So where the fuck is it? I think I last saw when it was first announced at the 2017 game awards

So where the fuck is it? I think I last saw when it was first announced at the 2017 game awards

Attached: 3733C5D5-F1BD-4A3C-9335-5FABD10EEFDA.jpg (1920x1080, 167K)

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in the garbage where it belongs

They flat out said recently (okay, like three-four months ago) that you can probably expect it 2020.

Read their blog:

It's far from done unfortunately

So nothing of the game is finished. Just demos...

Which game

this is ASS

Attached: redesign.png (800x1080, 566K)

Looks gorgeous. Hope they don't downgrade the graphics.

It looks fine, what's your problem

looked much better before

What makes it look "better", according to you? That it ain't in pristine condition and looks rugged and used? That the colour palette is changed? That the general design of model is changed?
There's definitely a reason why different weapons bear different design approach. Could be anything; to point out different in-game weapon tiers by design alone, or could be straight out just lore matter, the very origins and how the particular gun is stored and acquired

Not that guy but it looked better before. Better textures, better color pallet. Better muzzle.

Now it looks like some steampunky Torchlight 2 cartoonish shit. Fucking awful and not fitting with the rest of the environment.

Redesign looks cartoony, something out of bioshock infinite

When they announced its going to have looter shooter elements I lost interest

just another garbage PC shooter like all the other 100 releasing every year

They've stated few times, they're not heading for steampunk style, rather than gaslight fantasy, aka early to mid 19th century with arquebuses, muskets and blunderbuses around that got upped to more modern, industrial era
Like, compare it with the lever-action that's in the trailer. That one sure as shit is a proper witch-hunter gun, but this just ain't meant to be crude, but much more refined and graceful to be much more appropriate to church and inquisitor tastes
The only thing that pisses me off is offset sights for no reason

Attached: shotties.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

This is historical, original british naval blunderbuss
Does it look cartoony?

Attached: ON5683__01.jpg (1200x1200, 68K)

>they're not heading for steampunk style
Well they fucked up big time then since it looks like generic steampunk.

No, also looks very different from the game's gun. Dumb faggot.

Have we both seen the same media releases by the studio?
I mean, sure, both steampunk and gaslight is stylised from the same era, literally the same century, with the difference being few decades, but y'know, technological and industrial advance in 19th century happened fucking fast in just few years compared to some of other periods of time
But fucks sake, the difference is still there. It's like saying that baroque is the same artstyle as rococo
Like I was supposed to post a real gun you dense nigger. It's a mix of styles, with a blunderbuss muzzle and general layout, while the action is non-specified and could be fucking magic

Yes, it's a mix of a real gun and cartoony steampunk trash. You're a fucking retard.