Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself
Well it's clear Isolation is sone sort of theme? Kojima probably feels the need to have to say stuff like this, considering the reception MGS2 got when it released.
fake and gay
>Some retard actually posted this with the idea that politics would annoy MGS fans
>Gamers are so fucking delusional and retarded that they actually voted for Brexit
Shit, you might actually rope some tards in with this shitpost
Actual quote for you apes:
>For Bridges’ sake, you’re connecting from east to west and they want you to join the UCA – the United Cities of America. When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they’re retrieving your information 24 hours a day. It’s like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say “I’m not going to connect to UCA, because we’re going to repeat the same thing that we did.” Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It’s a metaphor. However, if you get really close, they start to say, “Okay, I’ll connect.”
The game's fictional government, the UCA is a metaphor for real world government bodies, that's all he's saying.
>paraphrasing the OP
For what purpose did you do that?
>voted for Brexit
how dare they want their country not bend the knee to germans right?
>news website for literal no joke actual retarded people
There's honestly something so wrong with Brexiteers that look at all of this as some retarded time machine to take them back to World War 2 where the Americans had to save their asses.
Why are people that don’t agree with my worldview so sensitive
stay a part of the EU, we need your land for the great replacement goyim
>Muh trump!
pathetic subhuman.
Dad’s getting kicked out of the retirement home and expects the son he never loved to take care of him
>EUcucks still seething and in denial in 2019
very shitty clickbait title.
amerimutts are really braindead cunts
Based Kojima
based Ampharos poster
>brexiteers cant let go of WW2 and dont want to bend the knee to germans
>ANTI brexeteers cant let go of WW2 and keep calling brexiteers nazis
both sides are stupid
I don't understand this. Can someone explain?
trumpanzees are seething
It is more about Snowden, PRISM and Democratic transhuman agendas that anything.
It means sage, now stop giving these dumb threads attention.
This is another one of those "ha ha look we're pretending to be retarded because that's how we get clickbait and look check out our sponsors" sites, right?
I can't believe even fucking Kojima would start filling his games with politics.
What was the reception like?
>not voting for brexit
Enjoy article 11 and its friend, 13.
Can you cancel a pre-order on psn? There is no way I'm playing this shit now.
ITT people who are pretending to know what the fuck Kojima meant by these comments.
Most of his answers were very interesting, but that one was confusing and I don't think he explained it well.
>For Bridges' sake, you're connecting from east to west and they want you to join the UCA--the United Cities of America. When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they're retrieving your information 24 hours a day. It's like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say 'I'm not going to connect to UCA, because we're going to repeat the same thing that we did.' Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It's a metaphor. However, if you get really close, they start to say, 'Okay, I'll connect.
butthurt drumpfer btfo'd
I voted for Brexit and I'd do it again. Fuck the EU and fuck our spineless government. It's about time they had a fire lit under their arses.
No, just the anti brexiters. The votes are done and they're finding ways to kick the can down the road while taking on more immigrants and then eventually they'll redo the vote and the natives will lose.
Who the fuck cares at this point? UK is oogabooga land already anyway, let them be in their quarantine islands and die
>leftist in charge of reading comprehension and context
Kojima literally Hitler confirmed.
>retards read only headline from far reaching clickbait article
>4646844 posts and 2 image replies omitted.
its hilarious that its too obvious trannies and westacucks are desperate to false fagging and pretend to be /pol/acks. you trannies dont understand their tastes.
it will sell like hotcakes no matter what. also i bet a bunch of /pol/acks will play it.
this ampharos pic is pure wholesomeness I hate that it's become corrupted by politically charged memes
pajeet please learn to use a toilet
Not him but MGS2 was slammed for being an unfinished game that made little sense. It was frontloaded with content so by the time you invested several hours into it; you were trapped in cutscene hell where you were told one plot twist just to have that subverted by another plot twist the same cutscene. Everything felt rushed and characters were picked up and dropped off as if their entire appearance was supposed to be over a five hour set of cutscenes instead jammed together not to mention the entire map actually having half of it cut off with lots of areas that are revisited and backtracked just to add confusion to the objectives which consisted entirely of backtracking.
To be fair, they weren't wrong. MGS2 is one of the most obvious rushed, unfinished games in existence. We'll never actually know what 'finished' MGS2 looks like.
No I think it has more to do with a foreign country telling you what to do.
Also people who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
user is talking about how the EU is just a front for German economic and in the future possibly a militaristic stranglehold on every other EU nation, but brainlet Americans like you can only ever think of WW2 when someone speaks about Europe and Germany in a current day setting.
People would say, "this game makes no sense , it's too complicated etc." alongside Raiden. One of the biggest memes of the early 2000s was how "overcomplicated" and "incomprehensible" MGS2 was, when anyone who isn't a brainlet could get the central points of the story (manufactured narratives, etc.).
So he needs to spell shit out now.
Read the actual fucking quote dumb faggots:
>Like Trump, or the EU
The fuck? How the two are comparable?
I doubt it. It doesn't look fun at all. Normies aren't even talking about it.
See, can anyone tell me what he meant?
>Some people may not like that, and say 'I'm not going to connect to UCA, because we're going to repeat the same thing that we did.'
What thing we did? Simply makes no sense without elaboration.
>Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It's a metaphor.
This is completely ambiguous.
He probably meant Trump's administration.
>It's real
>Links ladbible
He doesn't say anything about that. His actual quote was this:
>"For Bridges' sake, you're connecting from east to west and they want you to join the UCA--the United Cities of America. When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they're retrieving your information 24 hours a day. It's like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say 'I'm not going to connect to UCA, because we're going to repeat the same thing that we did.' Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It's a metaphor. However, if you get really close, they start to say, 'Okay, I'll connect.'"
>"It's like 1984," says Death Stranding director.
That's his actual words. Great job sucking shit from Gamespot, though.
Britain has been decently fair to the US all things considered. After the Revolutionary War they agreed to give the US all the land up to the Mississippi. France and Spain had originally wanted that but the Brit in charge of the treaty suspected that even if they lost the colonies, they could still make lucrative trading deals with the US by helping it grow.
"ampharos" is the name of a whore streamer who has a shitton of beta orbiters that want to fuck her.
>Metaphor for Trump AND Brexit
Kojima is going to makes everyone get mad.
No one is safe.
That's some dirt click bait right there. Disgusting.
you are a newfag. they at least try it. these "cancel" fags, probably you are too, are literally westacucks/trannies from Yea Forums and retardera. i know they really hate everything japanese and utilize everything that could attack japan.
Sure smells like gammon in here
>See, can anyone tell me what he meant?
He's saying the UCA already fucked up once, and created the environment that is completely uninhabitable for most people. So why would anyone connect to them again just so they can go through the same thing a second time?
If you noticed the gameplay demo, lots of it is just delivering things to people who are isolated. Giving them your 'keys' expands the network and makes them part of the UCA again. It's a pretty shallow take, because giving someone a radio is somehow enough to make them trust a 1984 big brother system, but that's probably what the game is going to subvert halfway through.
>EU is just a front for German Economic Domination to fund a German Military Domination of Europe
>But all you dumb burgers think this is about Germans conquering Europe
>Trump, or the EU, these things
>these things
He just means government organisations, that's all.
t.44% Pajeet
He doesn't say anything about that. Gamespot is just being a piece of shit as always.
Sure smells like street shitters in here.
>unironically using the word gammon
>wanting to be part of the EU which now wants an army and empire
but as long as your not called racist its fine right
middle class champagne socialist pricks!
Nice boogeyman Ahmed. Its not my fault you are cucked beyond anything. You cant even have fucking plastic spoons with you but niggers can do whatever they want.
Come back and tell me how it goes in 15 years when you are truly a minority on your god forsaken island
Trump and Brexit are two symptoms of the same disease.
Uneducated whites angry that brown people exist and are adapting to the modern world better than them.
The world in death stranding is the logical endgame of this, said whites holing themselves up with actual intelligent and useful people they can leech off of while pretending it's totally the brown people who are leeches.
noooooo games can't be political because it exposes right wingers as being evil assholes!!!!
Not him but he's implying Trump to be the start of 1984 Orwellian state? Well, it's not Trump starting that. It's been George Bush with the NSA spying. Or maybe even starting with Bill Clinton but was leaked during George Bush's time in office. Either way Kojima is either a brainlet or edgy the 'politically correct' way
I'm safe, don't worry!!
>modern times are just like WW2
Germany is just legally holocausting affordable living standards and invading with immigrants instead of soldiers, probably has the higher amounts of rape committed by these invading forces compared to 1930s though
>>wanting to be part of the EU which now wants an army and empire
Saying dumb shit like this is why you get called a gammon you window licker
>It's like [insert work that's considered great] and [current popular topic of discussion] rolled into one !
Fuck marketing. It's a videogame about putting up ladders, delivering packages and shooting badguys. Don't fool yourselves.
>I can't browse most of the internet and I'm behind a euro-peon firewall, but at least I'm not white and red-faced
Better get used to it. It's going to happen and you can't stop it at this point. Try using makeup to hide your reddened cheeks.
Thanks guys, that makes sense.
See, when he said "same thing we did" I assumed he meant "we" as in society, not in-game. So then he's just talking generally about placing trust in government.
Youd have to imagine the floating keys are a bit more than a radio. They live in electronic underground room, the gubmint and corpos will be monitoring their food intake, poop time, temperature temperament, and how often they ask for a delivery boy to mail them some lube. This provides all sorts of Fallout shelter experiments.
Kill yourself wojak /pol/cuck
DS wants to make America whole by connecting all the separate cities under the chiral network, some agree but some prefer to remain as isolated states, so the conflict lies in managing these different opinions. Trump wants America to stand more on it's own instead of being subservient to foreign economies, via export taxes, bringing the fabrics and labor into the country and building walls in the border to keep illegals out, the EU has the whole brexit deal with the UK wanting to be isolated from the rest of the union, just as America is isolating itself from the dependency of China and from the immigration from southern countries
Glowing and jewpilled
>Not him but he's implying Trump to be the start of 1984 Orwellian state?
No, he's saying Trump or the EU is like things people don't want to connect to.
It's social media in a literal sense.
is because your mouth close to the nose
No he didn't
sagen and hidden
>First SJWs got btfo
>Now white incels got btfo
Literally Kojima v USA
see this is the problem, you fucking idiots don't even watch what these guys are doing, you just say dumb shit like "durr they don't want an army" when they have said it multiple times on fucking video
Kill yourself muttpol. Bitch about hurr durr muh yuros don't contribute to defense and then complain when they try to do something that makes them less dependent
You'll be part of it anyway once it has a sphere of influence big enough, just not a member.
is that why incels are so ASSBLASTED at kojima?
>lad bible
jesus, people thought reddit kids were dumb
you dumb fucking retard seriously
>1 bucktooth nobody
>It's like 1984
Kojima continues to show off his absolutely shit taste in every medium
As it should be, based Japan should shit on American politics more often just to remind them that their shitty, uneducated struggles do not represent the rest of the world.
I bet most of the thread is just white kids arguing. I bet are whiter than sheets getting offended on 'behalf' of the brown people they have to protect because they're the savior-complex whites.
mgs5 had a more harsh criticism of america and anglo monolingual fuckers. the game was shit but it was beautiful.
Yes, opinions are 100% the same thing as fact
build BRIDGES not walls
No because is fake and gay, you faggot
I haven't seen where incels hate this game but I've seen plenty of SJWs flipping their shit at it.
I remember when music companies stopped signing bands and only signed brappers and pop singers. Rock was still the most bought and listened to for many years. It's only recently that people see rock as more foreign but that's because it was SYSTEMICALLY and unanimously shut down. Let this truth serve as allegory for everything else happening. You may see it as whites not adapting but you'd be wrong.
in 20 years people will say that Brexit was the best move the UK could make
So this is about the Germans being up to no good again.
The Germans have been up to no good since Alaric. I don't know why the world still suffers their existence.
>all of these faggots tying themselves in knots to try to find some reason Kojima actually loves their dear leader
Kojima fucking despises Trump and all of you fuckers with him. Get a fucking grip kek.
Guy Verhofstadt is not the EU, user, his opinions are not necessarily representative
>n-no that doesn't count as evidence
you people are actual fucking parasites
heres merkal saying it
>their shitty, uneducated struggles do not represent the rest of the world.
Thats becoming less true i think. The more closely i view other parts of the world the more similar it seems. If not worse. Shinzō Abe likes to lick Trump's testicles for instance.
MGS3 4 and 5 are basically "Why American foreign policy of the past sixty years has utterly failed":The game.
He ain't even wrong, though. This seems to be the same approach but to American social policy.
Snowflake detected holy fucking shit
>I haven't seen the daily, no, HOURLY threads where incels shit on it citing false info and broad generalization, then call anyone who disagrees with them a leftist reddit resetera tranny until the thread auto-sages
Look harder, I guess?
Right, sorry, two opinions are the same thing as fact
>Kojima fucking despises Trump and all of you fuckers with him
He may despise Trump, but the title of the article is a complete fucking lie. The game has nothing to do with him, he used him as a metaphor in an interview.
You make those threads
>The head of the EU saying she wants an army
>n-no thats just an opinion
how is it even possible to be like this seriously?
Now show the part where they said making a new empire.
>gay anecdote from my Mongolian basket weaving forum where people samefag constantly
>noooo not blumpf! wtf I hate kojima now
Isnt Brexit delayed for like the 100th time?
Neither Guy nor Merkel are the head of the EU you absolute weapon
I can’t wait until you are killed
not wanting an army because anericamutts keep putting there ugly ass faces in every country's matters or Russia or china fuck off /pol/tard
We need to stand together in denouncing enemies of the state.
There is no place for those who seek to undermine legitimate rule with scurrilous artworks.
brexshit is a super half-assed move. cause they wont really scrap their mass immigration plan lmao
anglos are greedy as hell. brits still want to keep their economy growing without having any bad consequence, so cant make a fundamental move.
Holy shit you are dumb
Sure thing gammon, stay salty
By who? We got a European army protecting us, lmao.
why are you purposely ignoring and pretending that these things aren't true?
Are you still a student at uni, are you THAT indoctrinated???
I have posted multiple links, which shows proof ON FUCKING VIDEO and you still refuse to accept it.
this level of dissonance actually scares me, you could be getting stabbed and say "no im not getting stabbed show me proof"
>Thats becoming less true i think.
No, it's entirely fact. The retarded social struggles that first worlders think is universal to people's skin colors and identities are only valid in one city in one part of one country that they extrapolate to the rest of the world.
They only think it's a problem because they live in the place that exports the vast majority of media and culture. It's a manufactured problem that whites with a savior complex push as being law despite the fact most of the world loves their culture and see them as the outsiders they are. Most people in most countries aren't like self-hating whites.
This. Our troops didn't fight in Africa and France for the Fourth Reich to enslave us.
>word words word words
Don't bother, they get their knowledge of current affairs from twitter memes, of course it's the first time they hear about this.
You have multiple videos of some opinions, yes
Brexit was meant to be a big secret plan where we *almost* vote to leave to scare the EU into giving us better trade deals.
Then accidentally voted to leave haha whoops lol rip GBP
>quoting the same bucktooth nobody.
>pressing enter needlessly
Wrong guy schizo, I’m just glad you’ll die a miserably death let absolutely nothing
hollywood westaboo developer is obsessed with bluepilled liberal movie actors and has left leaning political opinions?
wow man that's crazy
MGS got me into history as a kid. It's a shame the psychosis this board has for Kojimbo these days.
>muh samefagging
so? 90% of this board is samefagging. these threads still exist.
and yes, it IS a minority of obsessed incel retards making them and bumpring them just like threads for Cyberpunk and every other popular game that triggers them by being proressive
Who do you think you are talking to, actual people or government agents? They are parasites who will be killed by the system they serve, they are irrelevant nobodies
You are an enemy of the people.
Artists and intelligentsia believe themselves above the law and think they can freely speak treason and blasphemy. They must be denounced.
the EU has been broken long before anyone decided to leave.
You can say "Cringe", but it's objectively true. MGS2 is unfinished as fuck. The messages it sends are dead-on accurate about social media and how it will basically turn all of humanity into hugbox-loving imbeciles incapable of living without their phony connections to phony yes-men.
But that doesn't mean the game is any more finished than it was on release. The game still needed another year in development, at least.
The best part of MGS2 as a video game were the Virtual Missions, but that's only because there were literal hours there in just one-off missions.
He's actually saying it's inevitable to become 1984 once you start connecting 'bridges.'
But, he's wrong. It only becomes Orwellian when foreign entities enter the equation. They will always see themselves as foreign. Naturally many of them will become hostile to the original group. Even believing in JC will not stop people from seeing a difference
the eu is dead lmao /pol/tards are gonna be shocked when no one leaves the eu Brexit is embarrassing for england
the most ironic thing about all of this is that when shit hits the fan you EU loving faggots will be the first in the firing line
Can you even explain to me why you love the EU so much? you probably don't even know, you were just told to so many times it isn't even a question now
>Wrong guy schizo, I’m just glad you’ll die a miserably death let absolutely nothing
Might want to read that again before called others schizos, gammon
>The retarded social struggles that first worlders think is universal to people's skin colors and identities are only valid in one city in one part of one country that they extrapolate to the rest of the world.
This is a lot of naivety.
It’s basically come to that though. Germans are getting out of line again.
>ah finally, we can get rid of all of these fucking immigrants and reap the benefits of a pure Anglo economy
I feel like you guys have been called out.
>so? 90% of this board is samefagging. these threads still exist.
ok samefag.
>and yes, it IS a minority of obsessed incel retards making them and bumpring them just like threads for Cyberpunk and every other popular game that triggers them by being proressive
So your stupid anecdote based on watching Yea Forums threads all day to judge cultural opinion is wrong, thanks for confirming.
Read the actual fucking quote dumb faggots:
Brexit was all about being a tax haven
>you either open your borders and subject yourself to global rule, or you're an isolationist who's shutting yourself out from other countries
That kind of thinking is pretty scary. Boundaries in all facets of life exist for a reason, and are good.
>Im a shallow vapid reactionary who gets triggered when you expect me to use more than half a brain cell
It’s not ironic, it’s what they want. They are suicidal failures
>you probably don't even know, you were just told to so many times it isn't even a question now
Shouldnt you be in school reciting the pledge of allegiance? Or are you gonna go to a baseball game soon and do your state sanctioned salute while you sing about your freedom flag and your bravery?
That might be the message of the game. That you can't have a homogeneous (HOMO DEMONS, GET IT?) group that fulfills the need of everyone, not without isolating a good chunk of everyone on the fringes.
What the hell is up with this smear campaign against Kojimas' game? Can't we just play something and enjoy it for once?
nice reading comprehension faggot
sorry I didn't just post a wojak and a meme but actual words that went over your head lmao
>Can you even explain to me why you love the EU so much? you probably don't even know, you were just told to so many times it isn't even a question now
I don't love the EU by any means, but I also recognize that the UK would be in a considerably worse position economically if we left, especially if we left without a deal as unprepared as we are
Holy shit... Kojima's a fucking genius
not american nor do I prefer any party
brexit was to deport/ban muslims but now they even forget it.
This fucking jap shithead is criticizing daddy? OUR daddy?!
It's time to boycott, fellow pedes, we cannot let this slide. We are *gamers* and we must stand together on this. Nobody even mentions our beautiful daddy and walks out unharmed.
Praise KUK and shadilay, brothers.
>I’m not against but I’m not for it as well
>Enjoying video games on Yea Forums
Where do you think you are?
The world has become that black and white.
Either you get rid of everything and open the floodgates, or you're an isolationist and clearly a Nazi.
Pick one.
This. They are putting it off as hard as they can because they know it will make little difference.
It will only cause minor harm to the country, just like everything dumb uneducated knee-jerking right wingers vote for.
>be extremist like me
Poor reactionary dupes can't catch a break these days! Not even in their little video games. If only they took the hint and hopped over to the right side of history because it's not going to get any easier for them. Just know that we're ready for you we you are.
You'd have to be retarded to not see this shit from a mile away and as soon as Kojima said it's about "making bridges and connection to fix America." a
>leaving is considered “extremist”
It's amazing how history repeats itself. Yet again Germany is trying to take over Europe and yet again it's up to us in Britain to save everyone by destroying their little project and as usual we get zero gratitude.
Hetrerodoxy is the enemy of civilization.
We need a tighter grasp on academic institutions to ensure orthodox thought flourishes and the young learn to denouncd enemies of the state.
>Being this much of a window licker
imagine wanting millions of migrants to flood this country and rape our girls just so you can avoid a bit of economic turblulance
The average brexit voter doesn't give a fuck about the economy. We want to stop being told what we can and can't do by foreigners.
>nice reading comprehension faggot
You're the one who wrote this shit: >>I haven't seen the daily, no, HOURLY threads where incels shit on it citing false info and broad generalization, then call anyone who disagrees with them a leftist reddit resetera tranny until the thread auto-sages
Don't blame me that you said something fucking retarded and everyone called you stupid over it. What's funny is that in your broad generalization about Yea Forums, you bitch about broad generalizations because you're illiterate.
>sorry I didn't just post a wojak and a meme but actual words that went over your head lmao
Why not? That's literally all you're capable of anyway.
It was fine. There was nothing that needed to be added to make it more coherent. Also people didn't bash the game because it was unfinished, they bashed it because they wanted to be Snake and wanted it to be more simple.
>oh fuck I'm losing, call him a centrist!
You pitch torches and you'd expect people to just roll with it?
>mods will ban the autistic ampharos nigger but keep the entire /pol/ shitflinging thread up
>game is about building bridges, isolation and tearing down "walls"
>Yea Forums just now realizes it's a metaphor for brexit and trump because it's explicitly stated
It makes sense. It's in the political interest of the British middle class because they have more power relative to Britain than the entirety of Europe.
>Not posting George Miller
>We don't want to be raped by immigrants!
>We want to starve to death instead!
Holy shit, how retarded can you be?
>you're wrong because I said so
>t. the incel who makes these threads doing damage control after being called out
think milhouse but even more forced
The game is going to be for and against this, having a Heterodoxy makes strong connections, but also creates a hugbox where you can't see what is wrong or right.
The game is about a government organization who uses babies as tools to navigate the wasteland, because that's the only way they know how to expand their network.
>LOL homo demons faggot seething
He's saying Trump is part of the system that leads to an Orwellian state. That simply uniting is the beginning of all that. EU is also uniting countries much like the US did. It will eventually lead to their own Donald Trump? To me it seems like EU is in deeper shit than US though
One option is clearly better than the other. But I doubt you can work out which one, cuck.
>>you're wrong because I said so
You're wrong because you said something fucking stupid. You're bitching about incels because you watch Yea Forums all day and apparently tally the threads, behavior befitting only of an obsessive incel.
Have fun on your watchlist.
What kind of delusion is this?
Why does this idiot post articles about "empires" and whatnot like he discovered some deep, hushed secret the EU doesn't want you to see?
Does he also think there's somebody with supreme power that can make it happen just by saying it, that this economic and political coalition consists in nutjobs playing Star Wars?
Why do the loudest people crying about politics have such a childish understanding of them?
Kojima is a stupid hack who doesn't understand west at all, even though he wants really much, and just ends up saying whatever he finds on the internet to attract as many as he can.
No one is saying that, Everyone read the article and realized the quote was bullshit.
Who are YOU quoting?
these threads still happen you blind faggot.
You realize most of the UK's immigrants come from outside the EU, though, right?
the EU is clearly already an empire, but for some reason people with an IQ < 95 can't seem to understand that fact.
You don't have to be a nutjob to see Article 11 and 13, actual facts of the EU, and realize that the entire organization is corrupt as fuck and completely unaccountable to the people it governs.
The politicians who helped give it the votes needed said they voted 'yes' for it accidentally.
Kek. I only check Yea Forums twice per day and there's always 2-3 400 post threads of you incels getting triggered about the most retarded shit like Tifa's boobs and a cyberpunk game having trannies. Learn to gaslight properly, faggot.
>starve to death
this is what remainers actually fucking belive holy shit kill youself
Empires, of course, are famous for giving their members vetoes and the ability to leave unilaterally
Why can’t you actually present an argument? Why can’t you even muster the “courage” to respond directly?
I’ll tell you why, its because you are because you are a limp-dicked, low-IQ pencil pushing loser, with a demeaning government job
Death stranding threads? It may have something to do with it being a fucking video game. Maybe you should go to Reddit if video games trigger you.
western devs cant even handle the western politics though. only japanese devs can criticise amerimutts for instance. yuros are all america bootlickers they are terrified of losing the american market by criticising mutts.
incels bitching about Death Stranding, i mean. stop being purposefully obtuse
You can actually leave the EU, you couldn't leave the empire without murdering britcucks.
Or does being biritsh fuck over your definition of empire?
Because you don't apply to join one, you are forced.
Interesting you didn't consider the other obvious hyperbole in that post to be silly
This isn't video game discussion you dumb fucking ape
if you think this thread is about death stranding, you are even more retarded than you pretend to be
just start making fun of nintendo and itll shut down real quick
>I visit Yea Forums and there's always threads up that I don't approve of! Why are incels doing this to me???
I can't actually tell what you're saying at this point. I had first thought you were only talking about Death Stranding threads, but now you're talking about Tifa's boobs? Are you fucking stupid? Oh no! People on the internet forum disagree with me! The incels!
Britain voted unanimously for article 13, retard
>why yes we'll give you a veto to leave the EU, but if you actually try we will try to destroy your economy.
Imagine being this clueless.
Yeah I'd honestly buy the game if that was the case but I doubt he will get down to how genetic clusters tend to be the key factor on the survive-ability of a culture.
He's probably more likely going to end it with "one day we'll get this right and won't go Orwellian"
>if you think this thread is about death stranding
It's half death stranding and half stealth-politics thread.
Are you saying Kojima threads aren't political?
Why can't you answer anything he said, only try to insult him?
Is it because you can't find a single good thing about brexit?
he has entered full shitposting hype machine mode
Ah of course its hyperbole now you got caught out on your bullshit
I didn't feel like quoting all the posts, you actually interpret that as fear, of what? You clearly understood the post faggot
Choices are either right or wrong. But rocks don't make choices. You are as smart as a rock.
>this level of cancer and bad faith arguing
Final (you)
Who is “you?”
most countries voluntarily left the British empire without any violence actually.
>Choices are either right or wrong.
Fucking Sith.
Brexitcucks are destroying their own economy by their own retarded choices.
The EU is just telling you in advance, your brexiteers didn't
Assuming that's true, it's irrelevant to the EU being an empire or not isn't it?
>what do you mean you'll stop giving us support when we stop giving you ours???
>incels bitching about Death Stranding,
Who is bitching about death stranding? The OP's article is complete horseshit, the actual quote is: , and everyone has QUIT talking about Death Stranding and started talking about stupid political shit.
You just seem like a crossboarder trying to fit in by bitching about 'incels'.
So you came to a death stranding thread to bitch about cyberpunk threads? Is this a new level of irony or are you actually that obsessed and stupid?
>boomer glowies cant even figure out how to link posts
>Are you saying Kojima threads aren't political?
They weren't until today when some retard found a clickbait headline and no one bothers to read
Find me ONE post discussing Death Stranding as a video game.
>we want the benefits of being a member without having the responsibilities of a member
Imagine having american IQ
After the UdSSR and US threatened to fuck Britain into oblivion if they don't.
This just happened literally right now and you idiots still praise the EU
Uh? I'm replying to you. No, I'm not saying you're necessarily the user i was talking about, if that's what you're implying
What bad faith arguing? You still said something fucking retarded, and when questioned on it you started bitching about Tifa's boob threads. You're an idiot.
Final (You) for you, as well.
I'm at a point, I don't even know anymore. Does the left actually believe that absurd nonsense? Like antifa cracking skulls with bike chains is the last line of defense stopping ethnic genocide that's literally out on the streets hunting minorities?
What if I want nations to retain their sovereignty and autonomy while also being able to do fair business with each other, work together on issues that affect everyone (like climate issues and China and India's ridiculous populations), and allow movement between countries provided that the individual going to a new country abides by all that country's rules and regulations and doesn't try to subvert its customs while they're there? Is that black or white?
You grasp those straws gammon
>They weren't until today
You know he makes Metal Gear, right?
I should know, I made two of those.
Your god damn right it does you continental scum.
i really want to see no-deal brexit fuckfest
Did you drone strike any hospitals or school today and create another 10,000 refugees?
>nazis are a "last line of defense stopping ethnic genocide"
This is why antifa are cracking your skulls with bike chains.
Britain is letting an infinite amount of pakis and shitskins in, you invented "diversity is good"
how is that grasping straws?
I don't think you know what that phrase means
Every single person working in the “intelligence community” should be killed, prove me wrong
>The Virgin USA
Looking for any minor or unrelated event to criticize something is grasping at straws, gammon
>it's revealed that the government is literally spying on its citizens and allies
>it happens during the Obama era, so liberals that are "against" fascism ignore it
t-the l-left c-can't m-meme
Patriot act, retard. Bush, the 2nd Bush President in the Bush Dynasty. Obama kept or expanded on nearly every Bush policy, yet Republifats hated him and pretend he started it all. Pure brainwashing.
Lmao got me dangit.
But to answer, it's good to see both sides and not count the other as your enemy. "If you're not with me then you're my enemy"
There are truths to both sides but TPTB won't allow us to create a unified thought, which is the overall goal of the centrist. Either they hate both sides for not seeing the truths of the other side, or they hate both sides for holding onto dogmatic views. So they choose not to play the game.
But Bush was garbage and I never pretended otherwise. What does that have to do with what I said about the liberals that are supposedly against fascism but didn't give a flying fuck when that was revealed during Obama's reign?
This is literally whats happening already
Wouldn't it be odd for someone from Japan to take jabs at conservative points when he himself comes from a country that's entirely conservative to the point of basically being one-party and where you aren't even allowed to marry someone of the same sex still in 2019? Isn't Shinzo Abe basically Japanese Trump proud nationalist without the loud mouth and rude demeanor?
Thats the fucking problem, all the immigration in European countries is coming, not from other European countries, but from outside Europe itself. The EU was supposed to allow easy travel and immigration between member states, but instead floods those states with immigrants from outside the EU. If the UK left they would at least have to authority to stop those immigrants (but i doubt theyd have the will)
japan isnt conservative like that, noob. you are brain damaged so hard by anglo media obsessed with identity politics.
>enemies of the state
Imagine unironically wanting to be Orwellian
If anything, living in a fascist country like japan is all the more reason to have anti-right messages in your work.
He didn't mention just America and the game's message isn't specific to any country.
fuck off merkel
Make UCA Great Again
Isn't Gammon a brand of ham?
Well I gave a fuck, and plenty of other people did. I don't know why you think no one gives a fuck. It's 18 consecutive years of non stop bombing and spying. And it has been expanding despite what this current psychotic administration says.
Hell, during Obamas admin the US saw some of the biggest protests in history with Occupy Wallstreet. And there were people cosntantly condemning his drone war.
"The left" generally speaking also wanted Manning, Snowden, etc. not to be treated as traitors for revealing the spying.
Fuck the EU
Why do remainers seethe so much lads?
It's funny how burgers are so desperate to bash on Europe when it wasn't a european country that got a city levelled by multiple plane crashes.
But yeah, keep bitching about minor incidents that have happen everywhere throughout all of history, I'm sure your weekly school shooting(commited by your connationals moreover) is a lot better.
>why do the loudest people crying about politics have the most childish understanding of them
Because in order to form cartoonishly simple and ridiculous allegories, you need to have cartoonishly simple and ridiculous outlooks. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence would understand that these issues are little more complicated than "ONE SIDE GOOD, OTHER SIDE BAD".
nice leftist meme bro
I hope theres a combat only route in DS, get a death machine exo suit and go balls to the walls creating voidouts and mayhem everywhere, and it leaks into other's game worlds. So the nerd trying to delivery a package suddenly gets beset by hundreds of BTs
Kojimbo was always an open borders cook
Conservative like what? Shinzo Abe just came out one time and said "Japan is a nation of One culture and One race" and he also said he's against immigration because it "causes friction" within a nation. what makes him and other meme conservatives different other than Shinzo not having anyone to politically oppose him. He's basically Trump if Trump actually did what he said and no one cock blocked him.
I guess there isn't much room for identity politics in Japan if almost everyone is of the same Identity anyway (conservative japanese).
Militaires Sans Frontières
Then maybe just stick with plebbit?
you must be chink. go back to /r/aznidentity or /int/, loser.
The left really are amping up the shitty IM SILLY strawman comics as of late. They always say the same thing too, so why make multiple? I swear theres at least 10 other comics with the exact same premise
All thoughts are rent free.
Well yeah, 99% of his success is due to the ideas of the West.
Imagine a single-celled organism opening its cellular wall to let water in. Imagine a computer having no border ends. Imagine a cup with no barrier. Imagine a body with no skin.
It's almost as if that premise is truth that the right denies.
I assume there will be because according to Kojimbo the game gives you the choice either to go through BT territory or climb over mountains. Trying to survive in an abandoned city with ghosts and monsters will be pure kino.
in 20 years "Did you know that the UK is technicaly leaving the EU?" will be a interesting factoid that people will make youtube videos about
>I don't know why you think no one gives a fuck
Where was the outrage over the nanny state in the media? Where were the protest over that or the outcry from his voter base?
>trusting Kojima after MGSV
>opening a countries borders is literally the EXACT same thing as a body having no skin
Imagine a right winger without a brain.
You and I both know you're just really itching for (You)s
The Western games industry wouldn't exist without Japan buddy.
There was plenty, 2 seconds to find an article complaining about obama's nanny sate. 2013
>Posting clickbait again
>291 posts
I fucking hate this place sometimes
Politics aside if you need to point out a metaphor in advance you are a shit storyteller.
Yea Forums only pretends to hate politics in games, they can't stop talking about it in reality.
No it's not and that's called being level-headed /forming an opinion. The general public is not as kind unfortunately
You know, as of late the intelligence disparity between the left and the right has completely flip-flopped from what The Daily Show and Colbert Report told me in the early 00s. Only left wingers nowadays espouse the absolute dumbest, most hypocritical things imaginable while the right actually still has done bearing in reality and normalcy.
t. "Radical centrist"
I thought the Japanese were suppose to be conservative and right wing? How is Kojima a libtard?
I'm a transcended radical Sneedtrist:
Lmao imagine believing this. Anime rotted your brain kid.
>Japan is a monolith
if it was they'd only need to post it once on an anonymous Wakandan rock-flinging forum to make it viral, instead of having to say it over and over and normies still ignore it
Did he actually say that? Or is this one of those things where he says something vaguely similar and people start posting "THIS GAME IS A FUCK DRUMPF ADVENTURE"
>while the right actually still has done bearing in reality and normalcy.
>lets nuke hurricanes
>feverish, fervent zealot stabs people while shouting the literal warcry of religious extremism
>violent crime rising across all EU nations as immigrants rape, pillage, murder populations
fukin gammon.
That is 100% what modern right wing politics wants and what left wing politics calls literally fascism
The latter, but you should probably look up sources yourself and expect not to be spoonfed.
Literally EXACT same? No.
Borderless things cease to exist? Yes.
Nice try strawmanning the point.
The allegory is that having no borders means to be flooded and extracted of essentials.
don't forget the Gorilla Channel, it's just as real
sony is a japanese company, and dominates the yuro market, stupid mutt. nobody uses your shit console. most western aaa devs cant survive without the console market.
>still seething and chasing after the tweets of DRUMPF like a cat with a laser
I heard he also drew on a map with a sharpie. We CANT let this man remain in office!!!
>a couple of articles on fringe websites
You're right. That is on par with the outrage for Bush's war and Trump existing.
Because what you define as retaining sovereignty is putting the boot to everyone's head. Except the people who look like you, or are as rich as you.
>D-Dont dishonor the japanese master race!
>video games
Funny. After that comment made it to articles, a white house staff member was fired. It's as if it were bait to see who was a possible leaker.
Ya sure, retard, 4dchess.
>stopping illegal immigration, enforcing laws and wanting to stop foreign interference is putting the boot to everyone's head
Cry me a river commie.
that was yesterday's scandal, today it's pancakes
>being in denial
Ya I'm communist for not wanting to hurt people.
You are called fascists because you clearly and openly want to hurt people and benefit from it.
Holy shit you guys, I found the diagram George Miller drew for Kojima.
Technically, nuclear detonation near a hurricane is a viable method and an actual bookmarked "plan D"
>look at this crying kid
>fuck having laws and border and shit
Konami was right.
When did I say I want to hurt people? Stop attacking that scarecrow
i bet you could shoot it to death if the bullets were grouped properly
Telling a beggar that they can't live in your house isn't hurting someone.
There are already so many laws it's absurd. There are more people imprisoned in the US than anywhere else. There is more border security after 9/11 than in all of human history. There is 100 mile long border constitution free zone. The cops are armed to the teeth. Theres spying on every facet of your life. Theres drones in the sky with infrared vision monitoring borders and towns.
/pol/ turists should fuck off to /r/TheDonald
This just shows that you can't talk to the left
We need more individual liberties for citizens. They should all be allowed to defend their family and property, and should be afforded privacy.
I dont see how your/k/ thread stops it from having some basis in reality.
Lmao look, you immediately go to more safety! I NEED MORE GUNS I FEEL SO UNSAFE!
Fuck off you little girls, god damn.
it's hurting the beggar's feelings, which is a deeper and more permanent pain than any physical injury
>drones good
>wall bad
No it isn't. The beggar can just ask the next house. You aren't the only house in the neighborhood.
>New tech and organization enables more law & order
>Law & order is inherently bad
law and order was a shit tv show and after 2 episodes youve seen every episode... fucking ice t prending to be a gangster then playing a cop on tv, fucking hell
>I want to walk in your country, through your armed borders, I'm coming for your land and resources, and I don't want to be stopped
>I take issue with that
>more safety
No, I think that more of that responsibility should be placed on the individual and that the government shouldn't be using safety as an excuse to spy on its citizens. I hope you're shitposting and that you're not actually stupid enough to believe any of the shit you're typing.
I don't understand what's the problem? the MGS games always had something relevant to real world politics.
If there are still illegal immigrants coming in, border control is, per definition, insufficient.
>Delivery simulator
>"We need more games that people can connect with and help each other so we can make it a genre." (Despite several popular games using that as a mechanic already)
>"Its about Trump and Brexit."
Kojima needs someone to keep him on a leash, its clear that MGSV was fucked up because Konami let him do what he wanted for too long. If he ever makes another game, whoever publishes it needs to clamp down on his wacky antics. The fact it took until now for them to even remotely explain the core gameplay of DS is a huge problem. Maybe they waited so long as they knew people would find it boring as hell?
Relevant to isn't the same as a 1:1 poorly constructed stand-in of.
yeah but if I change the argument into a completely different argument where I'm right and you're wrong, then I'm right and you're wrong, so there
and don't call it strawmanning because I said not to call it strawmanning
>Death Stranding is a metaphor for [political events]
This statement means LITERALLY nothing substantive without context. If this shit snowballs into tons of bullshit videos and articles, it'll be the most blatant example of actually NPC faggotry.
I'm gonna punch a hole in my wall.
And there always will be even with an overpriced 8th century chinese wall that a bamboo ladder can defeat. I can't wait for more climate refugees to come. It will make this current "crisis" (caused by the US's bombing campaigns and drug wars) look like a birthday party.
Read the dates. Look at how the media is handling it. You've got no spirit in you. You basically have to be fed the thoughts yourself. You leftist need to be told what to think..
And once again, right wingers STILL haven’t made a single game of any value
can't wait for this to be revealed to be mgs0 and not faggot hills.
>the sorrow
>the joy
>literal ww2 normandy reference
>c section scar on sam (adam)
>it's a game about the us is going to shit
>also it's confirmed a statement on the political climate
>b-but it's not our discoloured twitter president that most intellectuals agree sucks u gice no way kojima would do us reactionary dupes like that!
>doesnt even respond
Fucking kek lefties are pathetic
I don't get this whole deal, I've read it ten times and I still don't get it.
>it's about bringing people together
>they wouldn't want to do it to avoid repeating [event that brings people apart]
If anything it's globalism to be the only event that could turn the world in the Death Stranding state, so I really can't see the correlation.
You get black balled if you're right wing. Also games are noticeably shittier now than ever and it's gotten more leftist too. But by your logic it should have gotten better?
If there was the political will, the border could be completely secured in a week. The laws are soft because they were made by people who only want to appear to give a shit. Border control agencies are ultimately toothless and resource starved. I never mentioned the wall or trump, put a lid on your derangement syndrome strawmanning
Notch was not right wing when he started developing Minecraft, he only became right wing after it was released and he was a useless, lazy fat fuck who spent his entire day on twitter and /pol/
stfu mofos. You will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.
He wasn't even invited to minecon due to his opinions.
Well then I'll call it goalpost moving since you're changing the criteria of success in the argument.
Fuck off fascist fuck. People who arent cowards don't need your boots. Freedom > your feelings of safety.
The system is rigged to prevent any game that shills republican politics, retards.
You can't even put actual racial differences in anatomy books anymore.
Pretty much. Imagine trying to make any kind of commentary that doesn't take the Jewish control of media, government, and other powerful institutions into account. You may as well be ignorant of the CIA and the US military's presence around the globe.
Name one western country where you can be openly right wing without getting cancelled
trolling twitter doesn't make you a right-winger
>Freedom > your feelings of safety.
I agree. I should have the freedom to shot invaders with guns I'm free to own. Those invaders' feelings of safety are of no consequence.
Ooo, I'm super cultivated too ever since I read the pepsi equivalent to 1984~
Look, more cowardice on display. All you think about is someone coming to hurt you, you are afraid 24/7.
So you're going to be angry at a snipped of an interview without either the context for the interview or the context of the game?
How aren't you a twitter tranny again?
Neither have left wingers. You treating things like a game of dodgeball where the left and right pick teams based on very very loose definitions and generalizations is very telling.
>people who aren't cowards
Nice euphemism for "real life cuckolds". You got mocked yesterday on worldwide live tv, you seethed on twitter for hours, and you didn't learn your lesson.
>sony is a japanese company
so tell them to stop censoring their own games like cucks.
Most people are sensitive whether they realize it or not.
Basically that's what most sane people want user. The crybabies on twitter are a vocal minority, and high schoolers can't vote for a reason.
Why does you being a coward who wants safety trump my freedom to bare arms?
Then why haven't right wingers made any indie games of any value?
>games have gotten shittier now that it's more leftist
>it's a pretend that developers in the 90s weren't leftist episode
What exactly do you mean by that statement? It's suddenly poorly constructed when it talks about today's politics? Not back with the whole meme/gene conversation? I don't get why anyone is triggered.
For what reason? Why aren't people allowed to make a game how they want?
Jeez user i just want the government to uphold the sovereignty of the people it is supposed to represent, rather than unwashed hordes of foreign nationals and moneyed interests. No need to name call
I dont know wtf you are talking about you faggot. I dont watch entertainment tonight and spend all day reading twitter like you.
No, it's because Kojima is making an apples and oranges comparison. "Bringing people together" has never been a good idea and it's the first thing to fix in this society.
>Kojima suggests that world events similar to the election of President Trump and Brexit may exist in the past of this world, making NPCs uneasy with building connections to other cities.
>making NPCs uneasy
Ain't that the truth.
Spencer is a fucking fedposter and even boomers don't give a shit about his faggot group, you hare-brained trans freak. Slit your fucking wrists lmao
> Trigered
Not, just make them play with the rules that they write.
Good thing for you, no one will ever be with you.
>d-doesnt count because he wasnt on y-your side when he-he made the game
This is some new pathetic levels of cope
>indies cannot be deplatformed
Take that cock out of your mouth, it's shutting off the oxygen from your pea-sized brain.
>It's suddenly poorly constructed when it
mentions today's politics while hardly trying to obscure what it's talking about (skilled writers use these crazy things called metaphors, allegories and illustrative examples) and only shows a surface level understanding of those politics that ends with some shallow and idealistic message where "Connect with people!" is the key to solve nuanced real world issues.
What do you mean """prevent""", there are more avenues to make and sell games now than ever before. There's Steam, there's indie development, there's crowdfunding, there's patreon, there are even engines that you can use for free like Unreal and Unity. In spite of all of these tools available right wingers have still failed to make a single game of any value, and instead demand leftist developers to make games for them.
Former communist bloc is not western
>le ad hominem
Fuck off back to r/news, retard. Fix globalism and globalist shills, you sorted 80% of the issues with this world.
t. bugbrain NPC kumbrain mongoloid faggot
Imagine actually having this much of a persecution complex
>if it's not left-wing then it's of no value
It's not a complex when it's real.
>George Bush with the NSA spying
That was Obama, libtard. Bush did the phone thing and that was it.
Calling something a complex is not very good deflection
Geography doesn't care about your feelings
formerly a transcended radical Chucktrist
>punching a hole in your wall to own the libtards
keep on trucking, my fellow kekistani)))
Actually do we know his political alignments before? They seem to always be right leaning but he was just quiet. Especially since a lefist just HAS to tell you their opinions in every art medium.
And with that being said, all art started as right winged. It shouldn't even be called right winged since all of human history was founded by conservatism. It's literally what built civilization.
>Your privacy has been obliterated
based argument, bugbrain faggot
>Fix globalism
He says as he posts on a global wide forum about a japanese game in english.
He means that any and all people who speak out against how things are going and where there moving, regardless of their political leanings, are hit with the same list of naughty labels and an active attempt is made to remove them and keep them from being hired again.
>If SJWs want more female and minority representation so much, they should just make their own games instead of bitching to developers to make them. Racism and sexism do not exist in the industry, their games won't be "suppressed".
Love the blatant hypocrisy, lmao
Yeah, by telling you to fuck off I certainly invaded your shit country to take what is owed to you by birthright.
Is it real in your mind?
How is it deflection?
Fallout 2 and NV are made by different people than Fallout 1. F1 clearly had good vs evil while F2 and NV were more nihilistic in their philosophy. F2 killed the franchise lol
Next youll tell me russia is western
Upvoted! Epic screencap.
>despite all of these things I listed, immigrants are still sneaking in, therefore, because of my list, its illogical to ask for more border security.
>proving the point this fucking hard
You niggrrs unironically deserve to be raped to death by some cartel faggots
>still defending Druphf
Like the whole point of the meme was that it would be funny if an idiot became the president. The joke is over.
>Look up George Miller
>Mad Max
>Happy Feet
Did Kojima seriously call him his god? Like what the fuck, none of his movies even try to be artsy fartsy like Death Stranding. What a shit show.
>crying about Drumpf and right wing shit
>calls others reactionary
I'm confused
look at you protesting with your wallet
Are you seriously this afraid of an empty threat? especially for a word like "cancelled" that holds no meaning to it?
No, the point was to stop a woman from becoming the president, actually.
Stop singing the national anthem. You are no longer allowed to say the pledge of allegiance unless you omit liberty and justice, and you are no longer allowed to sing land of the free or home of the brave.
I was just really hoping World War 3 would start. society seems to be in need of a reset.
>land of the free means you have to bend over
What a stupid fucking faggot
Where in the anthem or pledge does it say “fuck having laws and borders and shit”
Whats bending over more. Letting a mexican guy cut grass or spending trillions of dollars on armed men with guns and drones in the sky where everything you say and do is monitored to check for illegal activity?
>main character wearing maga hat
>president hillary is on a hospital bed
>first woman president floods country with homo demons
>stronk womyn needs men to save the country for her
>punch gay camera man back into the closet
This is looking less and less like a videogame and more like a really preachy movie
This, calling his game a new "strand" genre, Quiet's "you'll be sorry" thing. Makes me think he's full of crap.
Holy shit that strawman.
>the patriots want to control everyone and everything, shadow government style
>Raiden is a bitchboy and Snake is unhelpful, Solidus is only one with justifiable and reasonable motives
>Rat Patrol end up working for the patriots, snake keeps the shitty system in place, turns out that Liquid Ocelot planned to take down the patriots all along
>raiden is a mass murderer and has no plan for the world, Desperado and Armstrong have arguably better motives than anyone else
calling it right now, the "Chiral Network" will be some kind of mind control system or something or the other, UCA/Bridges will be a front for a shadow government, and Mads Mikkelson will end up being the antihero
Kojima loves the antihero/justified villain archetype and any character with a really cool design ends up being this.
Most likely it'll be "retired bridge babies end up being BT's, chiral network is a quantum entanglement communication system, digitization of information ends up being digitization of entire people, UCA wants complete control. Amelie will betray you, SkullMaskMan is this season's double agent Ocelot, Heartman is this season's Otacon. Mads as villain with arguably better motivation than any protagonist"
>cut grass
Microsoft is controlled by nothing but street shitters now. I guess they cut that grass real good huh?
>pic related is basically socialist propaganda
>t-t-t-that doesn't count
>brings up niggers, rape, and cartels for no reason
muy interesante
>you clearly want to do something you haven't said you want to do
hi, conspiracy theorist
You already
>spend trillions of dollars on armed men with guns and drones in the sky where everything you say and do is monitored to check for illegal activity
It's not a strawman. You want to spend even more. You want more guns and guards. You want more security. You feel unsafe, how to we make you feel more safe?
So blame microsoft. Not fuck over millions of people. Boycot microsoft and tell others to, fuck over microsoft for doing something bad.
I mean, Quiet did end up having a reason to be half-naked all the time
>last bastion of the west when they tell refugees to fuck off
>not western at all when it disproves all western countries embrace America's shitty cancel culture
no reason she couldn't be even more naked.
Vetoes are already being ignored, you fucking retard.
>land of the free means anyone from any country should be able to barge into your house and kick their feet up on your coffee table. If you disagree you're a hypocrite because I say so
Did I say Russia shitforbrains?
Liberty means freedom lmao not open borders. Justice for all (US citizens). It's the nation's anthem, not the world's anthem as you imply. Land of the free, again this nation says a person is free. It can't speak for other nations.
we play catch-up with the west while still being a post-communist country though.
>Chico is quiet, vocal cords got crushed, he became a trap to infiltrate organization, etc. etc.
>no actually, quiet is a mushroom person
I love MGSV but that was a fucking gay backstory
The fan theories were better
>you're not allowed to sing a song about national pride and identity because you want your country to have an identity
>your country being the land of the free means people from other countries should get things for free!
There’s actually three steps to that chiral network. For Bridges’ sake, you’re connecting from east to west and they want you to join the UCA – the United Cities of America. When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they’re retrieving your information 24 hours a day. It’s like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say “I’m not going to connect to UCA, because we’re going to repeat the same thing that we did.” Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It’s a metaphor. However, if you get really close, they start to say, “Okay, I’ll connect.”
I still don't understand what it means. Do we have the japanese version?
Americans despise freedom.
Wheres the border between western and russian? Because if its not slavic, former communist bloc countries i dont know where it is
kojima's a cuck that praised disney star wars what did you expect?
Witcher 3
I don't mean to sound completely ignorant here, but happened with politics and by stretch, the political system? That people are essentially in a contest on who can get angrier and "controversial?" I swear people just Wiki an Ideology just to piss another side off and vice versa. Someone help me here? Did the 2016 election caused the political equivalent of attention whoring? Because everyone from Twitter, to fucking Reddit, here, there, whatever-- It's all the same headlines.
"X said what? X is y and is doing Z." "He/She said that, fuck them! She/He did those things? Fuck them!"
I've had a specific individual get mad at me, when I said I don't care what part of History he likes, I just love History that's related to my hobbies. Why are people so angry?
/pol/ B T F O
is he going to pull some kind of mass surveillance thing? like reading your chrome history and Troy Baker tells you to stop spending so much time on XHamster?
He'll tell you about Cyberpunk, failing to realize Bioware did that game, the bulk that made Witcher is no longer with them.
You didn't play the game did you?
Maybe are the two opposite of a spectrum? Trump, isolation, maga (in theory) while UE, union, connection, sharing. All with pro and contra.
If true dropped
He's bffs with Guillermo who IS confirmed anti trump npc so it would make sense
>intelligence disparity between the left and the right has completely flip-flopped
Sexually active age, on the other hand has remained the same.
That's pretty much official, yes, you connect but your life becomes 1984. I still don't understand the correlation that he made.
Retards that waged console wars for all their life are old enough to vote.
>oh no Kojima has loud left wing views about geopolitical issues
>this has never come up before in his games before this point in time
And Trump voters wonder why everyone thinks they're fucking retarded.
A reality tv host was elected president, as a result politics became reality tv.
Why do people call Kojima a hack, wasn't he still the main writer of MGS1-3 with Fukushima being the co-writer?
What makes people think he only really wrote the messes that were 4 and 5?
That's a fake article.
The Patriots were a pretty fucking blatant critique on the Patriot Act.
>For what reason? Why aren't people allowed to make a game how they want?
Because someone like Kojima lacks focus. He has talent but when to his own devices the project wastes tons of resources on things that don't improve the quality of the game and budgets are finite. Kojima needs someone to guide him to help make his vision the best product it can be as Kojima is his own worst enemy.
MGSV could've been way better with someone telling Kojima that an idea was dumb or a waste of resources. Instead of dumping so much time, effort and money into things that weren't fully realized or largely pointless, they could've trimmed the fat and put those resources into improving the core aspects of the game.
The amount of time and money put into things like having Norman Reedus take a piss, play the harmonica and have a shower in Death Stranding could've been better used to say make an additional type of enemy which could lead to more possibilities for interesting encounters and memorable moments. All those vast yet barren fields/hills to run around in were not cheap to make, a smaller area with more interesting things in it would be more enjoyable and interesting to explore.
I feel Death Stranding is the game Kojima would make without anyone telling him what to do, its a pretentious, boring, walking simulator with a AAA budget and Hollywood folk doing stuff in it.
Played and beat it.
>Did the 2016 election caused the political equivalent of attention whoring? Because everyone from Twitter, to fucking Reddit, here, there, whatever-- It's all the same headlines.
ideology has replaced personality
You no longer tell people about the things you like, what you do, what you think
You tell them your political views, why you hold your political views, and how much you care about politics
There was a lot of Che Guevara cocksucking in Peace Walker.
>like trump or the EU
>or the EU
>lol republicans
There's not a single most destructive actual communist force in the world than the EU
Not even China is as evil of a communist entity than the EU
The continent of Asia, as it has been for ages.
Don't be mad just because you got called out on your crap, cuck.
>t. triggered snowflake
my point is if you haven't noticed it until just now you're a moron.
But I mean it's not like the /pol/ shills shitposting garbage threads like this were going to buy the game anyways. It's almost certainly under ban in Putinstan.
It's really true, the NPC thing can be only applied to democrats.
I think in his retarded way he's trying to say that the chiral net will end up being a double-edged sword in-game, where the more you utilize it, the more its ill-effects will be apparent
there's going to be some kind of sociological horror/detachment theme considering the BB's are cut from the mother's womb and "retired" after a year and Del Toro tells Sam "just don't think about it or whatever, that human baby is just a tool dude"
The article might be fake but alt-incels are very real.
Democrats are autocratic cocksuckers, thanks.
So are liberals, way more actually, because they don't even have rednecks on their side, but nobody calls them out. Why? Because they vote for their own demise.
my pp hard :)
Wait... so you ARE telling me russia is a western nation? Bruh..
How many layers is this fucker on?
I'm unsure if Kojima's even thinking like a human anymore.
There are no layers. Not even a surface layer. Hes not thinking at all
Been obvious for a while. The game comes out the same date Trump took office.
GZ and the fan theories about the plot were way better than the actual plot in general. I like MSV enough to appreciate the gameplay and what it was, but the whole "Subverting Expectations" twist was Rian Johnson tier and they ruined a golden opportunity to show Big Boss gradually changing into a darker shade of gray.
>People with traditional values lose their virginity when they start a family.
That's not shocking at all, really.
>vast majority of Russia is a part of Asia
>so you're saying Russia is western?
Man I can't wait for this game to actually come out and Kojima be exposed for the hack he is.
Fucking newfags actually fall for this shit. Just delete the board already.
I'm saying this, because Kojima has always made weird and nonsensical shit from the beginning, It's only seems NOW that it makes people mad because of the President that we have now and all the bait that you see on articles and social media. I don't think anyone got this mad during Guns of the Patriots. I shit you not, the only complaint that I vividly remember was that it had mostly cutscenes not dumb shit that people say.
Maybe the Gene/Meme codec from the 2nd game came true. That's really whats happening now.
I do hope Kojima learns how to develop games better in the future, but I feel like people complain for the wrong fucking reasons.
I think this accurately describes the last 3 years so far. I think attaching yourself to politics is stupid, I hate feeling like people are superior than me because they're watching International news, using meme critiques like "You're a smooooth brain", and always interrupting whenever someone tries to defend their point of view/belief. These people are like the secular version of a Dooms Day gospel. Always talking down on you, if you're not constantly following the latest crap on Sky News or some shit.
so Kojima didn't actually say that and this brainwashed faggot tries to say he did
journalism was a fucking mistake
I miss actually talking about games.
Their population, cultural and historical centers are all in the european bit, siberia was colonized and conquered by the european muscovites relatively recently. Pro-tip: they didnt become american when they controlled alaska either
always have been, ever since they were founded by Andrew "Trail of Tears" Jackson
there was just a period after the invention of the TV but before the invention of the internet when they could lie so convincingly that they got the whole world believing Republicans were pro-slavery and Democrats were anti-slavery
Yes, and nu Yea Forums eats it up anyway. This place is quite literally no different from Facebook at this point.
I think you got it all wrong. It's classic liberals vs far leftists. There used to be nothing controversial. Now it's all far leftist viewpoints with strawmanning left-centered people as Hitler.
I really do too. I don't think I've GENUINELY had a game conversation with anyone, without them resorting to say "Oh, this game was by an incel" or "This game was made by c uck."
I don't really care about the politics stuff, I wasn't really interesting in DS as it looked really boring. MGS 1-3 were great because it was fun to play in addtion to the writing (which Kojima did not do).
Kojima's role in MGS increased greatly with 4, PW and V. He needs people helping make the game as if he was left to do what he wants you're just going to get pretentious Hollywood shlock with some forced "2deep4u" stuff that tries way too hard.
What does this article prove about the leftist mindset?
not an argument
>I don't really care about the politics stuff
"before you get #MeTooed" would be a good time to start