Open chest

>open chest
>its a mimic

Attached: 1539473361570.png (405x494, 236K)

>open chest
>there's a skellington inside

Attached: King'sFieldChest..webm (928x720, 2.78M)

>open chest
>there's a smaller chest inside

>open chest

Why are mimics always so retardedly strong? Punishment for your curiosity?

because if they were easy you wouldn't ever think twice before opening a chest. The point is that they make you weary

>open chest
>there's nothing inside

Attached: doggg.jpg (811x1082, 125K)

What are the best mimics?

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Hallowed Mimics

Attached: spoiler.gif (100x117, 5K)

Ones that have monster girls inside who pull you in and SUCC

Who was in the wrong here?

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a fat autistic retard is always wrong

Lead Programmer Yoshitaka Suzuki

The mimic, because that is a >teleports behind u lagswitch type of bullshit death. DSP doesn't have died there, or at least so quickly.

DSP is a retard but that shit is and always will be pure fucking cancer.


This clip will never not be funny

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>open pic
>its a trap

Attached: 1564532214942.png (750x1000, 655K)

>unavoidable damage

Attached: 1549427136652.png (220x211, 7K)

I wonder if my dm would let me play as a mimic chest

Fuck save point mimics.

>playing FF12 as a kid
>long hard boss fight were I wiped multiple times
>have to clear some mobs as well, most of my party is dead
>finally get to save crystal
>it's a fucking mimic

Attached: Life_Crystal-large.jpg (1920x1080, 331K)


Once in a casual super short setting we were allowed to have a pet monster and my friend chose a mimic that he tamed somehow. It actually came in handy when a couple bandits tried to steal our shit at night just to grab the "loot filled chest" and be greeted by becoming a midnight snack for it.


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read nigger

just like the mental gymnastics that loli pedos pull then it's okay to jerk off to 2d traps cause it's not real and I'm not gay

never heard of "read nigger" is it worth trying?

DSP for not two handing

The beauty of this is there's only two crystal mimics in the game, and this was long after you were introduced to the mechanical spider type of mimic early on in the Barheim Passage, so it's a "what the FUCK" type of moment.

The hot one of course.

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>being this retarded

its particularly worth you trying


>open chest
>find a ribcage
Wtf you lied to me vee

>stop staring at my chest!

I remember there was a mimic that was like a hermit crab and the chest was its shell, really creative, don't remember where it was or if it was in a game even, any idea?

you're a bigger than fag than any pedo or trapfag

Attached: not this one, faggot.jpg (640x432, 62K)

repost when you learn how to speak a 1st world language

and the award for the worst mimic in video game history goes to...

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Nothing wrong with non-standard sexual orientations

him for not twohanging and also wearing that helmet

>retard has poor reading comprehension

hey, at least they tried
>there's no chests but pokeballs, so the mimic is a pokeball
>What if the rockbombs were mimics?

I asked for a GOOD game!

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>kill mimic
>doesn't drop anything

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Not FROM. It's always DSP's fault!!

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>in critical condition
>see save point
>go to save point
>it's a mimic
>get killed immediately

He kinda couldn't get closer to the hitbox if he tried

Yeah, for once it aint Phil.

>Game warns you about mimics
>You don't listen

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"Why don't you play Dark Souls brah, git gud xd"
Kinda baffles me how people defend this pos game. Sucks because the story and setting seem really cool.


>open chest
>it's about time

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thanks doc

>Open chest
>its a bomb

Thank you Secret of Mana

Thanks for the ez experience majima san


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danke doktor

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danke herr doktor


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