Well, that's a big yikes from me

Well, that's a big yikes from me.

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go drink some bleach, shit for brains

>and influencer
what's the difference?

I'm guessing traditional celebrities like actors and signers have actual talent. Influencers don't have any talent.

Influencer is the new buzzword for paid shills.

Welcome to 2013.

Not surprising after the response to Keanu showing up.

So it becomes a show by shills, for shills. Do shills realize how stupid that sounds?

Fuck this.

normies think the influencers are more "down to earth" than those big bad corporate fatcats

"Influencer" is a codeword for Youtube e-celebs.

It was always gonna happen.

All this really means is that the game journalism industry is no longer significant enough to have an event that caters to them

This is gonna be a shitshow

I can't wait

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>even e3 is aiming to kill journos

Celebrities can have occupations other than shilling new products.

Gamergate pretty much destroyed consumer trust in journalists. They might as well have company logos branded on their faces. Morons still consider E-Celebs their friends and will trust their word when they start blurting launch dates for games.

It's happening

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Shills are not human, they are walking billboards, they do not deserve any sympathy nor rights.

Bringing Keanu Reaves on stage was a mistake.
1% of social media after E3 this year was “hey look they announced this game” and 99% was “YOU’RE BREATHTAKING”.
E3 looked at those statistics and their eyes turned into dollar signs. Now we have this.

>Show a celebrity for a bit in a conference
>Haha look celebrities and video games! Guess it's cool to be a Gamer™
>Man I sure do love Gamer™ culture, what's your favorite channel?
>What? No I haven't played any games this year. What was the last one I got? Can't remember. Yeah I'm a Gamer™
I want normalfags to fuck off and die.