This'll probably be a better rpg than ffXV

this'll probably be a better rpg than ffXV

Attached: ring-fit-adventure-1.jpg (1280x720, 199K)

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god i can't wait for the muscle girl in tight pants porn

I need pornof the villian.

I really like the looks of this. I hope it's a genuine work out and not just thoughtless waggles. I am self concious about my torso.

I can because most of it will be her getting blacked by the dragon

The fuck is this, why that Akira Toriyama demon wearing a wrestling suit with his low IQ henchmen consisting of a bunch of weights

It's not hard to outdo FFXV.

Pro Controller support when

can I summon scooby

exercise and rpgs are diametrically opposed to each other

Holy shit this fucking trailer
>The adventure begins when an -evil- bodybuilding dragon throws the world into chaos as he dethrones Mr. Goodbody and forces every man, woman, and child on an exclusive keto diet/upper body workout regiment for thousands of years
What the fuck Nintendo?

my dog shit on the floor last night because it was raining and she apparently didnt wanna go out her doggie door into the rain. that 5 hour old pile of shit i woke up to was a better rpg than ffxv

i really hope this game will give me a nice butt. wii fit kept me so slim in high school

That's one buff dude

shouldn't the dragon be a lardass?

I don't know user, are you even sure you're the good guy?

Attached: EERyuXhU0AADNb9.jpg (900x1200, 95K)

>all that porn of dragaux already
What the fuck is wrong with people

>have to get fit to beat the gym dragon boss

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Venom movie really brought out the degenerates

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 618K)

it is

Attached: EElcYNRVAAEz6a1.jfif.jpg (1474x2048, 486K)

You say that like it's a bad thing.

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Is speedrunning this game gonna be the ultimate way to get /fit/?

Here's a (You). Thanks for the chuckle.

What? You want her getting railed by boring old human dick?

>That image
Now that's a doujin I haven't fapped to in a long time...

Even a non-rpg is better rpg than ffxv.

Attached: jewsbtfo(1).jpg (720x526, 31K)

I wanna see ringfit and wiifit girls kissing

>woman wanting the man to hit her cervix
How to spot a virgin.

Fatfags should be gased.

Actually, they might like that. Fatfags need to be taken out back and put down execution style.

I dont want anything to do with her. I want Dragaux to sit on my face.

t. kike

b-but all the girls in my doujins love it

Attached: 1568305846624.webm (1920x1080, 556K)

Here's another one for you.

Sperm's temperature is quite a few degrees lower than you body's, so it actually feels COLD, not hot, like those doujin sluts want you to believe.

Do we know how strong the resistance of that wheel is? I'm afraid to crush it with my combined fatty and retard strength

How long until snoy copies it?

Well we were talking about porn of her specifically, so might aswell hope that it's with him so you have even more dragon ass to stare at.

I’m actually really interested to see this in action
I also wanna see Speedruns

Just because it hurts her doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it, dicklet

Will it be centered around having fun or around losing weight?

She’s in

What does /fit/ think about it?

But that's cuck tier

It's the new Wii Fit. You have to buy some extra peripherals in order to use it. But there are RPG mechanics in the story mode which adds more variety to the gimmick.

What are your thoughts on Dragaux?

I want him to do squats on my dick

Stop trying to make me work out Nintendo

She's in, smash bros.

>Mr. Goodbody
He's in

Attached: goodbody.jpg (310x576, 37K)

could you have possibly picked a lower bar?

Attached: ringtitadventure.gif (500x865, 96K)

someone get this hothead out

Faggots are the lowest trash so cucking is a step up

>being proud of being a cuck

What's this panel from?

I want to see more footage and see how it works in the end game

I love you user

I need a male protag

I need a buff dragoness villain, but you’ll probably get what you want before I get what I want.

You had bowsette

Looks like Dragon Pink.

Is it true that wiifit was not a meme and actually helped people lose weight?

It looks like it wont reward consistency and will have easy mode so it doesn't offend people, so some dude that is just eating donuts all day and exercising using this every week will beat the BBEG the same as someone that started using this every day and is eating healthy.

At least wii fit could weight you and tell your you are getting heavier.

I'd be curious to know if anyone actually got in shape or lost weight with wiifit. Similar to this Ringfit game, like I wonder if anyone will actually lose weight from it? I mean, I need to lose a good 40 to 50 lbs, and the Ringfit game did interest me. I could go to the a gym, but the Ringfit thing looks like a more fun way to lose weight plus I can do it in the privacy of my home.

can't wait to see obese people complaining about the leg strap not fitting their mammoth leg

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I mean, if you own a scale at home you could just weigh yourself to see if you're actually losing weight. And your whole point is basically about diet alongside the exercise, I mean, I don't know much about /fit/ shit but I imagine exercising isn't enough to lose weight. It makes sense that diet would factor into that. You can't just eat donuts and burgers everyday and then play Ringfit for like 2-3 hours to compensate for it.

>Sperm's temperature is quite a few degrees lower than you body's, so it actually feels COLD, not hot, like those doujin sluts want you to believe.
Now that one's new on me. Probably the only useful piece of information I'll get from Yea Forums today.

Yeah, that's my point, in a fitness oriented game, the game should weight you and punish you for getting heavier by judging your eating habits and shit, this game will not weight you at all.

So it wont reward actual weight loss and I pretty sure they didn't mention any rewards for being consistent by playing the game a given amount of time a week because they said something along the lines of "you can just play at your own pace".

They are probably afraid that it will offend a roastie and they will get sued or something.

I was planning to try and play it EVERYDAY, though not sure for how long. Like at least an hour or two a day. I feel like you only get out of it what you put into it. Sure, it might not reward people who play it more consistently but I guess that doesn't bother me too much. Honestly if you're obese then why would an obese person buy it to lose weight and then eat like shit everyday? It's counter-productive. They want to lose weight but if they don't play it regularly and cut back on sweets then there is no reason for them to play or buy it.

That is IF they're buying it to actually help them lose weight. Some people are buying it because it looks fun and have no interest in exercising or losing weight, but some might buy it to actually lose weight.

I mean I'm 220lb 6'3 and I want to lose those extra 20 pounds and go bellow the 200lb line, might try this and install myfitnesspal again

sup fellow 6.3 x 220 bro

I went from 220 to 212 this year and the difference is apparently evident, so say others. You got this.


Learn what?

Well it certainly has me interested.
I'm all for vidya that makes you lose weight and get fit at the same time.