Hideo Kojima is the last true artist in video games...

Hideo Kojima is the last true artist in video games. He's the only one with the talent and vision to save this dying industry. Give him your support.

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>Takes MGSV and makes it emptier
Amazon package simulator feat dark souls is the most commercially generic bullshit I have ever seen

He's good with cutscenes but not with gameplay, sadly that is not enough to save the industry.

Kojima is that you? Cause if you are, read this, you are a hack, you were rightfully sacked from Konami, and DS will absolutely be a fucking trainwreck and EVERYONE will know you are a shitty game designer.

Stay safe.

Judging by the last interviews his ego is fucking enormous and he simply doesn't have the talent to back it up
He is a washed out hack whose career should've ended in 2006.

>good with cutscenes

Haha good one, all his cinematic bullshit isnt anything special.

>zoomers first videogame with cutscenes longer than 2 minutes YIKES NIGGA

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You must only be comparing him to Western devs because the Japanese games industry has still managed to maintain it artistic integrity.

Did you play MGSV? His camera framing was terrible.

Cringe, most games have much worse cutscenes than his games

Maybe? He's still better than all other game devs and certainly some of modern Hollywood.

He's one of the ones responsible for killing off classic arcade-style gaming in the first place.

Arcade games are a dime a dozen made by indie devs nowadays, they haven't gone anywhere.

>Just rips off a bunch of shit from Tom Clancy and John Carpenter

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>good with cutscenes
Good joke

Again, props to this man for making the world's most tenchologically advanced walking simulator and somehow getting someone to bankroll it. I'm unironically impressed

>much worse cutscenes than his games
Nice cope faggot, that doesnt change the fact that his cutscenes are not game changing or genre defining. Dumbass nigga

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Roguelikes arent arcadey

What about yoko taro tho ?

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I respect him but this isn't true. Suda has been making fuck the player type games his whole career.

What are you talking about? Doing long takes in a video game isn't the same as doing them in real life you dumb baboon

Don't have to be "game changing" or "genre defining" to be good, cringefag

he's just horny and lonely

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It looks flawless in death stranding, watch Heartman trailer.

Kojima was in that class of old school devs that did have soul, I won't disagree. But just because he's one of the few handful of them left doesn't mean he's the best or the last. Team silent for example shit on all of his games from a storytelling aspect, and that's naming just one dev team. He's just become a big fish in a small pond.

>all other game devs
He's pretty standard tb'h. Just because his cutscenes last too long doesn't make him better than the rest.
>some of modern Hollywood
If you mean the absolute shittiest of modern hollywood, maybe.

>le product placement man
>but it's ironic xD I love being shilled to but ironically xD LE BOOMER *SIPS*

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They are higher quality with better acting, cinematography and animations than most AAA titles

There still fucking shit, bet you're exactly like that yong yea fag.

That Yong yea nigga is the absolute embodiment of a kojimadrone fag

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Too based for this world. It also took him until he was 50 to get mass recognition, but I'll always appreciate the crazy fuck