Risk of Rain 2

update is out
loader has tits

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Other urls found in this thread:


like all good loaders should

New merc skill that you get from the prismatic is traaash

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>you hear a distant whirring
What is this?

>not 800%
are devs literally retarded?

Are you?

different things you fucking retard

>loader has tits

The 30 sec in air one is trash too, straight sword uppercut for 1x450.
The new equipment, the Volcanic Egg, however, is fucking awesome. It's an aimable damaging eccentric vase that lets you fly around like super-merc.

Is Commando good now

Is their a way to cheat and unlock this

Check the doc. Got small buff.
>Update Suppressive Fire (R) to fire more bullets with more attack speed

Knowledge anchor post
Reply to this post with
>New skills
>New skins
>New items
>New lore

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Where are the spider mines for engie teased in the blog post?

merc confirmed weeb

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how do I summon the special boss in Sirens? only got a fucking worm, didn't even have to kill him, green dropped instantly.

There is a preon in the caves in the current prismatic seed making it easier to get the achievement if you're having trouble.
Thats how I got the achievement anyways.


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What about muh boy rex?

okay, shit for brains

>want to try out new stuff but too tired to play
why am I alive

hard just got harder lul

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I don't have the loadout option
Where the fuck is it?

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8x100% means there's 8 attacks that deal 100% dmg each, dummy


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Me neither, maybe you have to unlock a skill first

You have to unlock the skills first

Here's the new red that got teased in the update announcement.

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When is Huntresses ass getting buffed?

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huntress skills and skin when

Lore got dropped for him, he's carrying around the plant because it was the last of 80; he found that it needs to be in direct starlight to grow, so he keeps moving. Ship dude finds out REX left Hydroponics to do so, which breaks protocall, so he sent the dude who told him about it to terminate REX. It can be assumed it went poorly.

loadout system and skills are tied to a challenge. do a skill unlock challenge and you get the option
remember you can view challenges in the logbook

Commando should be in smash

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Post lobby

>massive commando buff


hell if i know but his normal mines got hit with the nerfhammer hard

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break all the eggs in the stage to summon the boss

Rex is best boy

I second this question

Here's the log entry for it too.

Attached: file.png (1120x816, 430K)

Is sirens call stage 4?

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Unlockable skill alternate.

Those are some industrial-strength yobbos right there.

Terrible idea, scales too heavily to be balanced for more than one specific setup.

They got buffed to fuck. Read the next sentence idiot.

Is there a way to unlock the new abilities by editing a file? No way I'm doing those retarded challenges just to experiment with some new content

Someone host.

>complete prismatic trial without dropping below 100% health


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How to unlock Loader
>Go to siren calling
>You'll find eggs
>Kill eggs
>Get ready for the robot to fuck your mouth

>Loader is a girl
You telling me she a muscled up tomboy?

Attached: 1568723384587.jpg (1050x1900, 765K)

fucking retard kys


>tomboy loader
""""Art"""" WHEN

>Loader is a girl
can we expect Enforcer being a sassy black lady?

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US host when?
Big Fat Loader Tats

>In countless threads
>"This game seems way easier than 1"
>"No it's just more manageable because it's 3d"

Look at these fucking tighs. They are thicker than the robo arms.
Why is she even using the exoskeleton. She could crush Providence and his wurm between them.

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loader is fucking AMAZING

With gearbox at the helm most certainly yes

Making an edit of this later
I call fucking dibs, don't steal my idea

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hopoo if you're listening, stop making the characters women. you are actively killing these threads

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tfw too shit to unlock new skills
tfw too shit to unlock new characters
what do I do?

Any tips for the Merc challenge where you complete the Prismatic trial without going below 100% HP?

>Finish x stage without dropping below 100 percent health

>he doesn't know

If you find this skeleton destroy it for an item.

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wait for a trial with a brooch printer at spawn

Why the fuck skills 2.0 locked behind some menial task?

cheating doesn't count

shields and aegis

New item unlocked by getting to the altar and destroying the skeleton

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How do i know what to do to unlock skills 2.0 for a specific character?

>add heavy new character and define her as "slow"
>she's by FAR the most mobile character in the entire game

how tf do i access the customization

that is not a new item you dingus

thats not new, you dumb weeb main

Senpai that skeleton and item were in the since release

kek this has been there since launch
destroy some blue balls or something on the new map to spawn a boss. killing it rewards you with loader and a red item

Challenges menu


I really didnt like Loader in 1 because he was a button mashing snoozefest
Is this new Loader different? I just want a good heavy

Dude, this has been in the game since day 1.

Loader is trans

>Loader is a girl
In hindsight, we should have seen this coming

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h-h-aha, it was just bait! I'm not uneducated and just found this today. I swear! qwq

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>defeat the teleporter boss in a one second burst of damage

new loader is "go fast 4 big damage" apparently

There are eggs on the raised area along the cliffside in siren's call. Destroy 4 and you summon the birdbot.

Stack guillot- oh

This is a new item, doesn't seem too great but it's there.

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Loader2 is a girl with dangerous thighs. You can also tape down m1 instead of mashing

Don't you dare bring that here.

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I'm just glad you're trying to contribute at all, thanks


any lobbies? i wanna get loader, but i'm a big casual baby who can't even loop once on rainstorm solo

>occurs 1 time(s)
Should be on a timer instead, this is just a worse strange fruit.

Is this a good point to start playing the game?

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Oh. Yeah that makes a lot of fucking sense now.

You have to post on twitter for this to become canon

Do I really have to complete 20 stages again to get the commando grenade?

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I would be absolutely pissed if I got this what the fuck
What's the challenge to unlock it so that I can just never do it

Loader2 is obviously Loader1's daughter.
Loader1 just wants a comfy life with his family and house built brick by brick after escaping.


Moonsoon EU

are you a pussy?

Thank you user, this made me feel better.

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>Skills locked behind achievements

Why do devs do this? Literally no one enjoys doing this. People just want to play the game, not do some run ending bullshit strats to unlock shit. FUCK DEVS WHO DO THIS.

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Did i miss some lore hint or something?

New common.

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It's unlocked by default, far as I can tell.

>this fucking grappling hook and charge
I'll never be able to touch another character again

New printer to item for merc

I don't see the titties.

i enjoy doing it, however i think the skill ones are kinda hard

artificer's 4th skill is a super jump that stuns enemies, but I think it should replace ice wall, which doesn't have a replacement. it feels more like a utility escape than something on par with flamethrower, but I just got it so maybe I need to play with it more.
kind of fun with bandolier

here's a skin I unlocked

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This looks crazy busted

Speak or yourself, turdballs. I like getting rewarded for challenges, go edit an ini if it bugs you.

Just save edit if you're lazy.

Does monsoon play on new stage?


Can i get an ingame screenshot of loader? The menu is too dark

basically barbed wire w/o increasing range

No. I'm just making shit up.
We don't have enough lore of the characters yet and why they came back.

Ok how do I unlock loader?

>loader in 1 is referred to as "he" in the endgame cutscene
>loader in 2 is referred to as "she" in reveal update
Loader1×Loader2 cmon

and loader

break all the eggs in the new stage, then beat the boss

Yeah you need to get the line of this unlock and paste it in your save file

>still no final boss/stage
shit game

Where? I've searched all over.

Sorry user but that's been deconfirmed.

Attached: official dev statement.jpg (233x63, 6K)

Literally says how if you hover over the character slot

That's it? Already done that.

who is monsoon and why would he not play on the new stage?

How do you get this skin

don't bother. Easily worst character

Do we even want bandit back anymore? I wanna hug loader

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>(+8 per stack) seconds
fuck off hopoo

Did they nerf the Artificer's jetpack? It really feels like I am falling faster than I used to.

>get 10 of these
>now doing 2.5x damage with merc

Not enough memes for him

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RoR 1 loader became evil and is the final boss!!!

>those tiny little normal arms
disproportionate as fug


I still want him back dammit

>break all the eggs
>you hear a distant whirring...
>magma worm as boss
>no loader
T-Thanks hopoo

>but I think it should replace ice wall, which doesn't have a replacement. it feels more like a utility escape than something on par with flamethrower
This. It's a really weird skill. I mean I kind of like it since you can practically fly forever with it. But it really does feel like a utility skill and feels kind of difficult to use for heavy damage. Even though it can hit relatively hard.

>You hear a distant whirring...
oh no the memes

Can't so that without knowing the lines for the unlocks

Anyone else saw this? Is it related to the boss you have to kill to unlock loader?

Would be unironically my favorite class, as if it already wasn't. HOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHERE IS MAH BO.... MAH GUURL??

magma worm isn't the boss

I'm truly happy for you loaderbros
I think I'll just activate the blue meteorite and call it a night

Attached: Miner_Sky3.png (1920x1080, 961K)

>spawn in Siren's call
>less than 5 feet away from a greater wisp and a magma worm bursts out of the ground at my feet less than a second in
Well, at least I got to the level, right?

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it's a nintendo switch

3 fucking months for this?


if any of the ror1 characters were to become a boss my bet would be on enforcer
>..and so he left, mutated beyond recognition.

>try to do prismatic trial for Loader
This guy is hard to kill.

Have they nerfed bosses?
Just starter new run on monsoon, and I'm killing stage bosses in like 2 seconds. First Wagrant, then Queen, Queen had 6500hp, isn't it wrong? I remember burning them for eternity on monsoon before they died.

>Loader1 and Loader2 is different
Bros, think of the potential...
"That's my girl!"

>dunestriders spawn

I know, but where the fuck does it spawn then

Loader's passive is really fucking good

Look at my tiny arms

>waaaaah I want instant gratification

it’s just a topaz brooch tho?

>things that never happened
You have spawn protection, dumbass. You get like 3 seconds to assess everything where you take no damage

They look bent to me, not tiny


anyone want a host?

the text is actually in the game now and spawns the new alloy worshiper boss

>You will never play Doombringer again

I'm curious what replaces Snapfreeze then, since people still bitch about it. I've grown to it somewhat but I'm sure there could be better utility skills.

How do I get the skins?

It’s not the switch, but it’s the cause for the whirrrrrr-ing

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Go to your save and add this to your achivements list to unlock Loader.

Attached: eateat.png (346x43, 4K)

where's the save?

Don't do it bro

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host when?

hello newfag

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imagine being so shit at a game you have to cheat to get a new character

Probably has to do with the game being ported to consoles

>too casual to even edit a savefile in a notepad
Bitch please

Yeah, and the moment it was out, I was dead, dipshit.

How busted is engineer now that Aegis doesn't have an overheal cap?
Or are shields as a whole softcapped at 100% of your HP now?

Anyone have a list of what all the new skills do?
Not feeling like wasting my time unlocking a skill that might be bad.

Steam>userdata>search for 632360 in the bar (RoR2's steam application number)>click on the folder until you find "remote">userprofiles>open the file there in notepad>CTRL+F achievements and paste the line before it like in the image.
Gonna cry?

Attached: Loader.png (1250x1250, 1.15M)

I'm so bad at this game and my PC is shit so I can't play multiplayer, what can I do? before the first update I had no problems but now I can't even defeat the first boss.

It's a topaz brooch on-hit rather than on kill

>standing in the fuckzone for 3 whole seconds
You only have yourself to blame, at least own up to your lack of awareness.


loader is fun as fuck but charged fist doesn't feel right on shift or Q. Tried right click but then grapple doesn't feel right on either too

This guy.

How to unlock skill loadouts?

LOADER is OP i just did 1304 dmg on lvl 2 with one punch

Go to the logbook and go to challenges. Scroll to the right to see what you need to do.

all characters have 2 - 3 challenges that you do, beating those challenges unlock the skills

>thiccmod is still broken

kill me

thanks, I already unlocked the loader, just wanted to remeber where the save is

t. drizlett
I had all of 0 seconds to take in the layout of the new level, which as far as I could tell was the inside of a box, and I was concentrated on the two major threats that were in my immediate proximity
I wasn't even complaining, or blaming the game. I was making conversation, you autistic sperg. Now fuck off back to your smash thread.

How I unlock loader?

By unlocking loader

Damn you got defensive real quick lmfao

please nigga

By reading the thread

You need to break one more egg after the first message

break 4 eggs, see message, break 1 more egg.
get fucked by the boss that spawns etc.

just play the game and kill every enemy you see, especially mini bosses
dont stop until you get an achievement

>stack goat hoof, focus crystal and crowbar on loader
>hold shift
>kill bosses instantly

So how do I git gud at this?
Rushing the teleport will get me killed because low levels and no items, but farming means OP everything three stages in
I typically last for four to five stages before getting massacred no matter what I do, relying on lucky runs to get the challenge achievements and unlocks through abnormally OP runs.

[Error: You have been blocked from seeing posts by this user]

Unblock me right fucking now you pussy


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Do a level fast as fuck.
then restart and do it again farming all you can. Find an inbetween poitn and set that as your average time for a stage during forst loop. best if you can reach Loop 2 before min 25.
Past that try to be as fast as you can until you become a demigod.

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Has anyone compiled all the new skills everyone's getting?

Try to get through the stage in 5 minutes, then pray that you get good items
Without artifacts you're at the mercy of RNG

cue Spiderman theme

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>the grapple behaves exactly like the 3DMG hooks in that attack on titan unity game

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Loader has insane mobility

>tfw no big titty loader gf to survive with

Nope. Also glad there's an alt for flamethrower. Haven't tried it out yet though.

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put it on mouse side button

>clear Rallypoint Delta as huntress without falling below 100% health
>didn't unlock the achievement
Ok how do you unlock these with cheating? This is just bullshit and doesn't even work

Ah, so its more RNG dependant than I assumed. That's okay then, thanks.

I want a big muscle loader gf who barely needs the exoskeleton

Manage your time. Get that sweet spot of getting the items you need while keeping the difficulty low enough for activating portals. Not that it matters anyway since there's no endgame yet.
Stay mobile, even with slow ass characters. Never stay in just one place
Learn how to be defensive. Each characters has their own defensive skill, use it.
Activate dem drones. They'll help you a lot especially in solo.
Pray that you will get good items

don't you have to be merc while doing it


US East, standard 4 players.


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there is an achievement to clear rally point delta without falling below 100% hp. I know I 100% cleared that because I had 10 of those white shield.

Loader has a Russian accent.

>first game
>all the chests are miles away from the tele
>it happens again on the second map
already tilted : )

You need to keep breaking eggs until the boss spawns. It can spawn even after the teleporter is done and it makes it piss easy since you have no little shitters bothering you.

Chef when?

crack when?

>loaders alt skill for grapple lets it do damage and pull lighter targets to you
Oh shit this is great

new item

Attached: file.png (1540x922, 767K)

The new spiderman game sure came in quick

where's lewd modanon?

Remember: it's her M2. Stacking magazines means more hooks to swing around

>cooombrain enters the thread

I have a good run going and I got siren's call for the first time. Is there a guaranteed legendary chest on the map, or am I just wasting time searching?

this is the new crit glasses/sticky bomb, it's fucking nuts on melee characters.

fun challenge

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Loader's secondary skill for completing it.

Attached: AxBHOxx.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

Redpill me on this game; I played the first a few times with a friend but we don't talk anymore so haven't played it since (solo isn't as fun). Played Enforcer and beat the game, forgot if I liked any of the other characters.

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Makes sense really. Loader's RoR1 ending was a "happy" one, it doesn't make sense for him to "rebuild his life" only to get in the same situation as the first game

So is unlocking skills 2.0 better or just raw damage/cooldown upgrades?

Is there just like a full save file floating around? Doing the stupid tasks to unlock shit is was by far my least favorite part of RoR1 and I cant believe there's even more bullshit to do here.

Attached: loader.png (1318x1000, 51K)

So how do I cheat and unlock the new stuff? don't want to bother spending hours trying to unlock stuff when it doesn't even work

Post me a ref pic then

holy FUCK afterburner with her must be amazing

Seconding these. I've got hundreds of hours on both games, and I cheated in both. I don't need this carrot on a stick bullshit when I already love what these games do. If nobody posts one, I'll get to work on it when the modders fix their API and allow for cheats.

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Why do you activate this thing by holding jump, instead of double tapping jump or whatever?!
Fuck. I HATE losing the ability to use the jetpack with the artificer because of this thing. But at the same time the item is really good.

Attached: 23.png (81x81, 11K)

Have a gallery

Real question though, is sniper a girl?

but replace the watermelon with Mercenary in a headlock

Attached: daidoji.jpg (850x855, 329K)

Based modnon.

In the patch notes its mentioned that this is the new placeholder for getting killed by barrel explosions and other non-enemy damage sources, instead of blank text+white box icon.

What's the new save file codes?

they are fine, just bent at an angle. the width of this pelvis is really fucking uncanny though

Only this so far: But everyone has Loader at this point.

It's that or lose double jumps.

Is the new Sirens or whatever stage where Loader is a replacement for stage 4 / abyssal? I did a quick run through but I just went to abyssal again
that kind of sucks because at least with Rex you knew you'd always end up on the right stage

any rooms?

Yes. Enter the bazaar in stage 3 and use the new terminals to choose which stage you'll get for 4.

Intentionally left vague. Either the game refers to sniper using neutral pronouns or refers to sniper and the spotter drone at all times.

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Anything new in this shit since the intial release? Only having like 5 stages killed it for me.

It refers to sniper and spotter, the neutral pronoun shit for no reason wasn't a thing back then

wew, lad.

>Commando STILL doesnt keep sprinting after a roll

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this is you.

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bazaar? stage3?
I haven't played for a while


Sniper when

Attached: 1557021475742.jpg (1200x958, 115K)

wow that's new
cool thanks

Attached: 1566318147159.jpg (175x170, 18K)

>roll STILL doesn't have any I-Frames
Why does Hopoo hate Commando? He's the face of the game.

>pinging the teleporter still doesn't permanently mark it
>huntress dash still cancels sprint even though the new loadout thing doesn't cancel sprint as if that makes literally any fucking difference seeing as you can instantly press "sprint" as soon as you end your dash anyway, making it only tedious as fuck to do with the normal dash
>first level is still super hard compared to anything that comes after which is instantly a cakewalk (rainstorm)
>monsoon is still just braindead sponge enemies galore instead of an actual harder difficulty that gives enemies more attacks
I can't be the only one with these complaints right?
God fucking damnit man, what a waste.

it's an 8 hit ability retard
that means items with on-hit effects can proc 8 times as opposed to what you suggest which is a 1 hit ability that does 800% damage

>mercenary STILL doesn't keep sprinting after dash

waiting on enemies with items ten man for these very reasons

Not home.
Plus I'll consider it after I play her.

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what are commando's new abilities
>can't replace roll with anything
FUCK the garbage roll


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Got Rex's new ability.
It sucks ;_;

Attached: rex ability.png (1909x1176, 1.55M)

you could potentially get all but one of the artificer skills in a single Q press if you got the Preon

where's the crack mansley

>inb4 drizzlet
I did it to quickly unlock the new ability, no bully

And he never will have it, nor should he.

Sniper WHEN

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nobody cares what difficulty you play on
just have fun dudes

Any actually good new ability? Or are all of them shit?

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this is not a bad thing.

what the fuck, it's a direct upgrade. it does the same thing as the standard one but now it does damage and stuns. only direct change is pulling small enemies towards you


I manually unlocked the huntress achievement by changing the save file. Feels good to be a hackerman.

And to be fair I DID completely the challenge but it didn'tt want to work.

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Same, I really don't feel like playing until someone posts how to unlock the new shit

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Merc's new m2 seems like a direct upgrade to me

imagine being so weeb, you sing the attack on titan OP everytime you grapple hook and change to one punch when you use the charge punch haha

I care

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>doing multiplayer on ps4
>go commando because fat damage
>allies are BOTH Huntress
I should've seen it coming from here
>first stage
>about to hit 5 minutes
>pull up the inventory to find I have like 8-10 items and both Huntress have 2
>they found the teleporter and say there killing enemies till I showed up and activated it
>they both die during boss so I get all 3 items
>next stage they do the exact same thing

I'm not sure they even understand the basics of how to play the game. I know kids that're less retarded than these two.

Then the roll should be replaced, because as it stands the ability does fucking nothing.

How do I unlock the Mercenary skin?

Aah makes sense. Should really read them patch notes.

Obliterate on monsoon.

What's the code?

I don't see why not. It had I-Frames in the first game. As it is now, the roll doesn't do much for Commando except cancel fall damage. It is his least useful and most unremarkable skill.

Yeah, I've used it to great effect countless times. If you treat it as an actual move to, ya know, dodge shit and not an invincibility thing, it works wonders.

Attached: ugleh.jpg (600x525, 88K)


I just added "HuntressMaintainFullHealthOnFrozenWall" under the achievementlist and it worked.
And how come they didn't buff the daggers? They even said this about stickybombs
"Tier 1 items are the most commonly stacked, and should therefore linearly stack without diminishing returns in most cases."
but still they are not able to make daggers at least a bit useful by giving them ab it of a damage stack buff?

>utility skill that's used to dodge/move farther/faster
>does fucking nothing

Are you retarded?
Commando doesn't phase outta reality when he rolls; it's just a fucking roll. Now if they added a variant that allows you to sonic around, dealing damage on passing that increases with speed, that'd be dope.

>I jew all the items, why do everyone don't know how to play?

Engineers new turrets seems kind of bad and don't benefit from fungus.

>new hidden boss drops reds on death
>get 3 brilliant behemoths when the rest of my lobby is dead

>But everyone has Loader at this point
I don't. I ended up getting to stage 15 or so and didn't the new boss. It's tied to the new map right? Do you have to do something to find it?

>complete a Prismatic Trial without falling below 100% health
>wisp spawns
fuck this shit


>Defeat the unique guardian of Siren's Call
How do I do this? I've done two loops and nothing.

thanks, got any other ones?
i only have the merc skill one.

Did you miss the part where they stood by the teleporter and never moved? If nigs are waiting for a fucking handout then they'll have to wait till *I* kill the boss.

>engi will keep floating when he launches grenades
>but not when he throws down mines

What are Huntress and MULTI-D new skills anyone?

What can you dodge with it that you can't dodge by getting 2-3 of the millions of mobility items in the game?

EU lobby, Na fine


perhaps necessary in 1 due to the constraints of the 2d gameplay much like ropes. not necessarily so in an open 3d environment

I only unlocked that one because I was so pissed it didn't automatically do so when I did the challenge.

Loader gets a skill that scales with movement speed
Ooh baby.

aight, thanks again user

Does this have controller suport on PC?

How do I keep my save when I inevitably have to redownload the entire game when it's cracked?

>only two characters left
>literally the latest character to come is a melee returning from the first
Give it to me straight Acridbros
Is the dream dead?

goto your save file and make a backup


dude shill they are new to the game, don't expect them to come out of the womb ready to go running.

there might be more, this is just for the current early acces

Transcendence works for the beat at 100% hp thing right

anyone has any more unlock save file lines?

All I wanna know is when Acrid?

Attached: Sadcrid.png (750x578, 224K)

Destroy bird nests in Siren's Call until boss shows up

Destroy all the little egg nests on the map

Someone host.

I'm tits deep in a run and I can't find any resource that'll tell me online, so can anyone do me a big favour and post a screencap of the Huntress specific challenges?

>Mul-t gets a melee AND a granade launcher
you can also mix new M1s with old ones or just pick a single m1 you want on both slots
holy shit based

Attached: Mul-t.png (1919x1079, 1.61M)

Acrid is dead
Your best chance is a spiritual successor released post-launch

what are the new commando skills

>We'll never get Enforcer again

Attached: kots.jpg (1024x853, 79K)

does it even matter? is easy as fuck to hit a enemy more than 5 times in less than 8 seconds.

I can't get into ror2, too much going in circles, I wish it was 2D

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Can you retool between grenade launcher and machine gun? I hate the railgun.

have 12 crowbars
start and finish rallypoint delta with 100% hp

i knew robit would be the best character

Does this have to be done before you activate the teleporter?

you can mix M1s as much as you want so yeah

Attached: mult skills.png (776x524, 289K)

and you're a nobody in the grand scheme of things

New stage has a fun boss!

sounds like you're just gay

The boss shows up after about a minute after smashing the eggs. Entirely independent of teleporter event. Be ready.

>Artificer is still mediocre with almost zero mobility

Attached: 1516892994999.png (1488x1267, 754K)

>Drizzle difficulty is intended to have increased health regeneration of 250% for players. This was being accidentally applied to ALL difficulties since launch. Oops. We will be monitoring this closely to make sure the pacing of the game stays consistent.
gearbox QA have LITERALLY just been confirmed drizzlets, not even as a meme. holy fuck, it's literally their job to play the game and they can't be bothered


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Are commando's new abilities any good?

its the fact that the M1 has such a stupid long cooldown for just how low of a damage output she has. If m1 didnt have a cooldown and the damage was left the same, it would be fine. If the damage was quadroupled and the cooldown was left alone, it would be fine. But no, we have a character that is truely aweful unless stacks on stacks on stacks of powerups are applied.

>loader has tits
Women can't load anything

what are the new engi skills?

I doubt you want to play with a controller though, not comfy for this game imo

literally an alien 2 reference you faggot phoneposter

for the "better wit friends" challenge

Attached: file.png (572x89, 62K)

Holy fuck, I was in the wrong thread, has anyone posted this new red?

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She can load my head between her thighs

Gimmie those save file unlocks my guys

>women need help loading things
That's what the giant mech arms are for.

>Artificer is still mediocre
the actual fuck you talking about
>almost zero mobility
at the start yeah, but she has the best mobility ability once you get items that let you get into the air with ease

Attached: 1528714325448.jpg (800x800, 400K)

Why the FUCK doesn't Engineers turret kills count as your kills and damage?! Incompetent devs. Now my friend thinks he is better than me because my Turret damage wont show in the end.

>just numbers
boring as fuck, I want items like behemoth, tesla and daggers

How mobile are we talking about here?

Does anyone know where the legendary chest is hidden on Siren's call?

>playing engie
he is better than you

Loader seems basically immortal but with kinda low damage apart from stacking speed items and one-punching things with shift
She’s also the single most mobile character Jesus you can FLY across the maps

that's the ability that they were testing on HAN-D, looks like he's not happening, or at least not til post-release content

As the one who made the action figure, I gotta say: I think the color choices on the RoR2 loader are boring. I know it was to be more different from MUL-T but I don't like all the grey. Its less like the Aliens loader. And the punches are more like claw swipes, which is kinda lame

Attached: 1568730374631.jpg (2016x1512, 331K)

All you need is attack speed and enough targets to be FUCKING INVINCIBLE.

Attached: 632360_20190917201132_1.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

I know I didn't say it, but at a certain point I was pinging items and chests trying to get them to figure it out. One dude sorta figured it out, eventually, but the other guy would walk over, get the item, then beeline back to teleport.

I'd understand if it was a 20 round drizzle rush, but I was the activator for all 3 rounds. Maybe a little tutorial difficulty would help such players. Because it seems the mentality of "get shit quickly THEN pop the boss" isn't inherently explained enough for some people.

I just want better allies.

they walk

Attached: file.png (671x414, 334K)

post the ini already

So where's the red chest in new stage?

Anyone got her alt skin unlocked? Maybe it’s colors are better

look at those puppy eyes, so fucking cute

Attached: file.png (658x512, 379K)

afterburner doesnt apply to m2

What's the quickest way to get 3 deaths from lava?

>she has the best mobility ability

With loader in the game, not anymore.

Not loader but this may interest you

Attached: 1558564583000.png (977x1113, 373K)

But it applies to her shift which is way more mobile than the hook
It launches you into the air at full charge

waaaaay better than default

I've strayed too far from my FPS roots to go back now.

Attached: 1553129453753.gif (200x200, 52K)


I can't find it.

Cucked by Rex

>No alt skin for engie
he got some mobile turrets though, seem cool but obviously not viable to have fungus with them.

aiming is not very difficult in this game, but you need to be very mobile, including in particular fast 180 spins and jumping while doing everything else. but trying won't hurt, maybe I just suck at controllers.

post launched updates will come although they have no plans as of now, just want to focus on finishing EA. my guess is since we have 5 returning characters and 3 new characters, the last two will be completely new

Didn't work for me when I did it.

bros, whats going on?

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So how long till we get Thicc Loader mod?

Might be worth to have leeching seed for them

Attached: 1555905888877.png (929x528, 286K)

I'm only mad because it took me three tries and two hours to find out the Mastery runs don't unlock anything other than an admittedly neat skin.

Not soon enough

Ah, ok then, I'll make a point to get it on PC specifically then and see what works.

Speaking of, where does one go to download the Thicc Huntress mod?

lol thanks for the info, that's what I wanted to do first

So are the skins recolors or actually different model wise?

Wait.. how are you supposed to complete the 100% hp challenges? It's literally impossible not to get hit at least once.


Perhaps you hate fun as well.

i don't know about the others but looks like Mercenary got a samurai look.

Blue bug.

>Destroy bird nests
Well that was obscure. Doubt I would have realized that on my own.


>Commando still doesn't have a passive

I fucking hate Hopoo, I just want this damn game done and for them to officially release mods so the community can fix his shit.

Attached: Obliterate Yourself.jpg (597x569, 209K)

Isn't that spiked fist skill one of beta HAN-D's skills? Does this mean he is truly dis-confirmed for RoR2 bros?

after two games i conclude that they're meh, at least in solo play. the range is shit and they can't kill air threats as reliably as normal turrets

The rail gun is shit, that's why i hate it.

There's no such things as invincible.


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I had the transcendence and four shields and I didn't get the achievement so no.


never unless you stop posting that shitty forced meme

New item.
Grants massive speed and full flight on top of turning you into a swirling mass of 3 fireballs. Can be detonated early for positioning purposes.

Attached: Untitled.png (1615x884, 661K)

I think shield damage is counted as HP damage
Should still be possible with barrier

That's actually pretty good movement item if the game refuses to give you feathers.

i always play summoners and engineers in all games
suck a dick faggot

i also want mods so i can figure out how to make providence a playable character

Mul-T with 2 buzzsaws is the dumbest shit but worth a chuckle. A shame that it's not true dual weild

the fuck is this? hidden skin?

looks like he got motivated.

>Latching onto a radio antennae in Rallypoint Delta as loader

Attached: couchfall.gif (400x304, 1.75M)

>This with 3 gestures and 4 fuel cells
Oh boy

hopoooo why you didn't post the new skill descriptions reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Aren't we all?

Oh yeah, you also can't use Skills (except some movement skills like Huntress blink) while in this form.

Hurry, post new ror2 memes.

Attached: 1527060891258.png (400x411, 37K)

Probably a mod or something, or just a faked render. Loader's not on the character list.

>take in the layout

lol outed yourself as bad
move nigger move!

The blue portal shop where you unlocked Artificer.

>no glass
>no command
>no spite
I sleep.
Wake me up when september ends.

Enforcer was one of the most boring to play, imo, but it's also one of my first full clears.

It's essentially the same game, but in 3D, and new characters. The extra dimension makes it a little harder to use characters like Commando, due to having to corral enemies a bit better for phase bullet, but they're adding more content, lore, characters, items, enemies, bosses, types, artifacts (game play modifiers like Glass and Command -not in yet), and stages.

This update everyone is hyped about added a new feature of load outs to customize abilities unlocked through class specific challenges as well as adding the best class of RoR: Ms. Loader.

This sequel is exactly the kinda sequel you'd want for any game. Core game play intact with a plethora of features and content. It's still in early access, so you could wait till early 2020 which they say is when the final boss will be released as well as official version 1.0. Before that, there's still a lot of unlockables like items, equipment, characters, stages, and bosses.

Depending on how much you liked enforcer you could be in for a dissapointment since they've confirmed he's not coming back in the 2nd. I'd do a class rundown of each one, and abilities, but idk how unfamiliar you are with previous abilities and new characters.

Any other questions, post em, and I'm sure someone helpful will respond.
>RIP Acrid

What do the new elites do I'm at work aaaa

There literally is a glass item in the game.

Vergil from Devil May Cry

pretty good meme desu
with all the fucking waifu threads and retards asking for porn of everything
coombrains should stop breathing

Can you activate the teleport? Seems like you could fuck up a run on accident with it

Stupid nigger I want to pick artifact and deal tons of damage instead of grinding 10 million niggercoins and going to the stupid bazaar 20 times.

>unstable tesla and behemoth on loader

Attached: 1568397558526.jpg (250x208, 9K)

Can someone post the new Logbook lore text?
I love that shit and it's painful to see so many of them empty with that Memory Scratch flavor text error.

you know what google is, right?

merc's new M2
basic uppercut which has decent vertical reach, but you lose the standard M2 aoe spin

Attached: merc_skill_m2.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

Every time I Google, I get the same Reddit posts with no mod links or downloads and lots of off-topic.

>LAst stage with Rex Moonsoon for the skin
>it's the Acres stage
>Done with the boss, only have to wait for TP to end
>Machinegun Duneguy appears from behind a rock and 100-0 me in half a second.

Attached: 1561410268947.gif (640x360, 1.61M)

how to get all of loaders new skills and skin?

So we all agree the new stage is the best one right?

Do you unlock loader by killing the giant orb on the siren level (after shooting the birds nest)? Found it but died to a malachite before killing it

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Man mercs new skills kinda suck

I think all the skins are just "obliterate yourself on monsoon", and the skill is to obliterate yourself within 25 minutes.

Attached: F9D21E4C-F0BB-49BB-ABA9-865E96C02530.jpg (750x420, 234K)

>everything going fine
>suddenly charge beam sound
>big ass aoe marker on the ground
>overkills me with -500hp
Is this an alternate version of the boss?

Attached: 20190917154859_1.jpg (1366x768, 129K)

literally the first fucking result, blurred so i don't spoonfeed your dumb ass


Attached: waterfox_8TPUcANxKC.png (687x658, 157K)

stun grenades become mandatory for dealing with chain nuggets otherwise, hope you have a merc, commando, or MUL-T to help you ass with crowd control.

Honestly, as much shit I see complaining about Artificer's lack of mobility, it's strange the same complaint isn't leveled towards Rex; with his Janky mortar targeting AND lack of mobility.

I'm livid because
>least useful and most unremarkable
just describes Commando in general right now.

As a main I'm infinitely disappointed in Hopoo. But that doesn't matter, his Discord echochamber'll keep sucking him off.

This game should've just launched next year with all content present and mods coming out in 3-4 months. Maybe a BoI-style booster pack released inbetween.

>Literally no one enjoys doing this.
I enjoy doing it. It gives me more reason to play the game. Some of the skills ones seem kinda retarded though.

I wish the main theme played during gameplay or some variation of it...

yea thats the one that unlocks loader.

lobby where

What the fuck

Attached: 51GkLw8.png (1055x93, 16K)

neato I was worried I wasnt gonna find it then I saw the eggs just sitting there

I killed the giant ball and no unlock.

>it's strange the same complaint isn't leveled towards Rex; with his Janky mortar targeting AND lack of mobility.
Rex is mobile as fuck though. He's probably the third most evasive character in the game. His pulse blast launches him when he jumps so you can basically bounces aroud levels in seconds.

Was it this one ?

get the blue that replaces all your health with shields. You can't go below 100% if thats just 1 HP behind 2000 shield

Attached: 1488835772042.png (426x306, 208K)

Are you sure it was the right giant ball? There's two of them for some reason.

Is it possible to edit my save from my Switch?

well guys i hope youre having fun. i have nearly 200 hours but im not playing soon cause im too addicted to iceborne

16 player mod, nothing else: mega nz/#!5dtDCCKT

it was the one on top of a shipping container, so maybe it wasn't the right one

>2 strides of heresy
>little disciple
>bandolier for the utility reset
>still managed to take damage for the huntress challenge on snow man land
fuck this shit im save editing no idea what i did wrong

Yeah, the one you're supposed to kill spawns after destroying all of the eggs around the map. It has a proper boss health bar.

is there glass and funball mode yet?

now to wait for a prismatic trial that has it available right away

This will probably drown in the sea of posts, but if you're looking for friends (aka not shit people) to play on ps4, my name is ZiggityZewce.

if I happen to get good drops early then I like to find and ping items for others better suited for that item. Engi WILL be prioritized for fungus. Syringe is a toss up between Commado, MUL-T, and Huntress depending on other drops. Backup Clips for Artificer, Huntress, Commando, MUL-T, and maybe for merc if only 1 or 2 for cool down hopping.

One real question is...
who benefits the most from gasoline and will o wisp?

>new skills are either straigt upgrades or worthless, no up/downside to them
>have to unlock them first
>skill challenges vary between waiting for RNG on drizzle or going out of your way to fufill some bullshit
wish hotpoo would fuck off

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Loader is confirmed trans by devs on twitter, it's over bros, they got to it.

fuck it was hard enough to kill the other one
why does the game feel 10x harder now

I would enjoy doing them if they were shit that naturally came about during normal play time. Like the mando ones are 100% fine. A bit difficult but alright. But shit like complete all of rallypoint delta without taking any HP damage? What the actual fuck is that. That is 20 hermit crabs off the cliff bad. That is shit you have to be specifically aiming the whole run around and that means you have to sacrifice other challenges to do it. How many fucking runs am I expected to do to unlock all the skills?


You could at least fake a twitter screengrab.

>loader latching onto a magma worm

Attached: crying.jpg (336x315, 28K)

Been playing ror1. Is enforcer actually good? So far it's been tedious as fuck

What are the cheevos name of the unlockable stuff?

Who made the mod manger cause its fucking useless. I have the correct shit set up so it knows where my Risk of rain 2 files are but whenever I use the .exe nothing fucking happens afterwards?


It's not there.

You get the guaranteed Red by summoning the bonus boss and killing it.

Thank you. I kept searching Risk of Rain 2 Thicc mod and it wasn't working.


enforcers the worst character in the game by a decent margin


How the hell are you supposed to do this? The prismatic trial just fucks you up by throwing elder lumerians at you round one.

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_kGeLCfmTw5.png (1064x105, 23K)

I never knew Eggman could pee that hard.

be good at merc, I would imagine.

I remember hopoo answering a lore question about why the RoR1 survivors would come back to the planet they escaped from. The returning survivors are simply another "Commando" or "Loader" as the identity of them are suits rather than individuals.

oh boy another enemy that hits you with a constant stream or bullets/beam and it has a weaker version of the wandering vagrant's suicide that it'll just spam
oh boy another level that's too complicated for it's own good and ruins the level that used to be guaranteed to appear

cool update, game is definitely not getting tedious or anything

Wait for a different day or channel some extreme skill

no, the detonate is mapped to E, same button as Activate teleporter

>decryption key

>an ability you have to shoot behind yourself like GTA3 tank physics. Loader, Commando, Huntress, Merc, and MUL-T, have better elusive capabilites at start. His little blast, which admittedly sends you far/high off a cliff for max movement is just taking the enforcer push and adding knockback for yourself; a fuckton of knockback, but no where near the level of control other utilities offer.

What do commando's new skills do? Does anybody know?

Attached: 1564851773440.gif (100x100, 24K)

Does it work?


>who benefits the most from gasoline or will o wisp?
Everyone loves them, give it to the player with highest damage on the game since they activate on death.

>lost my save
is it even worth playing?

Define "work"
You'll stay latched on even when it goes under ground, and then get dragged into the air when it goes airborn. Shit's hilarious. My grapple didn't break until I wanted it to

The Chad Loader vs the virgin commando

Also, confirmed, the mastery skin for Loader is the original yellow-arms-black-suit look from ror1

Attached: IMG_20190917_140714-1863x1230.jpg (1863x1230, 356K)


Finished engi challenges
Spider mines is a go

Attached: 2f0.png (680x510, 506K)

That's fucking awesome

Care to go into your config and paste us the achievement line?

So no new enemies, bosses, or maps? Extreme yikes.

>loader using shift on a magma worm
Yep, loader is the magma worm's bane

Attached: faf8252f-c36b-4a6f-bf5c-c20f82c32322.jpg (500x486, 41K)

The *Stacy loader

The fuck you saying
There are new enemies, 2 new bosses and a new map

no, i will post old ror1 memes that are 6 days too late

Attached: 1554898992885.png (400x322, 223K)

it's OK user. enjoy icebound until RoR2 beta testers help stabilize the game AND all the additional content.

RoR2 waited a long time to show itself, and it'll still be adding more content for the next few months. it'll wait for you with outstretched arms, excited to show you all the improvements and additions they've had waiting for you.

But there are all three of those things, though. though the boss and enemies are restricted to the new map as far as i know

Can you post just the unlock line too? I want to unlock the skill, but not the achievement.

how good is the new m2 for rex?

>try out loader
>first boss is a wandering vagrant
Fuck this boss.

Neither is REX

>M2 it
>Shift it
>Deal 70% of it's HP

everybody gangsta till the turrets start walkin

oh shit user

Attached: wp1956701.png (5500x5000, 385K)

There is also a new lategame elite, but i haven't fought it yet.

>M2 up its ass
>attach wire and spin around it at very high speeds while slapping it to death

>>Deal 70% of it's HP
That did not happen at all. Like at all.

Woops I'm retarded.


Cute turrents. The dmg is worse, but they can walk and follow u around the map. so u cant got for fungi. The mines are nice

Attached: crab_lasur_turrents.png (427x609, 304K)

if you loop on monsoon and then obliterate yourself itll say in the save file

Attached: 1554005768426.jpg (244x282, 28K)

Obliterate on monsoon

Can the people who unlocked some new skills post this part of their savefile so other anons modify their file to unlock them?

Attached: cap.png (608x496, 40K)

>Malachite Jellyfish boss fight
>A quarter of the swarm is stuck in the terrain and I can't progress

How is elementary school going for you user?