What do you expect from Breath of the Wild 2?
Sony made Everquest my nigger. They want to make money but don't expect hallmark titles until 10+ years after they launched on their equivalent platform. It's all going to be shit like Journey,
We’re finally getting Ricky Bobby, PCbros.
more steamshit; who cares
But I already have a movie player on my PC.
Personally i think it would make perfect businesses sense to bring even the biggest exclusives to PC after the end of the console lifespan or after a couple of years if its a swansong title.
Blood-borne is probably not selling any more copies on the PS4.
And a PC port would most probably sell another 1 million just on PC.
Hell i bet many people would even double dip just to play it at 60 fps.
Hell i beat it 3 times on the PS4 and il still play it again on PC at 60 fps.
Even games like Last of us or HorizonZD or Uncharted would sell a ton on PC.
Another cool thing about this is that once the game comes to PC its preserved and archived forever for future generations.
Emulation is an alternative to this but emulation is often imperfect and slow.
I for instance imagine in like 20 or so years there will no longer exist functioning Ps3/360s.
Even now most optical drives are dying on older systems like the Ps2/xbox/GC luckly those systems do have mods that let you play games on them wo the need for optical media.
Not really. They're only bringing multiplayer-only games to PC like the new Predator game.
In the end most people will still buy and play on consoles just based on the fact they dont want to wait x years to play a game.
>People believe this
Yeah lets all use epic spyware bros
That's a fake link dood.
What exactly is stopping them from releasing ps3 games on pc anyway?
If anything releasing the last of us on steam would only get more people to know the series and more people willing to buy a ps4 to play the second one
PC players want to play that piece of licensed shovelware as much a they want to play the latest big buzz movie-game from Sony.
You can't fool me. It literally says the game in the url
They don't want to because they have PS+
as a PC only player since early 90s, the only console exclusive titles I'm interested in are on PlayStation:
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Bloodborne
- Uncharted
- God of War
What's on Xbox? Forza? Fuck off I've got a bunch of that racing shit on PC.
Gear? It's already there.
And... what?
You sound like you have really shit taste
Microsoft has Forza on PC
the only good game you mentioned is bloodborne and it's going to be emulated soon
you sound like someone that likes watching niggers fuck your mom you fucking moron.
huh didn't know that. I don't use MS Store, especially since Age of Empires remakes will be on Steam no reason to go there. Same for Gears I think.
>what do you expect from BOTW?
>Picture of Sony and PC
>It's happening
Don't question it.
Easy, faggot. The worthwhile GOW titles already run well on PCSX2. The rest of your list is meme trash consolekeks praise to make themselves feel better
give me PC Bloodborne and Demon Souls, and maybe some niche titles like Parapa, most of Sony stuff is garbage
>huh didn't know that
>>Hell i bet many people would even double dip just to play it at 60 fps.
It would be nice, but I doubt they would even put in that much effort to make it 60fps.
I am just going to hope we can have a stable 30 with minimum hitches. Shit got really crazy in the Chalice Dungeons.
Thanks for beta testing bros, I'll have fun pirating your shitty movie games
I don't think they will ever port/remake/re-release Demon's Souls because of legal issues, unfortunately.
>as a PC only player since early 90s, the only console exclusive titles I'm interested in are on PlayStation:
>movie-game grindfest
>Dark Souls
>the original movie-game
>movie game with a classic Playstation 2 hacknslash skin
lmao what a retard
Bro don't make me sad like this
well, at least we can already emulate the thing in 4K@60
They are as interactive movies as games like Bioshock or Dead Space, but you don't bitch about them because they can't be used as arguments in your console shitwars.
Both of you- xbox and ps fans are bunch of fucking niggers, probably even worse than Nintendo crowd (witch is just a lil bit above smartphone 'gamers').
Uncharted or TLOU looks fantastic. I've been playing crpgs since mid 90s, by the looks of it long before your whore mother gave a birth, and I have nothing to prove to anyone.
I don't care about souls genre but BB artstyle is stunning enough for me to want to finish it.
Imbecyle crybabies like you should be castrated for your own good, at least we wouldn't be exposed to you venting your frustrations.
not even your mother cares about what you have to say.
Oh neat, Bloodborne and Wipeout coming to PC. Presumably. Maybe.
>this post
>that ooga booga english
The absolute state of consoleniggers
Sorry sweetheart, but your 30fps cinematic trash can stay exclusive to PS4 for all I care
>bu-but muh Bloodborne!
>butthurt cuckold who never gets to play his favorite movie games is also an easily irritable hair-trigger temper autist
>What do you expect from Breath of the Wild 2?
post more, my cringe compilation is almost done need to fill few spots.
He's like a fucking 12 year old pajeet who's trying really hard to emulate the angry Yea Forums poster style.
Why do Nintendo games get emulated to PC so fast but Sony's don't? Breath of the Wild was playable on PC like a year after release yet PC only fags are still crying for Bloodborne 5 years later.
>playstation first party
Do they even have a single good game?
Weaker hardware so even not so good emulation can get the games running well enough on high end parts
have sex dudebro.
Plenty. That's why if God of War ever does come to Steam or Epic, it would BTFO of Microsoft and Gamepass in a matter of hours. God of War sold 3M in 72 hours, imagine the Steam numbers.
Yea Forumsros...
>god of onions
No thanks
Are they doing this for PS3 titles too? Are we going to actually see LBP on PC?
Imagine how fucking boring life one would have to have to act like that. Venting impotent rage for free, defending one shitbox and trashing another.
At some point you have to ask yourself- does a person calling a PC only player consolenigger is illiterate, or just a downie?
Imagine being fucked in the head like that.
NEVER EVER they said...
fuck I thought it was God Hand
Every console should do this. Once support for a gen dies, port all that shit to PC
Only 3rd worlders think this is bad. Getting Bloodborne at 60fps and available to a wider audience is only a good thing.
It's literally nothing.
One more point. The other day, in an overseas media interview, for some multiplayer titles developed at SIE WWS, Mr. Shawn Layden mentioned the possibility of PC deployment. Is this the same in Japan?
>Mr. Yoshida:(Laughs) You may not have noticed, but in fact, some PC deployments are coming. The title “HELLDIVERS”, which is interesting for multiplayer, is also available on Steam. Reputation was quite good and sales increased. Furthermore, all three works handled by Quantic Dream will appear in the Epic Store this time. I'm really interested in the users' reactions.
There are more PC users in some countries and regions of “Detroit: Become Human”, “HEAVY RAIN” and “BEYOND: Two Souls”, so to get new fans But I'm trying out how to deal with the PC market. However, the role of the first party like us is based on the creation of hit titles in our own hardware, so we also discuss how to use IP and titles for PC users from there. doing. There was “HELLDIVERS”, and we also refrained from the Quantum Dream, so what is possible is exactly as it was in the article.
Yeah yeah underage, we get that you're butthurt that your games run like garbage but see, nobody cares about them. give it a rest
>Horizon Zero Dawn
sorry but you gay if you think that shit looks good
Literally who fucking cares? The only interesting game PS4 has is BB and i already played that shit on my friends machine. They can keep the rest of the movies on their ps4 we don't want it.
assuming they even did, they'd probably make some bullshit sony launcher for them
aint got time for that shitg
WAS famous for*
We already have netflix.
>topic is What do you expect from Breath of the Wild 2?
>picture is sony bringing games to pc
>post is just a generic "IT'S HAPPENING"
I really wonder who these autists are who keep spamming the same threads over and over to the point they mix them up
>game comes out
"Why would I buy a PS4 for 1 game
>OTHER game comes out
"W-Why would I buy a PS4 for 1 game
>EVEN OTHER game comes out
"M-Movie game..."
>Sony game MIGHT get ported to PC
Also, this will literally never happen, especially first fucking party, learn to actually read articles
>m-m-movie g-games!!
You are a retarded faggot.
I'd suck a light year of sonyggur dicks for PC ports of the entire Armored Core seires. Don't even care about Bloodborne.
Still famous for*
seething cope dilation, product of not having sex! NINCEL DESTROYED
they will have denuvo and I refuse to install games with that shit so it doesn't matter to me. fuck drm for ruining pc gaming.
Shit, wrong pic.
jeez user you're right, that's why we have xbox emulation but not ps3 emulation.
Stop stealing games. Get a job you bum
please come back
Spoken like a true cockaddicted peasant
>What do you expect from Breath of the Wild 2?
Ban Ninteniggers and watch how the quality of this board improve.
Well Microsoft has Rare Replay. You could emulate all the games in that though except maybe Nuts and Bolts and Grabbed by the Ghoulies.
I bought way more games when drm was just having the disc in the tray or entering a code from the manual. I don't even pirate games with denuvo. I don't want it on my machine at all.
I know I can, but backlog is big enough that I'm not motivated to even go this one step. ATM I have like 25 games installed on Steam alone, with like 15 other waiting in line.
Surge, newer Styx, Sniper Elite 3, Castlevania LoS Ultimate Edition, Darksiders II Warmastered, MGS5, dlc for Fallout 4 and a billion smaller indie games.
I have nothing against MS but they treated PC liek shit for maaany years and new ex IPs are small in numbers and uninteresting.
BTW honestly I'd love to finally see Gears of War 2 and 3 on PC. I never disliked grungy, dirty, brown cover shooters (only playerd GoW1, many times tho).
>if it dosen't look kiddy enough it's movie
This is what virgins autists actually believe.
>multiplats, indie shit and 5 year old games
You just proved how fucking joke PC gaming is.
Its all kiddy you fucking autist
Not that guy but I rarely play anything newer than 5 years old because the library of great games is so huge it is impossible to get through all of it anyway.
>Being scared of Microsoft despite BTFO this generation
>Try to put your games on PC too
>Doesn't have their store integrated into nearly every PC
>Doesn't have an OS monopoly that ensures their software and tools and infrastructure will become dominant
>Doesn't run their console on the same version of that OS which will open the possibility of virtualized PC functionality on their sandboxed PC hardware - allowing cross compatibility with apps and games from 40+ years of game development, including the latest builds of the most popular emulators
B-But, PSNow streaming to PC was just as good as native support.. this is just another option for consumers!
I'm 29, I don't have anything against talking to 15yos but you will have to do better than that.
Your posts are so fucking moronic it literally hurts to read. I hope at least you realize how stupid you are.
>a game is bad because it is on multiple platforms
>a game is bad because it is old
Lol my dude.
inb4 sony drm and not steam/egs
>Breath of the Wild 2
>this bait again
he said multiplayer
and in that post I've mentioned this is only backlog, so games that had to wait until I finish better ones.
I'm playing things like Hearts of Iron, Insurgency, Anno 2070, Warframe, Civilization V or Grim Dawn on a daily basis
That guy was clearly shitposting, like 90% of Yea Forums these days.
>steam = pc
>Its all kiddy you fucking autist
Ratchet and Clank HD Quadrilogy
Sly Cooper HD Trilogy
Jak and Daxter HD Trilogy
or else get the fuck out of my face with your shit games.