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Give me the changelog
Loader is obviously based off Ripley from Aliens. Being a her isn't that big of a stretch.
It would be great if patchnotes explained what the fuck the alternate skills do instead of leaving people guessing
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought of that.
Wasn't it always a woman?
>Loader is obviously based off Ripley from Aliens
unironically based. amazing homage to a great character
iirc it was supposed to be a girl in ror1 but they changed it at the last minute
why would that be great? it's more fun to unlock them on your own to see what they do. fuck off zoomer retard
he is fucking in!!!!!
>have to head to work in an hour though
maybe new loader is daughter of ror1 loader
Behold, my new sons.
new lunar coin icon looks like a pokeball
Lunar coins have a hole in the middle now.
yes but the icon top left looks like a pokeball now
You're not missing anything. You gotta do challenges to unlock anything anyways.
Now I just hope they get enforcer in. This update seems pretty nice though too bad I can't unlock the new stuff until I get out of work.
Time to take off work tomorrow
Me right now
I honestly never expected it, but it's nice to have another waifu.
Which level does the new one replace? Does anyone know yet?
Cool, thanks
YFW sticky bomb is back on its rightful throne
>Artificer gets 3 alternates for different slots
Damn. That's basically a whole new kit.
>start game
>get bored after 30 seconds
well guess I'll never unlock the new shit
You can farm the fiery deaths on the prismatic trial if u want
I still haven't unlocked rex lol
I want her to load her massive dick into my throat, if you know what I mean
I want to be crushed by Loader's thighs.
>new loadout challenges
>"Complete a Prismatic Trial as Merc without dropping below 100% health"
>current seed has a group of elder lemurians
>Play on drizzle for new items
>2 out of 3 items are reds
>TFW have never been able to adapt to the 3D environment and only being able to see a third of what's around me
Do we all just have to wait for the perfect seed?
phat bowl dude
When's Enforcer?
So how do I get Loader?
Has anyone already completed some challenges? I've got a few and ik trying to make a 100% file.
It's listed on the character page if you bother to spend more than 1 second actually playing the game.
I'm not home right now retard
Beat the new stage.
Double retard.
Anyone got a hint for the legendary chest on Siren's call?
Where 'da thicc mod at?
some of these achievements are just fucking horseshit
Oh shit
Has this been posted yet? New green
No, but I have found it before. It does not pop often at all. Just finished a round where it popped once while I fought 3 Magma Worms on Siren's Call.
Did you find the legendary chest on SIren's call? I think I'm gonna give up for now, otherwise
I heard the new Mercenary skin makes him look like Vergil.
New thing?
i cant even beat the first level anymore
This does not motivate me
someone give me .ini list with everything unlocked
That looks.... underwhelming
Is this his Mastery unlock?
Got any of the other skins?
>No Vergil skin
No, dumb frogposter. Get good and unlock it yourself, or figure out how to do it.
How exactly do you use the new skills? the variants
This. Frogniggers need to learn.
Unlock one and a new Loadout menu will appear in the character select screen.
The Challenges are listed at the end of the Challenge lists in Logbook.
shit fucking game this isn't the 90s anymore where you gotta unlock everything
Okay, bye.
>why yes! I would love to take my fourth warbanner and no other relevant damage items
Any command artifact mods that work with the new build?
what's this?
choose the next stage
I'm excited to see and make new porn of her
Based ADHD zoomer
Loader is super fun to play with. Get shaped glass, and you can down a boss in 2-3 charged punches, its great!
how the fuck have you unlocked loader yet
the game is impossible now
Due to the health regen change?
that makes a huge impact but it feels like it's just one thing
I'm getting completely overrun during every tp event and outscaled to fuck even if i rush stages
>get to the secret siren boss to unlock loader
>doing well despite it being a fucking bulletsponge for no reason
>randomly gets back 3/4s of its health as shield
>one shots me from full health with an attack I had no idea about
Welp. Time to edit the fucking save file.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[your id number]\632360\remote\UserProfiles
Please post your savefiles if you unlocked any new skills or skins lads
what is actually new?
How do you do that?
>playing co-op with a friend
>fighting the secret boss
>it randomly loses 90% of his health and is one shot from death
>pops its shield
>for some reason, that just randomly disappears too
>get loader
Artificer's alt M1 is kinda shit, way less damage for an aoe is not worth it.
Pretty sure this is the achievement for one of mul-T's new skill
on moonson, is better to rush tele then get items or take your time getting the items first?
first level you have to take time getting items. After that You can pretty much beeline to the teleporter
I can't believe the grenade is a replacement for Commando's ult, not his alt.
Lewd modanon where are you? You gotta update your mod.
You gotta.
Whatever happened to modanon and those thicc mods?
time to edit the ini, some of these are way too dumb
they were horseshit in the first game too. There's a reason everyone shared a full savefile around to save the hassle. Like hell I'm going to be the first level with Han-D without getting touched.
Post the codes for these challenges.
and how to edit the save file if you don't mind
>Completes 20 stages without taking a single lunar item as commander to gain the uncorruptable skill
>Immediately pick up a lunar item at stage 21
Can you post the unlock lines? Not the achievement lines, just the unlock itself.
okay what the fuck do these nests look like? are they not a guaranteed spawn?
nvm its the tiny fucking things i thought were mushrooms
Please post a screencap of your savefile if you did that challenge
I want Commando's new skills
I just want to skip the bullshit challenges. 20 levels without lunar shit? Ok. 20 enemies in one hit? Sure. Don't touch the ground for 30 seconds? Ok.
Don't drop below 100% health for the prismatic trial? Bull fucking shit anyone could do that. Kill a teleporter boss in 1 second? Literally not possible.
>decide to try and unlock rex since I just got the game
>get to the second stage
>it spawns me in the middle of the fucking air in the bottomless pit
>battery automatically explodes
>this has now happened twice in a row
Never have I gone from loving a game to hating it so fucking quickly. Devs need to fix this shit ASAP.
for merc's uppercut secondary
Someone please post a .ini with everything unlocked.
>Kill a teleporter boss in 1 second? Literally not possible.
get a load of this retard
It's trying to teach you to bounce jump.
Got the two new commando skills
Sure, where do I locate it? Is it just the savefile in my RoR2 folder?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[your id number]\632360\remote\UserProfiles
So are all the new skills garbage or what?
I wasn't going to cheat for the skills
But i just obliterated myself as loader at 24:55 and didn't get the achievement
Found it, although it's a bunch of text, which I presume is what you're after
Seems a bit much to simply screenshot though, anything in particular? Or do you just want me to upload the whole savefile somewhere?
post more skins
>no formatting
fucking hopoo you fuck
pastebin with all new achievement IDs
Just screencap this part
Doing God's work user
were you on monsoon
or are you retarded
Aw shit, thanks
I can actually enjoy the game now
You can do with this , right? Or?
Yeah those are the codes I needed, thanks anyway
>spending all your time trying for bullshit achievements rather than enjoying the gameplay loop
No thanks.
i guarantee you all the cheating fuckers are gonna fill the later threads with complains about how the game is boring already
>spending all your time grinding achievements instead of unlocking them naturally as you play the game
retarded zoomers have to have everything INSTANTLY, no wonder we get micro transactions to instantly unlock everything in every game
>ror2 update
>go to Yea Forums for comfy discussion, lobbies, porn of loader
>just a bunch of niggers whining about how hard the achievements are asking how to hack their game
This board gets worse every day.
Are literally ANY of the alt skills good? Engies new turrets are complete dogshit.
>game needs bullshit challenges to carrot-and-stick you along to keep playing
Not very fun then is it?
>Unlock them naturally
Can't wait 100 from hours from now when I unlock everything naturally and I can finally play with the new stuff they added.
Motherfucker everyone playing RoR1 shared around a complete save file. Nothing is new.
How do I host the 10 man servers I constantly see posted here? My friends are getting back into this game finally and the only thing that turned them away when it was first released was there was like 6 of us always on at a time and we didn't want to leave people out. I remember seeing a way to do it before but I can't find it now and I'm running out of time
Pretty sure the optional boss is the legendary chest for the Siren. Going to try and get back in there with a radar to make sure. It dropped a legendary for my bro and myself when we unlocked Ripley.
Summer never ends. Zoom zoom.
Hoping for at least a non charges RT for Artificer. That'd be nice.
I never did. I'm really considering doing it for this game though
>Motherfucker everyone playing RoR1 shared around a complete save file.
[citation needed]
ror1fags know how to play video games
>Another patch
>Still hasn't adjusted the early game being a complete fucking slog with you moving at .5 mph around gigantic maps waiting 10 minutes between enemy spawns
Looking for a good group on consoles?
POST IDs/Gamertags/PSN to play Risk of Russian Roulette.
>will your new friend be a MUL-T bro or a Rex shitter
>will the huntress and merc going full jew mode
>does the artificer know ice wall does nothing to bosses
>will the engi know how to play and not disconnect after missing one fungus
>will merc be a real nigga stun locking elites only spinning and omnislashing to kill time till more stun locks
All these things will be answered until the best, least autistic, least retarded group can be found.
Enter those names, user, so we may consumate in glorious obliteration. Engage in the most jolly passive aggressive cooperation.
t. was never in a RoR1 thread. It was partly because people needed everything to be a host but also because there were stupid as fuck challenges like beating the first level as Han-D without getting hit
>Do you see monsoon there.png
>As Loader, Obliterate yourself at the Obelisk on Monsoon
yes, I do see monsoon there
>in 25 minutes or less
PSN - ZiggityZewce
oh swing by, I was looking at mastery. I dunno then
user learn to read before act all haughty.
Loot at Swing By, not Mastery.
>try out loader
>instantly learn of her combat limitations
>Summon boss
>wandering vagrant
>despite two of these fuckers I learn how to actualy fight them despite how they fly
>get to next level
>learn they added level based events
>its all wisps
>find the best fucking red loader could get
>boss is overloading wisp
>literally cant kill it because of its shields
does playing loader just cause the game to fuck you over
Anyone got any tips for doing the current prismatic trial no damage with merc, besides "grab the preon in the caves and run away from the boss until the cooldown finishes"?
any useful item locations?
Merc's new ult seems like it could be crazy if you get stuff to refresh it's cooldown
>Just finished a round where it popped once while I fought 3 Magma Worms on Siren's Call.
It pops once per stack.
What does MageFastBoss give Artificer?
Holy fucking shit, you really feel the health regen nerf.
get a really op build
basically the only option
once you at the point of looping u can kill boss's so quick you can't even tell what type it was
okay, how does a pleb like me apply these?
>engie's new turrets can walk
>engies new mines can walk
>can put new mines on new turrets
we sheer heart attack now
>does the artificer know ice wall does nothing to bosses
It does though. It wont freeze them but it'll still hit them a good 5 times or so. I just took out like 1/20th of the first bosses health with no items and just a single cast of the ice wall.
>Commando's new skills turn him into Enforcer 2.0 and make him not so much of a chore to play
I'm okay with this
>don't get any movement upgrades
R.I.P. entire fucking run.
>New map is ANOTHER "just go fuck yourself if you haven't gotten hopoo feathers" map
I don't like the nades
they don't explode on impact and roll around.
Doesn't feel like you can really aim them, just hope they don't bounce or roll away before they explode
Someone draw it
I've seen some artificer use ice wall only on >25% life remaining on the boss; it usually misses the majority of the pillars. Elite mobs as bosses, sure, they can freeze AND execute, but against actual bosses it seems better to corral lesser enemies into a CC/executioneer.
Best way to get 20 levels on Commando?
>get touched by fire elite in level 2
>have to do everything with 10 health or hide in the corner for a minute
cool, glad they nerfed base health regen
>you can dream directly to the gilded coast for 3 moonrunes
Early aurelion is ezpz
Where is torrent
I swear the best thing about Artificer's new fourth skill is simply to be able to traverse the maps easier while getting a bird's-eye view of them. Makes navigating them so much faster and so much easier.
>rallypoint delta
>tp in cave
>hit it, magma worm spawns
>my aurelion spawns
>worm is fucking dead before I even get to see it because aurelion insta-tele-gibbed it before I could leave cave to find it
holy SHIT.
how to get loader?
Some of the new challenges seem like fucking joke while for others you need to get really lucky to get specific build, at least they don't seem to have those retarded "Never get hit" challenges from RoR1.
>playing loader
>find TC-280
>find out you can grapple to it
Practically a wrecking ball attached to a drone
The new map will usually appear on the fourth stage, if you don't get it just reset your run. If you do, destroy all the small egg nests you find until a boss spawns from it. It should look like a giant robot eye ball thing.
you need IQ higher than 50 to do that
but can a loader grab another loader?
Man, what a great patch
Looking forward to completing the rest of the challenges, for now I'll go to sleep
A bit disappointed in some of the new items, not a lot of fun ones, although I liked getting the crystal and getting in their face with commando - using it as a non melee character is fun.
Still haven't seen the new Lunar item or the other active (I've seen the egg), hopefully they're fun
The only challenge I never unlocked in RoR1 was knocking the crabs into the depths.
That's forbidden love, user.
If two loaders have the spiked grip and grapple to eachother which one gets pulled to
Yeah that sucks, but it's still better than his default skill imo
Nice patch desu
Their best one yet
Is the game's sound acting fucky for anybody else?
I got fucking anal vored
this thing is fucking stupid. it took me 20 minutes to kill because its hp is so high and bosses ended up spawning on the level
If it helps, you can to the TP event, THEN fight this thing.
I think i'll do that when I try to get the unlock with my brother. it definitely still spawns when you destroy the nests?
I fought it after killing some vagrants that spawned due to the teleporter event, so I'd assume from that, you can fight it any time while still on the stage.
I think I broke one nest before the teleporter, but I broke the other 2 after, i'd assume it doesn't matter if you break them all after the teleporter though.
did they improve the graphics on the scenery and stages? because it looked like shit.
Is the game just handing out royal capacitor frequently for anyone else after the patch? It's probably nothing but Ive never gotten it this frequently before.
What's all the costumes? Anyon got them all yet?
you just made me realize that loader's a walking Alien reference
makes her being female actually kinda cool
I get it pretty frequently personally before this patch