Do you think the FF7 Remake will let us change windrow colours?
Do you think the FF7 Remake will let us change windrow colours?
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Man its so hot its 50 degrees outside lmao
Am I missing something? what's wrong with colour?
At least windcolumns I hope
They're giving OP shit for spelling it the non-american way
America Spells it Color
Adding an extra letter in there doesn't make the language deeper you europoor. Just say Color. Also its Aluminum, stop adding an extra syllable for no reason. It's not harder to say, or spell, its just pretentious.
I can see this thread is off to a strong start
Aluminium is consistent with every other material. Do you say Plutonum as well? Calcum? Stop being retarded.
Colour is kind of whatever though, they were originally removed because it was cheaper for newspapers iirc
Different spelling conventions are hardly indicative of pretension.
My wife.
>plough isn't pronounced the same way as through or rough
I hope it lets use speed up the combat because as it is now it is super slow
What roles have the current VA's been in? Always gets a tingle of joy if they're voices of chars in anime/cartoon/vidya i couldn't recognize, espeically if it's chars whose i was fond of and had decent or better acting
Cute boots
i dont understand why you're trying to bait eurofags over something so trivial
what kind of autism do you have to have to care why the spell it colour and not color?
I bet you think blacks sound stupid when they speak in Ebonics. That's what you sound like to us.
holy fuck
That's English for you.
If your ability to speak English properly is the same as your ability to not have your accent hinder your actual pronunciation of words, I'd consider that a compliment. Try inbreeding less island dweller.
Cloud, Biggs, and Sephiroth were in Teen Wolf
Biggs was Poseidon in God of War III
Sephiroth was Superman in Supergirl on the CW
Tifa was in GLOW
Aerith was in Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders and does Let's Plays
Barret was Nick Fury in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Jessie was Miriam in Bloodstained
That's all I can remember
Why not just spell everything phonetically then? Why did you type "accent" and not "aksent"? Why "island" instead of "island"?
Nomura's back on the belts I see.
centuries of loanwords coupled with French/German influence does that to your language
>dat arm
That's literally the inventor of the dictionary's fault:
>Johnson's dictionary was made when etymology was largely based on guesswork. His classical leanings led him to prefer spellings that pointed to Latin or Greek sources. For example, he preferred the spelling ache over ake as he wrongly thought it came from the Greek achos. Some of his spelling choices were also inconsistent: "while retaining the Latin p in receipt he left it out of deceit; he spelled deign one way and disdain another; he spelled uphill but downhil, muckhill but dunghil, instill but distil, inthrall but disenthral".
>Boswell relates that "A lady once asked him [Johnson] how he came to define pastern as the knee of a horse: instead of making an elaborate reply, as she expected, he at once replied, 'Ignorance, Madam, pure ignorance.'"
Ironic coming from what is still the language with the most absurdly overwrought word spellings in the world, even with a few simplifications.
In my country, we revise spellings of words every year to match the pronunciation. Meanwhile, you guys have to learn the pronunciation for each individual word separately, because there are no rules whatsoever for how to say each vowel. So don't think you can lord it over the britbongs.
>literally copying XV style sleek UI
>Literally copying Lestallum
except with actual effort put into it now
>In my country
ESL German/Greek faggot detected.
>tfw i thought her ribbon was elvish ears because she was a special race
>didnt realize it was a ribbon until the cut scene where she gets stabbed
8 year old me was a retard
Fuck I forgot to take off my namefag and accidentally summoned autist-kun again, I'm so sorry guys
>be a retard so lazy the thought of others expending calories to input extra letters gives you the fits
Those her piggu ears
OINK oink
Angland used to be spelled as Angland, than phonetic drift led people to start saying England so people also started spelling England, then this twat invented the dictionary and when phonetic drift led people to say Ingland, the written form got left behind as there was now a 'correct' way to spell every word. Languages are evolutionary, the spoken form evolves, the written form no longer does, arguing over British and American English is arguing of two wrongs.
Looks nothing like it though.
I was so fucking looking forward to that place. I remember seeing it in the distance with all the XV demos and seeing the artwork and trailers featuring it. Finally getting there was a huge disappointment. The place was tiny and had nothing but 2stronk4u female NPCs.
Fuck off you Amerishit. Your education system is piss poor and pathetic.
>Taking all the good stuff from old shit games
>so that the remake will be associated with them
Maybe, not really important other than it being further proof that they're going beyond what's necessary to make sure it's respectable of the original version.
There is no effort put into 7R UI and they literally used static renders instead of game models in the menu
Everyone does, stop coping. 7R is press nothing to win.
fucking this
neck yourself Barry
>7R is press nothing to win.
I would literally take that over muh episode gladio combat.
Yes it does
also the original "explorable" areas in midgar in 7 are actually less actual traversable ground
Except the remake is shit
No it fucking doesn't you retarded fuck. Midgar is literally Insomnia. A rabid fucking autist like you should know that.
looks more like a modern costa del sol
pretty poor work on your part xvshill
episode gladio has the best combat out of any SE action game and it shits all over cloud press nothing to win combat
stop giving him attention and threads won't derail
Survival of the fittest nigga
I still feel like this must be a troll. Why would someone playing it very clearly show off you're doing nothing?
Upper midgar looks like lestallum, it looks nothing like insomnia
>has the best combat out of any SE action game
The problem in a nutshell; the best combat SE can do is still complete shit.
>Not liking the blue digital vaporwave aesthetic look of the menus
Shit taste, OP and everyone else in this thread who hates it.
Galdin quay looks like modern costa del sol
upper midgar looks like lestallum
Because ff7r plays itself jon
The only way you can think Gladio's combat is good is if you've never played and action game NOT made by Squeenix.
>upper midgar looks like lestallum
absolutely not
>ban evading xv sperg is starting his off topic shit again
Impossible when each thread has new posters who inevitably see Barry's retarded posts and start arguing with them, blissfully unaware of what kind of freak they're talking to.
lestallum is too sotuh American to look like any part of Midgar we know now
for a rabid fanboy your shit is really off
Kill yourself XV-kun.
Ive played every dmc, bayo, ng, etc
it does
And never played a Kingdom Hearts game, all of which have better gameplay.
>Do you say Plutonum
Do YOU say Platinium?
Get cancer barry
stop samefagging
You couldn't possibly be more wrong. How does an open rocky area look like a dieselpunk hell-hole? you are literally retarded
the absolute cope
You haven't even played it yet.
Daily reminder to just report the XV autist
It doesn't you mentally deranged faggot. Stop pretending XV is relevant by hijacking threads of relevant games. Kill yourself like Tabata did.
In FF7R summoms are only summonable during boss battles/mini bosses and they are also RNG for when they'll even appear in the boss fight.
yeah I'm trying to cope with just how stupid you are
I hope not. I cringed at some of these shit tier tie dye menus people created back in the day.
Exactly. I dont have to play it to know.
strong one's like ifrit yet
you can still summon qt summons for general enemies
makes sense actually and I don't know why people are going on about it
Fuck off with your censored game.
>posting yourself falseflagging then screencapping it
seething NeithOf
shut up zoomer
Yeah you don't even have to play 7r because it plays itself.
Is the mobile iOS version of FF7 worth playing? I’ve never played FF7 and I’m thinking I should before the remake. A friend just gifted it to me.
How about you do something instead of crying for the mods like babies.
I really hope they release this trailer soon it looks interesting
I can't wait for this game to come out and everyone becomes disappointed by it. There is nothing whatsoever to justify any form of hype especially when the game itself is more so much like FFXIII and FFXV than FFVII. Enjoy the upcoming trainwreck, I sure as hell know I will.
It has fucked up audio if that doesn't bother you it's fine
coping because 7r has hold to attack and press nothing to win and no jump button and rng summons and summons are only summonable against bosses, and episodic filler padded shit
blessed post
How do you mean? Can I use headphones?
Will Cloud inadvertently kill Jessie just before the pizza?
summons aren't rng retard stop projecting XV's garbage game design on 7R.
Costa Del Sol is gonna be filled with so much soul in part 2
stop feeding him
Im looking forward at you seething when the remake part 1 becomes a massive success
like Hojochad chilling in his fucking labcoat surrounded by puss
Yes they are they are confirmed their appearance is rng and only usable against bosses
Trying to hard TORfag
How many times do you need to have this fucking thread
only powerful large ones like ifrit hence the smaller DLC ones
>The robot crane hand.
Man thanks a fucking pull.
got bored
I know right. Fucking video game threads on this video game board..
They never said the smaller ones aren't
also carbuncle and baby chocobo were not even in og ff7 so you dont even know how they'll work
>doomfags still seething
imagine being so uneducated and uncomfortable with letters that a single "u" makes you flip your shit and disguise it as a poor bait attempt
The VA for jessie, what nfl team does she play with?
>barret looks like his VA
7R's summons appear only in boss fights and mini boss fights aka NO RNG, it's fixed.
To summon them you need to fill up the summon gauge by hitting and getting hit during the boss fight = NO RNG, it's fixed
>That fucking man jaw that could cut through glass on Jessie's VA
If someone posts about XV being a better game, simply don't respond to him anymore. It's not that hard.
Who is that creepy future murderer VAing the fattie (never learned the difference from Biggs or Wedge)? He's like a dime store Kane motherfucker
the dmg they do is rng dumpass
Yes the summons appearing at all are RNG
So if Cloud equips Ifrit there still isn't any way to summon him straight away, you only get the option to summon by RNG which btw all summons can only be used against bosses/mini bosses
It is RNG, thet meter you fill up appearing at all is RNG, then you have to fill it up, THEN you can summon which again can only be done against bosses/mini bosses
This game is going to be great. This fucking silence at the end of that loud trailer had me choking up. Just the fucking subtle body language.
It is a better game.
>Barret and Tifa just standing there in shock
>Literally not one show i recognize nor char
I seriously hope his voice is actual VAing like Hamil's Joker, and not his natural voice.
I'm sure it will sell well. All FF's sell well regardless of the quality they are. FFXIII was one of the worst Final Fantasy's yet nevertheless sold gangbusters in Japan. That doesn't mean it's a good game.
>using tor
Why would I want to use Glow In The Dark browser?
>In my country, we revise spellings of words every year to match the pronunciation
That sounds like an incredibly retarded thing to do and a great way to erase etymology, history and culture... they're probably doing this to dumb the language down so it matches low iqs.
You wanna know how I know you're from one of those countries that love sucking immigrants dicks?
I wonder when this takes place?
Biggs is Balthier but that's it
>making shit up
you were proven wrong btfo
Why aren't they going with the original VA again?
pizza fall
They wanted a "new, fresh" feeling. Old cast will continue to voice them in spinoffs like WoFF
I would imagine during a longer wall climb segment?
>Using Hamil as default comparion in anything
Nobody can do this on the drop of a hat.
Hamil is VA cheating
I mean, i get it. I get that you all want to summons to be summonable in every fight, its natural. But lets be honest, put a hand on your heart and think about it: how many of you will summon ifrit to fight a couple of shinra grunts?
In the grand schemes of events you will never do that, admit it, it literally changes nothing.
Maybe you will have small support summons for smaller enemies and big summons for big bosses, im looking forward to it.
What im worried about is that summons become too powerful. In the OG they never was a big deal (aoe attack which was usually worse than fucking aqualung or beta), they costed a lot of MP and the stats reduce was big.
What they should do in the remake is that each summon also drops a lot of stats, costs a lot of mana and also, but not more importantly, give some kind of drawback depending on the enemy.
As an example lets take ifrit vs aps. SUre, you will do more damage to aps, but aps, constantly being on fire, will want to use sewer tsunami and water attacks more often, which means more damage recieved.
Or that chariot enemy (dont remember the enemy). SUre, you will do more damage with shiva, but maybe the floor freezes and will make the chariot to move faster and knockdown faster. You know, stuff like that.
If they do that, summoning will be awesome and its part of the strat.
because AC Va's were shit, fuck off
because they're garbage
Tidus' VA can:
It's not fair, why do Japs get to keep calling her Aeris but we gotta do this lisp shit
The king of dragons Bahamut bothering to show up to just to blast some fodder always sounded strange to me.
I hope Yuffie and Vincent will look the other way
have you ever thought that maybe they are too old for that shit
when was AC done? 2004 or something? in 15 years voice changes
original what? FF7 didn't have any. Advent children you mean? Many shat on them too (but i naturally only saw the sub)
And from my gathering, apparently the first trailers dubs were hated? Don't know why, they had like a line or two each of generic stuff, which wasn't enough to really let them shine. But i like the new ones too.
Doesn't mean i'll actually hear their ingame performance though. Sub4lyfe
You're literally in denial
the meter has to fill so the boss doesnt become too easy from the beginning of the battle you stupid nigger
probably during the climb.
I mean, i hope so. I want to see barret lose his mind and shot in anger everywhere. And that happens on the floor in sector 5, not on a pillar.
Also, that scene could work as a reminder for Cloud and party on what are they fighting for. Like, you are about to raid shinra HQ, and you see this before doing so. Its like a reminder. Shinra is evil, they did this shit.
Posting several times in the same thread isn't samefagging, retard. Unlike what you do, where you reply to yourself or reply multiple times to the same post. That's samefagging.
Doesn't really leave an impact due me never having played FF10, heard Tidus, nor watched Johnny test or can recall Obi's voice.
But i can appreciate the complete difference from what i assume is Johnny and Obi's voice along with the natural one. That's some good tone change
why dilly dally shilly shally and not just a random "lalalalalala"
frogs cute
I can understand not watching it but how have you never heard of Breaking Bad? That's all anyone fucking talked about when season 4 was on.
You know, i found this actually really cute in the VA's voice, compared to that absolute retard "durudurduruuu" thing in the jap VA.
But overrall the Jap VA was better with tonal differences.
Our country has one of the highest IQ ratings and lowest amount of immigrants in the world. It is our high collective intelligence that makes us smart enough to improve our written language to be more efficient instead of constantly being centuries behind the times because of some random asshole's spelling mistakes in the middle ages.
why does cid frog have a staff and not a spear
this cope
because in the Japanese she says something to the effect of "drag drag drag you keep dragging just do it" so they used "dilly dallying" as bases to get across the "stop wasting time faggot" message.
Says Aerith in the Jap demo.
I'm getting this game for all the tummy it's gonna have.
Yuffie gonna unf.
I recognize the name of the show, but i didn't watch it, so i wouldn't know his VA from it.
Not complaining here, mind you, but they voiced them in every piece they made a cameo, so I just found it weird they changed them for the remake.
New Cloud is ten times better than old Cloud, Sephiroth too, not too convinced on Barret yet tho.
they say earisu
didn't know Battletoads 2 was in production
But they didn't add the letter, american english removed it. Neither way is inherently superior, they're just indicative of different regions.
I know but all the Japs clearly say Aeris
dead ship
I'm excited, but have a few gripes.
Long range characters seem really underdeveloped compared to close range.
Scorp and Aps fights are far too similar is design.
Boss areas seem to just be really huge spaces with no thought put into them.
I'm okay with strong big summons only being meant for bosses except for how the fuck you're meant to know when they fucking needed. Are we gonna get fog walls or some shit? There are clearly no save points.
>Be American
>Have a mental breakdown when you see the word "colour" or "centre"
Bros we got too cocky
please someone discuss seriously with me
I hope the game does great success and the dub VA's getting some respect (if they actually do good). All the angloid VA's are generally nice low key people in real life and should deserve a slight push.
oh you
For me Barrett is the most fitting one so far after watching that Guard Scorpion battle.
Barret could be fun if at some point you play barret in a pseudo "max payne" type of fight vs other range enemies during the pillar or other parts
imagine yourself covering, rolling out and shooting just to hide again, like a 3rd person fps
>"kol hour"
>"sen treh"
your face is a dead ship
So do you guys think part 2 is in the works yet?
I reckon it'll end just as the weapons awaken.
Over the years I've spilt enough seed to Tifa porn to repopulate the entire white race twice over.
For me barret sounds exactly like i expected
i mean, it would be more barret if he could say fuck, but outside of that he got the tone and attitude right
I can't even understand what point you're trying to make. Feels like your post started in the middle of another one.
As to the one point i can find about summons being too OP, i still cannot understand how you came to that conclusion. In OG, materia levels counted, which was a slow ass haul of grinding, not natural progression,
Most likely to counter bosses dying right away is just give them a general resistance to all elemental dmg, which the vast majority of summons have.
I just hope yuffie is real. As someone said she can be added in at any time, and she's mostly ranged.
You can never go wrong with a gruff big black char. Even japanese does them right. I mean, look at fucking Dutch from Black Lagoon. His VA is perfect, dub and sub
Jensen why the fuck are you cosplaying Barrett?
Looks kinda terrible. Not horrible, just.. Not fitting.
KINO aesthetics. this looks actually pretty good. But blacks with white hair almost always works out well.
Pretty cool too, cool looking though the hair is kinda dumb. Bald would be better for the size of this lad.
Has Aerith always been flat chested or am I remembering her completely wrong? I could've sworn she had a nice pair of titties. Maybe my memory is just fucked at this point
Hopefully. It could end right after aeris dies but that means more space to cover (specially during that great glacier, which im pretty sure they would want to expand heavily into ancients shit: ancients structure, story, more backstory about jenova vs cetra fight, etc).
If it ends in the norhtren cave, it would be perfect because of the cliff hanger, and because that's the part the narrative ends (sephiroth/jenova chase around the world)
That could also set up the last part of the story, which could work perfectly as an open world game. Huge materia hunting, cloud search, shinra fight around the world, etc. You get the highwind, you get an intro in junon for new mechanics, everything.
>cant change window colors
>can't even change character names
What kind of "remake" is this?
I can tell you that he sounds exactly the fucking same in Breaking Bad as he does in the FF7 trailers.
I could see Part 2 starting with the playable Sephy portion and ending with the Weapons. I could also see them making the Weapons mandatory to help flesh out the end stretch.
oh ok, I guess you wouldn't mind naming that very special country now would you.
>can't mod it
Why is Barret so fucking sexy now?
So he actually has this kinda nasal voice with.. I don't know what it's called, slight blocks on certain tones? A soft rasp?
but ok
What about Tifa?
Probably because they went with a very good looking African-American structure. Probably the only time we'll see such a good looking black man in modern times.
First, im giving my opinion about people complaining about summons being only summonable during big fights, which include bosses/mini-bosses.
Then, i say that that doesnt worries me, and what actually worries me is that summons could become OP for multiple reasons.
And i proposed to give summons some pro and cons: you'll do more damage overrall, but also recieve more damage due to drawbacks depending on the enemy you are dealing with (apps and Eligor example)
In the OG they werent OP because of MP, stats reduction and relatively not enough power vs other abilities, and im worried they could become too OP here.
>Smaller breasts
>All the size taken from her breasts went to her ass
I see nothing wrong with this. Not sure if that's me or my dick speaking, however.
Thights and ass too big for my taste, but hair fits the racial attribute. Chest could afford to be bigger. Put the thight meat upside instead.
As to face, it's alright. Neither bad nor good, at least not from that angle.
screencap this post
part 2 starts with the flashback and sephiroth teaches you how to fight (new mechanics) against the dragon
We'll see about that. The PC version will come along and boom suddenly Aeris is naked Tifa is naked everyone's naked, because that's the first thing to mod in
You tell me. I literally just booted up my copy of FF7
oh my god i burst laughing
The new menu screen is so FFXIII it actually fucking hurts
>"classic" mode is literally FFXIII combat but the characters will do piss damage auto moves between your occasional command inputs
she had tits but she wasnt a big deal.
She's fine in the remake, specially in her red dress.
Aeriths VA is as cute as Aerith is in the game.
Tifa was like a D (or DD leaning toward E in fanart), and Aeris was a low C or maybe even a B.
Nah, i think you worry too much, but i see your points now that you explained them better.
Granted boss only summoning is basically cinematic cool epic cutscenes for bosses, so it can be constructed as good and bad depending on preferences.
As for me, already mid game i never used summons because of the long ass scenes unless it was a dangerous boss or a faggy mob like that Malboro cunt. So in theory not much will change in that aspect. By the end i never even needed summons. Only time i used Kotrt was completionist run to kill Ruby and the other faggy weapons and all i got for it was a golden chocobo i had gotten days earlier
what is she looking at?
Don't respond to Barry, he is a literally a npc with only pasta or webm of xv, cope, seeth and Neith.
>show scorp for 5th time
>keep going after fight
>get cucked
Oh yeah, and he just has two webms of FF7R supposedly playing itself. I'm 100% sure that he literally just filmed himself holding a controller and pasted it in the top-right.
Idiots are getting crafty. Not goooood.
her new boyfriend
>Granted boss only summoning is basically cinematic cool epic cutscenes for bosses
Thats my problem, it can become more than that.
If it wasnt for the insane amount of HP the bosses would have, i would run a tifa only party
that shit has to be so fun, dodging sewer tsunami geysers, aps hits and leaps, and others.
I want Barret to choke me
He only has one working hand.
me (her husband)
If you wrote Aerith and Sephiroth in romaji using japanese pronounciation, you would get "EariSU" and "SefiroSU"
If you believe Aerith ends with an s instead of th, then you must also believe Sephiroth ends with an s, otherwise you're inconsistent in your belief.
>mfw best char dabbin on all these @!#? haters
Cloud is a guy who probably cry when having sex.
No one cares about your nigger speak amerimutt
I stand corrected.
I've never heard him speak outside of acting, so I don't know if that's his normal voice. It's possible that he's just doing the same voice because Wedge is pretty similar to the character he did in Breaking Bad.
>Adding an extra letter in there doesn't make the language deeper you europoor.
You mean how americans took the word "Futur" from french but added an extra e at the end?
Do they call her Aerith or Aeris in the remake?
i think its just a coincidence
Confirmed Aerith
They've called her Aerith in literally ever piece of FF7-related media besides the original game.
We really should spell everything phonetically. That would instantly end any problem of wondering how a word is spelled or pronounced.
That would be too huge of a change for everyone though.
Spelling bees would die.
That face is a clear case of uncanny valley
I think we should wait to see more definitive gameplay before we start worrying. I mean, they already made another "gameplay" mode despite nobody asking. Just like how OG FF7 had with the time stop and action thing option.
Summons won't be a game changer i believe. They've never been in any FF. Hell most of the time most never gets used besides once or twice. How many used Siren in FF8 regularly out of necessarity?
Point is, even if Ifrit does big DMG, it will still be very tempered because every boss has a 60% or some shit resistence to summons, if not that spesific element.
Might be bosses lategame where summons are useful and a game changer against certain bosses who is weak to a spesific elemental dmg, but i don't think it will be that OP in the first episode.
>not using Celsius
Nice third world country you have there, burger.
uncanny valley only works with real stuff
she doesn't jump on it just so you know
Aeris had only one Boyfriend, best boy
Goddammit, Barry.
she doesn't stand o his sword it just looks like it
Oh, my bad, i misunderstood your point.
But to be fair, that nasally voice is unique, natural or not. If it's VA or natural, he will fit certain character types. What's his character in BB?
>rector's reactive battle music.
holy fuck anyone have it clean yet
We'll see.
Nobody says "Hey man, how hot is it? Feels like 38 Celsius out here".
There is something of with her face
its called feminine jawline
Yeah i got it cleaned up but it's only for private use get fucked and make your own
>Kitase says you WILL BE EXCITED
>not please be exited
my God what a powerful chad
>feminine jawline
Did i just type in some magic zoomer memetic code? What the fuck is this?
pm status: SENT
type Final Fantasy 7 remake instead
Yuffie won't be in it, idiot.
Better put on sunblock, its 46 degrees outside lmao
how is he so strong
I bet he puts Nomura in heaslocks
>Wutai suddenly gets brought up
>Yuffie has a history of infiltrating Shinra
It will happen
>A legend even before it's birth
the new vas for cloud and Barret are perfection during the reactor bombing holy shit
not just dialogue but their voices
>same height
>KH2FM combat techniques with late game XIII elements and 12 gambits
literal perfection
Hasn't everyone settled in on FF7R by now? Feel like i see it more often than FF7 remake, so i assumed the mainstream too adopted the name
will the next just be called remake part 2?
it's nothing like 2fm or ff12 gambits
it's automatic by default on classic mode and there is no jump button
i need to hear cloud during goofy scenes
like, saying no to crossdressing or trying to imitate a woman's voice, or trying to get in the honey bee inn
R2 and R3?
No, you say it's 20 degrees outside. Fahrenheit is LITERALLY retarded with bloated, nonsensical numbers.
The rest of the world thinks you're literally melting.
I kinda miss old Cloud VA though, sounded more unique
why did you bring up baby mode?
And that was only due to a mistake. When Sony of America localized FF7 in like a month for Squaresoft, they put in the right name for her at the game start (all the party members are "initialized" and then properly set up when introduced to the party, typically around their naming screen). But when you get to her naming screen, someone accidentally put in Aeris in a mistranslation there, but because it was the default everyone assumed that was that until Kingdom Hearts and later materials like Advent Children tried to correct it.
>Being so upset over people using words in a certain way because they grew up in a system where they were pushed into doing it and its become habit
>Trying to feel a sense of superiority over usage of nouns through presumption
Wow, pretentious much?
no he sounded monotone and shit
new cloud has already expressed far more emotion from what we've seen
Just counter with how baby mode in FF7R is still more of an actual game than FFXV on its standard mode.
My heart. Tifa is still my waifu though
post lightning
It's a different difficulty mode.
Saying the rest of the game is bad because of casual mode is retarded.
all the banter I've heard so far is amazing
the heal item sound effect is really cute
His character is a pudgy and dimwitted but earnest guy called Badger. He's friends with Jesse(the Breaking Bad character), one of the main characters, and is occasionally pulled in to do odd jobs which are hard to fuck up. Basically an incredibly small time criminal. He's really just Wedge if Wedge wasn't in AVALANCHE.
increase sexiness
>that little smile at the end saying "now i got him"
poor wedge has no screentime
Square needs to step up their feet game, this shit isn't acceptable
I wanna see best dude. Hopefully in ANOTHER FUCKING FLASHBACK GOD DAMN about how Nanaki got captured.
>different colours
>different fonts
>different hp bars
>extra info like mp and atb bars
oh but they're organised in a list with the player character highlighted larger so it's literally copying it
Aeris is a better name though. I don't care if it's incorrect or that it's supposed to be a pun on "earth". Words in the english language don't end in "-rith".
more revealing
when meteorain goes wrong
At most a wanted poster
new roster of wepon
I never saw her there, nice catch
>Reno in VII - "Killing is part of the Turks job and I enjoy it immensely, Sector 7 was a blast. Anyone who crosses Shinra will get what they deserve"
>Reno in AC - "Whoops silly me slipped on a banana peel, gosh I really hope we save all these children from the Notiroth's. Whoops pooped my pants now"
Will they change Reno like AC?
Good thing the game was originally Japanese and doesn't take place on Earth then.
perfect. thank you.
That's like saying any Tetris game is a scam because they all have the same UI with minor improvements.
you think the new soldier that follows cloud with the motorcycle is a new character or just a one off enemy
probably a recurrent character chasing down avalanche
I hope he's a reoccuring character like the Guard Scorpion in New Threat
>Barrett is an amerigoblin now
WHat happened?
Reno and Rude were never bad guys. They were just professionals who were following orders.
this is a top tier core exercise
black people are such a disgrace to the human race
>Words in the english language don't end in "-rith".
It's not English you fucking mongoloid
Do you think it should be Sephiros too?
dsp got this in the bag
because ff12 gambits are you setting if-then AI loadouts, that is not what FF7R has at all, it's just automatically automatic on classic mode
Except it isn't since 7R requires no buttons on classic mode while XV requires more buttons just to use an item on the easiest setting.
Thanks, gonna youtube the char and see for myself now that i know his name
Tifa has to marry Rude
He is hot
Aren't ankles pretty pronounced in both sexes? Where's her? Looks like the leg just continues on without the "bolt" part that ankles are.
My favorite Berserk character is Griffis!
I genuinely believe if Aeris made it and Cloud ended up with Tifa she would have gone for Tseng. There was soething going on there
It blew my mind when I found out that Rude's AI script has him avoid attacking Tifa completely if she is in the party fighting him, even if she is the only character left facing him.
The new victory animations look pretty good.
More like
>Reno in VII - "Killing is part of the Turks job and I enjoy it immensely, Sector 7 was a blast. Now that's done, let me become a JOKE DUDE God i am SO wacky and WEIRD!
Turks were a joke that was hyped up to be bad boys. And after they did the ONE bad boy thing, Rude, Reno, Elena turned into comic book jests. Only Tsung kept somewhat of the turk dignity, but he was shown to be utterly incompetent despite his stoic character.
Tseng smacked her just right in the helicopter. Got her juices flowing.
Nope, retard mode in 7R is more of a game than the standard mode in XV. You still have to actually select ATB skills and spells. XV is hold O to awesome. Auto attacks do chip damage in 7R and requires input to deal damage. XV is hold O for optimal output at all times.
You're just not used to looking at truly beautiful people.
That OST makes me instantly want to replay the original again.
I hope we get a fight against Tseng
I hope he's there to fuck with him but not for too long
Chances are we'll fight most of the turks on the highway at the end of the first game because Motorball is boring as fuck as a final boss.
I can't believe this many people would fall for such obvious bait.
>jap vidya
>not overflow with pretty girls
XV may have been a shit game but the sluts in it looked a lot more less awkward than what we got now
Imagine being Tsung.
>Hyped up to be the biggest baddest boss of the biggest baddest gang in the world
>You prove this reputation by literally killing millions without remorse
>Then every scene you are in is one where you fuck up and fail every single time
>Including the sequel movie
>And it's always your subordinates faults
Holy shit Tsung get some real screening when recruiting
tseng doesnt fight tho
i think they gave him a gun in new threat but he's not a figher
Why did ShinRa hire Elena as Turk?
She is weak and incompetent
Attacking in FF7R on Classic mode is automated, it automatically attacks enemies for you with no buttons required
Attacking in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to manually press the attack button to attack
Defending in FF7R on classic mode is automated, it will automatically defend, block and dodge attacks for you with no buttons required
Defending in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to manually press the defend/block/dodge button to defend/block/dodge
Movement in FF7R on classic mode is automated, it does it for you with no buttons required
Movement in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to physically move the L stick to move around
Since everything is automated for basic attacks, defending and movement in FF7R on classic mode, you never need to press anything else, however even if you did want to use a spell or ability or item they are all exactly the same with just pressing X, up/down, pressing X and that's it.
Using items in FFXV requires pressing R2, navigating to the item you want with the D pad up/down, pressing X to select it, navigating to the party member you want to use the item on with D pad up/down, pressing X to confirm
FF7R has hold Square to attack by default and it is the higher DPS option and fills up ATB faster too, and you never need to input spells or skills to begin with because the chip damage from just holding attack will automatically kill enemies over time anyway, you have no jump button and if you want to hit aerial enemies it's automated, holding to attack does the most damage for any basic attack in 7R and is the optimal way to play.
FFXV has tap to attack which deals higher DPS than if you hold, in addition you have manual finishers and directional inputs for far more variety of attack, you also have a jump button and manual aerial combos on attack, aerial dodge on the dodge button, airsteps and so on. Holding to attack will have you die in XV and it is the least optimal way to play
Ameripigs, ignore them and their disgusting simplified way of spelling tailored for their stupidity
one of the managers was harvey weinstein and wanted to fuck her
I liked FFXV late build so all I hope for is more seamless character switching
Most girls are "pretty" user, Im talking about something beyond that.
>holding attack will automatically kill enemies over time anyway
Retard, this is provably false. Cloud and Barret literally deal 7 to 10 damage to the Guard Scorpion in the demo with standard attacks. Selecting skills or using the shortcuts is mandatory to beat it. Thunder deals 400 in comparison.
Actually, whenever I see the American version I get physically sick. I can’t help to think of a child holding crayons.
Look, we're just bored. We discussed every aspect there is. There's nothing more refreshing to talk about. But we can't quite move on either. So we will accept even poorly disguisted trolling as genuine just to enjoy one last thread.
Jokes aside, you have to understand that everything surrounding the remake, the vast majority of Yea Forums already knows. The plot, the bosses, the characters.. It's not like cyberpunk or w3 or botw or other AAA games where everything is more or less pure speculation for every tidbit given.
The irony is that you probably say Platnum instead of Platinum.
Elena is the brain to the two retards, but she is still half the brain that is tseng, who himself is 1/100 brain of literally anyone.
>Teefa is afraid of ghosts because of her dad's passing
Does this make her cuter?
>English determined Leicester is pronounced LESTER and Worchester is pronounced WOOSTORE
>Dude colors lmao
No it isn't, it is shown that enemies will die just from holding attack because the damage output from basic attacks is enough to kill enemies regardless.
A basic 4 hit combo on Cloud holding does 70 damage in 2 seconds, in 6 seconds that will do as much as a useless spell which takes 6 seconds alone just to navigate towards and wastes ATB and MP, there is no point in using any ATB anything when basic attack will kill anything just from holding
Final fantasy XV invented the anime "stab attack from above" routine.
Didn't that turk phone game have more turks? What happened to them?
t. didn't follow after two weeks due translations being so fucking slow at the time
>You prove this reputation by literally killing millions without remorse
Is Cloud not aware of Tifa following him, or why was she so behind when they climbed up to Barret and why is Cloud fighting Reno alone? Why put in a hand reach scene for no reason?
That whole sequence from the camera angles to the color aesthetic to the flip at the end and the entire framing of it is clearly 7R copying XV
>Believing Ghosts
>In fucking C1031
L O L ghosts don't exist dude, i even went into that mansion in nilfheim and saw nothing
So, are FF threads now just 7R shills vs XV kun?
I get it, a tranny
I'm so hyped
There is literally no problem with that if he speaks English well, in anything it puts him in a superior position to you. He can fluently speak and shit-post in another language.
Oh, you know, just casually dropping a metropolis size piece of a plate onto a gigantic slum
Didn't you play the game?
Turks were a joke for the majority of the game. The pillar was false advertising. At least this time they got cool movesets. I'm looking forward to when we get to fight the whole team.
Wrong. The Scorpion Sentinel takes nearly 8 minutes to beat WITH limit breaks, spells and skills. Standard attacks literally do nothing against it. It'd take a half hour to beat it without using the ATB skills.
Insider here. That Johnny and Tifa scene? Oh boy, just you lads wait.
4 basic hits from Cloud is enough to kill those enemies, you just need to hold to attack, you don't even need to do anything else
But Johnson lived during the Enlightenment
how about the legend of the hanging man
legend says there's a man half human half machine thats swings himself on a chain with a blade on it
It feels kinda random, obviously it's there to give her a "cutesy" moment but it was never a thing in the OG
The first part doesn't cover Costa Del Sol. Try again. Johnny and Aeris are the ones who interact outside of the Honey Bee Inn. Tifa doesn't even glance at Johnny until Costa Del Sol.
>super chad Johnny keeps getting away with it
>turbo sperg who can barely talk to aeris and gets a free flower because she pities his autism
Reno doesn't attack Cloud in the church in the original. In the remake, he does. That's why they're fighting 1 on 1.
>"why yes, I also was in Soldier how did you know?
>oh no, my boneitis
>Says increasingly nervous Nilfheim Cloud for the billionth time
It's Nibelheim
Just tried this workout and now i can punch boulders
This is gonna be great in 4K
It's Niggerheim, home of BLACKED and the origin of Tifa's fetish.
It's no shame to lose to the best
Wrong, That is the village name, but the continent is literally Nilfenheim
Nope, that clip is with them constantly gimping themselves by switching to barret who deals less damage than Cloud on basic attacks, if they just used Cloud the entire time the scopion was on the ground thenholding to attack it would have lost way more HP in less time, in addition whoever is playing there isn't targetting weak spots properly, you never need to use ATB anything
Just looking at gameplay Barret against the guard scropion took 3 seconds to deal 45 damage
Cloud in 1 attack string from holding dealt 70 damage in under 1 second, all you have to do is hold as Cloud.
Also funny you're trying to say something would take half an hour when if you try to hold to attack against any boss in XV they will take well over 30 minutes to multiple hours and that's only if you are constantly reviving and healing yourself at that
>continent named
there, they're & their
Spell them phonetically
English is filled with things where that doesn't work lmao
lmao, you can beat every encounter in XV by holding down O. It's the most effective way to play with the occasional dodge.
Can't fucking wait desu
you cant beat a single boss from holding nothing but O let alone majority of enenies
you can beat everything in 7r shown so far by just holding attack
The part where he suddenly teleport behind Cloud seems to be a call back to the Loz vs Tifa fight from AC
You say that, but I completed the whole game by doing nothing but holding down the attack button.
user, Dirge made it official. The continents are all Nordheim, Westhelm, Easthelm etc, with Midgard and Nibelheim being the middle, aka Nilfheim (middle home)
And yes, Dirge IS canon. Same as the other spinoffs.
No it isn't, it's the least effective way to play
Tapping to attack deals more damage than hold to attack in XV especially since it has manual finishers and directional inputs that add to the combo and have different break% and crit% that can completely break and vulnerable state an enemy
Holding to attack in 7R is the higher DPS mode of attacking compared to tapping
Please show me you beating Omega holding nothing but O and it taking 5 minutes
This person who played it for the first time while at high level with end game level gear still took 50 minutes to beat it
>It's the most effective way to play
But that isn't just continuously warp striking everything with a great sword, or even better, with the broken as fuck DLC sword Ragnarok, until it dies.
No you didn't.
Keep lying
God i love FF7 trolling threads. Unlike say Witcher or Borderlands or Cyberpunk or FFXV, the trolls here usually knows their shit, so they put effort into out trolling trolls, unlike the other threads that was mostly speculative trolling leading to low effort faggotry with no basis in anything.
>lying on the internet
das bad
So wasting MP which will run out in 2 warpstrikes if you even try doing that from the start of the game? Are you retarded?
>blocking a sword with your bare arms
I love jrpgs
I'm the real world equalent of fucking sephirot, so don't u fukng test me... kiddo
Yes FF7R is braindead.
>liking man feet
that's indeed very gay
>Being this much of a soi
No wonder no woman want you.
keep holding o
Yeah and as you can see a game over happened as a result
but that's not how it works
the whole point is that Japanese has a limited number of sounds and both -s and -th will transliterate in the same way
planet Zebes in the Metroid series was originally 'Zebeth' due to this very problem
Keep coping because 7r is hold attack to win or press nothing to win
barret was the best character
he was the one who suffered the most, and yet wanted to make the world a better place
god bless barret
Yes FF7R is hold to attack.
Only Astral Chain has enough soul to give that option anymore
As we've seen in all the footage, standard attacks do jack shit. Like we've also all seen and experienced, XV is hold attack to win. There's no more depth than that. You hold down attack and then you occasionally dodge. It's SHIT. SHIT
As you've already been proven wrong here and here and here you are in serious denial over FF7R being hold attack to win and press nothing to win, while still lying about XV needing to hold when tapping in XV does more damage than holding, while in 7R holding to attack is higher DPS than tapping.
You were already invalidated and BTFO.
You haven't "proven" anything. You've sperged out as usual. XV is hold O to win, meanwhile even the retard mode in 7R requires actual input to defeat bosses without spending 10 hours auto attacking. XV is ONLY auto attacking and dodging with a tap button to awesome mechanic.
So you're seething at facts because 7R is hold attack to win and press nothing to win, while XV has higher attack DPS when tapping while 7R has a higher attack DPS when holding. 7R on classic mode doesn't even require buttons.
Coping and lying
7r is hold to win
xv is hold to die
I like Aerith in this image. She's so cute.
>xv is hold circle to kill anything
>7r on retard mode requires actual menu navigation and skill usage that takes more than holding a button
In short, the retard mode you're using to put 7R in a negative light is actually more of a game than the actual game mode in XV. Absolutely hilarious.
Attacking in FF7R on Classic mode is automated, it automatically attacks enemies for you with no buttons required
Attacking in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to manually press the attack button to attack
Defending in FF7R on classic mode is automated, it will automatically defend, block and dodge attacks for you with no buttons required
Defending in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to manually press the defend/block/dodge button to defend/block/dodge
Movement in FF7R on classic mode is automated, it does it for you with no buttons required
Movement in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to physically move the L stick to move around
Since everything is automated for basic attacks, defending and movement in FF7R on classic mode, you never need to press anything else, however even if you did want to use a spell or ability or item they are all exactly the same with just pressing X, up/down, pressing X and that's it.
Using items in FFXV requires pressing R2, navigating to the item you want with the D pad up/down, pressing X to select it, navigating to the party member you want to use the item on with D pad up/down, pressing X to confirm
FF7R has hold Square to attack by default and it is the higher DPS option and fills up ATB faster too, and you never need to input spells or skills to begin with because the chip damage from just holding attack will automatically kill enemies over time anyway, you have no jump button and if you want to hit aerial enemies it's automated, holding to attack does the most damage for any basic attack in 7R and is the optimal way to play.
FFXV has tap to attack which deals higher DPS than if you hold, in addition you have manual finishers and directional inputs for far more variety of attack, you also have a jump button and manual aerial combos on attack, aerial dodge on the dodge button, airsteps and so on. Holding to attack will have you die in XV and it is the least optimal way to play
So you never played XV and are lying about 7R.
Be thorough when you plough through the rough terrain.
is it possible to have a good ff7re thread
what if we just tell barry that his game is good so he cant shut up
>a solid 15 seconds to revive someone the moment they die
so this is the power of modern final fantasy games
Nice cope retard
That's a lengthy copypasta just to say HOLD CIRCLE TO WIN, Barry.
7R requires no buttons on classic
XV requires buttons for everything you do.
If anything that'll encourage him.
Yes FF7R is hold to win, keep seething Zeal you stupid nigger.
Wrong. Classic requires manual input every single time you want to use an ability, which you'll have to do as auto attacks deal virtually 0 damage to bosses. XV is built around holding down the attack button and dodging when necessary. It's inherently braindead, whereas only the classic mode (made for XV players) in 7 is like that.
Just tell Zeal and Nathan to fuck off with their lies.
A reminder that through the power of English you can say the word fish but you can spell it ghoti.
Attacking in FF7R on Classic mode is automated, it automatically attacks enemies for you with no buttons required
Attacking in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to manually press the attack button to attack
Defending in FF7R on classic mode is automated, it will automatically defend, block and dodge attacks for you with no buttons required
Defending in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to manually press the defend/block/dodge button to defend/block/dodge
Movement in FF7R on classic mode is automated, it does it for you with no buttons required
Movement in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to physically move the L stick to move around
Since everything is automated for basic attacks, defending and movement in FF7R on classic mode, you never need to press anything else, however even if you did want to use a spell or ability or item they are all exactly the same with just pressing X, up/down, pressing X and that's it.
Using items in FFXV requires pressing R2, navigating to the item you want with the D pad up/down, pressing X to select it, navigating to the party member you want to use the item on with D pad up/down, pressing X to confirm
FF7R has hold Square to attack by default and it is the higher DPS option and fills up ATB faster too, and you never need to input spells or skills to begin with because the chip damage from just holding attack will automatically kill enemies over time anyway, you have no jump button and if you want to hit aerial enemies it's automated, holding to attack does the most damage for any basic attack in 7R and is the optimal way to play.
FFXV has tap to attack which deals higher DPS than if you hold, in addition you have manual finishers and directional inputs for far more variety of attack, you also have a jump button and manual aerial combos on attack, aerial dodge on the dodge button, airsteps and so on. Holding to attack will have you die in XV and it is the least optimal way to play
Shit, zero's pretty cold and 100'a pretty hot, makes sense to me.
Your fictitious pasta doesn't make it reality no matter how many time you post it, Barry.
7R is hold to win and press nothing to win
holding in XV will have you die and it deals less damage than tapping to attack
Keep coping over facts Zeal you pussy faggot
Everything in that post is 100% true, you are seething and in denial.
the FF series hasn't been worth playing since the PS2 generation
the only one holding out hope for good games is you champ
damn 7r is hold to win or press nothing to win? fuck at least xv required buttons to attack, defend and move
Thanks to the trolls no one will know that I'm really Nomura
Nope, that thing is entirely written by a biased XV fanboy, I.E, you. There's nothing valid in that entire wall of text. XV is and always will be hold attack to win. Classic mode in 7R is literally made for people like you who find XV to be SO in-depth and amazing. Now you can do mostly nothing to look awesome instead of holding down a button to be awesome! Yay, progress. :3
Kill yourself Zeal you failed abortion.
Attacking in FF7R on Classic mode is automated, it automatically attacks enemies for you with no buttons required
Attacking in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to manually press the attack button to attack
Defending in FF7R on classic mode is automated, it will automatically defend, block and dodge attacks for you with no buttons required
Defending in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to manually press the defend/block/dodge button to defend/block/dodge
Movement in FF7R on classic mode is automated, it does it for you with no buttons required
Movement in FFXV on easy is manual, you have to physically move the L stick to move around
Since everything is automated for basic attacks, defending and movement in FF7R on classic mode, you never need to press anything else, however even if you did want to use a spell or ability or item they are all exactly the same with just pressing X, up/down, pressing X and that's it.
Using items in FFXV requires pressing R2, navigating to the item you want with the D pad up/down, pressing X to select it, navigating to the party member you want to use the item on with D pad up/down, pressing X to confirm
FF7R has hold Square to attack by default and it is the higher DPS option and fills up ATB faster too, and you never need to input spells or skills to begin with because the chip damage from just holding attack will automatically kill enemies over time anyway, you have no jump button and if you want to hit aerial enemies it's automated, holding to attack does the most damage for any basic attack in 7R and is the optimal way to play.
FFXV has tap to attack which deals higher DPS than if you hold, in addition you have manual finishers and directional inputs for far more variety of attack, you also have a jump button and manual aerial combos on attack, aerial dodge on the dodge button, airsteps and so on. Holding to attack will have you die in XV and it is the least optimal way to play
Everything in that post is true, stay in denial.
>Badger confirmed for FF7R
imagine being so fat you do not want to spell extra letters just in case you might accidentally lose weight by moving your mouth more
>Badger is FF7R character
>Jesse is a FFXV character
damn yeah barry how many times are you gonna pretend to be a new poster and phonefag threads up haha
>melting at 70
oh not its 70 im burning up out here lol
Balthier is also Biggs in 7R
Ashe is also Aranea in XV
>Comparing a turn based game with action elements, to a shitty action game
Is Barry actually retarded?
>this and death stranding
>get a ps4 for 2 games
ughhhh im tempted.
All those years of holding O has rotted his mind.
We have established that both individuals are not of sound mind
I laughed
Damn FF7R is hold to attack no wonder NeithOf is seething so hard
>He's an Oomer
Yeah and Noctis is Noctith
oh no no no NeithOf on suicide watch
all those years watching FF7R trailers now the game plays exactly like watching the trailers, on its own
>Kitase points out that it isn't a true action game, and is just the old game with some action elements slapped on to it, to the point where they recreated the old game mode, as a separate play made, by just removing those action elements
>"See it's totally an action game!"
He really is retarded.
ok I laughed
Barry, no one knows who your boogeyman is. Your autism has reached a new level. You need help. You have to take your medication. This is not how a person is supposed to behave. You are an unprecedented existence in human history.
Kitase literally said it's a one button action game you retard.
coping NeithOf
His boogeyman is literally a fake alternate personality he made up to argue with himself. It's retarded.
>both individuals
Stop falling for barry's bullshit nigger, it's just Barry playing both sides just so he can shitpost. The fact he is calling 50 different ips "nathan" and claims it's one guy using 50 different devices to shill 7R when it's obvious that every shitposting thread starts with his garbage webms and copy pasta's should tip you in on what's happening. Pic related.
samefagging this hard because you got BTFO NeithOf?
t. NeithOf on suicide watch after getting exposed
Some other terms and common posts nathan makes to help identify Nathan aka Neith Of here, he has frequently said these here and on gamefaqs
>Take your meds, variants of this
>Calm down, kid.
>Get help
>You're XV-kun, said to various different people both on Yea Forums and on gamefaqs
>repeatedly spamming old 2014 mistranslated and misinterpreted interview
>repeatedly spamming "hold O" webm from supereyepatchwolf furry vid even though R1+O is being held and its against some of the weakest grunts in the game while using durandal
>Calling everyone barry
>posting a list of other shitposters and namefags with himself included to try and distract from himself coming under fire, ignores they are all proven shitposters including himself and his various aliases
>Will try and hide behind other games just to attack XV and to try and turn fans of other games against XV by falseflagging as a fake XV fan shitting on other games then blaming it on "barry"
>Has done this with DMC, FF14, Persona, Xenoblade, Nier Automata, Sekiro and countless others
>The biggest Nomura defender in existence
>A huge KH shill and also a FF13 defender
>Defends FF7R nonstop and has been up for 56 hours straight defending it on Yea Forums and gamefaqs
>now you're doing THIS (YOU)
Then Kitase is also retarded, since it isn't.
Calling an FPS game a one unit strategy game, doesn't actually make it a strategy game either.
But to be fair, the Japanese has always struggled with using game genre labels correctly.
Literally linking to posts earlier in the thread exposing you you retard
Why'd you put your twitter account on private literally a few hours after that post was made?