Game scene makes you cry like a motherfucker

>game scene makes you cry like a motherfucker

Post 'em faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:!bVUCTJzD!PmnPw4S7fWGyvTjw9S0-RQdk7rRp2BQNuXJqRkZCZvk!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Imagine being such a huge faggot.

She my waifu has sex with a different man

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>crying in a videogame
nigga please

starting off a thread with a gross nigger

not a single one

some movies have gotten to me, and even some songs in the right moment, but ive never played a game with a sad enough scene to make me emotional

I cried

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why do all niggers look so ugly

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>mfw people started crying during get out
like cmon nigga

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That MGS4, at the end. Overall best cut-scenes of any game.

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>implying he got hugged

imagine crying to a fucking video game holy shit

See unlike you faggots I don't have emotions. How about THAT!?

Why did you had to remind me?

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>Arc dreamed he was a bird.....

such a powerful scene

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It always gets to me, all the different ways the people of Termina conduct themselves in the face of certain death.

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Real men don't cry.

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I did shed a tear in Thousand Year Door, particularly when the residents of Rogueport are cheering you on before the fight the Shadow Queen. What always gets me is seeing the small green text bubble that says "You go, bro!"
Family stuff always gets to me. I miss my brother.


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I think niggers look completely fine, they have their own aesthetic

>No. You don't understand.
>I've been dead for 35 years.
>Today is the day I live.

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who didn't ?

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I really wasn't expecting this segment to hit me so hard

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>father, wherever you are... I miss you.

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Finally a chance to post this image.

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unfortunately not many understand the true meaning of when the other ships show up.
i only got emotional after googling the meaning.

The only scenes that have made me tear up are Seto and Red XIII in FF7 and when Ammy loses her powers during the final boss fight and Issun is trying desperately to get everyone to pray for her.

The fact that they represent other players giving up their savedata to help you or is there something more to it?

soon as I saw his only attack being 999 HP

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Lee Everetts death, the one and only time

What's it from

>these long, lonely ten were my only friend
>somebody, please look at me
>somebody, please reach a hand out to me

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The Witch's House
Look at gameplay first to see if you want to play it, and then if you don't, look up the ending afterwards. Don't spoil it for yourself.

The whole shitfest prior to Nodens fight, specially Mio, arguably it only made it much more satisfying to kill her...
>lyrics are basically "there is no need to be upset"
Fuck you Nodens, that shit rustled my jimmies to a unprecedented level.

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because you're my little buddy

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>when Ammy loses her powers during the final boss fight and Issun is trying desperately to get everyone to pray for her.
I tear up just thinking about this

ESL pls

It doesn't make me cry, necessarily, but it does give me chills every time I get to it.
Good times never last.

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>crying over video games

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I cried like my dog died when my progress got reset in rrd 1 multiplayer, god it was heartbreaking

>Being emotionally detached from media you consume
I'm sure that'll make your dad proud.

I'm not sure the use of a touching piano song is fair though. If a game can manage tears without it it's more impressive

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This song really stirs something in me, and NO, it has nothing to do with that anime scene.
The reason is because it plays in one of the more contemplative parts in the VN, where Tomoya marvels/mourns at how his home has changed over the years. Akiho talking about that hospital helps too

This scene hit me harder after I realized the fact that if he was with with Makoto instead of Park his child wouldn't be fucking aborted.

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Arguably, there are better moments later in the same chapter, but I still fucking love this. This is the part where you feel that there maybe a sliver of hope after all.

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I choked up at the end of Super Mario Odyssey.

First and only time this has happened.

The man that taught me niggers aren't so bad after all

I teared up a little bit.

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You guys did the right thing and asked Clem to shoot him right?

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Non you little bitch.

Jesus fuck man. Everyone knows this scene now but this made me bawl as a child back when I first played it.

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I cried at the scene in the Sopranos where Tony visits Dr. Melfi after AJ tries to kill himself

I fucking hate Seiko.

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In story it’s most of the other surviving pods sacrificing their consciousness data and presumably their newfound self-awareness to protect 042 and by extension everyone else they owe their newfound freedom to.

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>i'm a man because i don't feel anything
stronger men than you know it's ok to cry sometimes. as long as you're not crying over spilled milk.

She did nothing wrong.

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Absolutely, and thats the reason I cried like a bitch because how he looks at her with that slight smile as she points the gun at him

She did EVERYTHING wrong.

almost every game/anime/movie makes me cry

i get emotional when i see stray dogs, kids playing in the street, friends just being friends, everything

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Only real niggas know.

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When Sully "died" in Uncharted 3

Never played Klonoa but always heard the ending was heartwretching.
Anyone could spoil it for me?

The True End for Xillia 2. Seeing how Elle dressed as an adult really got me.

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It's one of those "the character you insert yourself as gets removed from the picture" type endings. You know, like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series.

Ending D of NIER

Never played that pokemon tho so it just went over my head

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>the character you insert yourself as
Is this a thing?



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I'm a father too. But I'm not a murderer.

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Didn't cry but these were sad or difficult moments for me

>Watching Agro fall in Shadow of the Colossus
Reminded me too much of Never ending Story

>Having to kill Mordin in ME3
Really liked the guy, but it had to be done.

>Soap's death in CoD:MW3
First FPS I ever got into as a kid, was quite sad.

>Never seeing Midna again in Twilight Princess
I dunno I just really liked her

>Death of the North Africans in BFV
North African myself and we lost quite a lot of family in WW1/2, was just a really humbling moment. Dying on a battlefield in a country you've only ever heard of, never seeing your family again.

Evrrything is an illusion, and there is a theory going around about the whole game being actually a kid mid surgery.

i cried in get out because it was a scary omvie but i cried in the video games but it was sad ther eis a difference cunt

If you rely on video games as a tool for escapism, yes. It's why a lot of games feature silent, featureless protagonists in the first place.

At the end of halo 3, when the arbiter say "were it so easy"

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didn't cry, but it sure got me emotional. Also that fucking credits song

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The way he worded it, it sounded like you self insert as a secondary character.

Lavitz death, especially when you have to kill him again to free his soul.

I thought I was the only one who played this fucking game and you just brought back a lot of painful memories. Fuck you.

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Kino game, kino ending

what game, I feel like I played it but I forgot

Persona 4, mostly because the whole goodbye aspect is something I can deeply relate to

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>play b/w
>first time playing since blue
>beating the first gym leader
>final pokemon music kicks in
>tears well up for some inexplicable reason

What child?

never started flat out crying from a video game but i've definitely teared up many times

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watching a man just give up after losing everything hurts me bad

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I loved FF7 as a kid and this was my first psp game I bought. It's not great but I liked zack and cried like a bitch during the unwinnable fight with the soldiers and him laying rest in the trick with drugged out cloud. It made me replaying FF7 a lot sadder when you go to his home village and his parents say he hasn't been around and cloud can't remember it.

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This one hits hard

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Never cried from a video game either, but man Java man got me in the heart.


total faggot but I started to get emotional after booting up El Dewrito and hearing the Halo 3 music again for the first time in a decade. I suppose it has less to do with Halo itself and more the memories associated with it.

>that feel when all of your friends have drifted apart and you don't have anyone to consistently play vidya with

Can someone spoil this movie for me, or tell me what it was about? So they brainwash the black guy to be their servant/killing machine and he kills his family? Or like they were doing some satanic ritual shit?

it was the kino thing to do


Russell: The Regretful RPG

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I haven't cried since I was in middle school. I think I have no soul.

Came here to post this

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When she died. Holy shit that was brutal.

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The entire finale was a rollercoaster of emotions that tipped me over the edge, having not felt this way in years

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everything about higurashi was depressing to me because the whole theme of the story is that friendship is the most important thing in the world and shit

the storybook from super Mario galaxy
>"I want to go home! I want to go home right now!" The girl burst into tears, and the Lumas didn't know what to do. "I want to go home! I want to go back to my house by the hill! I want to see my mother!" The girl was shouting now, her face wet with tears.
>"But I know she's not there! I knew all along that she wasn't out there in the sky! Because...because..."

>"She's sleeping under the tree on the hill!" The girl's cries echoed through the stars, and a hush fell over the area.

I think it was brain swapping with old white dudes that wanted to be young and allowed to be racist

The ending of MSGV had me messed up for a week.

Jesus...that's more horrific then I thought, so they put a old white man's brain in his body? But if the white dude is racist then why would he want the body of a young black dude? That's contradictory to being racist towards blacks.

I think it's literally it's hip to be black

More like "brain swapping with old white dudes who think black people are physically superior to them but that the mentally superior white people would be able to do more with their bodies than the blacks could". But close enough.


Video games have never come close to the emotional anquish I experienced during the ending of Arrival, or when Nikki Lauda gets back into his car after the accident in Rush.

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what video game is this?

The game isn't great like you said but the use of the DMW during that scene is an absolutely excellent use of gameplay mechanics as storytelling.

Actually it's more of a commentary of white liberals who fetishize black people. It's the male cuck fantasy taken to it's extreme. "maybe I'll stop being a cuck if I put my brain in a black body"

i skipped all the dialogue in that game

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Shame you gotta kill the best character to get this ending

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>crying during Get Out
How could anyone cry from that movie? The only remotely sad part is when he realizes that his girlfriend is a whore who literally fucked dozens of black guys just to body snatch them for her dad.

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I can't relate to it at all and that's why it was so sad

>crying from a Mario game

yup, he’s a faggot

The protagonist is literally auctioned off (like many before him) to an old blind man who only wants the transplant in order to see again. Or at least that's what he says anyways.
Everyone else is definitely there for the whole "having a black body" thing.

Was about to post that.

>Come to your mother.
>You must be so exhausted.

Every time.

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>a hooker in the middle of a desert and a cheesy monologue
im crying rite now

>Party member through almost the entierety of the series up to that point
>Effectively get to watch him grow from a depressed alcoholic bum with a kind heart who by chance ended up in a similar situation to you to a living embodiment of honor, who by later games is a walking legend of a knight and leader beloved by the people of his town, which is also known for churning out excellent knights and soldiers thanks to his guidance.
>At the climax of one of the games a sacrifice is required, with the soul of the sacrifice effectively being obliterated in agonizing fashion to fuel the rebirth of the gods in order to restore balance to reality.
>He’s such a bro that despite the fact you were chosen he pushes you out of the way and sacrifices himself in your stead.

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I never cry at character deaths since half the time you either just see em comming or the character didnt really mater to me.
XB2 was a mixed bag for me, and the death wasnt entirely what got to me, but what did was the leter he left behind that just read "I leave the whole merc group to you, Rex." The fact that he put enough trust in you after only a few interections to write a will for you just hit me with a bunch of feelings.
Dont know why I get hit with the feels after death and not the moment of death.

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I cried with Persona 4's ending, then logic set in and I realized that Yu could talk to his friends and visit them anytime he wanted.

Fucking hell user don't do this to me ;(

>Arrival's ending
That's not fair, that ending is brutal.

Pretty much the last 10% of pic related, where the genre changed to a making me want to die simulator

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Is Rosalina's unnamed brother the greatest OC hook of all time?

I don't know why but the scene at the tree really caught me off guard and i just couldn't hold back

it was a cheap pull at the heart strings that you don't see coming

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sauce on the cutie?

Imagine never being able to connect to media in any meaningful way holy shit

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This and original Nier
Also this

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I know it's overstated at this point, but everything about the last confrontation with the Boss and EVA's explanation just fucked me up for days.

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It was inevitable. There was nothing you could do, and nothing you ever could have done.

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>he doesn't cry at pixel toys? what a sociopath!
they're literally made for children lol

I miss vivi :(

>Ten years is a very long time in dog years
I pity the people who didn't get this scene. It really shouldn't be missable.

Gets me every time.
The ending of FFX does too

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>"Go on Ludger, now it's your turn to look after someone special. Go and create your perfect world"

Then he started humming and then scene goes silent with the complete anguish on Ludger's face as he's screaming in grief

Ludger's life was a damn mess for a tales of protagonist

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>get out was great
>us was bad
>twilight zone reboot was bad
Is Peele a fraud?

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Close your eyes, honey. Don't look.

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videogames are amazing

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>oh no, the person responsible for a continent-wide war killing tens of thousands over a stupid reason that gets peacefully resolved in other supports is dying
>how tragic

he's a one-hit-wonder like the King's Speech guy and the Spotlight guy

people who aren't emotionally stunted

I lost my mother May 20th. This hits home.

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The movie is about interacting with aliens that have landed on earth to see what they want. I highly recommend watching it instead of reading a spoiler. That shit hits like a truck.

>what are you doing!?
>Claus and Lucas are watching!

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>Close your eyes
Then the song came on and someone told me the lyrics

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I hope you're dealing with it well user. My family had its first death earlier this year and some of them aren't handling it in the healthiest of fashions.

>did BE on my first playthrough
>tfw coming back to replay BE after playing through all the other rouutes

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It won the big dumb award; point is the director went on to make Collateral Beauty

I didn't cry there, the part where you hug Asriel was the one that made me lose it

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that SKREEE right before the nuke hits still gives me the spooks

>Celica: ...Noel, Jin, Ragna. I was really happy to see your world. It was fun being with all of you. Painful and sad things might happen. But you're all strong, kind, and "good children". Don't look back, and don't stop. Just keep looking ahead, and walk forward. Do your best, and don't lose. Take care.

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Every single time.

Alice breaking down in the same room got me too

This dumb angry gorilla made me feel so many emotions.

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Imagine still having feelings for someone you haven't seen in over a decade. Someone you didn't even have an actual relationship with. Someone you just met for such a short amount of time that it's like a grain of sand in the beach that is your whole life.
Certainly there isn't someone THAT pathetic on Yea Forums, right? h-hahaha

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The whole ending sequence of Shadowbringers got me badly.
>emet-selch smiling as he fades away
>telling g'raha tia its good to see him awake
The part that broke me
>ardbert walking on the bridge back to his companions
>his axe clean, his armor back to its old shine, that stubble on his face all gone
Boy howdy that expansion was a wild ride of emotions and lore.

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I literally forgot this game excited but seeing this image just sent shivers down my spine

Shitty game


Shitty opinion

I didn't tear up but this scene hit me hard

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i don't recognise most of these games

Why didn't she just summon Teedus back?

remeber what Mr. Miyamoto said?
no stories allowed user

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nier had like 5 scenes were i got emotional

this was the most kino tho

Becauseall the fayths that summoned Zanarkand are gone at that point.

This is what i came here to post, the battle theme still gets me a little. Hinawa calling out to him right at the end got me the hardest.

I want to try out Nier but people say it's clunky as fuck. Redpill me.

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>american games
>games in general
>american movies
>having emotional arguments


Can only think about Lost Odyssey's Hannah's Departure

Like the majority of Yoko Taro works the gameplay ages like spoiled milk but the story is next level kinography. If you can handle backtracking a metric fuck-ton and some wonky combat it's completely worth it for some hardcore feels.


The cutscene after(?) the final boss of the Torna DLC of Xenoblade 2 where Malos just fucking blows up the city you spent so much time developing, knowing NPCs and doing side-quest.
That close up of the NPCs running and screaming though the shopping district before being pulverized hit me hard.

that hit you with feelings?
it just seemed like the writers didn't think that far ahead

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What exactly do you mean by wonky combat?

The first I last time I actually shed tears over videogames. Absolutly amazing

>redpill me
Nah. Keep "playing" your cinematic experience, bro.

It's shit.

lol those people are retarded shitters, im a literature fag and the first nier is one of the very few games with a story worth telling, the unexpected thing thats kind of a spoiler is that the stuff you beat in playtrough A get dialogue you can read in playtrough B wich was a really good twist, besides that you have like 6-7 kino moments with the desert prince kid, kaine, the wolves and so on, lovely soundtrack

the gameplay is average but i wouldnt say its clunky, but everything else makes up for it 10 times

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Did nothing wrong, he fucking deserved his happy ending.

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Something about Jeff making this huge effort to help 2 people he's never met is kind of put into perspective in this moment for me and it always tears me up.

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My very first time

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It’s just ok. Few combo strings, the heavy weapons are really slow. Magic does feel fun to use because of the effects making spells feel powerful. One thing might hurt it a lot for you though, every hit has hitstop, so large fights where you hit 10 enemies at once can literally freeze your game for a second from all of the hitstop.


nice to see a fellow Blazbro feel the same way.

Celica was too good and pure for this world

>And then, Father, the Rapture dream was over. And in waking, I am reborn.

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In Nier, when they wake up Kaine and Emil's been transformed into a hideous Tim Burton abomination while she's been frozen and he's so ashamed and worried what she'll say, but she's uncharacteristically gentle and kind and is like 'of course I recognised you'
the voice acting is 10/10

>makoto is like a grain of sand to Majima's life



Bastion ending
>Carrying Zulf out of the battlefield
>the soldiers stop firing at you

>activate the Bastion
>everyone goes back and Zulf is happy
>the Kid is back at the frontier all alone again in duty
>but you know its bound to happen again cuz NG
The only thing to do is acceptance of the future

That doesn't sound too bad actually

I'm still waiting for a video game to make me cry, c'mon, is not that hard.

You'll be okay user, I've been there. Just give it some time and make sure you've got people to lean on when you need them.

Okay Mehmed

Is this fucking real? Why did people praise this exactly? Because this sounds fucking retarded and makes no sense

Loved that part of the game. Enjoyed getting to redo what was in the original game as a flashback, then there's suddenly more and a chance for one last heroic effort, and what happens from it.

Never finished the remake to see if they left something like this in there, any idea how that all goes?

here is the thing, the combat is average, yet it could have been plain bad and nier would have still been well worth playing, drakengard 1 is literally a dumbed down musou game with no jumping yet the game is still worth playing for its yoko taro crazyness and atmosphere

personally, im not a fan of action games, so while i played nier automata, i could have cares less for its gameplay so nier is above automata for me, personally

Ah yes the classic

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Dearest Marie

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The ending of Xenogears. It's not even that sad but the music and dialogue gets me every time. "Always the peacemaker eh, Lacan?"

Bioshock 2 any_ ending

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i have only cried in to the moon and finding paradise.

The entire hospital scene in Persona 4

no, i didn't want clem to have a trauma

Problem with Get Out was that he got out and the ending was suddenly like cool and funny. Us just wasn't scary whatsoever so the potentially interesting, albeit heavily predicable, ending didn't matter at that point. I think they shouldn't have talked so much with the copies.

was about to post this

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Me too, user. Me too...

I say this scene was pretty said,too as well as the Rachel one, Nine's and Trinity's

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Probably only because I have personal experiences with people who have psychosis but this shit made me tear up a bit

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Like fuck he did. I chose Volfred, stayed behind myself. His sob story is none of my fucking business. Should have kept the bitch in check.

Never thought it would end like this

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at least two of my great-great grandfathers survived Verdun (even though they lost limbs)
according to my grandmother, they just sat around in a corner, mute, and wept at the slightest mention of the battle
compared to this, I don't think dying alone is that bad

The end credits of Link's Awakening Remake, I cried as soon as the vocals started

war makes men mad

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Crying during happy moments, lads? How about New Home and Asgore's Final Boss fight? How about the crippling realization that Asgores many prayers for a happy ending are ignored and he's convinced himself he has to die?

The sun was a great ending, the hug was a great moment, Undertale was a great game, but I only ever cried during the initial Asgore introduction, from his extremely somber story to the realization that this normally nice man was forced to perform inhuman actions and then at the end literally BEG for a happy ending, and no happy ending would ever show up.

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And maybe you haven't because maybe our memories are just the fiction we tell ourselves.

I thought it was pretty melodramatic at points

down syndrome much

This and also Ema yelling at Lana for being "selfish", Simon Keyes crying that he did nothing wrong, Godot's breakdown and Athena "fixing" her mother.

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he's a nigger

>t. Cynic sociopath

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Half as long

well thats the only one i was really crying heavy tears for. Otherwise i remember tearing up a little at the end of yakuza 0.

Despite it not being sad, I cried like a bitch at this scene. I love CrossCode so much.

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Twice as bright...

Same user
And I used to be completely heartless

Only Mary and Blackbeard deserve any tears. The other three were morons and cunts.

>Trust Me

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I never understood the concept of new home

For me, it's The Inherited Turnabout ending.

rip my nigga carlos

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It's sad Katherine and Masters swapped but now she ought to be out by the current time

Fuck why didn't the other games do this? It was a hype feature.

the end of season 1 of walking dead
to the moon
that's it, it's been a while.

New home is just the old home built in the ruins except in exact reverse. In Toriel's house, one of the rooms is blocked off forever, and that was Asgore's room, and in New Home the opposite room was blocked off; Toriel's room.

It's simply the king's castle, built above the monster city so he can watch over them. That said, all the monsters were telling you the "Undertale", the story of Asgore and Prince Asriel, a character as of yet not mentioned in the story since his death predated most of the underground's current inhabitants. To them it's just a story. To Asgore that's what he wakes up to every day; a world without his wife and children.


what can i say? you guys... are... the best

I did't expect to be crying later when I first started the campaign

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>going armless route.
I don't think so tim

You guys are alright. I don't want you to go unnoticed

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Doesn’t make me cry but it makes me sad, especially when you know that she’s the reason why aliens invade

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FF: Crisis Core final mission as the DMW starts to fail through out the battle.
People only ever remember the animated fights from that game though

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Proof ?

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>I love you more than you'll ever know. Be well.
I'm going to miss him

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That is a alan wake song

It's just a gta clone, they said...

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hit me way harder than Aeris
Yeah I know Millenia gets better in the end.

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Fucked me up as a kid.

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They spent like 2 days together?

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>That whole ending section of The Last Guardian
>Ending E of Nier Automata
>RDR2 Arthur's good ending

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>consuming media in such amounts that it has usurped your emotions reserved for actual people


Oh my god, you are so toxic.

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Zack deserved better

curious i got a little bit emotional on both scenes but the asgore introduction just hit the holding tears i had


this. Fucking this

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I didn't cry but I always adored this part too. It's the point in the game where Earthbound really starts to distinguish itself as something special

I never shed a tear, but for all it's flaws, ME 3 had me really emotional in a few moments.
>Mordin's death
>Legion referring to himself as "I" right before dying
The second one quickly turned into anger because holy fuck that was such an asspull, but he was my favourite.

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Halo 3's ending was pretty sad at least while it was still the story's conclusion

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I guess....I....
....I'm afraid.

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Well I have to replay Earthbound soon now.

didn't cry per se, but the first max payne had excellent storytelling for the protagonist

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Man, I've cried at movies, opera, real-life..I can't remember crying at a fucking game

God damn what is it about this?

Man you forgot the best part
>all but one soldier stops firing on you
>the rest of the soldiers tear him to shreds for it

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I'm not opposed in the least about crying over a video game but video game writing is not the best by any means and something makes me think that if a dev even tried to make the attempt, the audience wouldn't be mature enough to even try to support it.

Absolutely quality voice acting and he's a very well developed character.

...did people really cry to scenes in this game? That's really fucking pathetic.

That was a such a good scene. Also :
>Knows that killing god will also kill him in the process
>still does it regardless
>"My wrath .. is finally .. gone"
>Smiles at daughteru
>Fades away

Game gets a lot of flack, but the story and voice acting were great.

I love the nose piercing. It really drives home the fact that these people can be visually identified even outside of the huge red flags like pink hair.

yeah. I've probably gotten slightly teary eyed at least a couple times, but nothing that comes to memory. it especially weirds me out seeing people post shit like the ending of MGS3, like...........really? im a fuckhuge MGS fan and..........really? or some other weeb game, baka

Absolutely fucking lost it at the letter. You know the one

James, you made me happy

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>Tried to make the attempt
Are you implying that attempting to illicit the emotion of sadness is inherently cheap? And if so, why not share that criticism to all creative mediums, such as writing, art, music, and film?

Or perhaps as you initially claimed, no videogame (writer) has ever had the skill to illicit sadness on a genuine level without feeling cheap? I think that's a very unfair statement.

I bet you think you're tough because you don't allow horror games to scare you too.

I think controlling a character just puts games on a different level compared to a movie where you only watch everything happen

Play better games.

My point was that this whole thread has been filled with a reasonable amount of "CRYING OVER A BIDEO GAEM WHAT R U SOME KIND OF FAGIT xD LMAO," posts.

ive looked over the entire thread and all the answers are laughable

I doubt that you've taken the time to play all those games if you can't even take the time to properly capitalize and punctuate your sentences. Being a contrarian doesn't automatically make you interesting, it makes you look like a tool.

more like
>crying over anime/weeb shit

korean dramas are more emotionally engaging than any video game

The whole month of January feels like a kick in the nuts

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Your argument still sustains the sentiment that video game writers attempting to illicit sadness are in some way not worth your time. While I'm not disagreeing with some "I'm 15, I'm an adult who doesn't cry" bullshit permeating this thread, your post still sort of drags the entire medium down a bit.
>Imagine getting sad at "videogames" lololol
-kind of people simply aren't getting immersed. They probably just have some mental block preventing it, like thinking all games are for kids or something. Videogames can't ever evolve in the mainstream doesn't fucking "get it".

What Game?

Nier Automata

>Never finished the remake to see if they left something like this in there, any idea how that all goes?
More or less the same on your first run.
In new game+ Maxim and Selan survive and goes home alongside Selan who also survives

A true gentleman here.

>being a grammar nazi on a norwegian shark hunting forum
>tell me im trying to be contrarian because i have cried during high-brow stage performances but dont cry at jrpg's
oh lel

>They probably just have some mental block preventing it
I used to only think gameplay mattered and didn't pay attention to much else. It wasn't until I played a game with an amazing OST that I kept listening to after I played that made me appreciate all the other stuff in games. Only after that did I cry while playing a game.

Never cried to a game but I have gotten emotional at the oneshot ending

>Making a little girl have nightmares about the zombie dad she left in who knows where
Lee will remember that

>Your argument still sustains the sentiment that video game writers attempting to illicit sadness are in some way not worth your time.
No, my argument sustains the sentiment that video game writers are fucking terrible. Look at that scene in Horizon with the suicidal guy. I've struggled with suicidal depression for years but that whole scene just made me cringe because of how fucking terribly it was handled. I don't trust most current video game writers to handle such sensitive subjects. Doesn't help that most vidya stories are low-brow by their very nature.

its not about who was right or wrong , who deserved to be mourned more
only a few left standing from their merry band
its about never living the jolly carefree pirate life again
the end of the golden age of piracy

>Having to fight your party
>I don't like this... Guys this ain't right. Brad I don't want to hurt you! Stand down! Please...
>Brad... I've been a loser my whole life. Hanging around you have made me feel strong for once. Like a man... The first day we met was the best day of my life. ... Even before the world changed... Maybe you don't feel the same way... But you're my best friend dude. It's just this... Brad this is our future your messing with... I'm sorry. We can't let you do this.

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Also this.

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One of, if not the, best characters of this franchise.

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Only fake men say dumb shit like that.

>emotions reserved
Do you think emotions are a finite resource or something?

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Gets me everytime


I bet you think you're clever for saying some stupid unrelated shit because you can't fathom the idea of not crying at literal toys

First time I beat Okami in 2007 and that scene showed up killed me.

>the music
>everyone realizing Ammy was the one protecting them and helping them
>Issun finally doing the duty he tried running away from

Didnt cry but goddammit if anything in a video game is worth crying over it's that scene.

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Fuck, this scene destroyed me, I was shocking in tears because at first I found Emil repulsive but as time got on and learned more about him I fucking loved this little guy, goddamn it felt bad.

What is going on here?

holy shit the chills
the chills
this game is fucking amazing

probably because MOST video games do it in cheap ways with no characterization at all. it's why there are such terms as "oscar bait", the attempt is unearnest and cheap, and doesnt try to really tell a story as much as it just tries to hit you with some cliché shit

its the EXACT SAME syndrome as anime that tries to pull off tropes of "heh we started off as strangers but we have built a great relationship and went through this arc, hah remember all those comfy times and like we're super bff's now and oh no something tragic happens"

it's just completely unearned, there was not NEARLY, NEAAAAAAAAARLY enough characterization.

like remember in sopranos when tony chokes christopher?- they built up, SIX FUCKING SEASONS to it. it was EIGHTY THREE HOUR-LONG EPISODES before it happened.

you absolutely can't, cannot, CAN NOT do something on that level in some anime that has 8-20 20min episodes, or a game where "characterization" occurs in overly long exposition cutscenes, or fucking text boxes, when all the player wants to do is just get on with the game. plain and simple, 99% of vidya is just badly written

the only time i felt emotional during a game would be in something like The Last of Us (and even that used some clichés but it integrated the story with the game REALLY well and even took things in a real interesting direction at the end), where pretty much the entire run-time of the game is used to characterize everyone, or maybe some sjw game people hate like Life is Strange or Gone Home. that's a million times better than the weebshit that's posted here

someone's upset

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The Sun Rises recently won a Japanese poll as being the greatest track from a video game of all time.


A lot of Sable’s stories in AC:WW. They hit uncomfortably close to home. Here’s hoping that she finds solitude in New Horizons, she deserves a happy ending.

So you're an unemphatic tranny. Gotcha.

Thank you, user. Never knew about that

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i know m8 i got them too just from thinking about it

Best FF girl hands down.

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goddamn it

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>tfw named my son lucas after this game
next gonna be claus

Send me out. With a bang.

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Thanks user, might have to give it a go, especially if there is a NG+.
This one was hard to complete.
No "get over it" shit like how modern society want you to go, just a family who lost their father but still love them a lot, it fucking made me cry but I'm actually not sure if it was of joy.

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I cried during like half of chapter 5 in RDR2.

Just one of many times this game made me cry
Automatas credit sequence too

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I remember the ending being sad but I really don't remember what happened during the story, I should replay this sometime

and so much important shit happened between the 2 to form a bond
do you have autism or are you genuinely retarded and didn't pay attention

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caim... caim...

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Are you shitting me?

1st- i think u meant to say unempathetic
2nd- u all claim trannies are highly emotional, so idk what ure on about bruv
3rd- its ironic because you're the one crying at low quality shit, just like a woman (or tranny) crying at low-effort romance novels or flicks

Dom ;_;

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No game has ever made me cry, but the scene in Jojo's bizarre Adventure - Battle Tendency involving Caesar and Wham made me weep like a baby, and I don't mind admitting it.

Silent Hill 2 man


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial:

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.

Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help

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Ludger had a hard fuckin life

No fucking sympathy for wrong history bitch who starts a war with the wrong people and sends the whole of Fodlan into a huge war. Fuck Edelgard.

I was emotionally moved when Caim said "EMPIRE RATS YOU WILL FEED THE RAVENS"
I dont know why but this dialog and theme makes me want to cry

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His whole fucking route is kino. I was honestly shocked they pulled it off in a FE game.

Most of the game mad me cry

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A man that doesn’t cry means there’s nothing he cares about. Faggot.

Amy's final battle.

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get on my lvl

Thought it said "I love you, Blyat" when I first read it.

good to see someone on Yea Forums liking videogames

Came here post this.

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This, but I was crying when they were in the sinking sub.

Jesus what a faggot. I hope I find you on the streets to give you an actual reason to cry, white faggot

here u go

game IS pretty clunky but you're not playing Nier for the gameplay (first one at least), the first nier is mostly just a wild fucking ride with really good story, amazing soundtrack, a few really high points, and overall it's just a memorable game

>tfw boot up game for the first time and not even 15 seconds in a girl starts swearing at me

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im crying like a bitch.


None, actually. There are games with good writing, but frankly videogame's writing is still years and years away from a good book, or a good film.

this scene from grandia 2 always gets me.

This game had so many kino moments. This made me tearful

Truly a lost gem

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the first end i got, god dammit

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I2-3 was also pretty hard-hitting
I think Edgeworth should've at least shed a tear here. He cracked his father's final case after 18 years, which had led to his murder by the man who corrupted his son. I think a genuine moment of actual emotion like that would've made me love Edgeworth even more though I guess one could argue this case was more for Ray than it was for Miles

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Me it was my boy

The entire aftermath of Chapter 4 got me to do something that Dangan never made me do before.

Cry like a little bitch.

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this desu

>Dog died yesterday
>This thread
Please stop

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Pretty much the entire game tbqh. Sure it has colourful sprites and goofy moments but on the whole its one of the most depressing - and best - games I have ever played. The ones that got me the hardest were problaly the infamous goat scene and Ark seeing an illusion of Elle conjured by Meilin.

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Even the original one gives me chills

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Man I hate dogs. Hopefully yours died painfully

this game made me realize that before they merged Enix touched subject matter that Squaresoft would never even go near

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens


What will happen is that you will remeet your dog, you fucking white faggot

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Just hearing the song "He's my Dad" makes me tear up.

weight of the world makes me tear up sometimes

god damnit every time

the forest part in chrono trig when you retrieve robo

breath of fire 3 when you have to put the mutant in the lava and he entrusts you with peco

the end of YN

first full playthrough of rimworld

final kurisu ending of SG;0

Nier automata true ending

>haha u cry

I don't give a shit. Have you seen what happens to boomers who are shit terrified of their own reactions? You wanna be a fat miserable complex ridden faggot on your deathbed user?

Based Kara no Shoujo playing user.


based bloomer

good call

red dead games have some real tear-jerkers.
>arthur's last ride
>arthur thanking his dying horse
>may i stand unshaken by d'angelo
>when marston rides home and "compass" by hamie lidell plays the whole way through
>when the feds turn john into swiss cheese in front of his barn

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that part of bastion at the end, where the male vocal track plays when you help that guy.

Do people just like to pretend Brad isn't a massive piece of shit or what? I can understand liking him if you only played painful.

I didn't feel too bad since you live by the sword you die by the sword.

I know im gonna catch some shade but MGS 1-4 did it to me

Bonus round: Actually cried at the end of a movie i didnt expect last night. Any film buffs here need to see One Cut of the Dead asap

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Can people not redeem themselves

this, but it was because i was happy
killing Papyrus fucked me up badly

I've never cried at capeshit.

This is the only exception

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leo burnett and 4kids are the devil

Asgore was a retarded asshole though.

fuck this guy

I never actually cried from vidya but losing Dom was a punch to the gut.

Actually, Dom realizing Maria is all fucked up and him telling Marcus "I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do, man!" Was probably sadder.


>half as long, twice as bright

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Could you explain this to someone who has no idea what it means?

i always break during the chanting

How did he redeem himself? He didn't even manage to do that for Buddy and Buddy was the only one he could have possibly redeemed himself for. He literally dooms everyone and kills all of his comrades right beforehand, including Terry just so he could feel better about what he did to Buddy.



This level is actually hard for me to play since it gets to me on a personal level. Such a great level and such a great game. New game never.

Fuck. The scene with his mother and the answering machine got me so hard

World in Conflict was such a good game user

fuck SEGA for this
just fuck em

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Normal functioning people.

>Objective: SURVIVE

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"Dear Hero,

I'm still traveling with Lala and the rest of the Roamers. I don't even know how long it has been since you and I went our separate ways. Florin has yet to return. As the Guardian of the tribe, the honor of marrying Lala fell to me. If you find this, I want you to let my father know that his son has finally found his way in this world.

And, Hero, I want you to know that we are friends no matter how far we are from each other.

Your friend, Kiefer"

I was mad at Kiefer for leaving at first, but as this letter hit hard. Loosing a friend is tough.

Sure. Throughout the game there's a mechanic called the DMW which is a roulette wheel which lines up with the faces of the character's you meet and performs a special attack based on them (Sephiroth's is Omnislash for example). The final scene is an unwinnable battle against an endless stream of Shinra troopers and as you fight on the DMW gets cracked and starts slowing down, the slots start misaligning and the character's faces start to vanish. The final DMW match-up you get is Aerith (Zack's love interest) who's ability heals you up to give you one last push to fight against the troopers, though it is eventually futile all the same

>like remember in sopranos when tony chokes christopher?- they built up, SIX FUCKING SEASONS to it. it was EIGHTY THREE HOUR-LONG EPISODES before it happened.

>you absolutely can't, cannot, CAN NOT do something on that level in some anime that has 8-20 20min episodes, or a game where "characterization" occurs in overly long exposition cutscenes, or fucking text boxes, when all the player wants to do is just get on with the game. plain and simple, 99% of vidya is just badly written

So no ~2 hour movie has ever prompted any emotional response in you?

The game has a fruit machine slot mechanic which grants attacks based on memories you've acquired and during the final fight it starts breaking down and futilely attempting to line up representing his failing health and his memories deserting him just when he needs them most. It's pretty clever and emotional and shit.

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I teared up a little looking for it.

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>when the 8 bit rendition turns into the real song at the chorus

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What kind of book or film would be your golden standard? I find myself more emotionally invested in a videogame's story if I spend alot of hours and its an RPG.

That does sound clever.

I would never dream on my fucking LIFE to let that little girl down. Ever.
finding cats in astral chain has always made me check on my cat because just the thought of this poor creature being stuck outside in an apocalyptic hellhole makes me cry like a bitch
for some reason the song gets really under my skin too I can't listen to the whole thing without straight up crying
fucking videogames

>See the world....

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Mah fucking nigga
Just that part as a kid when you have to fight Nue
Shit got me fucking hard man

Cry? No. Tug at my heart strings? yes.
May looks like my mom so that probably contributed to it

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Wouldn't your arms get tired?


Dearest Marie

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kiwami 2 had good cutscenes

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Clementine being alive at the end of S3

I don't think it was because the scene was overjoyous I think I was just caught off guard that the devs decided to not take the dogshit inevitable route like i'd been expecting the whole way through.


films are a passive process, so the run time is always going toward something meaningful and well paced. those 2 hours are airtight in good films. but OBVIOUSLY 99% of movies are badly written and either complete garbage or just a good bit of fun, so idk why ure sperging out when someone says that of vidya

i named TLoU as an example of a game that manages to elicit an emotional response due to always actively presenting the narrative to you as you play, and its a fuckin 18 hour game.the amount of uninterrupted time it has to do what it wants to do and get where it needs to get by the end is so generous compared to most games, and obviously the quality of the writing is important as well

most games are just cutscene-game-cutscene-game-cutscene-game etc and it's a jarring transition when the gameplay has nothing to do with the cutscenes. a very famous term for it is ofc ludonarrative dissonance, and it's something that instantly prevents you from forming any kind of emotional connection to the main characters

MGS2 is imo one of the most story-rich games ever, with MULTIPLE themes interwoven brilliantly throughout and between gameplay and cutscenes, and Agness Kaku (the english translator, someone who has studied writing and actually READS BOOKS) said the jap version is terribly written. that's just how it be

Correction: Real men don't cry over stupid shit.

I played 2 first, big mistake. On that subject, I can never decide if I like 2 or not. I do enjoy games set around Christmas.

The whole game was kino as fuck. Why haven't we got a sequel?

faggot fucking zoomers crying to UNDERTALE sheesh just fucking kill yourself now

2 is a very flawed gem if anything.
There is a huge list filled with cut content material because 2K are garbage.

That said
>play Mafia 1 first
>that scene will absolutely destroy you

>don't play Mafia 2
>it's just another job for Vito

Was just about to post this. It's difficult to watch without tearing up. The same goes for Uncle Ben's death in Spider-Man 1.

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>At the Last Vigil, as you reflect once more on the path you have walked, you are surprised by Lord Edmont, who greets you warmly. News of your exploits is delivered to Fortemps Manor daily, and you remain always in the thoughts of the former count and his family. Though a part of him wishes that you would remain in Ishgard, he knows that your destiny leads you elsewhere, for you are still a hero. You are still a good person.
The Dark Knight questline of FFXIV is fucking great, and use basic MMO shit to communicate more stuff like how your inner self talk to you through the quest log and unless you are on Dark Knight you cannot see it

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This game is flawed but I still love it and the end so much.

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*don't play Mafia 1

2 is kino. Playing on the hardest difficulty with simulation driving, doing the DLC missions, you really start to appreciate the fun of the gameplay, when you aren't being bogged down by 10 second animations of vito doing some thing every 5 minutes

plus the aesthetic of it, the amount of cool songs, the amount of detail in the world, how could you not love it? listen 1 was an interesting game but its kinda janky and repetitive af

this. THIS is what a real man says.

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I remember not liking how little side activities there were

Thank Quintet, not Enix.

>twilight zone reboot

Fuck is it out already?
Anyway, that isnt fair tho.
Only the original one was good, and its mainly because its an old tv series.
In modern days a series like that would be shit regardless.


All cut from the main game

>characters tell you to come back after your mission and that they got stuff to do for you
>mission just ends after doing the main part

Again: Fuck 2K

>You know, the world isn't ran by laws written on paper... it's ran by people.

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That was my least fav chapter, but that final scene with Gonta killed me too.
The first execution made me cry the most though.

Fuck you for reminding me of that.
Got me all fucking Teary eyed again.

I feel you bro

I want to throat fuck that wojack.

>and actually READS BOOKS)

>You've been with me for so long...
>And I always will be.

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So I'm just playing Shadow of War and dicking around right, I come upon this mentally challenged orc leader that sounds just like my mom who just had a stroke, she can't talk anymore or move her right side, and I just break the fuck down. Fucking hell.

Grow up you wretch.

What about situations where the emotional impact in a cutscene is related to something that the gameplay has endeared you to, like Agro in SotC?

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that was cool. i never said there are no good games. just not worth bawling crying over

Kingdm Hearts has a mess of a plot for sure. But there's a lot of hard hitting scenes in it.

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>bawling crying
I don't imagine most people meant they were actively sobbing or anything.

I think Majora's Mask is a great example because the looming threat of the moon is so omnipresent, and the way characters react to its imminent impact is so varied and human. The developers were all working under the intense stress of the extraordinarily short deadline they'd been given, and you can really tell they put a lot of what they were feeling into the game.

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In their criticism in , user said they didn't like how games tend to do cheap, unearned emotional moments. These would be examples of earned emotional moments, since the game lays down the groundwork to establish an emotional connection with the player later on and they serve the overarching tone and theme of the games.

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