This is a classic guild on whitemane. Apparently is some kind of group of lonely asian kids

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Can you let them know I fucked two chubby jap girls on Friday?
They were like 5'1 and hella flexible.

Asians men are fucking embarrassing

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I seen worse whites

t. pale white german

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Whatever, muhammad.

more like: t. pale white nigger lover

Have you seen Americans and Germans?

I want to join it even though im hispanic
come on, im part mongoloid due to the native blood and plus most azns are into the same shit as hispanics

i think im applying

Seems pretty level headed to me OP.
sick race bait thread tho

bliz is going to nuke that name, no question
i was in one named "stds are bops" and that got changed a few hours after i joined

What's wrong with guild? What's wrong with people who are not fit into society getting some safe space online? They are not hurting anyone by doing this and they will be less likely prone to suicide because they could find comfort in communication with like-minded people

The only thing about your pic is that they play WoW.

No. Whitemane is for white human only. Pandarians gtfo.

>lonely asian people

Maybe they should take the hint and keep walking.

Germans are brainwashed from birth to hate their fellow white men. Your opinion has no value, you enemy of humanity.

I read it as alien isolation lol

holyfuck is this real?

Tell me this isn't the first thing you thought of.

Attached: asian isolation.jpg (810x1020, 457K)

its real bro

>for reasons i cannot mention
why are asian bros in america depressed? why cant he mention it?

>i'm retarded
good to know



>conflating humanity with white men

>white men have a higher status in their society than they do
>don't get any of the special treatment other browner minorities get
>can't even talk about it without being laughed at
>stereotyped as having small dicks to the point where women of all races laugh at the idea of dating them
Young Asian men are in this place where they probably feel far removed from their home country and culture, far removed from western culture and to top it off their women worship the white man. It really is depressing if you think about it