MGSV:TPP : "Snake is going to be the devil on earth."

MGSV:TPP : "Snake will descend his way into hell, show us why Big Boss is known to the whole planet as the biggest Warlord Demon mercenary on earth, he will be evil Nuclear!!!"
The actual TPP game:
> "Save poor black children"
> "Wtf Boss, you killed a dindu child who was trying to kill you with his AK47? Mission aborted, you are a filthy monster."
> "Here, let's start a school for those dindu bois so that they can learn to read and write and stop being dindus"
> "Saves the world from parasitical infestation"
> "Saves the world from nuclear terrorism dialectic"
> "Disarms the whole world by force, all for peace"
> "Saves the traitor Huey, while killing the Good guy"
What a joke..."I'm already a Demon" "Ciper send us to Hell, but we are going deeper"...What a load of Bullshit. The marketing for this game was fucking dishonest disgusting bold lies , what a waste.
Completely useless to the story too, "The missing link with MG1", yeah, my ass.
And all the "evil Snake cut-scenes" in the trailers who were deleted from the game, oh convenient.

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what the FUCK are you even talking about?

You realize that the trailers were intentionally a satire on the expectations of hardcore fans, right? If we actually got what the trailers promised, there would be people that would actually be having this in their minds right now
>Snake went to Shadow Moses and saved the world from Liquid and his attempt to start a nuclear holocaust with REX!
>….Snake stole a nuke?!
>Snake killed children?!?!?
>Snake turned into a raging demonic murderer?!

>a satire

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The point is that you cannot have "Snake" doing things "not Snake".
Hardcore fans did not realize this. They wanted Big Boss, while being completely unaware of the fact that the Metal Gear games were never about Big Boss. They were always about "Snake".

"Snake" would never do horrifyingly evil things such as raising child soldiers and going full "MAIM KILL BURN".
"Snake" would never use a nuke.
"Snake" would never use a Metal Gear for destructive intentions. His purpose is to infiltrate bases, RETRIEVE INFO ON AND FIGHT them.

"Snake" always has to save the world in every Metal Gear game.
"Snake" always has to do heroic things (which saving the world is) in every Metal Gear game, regardless if he doesn't see himself as a hero.

They, and guessing you and OP, got angry when they got Metal Gear simply obeying the rules of Metal Gear like it always does instead, as the final product.

The plot makes a lot more sense once you realize you’re skull face

>"Lie about your video game"
> It's all part of the plan you Gaijins LMAO, it's the Phantom Pain KEK, it's the 4th wall breaking AHAHAH

However, "Boss" would do such horrifyingly evil things.
"Boss" would use nukes.
"Boss" would use Metal Gears for destructive intentions.
"Boss" does villainous things and is willing to fuck the world over.

The trailers showed "Snake" doing "Boss" things to, once again, fool hardcore fans into thinking they were going to play as "Boss". But nope, final product, as with any other Metal Gear, is all about "Snake".

"Snake" vs. the "Boss". Big Boss' phantom vs. Skullface.

Also, should have meant to say right there
"They wanted Big Boss doing bad stuff and wicked evil shit, while being completely unaware of the fact that the Metal Gear games were never about "Boss". They were always about "Snake"."

Why the fuck do you think Kojima went with labelling Big Boss "Snake" in Ground Zeroes long after he said "Call me Big Boss" in Peace Walker???

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Kill yourself

But it's the truth. Hardcore fans are forgetting noobs who will legitimately believe that Solid Snake, Big Boss and Big Medic are the same person even after playing the games, because they're all called "Snake" when they're the protagonist.

he started a mercenary band that went around the world recruiting mercenaries and literally inturupting normal flow of things.
snake is a terrorist.
yes, he appears to be doing the right thing, but look what we would see:
1. Snake holds nukes (terrorist)
2. Snake attacks legally held facilities (oil processing units, etc)
3. snake invades other countries without authorisation and attacks without declaration of war and without following any code of conduct.
4. mercenaries are literally illegal.
5. snake is building military buildings on international waters with no flag, he is a PIRATE.
nothing that snake does is legal or acceptable to the international community of today.

Tell me more senpai.

Literal gamer retard.

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Have you never been around an actual noob? Even as a smart person, you need to understand idiots before you can understand everything.

I can't believe that Solid Snake built a PMC in the middle of Cuba and attacked oil facilities! He's a terrorist!

he is

People either learned to manage their expectations after TPP or they didn't. You can tell which anons didn't learn by reading through threads of new "big" games like Death Stranding and seeing shit like

>death stranding has a swimming skill that means we'll get water-based sections of the game with aquatic enemies!

>he thinks it was planned
>he thinks Kojima is not a hack
He didnt have the balls to make his beloved protag a genocidal maniac,he pussied out,deal with it

Dissociative Identity Disorder + hallucinations.
Most of what you see in the game is something like a sanitized dream-version of the “actual events” - cooked up in your mind to deal with the guilt. It’s a re-framing of venom’s actions as heroic
“I wasn’t me that experimented on my own soldiers to create the vocal chord parasites, it was Skull Face”
“I’m not the one distributing nukes across the globe and eliminating the English language to create a new world order, it’s Skull Face”
The man on fire has a shrapnel horn and sneaking suit like Snake’s. Skull Face has a strange scar in the place where venom’s shrapnel scar is. He “has no face” just as your face is not your own.
When Skull Face explains his plan in the jeep, its you, explaining what you did to the player.
A “language of nukes” in which millions of players across the world build nuclear bombs stored on their FOBs.
A world in which a vengful child has the keys to Sahalanthropus, by design.
This is not a sequel to MGS3 or Peace Walker, this is happening now in the unconscious.
We are all Skull Face.

>this fucking nigger OP again
We get it. You read the script.

WHAT? First time posting it faggot.

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>Skull Face’s narration about his face changing
>over footage of Venom’s face changing
was it in front of our faces the whole time?

>He didnt have the balls to make his beloved protag a genocidal maniac
That's the point I was trying to make, dipshit. Also, it's not that he didn't have the balls to make "Snake" a genocidal maniac, it's that he doesn't want to make "Snake" go against the rules of "being Snake".