Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
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why are you allowed; kys, fuck stain
Give me a quick rundown on the ending
because Technos died
coombrains ruining everything as usual
>game made by chad boomer devs
>waifushit made by basedboy millennial devs
It's easy.
Gayfoward acquired it.
>not allowed
Who is your dream JP voice actor for riki?
Because it's a spinoff, you massive dum-dum
Why isn't this allowed?
I jus want River City Meelee Match to come to the west
Because Rem is a good artist. Shame the game sucks.
Also why are Nozomu's tits so much bigger in the cutscene?
Because soiboys want women in everything
>Rem is a good artist
She's no Mignola or Eisner, but she's good. Terrible tastes and no sense for writing, though.
Yeah, sexual predators are often fixated on women to an unhealthy degree.
>he's a good artist
>also why his art looks weird
you see those cute girls?
they're men.
River City stopped being that exactly one game in.
>The character designer/comic artist is solely responsible for cutscenes.
Game on the left is already made.
You didn't give a shit when they took a big shit with underground but now do because MUUUUH MOE GURLS WAAAAAH!!!! fuck off
>you will never defend your territory with your gang
Why even live? Only San Andreas gang warfare fills the void
People are trying to pretend Underground isn't shit now.
Underground was a good RC game, retard.
It was shit and had SJW vibes, that's way worse than moe shit
So that we can coom to cute anime girls.
>American devs
>cringe dialog
>replaced men with school girls
>white voice actors
>mediocre game
>literal actual SJW cuck dev
Why does this game get a free pass here but a female lead alone in other games is enough to be completely dismissed and mocked?
Because it's fun and isn't sjw
Misako's VA is ba-
The standard for SJW here is female leads especially when replacing men.
is that the one with the black girl oc dont steal that had stupidly long specials?
That happens in Japanese games as well user
>SJW game replace males with girls
>Riki is still the coolest characther to play with
I'm not arguing that this game is SJW. I'm saying a double standard applies to this game.
Oh my bad nigga
*ugly/minority female
>look up a video of river city girls
>"girls are totally cool. Girl power!"
is this the power of western games?
Aren't Asians minorities?
The boyfriends aren't actually their boyfriends and they were never kidnapped. The girls only dated them once, but they're deluded into thinking they're in a serious relationship.
Link me the video so I can call you a faggot when you don't.
>girls are totally cool. Girl power!"
When does it say this? They're beating up other girls the entire game.
new river city is for postpubescents, you'll understand eventually
sorry it was actually worse than what I posted
That's called a joke, you mong. Did the boss' reaction not clue you in or something?
girls are COOL, faggot
Literally down syndrome face
Kenka Bancho sorta had that.
>sharp knees, wouldn't bang
I was expecting this scene, it was probably the only grill power line on the game that i could find, i like how they say it after beating up all of them, I think the only other sjw line the game could have is the "my boyfriend riki" line of that kid that get beat on his training, but that could pass as a simple mancrush, tell me user what else did you find?
Unrelated but anybody knows how to trigger the Sex Ed video?
One is a more 90s style of anime and one is a more modern style. I don't get it what are we complaining about, that times changed?
>well kunio and riki dumped us, what do we do now?
>hey, what about that kid who tries to be like riki
>oh nooooo, my ass is being gaped while my vagina gets creampied!
What did she mean by this?
It still hurts bros...
That her butthole is gaping while someone creampies her vagina, and this is an unfortunate situation.
every game should only have cute girls. men are obsolete.
In the future of genetic engineering, dominant men will be futas, submissive men will be traps. Women will be kept in breeding facilities and used only to propagate the species.
>SJW vibes
The fuck are you talking about? Because it had one black girl?
>it was shit
The only shit part was the milk mission and they overfixed it. And the throw nerf, still dunno what they were thinking there.
I wish I was a cute girl.
Life not coming with a character creator is bullshit.
sprite rip when?
this is what happens when game devs are coompilled
I think he's referring to the 38 year old male feminist fucktard writer.
I know fren, your options are suck it up and be a man or be an ugly tranny and kys yourself. reality is the worst.
Everything manly is being feminized here in the clown dimension. The Feminist/LGBTQ+ alliance are using black magic to destroy the universe in the name of Satan or something.
James Bond 007 - a woman now
Ghost Busters - women now
Mad Max - a woman now
River City Ransom - girls now
Gears of War - a woman now
Captain AMerica - a woman now
Total War (historical game!) - now features entirely female armies
Fighting Games - women now
Last of Us - women now
Actual fucking dudes - """women""" now
>itt: niggers don't know that misako and kyoko have existed since the 1990's
The game is still shit, but don't go calling yourself an RCR expert until you even know what the Kunio brand is, unlike that cuck dev that had to get schooled.
I'm fine with all that. I like women.
>world leaders - women now
Nice pic
This looks nice but something about the faces are off.
Why is what allowed
I said I like women, not mentally ill men trying to be women.
> 3dpd
And that's a good thing!
only faggots like playing with dudes
Left: Japanese game
Right: westernshit aping Japanese games
online coop patch when?
I agree, they should've remade the superior Kunio-kun's game:
>Fighting Games - women now
Im pretty sure The King of Fighters For Girls is just a vn, calm down, user.
It's kind of annoying with the fan following here that we're not getting any fucking Kunio collections or anything. People know next to nothing about the Kunio-kun series and yet keep buying shit because RCR was fun 30 years ago.
>Can change all the white characters black
>Can't change the black character white
Not that guy, but why?
kyoko looks cute
I would have bought the game if it had online coop so I could play with my fren.
What the fuck is wrong with arcsys
I think at this point I'm a weeaboo in the original sense. The west is inferior (and clearly so) at making quality entertainment.
user there's a good reason that line of thinking died out.
Because it's awesome?
Either way both games turned great.
This is what Equality* looks like.
its because it was poorly executed, neat idea for the pic thou
>more 90s style
The left is a 80s style because that boxart itself is from the 80s.
Why do some people lump the 90s with the 80s even though they are entirely different thing in terms of pop culture like anime?
And for some reason, it's one the right that has a 90s style somehow.
When you encounter Sabuko at the end of the game, the girls mentioned that there were a decent amount of female yakuza members that they beat up.
Because most anime in the 80s were shit.
Shit taste detected.
faggot zoomer
Because weebs and Jewtube.
>Im pretty sure The King of Fighters For Girls is just a vn, calm down, user.
see pic.
Also DoA and Skullgirls. Even Tekken 7 replaced all the Black male characters with female counterparts.
Actual faggot
I'm pretty sure the feminist crowd would take issue with that game.
The real problem is that most of these women replacements are ugly. If they were cum-worthy I'd say it'd be an overall improvement.