Cube World beta is coming out on steam on September 23rd
If you bought the game 6 years as go you can get a steam key on the picroma website
Cube World beta is coming out on steam on September 23rd
If you bought the game 6 years as go you can get a steam key on the picroma website
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy fuck, thanks user.
I hope someone kills his dog and his dumb bitch wife.
Source? Devs Twitter and the steam page for the game have yet to announce a release date.
buying a game very early and then realising you're entitled to the full product when it finally releases is a good feeling
If you have a picroma account you can check yourself. It gives you a key for closed beta. I have the game open and it says this.
Is it me or this game looks empty.
Wow so it really is Steam only? Kind of shitty to just switch platforms like that.
Can you test if the game has DRM? As in, can you open the game without running it through Steam just by running the exe file?
one advantage to a Steam release would be integration with the friends list feature
joining someone's game in the alpha was always a bit annoying
Only runs through steam it looks like.
Sure that's cool as long as it's optional. I'd much rather do multiplayer the old way. And I'm not even that bothered about multiplayer, I just don't want to have to use Steam to play it. I just don't get why devs have to fuck over people with minority preferences instead of just pleasing everyone. It really can't be that hard to at the very least let the game run without Steam. Multiplayer I can live without but it still can't be that hard to just reimplement the old system they already had
sound gay. on release day i will make sure to spam as many mirror link to the torrent version as i can. you shouldn't be supporting these kind of practices. kys.
Oh cool, i don't just looking forward to the release at this point because of the good things I've heard about this game from friends/ people online
Buying unredeemed Picroma/Cube World Beta keys for a negotiable price via PayPal, or Steam games or TF2 keys if you're into those.
To check if you have one, log into and go to:
Ah fuck yea, 6 days. Much less wait then I thought. Got it all downloaded, but it won't load up like yours.
Ok, anyone on Windows 7 will have this issue. .dll files missing or something. Will hopefully be fixed by the 23rd, they are already working on it.
>releasing the game in the midst of the minecraft resurgence
either a coincidence or a smart move
>get ddossed
>suffer a nervous breakdown
>don't release an update for 6 years
why are indies so fragile?
Ah fucking christ, it's even worse then I thought. Wollay only added xaudio2.8 support. The game only runs on Windows 10 right now. He needs to hurry up and add xaudio2.7. Wollay, what the fuck? Not everyone wants 10 you german bastard
How creatively bankrupt you have to be to make minecraft clone and name it cube fucking world?
Wait, I'm supposed to pay for this? It looks like a free to play Minecraft clone
Community picked the name back when it was still in it's pre alpha days. Wollay just went with it
Roughly as bankrupt as making an Infiniminer clone and calling it Minecraft
he prob been doing other shit, apparently the dev a doctor
>closed beta
For fucking what? This game has been in development for 6 years. Does he want another excuse to delay the game when people talk trash and criticize his game?
No, he's a software engineer. It's why he decided to try his hand at video game development. Which makes it all the more off that he apparently didn't realize that xaudio2.8 didn't work with Windows 7.
release is still within the sept/october window
clearly he needs a short beta to prevent issues like this on launch.
It's literally just a name. Nothing is being tested, it's just early access for Alpha buyers. Wollay doesn't have a good grasp of what a "beta" actually is.
He should just allow everyone to play the game maybe he nervous of something going very wrong?
Alright everyone ill see you all in another 6 years
If everyone on 7 starts sending Wollay death threats and thinking he did it on purpose to try to force them to switch to 10. Yeah. It seems like he just didn't realize that Xaudio 2.8 wasn't backwards compatible.
Imagine being this brainwashed by marketing jews.
been so long I don't even remember my login info
I didn't either. The site remembered for me
If you know the email you used, you can always get a password reset. Also, if you used paypal to purchase the game, you can get a receipt for it and they accept that.
go drink some bleach, you mouth-breathing mongoloid
w-what if it's just as barebones and shitty as the alpha, bros? what is Wollay was playing the long con?
>beta for alpha buyers comes out on the 23rd
>wollay goes radio silent about Steam release date
>it never comes out
>it's motherfucking real
L-Lads... we're gonna be fucking playing cubeworld for real in 6 days wtf
Well, he wouldn't be very smart about this. Alpha gets early access and a bunch of people are going to be putting up media and streaming it. That means that there will be tons of evidence up that it's got nothing and then no money.
Really though it seems like a bunch of shit has changed and the world feels more 'alive'. It just matters on how fast it takes for it to get old. How many times can you take rescuing a gnome from witches?
6 days if you are a windows 10 user. Who knows how long for windows 7, since he didn't compile the exe with Xaudio 2.7 support.
oh that sucks, but I'd think it wouldn't be too long for a fix of some sort
What's his name again? "AS" or "ash"?
as109 you sick perv
It really won't, he's just got to compile a new exe with the old Direct X SDK. The real problem is the testing to make sure the game still functions right and then getting the update out, which could take days.
Well he has six
Imagine, just imagine falling for the same scam TWICE
How many fucking shills are in this thread? Or assblasted depressed faggots with abandonment issues?
Welp, Windows 7 was removed from the store page. If anyone is on 7 still, I'm sorry but you aren't playing.
kek, this.
who still uses windwos 7 anyways
Plenty of people, especially those that work in IT and know that 10 is fucking junk.
have sex pajeet
An even better feeling would be getting the interest in our investment repaid.
So what improvements have there been made in the past 6 years?
log in says i have no games
Lots. Complete quest system revamp, everything is dynamically generated and lots of ways to receive a quest, even made it so that you can get a quest just by killing the relevant enemy, since they are always in the world. Such as in the video he posted. He got a quest to kill a Yeti from a villager, but that Yeti was there and could be killed as normal, the quest would then auto complete. This prevents the MMO problem of having to have a quest before going to a location. After all, it doesn't make sense to kill 10 bears, but it only counts if you talked to the NPC before hand.
Then he's got Factions, 5 of them, all with their own quest lines, which he is calling Grand Quests and they are the story of the game. Some of them hate each other, so it seems that joining them is mutually exclusive and you'll need many characters to experience all of the story. There is more things to craft. Better terrain generation for wilderness and cities. A complete redo of all class skills and how you will level up. EXP has been removed and instead moved to the artifact system, rewarding exploration instead of mindless grinding. Hidden areas and a vast underground that can be accessed by bombing an area on the surface or finding caves that link into it. Music. Honestly it's a lot
>release an alpha
>sell a load of copies
>abandon it for years
>wait for everyone to forget their login details
>finally release the game
>everyone has to buy it again
Game looked interesting almost a decade ago when you retards first starting spreading it around but now it looks like every other minecraft clone on steam due to time
>Do a password recovery because I'm not retarded
>Now have it installed on Steam
Thanks OP.
Did you buy it with a throwaway email or what?
I haven't used that email address since I bought the game in 2013. No Steam key for me
Did he run out of the alpha money already?
Is this single player or forced online multiplayer or what?
Singleplayer. Drop in multiplayer through steam friends
Single. Co-op is handled by by steam integration and is seemless drop in and out. You click on your friend, invite him to the game or join and you'll appear in that world, exactly where you were in your world. There is only one world seed now and when creating a character you get put in a random place in that world.
>Why didn't Wally build support for an OS with 4 months left to live
Welcome to world of Linux
I can't remember if I bought the alpha or pirated it
i searched through my email and cant find the alpha email from 6 years ago
When you say searched through, do you mean manually or that you typed "picroma"/"cube" into the search bar at the top to filter the emails for you
i typed picroma and couldnt find it, so either the email was deleted or i pirated it
Darn, sucks to hear that fren
It's a fucking audio API. There is no support to build, it's just a simple EXE recompile to include the header for Xaudio to actually work correctly. But yeah, at this rate I'm switching over to Linux. Guess I better get started on that dual boot so I can learn how to get it to work right. Proton works with the game just fine, but I hear that it crashes on quit.
who even uses windows 10? do you like that mobile interface shit every where you go you stupid fucking normie retard?
cope shitter. LOL 4 months left
>It's literally just a name. Nothing is being tested, it's just early access for Alpha buyers. Wollay doesn't have a good grasp of what a "beta" actually is.
Read, nigga, read!
its the exact same thing as windows 8 lmao
>this month
I swear I saw this minecraft clone on the nintendo e-shop years ago on my 3DS
keep defending you fucking shill
You're thinking Terraria. CW was never released on any platform but PC, and the 3DS wouldn't have been able to run it anyway
>doesn't work with win7
>he ninja removed win7 from the system requirements
fuck wollay, i hope he kills himself
>It says beta!!
>Yeah, but it's functionally not a beta at all. You would know this if you read the thread and weren't willfully ignorant
Reading sure is hard, huh?
hahahahah keep seething poorfag just update you bitch
imagine being this fucking stupid
>R-Read the T-Thread
do you know Wollay personally you fucking bitch nigger? why the fuck would i get my sources on Yea Forums, when clearly it's highly unreliable, unless you're a fucking shill, but i doubt that pussy faggot has enough money to pay for shills. So you fucks do it for free lmao
>imagine getting upset because his 10 year old OS isn't being worked on anymore
no, i think you're the retard bitch.
what's the deal with this?
isn't it just another shitty minecraft clone?
>it's... it's just a minecraft clone guys! stop caring about it!
>minecraft clone
Cube world fucking wishes it was that good, lmao. this shit game doesn't have half the shit minecraft brings
>He thinks being unwilling to upgrade has anything to do with being poor.
You idiot, it has everything to do with me not liking the OS. Giving it a solid try and then having my computer shit itself after a failed update for no good reason. It has to do with constantly fixing my families computers because their setups keep installing worthless shit. It has to do with basic features being missing because Microsoft thinks you're too retarded to handle them.
Developers will continue to support 7 for at least another 5 years, because most of them still use it themselves in their private lives. I don't know anyone that doesn't dual boot either 7 or Linux because 10 frustrates them.
Now it's suddenly a beta
jokes on you retard, I still use Windows 7 and even have a laptop around that still, STILL uses Windows XP
literally have no use for some retarded Microshit Pajeet, since, well this may blow your fucking brain outta your skull, but I know how to, believe it or not, install shit, copy n paste, using msconfig, and hell even getting into my device manager is a breeze.
but im sure this is all just gibberish to a simpleton like yourself.
never bothered with windows 8 either, everything after 7 is cancer. even 7 being cancer probably isn't far from the truth, im sure.
not reading your cope poor bitch. upgrade to 10 or shut the fuck up or don't play
>reddit spacing
you have to go back
Not him, but can you explain to us what reddit spacing is? You seem very familiar with reddit's inner workings
So I am expected to trust the guy who vanished for half a decade, that he will hammer out all dents in a few months?
And what the fuck did he even add?? barely anything considering the time
>You seem very familiar with reddit's inner workings
of course i do, reddit cucks like you post thread from there on Yea Forums everyday. Eventually i will see one and know how those faggots type.
that's what i fucking thought, you pathetic trash
are you literally retarded? Cause i don't see the correlation between calling a person a poorfag and updating to windows 10. Don't tell me you actually bought windows 10 retard-kun?
I remember a long time ago this was popular since voxel was somewhat unknown. Then the dev went Mia, what happened?
don't be upset because i called you out for being from reddit, bitch.
5 seconds of blueberry oatmeal later and a nigger rushes in and cums in my carpet. My children can’t walk on this.
He showed a preview and people wanted to play saying they will pay him, what early access is nowadays. Those same people complained how shit it was and how it needed all these features despite it being an alpha and then he ghosted
He allegedly got DDoS'd on release and also couldn't handle all of the attention. So he went quiet until the game was finished as to not deal with criticism.
why are you so obsessed with blacks?
>not cubworld
Got excited for a sec
Do yall think him and his wife hid special locations in the seed of the map?
Ddos? Who the fuck believes this shit excuse, And he's had how many years since to develop a proper game?
wow, getting fucked in WW2 really fucked with the german's psych lmao
I’m an empowered woman that craves BBC and you’ll never get this clussy
i'm black, do you want to stuck on my 7 inch penis?
>6 more years of development
There better be 400% more content now at least
Based as fuck. The dev is a scumbag for just taking everybodys money then goingbcompletely silent for 6 years
I don't think he would release a beta if it was still bare bones. He would just release it and try to get as much money from early sales as possible.
Considering opening the game gives a version of 0.9.1 it would technically fit being called a beta.
i don't want to be banned, whats your snap?
what, you think those 6 years were wasted??
now you get
and that's it you fucking faggot, buy a copy for your friends and wait another 6 years like a good boy
thats your fault for being a retard and going through email accounts like your mom goes through cocks.
>and that's it you fucking faggot, buy a copy for your friends and wait another 6 years like a good boy
you just know that german cuck is going to do this. this faggot is probably having a baby, so he needs the money.
things I did in the last 6 years:
>got married
>got a house
>got a kid
>got career going
>built investment portfolio
>made almost $750k dollarlydoos from both
What about this baby toy of a game should I still care about?
I mean, it is a fact that the site blew up when it released, whether it was from high traffic or something intentional. But a game being in development this long is nothing new.
He just happened to pull a naive move and now people are going to define his entire game by that one thing.
Stringing a fanbase along for 6 years of drip-feed early access would've been worse from my view. He rebuilt the entire game in a new engine during that time, but all he would get is complaints about not giving people the content that they expected either way.
you know that's a damn fucking lie, your fat incel ass didn't get shit.
>closed beta for a 6 year old game
ahhahahah fucking retard bitch.
Kudos on putting so much effort into your pedo camo
there is actual cool shit u can spot when flying in title screen
what the FUCK, he just updated the steam page and removed windows 7 from the system requirements.
he seriously isn't going to fucking fix this
>a literal fucking nazi
You shouldn't have done this, kraut
Temp fix, and he made the right choice, we have no clue how much the new audio update has an effect on the game itself, it may take a bit to fix.
Shut the fuck up retard. Don't say shit to him unless you want the game delayed for another 6 years shut the fuck up and upgrade your system. Windows 7 is trash anyways
does it still lock items behind classes and do other archaic shit like that?
welcome to the future dipshit
Yes, but now that you mention it I wonder if it will allow item storage, so I can come and pick up those items later for a different character.
If not, singleplayer will have the constant annoyance of getting great items you can't ever use.
this game will be inferior to hytale and will be a piece of shit no fun game
>minecraft but without building
so it's just shit then
>bing bing wahoo
There's a line between empathy and being a bootlicker.
It's still standard to support Windows 7 so he better fix that shit,
especially after he listed it as a supported operating system.
>hytale coming out this year
i'm going to have fun with both, shut the fuck up you cuck
>6 years to get into beta after taking money from people
>after disappearing for literal years without a trace or word
Release the full game, and if it's good I might buy it on discount. Fucking amateur in every sense of the word.
plans change you retard, upgrade or fuck off.
Release window is still within October this year. This beta is really just to smooth out inevitable launch issues.
I remember seeing this game in early access as a kid and not having a pc
Now that I do, and now that I know this game is still alive, I couldn’t be happier
How long will it take for the torrent to be uploaded to pirate bay?
2 hours
no, pretty hard to confuse terraria for something else with a whole extra dimension
>I stopped updating the game because I saw people were downloading it illegally and it really hurt to know that people were enjoying all the hard work I put into the game for free.
>Cube World began development in June 2011, Minecraft released in November 2011.
>Minecraft started off focused on building, Cube World was meant to be a sort of RPG with very little building
>"iTs cuBeS So ItS A MinEcRAfT CloNe"
Thanks, worked like a charm.
>made the right choice
So far in that he shouldn't keep it up to prevent accusations of false advertising. But he still should have issued a statement on his plans on it as soon as the issue became known. Wollay doesn't have a lot of good faith left, even for me. He's going to need to learn how to take control of a possible situation ahead of time so that people don't boil over into a mad rage because of perceived slights to them, not only for a possible issue with a whole OS, but other things too, like nerfing of abilities. We already saw this shit with the ranger and escape for the Glider. If he can't do it, then things will just continue to get ugly and he will probably disappear again. So prepare for that.
i can see this happening, and shills defending him, can't wait to wait another 10 years!
Cube World is on the first page of "Top Wishlisted" games on Steam. Not even two weeks after being added.
no shit this game is shilled everywhere
>we have no clue how much the new audio update has an effect on the game itself
Windows 10 has a problem when it comes to running 2.7, eventually it will cause the game to crash. Apparently there was a fix to this someone found, but it doesn't work for everyone. It could be been for this reason, which I agree with would be needed as 10 users are currently the majority. Can't have almost 70% of your users crashing, just because they are playing.
But if that is the case, he would have known about it ahead of time and support for 2.7 would have been dropped a while ago. I mean, the exe wasn't even compiled with it in mind, apparently. In which case, he could have said that weeks ago, when the release was announced and either said that he would look into trying to do a fix as the first patch, or simply urging people to upgrade if they wanted to play. Either would have been nice and showed a more proactive approach and even if people would have been pissed, at least they could decide what they wanted to do. Right now it just looks like Wollay is trying to hide again and nobody wants that.
If he didn't know and had never tested to see if it would run on a 7 distro, then he's only slightly a fool and it's still his penchant for running away. He better learn to nut up if he wants to be dealing with problems like this
I mean yes but also no, Wollay probably is scared shitless in this situation. Who would not be? You have the pressure of a game that has been wanted for 6+ years plus the expectation to release a good product, one fuck up and your done. Be it yes Wollay basically has no digital footprint leading to his IRL stuff, but if his game was a huge failure that he spent years of his life on that would destroy a man
That sucks man, I really hate that design. It's like taking the absolute worst parts of the worst pen and paper RPG for no good reason at all
>cyberpunk spot no 1
it's just like real life, quit crying.
based retard
entitled cunt
>this microshill shit eating faggot is still at it
This is why Minecraft will always be superior.
based. german bitch btfo
>one fuck up and your done
So? Cube world was never his main focus in life, it was always just a side project for him. Even the alpha was released cause people kept pestering and pressuring him about it
He's got a lot of pressure, not going to deny that. I just want him to at least look like he's trying to be more open. People are getting antsy and it's leading to them thinking they are getting screwed because of a single incompatible file and that is never going to sit well, especially after the previous accusations of taking the money and running. The lead up to release was the worst time for this to happen, not only for the emotions of the users, but also Wollay.
I know he wants this game to be a success, he wants to be validated that his game is good, but people can only tell him that if they can play the game. So I hope he tries his best to get it 7 compatible. Also, it doesn't seem like it's just 7 and proton users that are crashing on exit, some 8 and 10 users are experiencing it as well. So I wonder exactly why.
>y-you're the microshill!
you do realize windows 10 is free right, dumb bitch.
He did want to be a game dev though. His end goal was always to get this game to release, he just didn't think people would say "It's good enough right now". So if he wants to put himself out in the public space like that, he's got to learn how to deal with it.
>Shitty shipster indie garbola Minecraft clone #9878 made by basedboy retard who can't even program properly.
>Muh life
Image if every game dev used that as a excuse, shitty incompetent shitster hispter devs asking money for barely doing any work, this shit should be f2p.
Devs who can't handle the pressure aren't game devs and need to fuck off of this industry.
Wollay is based and I wont let shills tell me otherwise
I don't know too much about Cube World but the art style is growing on me, look like fun
is it basically just an open-world RPG with a shitload of content? world generation looks great
Pretty much. It's dynamic quest and lore generation. With 5 factions that each have their own story.
How does the semen taste?
so like BotW but with more soul and content, sounds good
I don't know, you tell me
>seething retards who think they know what it means to be a game dev
lmao fucking murder each other cunt shitters jahahahahhahahaa
Awful. I tried my own once and I just dont get why women love the stuff.
Yup and multiplayer. Drop in and out. Everyone has the same world, so you just click to join your friends and you'll be transported to their game, in the same place you were standing. So they can either teleport to you, or you to them and at any time you can just stop. No need to back out to some multiplayer menu or dealing with server info and things like that.
I like how much info he packs in screenshots
>Weapons are much more detailed then they use to be
>More interesting world generation features, like pillars surrounded by water
>Redone dungeons
>Everyone has the same world
Wait what? As in everyone has the same seed now? I swear that wasn't the case in the alpha
Yes it's new.
Everyone will share the same world seed.
Support for Windows 7 ends in January, fucking give it a rest user it's a 10 year old OS. If you are that rattled by Windows 10 move to Linux, Proton and Lutris are pretty great now.
I believe people were saying the spawn point is different for everyone but I forget whether that was confirmed anywhere.
Op here, incase anyone's interested the cube World discord has a bunch of people hyped for the game and has a list of all posts from the devs if you want to see what has and hasn't been confirmed yet
Also as far as we know beta is just the finished game but exclusive for the alpha players and probably won't last long before the game is properly released
It was confirmed by Pixxie. When you press Start, it plops you down in a random place and you can make your character. If you don't like where you are, just go back and try again.
Oh, good. I guess it would be silly to make multiple characters and see the same locations.
why tho? i loved the rng worlds
wait wait wait, is this just for multiplayer that everyone has the same seed?
I thought in single player the world was randomly generated? fugg
Indeed. I'm going to miss being able to generate a seed, but I like the sense of adventure it will bring and sharing information with people. People can actually travel to the places that people started and they will still do different things because of the dynamic quest generation.
This is for everything. They wanted it like this for drop in and out on the multiplayer. You don't make a world anymore, you can see it during the 16 min mage vid. You press start and then make a character, that's it.
damn, that's a real shame, gives less life to the game since you can discover the world and that's it, procedural generation would have been amazing
This just makes it even more dumb that multiplayer is just for Steam friends. The game could be a pseudo-MMO style thing. I really hope someone makes a mod or something that lets you just host and connect to servers the old fashion way. I with developers would stop removing features like that, are they scared that kids will get confused and avoid the game?
It's still infinite with random spawn points, so it's still essentially the same to making a new world when you start.
I know, but you should be so far away from people's start that it is still kind of random anyway.
What isn't clear is if the map is going to stay between characters, so that you could take a flight master from where you were on one to another without having to actually discover the area.
>152 filename
Go back to /pol/, newfag scum.
yeah, people will exploit known areas and get all the pets and stuff extremely fast. The heart of the game was exploring new worlds, i`m really sad about this
>he is not playing right now
i have absolutely no idea what my picroma account and password would be
Windows 8.1 is superior to both Windows 7 and Windows 10.
>no modding support
Hopefully the pirate version comes out the same day.
Get back to fixing the game, wollay
If you use a single email account for longer than 12 months, you're a fucking retard.
So bros are we gonna play together again?
It's been more than six fucking years and it's still the highlight of my life
the absolutely destroying early game repels me from playing the game right now
which is good so I don't get burned out
Why should you change it this "often"?
apparently chrome has been tracking my picroma password for all these years so i'm in bros. we're going home.
>hasn't removed his browser history for years
Honestly impressive
Honestly just hoping for a lot more world generation features. Running around and exploring and climbing was the best part of the alpha for me, so more interesting places to go do that would be nice. Also more variation in villages and towns
Man I gotta hand it to Wollay, his german autism is amazing to develop world generation that has rivers that make sense.
I thought chrome passwords only happened recently
i don't know what happened then. i haven't been on the picroma site since cubeworld was actually semi-active. i don't know how it happened but i won't question it.
Pretty sure half his work went there, unless he removed it he made giant cities, the faction bases, dungeon entrances, entrances to the caverns...
i'm so excited famalam. is this just a steam rerelease or is there new content coming with it?
>is this just a steam rerelease or is there new content coming with it?
isn't this the first version wollay is putting out in like 6 years?
someone posted a >reddit post from 3 years ago that supposedly has the revealed changes & it's a fuckload
it's just vast like minecraft, but with terraria tiers of activities to do
How much time you think shilling will last after the game gets pirated, 1 week, 2 maybe?
>Risk of rain 2 got pirated day 1, still gets shilled here
Any way of being a piece of shit and scamming a key? Maybe making a reddit post saying I lost my pc and e-mail but bought the original game?
people are still making YouTube videos today with the old version so no clue desu
The small difference is that RoR2 has a community following since RoR1 and has steady updates on early access, cubeworld was sold as basically an alpha then abandoned for 6 years.
The new dungeons seem to utilize climbing a lot more. Really excited for that as well. Climbing deserved more use.
Oh yeah, he's got a shit ton. Most of his work was increasing that along with the quest system. All biomes now have sub features, such as oceans have islands, plains or forests can have enchanted forests, or craters from meteor impacts, lava lakes, volcanoes. Rivers are now all flowing and have actual sources.
You would have to prove it with a receipt of some kind.
Heard recently that this game has ZERO building or terrain deformation
If that's the case, what the fuck is the point of this game? We have fuckloads of crappy action RPGs with empty worlds.
>Tripfag hasn't see the large community that comes out of the wood work as soon as anything gets announced
I still will never forgive wollay for fixing gliders though, this shit was WAY too much fun
There's some ways to break some terrain, but that isn't the point. You're in this game for the exploration and discovery. Some secrets are hidden behind terrain you have to break.
I still can't wait to see the underground. He teased it only once with the harp opening a door.
Pretty excited tbqh the more I look into what's new. What class are you guys choosing?
Warrior, Berserk spec. I want to fist things and wield a big sword.
I dont fucking care.
>only rangers should get extremely overpowered movement
It WAS fun, but I don't see how people can try to defend it with a straight face. Just open cheat engine.
Dude what? It's a fucking procedurally generated game youre never gonna find anything worth a damn
I get that scams like this were new when cube world originally surfaced but you should know better after 6 years
Play the game then before judging.
The only reason people played this game in the first place was for the exploration. The ones who like exploration have fun exploring in the nearly empty alpha build.
I get that this isn't your genre but you don't need to waste time trying to get others to hate it too.
You are playing a Human, aren't you Yea Forums?
>he closed the email account before the trace could complete
>this guy is a ghost
>Extremely op movement without investment
This was the real problem. It took one point in both skills to get max movement and that was bad. With the redone Glider and skill increases from artifacts, it should allow insane glider speed for everyone.
make me bitch
literally how does anyone find this game fun when it seems to be quarter baked as fuck
wait what there's an underground? I thought it was all just surface and then some points of interest
This game looks empty as fuck, like your generic open world RPG, I hope the world is alive.
No, there is going to be a complete network of underground caves that he hasn't shown off in detail yet. There are entrances everywhere, like holes beneath trees, secret bombable areas and locked doors that you either need to find a key or use an artifact to open up.
Here is the entrance he used to get to that area
what the fuck
kino, love me caves
I have no idea either. This picture isn't anywhere on Wollay's thing Also
>Ingredient bag is full
Dammit, I hope it carries a fuck ton, because I hate being limited to 50 of every item.
>make an elf
>call it a human
Who could be behind this.
Fuck yeah, I love exploring caves.
>gives less life to the game since you can discover the world and that's it
It's still basically infinite no?
It's still procedural generated, the seed is just the same.
based and frogpilled
can you change the frogs skin color? I want to be a blue frog
Well, it does mean that people can document where things are in the world, though I guess that isn't really so different then before. People had a list of seeds where you could get easy diamonds. I guess it could be possible that you could spawn in the same area you saw someone else, which seems much easier then a random generator producing the same seed out of literal millions.
There is ONE Blue frog skin in Alpha. We don't know if Beta/Release will have more skins.
All this stuff is super old, no guarantee underground is in the release version.
Lots of stuff was rewritten from scratch.
For example, building was apparently in at one point and is now gone, don't count on any of the old stuff he mentioned years ago being in the game.
Steam stops the majority of those who want to play multiplayer from pirating the game. Not everyone, but enough to lead to increased sales
Eh, it's just from 2015. He did redesign some stuff, but he hasn't really removed a bunch of stuff. I remember I thought the grand quests and factions were cut because we hadn't heard anything about the Steel Empire until he finally did that 16 min mage vid. He even fixed the air ships, before they were suppose to be static floating objects, but now they actually fly.
Thanks OP, got my key
Those devs better bribe MS with money then. Because MS is threatening to drop support again in January 2020. And I believe the only reason win7 support has lasted this long was for the slow ass gov to catch up (which they have).
But maybe you're right, maybe enough Devs giving support can keep things going.
How are people doing this shit
No fucking clue. I mean, the launcher right now is nothing. The full game is 500MB. What we have no is like 50MB
Based Reddit chads are smarter than 4chanlets
So, I'm curious, but for anyone on W10, how does the launcher run? When I bring it up, it's fluctuating from 60 to 80 usage and quickly climbs in memory even just sitting on the title screen 3 gigs and didn't look like it was going to stop.
My computer grinds to a crawl while it's launching. It crashes if I shift focus from one thing back to it.
Same here, ok, so it's not just me. Good to know. I guess Wollay really does need to work out some things, because at this rate it looks like a memory leak. I don't think this thing is close to release like this. He probably should have had this closed beta a while ago to get an idea of how this would run on different hardware. As is, he's going to be swamped with bug reports.
Ok, I played around with it some more. Once it gets to 3.5 gigs, it seems to top out and when moving the camera, CPU usage goes down to 17. I lowered the render distance and then it stays around 27 and the game started to dump stuff out of ram. So it seems like at max render, it can get a little more demanding then I thought it would. But at ground level it shouldn't be too bad and the render distance even at 50% is way better then Alpha was anyway.
One of the CW discord mods got to play the game early for some unknown reason.
are you fucking serious
>6 years
>72 months
>288 weeks
>2016 days
He is indeed serious. They never considered it. I'm sure the community will just have to fill in again. We already made a pvp mode for alpha.
Logged into my Picroma account after guessing my autism password. I'm not listed as owning the game. Fugg.
Already grabbed my "beta" key but I don't really see the point of having one this close to official release.
oh, no wonder it wouldn't launch to the title screen like people were saying it was supposed to, fucking hell man i really don't want to "upgrade" to some shitty tablet OS but everyone's pushing it so hard this year
Looks very boring(this is not a shitpost). It's still going to get updates right?
He said this is the 1.0 version of the game, but yes if he does not full tard again it should keep getting updates as he said he liked this version and will build off it.
In the few hours it's been out, there's already been a plethora of bugs. And this is just the unplayable launcher with a title screen. He claims to be a perfectionist so launching without a beta test for launch bugs probably isn't acceptable to him. It'll only be beta for up to a month.
>cube world
>actually releasing
good meme dude
That just means no Workshop. The game is still very moddable. Minecraft and Terraria didn't have "official mod support" either.
How similar is this game to Dorf Fort adventure mode?
Once again, Wollay let himself get talked into doing "Something special" for alpha buyers because Steam forum whined about it and thought they could get early access.
Pixxie apparently said that this "beta" isn't any different then the full release coming out and is just for some last minute bug testing since they have no data on how the game will run on different systems.
Kind of similar, in that you can run around attacking monsters, visiting towns and shopping, upgrading. We will just have to wait and see how the quests are as a whole. The dynamic system seems pretty good, but i wonder if it could have the army movement simulation that DF has. Steel Empire do attack mages, but I want them and the Druids to actually be at war and see them fighting across the various biomes and not just at specific places the Grand quests dictate.
What about characters and the world? Are they generated with their own characteristics and lore and stuff or are they pre-made/boring?
So was Lawbreakers.
He made a dynamic lore generation system, so yes. You can find tablets out in the wild that will tell you about artifacts left at locations and you get quests. Sometimes it will instead just be a hint for something, not quite telling you where it is. The NPCs are kind of generic, not that in depth that we have seen so far and the ones tied to the factions are static. So random wandering ones, towns and leaders will always be the same.
>he can't afford a video game.
Get a job, faggot.
I'm sad that the options menu doesn't have the controls. I know he posted a screen of them being changed in game, so I guess it's only something we can do once we have a character, but at least we can edit them in notepad.
42 is V isn't it?
Oh and AA is in the options config. So if you want that, you'll have to activate it manually.
Your steam profile link is broken. I'd call you a retard, but I don't think you'd take it well
Never ever never.
Fuck me I don't have a rig anymore. Regardless Im considering picking it up for archival purpose till I can piece another machine together.
I would have said this could run on a shit laptop, but I've heard people having lots of trouble running it even on beefy rigs. Pretty unoptimized right now. Which is really sad since alpha was smooth on anything. I would have expected a full engine rewrite and in 64bit to be even better, but I guess somewhere along the way something happened.
>alpha was smooth on anything
It definitely was not unless you dropped your render distance pitifully low.
>september 23rd
>I have four games I'm playing that I wanted to have done to free up time for release
It's my own fault for not showing restraint and playing one game at a time.
based, that's what they get for delivering their product after developing it
fuck shitty devs
I've been playing my modded Skyrim. Which is funny, since I told myself I would never go back to it after all the frustrations I had with Legendary edition, but it's been going pretty well so far. Guess I'll have to put it on hold. Not like I would have been done by release anyway.
>No Win7
There is a fix.
But yeah, it's pretty shit. They still haven't really addressed it.
>this game that was abandoned for years with no word from the devs is getting early access bros
>it'll definitely be different this time!
Ok, this is getting out of hand. How are they doing this?
Not sure why, but this makes me wonder if they fixed that bug with dungeon windows.
Nah, that's just from the twitter. It really isn't playable yet.
What bug?
You could clip through them with some skills.
it's not early access you fay droopy chinned drooling retard, its literally like a 1-2 week beta for people who had it before (and only to snuff out the last bugs before launch) then it releases to 1.0
>get the steam key
>can't launch the empty window
I'm more dissapointed than I should be
If the dev comes to my house to beg me personally I will consider pirating it
I had pictures, but my HDD died between alpha and now.
iirc, for some reason there was a certain space around dungeon windows where the blocks were affected by bombs unlike the rest of the walls.
Anywhere you found a window on the outside of a dungeon you could reach, you could blow your way in.
You could always just teleport through the bars as a mage though, so it wasn't a huge deal.
Win 7? You need the fix.
The dev has already posted numerous images and gameplay videos showing new features that were promised to prove that the game has been continuing development. Do shitposters ever do research?
And? You're not addressing what I'm saying at all, he developed it previously and stopped, what makes you think he's not going to this time as well
Because even if that happens we still get the update, the alpha was already fun with what little content it had and we've been shown a bunch of new stuff that's been added.
Even if he does stop development and this is the final release i'm still going to enjoy playing it.
It literally won't matter because it's feature-complete you fucking baboon. It's literally version 1.0. The plan is to keep updating the game post-launch but even if he doesn't, the game is done and coming out. You can find evidence of this fucking anywhere, in multiple screenshots, videos and info dumps.
Genuinely astounding how retards (like yourself) devote themselves to an opinion no matter how stupid or uninformed.
because hes been developing it over the course of those years and has provided many updates and proof of such? what a stupid question
>what makes you think he's not going to this time as well
I think he's going to now that he's admitted to having such a strong reaction to getting DDoS'd and basically guaranteed it's going to happen again.
Maybe he's hoping Steam can help him with that this time.
Fucking ruined.
>being a gypsy
Just pirate it fag
I think he's hoping his wife can filter most of it out. He is 100% going to quit the second the bug reports come in. Not even because he doesn't want to deal with it, but just the fact that he doesn't want to disappoint everyone will send him into perfectionist mode and he'll disappear for a year between things and that is if he doesn't get gobs of hate mail again.
He's already off to a bad start with this win 7 business. Community fixes it in 7 hours after it's discovered and he can't even say if it he can make a fix himself or if he's just going to drop it?
how is this guy so shit at being a game dev
>no knowledge of PR
>perfectionist and almost unable to make compromises
It's not hard to see why. I'm just glad we are getting something at this rate. Another 100-200 hours worth of game, that I essentially didn't pay for.
He's just gunna abandon the game again
In what way?
Perpetual shitposts
Even if he did, this is a full release
how did he get the game
how did he get the game
how did he get the game
how did he get the game
Supposedly he's a modder so he already figured out how to exploit the beta. I doubt he can do anything besides walk around though. There's no minimap or anything
Him? There are two people on that thing. I bet you that these are people that messaged Wollay back during his depression. They get to play super early, while all other alpha buyers get to wait on it.
Yeah, right now the game is only 28 MB. It's probably just the generated land mass that you can see from the air. Basic controls are in.
Please read he is correct
I'm cautious of houses on hills now after seeing the screenshot of a witch hut. Like hell i'm wandering into that thing.
what do you even do this game?
You RPG. Forever.
I wonder what pricing will be like once it's released. I didn't think it'd ever release, but now I'm regretting not buying a copy early on.
You go around, look for quests, find artifacts and eventually you talk to the factions to play through the games story. I know that I'm going to try to collect all of the pets.
They said same price as the Alpha, so really you're only gip is just having to wait an extra bit while we get to play.
you should always do this regardless of the game
he's lying
Just because you have no emotions doesn't mean others don't have them either
what the fuck even requires windows 10 lmfao
Wait what? Are you kidding? Im uninstalling Classic WoW then.
Anything on Microsoft's store
I'm sad that Flame Dash is gone, fire missiles at least look nice and do a lot of damage, but I wanted to be able to infinite kite stuff.
why is it gone
He decided against it as an ultimate skill. Mana shield is also gone for mages. I imagine most of it was on the idea of PVP, since he did want to do that. So if Fire Mage had a barrier and could just run away almost forever, that wouldn't be good for PVP.
He said it was temp gone because of how the new system works, it will be coming back
Man, this area looks cool. Lava lake on the edge of a snowy coniferous forest and it has some kind of ruin in the middle. Can't wait to swim out to there. I hope lemonade's heat resist blocks most of the damage.
Gliding over the lake with that cliff would be pretty sweet. I wonder if the glider will still be able to cover long distances. From the look of this I can't tell how great it will be without a ton of height.
It will be fine, he just wanted to show off how it controlled then, so he made big dips to gain speed. With proper control, long flights should easily be possible and artifacts give more speed for it as well. Starts at 100% and should rise quickly, as long as whatever we find increases it.
how is the world? how populated is it with stuff?
Who knows.
We only know from what little has been posted. But it doesn't look like much has changed from Alpha. Villages have a few people, Towns have lots more and now we have Capital Cities that are densely populated. Outside of the towns, there are wandering adventurers, which can be good or evil, but they aren't everywhere so running into them can still feel like a surprise. There are random events, like the Steel Empire setting up mana pumps or invading a local wizard tower. So at least it should feel like something is happening every hill you climb, or at least every other one. Biome size was also shrunk, so less just wandering a huge swath of nothing. Every time Wollay has opened his map, at least 4 land marks were within walking distance.
It was pretty empty in the beta, mostly just monsters, mountains and dungeons with a few towns. By the looks of things half the time developing the game has gone towards fixing that, though I can't say for sure until the game actually releases.
So now theres only 1 world? Way to kill 3/4 of the game's lifespan before it comes out.
Oh and when I was saying populated, I was thinking with people. With things to do, it looks like he's done much better then Alpha was, even just in terms of how things are laid out. Stuff like dungeons look to have more complexity to them for layout, where before it was just a few rooms seperated by some stairs or hallways. Now you'll have to climb and navigate pits and traps.
Meant the alpha
It really won't be that different. What did people do with the seed system? They saved locations for access for easy materials, like the legendary lamp, or diamonds.
Everyone starts in a random location. They could be hundreds of thousands of miles from where another guy started and never see the same land mass. Really the issue I would worry about, is just how Cube World handles generation. Minecraft eventually borks when you go out far enough and makes the Farlands, not to mention the file size of the world and how much of a problem loading it becomes.
So will I have to delete the world file after a year of play because Cube World simply refuses to load it?
>Didn't just find someone willing to sell me 1 account with a working key
>Didn't just find someone willing to sell me 5
>Found someone willing to sell me 5, and all of them were cheaper than if I had bought all 5 legit
Absolutely kino, based
I changed it due to no replies for well over half a dozen hours, dumb-dumb
Who cares? This game not even good rpg
Minecraft started development in 2009 retard
I'll pirate it
because I already fucking paid for it but I no longer have the email account I used
you don’t need the email for the code if you remember it or your username you can login and still get the code
>try and recover my password for my account because its been six fucking years
>request goes through
>never get an email
bravo wollay, not even your fucking website works
the lil niglet on the eagle just flies around, and you can see some cool things if you just afk
You trying to get friends to play or are you just scalping?
>tfw Cubeworld will be delayed for another 5 years just for bug fixes
>try and enter beta key
>can't because the new steam layout breaks the key entry screen
thank you valve very cool
stop using the beta
This game is having optimization issues?
JFC, Wollays going to be on suicide watch after all the complaints