Nintendo bonus doesn't exi-

Nintendo bonus doesn't exi-

Attached: nintendobonus.png (1089x431, 160K)

Now I see why everything on nintendo costs 10% more

okay, retard





>4 critics
>2 are nintendo shill reviewers
It's going down

so the game is an 80 which is pretty good for a niche ADV/VN type game

Cool, I'll get it on Switch then, thanks OP.

It's because the same people don't review both versions. One person might like the game and the other might not. We need to force reviewers to play all possible versions.


what do i win?

>4 critics vs 9

Objectively better on a handheld

>720p 20fps but it's better because you can play it on Söylent Cons
Based manchild


Attached: sonybonus.png (1682x467, 193K)

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>4 reviews vs 9
>being shocked when a game with only a handful of scores between them have vastly different scores

> Inferior version gets a lower score.
So, one instance where the bonus wasn't applied?
Even if the scores were equal it would be evidence of a bonus, the switch should always be lower due to lower graphics and frame rate.

>Game has glaring issues in Switch
>Only 10 below
Should be 64 or even lower so Nintendo bonus still aplies

More like a portable bonus

Remember how game reviews work.
10 is great.
9 is good.
8 is mediocre.
7 is bad.
All below is literally unplayable dogshit.

Well, shit, I didn't know about this game
Thanks for sharing user, I'll go try it now

Bloodstained on Switch is literally unplayable dogshit and that is no hyperbole. It's so bad all the DLC for the other versions got delayed to fix it

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
Sorry, I don't speak retard

It’s more like
Average, or Good if it’s a genre/niche that appeals directly to you
>anything lower

Isn't the Switch version like, NOT, remastered? I swore it was just the original PS3 version.

I guess I'll get it for Switch then, thanks.

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this kills the snoyqueer


you can't talk, you're dead

Brain implodes from breaking their understanding of the world

Bro... you weren't supposed to point that out...

Attached: game reviews.png (786x670, 172K)

Yes but hey, they added awful sound glitches in the switch version :)

Snoy queers are so stupid that they actually made a case that any game on a Nintendo console will get a higher score because of it.

Think about that, it's something that can be debunked with 2 minutes of Googling, they could have said that games made by Nintendo get a bonus, something that is impossible to disprove (or prove, for that matter), but instead they decided to go for the retarded route and now they have nothing and also look like retards.

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It’s a cultural thing. People will never view a 1-10 scale evenly because of how American (and other?) schools use grading systems.


this, it actually blows my mind that people still get upset at x/10 review scores when they're obviously grading on a 70 passing scale

It’s either autism or naivety

I can't comment on this exact game, but it's perfectly understandable for a game to have 2 scores across different consoles.

Hell, half the console ports I've bought on pc have been botch jobs riddled with performance issues - damn right they would score differently to a better version

Holy fuck the Snoy bonus is real

I love those review threads where someone gives whatever game a 5 or a 6 saying it's okay, but they know full well it's a dogshit score to everyone else.

simply put - their consoles provide a better overall experience. stay buttblasted

>9 vs 4
what the fuck are averages?

the switch version should get a 0 because it's borderline unplayable. textbook example of the nintendo bonus.

actually remastered vs. straight port of the ps3 version.


You ever think most games are in fact around okay to decent and that very, very few games are legitimately "unplayable?"

7 is unplayable though by vidya review standards where 8 can be enough for OH NO NO NOs.

Tbh as a neutral party (PC Master race) if you unironically care about fps or resolutions above 720 you simply don't care about videogames and just wanna feel elitist about the marketing schemes tech companies are feeding you.

>Different amount of reviewers
>Cant see if there's an over lap of the reviewers
Complete fail OP, try again.

Currently in college, as it turns out my entire class plays video games. Here’s what they said their favourites are
> Professor - City Skylines, The Legend of Zelda
> Classmate 1 - Super Smash Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Borderlands, Mario Kart
> Classmate 2 - NBA 2K, The Legend of Zelda, GTA 5, Smash Bros, Banjo-Kazooie, Undertale
> Classmate 3 - Dungeons/Dragons, Pokemon, Minecraft, Legend of Zelda, Banjo Kazooie
> Classmate 4 - The Legend Of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Borderlands 3, Mario Kart
> Classmate 5 - The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8
> Classmate 6 - Mario Party, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros
> Classmate 7 - Banjo Kazooie, Legend Of Zelda, Super Smash Bros

This. It's a visual novel. Games like Persona, Danganronpa, Ace Attorney etc. are all better on handhelds

Nice argument bro, go bing bing luigi somewhere else please