Name a better FPS

Name a better FPS.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Doom 2

> 89 Metascore
Most of them, that’s pathetic

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Duke 3D

What if someone replaced the D in "Doom" with a C? Might be funny just saying.




Doom 2
Doom 3


seventh post best post

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Based and Quakepilled.

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Is this the new forced Reddit meme?

borderlands 3 honestly


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>every meme is forced
retards that say this really annoy me

Any meme with wojack is a forced, newfag

>t. newfag

Learn how to properly use meme arrows, newfag.


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Reminder Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 won against Doomguy on Death Battle

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No, you misread user, YOU are the newfag

>Death Battle
I'm still mad Screwattack died for this.

reminder that halo is console trash

how is it better? enemy and level design both seem worse and ssg makes it more unbalanced


Actually play the game first instead of going off 15 year old memory lmao


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Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior
Return To Castle Wolfenstein

Damn that was easy.

anything with a focus on mechanical execution over pure resource management

doom is still fun but it's pretty much a dungeon crawler.

Is what nobody would say

Feels good to generate so much asshurt in leddittards that they spend time and effort trying to spam us.
It's like that one time tumblr tried to "ruin" Yea Forums with gore and porn and came off as incredibly tame.

can you actually tell me why it's better tho

Yeah, because Hexen is just a better game

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>ssg makes it more unbalanced
>makes it so the player has a stopgap between the low-tier weapons and the RL/plasma gun so tankier enemies don't take 20 aeons to slowly kill with the single shotgun or the chaingun
>replaces the times the first game spammed barons of hell with hell knights, a much more reasonable "elite" enemy

chaingunners and archviles can be bullshit, I'll give you that.


Actually play the game

Quake is far more like that, though I also really enjoy Doom’s simpler gameplay but more elaborate level exploration. Been stuck in a Hideous Destructor binge for several months now, though, only mod I’ve ever managed to play for that long if you ignore Smooth Doom.

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wolfenstein enemy territory

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Makes sense, like pony defeating a robot.

Why does every game made on the Build engine have annoying small enemies? In Duke Nukem 3D there are the slimes, in Shadow Warrior those fucking bees, in Ion Fury the spiders, etc.
It seems that the guys don't realize that the engine has a terribly collision detection that makes this kind of enemy a pain in the ass.

>chaingunners somewhat function as suppressive LMG fire
>archviles are like having to avoid a painful charge sniper shot
The whole cast is so fucking colorful and fun to fight

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>doom is still fun but it's pretty much a dungeon crawler.
That's what makes it great though

quake is trash

No clue what they were smoking for the older games, but I’ve found Ion Fury’s spiders actually the least offensive compared to the rest.

The main combat feature of the game is a cheat that slows everything down.

You didn't play the game.

Based retard.

Doomguy cannot die.

I actually played it, but a long time ago. It's fun. But I will never understand the developers who make slow down an important part of the game mechanics.
To me this is shit design.


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how is it shit design? you need slowmo to beat the game

Enemy design is amazing and the other user already told you about the SSG.

I prefer Doom 1 to Doom 2 but the SSG is the most fun weapon in single player FPS history for me. That being said fuck the city levels of Doom 2 they're so boring and fuck the icon of sin is a boring ass last level excuse too.

But there isn't much of a point of arguing Doom 1/2/TNT/Plutonia etc have all been out done by wads at this point. Hell Revealed is much better then any of them.

This is really funny. Can I get a discord link?

>Doomguy in game is constantly sprinting all over the place and is capable of turning demons to mush with his bare hands
>deathbattle has him doing a slow walk the entire fight


Quake 2

Attached: Quake II.jpg (538x553, 70K)

>slow movement, boring enemies, bulletsponge, weak gunplay, mediocre levels
these all apply when you go from doom to quake lol

Save me Romero

I had more fun even in Far Cry 5 than Doom. It was the best game back in the day but now it's an overrated old game with very subpar gunplay and terrible puzzles.

Phobos Anomoly.
Granted it was as successful as sending Kratos to Hades.
Quake is honestly a few hairs quicker than Doom, especially with that instant weapon switching. It’s the kind of gameplay NuDoom was hoping to emulate.

>but now it's an underrated old game

I tried FarCry 4 and Rage 2, both gifts, and couldnt get into them. Console-based shootan is super boring - and with Doom’s HD mod I’m now spoiled on gun mechanics.
I haven’t explored the Stalker mod scene too much so there may still be some hope for me, but even that won’t last. My only comfort’s some of the newer ‘retro’ shooters, but I’d love a new FPS that’s intended to be used with a mouse.

>Console shooters are shi-

Attached: Titanfall 2 Gameplay.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

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Doom: Evilution

One of the few games where you can play with a controller on PC and still get amazing results. Titanfall 2 is a gift from god


Well online’s a whole different beast because that would be bring Quake Fucking 3 to the discussion. That said, Killzone 2 was the most fun I had online with a shooter.
We’re talking about mostly classy singleplayer goodness, though.

I wish EA wasn't so insistent on trying to make this game fail. Also, banish Apex Legends to the Shadow Realm, Battle Royale is the cancer killing FPS.

Did TF2 really bomb that hard?

They released it during the same time as Battlefield 1. Instead of pacing it out they had two of their games compete with each other, and guess which got priority.
Lime what the fuck.

Is this what is considered "good gameplay" by console standards?
Titanfall is a game all about movement tech and this is the best you got? Not even a bunny hop? Standing still to shoot?
LMAO @ console niggers

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They released it in between whatever COD came out that year and whatever Battlefield came out that year. It had no chance of selling as well as it could and should have.

>with a shooter
ON CONSOLE, not period, oops

I literally will not

The single player in this game is so awful and overrated...

Doom > Doom 2016 > Doom 64 > Doom 2.
You cannot refute this.


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Half life

doom is for people who drive 10 mph under the speed limit

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go faster

I love TF|2 but holy shit
You forgot to go fast

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I have, and I go back to Ultimate Doom's levels way more often than Doom II's. Custom levels are objectively superior thanks to the extra stuff though.

Put NuDoom at the end, tie it with Doom 3.

I replayed both games last month and Doom 2's levels were actually fucking terrible. Genuine garbage. The only thing making Doom 2 anything resembling fun is the new enemies and the core gameplay. The core level design is just fucking garbage.

Play Marathon.

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I refuse to believe Doom 3 even begins to compare to nuDoom. Neither does Doom 2, which is a boring slog to play.
Doom 1 and arguably Doom 64 are the only classic Dooms that are better than nuDoom. In that regard I'd be willing to put Doom 64 above Doom 2016.

Doom 2, Hexen, Quake, DN3D, OUWBlood, Strife

Doom 2 continues to be a pleb filter.

They both got the same amount of stuff ‘wrong’. Doom 3 is slow with less enemies than Quake but still has you going through the levels with the monsters being somewhat threatening. NuDoom has fun gameplay but is paced like Serious Sam, and you need to be surrounded by 20 dudes and at low HP to feel ‘in danger’, traveling between fights just feel like disguised console load screens.
Doom 64 is the best of both worlds, especially when played as intended with strict autosaves and/or pistol restarts.

Please tell me where I said Doom 2 was at all difficult.

>Serious Sam is bad
I hate this meme. First and Second Encounter are two of the best FPS ever made.

But Doom is faster than Quake.

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Based Carmack.

I'm not saying you're wrong on all of that, but
>you need to be surrounded by 20 dudes and at low HP to feel ‘in danger’
You didn't play on easy, did you user?
On Nightmare even Imps kill you in two hits (75dmg on the fireball iirc?)
And Ultra-Nightmare is the only correct way to enjoy nu-Doom anyway.

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The SSG isn't a problem on pistol start.

>But Doom is faster than Quake.
only if you suck at strafe jumping

>having to choose between moving and shooting

There's this little french indie game you might have heard of

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>You didn't play on easy, did you user?
PC, Nightmare. Arcane Dimensions is absolutely trickier and infinitely better. I wish NuDoom could be modded, even as bare as Doom3’s. Then I could potentially remove dumb shit like imps and revenants doing their “please fuck me” moves where they stay in one place.

Half life

I have no problem with slower paced and more tactical FPS games because I'm not an autistic tranny.

Well I liked both Arcane Dimensions and nuDoom a lot, but I don't think the finishers were a bad thing. I like to think that the reason why they were there was because Brutal Doom had them.
I absolutely agree that modding would have made it so much better, for example just so that you can adjust the game to your liking and remove a feature if it annoys you. Modding was what made the original id games great and it's a shame to see it gone.
Snapmap sounded like an amazing idea to me when I first heard about it, but when the game came out it turned out not to be very good.

I can't

Different user here
Which of those games is "tactical", FC4 or Rage 2? Lmao
Those games weren't complete garbage, but don't compare modern (((AAA))) games to classic masterpieces made by people with true passion and improved through mods by other people with true passion.

I like how you omitted giving examples of "masterpieces" to avoid being shit on.

Try plutonia user

it was an Ip hopping autist from Reddit that forced Wojak memes and scaremonged the og Yea Forums memes

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You fucking what retard?
The post you responded to was about Doom.
This thread is about Doom.
What fucking game do you think I could have in mind when I say "classic masterpiece"?

>quotes a post praising Hideous Destructor and Stalker ‘cant handle slower shootan’
Based fucking retard

Save me, Romero


Based and SSGpilled



>Doom 2016 > Doom 64

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>Doom 2016 > Doom 64

It's Sequel.

>this is a Source engine game
TF2 and TF|2 will always be my favorite shooters

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Based and Titanpilled.

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Based and Bloodpilled. Reminder to play deathwish, yes I'm reminding you again!

>Doom 2016 better than Doom 64
How? 2016's level design goes to shit in the game's final third, where as 64's stays consistently good throughout most of the game. If you consider Doom 1 better than 2016, then there's no reason why 64 shouldn't be considered better also.

I never had an issue with the spiders in Blood. Could just use an explosive on them, or the flamethrower. And if you crouch you're basically at their height anyway, it's pretty fun to crouch and use the Tommy gun's alt fire against a group of spiders and see them all die.

>In Duke Nukem 3D there are the slimes
Do people really consider these annoying? They die with a single bullet or kick.

beat me to it

also, as far as mechanics - FEAR is far superior in the FPS department - but i don't think it beats Doom overall. Especially modded Doom.

perfect dark

>This triggers the Quack boomer


>level design significantly worse than 1's
The additions Doom 2 introduced makes it great as a platform for modding, but as a game 1 is better.

that's just stupid
it's not even funny, just stupid

DOOM 2 isn't hard, the levels are just shit, the entire city section is worthless

Halo 1-3

Quake, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Ion Maiden

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dont know where you're at with this, but Doom 3 is absolutely better than that arena shooting shit that is 2016. Slow or not, at least 3 didn't have you going from one arena and "lol must kill all monsters to advance" bullshit

>doom 3 = 2016
read above, if you are capable of doing so

>2016 above 2
you must be joking

putting that arena clearing trash that is 2016 Doom above superior, older entries

at least in Doom 2 I can skip areas that still has monsters in it

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Super Noah’s Ark 3D

I hate that Quake 2 introduced the shitty generic sci-fi setting and dropped the medieval/lovecraftian vibes of the original.


For me, it’s DOOP

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This is a really shitty and retarded opinion.

The only really good level design in the original doom is in E1. That's 8 fucking maps. Doom II has about 20, if not more, extremely high quality maps. Sure E1 is still the best, but Doom II has more, higher quality content than Doom on average.

not gonna lie, made me kek

>Open flat land with boxes
lmaoing at your life

>"he's so fast he can outrun his own rockets"
>proceeds to make him walk extremely slow while mastercheif is throwing trucks at him


Doom 3 and Doom 4 both have radically different level design philosophies than the originals. Doom 3 is aping Half-Life's linear corridor-setpiece-corridor design. Doom 4 is aping Serious Sam / Painkiller style arenas. Theyre both linear. The difference is that Doom 4 is actually fast-paced and action-oriented, which is much more in the spirit of the originals.