this point. it would’ve been more creative if you actually had a pic of cthulhu in the OP

>loftcraft game

Attached: 1567083554458.png (533x358, 442K)

>Lovecraft game
>can't romance the elder gods

Attached: gimme yer ship.jpg (540x630, 50K)

>anything with tentacles is considered “lovecraftian”

brainlets shit me up the wall

Reminder that Cth*lhu got BTFO by a ship

>lovecraft game

That's cuz he's literally a big baby with no power. He's just kinda large even by the standards of his kin.

>Lovecraft book
>it's shit

Well, I've yet to see a single game capture Lovecraftian. Cosmic horrors are always described as unspeakable horrors with incomprehensible physique so the only way to properly showcase them is to not showcase them at all, cause the moment you give it form it's basically already defied it's one characteristic.

Cthulhu isn't even interesting honestly
I don't understand why he became so popular when there are others far more terrifying and powerful

>No game where protagonist becomes a giant and has a Boxing Match with Cthulhu

Attached: yung Lank.gif (630x375, 2.97M)

You're right, concept of horror can change from generation to generation.

The new Cthulu monster should threaten to take Ipods or mobille devices, that should terrify the zoomers.

>Still no game where i can be frens with great old ones,ayys and shits from outer space

Attached: 1487031271230.jpg (335x622, 27K)

>Read necronomicon
>Its dated garbage with stale dialogue"

Im certain anyone who says they like HP lovecraft has never actually read HP Lovecraft

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I like how Bloodborne does it, actually. Not necessarily terrifying but they definitely give you a "what the fuck is that" feeling one way or the other. And they don't even show them to you until the second half of the game, after a blind player would be totally convinced it's about hunting earthly beasts.

>the real lovecraftian entities were the friends we made along the way

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>>Read necronomicon
>has never actually read HP Lovecraft
Well, we know you haven't.

Do you actually go insane from looking at it or do you go insane from the realization that humans are completely insignificant

>lovecraftian horror game
>no tentaclefag god boss
based memezaki

>Orwellian game
>sees a cctv camera
>AAahhh dude no the gestapo is coming to get me

You go insane because human consciousness can't grasp understanding what's really happening so it breaks

Ebrietas? Could also make an argument for kos-or-some-say-kosm. Moon Presence looks like he's got back tentacles.

>The virgin Lovecraftian hentai spook.
>The chad transdimensional multiverse existentialist horror.

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>The chad transdimensional multiverse existentialist horror.
so basically Ligotti?

I see your points but I mean there is no boss that is objectively that piece of shit in the OP

he just looks the most like a big threatening dude so people can understand his motives more easily

Attached: you know it's actually pronounced kloo-loo.jpg (600x480, 88K)

>kafkaesque game
>all the enemies are living pieces of meat

>Read necronomicon
top kek m8

>Lovecraftian game
>conditions you to be afraid of doing anything if a sound que plays, as it can ruin you and even make you lose cluesbfor hidden items

>Mystery Game
>Clues are lit up on the ground

Attached: connope.png (685x648, 377K)

>lovecraftian game
Pick one.

i wanna fuck cthulu

I think there's a very popular bundle of Lovecraft's stories that's titled The Necronomicon.
The fact that this faggot didn't give the name of the specific stories means he absolutely missed the point, though. You're probably right that he didn't even read them, or if he did, that he absolutely failed to comprehend anything.

>Ignore all stats and just raise sanity
Nothing personnel tentacles

Have any of you actually read Lovecraft’s work? Tentacles are not even animals he brought u often in his work. Other than C’thulhu having a tentacle head, dragon wings and human body, tentacles are not Lovecraftian one bit.

>clues aren't lit up
>you're going through countless of messy rooms with garbage all over in search for vague clues that may or may not be of use
As much as I hate tips like those, we both know that shit won't sell to anyone.

You have to remember the guy who wrote the universe was more racist than the typical amount of racist and had more social anxiety than anyone in this thread combined with no modern medicine to help.

>no Mountains of Madness inspired game where the gameplay is about exploring thousands of years old civilization's ruins in a mountain and escaping from enemies

>kyaaa! baka Azathoth-kun!

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>kafkaesque game
>path is narrow and squiggly
>it's also invisible

Actually the new Darkest Dungeon 2 seems to take a lot of inspiration from that book. If you were ever interested in DD in general you should definitely keep an eye on it.

Lovecraftian themes don't really work considering how different of a time we live in.

Yes that's the point of this thread smoothbrain
it's criticizing how retarded """lovecraftian""" games are not really at all lovecraftian

hmmm sounds like your typical Yea Forums user

>lovecraftian game
>it's just a horse foot without the hoof

why does an elder god need tits?

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I said escaping from enemies though, avoiding them. Not straight up fighting them because that is NOT Lovecraftian.

bro any game with humans as the enemies is a game where the enemies are living meat.

I just looked it up
it's fucking wicked

>Game trailer starts
>"WHAT IF CTHULHU..." *long pause*
>"Wasn't just a legend?"
>*Godzilla like skreeeeonk off in the distance*
>Summer 2020

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> Lovecraft game.
> Niggers and women in positions of power everywhere.

I'm well aware, but it's the closest thing you're gonna get anytime soon or if at all that comes close to Mountains of Madness.

Please no meat touching, ma'am.


>Lovecraft game
>Niggers and women are all replaced with fish monsters

that is so kafkaesque

>Shakespearean game
>"Thou art a nigger"
>"Well, fornicate thou too"

>game designers still don't put any effort into making avoiding enemies as fun as fighting enemies

>Scan enemy
>"This monster I cannot describe to you because it will be so frightening that I will pass out and slip into a dream like state, also it's so scary that if I told you under the strong arm of opium it would destroy your mind so I can't tell you for that reason either but trust me it's so scary that evil would be unleashed into the world if I told you but I won't that's how scary it is trust me."

the Call of Cthulhu game that was released recently does a REALLY good job of making you feel like you're going insane.


Fear me!

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Inaccurate, Shakespeare would've just said "fuck".

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All hail Cutethulhu

>Cthulhu is a minor entity compared to shit like Azathoth and barely appears in any stories.
>Entities are described as being utterly alien and horrific, barely capable of description or proper comprehension.
>Entire point is that these cosmic entities are beyond humanity in all ways, are neither good nor evil because they're completely unfathomable and if most of them notice us, it's as little more than ants, with the same lack of caring or mild interest you might show an ant farm.

>Lovecraft game
>Lmao big bad evil Cthulhu
>Lmao Dagon
>Lmao Innsmouth
>Lmao tentacles
>Lmao cosmic entities are just big humans with octopus heads and some tentacles
>Lmao punch Cthulhu

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>Lovecraft game
>unspeakable horrors are actually the cutest goddamn things you've ever seen

You realize Lovecraft literally created cosmic horror right?

what about H.G. Wells?

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Cthulhu, go easy on the human sacrifices...

Can someone tell me the best lovecraft short story?

One that has these giant celestial monsters and shit

lmao would you consider Mars Attacks! cosmic horror too?

This shit pisses me off. You'd think Lovecraft had only ever written a single story. Dude wrote hundreds with interesting creepy shit you can use but instead it's just dude tentacles lmao every time.

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>Tentacles are not even animals

“Call of Cthulhu” is his most well-known, but if you’re looking for stories about
>giant celestial monsters and shit
Lovecraft may not be for you. It’s not like Godzilla.

>lone wandering man
>rumors of bad things from a village about a haunting castle, the main character doesnt believe it, in the end it was true
>gothic setting (it’s not often but he did use the setting quite a bit)
>indescribable monster
>the main character’s curiousness is greater than his fear
>copied every popular writer’s writing style you can think of
>copied every popular story or short story and made it his own (Herbert West-ReAnimator is a typical Frankenstein story but on his own term. I dont get why it’s considered Lovecraft’s worst work, I loved it, it’s one of my fav short story from his)
>not all of his short stories were interesting, but I can def say they’re all well written
>that side character that seems to show up at nearly every short story: the character that has “common sense”
It’s been a long time since I reread any Lovecrafr short story and these are themes that keep repeating. He’s overrated in a good way. I would never consider him a GOAT in writing though, especially since he never got to properly release a novel to show he can really become one of the great writers


Is there ANY lovecraft game with something besides cthulhu or innsmouth?

Lovecraft's Untold Stories

>read At The Mountains of Madness
>realize how much movies such as Alien and The Thing are inspired by it

Ignoring the prequels, the first time they enter the derelict ship and see all the really fucking weird machines with purposes beyond our comprehension is pure Lovecraft energy. That implication of the "bigger picture" instantly scales humankind to feel so insignificant compared to all the other shit that is going on in the universe.

>Lovecraft game
>It's just yet another extremely loose 'adaptation' of Shadow over Innsmouth with The Call of Cthulhu bolted on despite being completely unrelated.

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The Secret World. The is an innsmouth academy but it's a private school instead of a fish cult hideout.

John Carpenter has gotten closer than anyone else to bringing Lovecraft to film. I still think it's impossible to do 1:1, but he did damn good with the soul of it.

>3ds r*make

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I've actually really wanted a horror game with sanity meter where it's not always immediately obvious you're going nuts. No meter, no tilted camera, nothing like that.

Just stuff like you go to your favorite diner and the food is looking especially disgusting and greasy. In crowded places you occasionally hear a voice trying to catch your attention and you can't find the source. When you're all alone in a building you suddenly hear a distant door open but never find evidence anyone was there.


He's overrated in that most people who talk about what huge Lovecraft/Cthulhu fans they are would probably find his books/stories fucking dull and shit, and that 90%+ of anything described as 'Lovecraftian' has nothing at all to do with anything of his beyond superficial 'dude tentacles and Cthulhu and fishmen' aspects, which makes it seem like he's way more beloved than his actual works would suggest.

Yog, Azathoth, and Sweet Shub are way more interesting as antagonistic entities. Cthulu is basically just used as a Godzilla as opposed to using deep ones as an analogy for being afraid of race mixing. Which doesn't resonate with the majority of people playing Vidya. Not that the kind of people making a game with Cthulhu as godzilla would even consider that as an option

My first Metroid game was Super Metroid and yeah those aren't unspeakable horrors but I felt like this seeing the opening scenes

>that scream the thing makes when put on fire
>doesn't sound anything like a human scream
>tfw it's the combined scream of all the life forms it had consumed from thousand different worlds

Genuinely curious, but what exactly would constitute a 'real' Lovecraft game that's fun to play?

Everyone here seems to shit on surface level Lovecraft influences like tentacles and fish people but they never really articulate how to make a fun video game out of the expanded Mythos.

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It’s his appearance. Way easier to conceptualize.

Bloodborne is a good lovecraftian game and it has nothing to do with the amount of tentacles in it.

I mean he's a pulp writer. He wasn't making high brow literature. Still a fan obviously. Gotta remember shakespeare too was a pulp writer but he knew how to appeal to people from all walks of life

>sea monster
>don't see it

I mean there are the 'Deep Ones' and there is a Cthulu Expy called 'Ur-Draugr'.

But otherwise the cosmology is largely it's own and just filled with references.

>No adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness, no adaptations of Dagon, no adaptation of The Color Out of Space.

I remember reading a hentai about this once

That’s not true at all. I can name several stories off the top of my head where the entities were fought and even defeated. Dunwich Horror is obvious, Innsmouth gets fucked by the military, Thing in the Doorstep gets capped, Shunned House creature gets dissolved in acid, Randolph Carter punks quite a few beings, that shitty Egypt one with Harry Houdini, and the ever popular Case of Charles Dexter Ward. I’d even venture
to say we see a lot of the Mi-Go and Elder Things getting the dick. The Yith
also get fucked up with some regularity

The thing was goddamn brilliant. There was talks of Del Toro doing a MoM movie but it got fucked by executive meddling. That would have had potential

I forgot about the ur desu. The fact that he's the first dungeons boss tho kinda shows they aren't putting Cthulu on too high if a pedestal.

You might like Eternal Darkness. There is a meter for sanity, but the effects are random and way more interesting that tilted or fuzzy camera bullshit.
It's shit like:
>Attempting to cast Recover may cause the character's torso to explode, resulting in a (fake) death of the character.
>When attempting to reload a gun, it may go off in the character's stomach, resulting in a (fake) death of the character.
>The screen goes black, as if the TV went off.
>The screen goes black and changes to "VIDEO" mode, and you will hear your character getting eaten until they "die".
>Upon saving your game, a message will say, "Are you sure you want to delete all of your Saved Games?" Regardless of your choice, the saved files will be "deleted".
>When you open your inventory screen, your entire inventory spaces appears empty.
>When entering a room, the environment may be upside down.
>Sometimes when a player enters a room, they will find that all the doors leading out will be locked, but will be unlocked shortly after (
>When entering a room, the sound of a Horror can be heard, first the footsteps and then a growl.
>Statues and busts may turn to look at the character.

Any Bloodborne thread that gets posted is infested with smoothbrains who call it not Lovecraftian.

PCfags are still (rightfully) jelly as fuck.

Honestly, the opening diatribe in Call is still really poignant today. And Colours has a lot in common with modern environmental disasters, whether it be radiation or groundwater contamination. I mean, come on, a story where the water poisons a bunch of poor people into mindless husks when Flint Michigan happened? Good stuff

What's the best lovecraft story and why is it a Shadow out of Time?

Gonna be completely blunt, I've never even actually read HP Lovecraft and even I know it's more than tentacles and fish people.

Lovecraftian horror is about the unknown and undermining what is known. The era Lovecraft lived in was all about scientific revolution and Lovecraft decided to take a pessimistic outlook about how little we'll ever understand in the universe. Horrific lineages, the history of earth not being what it seems, the uncertainty abotu the reality we live in are all products of his time and not just dated notions of a dude who wrote a horror story because he found out his great grandmother was Irish.

>>Upon saving your game, a message will say, "Are you sure you want to delete all of your Saved Games?" Regardless of your choice, the saved files will be "deleted".
This would trip me up. Good shit.

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>something is lovecraftian
>have to pretend it's not a super cool premise in most cases to fit in on Yea Forums

this is unironically what i remember before all of his other short stories. this and mountains of madness.

A colour out of space was cool and I like how the nightmare frontier looks exactly like how the blasted earth was described.

I feel a Kafka game would just be frustration where you are never explained anything. Not even in a souls way where you can infer something from the background lore,

pirates of the lovecraftian

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What "Lovecraft" games are actually subtle? Every game has you going toe to toe with all the monsters it feels like.

I had only seen the first gameplay demo for Bloodborne when I played it, and there's definitely points where I had to ask myself "what the fuck was that?"
Parts that really evoked that feeling were the invisible Amygdala in cathedral ward, the ayylmaos in the forest and the whole hypogean gaol section

>mission: find something
>its exact location appears in the minimap

you are fagot

wtf why the giant eyeball where there is a perfectly fine face beneath it

>>The chad transdimensional multiverse existentialist horror.
So Lovecraft then.

Bloodborne captured lovecraft's intentions really fucking nicely.

I get that, my point is a lot of people bitch about Lovecraftian games not looking into complex themes like the insignificance of humanity compared to the incomprehensibility of alien gods but they never articulate how to make a functioning game out of that.

If the gameplay loop isn't fighting horrific monstrosities and slowly going mad, what is it?

There are plenty of Lovecraft stories they could make games of since the shit is public domain now. They're just lazy and only do Cthulhu or Dagon. What about Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath. Or the one where the dude hires a team to dig into the caverns under his mansion and finds all the skeletons of the human cattle his ancestors kept to breed and eat, then he kills and eats his companions.

How can you call yourself a REAL fan if you didn't know one of the collections of lovecrafts stories was called the necronomicon?!?!? :^)

God I need to play ED

>game’s presentation is inspired by Lovecraft
>game involves defeating monsters

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>Or the one where the dude hires a team to dig into the caverns under his mansion and finds all the skeletons of the human cattle his ancestors kept to breed and eat, then he kills and eats his companions.
The case of charles dexter ward? That one was great.

Rats in the Walls. Hell of a story. They’d have to change the cat’s name. Dreams in the Witch House in another one in that same vein

I’ve been arguing that one for too long. I genuinely don’t know what terrible, surface level understanding of his works cause people to think you can’t fight

If you don’t know. Necronomicon is a fake book Lovecraft created inhis short stories, even if the stories were not connected in any way, the book itself was mentioned many times in different short stories. Everyone who read Lovecraft’s short stories knows that. The book itself was created based on Lovecraft’s work. So if you read anything on it, it was likely based stuff from his fictional stories. I don’t know if the people who created the novel added new things to it, it would not surprise me

or that he was just the first thing on their mind and wanted it out of their system. Honestly the zone progression kind of works for Secret World:
>Solomon Island is a millennium old horror that's been bubbling under the surface but things only got problematic in the last hundred or so years.
>It's clearly in Illuminati Territory which means there is A faction holding some level of control on things
>The infection is only really bad in a handful of places
>You fight zombies and things that are ultimately entry-level horrors as a newbie in the Secret World
>And things are ultimately contained.

Compare that to Egypt where:
>Ancient horrors are rising
>Blend of modern day terrorism aspects with ancient cults
>it's trying to spread
>You enter another fucking world to deal with the issue
>Also find out an entire empire pledged itself to the Filth
>But, hey, at this point you've gone from a persistent survivalist to Indiana Jones!

And then Transylvania
>region completely out the way of any factional control
>Compromised local traditions did little to hold things back
>Crossroads of where every other occultist country came and fucked with what should not be fucked with
>Filth fungus everywhere
>Orochi is balls deep in literally tearing open the earth
>By now you're pretty badass and armed with enchanted old soviet weapons and tired of this shit.

agreed, part of what inspired my idea was this playthrough where my brother shot one of the maids in the kitchen as Maximilian because the description mentioned shit like she was cooking a pot of human flesh and cackling. He died, started over and saw the same scene, I told him to heal up his sanity and once he did he realized the maid was not a cannibal.

Most people get their information second hand or through a wiki because they're too lazy to indulge in the work themselves. Or they parrot the opinion of another to avoid thinking for themselves.

What should we read today, Yea Forums?

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I mean take drakengard, where it's a world gone mad but shit only gets real when the abominations are about to show up. At least that's the kind of concept I'm rolling with for the game I'm making

Haunter in the Dark

Lovecraft is overrated

Read what I just postedNecronomicon is a fake book that became real because it was mentioned many times in many of lovecraft’s work

I just couldn't wrap my ahead around that being nyarlathotep. In the first nyarly story he didn't seem at all afraid of light. He was showing people videos and shit.

It's alright to not understand things user. Being a little bitch about it is lame as fuck tho.

He's a meme, a very small amount of people actually read anything from Lovecraft

Aussies not welcome

I'm starting to see why people were losing their shit over the remake and eyes. It looks like they literally covered the old head with a giant eye

The necronomicon isn't a real book. Lovecraft never wrote a story/book called Necronomicon. The one you linked is a publishing company collection of books using the name.

Its form is incomprehensible.

>kafkaesque game
>first girl is every girl

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Here's one (1) game that does this kinda

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>Eternal Darkness
>ancient cosmic horrors are a crab, a metroid, a meat cube, and a woman

I'm deadly afraid of women.

>You probably didn't even read it!
>If you did, then you just didn't "get" it
This is how you sound right now.

I haven't read any of his shit and I don't care to either. Cosmic horror doesn't do anything for me but I know I'm tired of seeing Chthulu in pop culture.

Something betrays your expectation of reality
>whooa I'm going crazy

Something betrays your expectation of reality for the 1000th time
>whooa I'm going crazy

Truly he was the M. Night Shyamalan of his time

Yeah, I agree. I guess he’s just a weird sort of being, but as the most human and malevolent of them it’s weird for the Haunter to be him

>there will never be a game about colour out of space or the rats in the walls

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>pulp writer

Here's your choices

This one's in there, as "The haunter of the dark"


Attached: necronomicon_TOC.png (918x816, 776K)

Colour would be a hard one since the colour of it is one that no one has ever seen before. I guess they could get it across if the game was monochrome with the colour being the only thing not in black and white.

>Monochrome game where color is the sign of the antagonistic force
I would love that shit.

Fuck Im retarded. Disregard that I suck cocks

Red Hook never fails to make me laugh

Read the Dunwich Horror

I never “got” the existential dread of Lovecraft stories.
Personally it was reassuring to me that there are other sentient lifeforms out there that are intelligent and complex and have existed millions of eons before us and will exist millions of eons after us. Thinking that the universe begins and ends with humans is depressing, that we’re just completely alone and there’s nothing else out there but an empty void.

you're the type of nigga to die first.

You are taking an optimistic reading of stories written in a depressing way. I like it

Lovecraft had Nihilism themes in his short stories. user is just trying to be like Lovecraft

What was his name again?

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>"man people just don't get it, lovecraft is all about the cosmic horror!"
*tips fedora*

It's literally the genre he spawned user.

also niggers

I dunno man the aliens in the book are made out to be scary

>not enough games where you romance a cosmic horror


i really appreciated bloodborne's exploration of the idea of dreams being alternate but not necessarily 'unreal' planes of reality. it's my favourite aspect of lovecraft that doesn't get mentioned that much

and hey it even threw in some tentacles and madness too


Why do you go crazy around the Elder Gods why can't you just fuck them or something?

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cosmic horror, or as i like to call it, horror

I don’t understand why there haven’t been cosmic horror games that use a deliberately fucked up version of deep dream AI tech for its insanity / monster visuals. It seems to fit the bill perfectly.

>there is only one type of horror
smooth brain take desu

Attached: hurrr.jpg (645x729, 57K)

too much girl

>ctrl+f "non-euclidean"
>0 results
No one in here has read Lovecraft.

Well, not many people here have played Bloodborne, user.

Attached: 1558961420036.jpg (1600x900, 886K)

>ctrl+f "non-euclidean"
>1 result
I'm liking where this is going

Something something terrible indescribable non-Euclidean geometry overtaking me, great horrendous penguins overtaking each thought running through my addled brain, Ia! Ia!
Is that what you wanted?

>ctrl+f "non-euclidean"
>3 result

The fact that species such as The Great Race of Yith from The Shadows Out Of Time can preserve the concept of things such as architecture, literature and academia many eons after humans die out, is something I find quite pleasant.
I don’t look at it as “oh shit, they’re smarter than us, this is bad” instead I’m just happy to know that culture that humans can relate to will persist after we’re gone, that life is still bustling in our absence.

Now bring up New England for no reason and Miskatonic University

>Lovecraft game
>ends up ignored cause it's not full on DUDE TENTACLE AND INSANITY LMAO
To this very day I only seen one thread about it.

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redpill me on what makes it lovecraftian

Personally, I find eyes a lot more interesting than tentacles.

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Non-Euclidean is one of those things that kind of aged poorly since Lovecraft's time.

Nevermind I looked it up. This shit is way too on the fucking nose man. It's like a the worst type of cross-over episode.

I was going to buy this in a sale but all my Yea Forumsros said the gameplay was unfun and repetitive. Maybe that's the reason for its unpopularity rather than the setting.

One time I met an uncontacted tribe of curious men whose skin was a funny tinge in the deepest jungles of Kungaloosh. Their elder, a gnarled and sickly old man, insisted I sip a strange black liquid that he offered me.
The broth smelled pungent; like week old rotting rats mixed with the dark filth of sewage, and yet my intense curiosity compelled me to drink and I felt a wave of euphoria pass over me. In that moment I almost could consider these niggermen my kin, though such a thought would surely be perished under normal circumstance. A woman with long, dangling breasts took me by the hand and guided me into a tent where I laid eyes upon a great horror.
We’re it not for the tincture I would certainly have run screaming from the forest, but I could only stand in terror and observe this horrendous, non-Euclidean being as it studied me with more eyes than I could count. The indescribable being’s form shifted and twisted and the niggerly woman embraced it warmly. I tore my eyes away as I heard he sounds of couplation and fled from the tribe immediately, later forcing myself to vomit up the elder’s black tincture.
Upon returning home, I discovered that my father had died of old age. My mother shocked me by telling me not to mourn, for he was not my true father. In fact, she said, I was conceived many years ago in secret.
In the jungles of Kungaloosh.

Btw I live in New England and I was in Kungaloosh on a scientific expedition for he Miskatonic University.
Can’t believe my dad was a indescribable horror s m h

No, Charles Dexter Ward was the one where the more a dude learned about his ancestor, the more he became like him. Until it's revealed his ancestor was using him as a vessel

Thank you user, this made me happy.

Its a collection of his short stories... All of which are shit

As much as Lovecraft likes to force that, I think some ugly chimera Kaiju, with lot's of unatural growths, stomping arround and eating half the town before your very eyes is probably enough to make you insane. It wouldn't even have to be one of the too deep for your perception 4D ones.

Are you calling Lovecraft a hack

Black pussy

As long as you admit your mistakes user. You’re a good man.

I just so happen to have two eyes. Wanna hang out?

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Is it good user, it looks really good but I'm afraid of getting burned

The dog version was better

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holy fucking shit that's good

If you think the deep ones are an argument against race mixing you sure would get a laugh from how often Lovecraft instead mocks inbred families.

Two is the absolute minimum. You can only have an odd amount of eyeballs if the total is over four. Eyeballs belong on the upper portion of the body, be it the face, the collar bone, the hands, etc. Eyes anywhere lower are gay and unappealing.

user, you realize you can't make a comparison because it's supposed to be incomprehensible, right? Of course that doesn't translate in video media formats.


some people have never read "Colour out of Space", a story in which farmers defeat the horrible extraplanar monster but in doing so realize they're totally fucked in the long run. It's a shame, cause I'd love a game where I shoot a Mi-Go in the chest with a 12 gauge even though my inevitable death is coming.

He whose name cannot be mentioned

The mi-go are my amigos. Please do not shoot them. They take you to space and worship best oneesan.

Pickman's Model is one of my favorites. It's the only reference in Fallout 4 that made me smile.

There's that horror game where you play a blind woman, where nothingness is comforting because it means nobody's moving around you. It's a cool game.

Fuck the Mi-Go, they're just bug cultists. Fuck the Mi-Go, and FUCK THE ELDER ONES

I want to marry and fuck an Outer goddess!

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you could have just told us you're a total retard and saved yourself some face.

That one lovecraft film with mi go schlorping on bone marrow made me permanently terrified of them

"force that" dude imagine if you, the regular you, were to actually see a fucking ghoul or elder one? The hatching of an egg to reveal a fish man, screaming in agony.

I feel like people are inundated nowadays from game exposure they forget to place themselves into scenes like this.

>Colour out of Space
There was a monster in that? I thought it was just an indescribable force controlling everything, and then leave.

indeed, one of the few lovecraftian games that is slightly original and actually fun.

I remember some creepy first person adventure/puzzle game with the ending, "no you are the deep ones". Only got a glimpse of it so I'm not sure how shit it was or not.

>Lovecraftian thread
>no Rain World mentioned
inb4 lol bro where are the tentacles and rick&morty references this isn't lovecraftian

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MK ULTRA please go and stay go

The Colour was an alien
Which one is that? The Mi-Go are my favorite "minor" race, and I wish more Lovecraftian media included them. Most I've seen are the Elder Things and a Hound of Tindalos in a SoL manga.


The monster was the colour. It’s a sentient colour.

>think ghouls and alien monsters don't bother me anymore
>actually try to imagine opening a door to seeing a pale, emaciated albino thing snapping open a tibia to suck on the inside

Yeah, nah, fuck that.

The Monster was literally living color, the farmers in essence make it fuck off.

Most people have never read his works and have only a cursory knowledge of it through pop culture.

If any game or movie did do it justice they wouldn't put focus on the ancient ones but instead on humanities lack of importance in the vast, unknown infinity of the universe.
The star of the show being our insignificance in the grand scheme of things.
That the entire span of man kind from the first man to the last ever is less than a blink of an eye for the the universe.

It’s the last segment of the 1993 Necronomicon movie

Yeah but I mean like, the farmers just watch it leave after a while. It wasn't some tentacle monster they shot with a shotgun. Did the farmers even do anything other than die?

Thanks, user
They killed the remains of the wife, iirc. Lovecraft designed the Colour to be as alien as possible. Haven't read it in a while.

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I wonder how hard it would be to do a game based on that one about a indescribable color that falls from space and wanders about creating fucked up flora and sucking the life out of people.

elephant boi

The monochrome idea an user mentioned in this thread seemed like it would be a cool idea.
The noises resonate in my very soul


Attached: madlad.jpg (1200x1457, 342K)

oh damn this used to be a full rip of the movie but it looks like it's been cropped to unwatchability now. Sorry about that.

I'll try to find the clip once I get back from class. Thanks for sharing

Bloodborne does it very good.




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>kill elder gods
>kill elder gods by hitting them with a hammer

fixed in the restoration patch


I was talking more about the world and aesthetics, but if you want to be an autist about it..

So is this still the best Cthulhu game?

Attached: 56836-call-of-cthulhu-dark-corners-of-the-earth-xbox-front-cover.jpg (800x1130, 163K)

Dark corners of the earth is a cool game buried under its mountain of glitches that render it

Also clearly nobody in this played eternal darkness.

But that was the entire point of the original post you quoted. There's already a good handful of amazing games out there with a great Lovecraftian setting but in the end they're never gonna live up to the books simply because it doesn't translate 1:1 to a video(game) medium.

Cosmic horror is about entities so powerful that humans cannot even comprehend their existence and are completely helpless to them. The aliens in war of the worlds all die at the end because their immune systems cannot deal with the biosphere that mankind has evolved to survive in. Not only are the aliens defeated but they are defeated by something which is tied to our humanity. You literally cannot get further from cosmic horror than war of the worlds.

No, that's a David Lynch game.

This isn't true though. YOu can make physical Lovecraftian horrors, as Bloodborne shows and as things like the demon from Princess Moneoke, some of Junji Itou's works and more.

They just need more to them then DOOD TENTACLES or DOOD CLAWS. You have to put effort into making them fucked up. Just look at Ludwig; he's even freakier than anything you see in the Dunwich Horror.

iconic and recognizable design. that's literally it.

The Colour Out of Space and the Delta Green take on the King In Yellow are far superior.

t. Didn't read 'The Music of Erich Zahn' 'The Rats in the Walls' 'Herbert West: Reanimator' 'The Colour Out of Space' 'The Thing on the Doorstep' or 'The Shadow Over Innsmouth'

Don't forget how great things like
>Orphan of Kos
>Kos herself
>Mensis Brain
>Nightmare of Mensis
>The melted scholars

race mixing? Did the whispering in your head tell you this user?

Fact: Lovecraft had some really great ideas, bur he was a shit writer

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Generally, the former. See; Rats in the Walls, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, At The Mountains of Madness.

Sometimes, the former and the latter i.e. The Thing on the Doorstep, Herbert West Reanimator and The Colour Out of Space. Never just the latter.

niggers just cant handle purple prose

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Mountain's of Madness;

Read up on your albino penguins user

Why the FUCK is there not more Ligotti/Ito/nightmare horror in media? Seriously.

so dark souls?

Conarium is the best Lovecraft game. Change my mind.


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actually his books reflect his social anxiety in a caste driven society, as easily identified in the short story: 'the outsider'.

it's not high literature, but he sure had some cool and innovative ideas for the horror genre. not to mention the 'necronomicon' as a book to be referenced by multiple writers simultaneously, pretty fun stuff.

The original post I was responding to wasn't even correct in saying they have no form. The beings are usually well described in lovecraft.

go play cataclysm dark days ahead

It's okay OP you can say World of Warcraft.

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Most normie Dev just try to slap "lovecraftian" on their game to acquire nerd-cred. But they can't do real lovecraftian themes otherwise that would mean that they read the book of a really racist man and reproduce his theme in a common day video game, which wouldn't fly as you might expect
Some authors tried to reappropriate Lovecraftian themes in a more pc way but all of them just fall flat and straight into the abyss.
Lovecraft is Lovecraft, love him or hate him but what he did was so different at the time that you'll never be able to separate the man from the books.
On a unrelated note I gifted the complete works of Lovecraft to my grandmother and she's reading through it at a speed that baffles me and loving it, asking me if he published more.

>hmm, maybe it will be something interesting and unique this time

a Delta Green vidya game... that's what i fuckin' want

CRPG? You'd want the writing staff behind DG though obviously

i guess i don't know what genre would represent it best, all i know is that the setting is begging for some kind of vidya treatment. Might be tough to pull it off well though

Get ye gone leaf

>read a story with Lovecraftian deities
>It's themes are the exact opposite of Lovecraft
>It's still genuinely pretty good
Didn't expect that from a porn artist

Is this possible natty?

Can you go into more detail on how you think Lovecraftian entities are an analogy for being afraid of race mixing? I'm genuinely interested.

It's a mind blowing workout session

>hentai game
>looks at tentacle
>ahh dude I'm getting assraped hngggg

I saw that when I was 16 and wish I could unsee. it's still unsettling to watch after all these views hhaah. The scariest bit is that it's not defending itself. it's like the burning monk in protest.

>discussing things you haven't read

Welcome to Yea Forums. We shit on everything.

You wouldn't fuck a eldritch abomination.

Fucking kek

Try me

>op's life
*Looks in mirror*
>Ahhhh dude I'm sucking so many dicks lol

>Advertised as a """""""Lovecraft game""""""""""
>The creators can make whatever the bumfucking outta this world universe monster or idea that they can make
>Decide to use Cthulhu for the 2000000th eon'th time

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The thing on the doorstep hands down my favorite.

>redditfrog edit
i mean, it was one thing when you were calling people "frogposters" but now you're calling it the "redditfrog"? really? you can do better than that

>Lovecraft game
>Can't defeat the monster psychologically
Into the trash it goes

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I want to play 64D chess with a higher being

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>Cultist Simulator
Anything else?

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>Lovecraftian game
>tentacles out the ass
>Lovecraftion thread
>Actual Lovecraft
>reanimated dick kills a rat
>dog kills a mutant
>wizards cast spells at a shed

I love the stories just as much as you faggots, but calm the fuck down. The guy wasn't always subtle.

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cultist simulator is shit though, sunless sea is the superior lovecraft game

Algernon Blackwood > HP Lovecraft

Prove me wrong

>Implying he's wrong

>not posting the best Lovecraft adaptation

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>shit me up the wall

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>gets btfo by a fucking steamboat
Cthulhu was always a jobber

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Post an excerpt, please

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Yes I would

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>Read necronomicon

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to be fair any sea monster is fucking terrifying

ahh fuck man how can this be! my brain! this is... beyond my comprehension is that a... FUCK WHAT IS THAT! i thought, like, god was real but what is this how can such a thing exist if god is real fuck man fuckk! I'm spinning I'm gonna pass out! no mom save me no!

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Read the willows or the wendigo. Lovecraft looked up to Blackwood as one of the greatest writers of horror.Blackwood thought Lovecraft was shit.

Yes, lovecraft realizes the dangers of inbreeding, but he was a xenophobe. Its pretty clear in his work he isnt a fan of nonwhites, and the dep ones are the perfect allegory for that

I want a game illustrated and directed by Junji Ito

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well done, I'm proud of you

that's the real world desu



about what? pepe has been a staple image on this website for years. I'll be honest, i don't even have any saved on my harddrive, but calling attention to someone using a pepe edit is retarded. why does it bother you so much?

Well his writing style didn't do him any favors

>you are either inbred or mixed race
no wonder all the "black" (inbred) people i know are so dumb

not involving Ito directly but they're making a love letter to him

It exists

>entities so powerful they make cthulhu look like a termite

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What's your favorite lovecraftian piece of music, Yea Forums? for me, it's cthulhu dreams

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>I mean
stop this shit you underage b&


There are Lovecraft stories about racemixing, although it's usually about very earthly abominations, like an half human-half apes family. I have no idea how that's related to the ancient ones and the like tho, the story i mentioned was masically "my great-great-grandpa fucked a monkey princess", it's pretty open about why it's fucked up. And his racism came into play with the fact that he wouldn't even allow blacks to be at the center of the story, he'd describe this ancient hybrid civilisation as fair-skinned and unlike actual "boring" Africans

>lovecraft game
>you're not searching for your genitals in the desert

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I work in transcription and I can tell you that "I mean" is one of the most common filler phrases in the english language, stop this sperg shit where you think you can discern anything about me from two words lol


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The theme described there is cosmic horror, or horror of the unknown, lovecraft is just the mythos

my dad owns 343


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They should make a game about that one story where it's the protagonist that ends up becoming an alien freak with thirst for conquest

>elder gods
dumb nigger

I've never seen a character with more perfect legs than Nyaruko.

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Did you miss the part where it re-materialised almost instantly?

Cthulhu isn't made of the same matter as terrestrial beings.

>about what?
it's not original

Unironically a trash anime, not even the cute girls could save it

Demonbane is the best Lovecraft game, prove me wrong.

The King in Yellow isn't from Lovecraft, but it is based. Actually I think Hastur predates him.

I can't.

i fuckin love anything jeffrey combs is in

I definitely would

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Why is no one translating the new Pochi

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Yes, Algernon was far in a way the superior writer, but Lovecraft's style was at the very least unique to himself. Cosmic horror wasn't really a thing before him, maybe with some exceptions, not well read enough to know of any

>The universe is full of horrifying monstrosities that look at humans as mere specs of dust
>Some of these creatures directly fuck with humans to build up cults and places of worship
>People that investigate go insane due to the very nature of these beings, and how a human mind is incapable of understanding them at all
>The cosmos are cruel, nothing you say or do will change how vast and unrelenting the void can be
>And so the creatures that travel the void are an even larger mystery that will never be solved

The idea behind Lovecraft's works is closer to nihilism but on a much larger and realistic scale. Instead of saying "lol nothing matters" it uses the actual universe as a focal point as to why precisely human life is so insignificant. The creatures can be seen as figures representing that uncaring nature of the stars. "Humans don't know shit and they never will" is the main message, and the "horror" part comes from the fact that your human ego will try to fight this sentiment, but in the end, the cosmos and its cruelty will outlive you and prove you wrong no matter how much you REEEE and shitpost at it because you're just a piece of shit human with a limited lifespan.

Funny part is that the people fighting Lovecraft's views within his stories are exactly the type of people he'd refer to as being fucking retarded. Your words don't mean fucking shit, and your sense of superiority can suck a dick because you're gonna die and the stars and creatures living on Earth and in the universe will laugh at you.

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Don't mind me, just dropping some lore from one of the best Lovecraftian games out there (ignore the sub par gameplay)

Hastur is a name taken from the works of Ambrose Bierce, as was carcosa. But I think its just the names that were used not context or settings.

So just as Lovecraft took the names from Chambers work, Chambers took it from Bierce.

No idea. I want to know the circumstances behind the dream fucking
>tfw it's a literal wet dream because they're in the ocean

With a body like that its no surprise she has a thousand young.

Lol i just realized i typed loftcraft

nobody in the thread noticed that


Darkest Dungeon?
Darkest Dungeon: The Colors of Madness DLC?

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>ywn pregnate your eldritch oneesan thousands of times

Is it really a sea monster if you can't sea it?

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>Lovecraftian = Cthulhu


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That's japanese Carlos.

I've never understood why you'd go insane just looking at something incomprehensible.
Awestruck, confused, terrified, repulsed, maybe, but insane?

>Lovecraft game
*Sees the horrors of the Ancients*
>Ahhhh dude I'm a litch now lol gonna go bring about my master's entrance to our reality, sorry not sorry Manto-pleb

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the problem with indescribable horrors are that they're hard to describe. lovecraft was a hack

yes I would

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Have you ever seen one of those weird images that kind of hurt your eyes to look at? Imagine that multiplied by thousands to the point where it hurt your brain to even think about it existing at all.

I don't get why faggots keep thinking that Lovecraftian horror means tentacles or seeing a fish so ugly it makes you lose your mind and kill yourself.

If you want a real idea of what "lovecraftian" horror actually is, watch the first half of Alien. The lovecraftian element is all in the scale of the greater mystery presented.

>restaurant management game
>protagonist is a schizophrenic sysadmin
What are some dobsonesque games?

>That little slip of cunny
user please delete this

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>Eldritch abomination takes the form of a human girl
>Eldritch abomination not only has enough interest or even sympathy with humans to take their form, but also chooses a form it knows will arouse a certain portion of the human population
For what purpose


because CUTE!

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Let's be honest, a "true" Lovecraft game to appease the autists would be extremely boring. It would just be a walking sims because god forbid you actually had gameplay to fight these horrible creatures.

It adds to the story and themes

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To sexualize the unimaginable. It's like fucking God.

Metallica's The Call of Ktulu.
It starts slow and simple, then it builds up, then gets to a climax. As you listen, it's like you imagine making your way into some island on some rickety boat while facing strong winds like it was urging you to stay away from the cursed place. Then you make it, find a cave, and from there, you see things that are slowly driving you insane. Then there's a chase and in the end of it, you pass out. You wake up in a mental asylum-prison-something. Unable to speak coherently and still terrified of what you experienced, you hang yourself in your room. Then someone comes in and finds your body, and your notes.

As much as it just retold Shadow over Insmouth but more epic with some shadow out of time as overarching plot it was a great game.
Too bad I had to fix some bullshit glitches every ten minutes, even if some of that was fun in of itself.

>need to push a box slowly or crash
>need to open a door without looking at it or crash
>need 10 different community fixes or crash

You can't even use the huge sprawling open world meme excuse here, Bethesda is just a trash developer without a quality department.

Didnt even think of that dude shit

Because - and it has been pointed out a lot in this thread - people only know the surface-level of what "lovecraftian" means and don't know that he actually wrote a lot of different stuff than just 'lmao evil gods' and forget he wrote for a pulp magazine.

It's like the new trend of saying he was a racist asshole (which he was) without understanding that he was a xenophobe of the highest order because of his own mental problems and obsession with 'purity'. Dude had a mental breakdown over discovering he's part Welsh and wrote Shadows Over Innsmouth because of that.

>Implying cosmic horrors need humans to reproduce
How would a being of such magnitude ever benefit from the DNA of lesser beings, nevermind beings as infinitely far below them as humans

I accept this answer, but only because it's obvious kawaii animu Lovecraftian horrors only exist as a human pseudo-fetish, or even genuine fetish. The concept otherwise makes absolutely no sense to me, other than to say that this being somehow grew fond of (specifically male) humans for some reason

I suppose, though in a universe where such a being exists, it only makes sense that beings of similar power who give no fucks of humanity might want a slice of the Earth pie too

As I thought. Fair enough, different strokes for different folks and all that


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Because most people who do lovecraftian games never read a lovecraft novel to begin with. Probably just read some wiki articles about cthulhu and called it a day.

I never had any problems with this game, but I played it on Windows XP few days after release

because eldritch horrors can be perverted weirdos too

You feel insane for wasting money on that garbage, maybe.

>Herbert West: Reanimator
>The Music of Erich Zahn
Those two are lovecraft's worst stories

I think one of the better parts of Bloodborne is the fact that you don't interact that much with the big players of the universe. Odeon just doesn't exist physically so you can't find him and there's little to know about the Moonlight Presence (some have said that it's not even a Great One).

And at the same time they're not actively malevolent and simply respond to what people want and in exchange desire children - a pretty basic desire you wouldn't expect from beings like that. Compare that to just about everything bad happening in BB is the fault of Pthumerians/Humans who didn't know how to stop slurping blood.

You’re doing too much user. His stories are literally just
Jews gross
Blacks gross
All these big cities with their disgusting hard to pin down bloodlines and all these port towns with their filthy race mixing....gross
Add that up and throw in some heavy sexual confusion, from you know, being raised as a girl for a few years and living with your mentally ill mother and Freemason father.

Read a real book pussy. Like the Fanaros Fictionomicon.

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Fucking derlethians.

Right, I wanna be the eldritch abomination instead!

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The game wasn't made by Bethesda though
Also don't forget the bug where you could not shoot witches from a ship

HP Lovecraft was exceedingly based. Came up with and pioneered an entire genre, was a great writer, and had a cat named "nigger man"

One thing I feel like Lovecraft-inspired games don't explore enough is the actual theme of humanity being insignificant to the eldritch monsters.

Like, most of the games or stories that people point to as example usually involve us grabbing the attention of some monster, or the aliens wanting to use us for some reason. Where's the story where the giant Cthulhu monster doesn't even notice that we're there, or the moment we summon it, it just walks away to do its own shit?

Ane Naru Mono, when it isn't being an ecchi slice of life, delves into the nature and relationships of gods and humanity. It's frequently brought up that Chiyo, despite being very intelligent, is rather ignorant of the world because she never had any reason to learn about it. There is also a contrast between the oneesan and the goddess, with the former being a kind and loving woman who welcomes you home every day and the latter being an apathetic, destructive being who never thinks about the consequences. It does flip the central Lovecraft theme on its head, though. Instead of a thing being so superior that it doesn't even notice humanity, humanity fascinates the deity so much that she wants to learn more about it.
Also, one of the big three Outer Gods had children with humans. The Dunwich Horror, user, come on.

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Stargate did it better.

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Never heard of Death of the Author? I think most people in this thread knows that the general 'fear of unkown' in his stories came about because Lovecraft was banged up in the head. Doesn't change the fact that his fiction did pretty much create a new genre in itself due to style and subject matter.

It's like Orson Scott Card insisting - while fuming at the mouth - that his book have no homosexual subtext but he's the one who wrote a novel about teenage boys wrestling naked.

I figure
>after seeing the monstrous phenomena shatter every preconceived notion I had about reality, I started seeing a therapist
isn't what people are looking for

I wonder if it's a natural thing to want to marry/fuck a "divine" being

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All the really bad Lovecraft movies he appeared in a grade A awesome in a B movie way.

>The Dunwich Horror, user, come on
Ah shit, forgot about that. Fair point, that does seem like an interesting angle to look at it from, I was under the impression that eldritch anime/manga like that was more of an excuse for Lovecraftian tentacle girl porn, but the way you describe it makes it sound more nuanced than I originally thought. I appreciate the enlightenment user, and though that take on it still doesn't particularly interest me, I can see why it exists now.

If by Based you mean an aesexual proto-tranny terrified of da joos and da nogs. A neet shut in that wrote shitty edgelord fiction and corresponded with teen boys constantly, an autist that spent his life dominated by every woman ever in his social sphere, then sure he’s based. Sounds like a typical Yea Forumspol user

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>Herbert West
You could just say that you eat shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's easier to explain.

>the outsider
Literally the memoirs of a seething incel. What a shit story lmao.

I think it's less "Whoa I'm seeing some weird shit" that makes you go insane. It's the fact that it is - as the name implies - incomprehensible.Your mind just tries to interpret what you're experiencing but because it simply has no capacity to do so it just breaks in half. So less about what you're seeing and more like a direct attack at your own mind.

lol, based

Look at this dude

Darkest Dungeon
Dusk, sort of

>projections and buzzwords

Granted, it is based on an excellent H-manga of the same name made by the same mangaka. The serialized manga just delves into their relationship before they started having lots of sex.
The mangaka also wanted to be a horror writer when she was younger, so that may be a part of it.
The Outsider is great, delete yourself.

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Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies.

Arthur Machen

Reminder that Nic Cage is starring in The Colour Out of Space and it's been confirmed as kino.

Attached: coloroutofspace[1].jpg (928x523, 60K)

>that image
Of course a coomer would find The Outsider to be good. End your life you miserable dork.

fucking ledoux

Yes user, I’ve read Barthes. I’m not sure I agree with him though. You can divorce a piece of work from it’s creator, at the cost of the context of its creation, the time period, what the authors views and mental state etc was. What a cold robotic way to read. Or even worse, people trick themselves into thinking that by detaching the context of a story, they’ll discover some sort of archetypical or platonic ideal version in the text. It’s cosmic horror you see? It’s not machen and dunsany seen through a veil of hysterical racism written by an autistic.

>memoirs of a seething incel
And why would that not be fun to read? Why do you think I frequent this cesspool still?

>Erich Zahn and Reanimator bad
Man what's it like eating shit every day morning and night?

That reminds me of that annihilation movie

Cosmicism is basically a more elegant, realistic nihilism yes. It's why, currently, the framing of Lovecraft stories whole do not work because most people already accept nihilism as the norm.

Post-Modern thought still hasn’t made up its mind whether there exists anything outside the text, or if everything outside the text is actually more important than the text. It’s enough to make you lose your mind at the mention of such a feotid thought.

This is a very cute Japanese eldritch horror. Say something nice about her!

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Words mean things. All those things are true.

Pfft. Lovecraft's creations are all explained. Sure, they had Incomprehensible Physiques, but you had Yog-sothoth appearing as a collection of Spheres, A colour, a man who melts when it isn't cold, a man who was rotten, a bunch of five-part-symetical creatures, a cone with arms and legs, fungus, cats, men with no faces and wings who tickled people, and dog-men, to name a few.

Only like around 3 or 4 of lovecraft's actual creatures were actually indescribable

>Didn't read Colour of Out Space or Thing on the Doorstep

I think it's time for your hourly dilatation

Well Cage is a good actor, he just needs a role which can channel his energy correctly; look at how Mandy treats him for instance.

Are reviews for that movie out already?

Lovecraft was well-respected and his wife said he was good in bed tho.

Rest in peace

Imagine not reading either of those classics.

>Actually trying to defend those meme words.
Go back to whatever Twitter screencap thread you escaped

she's not very threatening

So none of those words are true?

The Statement of Randolph Carter, The Cats of Ilthar, The Colour out of Space, Pickman's Model, The Silver Key, Through the Gates of the Silver Key, The Shadow out of Time, and end with The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

Are you actually retarded?
>lovecraft was well respected
He sold his shit to the pulps and died a fucking insolvent debtor. He reputation grew decades later.
>his wife
You mean his cohabitor that was part of an arranged marriage that didn’t produce issue. Kek.

That's not how comprehension works in real life you nigger, you just wouldn't understand it, like negative mass, it's there you just can't conceive it because we haven't figured out a way to. Pisses my autism off when scp tries this pseud shit too.

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> or if he did, that he absolutely failed to comprehend anything.
Perhaps, he is the truest H.P Lovecraft fan of them all....

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humens to a cosmic being are loike ants or mites to us right? But what if ants could actually hold a conversation with you? I'd bet you could have many interesting things to learn from their perspectives despite them having no knowlege of the greater world. If ants could articulate and understand vaguely, whay would stop some weirdos from befriending a tiny bug with a sense of humour? even if it's only out of simpathy or hobby it still means cosmic gf isn't too far fetched.

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It does the same thing to me. I’ve seen “impossible” things on DMT and my brain was able to interpret it. Its almost like “the mind recoils in horror” is just a hackneyed technique from a weird/pulp magazine shitlord.

He was well-respected though. Lovecraft was seen as an excellent writer and an individual by his peers and correspondents. This can be seen at length from his conversations with Clark Ashton Smith, August Derleth, Robert E. HOward, Donald Wandrei, Henry Kuttner, Frank Belknap Long and Robert Bloch.

People frequently wrote to him for advice on how to write, to ghost-write with him and to collaborate with him

Not only that, pulps weren't necessarily seen as the home of shitty writing as many classic stories and widely popular stories at the time resulted from them and even then, some of his work was seen as too high concept for pulps.

>arranged marriage
You mean his wife that did not have issue with but who loved him and said he did an excellent job whenever he bedded her.

I don't know why you're lying about this, his letters are really wide spread.

yeah I didn't even notice

At worst it'd be like more like ptsd then straight up insanity the real kind not the tumblr kind.

Lovecraft always alluded to the 'implication of horror' being what drove people mad, not the material itself. Sometimes it would be a combination of both 'the implications of what this is' and 'observing something that cannot be understood'.

>I've seen impossible things on DMT
You're experiencing stimuli applied to a human brain, not something beyond human comprehension. A better example might be if you could see in 7 new additional wavelengths of light during an extremely stressful traumatic moment.

>no night gaunts level

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>One copy of the Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath, please.

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If anyone is interested, there’s a short story called “Allan and the sundered veil” which was serialized in the back of league of extraordinary gentlemen vol 1. It’s by Alan Moore (the watchmen, v for vendetta) who’s a huge fan of the Mythos and has written the foreword for some lovecraft collections. It does a good job of “describing the indescribable”. The main character gets entangled in a higher dimension with an eldritch creature and becomes possessed. The next chapter is told in part, in first person from the perspective of the creature possessing the MC. It’s pretty interesting.


ok now I'm very interested, women tend to write amazing sex stories, peep hole was a personal favourite of mine "nozoki ana" for the weebs

Ane Naru Mono by Iida Pochi. It's pretty good

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tank bruh

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I would.

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my IRL belief is that we communicate with higher beings through our actions and words are just white noise that they barely recognize, they probably have a wider emotional range too, so if you play your cards right you could win the love of an entity that no mortal woman could provide

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Wouldn’t being able to see 7 new additional wavelengths still be stimuli applied to the brain? Just of the kind we are unfamiliar with? I get what you’re saying, and I don’t want to reply with, dude...drugs. But DMT is several factors beyond normal human comprehension. Luckily you’re able to interpret what you’re receiving, not the the traditional way, it’s empathetic amongst other things. There’s a gravity, it’s hard to describe. But it makes itself understood. You get the message . It’s actually like spontaneously being able to receive frequencies that shouldn’t be possible but have always been there.

Spastic faggot

It's stagnant. People have moved on from every other meme besides it and wojack which have nothing to offer.

I don't know how anything else could top peoples lists. Shit is wild.

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Nothing you have ever said on this website is original
Do you really think calling it redditfrog was original?

"-phobe" gets thrown around alot these days but Lovecraft was genuinely terrified of anyone that wasn't an anglo saxon from Providence Rhode Island. He was very sheltered and Red Hook was inspired by his mental breakdown when his wife attempted to make him live in new york. He was more phobic of other ethnicities than hateful.

Also, it's /ss/, in case you don't like that stuff

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Remember it took Lovecraft decades to get the pop culture recognition he has now, and that was after stuff like Brian Yuzna/Stuart Gordon movies, and real Ghostbusters.

Also Ligotti's style of horror is too bleak for normalfags. True Detective is the closest we'll get, and they still pussied out on the ending for S1.

Bruh I've had LSD. I'm aware DMT's stronger but it's ultimately showing you things that are within the human form of understanding in the DMT realm. Hell, you could argue that the human brain is adapted to absorb and use DMT if you follow the stoned ape hypothesis.

This is different to something utterly beyond human experience occuring to you. I'm not sure how being able to see 7 different new wavelengths of light would affect you beyond completely changing how your eyes attempt to process colour and your surroundings.

Given the fact the brain runs on electrical signals and it's possible for eyes to be overstimulated, it's possible you could just see nothing or too much or you just go into a panic attack. My main point is is that DMT is not a good comparison to an eldritch experience lets-say because it's so easy and natural for our brains to process.

what kind of homosexual doesn't like /ss/ I'm just jealous it never happened to me when I was a cute boy

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I know but it just kills me. He's everything Lovecraft is but better. Better prose, better stories, better range of voices, more interesting story structures and a more visceral aggressive kind of horror that attacks the basic premise 'being alive and being human are both good, positive things'.

It's a shame.

It reads like it'd be easy to turn into a game, but I suspect it hasnt happened because few know about the dreamlands, and the chaosium rpg from the 80s wasn't very popular compared to their main lovecraft game

maybe i'm not a disgusting subfag

Didn't it only look like a human girl to the protagonist because he is mentally fucked in the head after he had an accident followed by a botched surgery?

Most people who say Lovecraft was a shit writer are usually spouting buzzwords and are ruined by thinking Hemingway-style stripped down prose that argues adverbs and adjectives is a sin is the only legitimate form of fiction writing. Which is a fucking dumb thing when a horror story needs atmosphere to work.

>these are the same people who are fine with same face anime girls

Any specific recommendations to start with reading?


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I would beg to differ. Some other user said something about light wavelengths so I was trying to respond to it. When you’re ready to have that third eye opened man, go get some DMT. It’s not normal things behaving in unusual ways like acid or psilocybin. It’s like saying I know what smoking crack is like because I drank a red bull once so it must be like that but stronger. I’m saying it’s Something Else. Your brain perceives what’s happening when you go to the white hot room, but talking about it in human terms isn’t useful. There’s things there, intelligences, and they can make themselves understood. Maybe it’s our own consciousness filtered through some sort of higher dimensional prism, I don’t know man, but saying being snapped out of reality and sent to ACTUAL reality isn’t eldritch because our brains process DMT well isn’t doing the experience justice.

The tentacles are simply what your brain is capable of percieving while frying its brain trying to percieve whats actually there, it isnt a tentacle at all

I think Lovecraft has a bit of romanticism to him that I admire that Ligotti lacks. But yeah, Ligotti is Lovecraft's pessimism taken to it's logical conclusion,

>Read Necronomicon
Klaatu Barada Nikto

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>Rob Schnider is President Cthulhu, fuck you

>So to the organ chords of morning’s myriad whistles, and dawn’s blaze thrown dazzling through purple panes by the great gold dome of the State House on the hill, Randolph Carter leaped shoutingly awake within his Boston room. Birds sang in hidden gardens and the perfume of trellised vines came wistful from arbours his grandfather had reared. Beauty and light glowed from classic mantel and carven cornice and walls grotesquely figured, while a sleek black cat rose yawning from hearthside sleep that his master’s start and shriek had disturbed. And vast infinities away, past the Gate of Deeper Slumber and the enchanted wood and the garden lands and the Cerenerian Sea and the twilight reaches of Inganok, the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep strode brooding into the onyx castle atop unknown Kadath in the cold waste, and taunted insolently the mild gods of earth whom he had snatched abruptly from their scented revels in the marvellous sunset city.

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which loz is this?

That’s Rats in the Walls

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Fuck every single one of you.

>cosplay slut
>good design
I guess you just want to please your dick and nothing else.

With Ligotti, I'd always suggest you start with the recent Penguin's Classics book he got called 'Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe'.

Songs of Dead Dreamer is his first short story anthology and it's deliberately designed to ease you into his writing style; The Frolic is his most traditional and ordinary narrative and the story slowly shifts from normal to weird like the book itself. The book is split into three parts, with each section ending on an 'experiment' in ways of delivering narrative. It's quite interesting.

SoaDD is extremely varied in its voice, narrative and framing and it contains a lot of Edgar Allan Poe references if you're looking for them. Grimscribe meanwhile focuses a lot more on what will eventually become Ligotti's core style and delves more into the depths of his ideas, his motifs, his themes and his scares. It has probably my favourite story of his, 'Nethescurial'.

I like the complete lack of romanticism. Ligotti always makes me think of 'No Worst There Is None'

majoras mask 3ds version aka the bad version

How would it feel to have Kos (or some say Kosm) suck your dick with those delicious lips?

>not dominating your mommy

baka desu senpai

this exact same statement was made 3 years ago

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The best way to do a Lovecraft inspired game would be you being an investigator investigating something, would start out normal but just go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. Then at the end you would discover some "unspeakable" truth that would drive you insane.

Secret world is probably the closest you can get to a true Lovecraft game.

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Negroth Manoth

>dude its horror beyond comprehension lmao
>gets btfo by a boat

Exactly, people are surprised this site hasn't moved on. Yea Forums, or atleast Yea Forums, doesn't really make anything new or particularly funny

>The best way to do a Lovecraft inspired game would be you being an investigator investigating something, would start out normal but just go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. Then at the end you would discover some "unspeakable" truth that would drive you insane.
I mean, I can't remember if there's some fantasy twist at the end but this pretty much describes pic related.

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That's actually terrifying though, the water monster in Amnesia was literally that and it was only of the scariest enemies I've encountered in a game. Fuck I absolutely hated being in the water and hearing that thing.

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Isn't there a thing in Elder Scrolls where the whole thing is a dream relm or am I misremembering?

CHIM heavily implies that the reality is the dream of a sleeping Godhead, which is an idea that goes back to Lord Dunsany as far as fantasy is concerned.

Yeah the Problem with Call of Cthulhu and The Sinking City are full on Lovecraft straight away and theres really no where to go from there.

>I've never read Call of Cthulhu

>lovecraftian mythos
>spells are a thing
>illusions to conceal things are possible
>it turns out they work by grafting a piece from another dimension/reality into our own
>because the human mind is loathe to recognize the existence of such as "real", it willingly does not perceive it as what it is and prefers to fall for the illusion

Attached: Illusion.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

Oh right yeah thats it.

I'd love a game in which you play as a dreamer going to the dreamlands presented as not Lovecrafian but more high fantasy to begin with.

>how to tell a retard hasn't read The Call of Cthulhu

Lovecraft's Dreamlands stuff is kino, his romanticism comes out in full force. I don't know how anyone can not feel emotion when the big twist in Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is revealed.

>game has you die if you look at the monster

Anyone that has already experienced legit hallucinations knows the thought of losing one's grasp on what's considered real to us is actually extremely horrifying and gives a sense of dread unlike anything else, especially if you experience them while completely immobile and restrained such as after being on a coma or drugged as fuck in the hospital to keep you alive

Lovecraft is a great writer and he created the cosmic horror genre.

Cthulhu isn't lovecraft you philistine

Penumbra black plague takes a giant steaming shit on all the other suggestions

I really wished he could have properly finished it or continued it since it was basically just a draft. If he had lived I could have easily seen it becoming his main story franchise.

You can fight them though. Cthulhu gets fucked by a boat.

I mean.. You're not WRONG..